5 resultados para Sistemas de movimento viário
em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
The speed and fluidity are basic requirements for reproduction of big capitalism. Thus, the objects and their actions seek to meet these aspirations of hegemony. And among these objects, there is emphasis on the road systems of movement, made up of bridges, viaducts and tunnels, engineering works that cater to this nee increasingly evident in the current period technical-scientific-informational. So on this premise, it becomes apparent that these objects reflect the technical So on this premise, it becomes apparent that these objects reflect the technical space constitution of Natal, capital of Rio Grande do Norte, where the road systems of movement help to understand the process of fragmentation and and spatial segregation of Natal, accelerated in the late twentieth century. Using the analysis as a tool for urban legislation developed in the capital of RN by the municipal administration, this paper seeks to understand, through a matrix of periodization, as these systems move natalense shaped space and which exists for the hegemonic logic limit the formation and location of each of these systems move road, particularly as it concerns the relationship between these and the expansion of opportunities for certain fluidity between the road systems of movement (fixed), their flow
Neste trabalho, através de simulações computacionais, identificamos os fenômenos físicos associados ao crescimento e a dinâmica de polímeros como sistemas complexos exibindo comportamentos não linearidades, caos, criticalidade auto-organizada, entre outros. No primeiro capítulo, iniciamos com uma breve introdução onde descrevemos alguns conceitos básicos importantes ao entendimento do nosso trabalho. O capítulo 2 consiste na descrição do nosso estudo da distribuição de segmentos num polímero ramificado. Baseado em cálculos semelhantes aos usados em cadeias poliméricas lineares, utilizamos o modelo de crescimento para polímeros ramificados (Branched Polymer Growth Model - BPGM) proposto por Lucena et al., e analisamos a distribuição de probabilidade dos monômeros num polímero ramificado em 2 dimensões, até então desconhecida. No capítulo seguinte estudamos a classe de universalidade dos polímeros ramificados gerados pelo BPGM. Utilizando simulações computacionais em 3 dimensões do modelo proposto por Lucena et al., calculamos algumas dimensões críticas (dimensões fractal, mínima e química) para tentar elucidar a questão da classe de universalidade. Ainda neste Capítulo, descrevemos um novo modelo para a simulação de polímeros ramificados que foi por nós desenvolvido de modo a poupar esforço computacional. Em seguida, no capítulo 4 estudamos o comportamento caótico do crescimento de polímeros gerados pelo BPGM. Partimos de polímeros criticamente organizados e utilizamos uma técnica muito semelhante aquela usada em transições de fase em Modelos de Ising para estudar propagação de danos chamada de Distância de Hamming. Vimos que a distância de Hamming para o caso dos polímeros ramificados se comporta como uma lei de potência, indicando um caráter não-extensivo na dinâmica de crescimento. No Capítulo 5 analisamos o movimento molecular de cadeias poliméricas na presença de obstáculos e de gradientes de potenciais. Usamos um modelo generalizado de reptação para estudar a difusão de polímeros lineares em meios desordenados. Investigamos a evolução temporal destas cadeias em redes quadradas e medimos os tempos característicos de transporte t. Finalizamos esta dissertação com um capítulo contendo a conclusão geral denoss o trabalho (Capítulo 6), mais dois apêndices (Apêndices A e B) contendo a fenomenologia básica para alguns conceitos que utilizaremos ao longo desta tese (Fractais e Percolação respectivamente) e um terceiro e ´ultimo apêndice (Apêndice C) contendo uma descrição de um programa de computador para simular o crescimentos de polímeros ramificados em uma rede quadrada
In this work we investigate the stochastic behavior of a large class of systems with variable damping which are described by a time-dependent Lagrangian. Our stochastic approach is based on the Langevin treatment describing the motion of a classical Brownian particle of mass m. Two situations of physical interest are considered. In the first one, we discuss in detail an application of the standard Langevin treatment (white noise) for the variable damping system. In the second one, a more general viewpoint is adopted by assuming a given expression to the so-called collored noise. For both cases, the basic diffententiaql equations are analytically solved and al the quantities physically relevant are explicitly determined. The results depend on an arbitrary q parameter measuring how the behavior of the system departs from the standard brownian particle with constant viscosity. Several types of sthocastic behavior (superdiffusive and subdiffusive) are obteinded when the free pamameter varies continuosly. However, all the results of the conventional Langevin approach with constant damping are recovered in the limit q = 1
Motion estimation is the main responsible for data reduction in digital video encoding. It is also the most computational damanding step. H.264 is the newest standard for video compression and was planned to double the compression ratio achievied by previous standards. It was developed by the ITU-T Video Coding Experts Group (VCEG) together with the ISO/IEC Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG) as the product of a partnership effort known as the Joint Video Team (JVT). H.264 presents novelties that improve the motion estimation efficiency, such as the adoption of variable block-size, quarter pixel precision and multiple reference frames. This work defines an architecture for motion estimation in hardware/software, using a full search algorithm, variable block-size and mode decision. This work consider the use of reconfigurable devices, soft-processors and development tools for embedded systems such as Quartus II, SOPC Builder, Nios II and ModelSim
Nowadays several electronics devices support digital videos. Some examples of these devices are cellphones, digital cameras, video cameras and digital televisions. However, raw videos present a huge amount of data, millions of bits, for their representation as the way they were captured. To store them in its primary form it would be necessary a huge amount of disk space and a huge bandwidth to allow the transmission of these data. The video compression becomes essential to make possible information storage and transmission. Motion Estimation is a technique used in the video coder that explores the temporal redundancy present in video sequences to reduce the amount of data necessary to represent the information. This work presents a hardware architecture of a motion estimation module for high resolution videos according to H.264/AVC standard. The H.264/AVC is the most advanced video coder standard, with several new features which allow it to achieve high compression rates. The architecture presented in this work was developed to provide a high data reuse. The data reuse schema adopted reduces the bandwidth required to execute motion estimation. The motion estimation is the task responsible for the largest share of the gains obtained with the H.264/AVC standard so this module is essential for final video coder performance. This work is included in Rede H.264 project which aims to develop Brazilian technology for Brazilian System of Digital Television