21 resultados para Países emergentes - Brasil

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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The period post-war promoted several changes in relations economic, political and social world. Since then, a new division international of labor has delineated, with the great growth of Asian countries. In the field of international relations, the world still appears to transition is not completed because the old institutions were not replaced by new ones and the power of the United States as a major capitalist country remains unshaken, even with the emergence and strengthening of new economic global blocs. With globalization, Brazil emerges with more intensity in the face of new issues global, although its share in transactions trade global hasn‟t changed accordingly. In this sense, the objective of this dissertation is to examine, in a descriptive and critical the development of international relations and trade of Brazil and Rio Grande do Norte with the main blocs in the world from 1999 to 2008. As a secondary objective: to identify the assumptions theoretical that underpinned the decisions governments of the FHC and Lula, in particular, the interference of these terms in international relations and foreign trade. Adopted as the procedure methodological the literature review of the subject, as well as collection and processing of the data of foreign trade. During the Cardoso government has undergone the substantial growth in imports, as part of the economic policy of anti-inflationary, generating large deficits trade. From the first to the second term, with the inflection of exchange rate policy the country has resumed surpluses trade. The choice of government of the autonomy participation increased the relative share of the traditional blocks in total foreign trade and reduced the share of MERCOSUL. In the Lula government, there is the maintenance of some elements of the economic policy of the previous government and the partial shift in the conduct of foreign policy, with the option of autonomy through diversification, raising its stake on the blocks and other emerging countries in total foreign trade Brazilian and reducing the contribution of the traditional blocks such as NAFTA and the European Union. A trend observed in the previous government and deepened in the Lula government was the growth in commodity exports and the decline of manufactured products, confirming the model of conservative insertion of Brazilian exports. The Rio Grande do Norte followed the trend Brazilian in the growth of foreign trade, including in participating conservative, given that the products exported by the state are basically coming from horticulture irrigated and agribusiness. However, in the aspect of destination export, the state followed trajectory distinct from that in the Lula government, with the deepening of trade relations with traditional blocks, especially with the European Union and NAFTA


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Small businesses are experiencing growth scenario in emerging countries by the prospect of economic development, these countries, including Brazil, have a booming economy before the world crisis in the last five years, especially with the participation of small and medium enterprises. These factors generate increased competition and the need to expand market share through management actions in the quest for acquiring new customers. Moreover, these changes increase the need to properly use the information and organizational performance. Some national and international studies show the existence of peculiarities in small organizations, especially in environments of family management. Such particularities raise a scenario with several organizational deficiencies regarding the evaluation of their performance. In some cases, when there are static systems, traditional and focused only on the financial perspective, especially short term. Alternatively, the tools encourage strategic planning and observance of medium and long term, in many ways, whether financial, internal processes, customers, suppliers, and innovation, among others. Therefore, this study aims to identify and analyze the applicability of the system performance evaluation with emphasis on strategic and BSC - Balanced Scorecard. Regarding the research method, is classified as exploratory, with the participation of 25 companies, whose research was conducted between 2012 and 2013. Therefore, the research included the construction process and a structured questionnaire on practices and interest for the use of strategic tools, with emphasis on the Balanced Scorecard. Whose main result presented a high degree of interest in the applicability of the BSC by most of the participating institutions. Furthermore, It was observed the growing interest in using the Balanced Scorecard when it increases the company size, regardless of the area of market action. Participating companies have shown an outline of the strategic objectives and the establishment of indicators for assessing the performance due to their correlations with the BSC


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The species of the genus Marsdenia, Apocynaceae, are widely used in folk medicine of several countries. In Brazil is found several species belonging to this genus. The in vitro antioxidant, anticoagulant and antiproliferative activities were evaluated to aqueous extracts of stalk, leaf and root of Marsdenia megalantha. In the total antioxidant capacity assay (expressed as ascorbic acid equivalents) the stalk extract showed 76.0 mg/g, while leaf and root extracts 141.3 mg/g and 57.0 mg/g, respectively. The stalk and leaf extracts showed chelating activity around 40% at 1.5 mg/mL, while root extract, at the same concentration showed, 17%. Only the leaf extract showed a significant ability in superoxide scavenging (80% at 0.8 mg/mL). Any extract was able in scavenge hydroxyl, as well anticoagulant activity. The antiproliferative activity of the extracts was evaluated against HeLa tumor cell line. The extracts inhibited in a dose-dependent manner the cell growth. However, the leaf extract showed 80% of inhibition at 1.0 mg/mL, while stalk and root extracts inhibited 63% and 30%, respectively. To assess the mechanism of cell death caused by the leaf extract in HeLa, was performed flow cytometry and western blot. The results show that leaf extract induces cell death by apoptosis through an activation caspase-independent pathway. These data indicate that stalk and leaf extracts obtained have potential to be used as antioxidants and anticancer drugs


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From what was stated in the Montreal Protocol, the researchers and refrigeration industry seek substitutes for synthetic refrigerants -chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and HCFCs (HCFC) - that contribute to the depletion of the ozone layer. The phase-out of these substances was started using as one of the replacement alternatives the synthetic fluids based on hydro fluorocarbons (HFCs) that have zero potential depletion of the ozone layer. However, contribute to the process of global warming. HFC refrigerants are greenhouse gases and are part of the group of gases whose emissions must be reduced as the Kyoto Protocol says. The hydrocarbons (HC's), for not contribute to the depletion of the ozone layer, because they have very low global warming potential, and are found abundantly in nature, has been presented as an alternative, and therefore, are being used in new home refrigeration equipment in several countries. In Brazil, due to incipient production of domestic refrigerators using HC's, the transition refrigerants remain on the scene for some years. This dissertation deals with an experimental evaluation of the conduct of a drinking fountain designed to work with HFC (R-134a), operating with a mixture of HC's or isobutane (R-600a) without any modification to the system or the lubricating oil. In the refrigeration laboratory of Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte were installed, in a drinking fountain, temperature and pressure sensors at strategic points in the refrigeration cycle, connected to an acquisition system of computerized data, to enable the mapping and thermodynamics analysis of the device operating with R-134a or with a mixture of HC's or with R-600a. The refrigerator-test operating with the natural fluids (mixture of HC's or R-600a) had a coefficient of performance (COP) lower than the R-134a


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O crescimento demográfico de idosos é um fenômeno mundial e exerce influência sobre o desenvolvimento e funcionamento das sociedades. Fatores sociais, econômicos, ambientais, biológicos e culturais influenciam o processo de envelhecimento, que pode vir acompanhado de contínua perda na capacidade de adaptação do indivíduo ao meio ambiente, de maior vulnerabilidade ao estresse, limitações funcionais e diminuição da qualidade de vida do indivíduo. Todavia, ao longo do curso da vida, o indivíduo vivencia múltiplas exposições adversas à saúde, e o declínio da mobilidade surge como um dos primeiros sinais do envelhecimento, repercutindo na saúde física e mental do indivíduo. Para contribuir com o conhecimento sobre os desfechos relacionados ao envelhecimento e mobilidade, o estudo IMIAS investiga idosos em quatro países com diferentes perfis epidemiológicos. O presente estudo abordou os possíveis fatores associados ao declínio físico em idosos de distintas sociedades, sobre a perspectiva epidemiológica do curso da vida e dos biomarcadores da inflamação e do estresse. Objetivos: 1) Analisar as relações entre as adversidades sociais e econômicas, vivenciadas durante a infância, a fase adulta e a velhice, com o baixo desempenho físico em populações idosas, de diferentes contextos sociais, econômicos e culturais. 2) Verificar a associação entre os níveis elevados da proteína c-reativa (PCR) com o desempenho físico em idosos de diferentes populações. 3) Avaliar se a desregulação nos níveis de cortisol diurno exerce influência sobre o desempenho físico em idosos com distintos perfis epidemiológicos. Métodos: Foram utilizados dados da linha de base do IMIAS – Estudo Internacional de Mobilidade no Envelhecimento, composto por 1.995 indivíduos entre 65 e 74 anos de idade, residentes em comunidades de quatro países (Albânia, Brasil, Canadá, Colômbia). O desempenho físico foi avaliado através do Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB) e da força de preensão manual. As adversidades durante o curso da vida foram estimadas a partir de eventos e exposições sociais, econômicas e culturais ocorridas durante a infância, fase adulta e velhice. Para avaliar o percurso biológico e suas associações com a mobilidade, a proteína c-reativa e o cortisol foram considerados como biomarcadores da inflamação e do estresse, respectivamente. No sentido de responder as questões de investigações, foram conduzidas análises de estatística descritiva, bivariada e multivariada, mediante técnicas de distribuição de frequências, teste qui-quadrado, odds ratio e regressões logística, linear e multinível. Resultados: O desempenho físico foi menor nos participantes que vivem na Colômbia, Brasil e Albânia do que nos que vivem no Canadá, mesmo quando ajustados por idade, sexo e adversidades durante o curso da vida. O baixo nível de desempenho físico (SPPB < 8) foi associado a ter sofrido adversidade social e econômica na infância, ter tido ocupação semiqualificada na fase adulta, morar sozinho e possuir renda insuficiente na velhice. A PCR esteve associada com a baixa força de preensão manual e com o SPPB<8. Entretanto, a associação entre a PCR e a força de preensão manual não se manteve quando ajustada por fatores socioeconômicos e hábitos de saúde. As associações negativas entre SPPB e PCR permaneceram significativas mesmo após ajustes por idade, sexo, escolaridade, local de pesquisa e condições de saúde. O baixo desempenho físico (SPPB ≤ 8) foi associado com uma significativa diminuição nos níveis de cortisol ao acordar, em comparação com os níveis de cortisol de idosos com bom desempenho físico (SPPB > 8), mesmo após modelos controlados por local de estudo, sexo, depressão, hábitos de saúde, uso de psicotrópicos e índice de massa corporal. Conclusões: Os resultados evidenciaram associação entre a inflamação, o estresse e as desigualdades sociais e econômicas na infância, sobre o desempenho físico de idosos com diferenciados perfis epidemiológicos. Enfatizamos que a promoção do envelhecimento saudável requer considerar políticas e práticas que favoreçam o bem-estar econômico e social para crianças, adultos e idosos.


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The species of the genus Marsdenia, Apocynaceae, are widely used in folk medicine of several countries. In Brazil is found several species belonging to this genus. The in vitro antioxidant, anticoagulant and antiproliferative activities were evaluated to aqueous extracts of stalk, leaf and root of Marsdenia megalantha. In the total antioxidant capacity assay (expressed as ascorbic acid equivalents) the stalk extract showed 76.0 mg/g, while leaf and root extracts 141.3 mg/g and 57.0 mg/g, respectively. The stalk and leaf extracts showed chelating activity around 40% at 1.5 mg/mL, while root extract, at the same concentration showed, 17%. Only the leaf extract showed a significant ability in superoxide scavenging (80% at 0.8 mg/mL). Any extract was able in scavenge hydroxyl, as well anticoagulant activity. The antiproliferative activity of the extracts was evaluated against HeLa tumor cell line. The extracts inhibited in a dose-dependent manner the cell growth. However, the leaf extract showed 80% of inhibition at 1.0 mg/mL, while stalk and root extracts inhibited 63% and 30%, respectively. To assess the mechanism of cell death caused by the leaf extract in HeLa, was performed flow cytometry and western blot. The results show that leaf extract induces cell death by apoptosis through an activation caspase-independent pathway. These data indicate that stalk and leaf extracts obtained have potential to be used as antioxidants and anticancer drugs


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SILVA, Hiran Francisco Oliveira Lopes da. A juste estruturale educação superior no Brasil: princípios negados. 206 f., 2007. Tese (Doutorado em Educação) - Universidade Federal da Paraiba, João Pessoa, 2007.


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Since centuries ago, the Asians use seaweed as an important source of feeding and are their greatest world-wide consumers. The migration of these peoples for other countries, made the demand for seaweed to increase. This increasing demand prompted an industry with annual values of around US$ 6 billion. The algal biomass used for the industry is collected in natural reservoirs or cultivated. The market necessity for products of the seaweed base promotes an unsustainable exploration of the natural banks, compromising its associated biological balance. In this context, seaweed culture appears as a viable alternative to prevent the depletion of these natural supplies. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) provide space and produce information that can facilitate the evaluation of important physical and socio-economic characteristics for the planning of seaweed culture. This objective of this study is to identify potential coastal areas for seaweed culture in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, from the integration of social-environmental data in the SIG. In order to achieve this objective, a geo-referred database composed of geographical maps, nautical maps and orbital digital images was assembled; and a bank of attributes including physical and oceanographical variables (winds, chains, bathymetry, operational distance from the culture) and social and environmental factors (main income, experience with seaweed harvesting, demographic density, proximity of the sheltered coast and distance of the banks) was produced. In the modeling of the data, the integration of the space database with the bank of attributes for the attainment of the map of potentiality of seaweed culture was carried out. Of a total of 2,011 ha analyzed by the GIS for the culture of seaweed, around 34% or 682 ha were indicated as high potential, 55% or 1,101 ha as medium potential, and 11% or 228 ha as low potential. The good indices of potentiality obtained in the localities studied demonstrate that there are adequate conditions for the installation of seaweed culture in the state of Rio Grande do Norte


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Malaria is a disease of global distribution, recognized by governments around the world as a serious public health problem, affecting more than 109 countries and territories and endangering more than 3.3 billion people. The economic costs of this disease are also relevant: the African continent itself has malaria-related costs of about $ 12 billion annually. Nowadays, in addition to chloroquine, Plasmodium falciparum is resistant to many drugs used in the treatment of malaria, such as amodiaquine, mefloquine, quinine and sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine; resistance of Plasmodium vivax to treatments, although less studied, is also reported. Nature, in general, is responsible for the production of most known organic substances, and the plant kingdom is responsible for the most of the chemical diversity known and reported in the literature. Most medicinal plants commercialized in Brazil, however, are of exotic origin, which makes the search for endemic medicinal plants, besides a patent necessity, a fascinating subject of academic research and development. This study aimed to: (i) verify the antimalarial activity of ethanolic and hydroalcoholic extracts of Boerhavia paniculata Rich. And acetonic extract of Clethra scabra Pers. in Swiss albino mice infected by Plasmodium berghei NK65, (ii) observe possible combined effects between the course of infection by P. berghei NK65 and administration of these extracts in Swiss albino mice, and (iii) conduct a preliminary study of the acute toxicity of these extracts in Swiss albino mice. All extracts notable pharmacological activities - with parasite infections inhibitions ranging from 22% to 54%.These characteristics suggest that the activities are relevant, although comparatively lower than the activity displayed by the positive control group (always above 90%). The general framework of survival analysis demonstrates an overall reduction in survival times for all groups. Necroscopy has not pointed no change in color, shape, size and/or consistency in the evaluated organs - the only exception was the livers of rats submitted to treatment to hydroalcoholic extracts: these organs have been presented in a slightly congestive aspect with mass increasing roughly 28% higher than the other two groups and a p-value of 0.0365. The 250 mg/Kg ethanolic group has been pointed out by the Dunn s post test, as the only class with simultaneous inequalities (p<0.05) between positive and negative control groups. The extracts, notably ethanol extract, have, in fact, a vestigial antimalarial activity, although well below from the ones perceived to chloroquine-treated groups; nevertheless, the survival times of the animals fed with the extracts do not rise by presence of such therapy. Both the toxicopharmacological studies of the synergism between the clinical course of malaria and administration of extracts and the isolated evaluation of toxicity allow us to affirm the absence of toxicity of the extracts at the level of CNS and ANS, as well as their non-influence on food and water consumption patterns, until dosages of 500 mg/Kg. Necroscopic analysis leads us to deduct a possible hepatotoxic effect of hydroalcoholic extract at dosages of 500 mg/Kg, and an innocuous tissue activity of the ethanol extract, in the same dosage. We propose a continuation of the studies of these extracts, with protocol modifications capable of addressing more clearly and objectively their pharmacological and toxicological aspects


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Objetivo: analisar o estado da arte dos aspectos diagnósticos, periciais e jurisprudenciais das LER/DORT (Lesões por Esforços Repetitivos / Distúrbios Osteomusculares Relacionados ao Trabalho) no Brasil. Materiais e Método: trata-se de pesquisa descritiva, de natureza qualitativa, com formato documental, utilizando-se a técnica de análise de conteúdo. A avaliação evolutiva da legislação previdenciária relacionada as LER/DORT foi realizada através da pesquisa no banco de dados disponibilizado pelo Governo Federal e mediante a consulta ao DATAPREV/Sislex. A avaliação dos aspectos diagnósticos foi instrumentalizada através, principalmente, de artigos científicos publicados entre 2003 e 2008, nas línguas portuguesa, inglesa, espanhola e francesa, relacionados com os métodos de diagnósticos complementares das LER-DORT (ressonância magnética, tomografia computadorizada, ultrassonografia e eletroneuromiografia). As jurisprudências foram obtidas através da busca dos julgados sobre o tema, entre 2003 e 2008, pertencentes ao Supremo Tribunal Federal, Superior Tribunal de Justiça, Tribunais Regionais Federais, Tribunal Superior do Trabalho e Tribunais Regionais do Trabalho. Resultados: foram identificados 48 artigos abordando os aspectos diagnósticos das LER-DORT, observando-se que os exames por ressonância magnética, ultrassonografia e eletromiografia demonstraram ser mais efetivos, dentro das suas especificidades, para a complementação do exame clínico de patologias relacionadas às LER-DORT. A análise das 123 jurisprudências selecionadas demonstrou, de forma geral, que as LER-DORT equiparam-se ao acidente de trabalho, devendo apresentar nexo de causalidade (atestado através de laudo médico-pericial) e, ainda, ensejam a ação por danos morais, a qual, devido à EC nº 45 passou a ser competência da Justiça do Trabalho. O Estado da arte dos aspectos periciais encontra-se representado pela vigência da Instrução Normativa n. 98/2003, a qual traz como aspecto fundamental a determinação de novos parâmetros a serem considerados na definição de um quadro de LER-DORT, dispondo, ainda, sobre a conduta ética que deve ser adotada pelo médico perito, bem como chama a atenção para a necessidade dessas doenças do trabalho serem comunicadas às autoridadades competentes, através da emissão da Comunicação de Acidente de Trabalho (CAT). Conclusão: as LER-DORT representam, hoje, um problema de importante impacto, não apenas previdenciário, mas também econômico em diversos países, nos quais o Brasil encontra-se inserido. Estudos sobre o estado da arte relacionados às LER-DORT são fundamentais para auxiliar na construção de um modelo crítico e consciente que colabore com a garantia de sustentabilidade do sistema previdenciário no Brasil


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The present work aims to analyze the several proportional electoral systems from the contemporaries democracies in order to, in the end, purpose a system that better fits to the constitutional Brazilian order. In this direction, we pursued to indicate the main virtues and imperfections in proportional electoral systems in use in more than two hundred countries, especially relating to the positive and negative effects that these systems inject in the party systems, in the governability and in the representativity. In order to collect elements, and also before getting to the work s main point, other issues were approached, even in a shortened way. Nevertheless, in a position taking, we conclude the work opting for a proportional electoral system that potencializes the constitutional principles of representativity and governability as well as prints a party system strong and strict, once these are the depositaries of a democracy compromised with the Brazilian society


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Muitos países subdesenvolvidos são caracterizados por uma significativa diversidade sociocultural e por uma acentuada pobreza em grande parte da população, que fazem uso da caça de animais como uma fonte alternativa de alimento e para outros fins. O estudo objetivou investigar se a distância das populações humanas da zona rural em relação à zona urbana e fatores socioeconômicos podem ser preditores de um maior conhecimento sobre as espécies da fauna utilizadas. Além disso, o estudo objetivou também testar uma ferramenta capaz de gerar uma lista da fauna prioritária para a conservação local a partir do conhecimento local. Os dados foram coletados por meio de 30 entrevistas utilizando formulários semi-estruturados em quatro comunidades rurais no município de Pedro Avelino, RN. Foram calculados o fator de consenso dos informantes (ICF), a importância relativa (IR) e o nível de fidelidade (FL). Adicionalmente, foi calculado o índice de Shannon-Wiener para as categorias de uso: estimação, alimentar, medicinal e para a multiplicidade de uso por informante. Os entrevistados reconhecem 83 espécies pertencentes a 45 famílias de animais. As espécies citadas pertencem a seis grandes grupos taxonômicos: aves, mamíferos, répteis, anfíbios, peixes e insetos. O conhecimento sobre a utilização de animais para as categorias de uso definidas neste trabalho não mostrou relação significativa com os fatores socioeconômicos e nem com a distância das comunidades da zona rural para a zona urbana de Pedro Avelino. Os resultados sugerem, portanto, que a pobreza nivela o conhecimento sobre o uso da fauna independente da distância que as comunidades encontram-se da zona urbana. As listas geradas permitirão direcionar estudos ecológicos mais aprofundados visando à conservação das espécies do bioma Caatinga. Desta forma, é importante considerar as interações existentes entre as pessoas e os animais para melhor entender a dinâmica de utilização e fornecer, assim, subsídios para a conservação das espécies.


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This Master s Thesis aims to use the theoretical models of growth with restricted balance of payments, specifically Kaldor (1970) and Thirlwall (1979) models, to analyze the behavior and the pattern of specialization of Brazilian exports and imports in the last years. It is observed that, in some periods, the pattern of specialization has contributed in restricting long-term growth of the Brazilian economy. It has been hypothesized that overall this is due to lack of structural transformation policies. To achieve this goal, it analyzed the performance of Brazilian exports and imports disaggregating them according to their technological content. The basis for comparison was a group of countries to which Brazil is inserted in, the BRIC. In this regard, the work is a comparative analysis by using descriptive statistics. It is concluded that the low rate of GDP growth experienced by Brazil since the 1980s can be explained in part by the decoupling of the Brazilian National Innovation System (NIS) and the Brazilian productive structure. This would be reducing the income elasticity of exports and raising imports, causing a pattern of specialization intensive primary commodities and labor and low-skill labor


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Dans cette étude, j'ai eu comme objectif d'établir les connexions et/ou les non-connexions dans les discours journalistiques sur la modernité pédagogique, dans les journaux O Correio de Aracaju (Le Courrier d'Aracaju, Sergipe, Brésil) et O Século (Le Siècle, Portugal), dans la période 1910-1920. J'ai tout particulièrement cherché le dit dans les journaux, dans le sens foucaldien du terme, en continu dialogue avec d'autres auteurs, dans une perspective interdisciplinaire. J'ai tenté de répondre à mon interrogation initiale : quelles sont les connexions et non connexions que l'on pourrait établir entre l'École Moderne du Portugal et celle de Sergipe, au Brésil, en prenant comme source d'analyse les discours journalistiques dans des journaux des deux pays ? Á partir de ce questionnement, à travers un abordage historico-comparatif interculturel, j'ai soutenu la THÈSE que les discours journalistiques du Século et du Correio de Aracaju, bien qu'ils relèvent de genres journalistiques différents quant au niveau de développement de la presse, ont traduit une perception et une assimilation de la modernité pédagogique articulées à une même epistémè. Ainsi, ces discours ont émergé comme objets métis, dont la création s'est faite dans des interlocutions, échanges, impositions et débats dans un processus continu de communication interculturelle. La nature messianique de ces discours, dans le système d'idées républicain, traduisait le sens de la modernité pédagogique prétendue et diffusée par les textes qui exprimaient l'aspiration de rupture et de progrès, tant au Portugal que dans l'état brésilien de Sergipe. Il a également été possible de faire des approximations/comparaisons entre la dispute (article d'opinion), dans le Correio de Aracaju et l'enquête (interview et reportage), dans O Século et de souligner ainsi les connexions et/ou non-connexions présentes sur le thème de la modernité pédagogique dans les discours journalistiques


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This work aims at studying the policies of teaching training and their impact in the actors and in the education systems of the countries in which these policies were implemented into the context of neoliberal reforms. We particularly studied these policies in three Latin America countries: Argentina, Brazil and Chile. The policies studied here are the ones implemented from the 90 s. However, the horizon of this study is at the beginning of the 80 s, period that starts one of the four intervention initiatives of education here studied: The Main Project of Education For Latin America and Caribbean (PROMEDLAC), which in 2002 goes into a new stage and it is called Regional Project of Education for Latin America and Caribbean (PRELAC), worked out by UNESCO as a request of government representatives of countries of the region, based on the suggestions of Declaration of Mexico , signed by them in 1979. These suggestions will be in the base of the other three initiatives: The Education For All (EPT); Ibero-American Conferences of Education (CIE) and The Hemisphere Action Plan of Education (PAHE), whose documents are the base to the production of an abundant legislation and normatization on education that created the parameters on which the policies of education reforms were worked out and implemented and the dynamism of our education systems from the last two decades of the twentieth century on. All these initiatives intend to work with objectives, projects and programs that, in some cases, in isolation or in groups, are under influence of their actions in a way that frequently it is difficult to identify which of them is the main responsible for some advances. It is important to stand out that not all of the suggestions produced by these initiatives were implemented as policies, and many of them to be implemented were changed in such a way that they were distorted, even they were a result of a multilateral deal, each country gave to them its own interpretation. Moreover, in all these processes the teaching entities had and keep having a fundamental role. The evidences, result of the evaluations of each initiative, show that education policies implemented produced advances in several aspects. They are still not the ideal ones, in truth, but they do exist. In relation to the teaching questions, there were and are still being implemented multiples and varied actions that did not have the expected impact in the education systems of the countries, objects of this study, but, many of them that go on, are promising and start to have a positive impact into the education systems. Even so, the teaching subject matter, even playing a central role in the agenda of all countries of the region, still represents one of the big challenges to the advance and improvement of our education systems