21 resultados para Multivariate wavelet analysis

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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Analogous to sunspots and solar photospheric faculae, which visibility is modulated by stellar rotation, stellar active regions consist of cool spots and bright faculae caused by the magnetic field of the star. Such starspots are now well established as major tracers used to estimate the stellar rotation period, but their dynamic behavior may also be used to analyze other relevant phenomena such as the presence of magnetic activity and its cycles. To calculate the stellar rotation period, identify the presence of active regions and investigate if the star exhibits or not differential rotation, we apply two methods: a wavelet analysis and a spot model. The wavelet procedure is also applied here to study pulsation in order to identify specific signatures of this particular stellar variability for different types of pulsating variable stars. The wavelet transform has been used as a powerful tool for treating several problems in astrophysics. In this work, we show that the time-frequency analysis of stellar light curves using the wavelet transform is a practical tool for identifying rotation, magnetic activity, and pulsation signatures. We present the wavelet spectral composition and multiscale variations of the time series for four classes of stars: targets dominated by magnetic activity, stars with transiting planets, those with binary transits, and pulsating stars. We applied the Morlet wavelet (6th order), which offers high time and frequency resolution. By applying the wavelet transform to the signal, we obtain the wavelet local and global power spectra. The first is interpreted as energy distribution of the signal in time-frequency space, and the second is obtained by time integration of the local map. Since the wavelet transform is a useful mathematical tool for nonstationary signals, this technique applied to Kepler and CoRoT light curves allows us to clearly identify particular signatures for different phenomena. In particular, patterns were identified for the temporal evolution of the rotation period and other periodicity due to active regions affecting these light curves. In addition, a beat-pattern vii signature in the local wavelet map of pulsating stars over the entire time span was also detected. The second method is based on starspots detection during transits of an extrasolar planet orbiting its host star. As a planet eclipses its parent star, we can detect physical phenomena on the surface of the star. If a dark spot on the disk of the star is partially or totally eclipsed, the integrated stellar luminosity will increase slightly. By analyzing the transit light curve it is possible to infer the physical properties of starspots, such as size, intensity, position and temperature. By detecting the same spot on consecutive transits, it is possible to obtain additional information such as the stellar rotation period in the planetary transit latitude, differential rotation, and magnetic activity cycles. Transit observations of CoRoT-18 and Kepler-17 were used to implement this model.


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Discovered in 1963, 3C 273 was the second quasar identified and cataloged in the Third Cambridge Catalog for radio sources, and the first one for which emission lines were identified with a hydrogen sequence redshifted. It is the brightest quasar of the celestial sphere, the most studied, analyzed, and with a resulting abundance of data available in a vast literature. The accurate analysis of the deviations of the spectral lines of quasars provides enough information to put in evidence the variation of fundamental constants of nature and similarly the universe expansion rate. The analysis of the variability of the light curves of these bodies, and the consequent accuracy of their periodicity, is of utmost importance as it provides an efficiency of their observations, enables a greater understanding of the physical phenomena, and makes it possible to conduct spectral observations on more accurate dates (when their light curves show pronounced peaks and therefore richer spectra information). In this master’s thesis twenty eight light curves from the quasar 3C 273 are studied, covering all the electromagnetic spectrum wavebands (radio emission to gamma rays), totaling in the analysis of four light curves for each waveband. We have applied the method of Continuous Wavelet Transform using the sixth-order (!0 = 6) Morlet wavelet function, and obtained excellent results in accordance with the literature.


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Discovered in 1963, 3C 273 was the second quasar identified and cataloged in the Third Cambridge Catalog for radio sources, and the first one for which emission lines were identified with a hydrogen sequence redshifted. It is the brightest quasar of the celestial sphere, the most studied, analyzed, and with a resulting abundance of data available in a vast literature. The accurate analysis of the deviations of the spectral lines of quasars provides enough information to put in evidence the variation of fundamental constants of nature and similarly the universe expansion rate. The analysis of the variability of the light curves of these bodies, and the consequent accuracy of their periodicity, is of utmost importance as it provides an efficiency of their observations, enables a greater understanding of the physical phenomena, and makes it possible to conduct spectral observations on more accurate dates (when their light curves show pronounced peaks and therefore richer spectra information). In this master’s thesis twenty eight light curves from the quasar 3C 273 are studied, covering all the electromagnetic spectrum wavebands (radio emission to gamma rays), totaling in the analysis of four light curves for each waveband. We have applied the method of Continuous Wavelet Transform using the sixth-order (!0 = 6) Morlet wavelet function, and obtained excellent results in accordance with the literature.


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Binary systems are key environments to study the fundamental properties of stars. In this work, we analyze 99 binary systems identified by the CoRoT space mission. From the study of the phase diagrams of these systems, our sample is divided into three groups: those whose systems are characterized by the variability relative to the binary eclipses; those presenting strong modulations probably due to the presence of stellar spots on the surface of star; and those whose systems have variability associated with the expansion and contraction of the surface layers. For eclipsing binary stars, phase diagrams are used to estimate the classification in regard to their morphology, based on the study of equipotential surfaces. In this context, to determine the rotation period, and to identify the presence of active regions, and to investigate if the star exhibits or not differential rotation and study stellar pulsation, we apply the wavelet procedure. The wavelet transform has been used as a powerful tool in the treatment of a large number of problems in astrophysics. Through the wavelet transform, one can perform an analysis in time-frequency light curves rich in details that contribute significantly to the study of phenomena associated with the rotation, the magnetic activity and stellar pulsations. In this work, we apply Morlet wavelet (6th order), which offers high time and frequency resolution and obtain local (energy distribution of the signal) and global (time integration of local map) wavelet power spectra. Using the wavelet analysis, we identify thirteen systems with periodicities related to the rotational modulation, besides the beating pattern signature in the local wavelet map of five pulsating stars over the entire time span.


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Binary systems are key environments to study the fundamental properties of stars. In this work, we analyze 99 binary systems identified by the CoRoT space mission. From the study of the phase diagrams of these systems, our sample is divided into three groups: those whose systems are characterized by the variability relative to the binary eclipses; those presenting strong modulations probably due to the presence of stellar spots on the surface of star; and those whose systems have variability associated with the expansion and contraction of the surface layers. For eclipsing binary stars, phase diagrams are used to estimate the classification in regard to their morphology, based on the study of equipotential surfaces. In this context, to determine the rotation period, and to identify the presence of active regions, and to investigate if the star exhibits or not differential rotation and study stellar pulsation, we apply the wavelet procedure. The wavelet transform has been used as a powerful tool in the treatment of a large number of problems in astrophysics. Through the wavelet transform, one can perform an analysis in time-frequency light curves rich in details that contribute significantly to the study of phenomena associated with the rotation, the magnetic activity and stellar pulsations. In this work, we apply Morlet wavelet (6th order), which offers high time and frequency resolution and obtain local (energy distribution of the signal) and global (time integration of local map) wavelet power spectra. Using the wavelet analysis, we identify thirteen systems with periodicities related to the rotational modulation, besides the beating pattern signature in the local wavelet map of five pulsating stars over the entire time span.


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The present report is the result of an applied research in the educational entities of the third sector, aiming to demonstrate whether the financial influences the perception of users on the image of those entities. For both used the prospect of integrative marketing relationship adapting to and developing a set of indicators which bore the measurement of images from the model of Machado et al (2005) and Kotler and Fox (1994). The sample included a total of 187 parents and financial responsibility in 03 (three) institutions of education in Natal / RN. These data were processed by multivariate statistical analysis, factor analysis, linear regression, analysis of cluster and discriminant analysis. The factor analysis also identified 6 images perceived by users of services. Next were the relationships of cause and effect between the financial and images formed. In discriminant analysis, was identified two distinct groups of parents and guardians with financial perceptions similar and well defined. The result of the work shows that the differential level of financial participation of parents and guardians not influence the formation of the images formed from educational institutions of the third sector


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The principal purpose of this research was to investigate discriminant factors of survival and failure of micro and small businesses, and the impacts of these factors in the public politics for entrepreneurship in the State of Rio Grande do Norte. The data were ceded by SEBRAE/RN and the Commercial Committee of the Rio Grande do Norte State and it included the businesses that were registered in 2000, 2001 and 2002. According to the theoretical framework 3 groups of factors were defined Business Financial Structure, Entrepreneurial Preparation and Entrepreneurial Behavior , and the factors were studied in order to determine whether they are discriminant or not of the survival and business failure. A quantitative research was applied and advanced statistical techniques were used multivariate data analysis , beginning with the factorial analysis and after using the discriminant analysis. As a result, canonical discriminant functions were found and they partially explained the survival and business failure in terms of the factors and groups of factors. The analysis also permitted the evaluation of the public politics for entrepreneurship and it was verified, according to the view of the entrepreneurs, that these politics were weakly effective to avoid business failure. Some changes in the referred politics were suggested based on the most significant factors found.


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Ecomorphology is a science based on the idea that morphological differences among species could be associated with distinct biological and environmental pressures suffered by them. These differences can be studied employing morphological and biometric indexes denominated Ecomorphological attributes , representing standards that express characteristics of the individual in relation to its environment, and can be interpreted as indicators of life habits or adaptations suffered due its occupation of different habitats. This work aims to contribute for the knowledge of the ecomorphology of the Brazilian marine ichthyofauna, specifically from Galinhos, located at Rio Grande do Norte state. 10 different species of fish were studied, belonging the families Gerreidae (Eucinostomus argenteus), Haemulidae (Orthopristis ruber,Pomadasyscorvinaeformis,Haemulonaurolineatum,Haemulonplumieri,Haemulonsteindachneri), Lutjanidae (Lutjanus synagris), Paralichthyidae (Syaciummicrurum), Bothidae (Bothus ocellatus) and Tetraodontidae (Sphoeroidestestudineus), which were obtained during five collections, in the period time of September/2004 to April/2005, utilizing three special nets. The ecomorphological study was performed at the laboratory. Eight to ten samples of each fish specie were measured. Fifteen morphological aspects were considered to calculate twelve ecomorphological attributes. Multivariate statistical analysis methods such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Cluster Analysis were done to identify ecmorphological patterns to describe the data set obtained. As results, H.aurolineatumwas the most abundant specie found (23,03%) and S.testudineusthe less one with 0,23%. The 1st Principal component showed variation of 60,03% with influence of the ecomorphological attribute related to body morphology, while the 2nd PC with 23,25% variation had influence of the ecomorphological attribute related to oral morphology. The Cluster Analiysis promoted the identification of three distinct groups Perciformes, Pleuronectiformes and Tetraodontiformes. Based on the obtained data, considering morphological characters differences among the species studied, we suggest that all of them live at the medium (E.argenteus,O.rubber, P.corvinaeformis,H.aurolineatum,H.plumieri,H.steindachneri,L.synagris) and bottom (S.micrurum,B.ocellatus,S.testudineus) region of column water.


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The methods of analysis of the selection system sports talent sometimes do not consider the biological age of the athletes, since that the assessment of maturational moment have several limitations The aim of this work is to develop a predictive equation of pubertal assessment in male subjects, based on anthropometric measurements. We evaluated 206 young boys, aged between eight and 18 years, and studing in public and private schools in Natal, Brazil. The sample selection was done randomly, being used the anthropometric measurements and pubertal maturation evaluation according to the Tanner stages. Statistical analysis followed the presentation of central tendency measures and their derivatives. The inferential analysis was performed according to the ANOVA test, multivariate discriminant analysis and weighted Kappa. The advancement of pubertal stages was accompanied by significant changes in anthropometric variables, demonstrating the relationship presented in both. For this purpose, discriminant analysis selected eight variables with the highest prediction of pubertal maturation, and created an equation with a significance level of 75%. and concordance level of 0.840, considered as excellent. This shows that the prediction of pubertal maturation from anthropometric variables presented as a valid method, being used as a practical tool in sports talents selection


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Nowadays, telecommunications is one of the most dynamic and strategic areas in the world. Organizations are always seeking to find new management practices within an ever increasing competitive environment where resources are getting scarce. In this scenario, data obtained from business and corporate processes have even greater importance, although this data is not yet adequately explored. Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) appears then, as an option to allow the study of complex problems in different areas of management. This work proposes both a systematization of KDD activities using concepts from different methodologies, such as CRISP-DM, SEMMA and FAYYAD approaches and a study concerning the viability of multivariate regression analysis models to explain corporative telecommunications sales using performance indicators. Thus, statistical methods were outlined to analyze the effects of such indicators on the behavior of business productivity. According to business and standard statistical analysis, equations were defined and fit to their respective determination coefficients. Tests of hypotheses were also conducted on parameters with the purpose of validating the regression models. The results show that there is a relationship between these development indicators and the amount of sales


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Following the new tendency of interdisciplinarity of modern science, a new field called neuroengineering has come to light in the last decades. After 2000, scientific journals and conferences all around the world have been created on this theme. The present work comprises three different subareas related to neuroengineering and electrical engineering: neural stimulation; theoretical and computational neuroscience; and neuronal signal processing; as well as biomedical engineering. The research can be divided in three parts: (i) A new method of neuronal photostimulation was developed based on the use of caged compounds. Using the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA caged by a ruthenium complex it was possible to block neuronal population activity using a laser pulse. The obtained results were evaluated by Wavelet analysis and tested by non-parametric statistics. (ii) A mathematical method was created to identify neuronal assemblies. Neuronal assemblies were proposed as the basis of learning by Donald Hebb remain the most accepted theory for neuronal representation of external stimuli. Using the Marcenko-Pastur law of eigenvalue distribution it was possible to detect neuronal assemblies and to compute their activity with high temporal resolution. The application of the method in real electrophysiological data revealed that neurons from the neocortex and hippocampus can be part of the same assembly, and that neurons can participate in multiple assemblies. (iii) A new method of automatic classification of heart beats was developed, which does not rely on a data base for training and is not specialized in specific pathologies. The method is based on Wavelet decomposition and normality measures of random variables. Throughout, the results presented in the three fields of knowledge represent qualification in neural and biomedical engineering


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Foundations support constitute one of the types of legal entities of private law forged with the purpose of supporting research projects, education and extension and institutional, scientific and technological development of Brazil. Observed as links of the relationship between company, university, and government, foundations supporting emerge in the Brazilian scene from the principle to establish an economic platform of development based on three pillars: science, technology and innovation – ST&I. In applied terms, these ones operate as tools of debureaucratisation making the management between public entities more agile, especially in the academic management in accordance with the approach of Triple Helix. From the exposed, the present study has as purpose understanding how the relation of Triple Helix intervenes in the fund-raising process of Brazilian foundations support. To understand the relations submitted, it was used the interaction models University-Company-Government recommended by Sábato and Botana (1968), the approach of the Triple Helix proposed by Etzkowitz and Leydesdorff (2000), as well as the perspective of the national innovation systems discussed by Freeman (1987, 1995), Nelson (1990, 1993) and Lundvall (1992). The research object of this study consists of 26 state foundations that support research associated with the National Council of the State Foundations of Supporting Research - CONFAP, as well as the 102 foundations in support of IES associated with the National Council of Foundations of Support for Institutions of Higher Education and Scientific and Technological Research – CONFIES, totaling 128 entities. As a research strategy, this study is considered as an applied research with a quantitative approach. Primary research data were collected using the e-mail Survey procedure. Seventy-five observations were collected, which corresponds to 58.59% of the research universe. It is considering the use of the bootstrap method in order to validate the use of the sample in the analysis of results. For data analysis, it was used descriptive statistics and multivariate data analysis techniques: the cluster analysis; the canonical correlation and the binary logistic regression. From the obtained canonical roots, the results indicated that the dependency relationship between the variables of relations (with the actors of the Triple Helix) and the financial resources invested in innovation projects is low, assuming the null hypothesis of this study, that the relations of the Triple Helix do not have interfered positively or negatively in raising funds for investments in innovation projects. On the other hand, the results obtained with the cluster analysis indicate that entities which have greater quantitative and financial amounts of projects are mostly large foundations (over 100 employees), which support up to five IES, publish management reports and use in their capital structure, greater financing of the public department. Finally, it is pertinent to note that the power of the classification of the logistic model obtained in this study showed high predictive capacity (80.0%) providing to the academic community replication in environments of similar analysis.


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In this dissertation, under the light of a sociofunctionalist approach (TAVARES, 2003; 2013; GORSKI; TAVARES, 2013), I analyze 378 data of pronouns tu and você extracted from 12 conversations belonging to Natal Conversational Data Base (CUNHA, 2010). I have the following objectives: (i) mapping linguistic and extralinguistic specialization trends of second person singular subject pronouns tu and você in the speech of Natal (RN); (ii) assessing the role of the principle of persistence (HOPPER, 1991) as a possible motivating factor of specialization trends of pronouns tu and você; (iii) identify in which of the six pronouns subsystems proposed by Scherre et al. (2009) is situated the speech community of Natal portrayed in this study. In order to achieve the proposed objectives, I submitted the data to multivariate statistical analysis, which have provided frequencies and relative weights.I obtained, as relevant factor groups, according to the statistical analysis, the nature of the relationship between the interlocutors (if the relationship is asymmetric, less intimate, and more formal, the use of você is favored; if the relationship is symmetrical, intimate and informal, the use of tu is favored); the degree of formality of the environment in which the conversation takes place (in more informal environments tu was favored; in more formal environments você were favored); and the type of discourse (reported / not reported) (tu was favored in not reported discourse and você was favored in reported discourse). Based on results regarding to these factors groups, I organized a panorama of specializations of pronouns tu and você, noting that tu seems specialized for more informal contexts of use than those for which você seems specialized. The motivation underlying these trends of specialization may be the principle of persistence, since along its historical development, você carries a trace of greater formality or, at least, less intimacy, when contrasted to tu. Finally, I concluded that, of the six pronoun subsystems proposed by Scherre et al. (2009), the speech community of Natal can be framed in the fifth, characterized by variable use of subject pronouns tu and você, with more frequent use of você than tu, and rare occurrence of agreement of tu with second-person singular verb.


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Synthesis of heterocyclic compounds, as quinoxaline derivatives, has being shown to be relevant and promissor due to expressive applications in biological and technological areas. This work was dedicated to the synthesis, characterization and reactivity of quinoxaline derivatives in order to obtain new chemosensors. (L)-Ascorbic acid (1) and 2,3-dichloro-6,7- dinitroquinoxalina (2) were explored as synthetic precursors. Starting from synthesis of 1 and characterization of compounds derived from (L)-ascorbic acid, studies were performed investigating the application of products as chemosensors, in which compound 36 demonstrated selective affinity for Cu2+ íons in methanolic solution, by naked-eye (colorimetric) and UVvisible analyses. Further, initial analysis suggests that 39 a Schiff’s base derived from 36 also presents this feature. Five quinoxaline derivatives were synthesized from building block 2 through nucleophilic aromatic substitution by aliphatic amines, in which controlling the experimental conditions allows to obtain both mono- and di-substituted derivatives. Reactivity studies were carried out with two purposes: i) investigate the possibility of 47 compound being a chemosensor for anion, based on its interaction with sodium hydroxide in DMSO, using image analysis and UV-visible spectroscopy; ii) characterize kinetically the conversion of compound 44 into 46 based on RGB and multivariate image analysis from TLC data, as a simple and inexpensive qualitative and quantitative tool.


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The present report is the result of an applied research in the educational entities of the third sector, aiming to demonstrate whether the financial influences the perception of users on the image of those entities. For both used the prospect of integrative marketing relationship adapting to and developing a set of indicators which bore the measurement of images from the model of Machado et al (2005) and Kotler and Fox (1994). The sample included a total of 187 parents and financial responsibility in 03 (three) institutions of education in Natal / RN. These data were processed by multivariate statistical analysis, factor analysis, linear regression, analysis of cluster and discriminant analysis. The factor analysis also identified 6 images perceived by users of services. Next were the relationships of cause and effect between the financial and images formed. In discriminant analysis, was identified two distinct groups of parents and guardians with financial perceptions similar and well defined. The result of the work shows that the differential level of financial participation of parents and guardians not influence the formation of the images formed from educational institutions of the third sector