62 resultados para Literatua e História

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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MEDEIROS, A. L.; VANTI, Nadia. Vannevar Bush e as matrizes discursivas de As we may think: por uma possível história da Ciência da Informação. Informação & sociedade:Estudos. João Pessoa, v. 21, p. 31-39, 2011


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MUNEIRO, Lilian Carla; FREIRE, Libny (Orgs). Natal: copa, história e sabores: o olhar dos acadêmicos do curso de comunicação social da UFRN, disciplina de reportagem pesquisa e entrevista, primeiro semestre de 2011 [recurso eletrônico]. Natal, RN: EDUFRN, 2012.


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La présente étude a comme objectif comprendre la relation entre l implantation et le développement du Tourisme à Natal et les conflits urbains établits entre 2006 et 2010 et publiés par les médias imprimés, élaborant ses impacts dans le quotidien des résidents. Tandis qu une relecture partielle de la méthode régressive-progressive développée par le philosophe français Henri Lefebvre, cherche à recouper du présent, des contradictions qui promeuvent des réactions dans le quotidien de la ville; ainsi qu identifier des moments du passé qui puissent contribuer à sa compréhension. Aujourd hui, nous avons les médias, comme principale source pour observer la perception locale des problèmes causés par l espace conçu, à partir des actions de l État référentes à l activité. Par rapport au passé, ces situations sont recherchées dans des sources secondaires, mettant en évidence le dialogue avec le Relatório Conflitos Urbanos (Rapport Conflits Urbains) à Natal-1976-1986 (ANDRADE et al.,1986), qui présente les conflits existants à des moments qui ont précédé ou ont acompagné le début du développement de l activité au RN, spécialement à Natal. Alors que dans la contribution à la compréhension du rôle du Tourisme dans l apparition de conflits urbains de la ville sont aussi inclues nos coupures vécues, des actions de l État par rapport à la consolidation, ainsi comme pour les conflits qui se sont plus demarqués ou qui ont conduit à la réaction de la population de la ville pendant les périodes analysées. Au final, on cherche à démontrer les limites de la responsabilité de l activité touristique dans l urgence des principaux conflits urbains dans la ville. L analyse des données de la recherche, avec l identification des conflits urbains de Natal et sa relation avec le Tourisme; la présentation des conflits par rapport à la localisation, fréquence et son encadrement dans les catégories de l analyse adoptée; l identification des agents intéressés et la relation entre eux; ont amené à la confirmation de l hypothèse proposée. De cette façon, en prenant en compte les coupures temporelles et spatiales, la source de recherche et la méthodologie adoptées, nous arrivons à la conclusion que l activité touristique à Natal n est pas directement responsable de l apparition des conflits urbains de la ville


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OBJECTIVE: Preeclampsia is a disease that can lead to a high maternal and infant morbidity. Worldwide, the incidence of this disease is highly variable and there is no data on this disorder in the Brazilian population. This study aimed at determining incidence and risk factors in the hypertensive disorders during pregnancy in a neighborhood of Natal, in addition to observing the evolution of these disorders one year and five years after delivery. METHODS: Prospective cohort study to assess the outcome of pregnancies of 242 women who became pregnant between 2004-2007 in the neighborhood of Bom Pastor in the city of Natal, state of RN, Brazil. Five years after delivery, there was an active search of thirty-nine (39) women who became pregnant and had a hypertensive disorder during pregnancy and/or pré-eclâmpsia, out of the total of 242 participants in the initial study. We administered a structured questionnaire to obtain basic information about the current clinical situation of patients and occurrences of subsequent pregnancy and presence of hypertensive disorders during pregnancy. We also searched for information on the use of hypotensive drugs and contraceptives. The following characteristics were checked and recorded: a) current weight, b) blood pressure c) body mass index - BMI, and we collected biological samples (blood and urine) for measurement of biochemical parameters and evaluation of microalbuminúria. Finally, we monitored the ambulatory blood pressure (ABP), which uses the method of automatic measurement of heart rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressure and an average of the two for the period of 24 hours. RESULTS: Out of 218 women who completed the study, the incidence of hypertensive disorders was of 16.9% (37 out of 218), while the incidence of preeclampsia was 13.8% (30 of 218). Women with preeclampsia had a BMI (body mass index) averaged of 25.3 (± 4.8) while this ratio in normotensive women was of 23.5 (± 3.7), p = 0.02. The risk of preeclampsia rises with age (OR 1084 p = 0.0034) and with a family history of hypertension (OR 2.6 p = 0.01). The follow-up one year after delivery revealed that 50% of women with hypertensive disorders in pregnancy remained hypertensive. High BMI was also observed after 5 years of delivery. CONCLUSIONS: an elevated BMI, age above 35 years and excessive weight gain during pregnancy were associated with hypertension in the long term in patients with prior preeclampsia. History of preeclampsia increases the risk of chronic hypertension


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This paper examines two aspects. First, the symbolic dimension of politics and some of the elements that make up this universe, as the scenario, the representation, the myth, the spectacle, the media and the political and electoral marketing. We assume that the policy brings together a set of traits related to both reason and the human subjectivity, and can not be summed up in just a few calculations based on rationality. In the case of elections, in a process (ritual, according Irlys Barrier) of choice, there is a meeting of two systems of representations: to that transmitted by a political actor, in a scene from a particular context, based on a life trajectory unique, and the other from the public, crossed by social relations, situations own wishes, desires, expectations and unique perspectives. Between them there are the means of mass media (especially television), and with them the advent of language media and advertising applied to politics, changing the layout of public visibility and inaugurating what Rejane Accioly Carvalho will call the "aesthetics of mostrabilidade". This does not necessarily mean a preponderance of media on politics as a whole but only its adaptation to that with regard to contact with the public, the ad extra portion of the policy, according to Wilson Gomes. In a second aspect, try to apply these elements to a specific study to verify them in building an effective public image, in this case, the current governor of Rio Grande do Norte, Wilma de Faria. The concept of public image is from the book of Wilson Gomes The transformation was visible in the mass media, and relates to a conceptual image to fix "personality traits" through political history, personal conduct, action of image makers and the public reception. For this we will review some videos aired on Free Time for political propaganda in the years 2002 and 2006.


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The study is a survey conducted for the Master of Social Sciences carried out in partnership between the Universidade Tiradentes-UNIT/SE and the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). Being a religious event, we seek to show that the religious parties generally have particular meanings for each nation or region. Amaral (1998) informs that the Brazilian parties regardless of where they occur are popular demonstrations that, as the context in which they present themselves, can dilute to crystallize, to celebrate, to ritualize or sacralize the particular social experience of the groups that do. They happen as a way to thank victories or important religious passages as Christmas, the June saints celebration, patron saints and patron saints considered. Thus, The Bom Jesus dos Navegantes party in Propriá-SE: story of faith, a space of social relations and cultural ties, is presented as our field of study because it is one of those celebrations that while celebrated in Sergipe, always on Sundays in January, by some municipalities situated along the river San Francisco, has the characteristic of overlap any others placed in town, including the one of the city's patron saint, Saint Anthony, held on June 13. Concerning the materials and methods, we opted for qualitative research and participant direct observation, using the techniques of personal notes, interviews, newspapers, websites, photos, videos and testimonials from participants and organizers, as well as references offered by experts of the area. With this research answers were sought to questions about what could keep alive the celebration of Bom Jesus dos Navegantes each year in order that this is a patron saint, not saint; the way as the investment of local government with more resources in this period, during the organization of arts festivals, has created a thread of tension with the Catholic Church promoting the religious rituals was reviewed. It was also analyzed how the sacred and profane spaces present themselves inseparable from the celebration and, finally, it was revealed that the party retains its value by preserving its tradition and making room for modernity, not weakening but suffering metamorphoses of time and space and can be seen in the social and cultural bonds wrapped by the time of religious faith


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The tesis intends to awake a new way of looking at madness. It presents as reference the Psychiatric Hospital Doctor João Machado (Natal/RN) and histories of life and narratives of four intern residents. The research in an ethical horizon, intends to give back to the subjects the voices long silented behind the institutions walls by their families and society in general. As well as to open the interpretations of science to receive and to dialogue with other itineraries of thought that, if on one hand does not restitute the explanation of the Real, on the other hand expresses other forms to see the world. Dislocated of the bigger social environment, the people identified as insane, construct their histories endowed with autonomy and displacements in relation to the social rules and structures that characterize our society, as much as in relation to the logical principles of thought that assume an objective and rational reality. As well as a remnants bedspread configured in a complex and unfinished object, the break up of histories of life of the interns, interviews with medical on psychiatrists to the Doctor João Machado Hospital, documents of the institution and depositions of that house, were the raw material to construct, with this tesis, another chapter of the 'history of madness'. In elapsing of the work innumerable voices have been heard. Some that study the phenomenon of madness, others that live this 'state of the being' in the world. We opt to detaching the first of an open conception on the theme through intellectuals as: João da Costa Machado, Ulysses Pernambucano, Nise da Silveira and Boris Cyrulnik. They express ethics compromised to the humanity of the being


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Dans ce travail, nous étudions la construction narrative du passé de la ville de Nova Cruz, dans l´agreste potiguar. Les récits soulignent l´existence d´un corpus narratif homogène qui fait référence à l´occupation du lieu et à l´évangelisation de ses habitants. Ainsi, les images des saints et des missionaires civilisateurs de l´espace qui domestiquent les manifestations d´un esprit autochtone sauvage, habitants du milieu naturel, sont recurrentes dans la description des personnages du passé. Observant la continuité sémantique des différentes versions de l´histoire de la ville, nous nous proposons d´analyser d´une manière conjointe les textes de l´historiographie locale et les témoignages oraux collectés. Comme il a été possible de le constater, les chemins de l´écrit et de l´oral se croisent en plusieurs occasions, obéissant à des logiques locales de représentations du passé. Ainsi, notre étude porte sur des champs communs à l´Anthropologie, à l´Histoire e à la Littérature. Les reconstructions narratives du passé local sont aussi activées par des faits plus récents, des "marques de la mémoire" comme le marché, le train, la croix et le réservoir, symboles d´une époque d´abondance qui suit l´action civilisatrice des personnages ancestraux


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This thesis has the aim to comprehend the development of the superior graduation in life service and daily scholar of the history teachers in-land of Sergipe. The History Course graduation was realized through the second part of (Projeto de Qualificação Docente-PQD), the so-called, Teaching Qualification Project of the Federal University of Sergipe, first settled in 1998. Eight teachers were chosen for this research with more than (15) fifteen years of teaching in the Fundamental and Medium levels at public schools of our state (Sergipe). This empiric research priviledged oral testimony from them, which (ones) reveled about the memory tragetory of life. Since childhood until the History Course graduation, besides the evidence as Principal of schools as well as the following classes. All of them were interviewed from in-land and they are from very poor families with lack of social economical conditions. Those evidencies point out economic limitations in their different towns, that contributed to the continuous obstacle in the following studies, moreover in the common market. Therefore they still teach in order to believe in who´s at the botton of this business. Their testimony about this history graduation through PQD , gave them new Professional horizons, modifying their pedagogic practice, choosing what is worth into the social space beyond life expectancy. Through the analyses from all the documents and evidence in loco, it was evident that this graduation is not sufficient to change all the acting of teaching. Consequently, the lack of scholar situation still happens because this qualification doesn´t consider the knowledge of the teachers into their contexts. This research could also observe that besides the changing purposes in the suggested common-job by the globalization, the public politics education, is still underdeveloped in-land of Sergipe. According to the educational laws which obliges all tearches should be graduated, it could be observed that nothing changed into their acting. The old curricula don´t give them new possibility in their acting. At last their salaries, poor conditions in their common-job as well as the difficult ways to get to their pos graduation course still contributes to the underdeveloped acting before they´d graduated from the period before of their graduation


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This study aims to problematize the history of mixed schools in Pará, from 1870 to 1901, highlighting women participation that helped to build them. The analytical focus of the research fell on the changes and the continuities of the mixed school in Pará. The object of analysis is the Paraense mixed schools, formed by women. The study also brings out arguments that the mixed school was set up in variable forms, concepts, times and spaces, in an overlapping with the inclusion of women in educational universe, either through education, professionalization or teaching in schools of girls and boys. The documentary sources privileged by the study are: the educational law, the newspapers, the government reports and the journals of education, which were examined in a confrontation between what was said and done. The evidential method helped the documentary reading revealed that, in small lines, the linkages built in the search for clues and signs of Paraense mixed schools was assembled with the participation of women, from the perception that historical knowledge is indirect, conjectural. Evidences indicated that the school for both sexes, legally established in the Province of Grão-Pará in 1870, gave the signals of the junction of girls and boys in school, at a time when the presence of women in education was suggested. Mutations related to the educational organization, with the introduction of mixed school in the following decade had a closer relationship with restrictive settings and more effective integration of women in that school. The inaccuracies of the Republican mixed school have revealed, through winding paths, that signal of contradictions between the modern discourse and conservative practices regarding this school, in communion with the expansion of the mixed school throughout the state, including in groups schools, observing the presence of effective women teachers in the regency of such schools and an expansion of students in relation to the equity between the sexes


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The aim of the present study is to reevaluate the logical thought of the English mathematician George Boole (1815 - 1864). Thus, our research centers on the mathematical analysis of logic in the context of the history of mathematics. In order to do so, we present various biographical considerations about Boole in the light of events that happened in the 19th century and their consequences for mathematical production. We briefly describe Boole's innovations in the areas of differential equations and invariant theory and undertake an analysis of Boole's logic, especially as formulated in the book The Mathematical Analysis of Logic, comparing it not only with the traditional Aristotelian logic, but also with modern symbolic logic. We conclude that Boole, as he intended, expanded logic both in terms of its content and also in terms of its methods and formal elaboration. We further conclude that his purpose was the mathematical modeling of deductive reasoning, which led him to present an innovative formalism for logic and, because the different ways it can be interpreted, a new conception of mathematics


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This work is located at the shield of research that defends the use of Mathematics History, based on the utilization of historical artifacts at teaching activities, at Mathematics classrooms, and at graduation courses for teachers of Elementary School and of the first grades of High School. The general objective is to examine the possibility of the use of historical artifacts, at teaching activities, at graduation courses for teachers of Elementary School and of the first grades of High School. Artifact, at this work, is comprehended as objects, documents, monuments, images and other kinds of materials that make sense to the Human actions at the past and that represent what have been said and done at the Human history. At the construction of the theoretical-methodological way of the research we have based ourselves upon the ideas of the authors that are engaged at the teachers formation; at researchers adherents to the use of Mathematics History (MH) as a methodological resource, and at studies accomplished that elucidate the role of the artifacts at the history and as a mediatory element of learning. We defend the thesis that the utilization of historical artifacts at teaching activities enables the increasing of the knowledge, the development of competencies and essential abilities to the teacher acting, as well as interact at different areas of the knowledge, that provides a conception of formation where the teacher improves his learning, learning-doing and learning-being. We have adopted a qualitative research approach with a theoretical and pratic study disposition about the elements that contribute to the teachers works at the classroom, emphasizing the role of the Mathematics history at the teacher s formation and as a pedagogical resource at the mathematics classroom; the knowledge, the competencies and abilities of the historical artifacts as an integrative link between the different areas of the knowledge. As result, we emphasize that the proposition of using the MH, through learning activities, at the course of teacher graduation is relevant, because it allows the investigation of ideas that originate the knowledge generated at every social context, considering the contribution of the social and cultural, political and economical aspects at this construction, making easy the dialog among the areas and inside of each one The historical artifact represents a research source that can be deciphered, comprehended, questioned, extracting from it information about knowledge of the past, trace and vestiges of the culture when it was created, consisting of a testimony of a period. These aspects grant to it consideration to be explored as a mediatory element of the learning. The artifacts incorporated at teaching activities of the graduation courses for teachers promote changes on the view about the Mathematics teaching, in view of to privilege the active participation of the student at the construction of his knowledge, at the reflection about the action that has been accomplished, promoting stimulus so the teachers can create their own artifacts, and offer, either, traces linking the Mathematics with others knowledge areas.


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El estudio Historia y educación de mujeres indígenas que quedan em Missão do Sahy pretende comprender, a través de recerdos y memorias, la transmisión de costumbres y prácticas educativas de un grupo de mujeres en sus relaciones con la familia, la escuela y la religión. El enfoque teórico-metodológico utilizado fue la Historia Oral, un enfoque que oferece la oportunidad de trabajar con la historia de mujeres y la memoria, tratando de reconstruir algunas de las experiencias de estas mujeres que tienen la custodia de las historias y los conocimientos transmitidos por los antepasados, como activistas en las actividades de la Comunidad, los partidos políticos, en la dirección de las asociaciones de la comunidad y los mantenedoras de la iglesia. La encuesta se realizó en el Distrito de Missão do Sahy, un asentamiento franciscano instalado en 1697 y abolida en 1863, em el territorio de Las Jacobinas, la ciudad de Senhor do Bonfim, en el norte de Bahia. El estudio demostró que todavía hay uma fuerte presencia de la práctica de los Padres Franciscanos, los creadores del pueblo, también mostró que las orientaciones religiosas han contribuido significativamente a fortalecer el papel de la mujer en Missão do Sahy como madre y esposa. Este estudio también mostró que el sesgo afecta a las más jóvenes remanescentes que - ni india ni negra - todavia son victimas de discriminación, un hecho que quizás tiene su origen el desconocimiento de la identidad de estas mujeres. Varios autores han contribuido en este estudio: Halbwachs (2006), Bosi (1994) y Pollak (1989) contribuyó a la construcción del estudio de la memoria, Perrot (1988, 2006, 2007) y Del Piore (2007) proporcionaron la base para la historia de la mujer; Machado y otros autores regionales (1993, 2007), Lourenço Pereira da Silva (1906, 1915), Adolfo Silva (1971), Edith Davis (1997), Joseph Davis (2001), Da Paz (2001, 2004), Oro (2008) , Santos (2007), Araujo (2002) y (2008 Vieira Filho) contribuyeron a la construcción de una historiografía de la zona de la investigación. Cronistas Frei Martinho de Nantes (1979) y Frei Venancio Willeke OFM (1994), además de teórico Norbert Elias (1993), de Michel de Certeau (1994) y Philippe Aries (1981), que presentan elementos importantes para el análisis de las pruebas.


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In the first decade of the XXI century, it is possible to assert that school textbook is part of the material culture of most public Brazilian schools by means of National School Textbook Program (PNLD). This research aimed at identifying and analyzing textbooks choice in Ceara, relating it to the uses of such tool within school daily life. The setting for the study was four public schools, two of them placed in Fortaleza, and the other in Quixada. It evaluated the uses of textbooks in the 6th grade. As part of methodology, public managers were interviewed, teachers answered surveys, and a direct observation during History classes in 2008 school year was carried out. The observation was over after round chats with students in the class, in which each one designed draws and sentences concerning to the textbook. Furthermore, the study was based on MEC official documents that regulate the textbook choice process with National textbook Program announcement (PNDL/2008) and PNDL/2008 Textbook Guide, in addition to History textbooks schools used. Roger Chartier‟s concept of appropriation was an analysis category, as well as Michael de Certeau s strategy and tatics‟, and Dominique Julia‟s concept of school culture . The study recognizes textbook in the perspective of Alain Choppin and Egil Borre Johnsen, since it is a complex cultural object. For this reason, the study designs an analogy with a kaleidoscope that sends different images depending on who uses it, within a set of colorful lines, since textbook comprehends nowadays different sources and languages, as it offers countless possibilities of use in teaching History. The study concludes that only the main text of each chapter is really worked in daily class practice. Therefore, although theoretical and graphic changes in textbook production, the textbook is underused, which is central to a later rethought of teachers instruction, since, depending on the conception of teaching and learning, textbook potentialities will be used to improve the development of knowledge in History.


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This study aims to analyze the implications that the knowledge of an important work for the History of Science, De revolutionibus orbium coelestium , by Nicholas Copernicus, can bring for the formation of Mathematics professors. The study focuses on Book I of Copernicus s work, where, in the final part, is found the Table of the Subtense Straight Lines in a Circle, a true sine table constructed by the author. The study considers two theoretical references, the History of Science and of Mathematics, in the professor s formation searched amongst others in Miguel and Miorm, Brito, Neves and Martins, and Radford, and the necessary teaching knowledge professors mst have, on the basis of Gauthier, Schulman and Imbernón amongst others, through which it is established a net of knowledge grouped in dimensions such as mathematical, psycho pedagogical, cultural and practical diversity, that guide the study analysis. In the search for more necessary elements to enrich the analysis, beyond the theoretical research in Book I, it is carried through, with under graduation pupils, future Math professors, the construction of a sine table following the project used in De revolutionibus . The study still makes a description of the life and work of Nicholas Copernicus, detaching the historical context where the author lived and the conceptions about the Universe existing at that time. The research reveals that the studied work is an important source of culture, able to provide to the Mathematics professor in formation, beyond the conceptual and procedural mathematical knowledge, a cultural knowledge that allows him to be opened to the knowledge of other areas that not his specific area, and so to acquire knowledge about the world history, the development of sciences and of the society