8 resultados para Lattice-Valued Fuzzy connectives. Extensions. Retractions. E-operators
em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
Mathematical Morphology presents a systematic approach to extract geometric features of binary images, using morphological operators that transform the original image into another by means of a third image called structuring element and came out in 1960 by researchers Jean Serra and George Matheron. Fuzzy mathematical morphology extends the operators towards grayscale and color images and was initially proposed by Goetherian using fuzzy logic. Using this approach it is possible to make a study of fuzzy connectives, which allows some scope for analysis for the construction of morphological operators and their applicability in image processing. In this paper, we propose the development of morphological operators fuzzy using the R-implications for aid and improve image processing, and then to build a system with these operators to count the spores mycorrhizal fungi and red blood cells. It was used as the hypothetical-deductive methodologies for the part formal and incremental-iterative for the experimental part. These operators were applied in digital and microscopic images. The conjunctions and implications of fuzzy morphology mathematical reasoning will be used in order to choose the best adjunction to be applied depending on the problem being approached, i.e., we will use automorphisms on the implications and observe their influence on segmenting images and then on their processing. In order to validate the developed system, it was applied to counting problems in microscopic images, extending to pathological images. It was noted that for the computation of spores the best operator was the erosion of Gödel. It developed three groups of morphological operators fuzzy, Lukasiewicz, And Godel Goguen that can have a variety applications
Atualmente, há diferentes definições de implicações fuzzy aceitas na literatura. Do ponto de vista teórico, esta falta de consenso demonstra que há discordâncias sobre o real significado de "implicação lógica" nos contextos Booleano e fuzzy. Do ponto de vista prático, isso gera dúvidas a respeito de quais "operadores de implicação" os engenheiros de software devem considerar para implementar um Sistema Baseado em Regras Fuzzy (SBRF). Uma escolha ruim destes operadores pode implicar em SBRF's com menor acurácia e menos apropriados aos seus domínios de aplicação. Uma forma de contornar esta situação e conhecer melhor os conectivos lógicos fuzzy. Para isso se faz necessário saber quais propriedades tais conectivos podem satisfazer. Portanto, a m de corroborar com o significado de implicação fuzzy e corroborar com a implementação de SBRF's mais apropriados, várias leis Booleanas têm sido generalizadas e estudadas como equações ou inequações nas lógicas fuzzy. Tais generalizações são chamadas de leis Boolean-like e elas não são comumente válidas em qualquer semântica fuzzy. Neste cenário, esta dissertação apresenta uma investigação sobre as condições suficientes e necessárias nas quais três leis Booleanlike like — y ≤ I(x, y), I(x, I(y, x)) = 1 e I(x, I(y, z)) = I(I(x, y), I(x, z)) — se mantém válidas no contexto fuzzy, considerando seis classes de implicações fuzzy e implicações geradas por automorfismos. Além disso, ainda no intuito de implementar SBRF's mais apropriados, propomos uma extensão para os mesmos
In the literature there are several proposals of fuzzi cation of lattices and ideals concepts. Chon in (Korean J. Math 17 (2009), No. 4, 361-374), using the notion of fuzzy order relation de ned by Zadeh, introduced a new notion of fuzzy lattice and studied the level sets of fuzzy lattices, but did not de ne a notion of fuzzy ideals for this type of fuzzy lattice. In this thesis, using the fuzzy lattices de ned by Chon, we de ne fuzzy homomorphism between fuzzy lattices, the operations of product, collapsed sum, lifting, opposite, interval and intuitionistic on bounded fuzzy lattices. They are conceived as extensions of their analogous operations on the classical theory by using this de nition of fuzzy lattices and introduce new results from these operators. In addition, we de ne ideals and lters of fuzzy lattices and concepts in the same way as in their characterization in terms of level and support sets. One of the results found here is the connection among ideals, supports and level sets. The reader will also nd the de nition of some kinds of ideals and lters as well as some results with respect to the intersection among their families. Moreover, we introduce a new notion of fuzzy ideals and fuzzy lters for fuzzy lattices de ned by Chon. We de ne types of fuzzy ideals and fuzzy lters that generalize usual types of ideals and lters of lattices, such as principal ideals, proper ideals, prime ideals and maximal ideals. The main idea is verifying that analogous properties in the classical theory on lattices are maintained in this new theory of fuzzy ideals. We also de ne, a fuzzy homomorphism h from fuzzy lattices L and M and prove some results involving fuzzy homomorphism and fuzzy ideals as if h is a fuzzy monomorphism and the fuzzy image of a fuzzy set ~h(I) is a fuzzy ideal, then I is a fuzzy ideal. Similarly, we prove for proper, prime and maximal fuzzy ideals. Finally, we prove that h is a fuzzy homomorphism from fuzzy lattices L into M if the inverse image of all principal fuzzy ideals of M is a fuzzy ideal of L. Lastly, we introduce the notion of -ideals and - lters of fuzzy lattices and characterize it by using its support and its level set. Moreover, we prove some similar properties in the classical theory of - ideals and - lters, such as, the class of -ideals and - lters are closed under intersection. We also de ne fuzzy -ideals of fuzzy lattices, some properties analogous to the classical theory are also proved and characterize a fuzzy -ideal on operation of product between bounded fuzzy lattices L and M and prove some results.
The idea of considering imprecision in probabilities is old, beginning with the Booles George work, who in 1854 wanted to reconcile the classical logic, which allows the modeling of complete ignorance, with probabilities. In 1921, John Maynard Keynes in his book made explicit use of intervals to represent the imprecision in probabilities. But only from the work ofWalley in 1991 that were established principles that should be respected by a probability theory that deals with inaccuracies. With the emergence of the theory of fuzzy sets by Lotfi Zadeh in 1965, there is another way of dealing with uncertainty and imprecision of concepts. Quickly, they began to propose several ways to consider the ideas of Zadeh in probabilities, to deal with inaccuracies, either in the events associated with the probabilities or in the values of probabilities. In particular, James Buckley, from 2003 begins to develop a probability theory in which the fuzzy values of the probabilities are fuzzy numbers. This fuzzy probability, follows analogous principles to Walley imprecise probabilities. On the other hand, the uses of real numbers between 0 and 1 as truth degrees, as originally proposed by Zadeh, has the drawback to use very precise values for dealing with uncertainties (as one can distinguish a fairly element satisfies a property with a 0.423 level of something that meets with grade 0.424?). This motivated the development of several extensions of fuzzy set theory which includes some kind of inaccuracy. This work consider the Krassimir Atanassov extension proposed in 1983, which add an extra degree of uncertainty to model the moment of hesitation to assign the membership degree, and therefore a value indicate the degree to which the object belongs to the set while the other, the degree to which it not belongs to the set. In the Zadeh fuzzy set theory, this non membership degree is, by default, the complement of the membership degree. Thus, in this approach the non-membership degree is somehow independent of the membership degree, and this difference between the non-membership degree and the complement of the membership degree reveals the hesitation at the moment to assign a membership degree. This new extension today is called of Atanassov s intuitionistic fuzzy sets theory. It is worth noting that the term intuitionistic here has no relation to the term intuitionistic as known in the context of intuitionistic logic. In this work, will be developed two proposals for interval probability: the restricted interval probability and the unrestricted interval probability, are also introduced two notions of fuzzy probability: the constrained fuzzy probability and the unconstrained fuzzy probability and will eventually be introduced two notions of intuitionistic fuzzy probability: the restricted intuitionistic fuzzy probability and the unrestricted intuitionistic fuzzy probability
Clustering data is a very important task in data mining, image processing and pattern recognition problems. One of the most popular clustering algorithms is the Fuzzy C-Means (FCM). This thesis proposes to implement a new way of calculating the cluster centers in the procedure of FCM algorithm which are called ckMeans, and in some variants of FCM, in particular, here we apply it for those variants that use other distances. The goal of this change is to reduce the number of iterations and processing time of these algorithms without affecting the quality of the partition, or even to improve the number of correct classifications in some cases. Also, we developed an algorithm based on ckMeans to manipulate interval data considering interval membership degrees. This algorithm allows the representation of data without converting interval data into punctual ones, as it happens to other extensions of FCM that deal with interval data. In order to validate the proposed methodologies it was made a comparison between a clustering for ckMeans, K-Means and FCM algorithms (since the algorithm proposed in this paper to calculate the centers is similar to the K-Means) considering three different distances. We used several known databases. In this case, the results of Interval ckMeans were compared with the results of other clustering algorithms when applied to an interval database with minimum and maximum temperature of the month for a given year, referring to 37 cities distributed across continents
Symbolic Data Analysis (SDA) main aims to provide tools for reducing large databases to extract knowledge and provide techniques to describe the unit of such data in complex units, as such, interval or histogram. The objective of this work is to extend classical clustering methods for symbolic interval data based on interval-based distance. The main advantage of using an interval-based distance for interval-based data lies on the fact that it preserves the underlying imprecision on intervals which is usually lost when real-valued distances are applied. This work includes an approach allow existing indices to be adapted to interval context. The proposed methods with interval-based distances are compared with distances punctual existing literature through experiments with simulated data and real data interval
In order to make this document self-contained, we first present all the necessary theory as a background. Then we study several definitions that extended the classic bi-implication in to the domain of well stablished fuzzy logics, namely, into the [0; 1] interval. Those approaches of the fuzzy bi-implication can be summarized as follows: two axiomatized definitions, which we proved that represent the same class of functions, four defining standard (two of them proposed by us), which varied by the number of different compound operators and what restrictions they had to satisfy. We proved that those defining standard represent only two classes of functions, having one as a proper subclass of the other, yet being both a subclass of the class represented by the axiomatized definitions. Since those three clases satisfy some contraints that we judge unnecessary, we proposed a new defining standard free of those restrictions and that represents a class of functions that intersects with the class represented by the axiomatized definitions. By this dissertation we are aiming to settle the groundwork for future research on this operator.