38 resultados para Integral Assistance to Health, (Strategy) Family Health

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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The Theory of Meaningful Learning (TML) described by David Paul Ausubel offers a proposal for the teaching strategies to provide a more active and effective student learning. The projection of the TML practice is demonstrated through the development of concept maps (CM) technique, created by Joseph Donald Novak, which presents as a strategy, method or schematic feature, which is an indicator to identify the cognitive organization of the knowledge acquired by students. The survey was conducted in the light of TML in relation to learning concepts involving students of undergraduate nursing in a public university in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. Thus, the study aimed to compare the concept learning of students of undergraduate nursing, when subjected to different forms of education, to point approaches that promote more effective and meaningful results. It was a quasi - experimental study with a qualitative analysis, conducted with students of the Undergraduate Nursing of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), approved by the Research Ethics Committee/UFRN Certification of Presention for Ethics Appreciation (CPEA) in 11706412.3.0000.5537. The study took place at two different times and involved content on complications mediate postoperative surgical wound in the same discipline with students who attended the 5th semester of the degree course in Nursing. For the viability of data collection, in the second half of 2013, we used the technique of CM, to represent the concept of complications mediate postoperative surgical wound covered in the classroom. CM were built at a different time from that of the discipline, with the support of tutors and preceded by a brief description and explanation about the form of preparation and application. In this study were subjected, 31 students of undergraduate nursing, registered in the discipline of Integral Attention to health I. In the first stage, 18 students participated in the survey, they had the teaching intervention based on TML, and in the second stage, all students participated in the lesson provided curriculum with the responsible teacher of the subject, on the same issue occurred. At the end of each meeting, the students 11 developed concept maps with the aid of software Cmap Tools®. Data analysis happened upon the technique of content analysis, supported by a conceptual map "glass", previously developed by researchers and aid in the preparation of the categories in which the concepts found were classified. The study found that the teaching intervention based on TML with the help of CM, managed to develop in students a more expressive teaching learning process than just classroom curriculum with the traditional teaching method, and also that the association between the intervention motion teaching with the traditional method and the use of the technique of CM encourages the student the ability to articulate the various acquired knowledge as well as apply them in real situations


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The pregnancy as a process in woman's life requires several biological, psychological, relational and socio-cultural changes for the preparation for motherhood. By modifying its capacity and, at the expense of these factors, it is observed that the physical, social and emotional problems experienced by women during pregnancy can affect their quality of life, especially related to health. It had as objectives of this research verifying the quality of life of women in the context of the Family Health Strategy in a municipality in Paraíba, in order to characterize the sociodemographic aspects, lifestyle habits, and obstetric care of pregnant women and to characterize the fields of quality of life of pregnant women according to the WHOQOL-bref. This is a descriptive exploratory study with cross-sectional and quantitative approach. The population consisted of 120 pregnant women in primary care in the municipality of Sousa-PB. Data collection occurred over a period of two months by the own master's degree student and two nursing students in applying a standard form about sociodemographic characteristics, and obstetric care and the WHOQOL-bref instrument. The data collected were organized into an electronic database of the Microsoft Excel application, coded, tabulated and presented in tables, charts and figures with their respective percentage distributions. Of the surveyed, the predominant were age group of 20 to 25 years, Catholic religion, with a steady partner, low education, no employment, wage income of 01 minimum wage. As for the data and obstetric care, almost all had never aborted and reported to the care received as excellent. The most frequent complaints were back pain and in lower abdomen. Regarding quality of life according to the WHOQOL-bref, dissatisfactions that predominated in the areas were in the physical pain and discomfort, sleep, rest, energy and fatigue. In the psychological domain, body image and appearance, memory, concentration and negative feelings. In the field of social relationships, sexual activity and the environment domain, the greatest dissatisfaction with facets scored: financial resources, leisure opportunities and transport. It is concluded that the quality of life of the users interviewed were deemed unsatisfactory for these facets, indicating that assistance to this target audience should be done comprehensively and holistically, in order to accommodate the affected facets to improve the quality of life pregnant women attended in primary care


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The nurses assistance in monitoring the growth and development of children has been characterized mostly a service based on the biological dimension of illness, when in reality, the actions should be combined in the reorientation of care model of the Family Health Strategy. Thus, the research aimed to examine the role of nurses in the growth and development of children. This is an exploratory and descriptive, qualitative approach. The project was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte under Opinion No. 191/2012. Data collection was developed in the Health Units from the city of Natal, RN, Brazil. Survey participants were nurses who worked in the Family Health Strategy for at least two years and who performed the monitoring of child growth and development in the health unit selected. Data were collected through an in-depth interview, and seized material from speeches was treated as categorical thematic analysis proposed by Bardin. This process revealed three themes, which were analyzed in the light of Relief Models and Process Work in Health and Nursing and discussed based on the findings literary. The results elucidated that nurses consider their performance satisfactory as it has favored the accession of mothers of children under one year nursing visits, contributing to the reduction of morbidity and mortality due to prevalent diseases, as well as the establishment of a connection between the professionals and mothers. It was shown that despite having a promotion and prevention with the use of lightweight technologies, the nurses also emphasized the care of mothers in complaints and signs and symptoms of children, followed by referrals to professionals in the unit or to other sectors. Furthermore, we found that the process of working nurses face challenges regarding the organizational structure of services and social situation of the family. Given these statements, it is observed that despite the strong interference from hegemonic health model in the performance of nurses, it is found that these professionals have been investing in promotion and prevention to injuries to children in care, with a focus on family context. Thus, nurses are embarking on making the reorientation of health care through the use of relational technologies, which has contributed to solving the integral care to the pediatric population


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The public dental services in Brazil were limited, practically, to the basic care, so that the specialized services acted, up to 2002, no more than 3,5% of the total of clinical procedures. That lower offer reveals the difficulty of continuity of the attention, that is, the comprehensiveness in the assistance, particulary, the reference and counter-reference system. Brasil Sorridente search to supply those needs when proposing Speciality Dental's Centers(CEOs Centros de Especialidades Odontológicas, Brazil) to compose the services of average complexity. In 2005, Ministry of Health enabled the three CEOs of Natal, located in the North II, East and West Sanitary Districts. This investigation evaluated the implantation of these CEOs, as support of the family health care teams, in the perspective of organization of the services in assistencial nets in Natal/RN. It was a study of evaluation, with qualitative approach and some quantitative data as contribution. Dentists, users and managers were interviewed to identify and to understand their perceptions, relationships and experiences in the daily of the services. The conceptual base that orientated the investigation was the principle of comprehensiveness, in its operational sense of the hierarchization in health attention levels. The collection of data was done with documental research, direct observation and semi-structured interview. The analysis was accomplished by triangulation of the extracted content from the used techniques and sources of interviewed groups depositions, looking for theoretical-conceptual support in specific bibliography. The results pointed aspects that go away from the comprehensiveness like: low resolution of problems in the basic net; little valorization of the space in the health units; traditional models of access to health services, insufficient offer for some specialties, compromising the reference and counter-reference system; practices centered in procedures in the CEO; bureaucratic directions from basic care to the specialized service; disintegrated and disjointed system among levels of attention; disrespect to the municipal protocol. On the other hand, there is an approach of compreensiveness in situations like: increase of the access and covering in the Family Health Strategy (ESF Estratégia Saúde da Família, Brazil); larger approach between professional and user; tendency to the quantitative and qualitative growth of specialized actions; punctual initiatives of relationships among levels; existence of protocol to guide professionals


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Objective: To evaluate the implementation of the Family Health Strategy (FHS) in Brazilian cities of the Northeast, expanding coverage, analyzing the progress, challenges and innovations. Methods: Multicentric Evaluation Research, Studies Baselines in urban centers, using as a case study method. Selected cases of Aracaju, being capital, advanced coverage with extended team, and Fortaleza, capital coverage incipient and minimal staff. In Fortaleza, purposive sample of 11 Units Primary (APS), 03 managers, 53 professionals and 109 users. In Aracaju, 09 units of APS, 02 managers, 36 professionals, and 90 users. Structured interviews for managers, and structured to professionals and users. Descriptive analysis focusing on the political and institutional dimensions, organization and comprehensive care. Results: There was consensus that the ESF is the preferred port users and acts as inducing changes in care. In the case of Fortaleza, the specificities were: care protocols and community activities aimed at chronic conditions (100%) , with greater participation of doctors and nurses (93%) ; conjunction with more complex services, but the teams reported difficulties with the examination center and experts, the long waits and poor access to local services were the main difficulties reported by users., As innovative practice, the therapeutic group of elderly caregivers mentioned by respondents; There was intersectoral initiatives and teams 87 % of users have participated in meetings about health problems. In the case of Aracaju, care protocols were directed to the lines of care and formulated locally, 85 % coverage of the population with FHS counterpart local financing; employees hired by public tender; 70 % of teams with expertise in public health center for continuing education acting; democratization in management; access technologies, welcoming and computerization in different integrated networks, and evaluation matrix. Conclusions: The ESF has promoted access to health care and inclusion of disadvantaged populations. Different perceptions and practices in the organization of care, with distinct trajectories of reorganization. In the case of Fortaleza, predominance of model programs valuing older, with evidence of advances in care practices and teamwork, but restricted to primary care practices and incipient in public policy perspective. In Aracaju, had network integration with technologies related to the family, in which the ESF is consolidated as public policy. It can be argued that the XII APS expanding coverage, exhibited efficacy, despite the challenges inherent to the different degrees of implementation


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This dissertation aims to understand the importance of the National School Feeding as a strategy for ensuring the promotion of food and nutrition security in the municipality of Macaíba / RN, taking into account the implementation of the Law School Feeding, 11,947, 2009. The program was extended to all public basic education, youth and adults, in addition to ensuring that 30% of transfers from FNDE, were intended for the purchase of products from family farms. The survey was conducted with 160 students from public schools and farmers nesting Quilombo dos Palmares II, who produce on their land vegetables, fruits and cereals for their own consumption, for sale in local markets, in addition to providing for PNAE. The reciprocity between neighbors, such as mutual aid and sharing of common goods was noticeable in this group of farmers, since it was necessary to meet weekly deliveries of products to schools. As students, we applied a test of acceptability in two schools located in rural and in urban areas, to learn the opinion of ourselves in relation to school food consumed. It was concluded that to be most effective program in the region, there must be a better match in school menus, so that it can be attractive to students and to ensure greater use of fresh food, the main ingredient of same, practice of nutrition education in schools, to teach students the importance of food to health. In relation to local management, noted the need for adjustments bureaucratic as hiring staff for the departments, in order to be more agile in releasing payments to farmers, in addition to hiring assistants general services for schools, one Since the cooks exert dual role, the cooking while being responsible for cleaning the entire school environment. Government investments in the rural sector would be extremely valuable for farmers, since they need financial resources to purchase inputs, irrigation projects for gardens, availability of land for planting, transportation to facilitate the delivery of its products to schools and technical assistance more frequently


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The assistance to women who have breast cancer is studied in a Reference Center in Paraiba and also the way this assistance is performed in a School Hospital maintained by SUS (Single Health System) is questioned. Breast cancer demands institutional organization, provision of financial, material and human resources, requiring, from the health system, effective assistance with new technologies which make it possible for the population their access to specialized medical services although it not always is able to guarantee those services nor the rights which the legislation granted them, inhibiting a proper relationship between the health professional and the patient. The theme is discussed through a transdisciplinary knowledge view and has as its theoretical referential the contribution of classical and contemporary authors from the human and social sciences and, as an empirical research strategy, the structured interview. The objectives of the research were: identify how the assistance to women with breast cancer is carried on at a Reference Center on Oncology in Campina Grande, Paraiba, identifying their difficulties and their satisfaction with the received assistance; draw up a profile of the women with breast cancer who were assisted in this Reference Center; understand their gynecological and obstetric antecedents, life styles, age group and stage of the disease when the treatment started; check their knowledge about their rights and which benefits they had received. Most women ranged between 40 and 59 years old (63%), which corresponds to the risk range of developing breast cancer. As to their occupations, 38.3% were housewives and 30.1% retired, whose family income was among those who received between less than a minimum salary and one minimum salary (58.2%). This population was mainly constituted of married women (60.2%), whose most frequent schooling was an incomplete elementary school (27.6%) and complete elementary school (24.1%), which added up to 51.6%. It was observed that the majority of the women seemed to be satisfied with the assistance received, noting that a minimum care was enough to define this satisfaction, although it is perceived that the access to the health system does not ensure the ideal attention conditions they need; it was verified that the availability of the services and the assistance itself are seen (in the local culture) as a favor and not as a right. It is also observed that only 30% of the women mentioned that they knew about their rights and the most mentioned ones were the disease assistance (13%), the medicines (13%) and the treatment (12%), which represent the most important triad to face the disease and around which the oncologic assistance most focus on. It is concluded that the condition of the users´ minimum existential of a public health unit and the condition of belonging to a lower social stratum were variables that influenced the respondents´ satisfaction in relation to the assistance received but the importance of the Reference Center for the women with breast cancer´s assistance for the whole region cannot be denied as well as the need to broaden the way the policy of the oncologic assistance in Brazil in the local realm is seen


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The present work shows an inquiry about the conceptions and practical work of the nursing professionals on the accompaniment of mental sick patients in the Family s Health Strategy, under the approach of the completeness in health. The justification of this research is given by bringing an special attention concerning the subjet to these professionals of health: the gradual abandonment of the traditional manicomial model leads to the insertion of mental patients in the community . The nursing professionals must be prepared to receive these patients in the basic net of health and contribute to help their adaptation and insertion in the social environment as citizen. In this context, considering the entire attention to the mental health, it is important to detach that the assistance to the patient must search his reinsertion in the community by providing programs that develops his sociability. This analytical study was developed using a qualitative approach and a thematic verbal history. Ten nurses of Nova Natal s Health of the Family Unit, of Felipe Camarão Mista s Unit and of Cidade da Esperança s Health Unit contributed for its development . The information was acquired through an instrument research that made possible the accomplishment of the interviews. These ones were set previously and counted on the assent of the participants. The interviews were recorded and analyzed in accordance with the pertinent literature concerning the subject. The aggregation of the information was then discussed. At this moment three thematic axles were defined dividing the categories of analysis. According to the results of the interviews, the practical procedure given to the patients with mental upheaval is resumed by the prescription of psicotroprics medicaments. It doesn t provide an accompaniment by the professionals of health, specifically, nurses, to the patients and their families. The lack of qualification and a multi-professional team emerged as one of the challenges for the implementation of practical procedures towards the patients with mental upheaval. Therefore, the results of this research show the necessity of transformations in the current scene of the mental health in the Family s Health Strategy. These changes can be reached by politics investments on the mental health area, not only financially but by providing human resources that should allow the professionals to exert the completeness procedures


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Alma-Ata declaration bring the Primary Attention to the Health (PAH) as first level of health attention for individuals, family and community, which considers infant group as priority. Several initiatives that gave bases to integral attention to the children health formalized in the principles of Unique Health System. Family Health Strategy (FHS) comes to strengthen this attention, instituting new ways of work organization and professional practices that gave impact in their quality indicators. One of them is children mortality, showing decline in their values. Though, studies indicates persistence of avoidable infant deaths. In Natal RN, this reality is also perceptible leading to inquietudes, mainly at the space of services production, it means, which motivated the accomplishment of the present study intending to analyse the way that the organizational and structural processes as long as the professional practices in FHS interfered in the quality of children s health attention who died by avoidable death in the year of 2007 in municipal district of Natal-RN. It treats, therefore, to an exploratory and descriptive survey of cases study type, thar had as primary sources the oficial documents of MH, the family prontuary, pregnant card, child card and testimony obt ined from instrument of research elaborated based in investigation form of infant death by MH, applied to 10 mothers of children who had avoidable death. In analysis it was appealed silmultaneous triangulation of methods and sources, allowing a bigger aproximation from obtained informations. To elucidate the cases, the aspects studied were analyzed to the light of explicative model of Social Determinants of Health. Among individual and family aspects were highlighted the related to age, schooling, family habits and customs and mother s economic condition, besides of pregnancy age, newborn weight and associated diseases, which don t differ from literature about the theme. Reffering to the factors organizational and structural processes and professionals practice, highlihgted, the treatment given by the professionals, the territorialization and adscription of areas, the difficulty of having access to the services or sleepers and the reference and counterreference. But also, the ausence or few greet, the lack of communication, few assiduity and ponctuality by professionals in service, among others. In a general way mothers considers the attendance received in the hospital good and very good , opnions that in the Basic Attention weren t so favorable, in spite of many of predictible actions in this level have been performed in the studied cases. It is observed, therefore, that the social determinants of health has a strong influence in ocurrence of infant deaths, what implicates in a large actuation by Infant Mortality Committee from municipal district. This way, it becomes fundamental the reflection and evaluation about the effectiveness and execution by the processes of vigilance to health in FHUs; the rethink about the social determinants of health in a wide and articulate way to the services quality, to permanent education, to management in service, to the given attention and to the way how it is installed the popular participation and social control. To the professionals it is presented the great challenge to review their daily practice, their values, behaviors and commitment, which ones must be guided by logical of sharing, work in team, humanescence and alterity, not only by the accomplishment of a professional duty


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Study of qualitative approach using the oral history methodology, in modality oral history of life, which aimed to: tell the stories of lives of users of psychotropic drugs for prolonged period of time, in Family Health Unit Santarém (FHU Santarém), Natal-RN-Brazil; identify possible causes which influence and trigger, respectively, use of psychotropic for prolonged period of time; search for greater knowledge about this problem of public health; contribute with the planning and development of nursing cares, to users of psychotropic drugs for prolonged period of time, as well as in Mental Health Care, integrally, in perspective of Family Health Strategy (FHS). It was used as a baseline survey, the coverage area of family health team, from FHU Santarém, which belongs to Health District North II, from Municipal Health Secretariat, in Natal-RN-BR. Eight employees who use psychotropic drugs for prolonged period of time were interviewed. They volunteered to narrate their life stories, which were analyzed by using the thematic modality, since the study is focused on the question of the use of psychotropic drugs for prolonged period of time. The thematic axis crisis, prejudice and care, defined by the categorization of common elements, found through successive and careful readings of narratives, were used to analyze these stories of lives. The study found that users of psychotropic drugs for prolonged period of time are affected by mental health crisis, feeling need to be heard, as well as the existence of social prejudice towards people with mental disorders, and non-completion of development of managed care, by the family health team, and particularly, the nursing care to people suffering from mental disorders and users of psychotropic drugs for prolonged period of time. It is proposed that, in the search of development and planning of nursing care to users of psychotropic drugs for prolonged period of time, and in mental health care, integrally, in FHS, the nurse can think and make a drawing about manners of performing nursing care to this clientele through the use of consultation of nursing, conducting home visits, collective construction of spaces for listening and socialization, which can be used as possible paths for the construction of such care


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The joint enters the teams of the Strategy Health of Family (ESF) and the Municipal Center of Infantile education (CMEI) blunts as a form to assure the monitoring and promotion to the health of the children of 2 the 5 years when entering the day-care center environment/daily pay-school. It was traced as objective: To analyze the actions developed for the team of the Strategy Health of the Family in the promotion the health of the child, taken care of in a CMEI. Description-exploratory is to a study, qualitative nature, the type research-action. Developed in a CMEI and the USF of the quarter of New City, Natal-RN. The population was constituted by the professionals of the team of the ESF and the CMEI and parents. During the stages of the research-action diverse techniques had been used as the individually interview and in group, focal group, comment participant, and daily of field. The analysis of the data occurred by means of the content analysis, in the thematic modality, proposal for Bardin (1977) and description of the stages of the research-action. In the stage of situational diagnosis that it investigates the reality lived deeply for the citizens of ESF and CMEI how much to the health of the child seven categories had emerged that they enclosed: the context of the attention child in the CMEI identifying the actions that already came being developed for the ESF in the CMEI; the functioning of the CMEI and its routine of activities; the paper of the CMEI in the care the child; the daily one of the ESF, how much to the care to the health of the child of 2 the 5 years involving the diverse difficulties faced for the ESF; difficulties faced in daily of the CMEI for the care the child of 2 the 5 years; paper of joint ESF and CMEI for the confrontation of the difficulties; e action of health to be developed that they had subsidized the stage of planning of the research-action. During the stages of planning and implementation of the actions the actions of education in health with professionals of the CMEI and parents had been materialize and the actions of direct attention the health of the child. In the stage of evaluation of the actions for the involved citizens one searched to ahead understand the perception of the actions developed and perspective of continuity of the actions, through 4 boarded subjects for the citizens. For all the passage of the research-action it can be inferred that joint ESF and CMEI is a necessary initiative ahead of the current situation of the services of health for the promotion of an integral attention the health of the child, but that the teams of the ESF not yet make use of material conditions and staff enough to develop actions that exceed the limits of the USF, being necessary for this the reinforcement of the joints mainly with the Federal University of the Rio Grande of the North.


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The aim of this study was to assess the impact of the Family Health Program (FHP) on a number of oral health indicators in the population of Natal, Brazil. The study is characterized as a quasi-random community intervention trial. The intervention is represented by the implementation of an Oral Health Team (OHT) in the FHP prior to the study. A total of 15 sectors covered by the FHP with OHT were randomly drawn and paired with another 15 sectors, based on socioeconomic criteria, not covered by the teams. A few sectors were lost over the course of the study, resulting in a final number of 22 sectors, 11 covered and 11 not covered. We divided the non-covered areas into two conditions, one in which we considered areas that had some type of assistance program such as the Community Agents Program (CAP), FHP without OHT, BHU (Basic Health Unit) or no assistance, and the other, in which we considered areas that had only BHU or no assistance. Community Health Agents (CHAs) and Dental Office Assistants (DOAs) applied a questionnaire-interview to the most qualified individual of the household and the data obtained per household were transformed into the individual data of 7186 persons. The results show no statistical difference between the oral health outcomes analyzed in the areas covered by OHT in the FHP and in non-covered areas that have some type of assistance program, with a number of indicators showing better conditions in the non-covered areas. When we considered the association between covered and non-covered areas under the second condition, we found a statistical difference in the coverage indicators. Better conditions were found in covered areas for indicators such as I have not been to the dentist in the last year with p < 0.001 and OR of 1.64 and I had no access to dental care with p < 0.001 and OR of 2.22. However, the results show no impact of FHP with OHT on preventive action indicators under both non-covered conditions. This can be clearly seen when we analyze the toothache variable, which showed no significant difference between covered and non-covered areas. This variable is one of the most sensitive when assessing oral health programs, with p of 0.430 under condition 1 and p of 0.038 under condition 2, with CI = 0.70-0.90. In the analysis of health indicators in children where the proportion of deaths in children under age 1, the rate of hospitalization for ARI (Acute Respiratory Infections) in those under age 5 and the proportion of individuals born underweight were considered, a better condition was found in all the outcomes for areas with FHP. Therefore, we can conclude that oral health in the FHP has little effect on oral health indicators, even though the strategy improves the general health conditions of the population, as, for example child health


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The Chronic Venous insufficiency is characterized as a set of physical changes including how most serious complication of venous ulcers, characterized by irregular and progressive loss of continuity of the skin. The occurrence of venous ulcers in people with chronic venous insufficiency generates dependence on them with health services, with long-term treatments that cause limitations and high-impact changes, affecting their quality of life, affecting the physical, psychological, social, cultural and spiritual as an important public health problem. This study aimed to describe the experience of having a venous ulcer, in the scenario of primary health care services to Health, which includes Primary Care Units and Family Health Strategy in the city of Natal / RN, based on the life histories of users. This is a qualitative study, exploratory and descriptive, with the Oral History of Life as a methodological framework. From the ponto zero was the recruitment of participants who formed the network, totaling six employees, of both sexes and aged between 57 and 79 years. After approval by the Research Ethics Committee - UFRN under the Protocol 653 788/2014 and CAAE 30408014.0.0000.5537 was held data collection, between the months of July and August, through interviews, using identification and characterization of the instrument employees and open questions. Interviews were recorded, transcribed, transcriadas and returned to employees for a conference. The narratives were subjected to Content thematic analysis technique, according to Bardin, allowing the construction of three themes that encompass categories, namely: Axis I - Perspectives on the changes: the impact wound in social relations (changes with ulcer venous, venous ulcer and social and family relationships); Axis II - Brands in body and soul: the story of being hurt (conceptions of the body injured; therapeutic itinerary in primary care services); and Axis III - Reconstruction of being hurt: coping mechanisms (redefinition of the wounded body, resilience to chronic wound). The impact of having a chronic venous ulcer generates impact of physical, psychological and social order. As aspects related to changes after the appearance of venous ulcers, survey participants reported the presence of pain, physical limitations, psychological distress, social and emotional isolation, incapacity, aesthetic discomfort and dependency on health services; the family was the aspect thatshowed no significant change after the occurrence of wound for most participants, an ally in the therapeutic process as a support network. The redefinition of the body and the wound are the main coping mechanism of chronic condition. The services in the Primary Care Network play a fundamental role in the rehabilitation of patients with venous ulcers, although there are difficulties in accessing appropriate treatment and need for expanded services, with permanent professional training of health teams and providing the resources managers to strengthen the comprehensive care of people with venous ulcers in Health Primary Care.


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This study aims to understand the significance of palliative care for the elder health care professionals working in primary health care. Descriptive study of qualitative approach. Conducted in three health units of the Family and a core of support for Health, the Felipe Camarão neighborhood, District of Natal Health West, RN. Of the 25 participants, 19 are professionals of the Family Health Strategy and six of the Center for Support to Health, the majority being women, with minimal professional work experience, a year in primary health care. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, under CAAE no. 43895815.4.0000.5537. There were individual interviews between July and September 2015, with the use of questionnaire containing open and closed questions on the topic of study. Our results were recorded in MP4 and transcribed into written language, and analyzed using the open coding process medium in which the categories were interpreted and identified, followed by axial coding, where categories were developed and systematically related. Three categories emerged: enhancement of elder health professionals in palliative care, behavioral health professionals across care in palliative care in primary care and disjointed Meaning between palliative care and health professionals. The categories were interpreted and analyzed by the theoretical framework of social phenomenology of Alfred Schütz. Regarding the valuation of subjective perception of professionals, it is clear the issue of the complexity of multiple relationships through various aspects of his central task: focus a philosophy of the world's reality, namely a phenomenology of natural attitude; Before the professional behavior were identified: the discovery and depth of assumptions through the structure, and meaning in a common sense, and at the meaning of the disconnection between the health professionals-including that reality imminent can be represented by individuality special interest of the experience. It follows that health professionals understand there is a difficulty facing the assistance in palliative care to the elderly in primary care, and this difficulty, characterized by the complexity of social interactions across the joint teamwork. Although, I believe that the articulation between the teams, work and family, is essential for the subsequent improvement of care in palliative care favoring the health context surrounding the Elder.


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This study aims to understand the significance of palliative care for the elder health care professionals working in primary health care. Descriptive study of qualitative approach. Conducted in three health units of the Family and a core of support for Health, the Felipe Camarão neighborhood, District of Natal Health West, RN. Of the 25 participants, 19 are professionals of the Family Health Strategy and six of the Center for Support to Health, the majority being women, with minimal professional work experience, a year in primary health care. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, under CAAE no. 43895815.4.0000.5537. There were individual interviews between July and September 2015, with the use of questionnaire containing open and closed questions on the topic of study. Our results were recorded in MP4 and transcribed into written language, and analyzed using the open coding process medium in which the categories were interpreted and identified, followed by axial coding, where categories were developed and systematically related. Three categories emerged: enhancement of elder health professionals in palliative care, behavioral health professionals across care in palliative care in primary care and disjointed Meaning between palliative care and health professionals. The categories were interpreted and analyzed by the theoretical framework of social phenomenology of Alfred Schütz. Regarding the valuation of subjective perception of professionals, it is clear the issue of the complexity of multiple relationships through various aspects of his central task: focus a philosophy of the world's reality, namely a phenomenology of natural attitude; Before the professional behavior were identified: the discovery and depth of assumptions through the structure, and meaning in a common sense, and at the meaning of the disconnection between the health professionals-including that reality imminent can be represented by individuality special interest of the experience. It follows that health professionals understand there is a difficulty facing the assistance in palliative care to the elderly in primary care, and this difficulty, characterized by the complexity of social interactions across the joint teamwork. Although, I believe that the articulation between the teams, work and family, is essential for the subsequent improvement of care in palliative care favoring the health context surrounding the Elder.