86 resultados para Gestão pública estratégica

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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The present dissertation analyzes the performance and acting of the Rio Grande do Norte Public Ministery, in the strategic perspective, while responsible Institution for the defense of the collective rights. The comprehension of this theme inserts in a context of modernization of the public administration, in which is inserted, as well as their functional and structural changes, in a reality of innovations there is passing the organizations, looking to rescue the legitimacy of the government organizations, aligning them to the democratic values of the society. It detaches the strategic administration and the public administration and it exposes the strategic performance about the central point of the study, focusing in the development of the organization in the last four years, and other relative subjects to the acting. It is a unic case study, framed in the characteristics of the qualitative approaches - descriptive and exploratory. The analysis showed, through the method of content analysis, by the criterion of thematic categorization, that MP / RN come developing in an intense way,and it detaches that the changes already happened reflect a good strategic acting of the Institution, especially in the structural and functional areas, showing the strategic conscience of this, although that is not still enough to consider it as a strategic organization, and it concludes that there is still a lot for doing, and that the occurrence of an administration typically strategic in the extent of MP/RN is possible, with the conscience and participation of all, members and servants


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The present dissertation analyzes the performance and acting of the Rio Grande do Norte Public Ministery, in the strategic perspective, while responsible Institution for the defense of the collective rights. The comprehension of this theme inserts in a context of modernization of the public administration, in which is inserted, as well as their functional and structural changes, in a reality of innovations there is passing the organizations, looking to rescue the legitimacy of the government organizations, aligning them to the democratic values of the society. It detaches the strategic administration and the public administration and it exposes the strategic performance about the central point of the study, focusing in the development of the organization in the last four years, and other relative subjects to the acting. It is a unic case study, framed in the characteristics of the qualitative approaches - descriptive and exploratory. The analysis showed, through the method of content analysis, by the criterion of thematic categorization, that MP / RN come developing in an intense way,and it detaches that the changes already happened reflect a good strategic acting of the Institution, especially in the structural and functional areas, showing the strategic conscience of this, although that is not still enough to consider it as a strategic organization, and it concludes that there is still a lot for doing, and that the occurrence of an administration typically strategic in the extent of MP/RN is possible, with the conscience and participation of all, members and servants


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This study aimed to measure the perception of maturity project management of state boards of Rio Grande do Norte by the perception of its managers. Argues that project management has been highlighted as a critical factor for the success of any organization, because the projects are directly related to the set of activities that result in organizational innovation as products, services and processes and the improvement of project management is directly aligned with the main pillars of the New Public Management. Methodologically, this is a quantitative research of a descriptive nature in which 161 forms were applied with coordinators and subcoordinators of state departments of Rio Grande do Norte, culminating in a sampling error of less than 6% to 95% confidence according to the procedures finite sampling. The process of tabulation and analysis was done using the package Statistical Package for Social Sciences - SPSS 18.0 and worked with techniques such as mean, standard deviation, frequency distributions, cluster analysis and factor analysis. The results indicate that the levels of maturity in project management in state departments of Rio Grande do Norte is below the national average and that behavioral skills are the main problem for improving management in these departments. It was possible to detect the existence of two groups of different perceptions about the management of projects, indicating, according to the managers, there are islands of excellence in project management in some sectors of the state departments. It was also observed that there are eight factors that affect maturity in project management: Planning and Control , Development of Management Skills , Project Management Environment , Acceptance of the Subject Project Management , Stimulus to Performance , Project Evaluation and Learning , Project Management Office and Visibility of Project Managers . It concludes that the project management in state departments of Rio Grande do Norte has no satisfactory levels of maturity in project management, affecting the levels of efficiency and effectiveness of the state apparatus, which shows that some of the assumptions that guide the New Public Management are not getting the levels of excellence nailed by this management model


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This thesis aims to identify how civil servants perceive changes made inthe carrying out of their work after their taking part in the Course forTechnicians in Public Management of the Government of Rio Grande do NorteState. As for the methodological procedures, an exploratory-descriptivequantitative research has been carried out through structured questionnaires appliedto 118 civil servants from the first groups of the Course for Technicians, thusshowing a margin of error of 4.18% to 95% of confidence, according to theprocedures of finite sampling. The table processing and analysis rested uponthe Statistical Package for the Social Sciences SPSS and was carried outthrough univariate, bivariate and multivariate techniques with emphasis on thetechnique called Factor Analysis. It was possible to identify that the level ofsatisfaction of the students was high and there was a clear perception by themthat the course assisted to changes in their work. Through Factor Analysis itwas verified that the factors that may be related to changes in the work of thecivil servants are "Contribution to Society", "Efficiency andEfficacy in the Work Environment", "Applicability of Contents"and "Capacitating for Leadership". The conclusion of the studyindicates that the factors obtained are directly related to the basis of thenew public management by means of guidance toward efficiency and efficacy in aperspective of leadership, the contents of the course being thus made into newattitudes toward work which end up yielding better results for society


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Based on the definitions of Public Communication, Political Marketing, Public Interest Information and Communication as a Tool of Governance, the study notes the use of the news section of the websites of the City Christmas and Mossoro, Rio Grande do Norte, in regard to strengthening citizenship and encouraging participatory management, from the characterization of materials like pieces of Political Marketing and Public Communication. Data collection in qualitative research was conducted from August to September 2011 and content analysis showed that the appropriation of public property for personal use is a reality, despite legal requirements to the detriment of strategic communication and governance for results from the dissemination of information of public interest and the establishment of a communication channel between State Government and Society. Elements of this study suggest the need for further research to deepen the discussion


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This thesis deals with the quality dimensions and factors affecting citizens satisfaction in the participatory budgeting process in a major city of Brazil. Participatory budgeting was introduced as a usual practice in many Brazilian cities since the 1990s. It is adapted a model proposed by Johnson et al. (2001) of customer satisfaction and loyalty antecedent factors with constructs related to governance also included, to evaluate the quality perception and satisfaction rates by citizens representatives in the participatory budgeting process. It is conducted a survey with a sample of 84 citizens representatives of the seven city regions of Natal, the capital of a Northeastern State of Brazil. It is applied descriptive and multiple regression statistical analysis. The main findings related to quality and governance constructs are that the quality factors are the main factors affecting satisfaction but also the tax construct is significative to satisfaction. More regarding it was found that for different perspective of the satisfaction there are different set of factors affecting it


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This dissertation deals with the use of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) in the Military Police of Rio Grande do Norte (PMRN), an organization of service delivery in the area of public safety. For this purpose we sought refuge in the company's own documents, which presented the mission, vision and strategic objectives, which are items essential to the development of the instrument and its prospects. With the general objective of developing the BSC to PMRN, fitting into the methodology in a single case study, that from the desk study and according to their development, we established the classification of goals to the generic models and the BSC then adjusted according to public understanding of the corporation presented by professionals in the process of collection and in-depth interviews. Thus emerged the strategy map PMRN, based on the presentation of the causes and effects between the strategic objectives of each perspective, the value proposition to customers, internal processes needed to meet this value proposition and intangible assets, which are the basis to execute these processes


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Currently, several models of management services from the public administration are in operation in Brazil following a global trend. Besides the traditional public management operated in SUS, there are ongoing experiments of privately management in the public health services. Accordingly, we have developed an investigation into two Psychosocial Care Centers operating between these two forms of financial resources management: the first is the CAPS II - PAR situated in the municipality of Parnamirim whose form is private and the second is the CAPS II West Christmas is that the municipal government. We seek to know the workings of services, planning forms and criteria for use of financial resources, identify differences between departments on ways to run and see how technicians and users participate in the planning and management of these resources. Documentary Research was conducted by the municipal Christmas and the financial administration of the CAPS service in Parnamirim. Were conducted an interview with manager (mental health coordinator of Natal) and another interview with an employee of planning department in the Health Department of Natal, an interview with the coordinator and financial administrator of CAPS - PAR and two groups of discussion taped conversation with semi structured script interviews with six technicians in CAPS PAR and six professionals crowded in CAPS - West.Differences were observed in the management of resources funded from four blocks of discussion and analysis of results, where the privately-run service for the direct management and bureaucracy without being discussed and planned spending on staff, as well as through meetings with users, the use of the financial resources available in box; already in service with municipal public administration there is a hierarchy, this answering the coordination of mental health and the local health department that centralizes resources and defines their spending. There are meetings with patients and families, but the demands are limited as to what can be sued because of the manager s authorization. Such differentiation would be related to differences in the articulation of public management with the different types of possible management in public services, where from the implementation of new public administration in the Brazilian s State Management Reform initiated in the second half of the 1990s, benefit management services with private regime, with autonomy and direct transfer of resources


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This study aimed to measure the perception of maturity project management of state boards of Rio Grande do Norte by the perception of its managers. Argues that project management has been highlighted as a critical factor for the success of any organization, because the projects are directly related to the set of activities that result in organizational innovation as products, services and processes and the improvement of project management is directly aligned with the main pillars of the New Public Management. Methodologically, this is a quantitative research of a descriptive nature in which 161 forms were applied with coordinators and subcoordinators of state departments of Rio Grande do Norte, culminating in a sampling error of less than 6% to 95% confidence according to the procedures finite sampling. The process of tabulation and analysis was done using the package Statistical Package for Social Sciences - SPSS 18.0 and worked with techniques such as mean, standard deviation, frequency distributions, cluster analysis and factor analysis. The results indicate that the levels of maturity in project management in state departments of Rio Grande do Norte is below the national average and that behavioral skills are the main problem for improving management in these departments. It was possible to detect the existence of two groups of different perceptions about the management of projects, indicating, according to the managers, there are islands of excellence in project management in some sectors of the state departments. It was also observed that there are eight factors that affect maturity in project management: Planning and Control , Development of Management Skills , Project Management Environment , Acceptance of the Subject Project Management , Stimulus to Performance , Project Evaluation and Learning , Project Management Office and Visibility of Project Managers . It concludes that the project management in state departments of Rio Grande do Norte has no satisfactory levels of maturity in project management, affecting the levels of efficiency and effectiveness of the state apparatus, which shows that some of the assumptions that guide the New Public Management are not getting the levels of excellence nailed by this management model


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This thesis aims to identify how civil servants perceive changes made inthe carrying out of their work after their taking part in the Course forTechnicians in Public Management of the Government of Rio Grande do NorteState. As for the methodological procedures, an exploratory-descriptivequantitative research has been carried out through structured questionnaires appliedto 118 civil servants from the first groups of the Course for Technicians, thusshowing a margin of error of 4.18% to 95% of confidence, according to theprocedures of finite sampling. The table processing and analysis rested uponthe Statistical Package for the Social Sciences SPSS and was carried outthrough univariate, bivariate and multivariate techniques with emphasis on thetechnique called Factor Analysis. It was possible to identify that the level ofsatisfaction of the students was high and there was a clear perception by themthat the course assisted to changes in their work. Through Factor Analysis itwas verified that the factors that may be related to changes in the work of thecivil servants are "Contribution to Society", "Efficiency andEfficacy in the Work Environment", "Applicability of Contents"and "Capacitating for Leadership". The conclusion of the studyindicates that the factors obtained are directly related to the basis of thenew public management by means of guidance toward efficiency and efficacy in aperspective of leadership, the contents of the course being thus made into newattitudes toward work which end up yielding better results for society


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Based on the definitions of Public Communication, Political Marketing, Public Interest Information and Communication as a Tool of Governance, the study notes the use of the news section of the websites of the City Christmas and Mossoro, Rio Grande do Norte, in regard to strengthening citizenship and encouraging participatory management, from the characterization of materials like pieces of Political Marketing and Public Communication. Data collection in qualitative research was conducted from August to September 2011 and content analysis showed that the appropriation of public property for personal use is a reality, despite legal requirements to the detriment of strategic communication and governance for results from the dissemination of information of public interest and the establishment of a communication channel between State Government and Society. Elements of this study suggest the need for further research to deepen the discussion


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The goal of this research was to analyze the model of strategic management of the MPRN concerning the methodological guidelines presented by Balanced Scorecard. It is based in a theoretical referential which contemplates the themes, new public management, strategic management and Balanced Scorecard, focusing on applying the methodology in the public sector. This research is classified as descriptive and exploratory. According to the methods applied, it is a case study and, according to its approach, it is qualitative. The subjects of this research are members of the institution involved in the process of its strategic management. The data was collected by means of semi-structured interviews and document analysis, done by means of method content analysis. Concerning the goal of this research, it points out that the MPRN has not concluded the implantation cycle of Balanced Scorecard, furthermore, important flaws in the steps of organizational alingment have been identified, specially when it refers to communication policy, implementing incentive actions and focused training in developing competences. It yet reveals that the implantation of BSC has allowed the introduction of changes in the Institution dynamics to seek better results, however the MPRN has faced and has not adequately gotten over the same difficulties reported in various cases of BSC implantation in public organizations


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This paperwork attempts to measure the project management maturity in the State Department of Taxation in Rio Grande do Norte. Project management has shown to be a critical component to any organization success, as the projects are directly related to a set of activities resulting into organizational innovations such as products, services and processes; and its improvement is directly aligned with the strategic management. Methodologically, this paperwork uses both a quantitative and qualitative approach that will be applied to the coordinators, sub-coordinators, and directors of the Regional Offices of the State Department of Taxation. In the theoretical reference it is about the public management and analyzes the strategic management in contemporary public administration. Presents the maturity in project management is by discussing the main models: CMM, Capability Maturity Model; PMMM, Project Management Maturity Model; OPM3, Organization Project Maturity Model and the Prado-MMGP, Modelo de Maturidade em Gerenciamento de Projetos. From this analysis, considering attributes as an aid in taking strategic positioning, access to the model, possibility of benchmarking and continuous improvement, the Prado-MMGP model was the most appropriate for this research process. It has been proved that the State Department of Taxation shows a very low project management maturity level. Regarding the acceptance of the maturity dimensions by the State Department, it is still in an early developmental stage, as one of the dimensions showed a poor performance while the rest showed a regular one. In contrast with similar organizations, the maturity results have shown to be below the national average. The maturity assessment enables in the institution the implementation of a plan for institutional growth with the creation of sector strategic and project management


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The goal of this research was to analyze the model of strategic management of the MPRN concerning the methodological guidelines presented by Balanced Scorecard. It is based in a theoretical referential which contemplates the themes, new public management, strategic management and Balanced Scorecard, focusing on applying the methodology in the public sector. This research is classified as descriptive and exploratory. According to the methods applied, it is a case study and, according to its approach, it is qualitative. The subjects of this research are members of the institution involved in the process of its strategic management. The data was collected by means of semi-structured interviews and document analysis, done by means of method content analysis. Concerning the goal of this research, it points out that the MPRN has not concluded the implantation cycle of Balanced Scorecard, furthermore, important flaws in the steps of organizational alingment have been identified, specially when it refers to communication policy, implementing incentive actions and focused training in developing competences. It yet reveals that the implantation of BSC has allowed the introduction of changes in the Institution dynamics to seek better results, however the MPRN has faced and has not adequately gotten over the same difficulties reported in various cases of BSC implantation in public organizations