14 resultados para Filósofos franceses
em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
The issue of creating productions of hybrid matrices has demanded, for more than three decades, the attention of several theater theorists (COHEN: 1995; LEHMANN: 2007). The study of philosophers (DELEUZE & GUATTARI: 1995) has contributed for new concepts of the scene. These artistic practices, depending on the context, have been generating, more and more, new ways of staging. I will discuss the contamination caused by Antonin Artaud in contemporary theater, and the theater s infection by the performance, based on the thought of Barbara Browning (1995), from its capacity to penetrate and invade territories, and installs a new system. I affirm that the Totem Group (Recife PE) was contaminated by the performance and analyze two performative plays of the group, their points of convergence and separation. The first one is Ita, the search for the origin, the animal devir; the second is Caosmopolita, the body as a reflex of urbanity
On analyse une expérience de l enseignement de philosophie dans l enseignement secondaire par la littérature. La scène d intervention a été l Institut Fédéral d Éducation, Science et Technologie du Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN), dans l année 2008. L étude à caractère qualitatif a adopté un modèle de recherche participant, dans laquelle le chercheur a intervenu dans son propre contexte de classe. On a utilisé l investigation d un ouvrage existentialiste de Jean-Paul Sartre, le roman La Nausée, comme contribution méthodologique pour l enseignement de philosophie. On a adopté le recours de la littérature avec contenu philosophique à partir de la proposition apportée para les Paramètres Curriculaires Nationaux pour l Enseignement Secondaire (PCNEM) : celle qu on ne doit ni avoir la prétention de former de philosophes professionnels ni banaliser la philosophie auprès des élèves. En partant du principe que l existentialisme a été un courant philosophique qui a utilisé la littérature entant qu expression d idées philosophiques, on a envisagé le potentiel pédagogique du voisinage communicant entre la philosophie et la littérature que lie l expérience littéraire avec les textes qui montrent aussi la discussion philosophique. L idée force a été celle de traiter concepts philosophiques a partir de la littérature comme invitation à la réflexion, en analysant l élément ludique dans la littérature comme jeu de la pensée. La pensée considérée comme action ludique arriverait parmi l idéal d en chercher de meilleures manières à comprendre la réalité en étant cet idéal esthétique assumé dans l effort d imprimer sens au chaos des expériences. Les situations pédagogiques en classe comptent fréquemment avec moment de dialogue a propos des problèmes existentiels affrontés par le protagoniste du roman, Antoine Roquentin, considérés comme questions philosophiques et débattues par l investigation dialogique tout suite après la lecture des parties du livre. Dans ce sens, on a cherché à suivre les marches de la méthode socratique dans lequel questionner e questionner à soi même soient les moles propulseurs de la réflexion philosophique. L investigation dialogique a été étendue pendant cinq rencontres de quatre-vingt-dix minutes interprétés par une analyse discursive qui a essayé d établir des rapports entre le discours de l enseignant et des élèves avec le discours de la tradition philosophique. Cette recherche a aussi envisagé à produire une réflexion sur la pratique de l auteur lui-même de l étude. Celui-ci peut-être soit l objectif le plus largement atteint : prendre conscience de l importance de la formation d un enseignant réflexif qui associe dans sa praxis le savoir faire avec la critique honnête de sa propre capacité professionnel
This article refers to a research which tries to historically (re)construct the conceptual development of the Integral and Differential calculus, taking into account its constructing model feature, since the Greeks to Newton. These models were created by the problems that have been proposed by the history and were being modified by the time the new problems were put and the mathematics known advanced. In this perspective, I also show how a number of nature philosophers and mathematicians got involved by this process. Starting with the speculations over scientific and philosophical natures done by the ancient Greeks, it culminates with Newton s work in the 17th century. Moreover, I present and analyze the problems proposed (open questions), models generated (questions answered) as well as the religious, political, economic and social conditions involved. This work is divided into 6 chapters plus the final considerations. Chapter 1 shows how the research came about, given my motivation and experience. I outline the ways I have gone trough to refine the main question and present the subject of and the objectives of the research, ending the chapter showing the theoretical bases by which the research was carried out, naming such bases as Investigation Theoretical Fields (ITF). Chapter 2 presents each one of the theoretical bases, which was introduced in the chapter 1 s end. In this discuss, I try to connect the ITF to the research. The Chapter 3 discusses the methodological choices done considering the theoretical fields considered. So, the Chapters 4, 5 and 6 present the main corpus of the research, i.e., they reconstruct the calculus history under a perspective of model building (questions answered) from the problems given (open questions), analyzing since the ancient Greeks contribution (Chapter 4), pos- Greek, especially, the Romans contribution, Hindus, Arabian, and the contribution on the Medium Age (Chapter 5). I relate the European reborn and the contribution of the philosophers and scientists until culminate with the Newton s work (Chapter 6). In the final considerations, it finally gives an account on my impressions about the development of the research as well as the results reached here. By the end, I plan out a propose of curse of Differential and Integral Calculus, having by basis the last three chapters of the article
De nombreuses études sur l`utilisation pédagogique de l`histoire des mathématiques viennent a identifier les arguments qui sous-tiennent ces actions éducatives comme une façon d`aborder les mathématiques scolaires afin de mener les élèves à un apprentissage réflexif et significatif des mathématiques. Cherchant a vérifier, de manière pratique, comment ces relations entre histoire des mathématiques et l`enseignement des mathématiques peuvent se matérialiser sous la forme d`activités didactiques, nous avons effectué un sondage sur les oeuvres du mathématicien Joseph Louis Lagrange (1736-1813) et identifié le potentiel d`exploration éducatif, de l`oeuvre Leçons élémentaires sur les mathématiques données a l`École Normale en 1795, de cet mathématicien. L`objectif principal de notre étude était de faire des recherches sur le potentiel d`une oeuvre antique dédié à l`enseignement des mathématiques et de la considérer comme support conceptuel et didactique pour la création d`un modèle d`activités didactiques pour l`enseignement des mathématiques, dans la formation des enseignants de mathématiques et aussi en ce qui concerne l`apprentissage des mathématiques des élèves de l`école primaire. Nous avons fait une lecture, la traduction et l`ajout de notes et commentaires sur le travail et une recherche bibliographique sur la relation entre l`histoire des mathématiques et l`enseignement des mathématiques, de façon a comprendre les aspects conceptuels et didactiques pour l`élaboration d`um module activités didactiques pour l`enseignement des mathématiques basée sur certains chapitres du livre de Lagrange. À cette fin, l`oeuvre a été utilisé comme source primaire et a été étudié sous un fondement théorique appuyer sur les travaux des Institut de recherche sur l`enseignement des mathématiques IREM. Dans le module élaboré, les activités apportent les contenus dans une suite integrée à une logique de classe, à partir de la lecture directe des découpages du texte original, disposés entre les questions et les situations-problémes , historiquement mis en contexte avec la période et associés à des contenus spécifiques. Comme il s`agit d`une recherche basée sur l`exploitation de livres anciens, nous croyons que des modules d`activités basées sur des source primaires peuvent être utilisées comme un matériel pédagogique pour la formation des enseignants de mathématiques ainsi que pour les dernières années de l`école élémentaire, reformulées ou accrues d`autres questions telles l`intérêt de chaque enseignant qui l`utilise
The ontological investigation of sense, from German philosopher Gottlob Frege s point of view, has, as its foundation, the understanding of reference, representation, thought and sense s categories. According to Frege s writings, On Sense and Reference, and Thoughts Logical Investigations, sense carries itself the solution for the problem of identity s relation. Sense gives us the knowledge s increment that identity doesn t give. But still there is a problem: the definition of sense's nature. Sense couldn t have its nature strictly defined because, in this case, it would be reduced to reference s category and thus, sense would be identified with the own extra-linguistic object, and this is a misconception. But Frege said that thought must be considered as the sense of the sentence. So, with this close relationship between sense and thought, a new goal in this investigation is putt in focus: thought. To Frege, thought is not a simple subjective performance of thinking, it is not a subjective representation, but it is an objective content that is real, eternal, and that exists by itself in a third realm . Thought exists in a realm beyond the world of subjective representations and beyond the world of sensible perception. From this point, the present investigation went back to Plato s World of Ideas. So, the platonic thinking was included in this debate about the metaphysic of the third realm in Frege, trying to clarify the original concepts of knowledge, reality and truth. To achieve this objective, the following dialogues had been included in our research: Theaetetus, Republic and Phaedo. And the following fregean questions had been brought to Plato's scope: how happens the new knowledge? What is the third realm s reality? What is the relation between truth and thought? Doing that we could see as much some of the platonic origins of Frege's approach, as some differences between this two philosophers
In the early 1870s, the German Philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, professor of philology in Basel, researches the ancient Greek philosophers. These studies result in texts as The Preplatonic Philosophers, also known as Lessons on Pre-platonic Philosophers, and Philosophy in Greek tragic age. Using both texts as sources, this dissertation aims elucidating the Nietzsche's interpretation about Heraclitus, in other words, comprehend how Nietzsche recognizes in Heraclitus a philosopher with an aesthetic vision of the world, a contemplative and cheerful view of the world, the becoming, defined by the incessant change, as a child's play that builds and destroy sand castles on the shore. This spectacle, as Nietzsche believed, would be unveiled first by Heraclitus and must be contemplated eternally
The assent of the Truth: here's a formula that seems to have puzzled philosophers since antiquity. The possibility of apprehending truth was defended by some philosophers who have been called dogmatic, due to their haste to judge appearances as representations of reality, and refuted by those who chose to continue questioning rather than engage with his predicament. These thinkers were called skeptics. Among those who defended the consent of the truth, is highlighted by St. Augustine in this research, which aims to combat the widespread skepticism in the ancient doctrine of the Academy of Plato in his work Against Academicos. Thus, to conduct this research we ask: What are the main arguments made by St. Augustine against the scholarly skepticism? In order to address the problem identified, we propose to investigate the critical skepticism of St. Augustine, identifying and analyzing the main rebuttals he built. For this purpose, we conducted a survey of aspects of both the skepticism about the life and thought of St. Augustine about this doctrine
This dissertation presents an interpretation concerning the critical considerations of the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche on Modernity, especially Nietzsche s criticism of Modernity, of Christian mores and democracy produced by him in Beyond Good and Evil. Nietzsche attentively analyses details of Modernity, produces a diagnosis of modern man and discovers the sign of decay. We consider that Nietzsche s criticism of modernity is directly linked to the criticism of classic metaphysics. We emphasize questions like: what in us aspires to truth? Christian mores: why and what for? What characterizes modernity? Could it be the appeal to the democratic taste? Is it possible to reinvent Modernity? We stress the relation between the notion of truth, democracy and Christian mores, showing that these mores were also inherited from the Socratic culture. We also intend to clarify Nietzsche s proposal of a new way of doing philosophy, that would be able to surpass the decay which rules in European modern culture. The end of this research points out to the ―philosophers of the future‖ who are able, according to Nietzsche, to claim life beyond the metaphysics opposition, beyond the good and the evil
This work is a result of an research that aims to understand in which way the work The Ancient City of the French historian Fustel de Coulanges built a moral model for the institutions and for the construction of the French territory in the century XIX understood like The Modern City . Our intention is to present a study on the way like the ancient city it was built, when nationalist of century XIX is taking into account his connections with the space reforms and the discussion in France. In this sense, we go besides the works of the historiography of the century XIX on this subject and of the articles and tests of the beginning of the century XX, when urbanity planner tied the narrative Scientifics of Fustel with the discussion in France of this period and his contribution, through this connection between history and space, with the national education of the individuals and the formation of the French identity. In this way, we understand which History, Nation and Space were the bases of sustenance of the theory of Coulanges about The Ancient City and of the formation of the French territory. Besides, the discussion historiography between Frenchmen and Germans on the origins of his respective nations influenced Coulanges the perspective of narrating a history of the Antiquity, taking into account the cultural approach of the past and the modern Institutions
Las últimas décadas del siglo XVI estuvieron marcadas por una serie de guerras en la región al norte de la capitanía de Itamaracá, que en ese momento representaba el límite septentrional de la colonización portuguesa en las Capitanías del Norte de Brasil. Las fuerzas políticas y militares de la capitanía de Pernambuco y de la própria Itamaracá, misioneros jesuitas, indios, negros y mestizos participaron en varias expediciones militares a la región del rio Paraíba, ganándolo a finales de 1585 y dando la configuración de una nueva capitanía: la capitanía de río Paraíba. Esta era una historia que los sacerdotes de la Compañía de Jesús han escrito con las marcas de heroísmo, de fe y también de fuerza contra los indios y los franceses que se oponían al delantero portugués en esa región, que desde el punto de vista de la historiografía, representa un paso importante en el proceso de conquista y ocupación colonial de la costa noreste de Brasil. Esta tesis es sobre este acontecimiento histórico: sobre los hombres que lucharon en uno y otro lado del río Paraíba, sobre las formas discursivas empleadas en la representación escrita de este evento y sobre la trayectoria histórica del discurso de la conquista, cuando tomado en las modernas prácticas historiográficas
Considering that the Jesuitical tradition which Father Samuel Fritz belonged, has a clear political and institutional dimension that reveals itself in the missionary initiative placed since the Trento Council, his journal is a experience story as missionary at Maynás region during the period from 1686 until 1725. In his narrative, a series of data related to the conquer of Amazonia, conflicts among the Iberic Kingdoms and french, dutches and british, transformation of culture and space close the period of the Madrid Deal. I´ll explore the men and space relationship, in this case, the missionary in his special practice, therefore an effective and geometrical politic for border control was only applied at 1750 with reformist governments and that Amazônia was, until now, an object of autonomous initiatives, not being until now a priority focused state politics action like the ones in the central regions (silver mines) and that the missionary action of Samuel Fritz represented ant that moment represented the most important border advance to the Spanish Kingdom, coinciding with the end of the borders previously set in Madrid and Santo Idelfonso, I´ll put the question of how and with which politics the experience of Fritz in Maynás could represent an advance about Amazônia space. Then I´ll approach the problem about three aspects that are chapters: The first one was focused to the Iberic Kingdoms atlantic politics and the internal geopolitical relationships they created as the centre and the border emerging a new order; in the second chapter I studied the special transformation cause by the encounter and conflicts between the Indian and European order generating a new organization; in the third chapter I´ll examined the political border of the state and the emergency of the missionary body as an institution, with the tradition and missionary action as support, or not, to the exploration of the east border of Spanish America influencing the delimitation process of the border between Portugal and Spain
This dissertation argues that the book as we know it will not cease to be. It is somehow a manifesto praising the artifact of words in the scope of literature and scientific culture. The present work chooses Umberto Eco and Jean-Claude-Càrriere‟s book Não contem com o fim do livro (2010) as cognitive operator. It presents a brief overview of the evolution of the informational supports and narrates a history of the book as constructed by complex bases; it also highlights the permanent and current state of the book having in mind the concept of contemporary as proposed by the Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben, as opposed by the ephemeral character of the technological informational supports; moreover, it elects the book as a tool for the learning of Science and Culture, as a school for life, as put by Edgar Morin when referring to the Romance genre, in some of his works regarding Education; it presents as supporting evidence, two interviews with book-lover scholars from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. Science thinkers like Edgar Morin, Maria da Conceição de Almeida, Ilya Prigogine, Giorgio Agamben, Pierre Levy, Umberto Eco, Roger Chartier, among others are used as sources of theoretical references. The dissertation places itself in the interface between Literature, Complexity and Education.
Gilles Deleuze hás commented on many philosophers, but his relationship with Nietzsche plays a singular role in his thought: appropriating the concept of the “eternal return” to think the central axis of his thesis, Difference and repetition (1968). Terms “difference” and “repetition” appeared associated to eternal return in his Nietzsche and philosophy (1962). Our dissertation thesis analyzes the presentations of that concept in bothworks. Chapter one presents the style construction and critical, methodological aspects of Nietzschean philosophy, fundamental elements to understand Deleuze’s interpretation. It subsequently analyzes the first presentation of that concept, expressed in the following terms: the aesthetic existence, either innocent or justified from the figure of game. We will see how the image of game implies another concept of chance, that leads Deleuze to think of an affirmative philosophical “type”, capable of creating new values. Chapter two evaluates the existential, “ethical-selective”, “physicalcosmological” character of the concept of eternal return, as much as the difficulties it imposes upon Nietzsche’s interpreter. We present afterwards Deleuzian comprehension of eternal return as a “parody” or a “simulacrum of doctrine”. Chapter three analyzes that interpretive position as a transvaluation of values from a rearrange of perspectives in order to overcome the negative comprehensions of existence. We want to question the way Deleuze builds another image of thought from the concept of eternal return – an image that, by a sort of “colagem” and selective elimination of the negativity, proposes a historiographic work and unfolds a lineage of thinkers of immanence and difference, a detour from the thought of identity, the same and the similar. We want thus to understand Deleuze’s critique of “dogmatic image of thought”.
Gilles Deleuze hás commented on many philosophers, but his relationship with Nietzsche plays a singular role in his thought: appropriating the concept of the “eternal return” to think the central axis of his thesis, Difference and repetition (1968). Terms “difference” and “repetition” appeared associated to eternal return in his Nietzsche and philosophy (1962). Our dissertation thesis analyzes the presentations of that concept in bothworks. Chapter one presents the style construction and critical, methodological aspects of Nietzschean philosophy, fundamental elements to understand Deleuze’s interpretation. It subsequently analyzes the first presentation of that concept, expressed in the following terms: the aesthetic existence, either innocent or justified from the figure of game. We will see how the image of game implies another concept of chance, that leads Deleuze to think of an affirmative philosophical “type”, capable of creating new values. Chapter two evaluates the existential, “ethical-selective”, “physicalcosmological” character of the concept of eternal return, as much as the difficulties it imposes upon Nietzsche’s interpreter. We present afterwards Deleuzian comprehension of eternal return as a “parody” or a “simulacrum of doctrine”. Chapter three analyzes that interpretive position as a transvaluation of values from a rearrange of perspectives in order to overcome the negative comprehensions of existence. We want to question the way Deleuze builds another image of thought from the concept of eternal return – an image that, by a sort of “colagem” and selective elimination of the negativity, proposes a historiographic work and unfolds a lineage of thinkers of immanence and difference, a detour from the thought of identity, the same and the similar. We want thus to understand Deleuze’s critique of “dogmatic image of thought”.