97 resultados para Assistência médica suplementar

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte


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In Brazil, the 1946 Constitution enshrined the right to health, having it defined as the possession of the best state of health that the individual can achieve. Already the Federal Constitution of 1988 lifted that right to the status of fundamental social right, which transcends the effectiveness and cure of the disease is based on the joint liability of public entities for the provision of a quality service, efficient and prioritize human dignity and comprehensive evaluation of patients. According to the World Health Organization, the definition of health, first characterized as the mere absence of disease, has become recognized as the need to search for preventive mechanisms to ensure the welfare and dignity of the population. Garantista this context, the growing seem lawsuits that deal with the implementation of public policies, especially in the area of the right to health, the omission of which the Government can result in the risk of death. Hence the concern of law professionals about whether or not the intervention of the judiciary in cases that deal with providing material benefits of health care. It claims to break the principle of separation of powers, disobedience to the principle of equality and the impossibility of judicial intervention in the formulation of public policy to try and exclude the liability of public entities. In contrast, the judiciary has repeatedly guardianships granted injunctions or merit determining the supply of materials indicated by the medical benefits that accompany the treatment of patients who resort to a remedy. In this context, mediation, object of study and resolution presented in this work, is presented as an instrument conciliator between the reserve clause and the right to financially possible existential minimum, as it seeks to serve all through rationalization of health services , avoidance of negativistic influence of the pharmaceutical industry, with prioritizing the welfare of the individual and the quality of relationships. This is alternative way to judicialization that in addition to encouraging and developing active citizen participation in public policy formulation also allows the manager to public knowledge of community needs. It is in this sense that affirms and defends the right to health is no longer the mere provision of medical care and prescription drugs, but a dialogue conscious existential minimum to guarantee a dignified life


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Among the deviant a heteronormative ideal, transvestites are the ones that suffer abuse and discrimination. Have been found that health services often present themselves as places that maintains and reproduce such discrimination, which makes transvestites only sought medical care in the latter case. Based on the guidelines of the SUS and the National Humanization Policy as well as the inclusion and leadership of the users, we conducted a qualitative study seeking to understand the experience of transvestites in seeking health care within primary care in Natal-RN. We use as techno-methodological instruments in depth interview and workshop with use of "scenes". For interpretative analysis of the narratives we use to Hermeneutics-Dialectic. From the dialogue with the narrative we come to the following themes: 1) Understanding the meaning of being a transvestite; 2) The experience transvestite in search of health; 3) Transvestites and humanized health care. In the first point they reveal the daily struggle of transvestites between prejudice and the search for respect, as well as the meanings of being a transvestite, who appeared as: Being gay, being feminine, not transsexual and accept themselves as they are. In the second axis, expressed difficulties in access to and use of health services: the embarrassment by not using the social name; fear of going out during the day; the association of transvestites to HIV; and pain caused by discrimination from health professionals. It was also possible to identify simple demands such as illnesses from day to day, the demand for hormone therapy, which involves treatment needs as well as the vital need to have their rights XVII respected. The third axis, for the range of a humanized care identified that the respectful gaze guarantee their dignity and their right to health in a humane way, but it identified some necessary changes: Training of professionals, dialogue with the social movement, publicity campaigns and rapprochement with the transvestite. Finally, it is expected that the research will contribute to the field of knowledge know-how in health care transvestites, inside and outside of the university


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While essential to human nature, health and life have been protected since ancient times by various areas of knowledge, particularly by the Law, given its dynamics within the regulation of social interactions. In Brazil, health has been granted major importance by the Federal Constitution of 1988, which, disrupting the dictatorial authoritarianism, inaugurating a Social State and focusing on the values of freedom and human dignity, raises health to the condition of a social right, marked predominantly by an obligational bias directed, primarily, to the State, through the enforcement of public policies. Although, given the limitation of the State action to the reserve for contingencies, it turns clear that an universalizing access to public health is impossible, seen that the high cost of medical provisions hinders the State to meet all the health needs of the rightholders. As a result of the inefficiency of the State, the effort of the Constituent Assembly of 1988 in creating a hybrid health system becomes nuclear, which, marked by the possibility of exploration of healthcare by the private initiative, assigns to the private enterprise a key role in supplementing the public health system, especially through the offer of health insurance plans. At this point, however, it becomes clear that health provisions rendered by the private agents are not unlimited, which involves discussions about services and procedures that should be excluded from the contractual coverage, for purposes of sectoral balance, situation which draws the indispensability of deliberations between Fundamental Rights on one hand, related to the protection of health and life, and contractual principles on the other hand, connected to the primacy of private autonomy. At this point, the importance of the regulation undertaken by the ANS, Brazilian National Health Agency, appears primordial, which, by means of its seized broad functions, considerable autonomy and technical discretion, has conditions to implement an effective control towards the harmonization of the regulatory triangle, the stability and development of the supplementary health system and, consequently, towards the universalization of the right to health, within constitutional contours. According to this, the present essay, resorting to a broad legislative, doctrinal and jurisprudential study, concludes that economic regulation over the private healthcare sector, when legitimately undertaken, provides progress and stability to the intervening segment and, besides, turns healthcare universalization feasible, in a way that it can not be replaced efficiently by any other State function.


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Systemic arterial hypertension is a multifactorial disease that contributes to the country´s high cardiovascular morbi-mortality rates. Considering that hypertension affects individuals in their most productive age while facing work and living risk factors, it is important to investigate its occurrence and predisposing factors in different occupational segments. The objective of this study was to identify the prevalence of hypertension among workers attended to in a medical service of a public university, their hypertension levels, the risk factors present, and their knowledge of the factors that influence the arterial pressure. The epidemiologic study was conducted in the Health Department of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte with 102 workers that sought care in the medical clinic during the months of March to May 2009. Data were collected by means of a questionnaire and measurements of systolic and diastolic arterial pressure (SAP and DAP) that were classified in stages according to the Brazilian Society of Hypertension and the degree of risk for cardiovascular events according to the criteria of the Brazilian Society for Cardiology. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The workers were, on average, 54 years of age; the majority (67%) was male and had primary or middle educational level; they worked mainly in supplemental units and deanship offices conducting different functions such as security guards, administrative assistants, health auxiliaries and constructions workers; 48 (47%) of the workers identified themselves as hypertensive for 8 years on average, with the majority executing hard labor and administrative functions. Among the workers with hypertension, the number of the pressure levels classified as pre-hypertensive, stage I and II were: (12% in the SAP and 20% in the DAP); (16% in the SAP and 9% in the DAP); and (15% in the SAP and 5% in the DAP), respectively. The workers that did not identify themselves as hypertensive presented classifications with greater frequencies were: normal (16% in the SAP and 30% in the DAP); and pre-hypertensive (21% in the SAP and 16% in the DAP). The risk factors identified in more than 50% of the workers were: tobacco smoking, alcohol consumption and indices of being overweight, although physical activities are also present. Of the 48 workers diagnosed as hypertensive, those that had 5 risk factors present and limitrophic pressure levels (12%), in stage I hypertension (16%) and stage II hypertension (15¨%) were categorized as being in high risk for vascular events. The number of workers that indicated they had knowledge of the factors that influence their hypertension was less than 39% for each factor. It is concluded that there is a high prevalence of systemic arterial hypertension in the university workers, even amongst those already under treatment. They constitute a population at risk considering their age group, their work functions, and their inadequate life habits. Health care of these hypertensive workers that seek attention in the Health Department is an important aspect of the internal workers health policy in the institution. Educational interventions are recommended for the improvement of quality of life and of work in these workers


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The objective of this work which is characterized as an applied research, with a qualitative exploratory approach and has case study character has been the analysis of the conceptions and dealings of health professionals of SAMU in Natal RN about the attendance of psychiatric urgencies. The information was collected between the months of March and April of 2010, by means of semi-structured interviews, performed with 24 health professionals integrating of SAMU-Natal as well as the usage of direct observation technique, performed in the institution's medical regulation room. Both the number of professionals involved in the interviews and the bringing about of the observations, were determined by saturation methods in qualitative research's information collecting. The interviews and observations were transcribed and submitted to contents analysis technique , more specifically, to thematic analysis, which made possible to reach the deepest levels, that go beyond what has simply been manifest in the speech of the interviewed, getting to the relations among the categories and social structures of the issue of the research. Keeping this in mind, three analysis categories have been built, namely: conceptions and concepts of psychiatric urgencies shared by health professionals in SAMU-Natal; attendances to psychiatric urgencies in SAMU-Natal; and the Brazilian Psychiatric Reformation under the view of the SAMU-Natal's health professionals. Reflection about the analyzed information revealed discussions pertaining to the stigma and prejudice on mental illness, and also, pointed out to some hindrances which impair the attendance to individuals in mental suffering in SAMU-Natal. The interviewed health professionals' conceptions on the individual in psychical crisis involve concepts of unpredictability, aggressiveness and risk, stigmatizing elements and historically associated to the social hazard ideology and need for mentally sicks' segregation. The predominance of these conceptions, seen in health professionals speech, had identifiable reflexes on assistance to psychiatric demands performed by SAMU-Natal, namely: indiscriminate request for military police's presence during psychic crisis intervention, neglect about occasions that involve mental health patients, as well as repetitive assisting practice directed on physical contention, and transportation to psychiatric hospital. Associated to it, the professionals have shown distorted and reductionist understanding about Brazilian Psychiatric Reformation, and, in the majority, haven't lent credibility to present model of attention to mental health, based on psycho-social treatment, pointing their speech to a need for psychiatric patient's internment. In this sense, we notice that the hospital-centered and excluding model conceived by classical psychiatry still remains alive in these health professionals' mentality as a reference to psychiatric urgency's assistance. Therefore, the research revealed a sequence of elements, that make us think about the challenges that health sector and society must face to realize Brazilian Psychiatric Reformation's principles and guidelines


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A residência médica é uma modalidade de ensino de pós-graduação destinada a médicos, funciona em instituições de saúde, sob a orientação de profissionais médicos de elevada qualificação ética e profissional, sendo considerada o “padrão ouro” para a formação do especialista. A utilização do método de avaliação 360 graus na residência médica visa a avaliação integral dos médicos residentes, preenchendo lacunas que a avaliação cognitiva isolada deixa, quando utilizada como método único. Essa avaliação proporciona uma avaliação mais global do médico residente, já que inclui sua autoavaliação, avaliação pelos pares, pacientes e equipe de saúde. O objetivo deste estudo foi definir instrumentos de avaliação para implementar a avaliação 360 graus no programa de residência médica em cardiologia da UFRN e capacitar os docentes e preceptores do citado programa para avaliação de desempenho clínico do residente. Trata-se de estudo exploratório, prospectivo e descritivo, envolvendo quatro médicos residentes do programa de residência médica de cardiologia e 20 de clínica médica, esses durante o rodízio de cardiologia do programa de residência médica (PRM) em Cardiologia do Hospital Universitário Onofre Lopes (HUOL), além de 13 preceptores/docentes do PRM em Cardiologia do HUOL. Para implementação do novo modelo avaliativo na residência médica foram programadas três etapas, sendo a primeira a elaboração dos instrumentos de avaliação para a avaliação 360 grus; a segunda, o planejamento e a capacitação dos preceptores do PRM em Cardiologia do HUOL; e a terceira, o início das avaliações 360 graus dos residentes do PRM em Cardiologia e Clínica Médica, durante o período de janeiro de 2014 a março de 2015. Foram avaliados, no total, 24 residentes até o momento, sendo quatro residentes da cardiologia (três residentes do primeiro ano e um residente do segundo ano) e vinte residentes da clínica médica (sendo doze residentes do primeiro ano e oito residentes do segundo ano). Foram realizadas autoavaliações por oito residentes, sendo essas consideradas difíceis pela maioria dos residentes. A avaliação por pares foi realizada por 6 residentes, sendo o desempenho dos pares considerado acima do esperado em todos os itens da avaliação. A avaliação pela equipe de preceptores e equipe multiprofissional com feedback ao final das avaliações mostrou que os residentes de clínica médica do primeiro ano apresentam desempenho acima do esperado em relação ao humanismo, ética e profissionalismo, enquanto os do segundo ano apresentaram desempenho abaixo do esperado no item referente ao exame físico. Quanto aos demais domínios da avaliação todos estiveram dentro do esperado. Dez pacientes avaliaram os oito residentes, sendo tais avaliações positivas no sentido da qualidade da assistência prestada e das informações fornecidas pelos residentes. O método de avaliação 360 graus foi implementado na residência de cardiologia do Hospital Universitário Onofre Lopes da UFRN, tendo sido realizada em quatro residentes. A maioria dos preceptores e equipe multiprofissional da residência estão capacitados para utilização do método de avaliação.


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SILVA, Thiago Demétrio Nogueira Costa e; CORRÊA, Edison José; MARANHÃO, Técia Maria de Oliveira. O papel da extensão e do trabalho junto à comunidade na formação Médica. Revista Eletrônica Pesquisa Médica, v.1, n.3, p.9-13, jul./set. 2007


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ARAÚJO, Marluce Oliveira de; ENDERS, Bertha Cruz. A mãe nas ações de acompanhamento do crescimento e desenvolvimento infantil. Revista Baiana de enfermagem, Salvador, v.19,n.1/2/3,p.93-103, jan./dez. 2004, jann./dez.2005.


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Analisar sobre o processo de cuidar da equipe de enfermagem na visão dos usuários intoxicados por tentativa de suicídio. Metodologia: estudo descritivo exploratório, de abordagem qualitativa, realizada em um centro de assistência ao intoxicado da Paraíba/Brasil, com nove usuários. Como critérios de inclusão, participaram as pessoas que tentaram o suicídio por intoxicação, nos meses de abril e maio de 2010, período de coleta de dados do estudo, e que tivessem condições de responder as questões formuladas. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de entrevista semiestruturada com uso de formulário, cujos dados foram tratados pela Análise Temática. A pesquisa foi aprovada conforme avaliação do Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da UEPB e mediante CAAE nº 0003.0.349.133-10. Resultados: os participantes concentraram-se na faixa etária de 14 a 26 anos, predominando o gênero feminino e o consumo de agrotóxicos na tentativa de suicídio. A análise dos discursos permitiu identificar que todos os integrantes demonstraram-se satisfeitos com a assistência de enfermagem, entretanto, apontaram ausência de comunicação com os profissionais cuidadores e atraso para a realização dos procedimentos. Conclusão: a ética na assistência de enfermagem supõe o estabelecimento da valorização do humano durante as atribuições profissionais, proporcionando o bem-estar daqueles que não enxergam a dádiva maior, que é nesse plano, a vida


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This dissertation is about Architect and town planner inserts in the technical support of the Rural establishment and of the possibilities of changes in their habitat. It also looks for its participation through the production of those spaces with or without its performance through two references cases, in Rio Grande do Norte , one called settlement Eldorado de Carajás and another one called Maria da Paz. At first the process represents the model that was adopted systematically by Incra until the middle of the year 2000 with the sub-contracting of their construction work through small companies. These standardized projects which are executed without registration in the system CONFEA/CREA without demand of professional authorship and of technical responsibility of the work. But the process taken place at Maria da Paz s area was configured as one of the first initiatives that stopped with those practices. Consolidated through a partnership among UFRN MST and INCRA/RN, the Architect s technical support and town planner brought new technician-scientific organization and execution of the soil parcels and its habitat. The participation of UFRN was done through a group of studies in land reform and Habitat (GERAH) being this author and coordinator of the methodological proposal, based on the regressive-progressive method and in the inclusion of the conflict as responsible of the ruptures and transductions both done by Henry Léfèbvre and in the research action approached by Carlos Brandão. Therefore it included the process of social learning and collective production of new knowledge and attitudes in relation to the environment in the process called as attended self management in spite of the transformations happened with this new agent s participation. The people re-located to the new areas that got involved in the process and finished their constructions reelaborating the daily practice of the collective effort passed to the self management without technical support. Years later the implantation of those two experiences our research verified that there is a positive image concerning the Architect and town planner, related, most of all to the conception of the activities, orientation and execution of constructions projects and of acceptance of those professionals to the processes of implementation of the Habitats of the Rural establishments. This dissertation analyses this form of performance, from and beyond these images trying to find the professional, specificities or methodological in such a way to demonstrate the importance of its insertion in the formulation and attendance of the more of 100.000 habitats of Rural establishments of the land reform of the country that correspond to most of the housing social interest in the country side


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This ethnographic work studies the experiences of patients admitted in public (PUH) and private (PRH) hospitals in the Brazilian northeastern region. 28 adult patients of different clinics participated in the study. Data were analyzed by the patient path method, consisting in a combination of complemented and articulated techniques free observation, participating observation, ethnographic interview and patient testimonials collected prospectively during the patients admissions, from their arrival and until their discharge. The analysis was carried out according to the Thematic Categories Analysis Technique and the data were interpreted pursuant to medical anthropology, healthcare humanization and healthcare promotion theoretical references. The ethical principles of Resolution 196/96 were followed. The human hospital, as revealed by the patient, highlights the significance of subjectivity. 225 (54.7%) out of 411 mentioned concepts were collected in a public hospital (PUH) and 186 (45.3%) in a private institution (PRH). The results show that the patient at the PUH and PRH ethnoevaluates different aspects of the healthcare professionals´ human and technical competence, the hospital´s functioning structure, the access to and the ethics in the financial management, and develops overcoming strategies for his stay at the hospital. This ethnoevaluation is mediated by different factors, namely: social and economic status, personality, religiosity, ironic speech, somber diagnosis and satisfied needs, prior hospital experiences and the conditions under which the interview was carried out. A pedagogic proposal for the hospital humanization must include structural, managerial and organizational changes of the offered services and use active methodologies aimed to the political resolution of problematic situations at work and the inclusion of affective and subjective factors, and become as well a tool for the collective learning. This study shows the importance for the user´s ethnoevaluation to be incorporated into the hospital management and care as a guideline in the decision making and clinical action, thus promoting practices that shall lead to a decent and humanized care. The multidisciplinary nature of this study allowed a wide understanding of the user´s perspective as a socially critical ethnoevaluator


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The aim of this study is to understand the perception of medical students at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) about humanization in the context of their medical formation, using a qualitative approach. The focus group and participant observation techniques were used, involving a multidisciplinary team composed of professionals from the areas of anthropology and psychology, as well as professors from the medical course, who studied two groups of nine students in their final year. The data were analyzed using the categorical thematic content analysis technique, from which emerged three categories: student/patient relationship, teaching/learning and student/professor relationship. The first allows us to identify that student-patient contact is an essential experience for adopting a more humanized view of the disease process. The second category shows that unqualified professors in the pedagogic practices inherent to the teaching profession and the theory the practical dichotomy hinder the autonomous and holistic formation of knowledge. Similarly, the lack of practices outside the academic environment and the absence of multiprofessional stimulation interfere in the construction of an integral view of the individual. From the third category, the student/professor relationship, emerge two opposing subcategories (professor model and assymetric relationships), which reflect the importance of the professor`s ethical humanist position, as opposed to an authoritarian attitude, to form the professional attitude of the student. The results point important aspects of the medical formation that may open a discussion about humanization, in the context of new national curricular guidelines


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Introdução: Os idosos constituem os maiores consumidores dos serviços de saúde, especialmente os de reabilitação, tornando imprescindível a avaliação da qualidade da assistência fisioterapêutica prestada. A satisfação do paciente tem sido considerada uma das melhores e mais eficazes formas de avaliar o cuidado e direcionar o provedor do serviço para suprir as necessidades e expectativas do paciente-cliente. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar os principais aspectos (preditores) que contribuem para a satisfação do paciente geriátrico com o tratamento fisioterapêutico ambulatorial. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo com enfoque epidemiológico, transversal e descritivo de cunho exploratório. Foi utilizado o instrumento de avaliação da satisfação do paciente com a fisioterapia, desenvolvido e validado para a população brasileira por Mendonça em 2007, com uma escala de satisfação do paciente composta por 23 itens. Os dados foram coletados na sala de espera de 29 clínicas de Fisioterapia da rede privada da capital do RN/Brasil e a amostra selecionada de forma não-probabilística constou de 221 pacientes com idade superior a 60 anos, que realizaram entre 5 e 60 sessões de fisioterapia onde os dados foram coletados, deveriam ser usuários de plano de saúde e ter condições cognitivas preservadas. Resultados: A análise fatorial indicou a existência de quatro fatores com autovalor maior que 1: interação pacienteterapeuta (7 itens) α = 0,901; acesso e atendimento de recepcionista e pessoal de apoio (8 itens) α = 0,888; ambiente físico e satisfação global (5 itens) α = 0,835; e conveniência (3 itens) α = 0,711. Os itens com maiores escores de satisfação completa foram os contemplados nos aspectos de interação paciente-terapeuta, especialmente o respeito e a gentileza do fisioterapeuta. As associações realizadas através do teste do Qui-quadrado e regressão logística binária entre a satisfação do paciente e as variáveis sócio-demográficas, percepção do estado de saúde e capacidade funcional demonstraram que a satisfação do paciente idoso associa significativamente com o sexo e estado civil. Os achados revelam que as mulheres mostram-se mais satisfeitas com a fisioterapia. Conclusão: Os aspectos interpessoais demonstraram ser preditores relevantes para assistência fisioterapêutica satisfatória, especialmente na população idosa que requer atenção além do suporte puramente técnico


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A úlcera venosa constitui importante problema de saúde pública, gera repercussão social, econômica e mudanças nos hábitos de vida, dor, sofrimento, acarretando diminuição da qualidade de vida. O estudo objetivou avaliar a assistência prestada às pessoas com úlceras venosas atendidas pela Estratégia Saúde da Família. É um estudo analítico, transversal e quantitativo, realizado com 59 pessoas com úlceras venosas, atendidas em 36 unidades da Estratégia Saúde da Família. O estudo obteve aprovação do projeto de pesquisa pelo Comitê de Ética da Universidade Federal de Alagoas. Para a coleta dos dados utilizou-se instrumento testado, entrevista, exame físico e informações dos prontuários. Os dados foram organizados em planilha do Microsoft Excel 2007, exportados e analisados em software estatístico por meio de estatística descritiva e inferencial, considerando nível de significância estatística de ρ-valor < 0,05. As pessoas com úlcera venosa eram do sexo feminino (71,2%), ≥ 60 anos (67,8%) e estavam em tratamento > 1 ano (69,5%). Possuíam tempo de lesão > 6 meses (64,4%), dor na úlcera/membro (86,4%) e leito com ≤ 30% de granulação/epitelização (78,0%). A qualidade da assistência foi ruim (< 5 aspectos positivos) em 57,6% (ρ=0,000) e os aspectos que mais interferiram foram as seguintes inadequações: profissional que acompanha/realiza curativo (ρ=0,002, coeficiente de contingência (CC) =0,458, razão de chance (RC) =13,9), produtos nos últimos 30 dias (ρ=0,038, cc=0,334, RC=7,3) e acesso a consulta com angiologista (ρ=0,041, cc=0,305, RC=4,1). Os aspectos clínicos que contribuíram para o aumento do tempo de assistência foram: tempo de lesão >6 meses (ρ<0,001), dor (ρ=0,043), recidiva (ρ<0,001); nos aspectos assistenciais: inadequação dos produtos com 83,1% (ρ=0,036). Essas características dificultaram a cicatrização tecidual, prolongando o tempo de tratamento das lesões,que podem ter contribuído para a cronicidade das úlceras