284 resultados para Literatura comparada - Francesa e brasileira
This work investigates features that speakers use to introduce different voices during retextualization of a literary work. It presents events revealing different resources used, characterizing the discursive heterogeneity, recognized through various brands such as quotation marks, italics, etc. The material analyzed, ie, the corpus of this research, consists of 65 essays from the reading of a literary work - Jealous of Card, Moacyr Scliar - produced by students of the 8th year of high school while in the classroom. The data revealed that the resource most used by students was the indirect discourse, although there also occurred the use of other resources such as free indirect discourse and modalizations in fewer redactions. Notably, the autonym connotation was noted through the use of quotation marks, and the use of parentheses. The recurrence of the parentheses seem to be justified by the need to make clearer sentences that could raise questions to the reader, since the protocol request retextualization established a thirty lines of text, which would certainly limit the possibilities of expansion of the text
En esta investigación, tratamos de poner de relieve los aspectos cognitivos y culturales que subyacen a las metáforas en el lenguaje. Partimos de la premisa de que nuestra comprensión a cerca del mundo se construye socio-cognitivamente, sendo la metáfora un elemento clave de esta construcción. Por lo tanto, tenemos la intención de mirar debajo de la teoría de la Teoría Cognitiva de la Metáfora, visto desde el análisis del poema Morte e Vida Severina, de João Cabral de Melo Neto, la metáfora de la vida y muerte, inferíveis en el corpus forma patrones discursivos, llamado por nosotros como el Construccionismo del Bloques. Estas metáforas se encuentran en el nivel conceptual de nuestro lenguaje, emitido por modelos cognitivos idealizados, y mostrar las relaciones entre la lengua, la cultura y la cognición. Vemos una red de integración que implica la metáfora primaria llamada, elaborado a partir de los esquemas y los dominios conceptuales y metáforas congruentes, con la participación de la noción de marco.
This work researches about the authorship marks in academic reviews of graduating students, besides the author discursive points of view. We detect the voices presented in the text, that is, the expressions of the discourse from the I and from the others, trying to explicitate the forms of the author review insertion. It is oriented by the conception that the author is the subject of his/her discourse, creating a position in relation to the discourse of the other(s) with which he/she maintains a dialogue. Our corpus is constituted of ten (10) academic reviews, produced by students from the Course of Letras, from Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte UERN, do Campus Avançado Prof.ª Maria Elisa de Albuquerque Maia CAMEAM. The data signalize to the perception that the subject constitutes author, when he/she gives voice to the other; showing his/her point of view; pointing to the discourse of the other; and/or getting far from the text. That way, it is observed that the genre academic review can be considered as text that reconfigures the original text, that is, as a text that comments, criticizes, confirms the text that is object of its analyses. The theoretical background that influences the research comes from the dialogical language conception, from discursive genres and from Volochinov/Bakhtin (1997, 2003) authorship. To the discussion and the analyses of the discursive genre academic review , it is mentioned the MOTTA-ROTH and MEURER (2002); POSSENTI (2001, 2002) conceptions.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
Maria Judite de Carvalho began his literature in 1949 in journals of Lusitanian capital. Until his death, which occurred in 1998, published more a thousand texts, most of them have never been extracted from their support original, the newspaper, making them unknown to the public today. In order to rescue of this precious material chosen as the literary corpus of Search the chronicles published in the Diário de Lisboa, periodic where the writer published the largest number of texts in the section Rectângulos da Vida, 395 (three hundred and ninety-five) chronic for five consecutive years (1968-1972). Looking at these texts I realized that she inserted into her narrative the changes occurred in the twentieth century, in Portugal, capturing the moment of breaking with traditional models and introducing new paradigms imposed by modernity. What happens in this period is an extremely fast and deep change of values and customs with which the Portuguese society faces and experiences with a certain uneasiness. Given this unstable scenario, Maria Judite expresses, through her ironic and critical narrative, the portrait of the Portuguese people and their behavior full of anguish and sorrows that are revealed through the gloom. After a thorough reading of his texts I found that this was the guiding element of juditiana writing. It is presented in the chronicles in many respects they were privileged during the five years of publications they are loneliness, abandonment, death, isolation of individuals who feel increasingly powerless in the face of changes experienced as a consequence of this state and present is melancholy all the time. This is a photograph of Maria Judite de Carvalho on Portuguese society told in her chronicles as I saw this survey.
In this study, we analyzed the argumentative processes of written texts produced by UERN (Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte) vestibulandos : (students who apply for University Entrance Examinations in Brazil). It has as its corpus twenty compositions by such students. These compositions, collected in UFRN COMPERVE (Permanent Commission of vestibular examinations) and written in 2005 examination, were selected in a random way. The theoretical support is based on Perelman & Olbrechts-Tyteca (1999; 2002), Reboul (2004), Bakhtin (1992), Faraco (2003), Platão e Fiorim (2003) e Geraldi (1997), and other scholars. The work aimed to investigate how vestibulandos make use of argumentative techniques in order to construct their arguments in the vestibular examination. In the analysis of the corpus we considered that the used argumentative techniques, the relationship with the thesis, the sense effects students wanted to produce and the type of the required speech. It showed that in the, discourse construction of argumentative texts, students made use, with more frequency, of the following argumentative techniques: pragmatic arguments, arguments of the definition, comparison arguments, division arguments, example arguments, argument of the model and authority arguments as means to support their theses. However it was not carried out in a conventional way, reason why it leads us to believe that schools, as part of human activity, responsible for education and for the insert of learners in the literate world, have a fundamental role concerning the offer of conditions, so that, the teaching of Portuguese Language leads students to a systematic and explicit preparation of the knowledge, regarding the social and functions of the language, as well as of the strategies of the construction of argumentative texts. This can lead learners to develop communicative competence and to feel more confident when working with text production
This dissertation aims at investigating the book Ariel (1965), written by Sylvia Plath, as a kind of performative and ritual poetry that fragments and reconstructs the personal experience, manipulating the memory of the autobiographical body as a way to rehearse and restore subjectivity. We propose that, in Ariel, the hyperbolic, transcendent and parodic transfiguration of real episodes, used as literary substance, corrupts and subverts the specular idea of a confessional truth usually related to the writer s work. Our objective is to examine signs of confluence between Sylvia Plath s poetry and performance art, departing from de idea that the spectacularization of the self, the exhibition of private rituals, the theatricalization of autobiographical circumstances and the undressing of one s craziness and vulnerability are mutual procedures to the poet and the perfomer. Simultaneously unfolding between the inside and the outside of the poem, Sylvia Plath s real suicide and the death and rebirth rituals performed in the literary text appear as symbolic elements that might reveal the performer s liminal space, where reality and representation coexist, and where the performative testimony does not frame only the real subject s body but also his/her infinite possibilities of being restored through art.
This master dissertation presented to the Language Studies Post-Graduation Program of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte aims present an analysis about the initial teacher training, the knowledge about discursive genres and its usage in basic education professional classrooms. Therefore, it was analyzed, from teachers of fourth and fifth grades of elementary schools, if the initial training provides enough useful tools to be applied in Portuguese classes, i.e., if during the teacher training process concepts of discursive genres emerge, which of these concepts can be noticed and how this knowledge helps teachers in their classrooms. In order to achieve this aim, it was taken into account studies about the initial teacher training, about the knowledge diversity that is part of the teaching knowledge and also about discursive genres based on Bakhtin‟s conception, which is used in the Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCN). This research is qualitative of interpretative basis and has taken an opened questions questionnaire and classroom observations with audio recording data as corpus of analysis. As results of this investigation, it is possible to emphasize that the initial teacher training has left some gaps in discursive genres concepts and usage in Portuguese classes, that it is not only one kind of knowledge that compound the teacher knowledge and, because of this, working with disciplinarians knowledge, specially about discursive genres, is to emphasize one among many others.
Située dans le domaine de la Linguistique Appliquée (CELANI, 1998; MOITA LOPES, 2004, 2006, 2009), cette recherche documentaire fait partie d‟une approche qualitative-interprétative qui privilégie une perspective socio-historique (FREITAS, 2002, 2007; ROJO, 2006). Le but principal de ce travail est d‟analyser comment l‟interlocution a lieu dans les lettres argumentatives produites par 10 sujets-énonciateurs ayant participé au processus de sélection du «vestibular» d‟UFRN, appelé ici le chronotope du PSV-2008. Pour cela, les objectifs spécifiques qui guident cette recherche consistent à analyser les modes d‟assimilation du discours de l‟autre par le candidat, à identifier les positions axiologiques résultant des formes du processus interlocutif, et à construire une vision du sujet-énonciateur sur la base des choix de valeurs de l‟énonciateur et des relations espace-temps qui constituent l‟énonciateur et l‟interlocuteur. Quant à la théorie, la recherche est fondée principalement sur la notion de chronotope de Bakhtin une catégorie qui découle de la théorie du roman et problématisée par Amorim (2004) en articulation avec les réflexions théoriques de Geraldi (1997, 1999, 2006), Britto (2006) et Antunes (2005, 2006) sur le processus d‟écriture les relations dialogiques, la responsivité et les voix sociales (BAKHTIN, 1990, 2003, 2008; BAKHTIN/VOLOCHINOV, 2006) qui sont traversées par la conception dialogique du langage. L‟analyse nous a permis d‟identifier, principalement, deux débats dialogiques, dont le premier confronte le candidat à la dissertation et le second, à des interlocuteurs mentionnés dans la proposition. Les sujets ont formulé leurs énoncés sur un ton d‟indignation, en critiquant ce que l‟interlocuteur avait exprimé. Les candidats ont fait appel à la formation d‟un scénario d‟espoir, de crédulité, de respect et d‟éthique, conforme à la dignité de l‟être humain. Ces résultats mettent en évidence la façon dont des sujets multiples et hétérogènes, insérés dans la dimension de la vie, prennent position à l‟intérieur des pratiques discursives, face aux coordonnées d‟espace et de temps
Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar as crenças de professores das séries iniciais do nível fundamental da cidade de Caicó-RN sobre o ensino de gramática. A partir da aplicação de um questionário, analisam-se as crenças manifestadas no discurso de 20 docentes da rede municipal de ensino do referido município. As questões formuladas visaram investigar as crenças dos informantes sobre o que é ensinar gramática e que dificuldades encontram para realizar o ensino dos conteúdos gramaticais, considerando aspectos teóricos e práticos, entre eles: a construção da concepção sobre ensino de gramática, a participação em projetos de formação continuada na especificidade de ensino de língua, a influência dessa formação sobre o seu fazer pedagógico, e a realização do planejamento de ensino de conteúdos gramaticais. Para fundamentar a reflexão, buscou-se apoio em autores como Abrahão; Barcelos (2006); Antunes (2009; 2007); Neves (2004a; 2004b; 2007; 2010) Silva (2004; 2007), Travaglia (2001; 2004); entre outros, a partir dos quais são abordados os conceitos de língua, linguagem e gramática, relacionando-os ao desenvolvimento da competência linguística/comunicativa no ensino de língua portuguesa. Os dados analisados revelam que a influência das crenças sobre o ensino de gramática no fazer pedagógico do professor se relaciona com sua formação acadêmica, desde a escolha do referencial teórico adotado pelos professores das disciplinas relacionadas ao tema até a metodologia utilizada para trabalhar os conteúdos, considerando as experiências pessoais concretizadas ao longo de sua vida. Além disso, percebeu-se que existe uma forte convergência entre crenças, conhecimentos e experiências práticas. O trabalho conclui-se com uma reflexão sobre as implicações que uma postura reflexiva pode ter no atual panorama de ensino de língua, em geral, e de gramática, em particular.
On recent years, it has been observed an increasing interest on referentiation processes, which involves an important field of Text Linguistics and Discourse Analysis studies. The existence of a significant number of international and national publications which focus on this perspective corroborate this finding. Given the textbook importance as a teaching instrument, and the relevance of the referentiation processes to text production and comprehension, we realize that the study of these two topics articulation is taken as a relevant research theme, with consequences to the improvement of Portuguese Language teaching. Taking this into consideration, we intend to analyze the non-coreference anaphors in texts of Portuguese Language textbooks from fifth to eighth grades, adopted in many schools of Pau dos Ferros RN, considering the frequency, genre, kind of anaphor and manifestation form. This study is classified as a documental and qualitative research. We have found out that the indirect anaphor was used in more than a half of the corpus. We have found out, as well, that the literary and press genres do not favor the use of labeling and metadiscursive anaphors. On the other hand, concerning the indirect anaphor, it is clear its abundant use in the literary genre. In what concerns the manifestation forms, we have verified that on labeling and metadiscursive anaphors it is significant the predominance of demonstrative pronouns working as determiners. On the indirect anaphor, we have verified that most of the occurrences do not present a determiner, and for the ones which present it, the majority occurs under the form of definite and indefinite articles. We believe that this work can contribute to the activities which involve questions related to text production and comprehension, since the referentiation processes are intimately related to them
Partindo do princípio de que a força centralizadora do discurso do narrador sob o universo romanesco encontra-se regido por nuanças sócio-ideológicas que fazem parte do mundo psicológico do autor, procede-se uma leitura crítica de Os Brutos (1938), romance de estréia do escritor José Bezerra Gomes. O trabalho mencionado visa a tecer algumas considerações em torno do ponto de vista do narrador, enfocando a encenação do EU no cenário artístico-literário e sua interferência no modo de narração da citada obra. O procedimento metodológico adotado foi a pesquisa bibliográfica, e como aporte teórico recorreu-se à crítica especializada que trata da temática em questão. Ao final percebeu-se que o discurso do narrador possui um caráter ambivalente, o qual permite que o interlocutor presente não assuma uma perspectiva fixa diante do que narra
This study focuses on the teaching and learning of English based on a new theoretical perspective concerning the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD), which points to the apprehension of metacognitive processes as the way to reach learning autonomy. The theoretical set underline this study is those of a new pedagogy based on the symbiosis of Bruner‟s (2002) and Freire‟s (2009) concepts and in the metacognitive theory. In a social context dominated by the Communication and Information Technologies (CIT), the integration between teacher and learners with the support of the internet has been used as the way to operationalize this new emergent proposal of the theoretical perspectives. The analyses have been conducted through Systemic and Integral Action Research. The results at the end of this study corroborate our hypothesis that the enlargement of spontaneous knowledge of the learners can facilitate the understanding of scientific concepts, stimulating their metacognition and thus promoting their autonomy.
Research about teacher education, carried out in the area of Applied Linguistics (AL), reveals the importance of reflective practices in the professional development of teachers. With the aim of contributing to this area, we present this case study conducted at a technical school in Natal, RN. The corpus of the study is formed mainly from the teacher‟s discourse, generated during a stimulated recall session and the instruments used to collect the data: an initial questionnaire, a video recording of a class and the text transcript of the stimulated recall session. The central objective is to understand the way in which the reflection-on-action (SCHÖN, 1983, 1987) can contribute to raise the awareness of an English as a Foreign Language teacher (EFL) about her actions in the classroom. With this proposal, we begin our discussion presenting the origins, the presuppositions and characteristics of the concept of reflection according to Schön (1983, 1987), and supported by other authors (PERRENOUD, 2002; GÓMEZ, 1995; IMBERNÓN, 2009, among others); of critical reflection (LISTON e ZEICHNER, 1993; PIMENTA, 2002; DUTRA e MELLO, 2004, among others); and of the process of critical reflection (SMYTH, 1992). To evidence the reflections that emerge in the teacher‟s discourse, we found support in the theories and methods of Systemic Functional Grammar (SFG), which was initially proposed by Halliday (1985, 1994), Halliday and Hasan (1989), Halliday and Matthiessen (2004) and followers, such as, Eggins (1994), Thompson (1996), among others. We focus mainly on the subsystem of Attitude, an integral component of the system of discourse resources, Appraisal, presented by Martin (2000), Martin and Rose (2003, 2007), Martin and White (2005). The results reveal that the actions of the teacher in the classroom reflect not only her professional experiences, but also her values and concepts about teaching/learning languages. The results also show the teacher‟s awareness of the need for changes in her practices. Faced with these findings, we believe that this study reveals important concepts that can direct teacher educators to rethink new ways of approaching teacher training courses. In addition, it also reveals the importance of discourse analysis based on a systemic functional approach.
Always seen by others eyes, unknown of the languages and other "realities" that constitute, the Africa, specially Mozambique, now (re)invent itself, palimpsestly, in narratives of your griots, narrators and/or storytellers. Our thesis intend, by the review of novel Under the frangipani, to demonstrate that the mozambican writer Mia Couto intends to participate the (re)construction of a devasted nation by war and conflicts, based on belief that the role writer "is to create requisites of a more african thought, to the assessment of your place and your time won't be done from categories created by others" (COUTO, 2005). At first, we show how the mozambican literary system consists itself; then, the insertion of coutian narrative against the prevalence tradition and, also, by the analysis of the constituent elements of the chosen novel, the way how made piece of resistance to reification, objectification of the individuald in the contemporary world , your writing will be present in this sharing of the sensitive. Besides Mia Couto, in our work we'll counting on the lessons of Candido, Noa, Hernandez, Adorno, Paz, Fonseca, Secco, among others studious of african narrative and, specially, Mozambique narrative