112 resultados para Brasil. [Lei de diretrizes e bases da educação nacional (1996)]


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This research is taking as study aim the mediatory teaching action, its involvement with educational guidance reports of Supervised Obligatory Student Teaching in curriculum managing by formal teachers is more related to the form as each one understands the mediatory action of the pedagogy teaching activities than to the adherence of a common project, that is: the Course Pedagogy Project (CPP). Thus, our aim is meant to understand the attribution from the formal teachers to curriculum managing process, having as forms its action in the supervised obligatory student teaching at UFMA Pedagogy Course. On one side, we look for traces about established relation by them between their professional experience and their report guidance in current course. On the other hand, a research concern comes up to us on the forming meaning of the report writing by UFMA Pedagogy Teachers Course. In order to do that, we used interviews interpreted by means of methodology understanding interview. Starting from oral speeches, we understand that the managing formation in this course is linked to postures not identical and adjustable to conditions the teachers have access. We identify a curriculum subject group and a group that by their conformation adapted is considered as object group of curriculum practices. As for the mediatory action in writing formation process, we noticed that they contribute to teacher information at UFMA in the reflexive critic perspective and or in the bureaucratic reproduction perspective. The report writing at the end of the Supervised Obligatory internship is characteristic of quality quantity assessment display, as bureaucratic process and as reflexive display and didactic pedagogy activity intervention. We defend that the teachers´ guidance under critical reflections, where the writing has a social role, must overcome individual dimension, they must be debated as collective and organized practices. We hope to contribute with such a research on teacher mediatory actions and their implementing with help of reporting writing guidance in the Supervised Obligatory Student Teaching in the Curriculum Teacher managing process.


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Les proccupations gres par les changements de l ducation nationale pousss par les rformes mises en places par le gouvernement de Fernando Henrique Cardoso, notamment la politique nationale de formation de professeurs, et le besoin de connatre comment ces rformes ont t incorpores par l Universit Fdrale de Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN, constituent les questions centrales dveloppes par cette thse. Cette tude propose montrer, partir d une approche socio-historique, la faon comment la lgislation ducationnelle brsilienne sur la formation de professeurs pour l ducation basique expresse la politique de l tat brsilien et, en mme temps, comment le PROBSICA signifie une rponse de l UFRN cette politique. En ce sens, cette recherche, selon sa perspective exploratoire, descriptive et analytique a privilgi plusieurs techniques et procds de collectes des donnes conforme au modle de la recherche participative, savoir : enqute semi- structure, observations directes, contacts formels et informels; enregistrement des opinions de professeurs, coordinateurs pdagogiques et tudiants; reprage, systmatisation et analyses de plusieurs documents. L analyse des donnes, qui a t faite d une faon fondamentalement qualitative, a rvl que le PROBSICA a sa gense l intrieur de l UFRN et reprsente, en mme temps, une rponse de cette universit la demande de la catgorie et la politique de formation de professeurs. Nous esprons que cette tude suscite d autres recherches qui dveloppent des discussions sur les relations entre l tat brsilien, ses politiques ducationnelles et les pratiques pdagogiques de formation de professeurs


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This article aims to critically review the regulatory frameworks that guided the institutionalization of distance education (DE) course offerings in higher education institutions in Brazil, taking as a reference 50 (fifty) documents which were analyzed for the research titled Expansion of Higher Education pos-LDB 96. The need for systematization of DE, legitimated by this Act (LDB-96), proved to be part of the guidelines of international agencies as a strategy for expansion of higher education and that the first initiatives of the Brazilian government were associated with the use of technology in education. A contextualized analysis of regulatory frameworks showed, initially, the quantitative and massified explosion of DE, without the state having proper instruments for its effective regulation. From 2005, new regulatory acts and the creation of the Open University of Brazil seek to maintain this expansion without losing quality.


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L'objectif de cette tude est de comprendre la relation entre les situations didactiques faisant appel aux connaissances historiques et la construction de l'identit personnelle pour les enfants dans l'ducation de la petite enfance. Sa question centrale se demande si les connaissances sont offrent des contributions la construction de l'identit personnelle par les enfants de la petite enfance. Se distingue, lui aussi, entend contribuer largir le dbat sur l'enseignement et l'apprentissage des thmes historiques dans l'ducation des enfants, et permettre un dialogue avec d'autres enseignants dans cette tape de l'ducation. Ont t analyss par des principes thoriques et mthodologiques de qualit et a assum les orientations mthodologiques de la recherche collaborative. Il a t constat que la systmatisation des situations didactiques impliquant la connaissance historique dans l'ducation de la petite enfance contribue la construction de l'identit personnelle de l'enfant. Ceci, pour prendre possession de ces connaissances, ils recueillent des renseignements qui permet le plus large ventail de relations, afin de comparer les pratiques culturelles de son temps avec des pratiques d'autres moments. Ainsi oriente, l'enfant cherche raconter son histoire avec le thme historique laquelle elle a eu accs, d'organiser et de construire des rponses des explications sur leur environnement et de lui-mme. Tout cela montre la ralisation que le processus d'internalisation des connaissances historiques de l'enfant est construit comme un sujet et, par consquent, cette connaissance peut tre conu comme un mdiateur dans la formation de l'identit personnelle


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This study has analyzed the high school and professional education policies (1998-2008) and their impacts on the Centro Federal de Educao Tecnolgica do Rio Grande do Norte. It has presented an analysis and design of the productive restructuring process in the world of work and education, the technical, vocational education and high school policies in Brazil, referring to this period, as well as the changes in Cefet-RN for implementation of Political Guidelines of Vocational, Technical and High School Education. This study is guided by assumptions related to these policies, which are located in different historical moments. It is a study in which subjects are understood as historical and social beings, embedded in the economic, political and cultural rights which, by its actions, can be transformed. It was based on a theoretical framework consistent with the object of research to give it shape and meaning, serving as a parameter to address the problem outlined in research questions. It was used analysis of bibliographical material and specific documents from the Institution, semi-structured interviews with the subjects part of technical and high school. Results show that many of the recommendations in the present high school policies and vocational technical and high school education, implemented in Cefet-RN, for the period 1998-2002, show inconsistencies between what is said and what can be officially established in the pedagogical practice of teachers and professional practice of some graduates. Regarding the integration of vocational education with the high school (2005-2008) in this Institution, the study signaled that its prioritization failed to materialize in full, in Cefet-RN, although it was developed and implemented a Political-Pedagogical Project in 2005


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The proposal of the Unified Health System Policy (SUS) has been considered one of the most democratic public policies in Brazil. In spite of this, its implementation in a context of social inequalities has demanded significant efforts. From a socio-constructionist perspective on social psychology, the study focused on the National Policy for Permanent Education in Health for the Unified Health System (SUS), launched by the Brazilian government in 2004, as an additional effort to improve practices and accomplish the effective implementation of the principles and guidelines of the Policy. Considering the process of permanent interdependencies between these propositions and the socio-political and cultural context, the study aimed to identify the discursive constructions articulated in the National Policy for Permanent Education in Health for the Unified Health System (SUS) and how they fit into the existing power relations of ongoing Brazilian socio-political context. Subject positionings and action orientation offered to different social actors by these discursive constructions and the kind of practices allowed were also explored, as well as the implementation of the proposal in Rio Grande do Norte state and how this process was perceived by the people involved. The information produced by documental analyses, participant observation and interviews was analyzed as proposed by Institutional Ethnography. It evidenced the inter-relations between the practices of different social actors, the conditions available for those practices and the interests and power relations involved. Discontinuities on public policies in Brazil and the tendency to prioritize institutional and personal interests, in detriment of collective processes of social transformation, were some of obstacles highlighted by participants. The hegemony of the medical model and the individualistic and curative intervention practices that the model elicits were also emphasized as one of the drawbacks of the ongoing system. Facing these challenges, reflexivity and dialogism appear as strategies for a transformative action, making possible the denaturalization of ongoing practices, as well as the values and tenets supporting them


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Study about environment education public policies, emphasizing the directress since the 1970 . It analyses the environment education administration of Mossor city, indentifying its articulation with the international directresses and the Environment Education National Policy (PNEA), established according the law number 9.795/99. The text takes as empiric reference the Environment Education National Policy (PNEA) of Mossor city, realized since 2006. In order to make the research, we employed as methodologic proceedings a bibliographical and documental revision from wich we developed a contextualization of the propolsals toward a environment Education policy and administration, the institution of the environment Education in Brazil, in the neoliberal context on the State reform ambit. We also employed a semi-structured interview, having as individuals two Environment Education Municipal Program Administration of Mossor city / RN state administrators and nine Municipal Education System educators. The analysis was done from the historic and dialetic perspective, trying to understand the facts in its totallity. The results revealed that the environment Education has become to be emphasize as an environment crises superation strategy since the 1970 s. In this context, the environment Education administration directress, in the United Nations (UN) initiative ambit, emphasizes the participation and the partnership as a way to share responsabilities between the State and society. In the neoliberalism affirmation context, in the 1990 s, these directresses were fortified, once, since the State reform, their functions were redimensioned and the State turns into a stronger planner an controller, inducing the society to act as a public polcies executor. Therewith, a deconcentration action process is consolidated, rather than an administrative and pedagocgic decentralization, historically revendicated on Education by the progressist sectors. Even though the administrators interviewed have revealed the wish that the schools become autonomous on the PMEA execution, through the NEAs, we notice that the methods employed do not contribute to that, because of the decisions concentration on the associated managership ambit and the few human and financial resources. In spite of the difficulties, the research showed that the Mossor municipality innovated on the environment Education field, by the institution of the NEAs, even though they demonstrate fragilities regarding their performance, revealed on the educators and adiminstration talk on the interviews. We verify that the main difficulties come from the politc culture installed on the municipality, ruled by a technocracy and power concentration wich brings difficulties to the implementation of a democratic and participative administration, even though it would not be totally impossible, even on the circumstances described