130 resultados para Lei de Acesso à Informação


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ROTATION is one the most important aspects to be observed in stellar astrophysics. Here we investigate that particularly in stars with planets. This physical parameter supplies information about the distribution of angular momentum in the planetary system, as well as its role on the control of dierent phenomena, including coronal and cromospherical emission and on the ones due of tidal effects. In spite of the continuous solid advances made on the study of the characteristics and properties of planet host stars, the main features of their rotational behavior is are not well established yet. In this context, the present work brings an unprecedented study about the rotation and angular momentum of planet-harbouring stars, as well as the correlation between rotation and stellar and planetary physical properties. Our analysis is based on a sample of 232 extrasolar planets, orbiting 196 stars of dierent luminosity classes and spectral types. In addition to the study of their rotational behavior, the behavior of the physical properties of stars and their orbiting planets was also analyzed, including stellar mass and metallicity, as well as the planetary orbital parameters. As main results we can underline that the rotation of stars with planets present two clear features: stars with Tef lower than about 6000 K have slower rotations, while among stars with Tef > 6000 K we and moderate and fast rotations, though there are a few exceptions. We also show that stars with planets follow mostly the Krafts law, namely < J > / v rot. In this same idea we show that the rotation versus age relation of stars with planets follows, at least qualitatively, the Skumanich and Pace & Pasquini laws. The relation rotation versus orbital period also points for a very interesting result, with planet-harbouring stars with shorter orbital periods present rather enhanced rotation


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In this work we elaborate and discuss a Complex Network model which presents connectivity scale free probability distribution (power-law degree distribution). In order to do that, we modify the rule of the preferential attachment of the Bianconi-Barabasi model, including a factor which represents the similarity of the sites. The term that corresponds to this similarity is called the affinity, and is obtained by the modulus of the difference between the fitness (or quality) of the sites. This variation in the preferential attachment generates very interesting results, by instance the time evolution of the connectivity, which follows a power-law distribution ki / ( t t0 )fi, where fi indicates the rate to the site gain connections. Certainly this depends on the affinity with other sites. Besides, we will show by numerical simulations results for the average path length and for the clustering coefficient


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Through the analysis of the informational activity at the primary care of SUS at the scale of places, this dissertation has as central objective to observe the dispute for the concepts of health and sickness, in the ambit of Brazilian Health Movement, featuring, on one hand, the clinic, biomedical or flexnerian line hegemonic, scientifically restrict and the primary frame of references for the Brazilian health politics and on the other hand a multiplicity of new proposals and critic thoughts to the current model, which have , as common characteristic, the worry with a territorial way of thinking the health context, therefore beyond the biological processes. On the first chapter we jut out with details these scientific and ideological movements, on a wider way, but also on the specificities of the public health s information politics. On the second chapter we analyze the downward health information circle at the basic care, observing the operational processes of the information s technical systems SIAB and e-SUS. On the third and last chapter, we give references to think about an upward health information circle, centered on the places, ruled by the notions of autonomy, organic solidarity and communicational density. It would possess, as method s primary horizon, the local organization of production and managing of information through the work of the Health Community Agent, privileging therefore the urgency of the most contingent needs of the people in theirs every day s life


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Coding process is a fundamental aspect of cerebral functioning. The sensory stimuli transformation in neurophysiological responses has been a research theme in several areas of Neuroscience. One of the most used ways to measure a neural code e ciency is by the use of Information Theory measures, such as mutual information. Using these tools, recent studies show that in the auditory cortex both local eld potentials (LFPs) and action potential spiking times code information about sound stimuli. However, there are no studies applying Information Theory tools to investigate the e ciency of codes that use postsynaptics potentials (PSPs), alone and associated with LFP analysis. These signals are related in the sense that LFPs are partly created by joint action of several PSPs. The present dissertation reports information measures between PSP and LFP responses obtained in the primary auditory cortex of anaesthetized rats and auditory stimuli of distinct frequencies. Our results show that PSP responses hold information about sound stimuli in comparable levels and even greater than LFP responses. We have also found that PSPs and LFPs code sound information independently, since the joint analysis of these signals did neither show synergy nor redundancy.


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In this dissertation we propose a Teaching Unit of Physics to teach content through environmental discussions of the greenhouse effect and global warming. This teaching unit is based on a problem-methodological intervention from the application of the method of the Arch of Charles Maguerez. The methodological foundations of the thesis are embedded in action research and this is structured in five chapters: the first chapter deals with the Physical Environment (FMA) as a subject in Degree Courses in Physics in Brazil, bringing the concern of how this discipline has been taught. We started the first chapter explaining the reasons behind the inclusion of the discipline of Physical Environment in a Physics Degree Courses. Then we did a search on the websites of Institutions of Higher Education, to know of the existence or not of this discipline on curricular. We then analyzed the menus to see what bibliographies are being adopted and what content of Physics are being worked, and how it has been done. The courses surveyed were those of Federal and Federal Institutes Universities. Thus ended the first chapter. Given the inseparability between studies in Physics Teaching and studies on competencies, skills and significant learning, wrote the second chapter. In this chapter we discuss the challenge of converting information into knowledge. Initially on initial teacher training, because even if this is not our focus, the study is a discipline on the upper reaches, therefore, offered to future teachers. Then we talked about the culture of knowledge, where we emphasize the use of a teaching approach that promotes meanings taught by content and make sense to the student. We finished the third chapter, making some considerations on skills and abilities, in order to identify what skills and competencies were developed and worked during and after the implementation of Curriculum Unit. The third chapter is the result of a literature review and study of the radioactive EarthSun interaction. The subjects researched approach from the generation of energy in the sun to topics stain solar coronal mass ejections, solar wind, black body radiation, Wien displacement law, Stefan-Boltzmann Law, greenhouse effect and global warming. This chapter deals with material support for the teacher of the aforementioned discipline. The fourth chapter talks about the arc method of Charles Maguerez; Here we explain the structure of each of the five steps of the Arc and how to use them in teaching. We also show another version of this method adapted by Bordenave. In the fifth and final chapter brought a description of how the method of Arc was used in physics classes of Environment, with students majoring in Physics IFRN Campus Santa Cruz. Here, in this chapter, a transcript of classes to show how was the application of a problem-based methodology in the teaching of content proposed for Physics Teaching Unit from the environmental discussion about the greenhouse effect and global warming phenomena


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Nowadays the search for growth makes organizations seeking competitive advantages, project management shares this goal, through techniques that assist in the search for an improved management of the various fields of knowledge through a design methodology. The world is driven by projects and the search for ways to better manage activities such as time, cost and term towards the success of a particular project is something constant. A major contribution that IT can make to the health sector is the support for the management area. IT can integrate processes, optimize the interconnection between the various sectors, make hospitals have access to inside information of good quality, as well as support in the healthcare area, sharing pictures, uniting the various aspects of nursing and nursing service. The major challenge faced by the SESAP Information Technology sector at present is in project management in IT , which does not exist makes investments in the area are increasingly difficult due to this deficiency in management develop their own systems without cost additional to the State. This study seeks to build and strengthen the Project Management within the Department of Health through the implementation of a project office that will manage the final result of this work methodology based on PMBOK, and still show the functionality applied to development the state Hospital Management System that will later be installed on all Regional Health Units and proposing measures for the sustainability and development of the sector amid the difficulties of the current public service. Such action will result in a savings of more than R$ 107,000.00 (one hundred seven thousand) regarding spending private software currently used by the assignment of invested by the State of Rio Grande do Norte user licenses, representing more than 5 % of the total budget of the State Department of Public Health of the State


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The objective of the current piece of research presents was draw up a list of recommendations for the site of the Instituto do Cérebro da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, with an emphasis on fault identification in usability and information architecture, through the application of design techniques with users of the institution. From the use of the following techniques: Cardsorting, applied to a group of six people as target public, such as professor, administrative technicians and graduate student of the institution; Interviews, carried out with the director of the Instituto do Cérebro, secretaries of the undergraduate and graduate courses; Cooperative Evaluation applied in two ways: in group and individually. The evaluation in group was fulfilled in four sessions that occurred with a group composed of six people who are part of the technical staff of the Instituto do Cérebro. In the Individual Cooperative Evaluation, eight users (graduate students and administrative technicians of the Instituto do Cérebro da UFRN) performed tasks which are frequently fulfilled by users from the public target in the site of the Instituto do Cérebro. After each session of the Individual Cooperative Evaluation, a questionnaire of the user´s satisfaction was used about his or her perception in regard to the site usability and utility of the mentioned institute site. Therefore, it was concluded that, by means of the analysis of the results and the triangulation of the obtained data in each one of the techniques applied with the users, in the present piece of research, problems were verified, among others; all related to the unsuitable use of the interface elements, navigation, labeling of some menu terms, and still, the lack of search space and integration with the social networks – besides the lack, positioning and inappropriate formatting of information that would be of high relevance to the users. Finally, a list of recommendations is presented and this can be used in a future interface redesign with the goal to improve the information architecture and the usability of the site of the Instituto do Cérebro da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte.


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The inequalities that mark the women’s lives in societies around the world have been the subject of intense discussion by the feminist movement, with developments in questioning about possibilities of full citizenship. In this scenario the Brazilian feminist movement has achieved steadily, in recent decades, an effort to participate in the formulation of the public policy agenda, as well as the realization of demands to institutionalize the legal parameters as regulations for the issue of violence against women. On the grounds of social justice, many discourses are made with a focus on reframing the institutional role of the state in the areas of constitutional law and criminal law. Considering these discourses, proposals were reformulated and the action of the state was resized, what ended in the enactment of Law 11,340 / 2006 (Maria da Penha Law), with a great impact on the Brazilian criminal justice system. Taking this perspective as its starting point, this research is focused on understanding the struggles for access to the legal field regarding the implementation of the Maria da Penha Law. This qualitative and quantitative research analyses the way the social practices and social representations which involve activists of the feminist movement and operators from the justice system are established in Juazeiro/ BA and Petrolina/PE before the institutional reshuffles of the state. As a result, it was revealed that, despite inconsistencies in the performance of the criminal justice system, the positioning of feminist activism is grounded on the assumption.


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The information constitutes one of the most valuable strategic assets for the organization. However, the organizational environment in which it is inserted is very complex and heterogeneous, making emerging issues relevant to the Governance of information technology (IT) and Information Security. Academic Studies and market surveys indicate that the origin of most accidents with the information assets is the behavior of people organization itself rather than external attacks. Taking as a basis the promotion of a culture of safety among users and ensuring the protection of information in their properties of confidentiality, integrity and availability, organizations must establish its Information Security Policy (PSI). This policy is to formalise the guidelines in relation to the security of corporate information resources, in order to avoid that the asset vulnerabilities are exploited by threats and can bring negative consequences to the business. But, for the PSI being effective, it is required that the user have readiness to accept and follow the procedures and safety standards. In the light of this context, the present study aims to investigate what are the motivators extrinsic and intrinsic that affect the willingness of the user to be in accordance with the organization's security policies. The theoretical framework addresses issues related to IT Governance, Information Security, Theory of deterrence, Motivation and Behavior Pro-social. It was created a theoretical model based on the studies of Herath and Rao (2009) and D'Arcy, Hovav and Galletta (2009) that are based on General Deterrence Theory and propose the following influencing factors in compliance with the Policy: Severity of Punishment, Certainty of Detection, Peer Behaviour, Normative Beliefs, Perceived Effectiveness and Moral Commitment. The research used a quantitative approach, descriptive. The data were collected through a questionnaire with 18 variables with a Likert scale of five points representing the influencing factors proposed by the theory. The sample was composed of 391 students entering the courses from the Center for Applied Social Sciences of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. For the data analysis, were adopted the techniques of Exploratory Factor Analysis, Analysis of Cluster hierarchical and nonhierarchical, Logistic Regression and Multiple Linear Regression. As main results, it is noteworthy that the factor severity of punishment is what contributes the most to the theoretical model and also influences the division of the sample between users more predisposed and less prone. As practical implication, the research model applied allows organizations to provide users less prone and, with them, to carry out actions of awareness and training directed and write Security Policies more effective.


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The Brazil Telehealth Networks Program was established by the Ministry of Health in 2007. Its main objective is to support professionals in Primary Health Care (PHC) by offering educational qualification, resulting in more favorable conditions to fixate the professional in remote areas. The formulation and management of telehealth services are performed by scientific and technical centers that are operated by public institutions of higher education and responsible for providing tools and services in the context of the regions where they are. However, one of the problems generated by this decentralization is the development of various tools with different types of language, architecture and without any regulation and integration of information with the Ministry of Health. Aiming to solve the above problem, we propose the specification, implementation and validation of an architectural model in the development and distribution of the Unified Health System software tools. This proposed architecture enables tools developed in telehealth center to be shared among the other centers, thereby preventing the unnecessary use of resources.


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The strong presence of the communication and information technologies (TICs) forced the productive routine of some media vehicles to go through significant changes. The same happened to the alternative agencies segment. Having a scarce literature and sources about this subject, this study’s objective is to understand how the Information Agency Frei Tito for Latin America (Adital) develops its proposal of alternative journalism, within the cyberspace, while aiming a Christian communication. For this finality, the study will describe and explain the practices of journalistic production, identifying the subjects involved and the relations maintained between them in this productive routine. Also, it will trace who and where these content replicators are and/or their online address. At first, it was presented a theoretical discussion about the concepts of “counter-hegemony”, alternative journalism and communicative citizenship, what brings us to the studies of Gramsci (2010), Peruzzo (2011), Moraes (2013), Paiva (2008), Coutinho (2008), Mata (2006), among other authors. Next, it will be approached briefly the historical path of the information agencies around the world and in Latin America, so that the study can focus on authors like Aguiar (2009), Pasti (2013) and Moraes (2010). This piece will draught a “methodologic route” for a qualitative approach with an exploratory and descriptive character. We gave up the etnometodological methods, what allow us to analyze the etnomethods or behavioral groups of action, procedures, activities and knowledge that constitutes these groups, giving them recognition and distinction. (COULON, 1995). To achieve the defined objectives, it was also used a bibliographical and documental research techniques, in addition to subject observation and semi-structured interviews. Finally, we analyze the collected data taking into consideration three pivots: the beginning of Adital; the practices, characteristics and subjects involved in the productive routine of the agency; and who are and where are these content replicators of content produced and transmitted by Adital. We can conclude that the production routine of an alternative agency and the counter-hegemonic of information is marked by some singularities regarding to the organization of the journalistic practice and to the obstacles found on the way. Our data allows us, even if there are still some doubts, to believe that Adital is a sort of independent information agency, alternative and counter-hegemonic, ergo, more close to a proposition of communicative citizenship.


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The strong presence of the communication and information technologies (TICs) forced the productive routine of some media vehicles to go through significant changes. The same happened to the alternative agencies segment. Having a scarce literature and sources about this subject, this study’s objective is to understand how the Information Agency Frei Tito for Latin America (Adital) develops its proposal of alternative journalism, within the cyberspace, while aiming a Christian communication. For this finality, the study will describe and explain the practices of journalistic production, identifying the subjects involved and the relations maintained between them in this productive routine. Also, it will trace who and where these content replicators are and/or their online address. At first, it was presented a theoretical discussion about the concepts of “counter-hegemony”, alternative journalism and communicative citizenship, what brings us to the studies of Gramsci (2010), Peruzzo (2011), Moraes (2013), Paiva (2008), Coutinho (2008), Mata (2006), among other authors. Next, it will be approached briefly the historical path of the information agencies around the world and in Latin America, so that the study can focus on authors like Aguiar (2009), Pasti (2013) and Moraes (2010). This piece will draught a “methodologic route” for a qualitative approach with an exploratory and descriptive character. We gave up the etnometodological methods, what allow us to analyze the etnomethods or behavioral groups of action, procedures, activities and knowledge that constitutes these groups, giving them recognition and distinction. (COULON, 1995). To achieve the defined objectives, it was also used a bibliographical and documental research techniques, in addition to subject observation and semi-structured interviews. Finally, we analyze the collected data taking into consideration three pivots: the beginning of Adital; the practices, characteristics and subjects involved in the productive routine of the agency; and who are and where are these content replicators of content produced and transmitted by Adital. We can conclude that the production routine of an alternative agency and the counter-hegemonic of information is marked by some singularities regarding to the organization of the journalistic practice and to the obstacles found on the way. Our data allows us, even if there are still some doubts, to believe that Adital is a sort of independent information agency, alternative and counter-hegemonic, ergo, more close to a proposition of communicative citizenship.


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Various physical systems have dynamics that can be modeled by percolation processes. Percolation is used to study issues ranging from fluid diffusion through disordered media to fragmentation of a computer network caused by hacker attacks. A common feature of all of these systems is the presence of two non-coexistent regimes associated to certain properties of the system. For example: the disordered media can allow or not allow the flow of the fluid depending on its porosity. The change from one regime to another characterizes the percolation phase transition. The standard way of analyzing this transition uses the order parameter, a variable related to some characteristic of the system that exhibits zero value in one of the regimes and a nonzero value in the other. The proposal introduced in this thesis is that this phase transition can be investigated without the explicit use of the order parameter, but rather through the Shannon entropy. This entropy is a measure of the uncertainty degree in the information content of a probability distribution. The proposal is evaluated in the context of cluster formation in random graphs, and we apply the method to both classical percolation (Erd¨os- R´enyi) and explosive percolation. It is based in the computation of the entropy contained in the cluster size probability distribution and the results show that the transition critical point relates to the derivatives of the entropy. Furthermore, the difference between the smooth and abrupt aspects of the classical and explosive percolation transitions, respectively, is reinforced by the observation that the entropy has a maximum value in the classical transition critical point, while that correspondence does not occurs during the explosive percolation.


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Various physical systems have dynamics that can be modeled by percolation processes. Percolation is used to study issues ranging from fluid diffusion through disordered media to fragmentation of a computer network caused by hacker attacks. A common feature of all of these systems is the presence of two non-coexistent regimes associated to certain properties of the system. For example: the disordered media can allow or not allow the flow of the fluid depending on its porosity. The change from one regime to another characterizes the percolation phase transition. The standard way of analyzing this transition uses the order parameter, a variable related to some characteristic of the system that exhibits zero value in one of the regimes and a nonzero value in the other. The proposal introduced in this thesis is that this phase transition can be investigated without the explicit use of the order parameter, but rather through the Shannon entropy. This entropy is a measure of the uncertainty degree in the information content of a probability distribution. The proposal is evaluated in the context of cluster formation in random graphs, and we apply the method to both classical percolation (Erd¨os- R´enyi) and explosive percolation. It is based in the computation of the entropy contained in the cluster size probability distribution and the results show that the transition critical point relates to the derivatives of the entropy. Furthermore, the difference between the smooth and abrupt aspects of the classical and explosive percolation transitions, respectively, is reinforced by the observation that the entropy has a maximum value in the classical transition critical point, while that correspondence does not occurs during the explosive percolation.