95 resultados para Processo educativo - Relações de dominação


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The present study is based on an analysis of professional work relationships in the nursing team from the task/skills of its members as a contribution to understanding the work process in nursing. It is aimed to identify the skills of the nursing team members through the vision of nurses, technicians and nursing assistants, thus it attempts to find strategies to improve the health assistance to patients. It is a descriptive and analytical study with a qualitative approach grounded in theoretical and methodological framework of Symbolic Interactionism. The research was carried out in the participant work place, a Public Hospital of Reference for the SUS, located in the eastern health district of Natal/RN. Nineteen nursing professionals participated in the study, which seven was nurse and twelve nursing technician. As procedure to collect data we used an unstructured interview accompanied by a standard topic guide which was recorded and later transcribed. The content analysis was chosen as the main methodology to analyze the discussion, which gave rise to thematic categories that were considered relevant based on the theoretical framework of this study, and the interactionist theory. This study was in accordance with the ethical principles of the Resolution nº. 196/96, it has obtained an appropriate consent of the UFRN Research Ethics Committee. The results indicate that the professionals seen the nursing as a profession strongly attached to the health care process and as a profession that acquired a scientific status very recently. Regarding to the nursing functions in the work process in nursing, the professionals they identified the manage/administer category as the main activities developed by these professionals, thus the education and complex care in nursing categories. Concerning to the technicians and nursing assistants functions, it was figured out in the professional s opinion that there is not distinction among the attribution of these categories. The interviewed were unanimous in report that these professionals are more involved in direct patient health care through performance of basic duties in nursing care. Finally, with regard to the work relationship among nursing team members, the majority of those interviewed see this relationship as disharmony and quarrelsome and in general, there is not bond between categories that comprise the process of work in nursing. On the basis of our results we consider the importance of knowing the meaning of nursing given by these professionals; also their skills could be useful as basis to identify problems, which source could be detected in the power relationship, deviations of functions, gap between design (knowledge) and performance (doing) work, besides the loss of the global activities view in the process of nursing work


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The current study strives to address the interpersonal relationships of the nursing team from the perspective of the communicative action, by contributing to the health work process. It aims to analyze the interpersonal relationships of the nursing team in its work environment. This is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. Data collection wal held from interviews, guided by a script with open questions. The study was conducted at a state hospital in the city of Natal/RN/Brazil. The research subjects were the workers of the nursing team, including nurses, nursing technicians and nursing assistants, totaling 16 subjects. The capture of information was performed in April 2012. The project was approved by the Ethics Research Committee, under CEP/UFRN protocol n. º 262/11 and Certificate of Presentation for Ethical Consideration n. º 0289.0.051.000-11. The analysis was performed from the categories that emerged from the research through a dialogue with the authors studied in the theoretical framework of the Theory of communicative action , by Jürgen Habermas, as well as The changing in the world of work, by Ricardo Antunes, and Characterization of the team , by Marina Peduzzi. The outocomes point out that the interpersonal relationship of the nursing team is very troubled, with no interaction among the individuals involved in this process, among themselves and with other health professionals. We have developed a particular concept about team, which is comprised of three essential elements: multiplicity of individuals, common objective and heterogeneity. In the studied environment, it was realized the existence of grouping teams. The interpersonal relationship of the nursing can be a facilitator or an obstacle in the workplace in such a way that causes positive or negative consequences, both to the health workers, and to the sicks. In this context, the interviewees have intensified their viewpoints with regard to the weaknesses that permeate the nursing relationship, by pointing them more frequently than the strengths. The work conditions have signaled a failing situation, which is evidenced by the constant improvisation process before the lack of human and material resources, low wages, deficit in recognizing the nursing worker, and physical and emotional wear, by creating a professional exhaustion. The devaluation of the worker also became a strong factor for this study, because it was characterized a reason of job dissatisfaction, due to the lack of valuation policies, which should be prepared by the institution or, even, they are unknown by the worker itself. The worker participation in the design of these policies has emerged as a relevant factor. The poor work conditions lead the worker to a process of professional demotivation and dissatisfaction, by causing the feeling of devaluation within its work environment. Hence, it was found in this research that the lack of communication leads to situations of inadequate interpersonal relationships, which are creators of an unsuitable environment for the performance of the nursing team


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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This work is inserted to Applied Linguistic studies, concerned to the understanding that language is a social practice, bringing a qualitative research, discussing essential aspects that involve the subject and his/her discursive practice: signification and valuation. Due to this, we have elected as subject study, the sense and values attributed to the verbs make out and date searched on the articles written in the Vestibular 2005 process promoted by the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), that had the following instruction: In a relationship, is it better make out , just date , or, both, make out and date ? This research is based on the Circle of Bakhtin s dialogic theory, as well as in the notions of instability in the affective relationships nowadays and in the individualization and multiplicity of contemporaneous subjectivity. Those papers are important to analyze the meaning and values that the verbs make out and date present, nowadays, as expressions of an affective relationship and how this situation can interfere in the positions of subjectivity in a formal instance as a vestibular. Those textual productions reflect those relationships, confronting temporary ones, whose discuss is marked, in general, by social voices that evaluate to make out negatively and to date positively


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Die Beziehung zwischen Literatur und Gesellschaft wurden, im Laufe der Jahrhunderte, aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven analysiert. Die Wissenschaftler analysieren manchmal die Aspekten der sozialen Realität, sie betonen manchmal die Natur der literarischen Werk. Wir glauben, dass Antonio Candido einen Gleichgewichtszustand erreicht, als er das Konzept der strukturellen Reduktion oder Formalisierung entwickelt. Nämlich, der Prozess, bei dem die menschliche und soziale Leben zu einem Bestandteil der literarischen Struktur wird. Der Autor tritt eine Einbahnstraße und er kann Daten aus der sozialen Ordnung aufholen, ohne dabei die Materialität des Textes den Augen verlieren. Und das sind die theoretische Annahmen, die die Entwicklung dieser Arbeit leiten. Wir wollen zu zeigen, dass die Struktur der mamediana Lyrik aufdeckt, signifikante Daten der Gesellschaft, in der der Autore eingefügt wurde enthüllt. Folglich, wir analysieren soziale Thema, das sein Werk durchzieht. Zuerst, wir untersuchen, wie Zila Mamede den Alltag der Gesellschaft vertreten. Von der strukturellen Organisation der Gedichte, wir erkennen, das die Episode aus kleiner Städte ein Akt des Widerstands gegen die fragmentierte Profil der kapitalistischen Gesellschaf sind. Das ist, warum sie doch eng mit der Idee der Tradition erscheinen. Die dichotome Beziehung zwischen den regionalen Daten und der Element der Modernisierung etabliert, sie wird durch die Organisation des Raumes verstärkt. Während die Stadt bei konkrete gesellschaftliche Ordnung Spitzenbeträge verweist, hat die Landschaft eine harmonische und warme Form. Allgemeinen, die moderne Stadt von Zila Mamede geformt, ist eine Abbild der Industriegesellschaft. Die Bilder die Landschaft sind ein Gegenmittel gegen die Feindseligkeiten Merkmale der neuen urbanen Zustand. So, die Landschaft hat die Funktion von Umstrukturierung der Persönlichkeit des Einzelnen durch die Erfahrung der großen Städte betroffen verdinglichenden. Der Konflikt, der durch das lyrische mamediana läuft, sind Reflexionen des Prozesses der Modernisierung der Stadt Natal, ihres eigenen Landes die politische Instabilität, sie durch verschiedene staatliche Programme ging, während Der Autor seine literarische Tätigkeit verfolgt


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We study the critical behavior of the one-dimensional pair contact process (PCP), using the Monte Carlo method for several lattice sizes and three different updating: random, sequential and parallel. We also added a small modification to the model, called Monte Carlo com Ressucitamento" (MCR), which consists of resuscitating one particle when the order parameter goes to zero. This was done because it is difficult to accurately determine the critical point of the model, since the order parameter(particle pair density) rapidly goes to zero using the traditional approach. With the MCR, the order parameter becomes null in a softer way, allowing us to use finite-size scaling to determine the critical point and the critical exponents β, ν and z. Our results are consistent with the ones already found in literature for this model, showing that not only the process of resuscitating one particle does not change the critical behavior of the system, it also makes it easier to determine the critical point and critical exponents of the model. This extension to the Monte Carlo method has already been used in other contact process models, leading us to believe its usefulness to study several others non-equilibrium models


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Family Health Strategy (FHS), founded in 1994 has appeared to play a strategic role in the SUS construction and consolidation. It has reaffirmed its Principles and Guidelines and has elected family as core of attention. The principle that has guided the work concerns the quality of the relationship between professional and family. Thus, the FHS has the family as a subject of health-disease process, and relations with its own characteristics and can be partners in building their health and improvement of quality of life of its members and the entire community. This study aims to characterize the surgeon-dentist (SD) working process in the family health strategy, from the knowledge of the SD integration with other team members; organization of services; development of shares, changes perceived by SDs, as well as knowing the surgeon-dentist profile who is part of this strategy. The collecting tool used was a semi-structured questionnaire, in which participated 30 professionals. As for profile, most professionals were women, completed the graduation in public university and did not have any training to work by joining the FHS. Almost all have other public or private working ties. They often carry out activities with students, and occasionally do home visits. In relation to team work, in activities such as home visits, school health, community activities, among others, they sometimes seek the cooperation of other members. The way of accessing for users in the most part has occurred through the schedule. The most frequently activities made to the Centro Especialidades Odontológicas (CEO), are in Endodontics and Prosthesis. The majority of them participate in team meetings, but they do not have frequency set to happen. As for the planning and programming of activities to be conducted, most said that individually develops them. Concerning the performance of their duties, most reported being satisfied, but that improvements could happen. Besides, they reported improvements in dental care following the inclusion of SD in the FHS in various aspects, such as access, organization, humanization, care and oral disease prevention. The professionals had poor integration with other team members, in addition to have a profile to more individualistic work, a fact seized by way of development and planning of actions. They work the actions in individual and curative way, in detriment promotion and collective ones. They work humanization, definition of territory and adscript population. Thus, it is concluded that the working process developed by SDs, includes the part which is advocated by FHS. This points out to a greater undertaking of this process aiming to detect the weakness met in order to reach the potential that the FHS represents in organization of basic attention


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The creation of the Humanization Program of Hospital Care and the increasing number of academic works and journal articles that discuss more humane practices in the health care services express the emphasis given to the theme in Brazil. In these discussions, however, it is not usual to find reference to architecture as a relevant factor in the humanization of hospitals, even though it is known that the physical structure of the building may help the recovering of the patients; elements such as gardens, the use of colors and open spaces may soften the impact caused by the hospital routine on patients. Considering the contribution the architectural project may bring to the humanization of hospitals, the aim of this study was to verify how the architects perceive the hospital humanization process. Besides having searched for subsides in informal interviews with health professionals, in visits to hospitals and in related seminars, the study was based on semi-structured interviews with architects of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, who are specialists in this kind of projects. The content analysis of the interviews showed that physical space and attendance are essential to the humanization process. Those professionals see two humanization tendencies: while private hospitals have the structural physical appearance considered as humanized, public hospitals emphasize the humanization in attendance, fact that illustrates the contradictions in Brazilian health system. The interviewees consider the post-occupancy evaluation of the building as a learning exercise that contributes to new projects, but surprisingly they do not mention the patients opinion as part of it. Two annoying facts have emerged from the interviews, as also seen in preliminary stages of the study: rare are the works that focus on the person-environment relationship, and the definition of humanized hospital environments is still broad and inaccurate. This suggests the need of new studies in order to better understand how the two factors shown in this study attendance and physical space interact towards a true hospital humanization


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In distance learning degree in Chemistry in full of the Secretária de Educação a distância da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (SEDIS / UFRN). The teacher-tutor to establish the experimental subjects closer relationships with students, mediating the pedagogical actions that develop in the distance learning course, with a view to achieving the principles of autonomy and learning, contributing to the creation of learning environments collaborative, guided by affection.The article presents the results of an empirical research on affectivity in practice this tutorial experimental classes in higher distance education in the full degree course in Chemistry Polo Currais Novos/ RN, held between 2009 and 2010. The study is based on qualitative methodology, whose data were collected through questionnaires and semi-structured interviews with 48 (forty eight) students involved in distance learning courses and selected in order to compose a group of subjects who showed variability, as guidelines that guide the sampling procedures in qualitative research. The results, based on category theory and empirical analysis of data from the interviews were supplemented by information obtained from participant observation which also served to guide the data collection of the corpus of this work. With the results we understand that there is clarity about what characterizes a loving relationship between those involved in the process of teaching and learning in experimental classes in high school chemistry Distance Education. Furthermore, it was also clear that the communication process in dialogic teaching and learning in higher distance education in chemistry at the trial need to mark out in balanced affective attitudes, the experimental error that value and respect the many possible construction of knowledge by movements social interaction of individual and collective


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In distance learning degree in Chemistry in full of the Secretária de Educação a distância da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (SEDIS / UFRN). The teacher-tutor to establish the experimental subjects closer relationships with students, mediating the pedagogical actions that develop in the distance learning course, with a view to achieving the principles of autonomy and learning, contributing to the creation of learning environments collaborative, guided by affection.The article presents the results of an empirical research on affectivity in practice this tutorial experimental classes in higher distance education in the full degree course in Chemistry Polo Currais Novos/ RN, held between 2009 and 2010. The study is based on qualitative methodology, whose data were collected through questionnaires and semi-structured interviews with 48 (forty eight) students involved in distance learning courses and selected in order to compose a group of subjects who showed variability, as guidelines that guide the sampling procedures in qualitative research. The results, based on category theory and empirical analysis of data from the interviews were supplemented by information obtained from participant observation which also served to guide the data collection of the corpus of this work. With the results we understand that there is clarity about what characterizes a loving relationship between those involved in the process of teaching and learning in experimental classes in high school chemistry Distance Education. Furthermore, it was also clear that the communication process in dialogic teaching and learning in higher distance education in chemistry at the trial need to mark out in balanced affective attitudes, the experimental error that value and respect the many possible construction of knowledge by movements social interaction of individual and collective


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The purpose of this study was investigate the sexual division of the work in a chain of fast food, in Natal, RN. These aspects were analyzed with the ways of organization of the work, being made a case study. The main objective of this survey was to analyze the influence of gender relations in the insertion of men and women in the job market and to analyze the question of feminine submission in the professional world. These questions were analyzed considering the current period of the worldwide capitalism, from the characteristics of productive process and the growth of the service sectors. The research was made with a group of workers on the production sectors; attendance, management and human resources at restfood store, where six clerks were interviewed. Through our research, it is possible to perceive the permanence of the sexual division at the job in the interior of the productive processes at Restfood, that puts the woman in a subordinate position in relation to the man. This result can be confirmed if we considerate that the women, on this chain of food, occupy in first place the function of waitress and on this, trere s no functional progression, while her workmates (the men) for occupying other functions can progress inside the company. It was also evidenced that in a context of globalization of the capital, deregulation and disrespect of labor laws, the capital acts without any respect to workers. That was what we observed at the interviewer speech; the scarcity of the conditions of work and the constant disrespect of the labor laws. This way, we could evidence that the scarcity of work conditions hit men and women, but it has a crueler face with the women, and this one reproduces itself, day by day in the process of social reproduction, through family life, insertion in the world of the work, information and received social education. So, the capital explores all of them, but the gender relations create to the capital, the possibility of a different degree of exploration, becoming this way, the women main victims herself


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Patriarchy is a dominating system that establishes male power in social relations as the social-ideological system and the structuring element of several ways of men‟s domination on gender social relations, on organization of social life, on private relations, and on political decision spaces. In this study we enlarge our reflection about patriarchy from the analysis of Forró lyrics, more specifically the variation known as stylized. Of late decades, it is a kind of music that has been receiving a large acceptance all over the national territory, making use of everyday expressions that propagate and make apology to many forms of discrimination, oppression and violence against women. We emphasize that over this study 14 Forró lyrics were analyzed of different styles besides stylized, like the traditional and the double meaning ones. However, we dwelled on the content analysis, particularly in three Stylized Forró lyrics, they are: Tapa na Cara (2008) by Saia Rodada Band; Mulher Roleira (2004), Aviões do Forró Band; and Bomba no Cabaré (2007), Matruz com Leite Band. In order to make a critical analysis of the elements in the lyrics content, we support ourselves on the theoretic-methodological references of the dialectical materialism, a method that allowed us to get closer to the totality of the reality that includes the popular involvement of the analyzed lyrics in a qualitative way. In that sense, we hold onto the theoretic-methodological categories: gender social relations, patriarchy, violence against women, ideology and cultural industry. As from the lyrics compilation, they were arranged by theme, we classified and analyzed the content, which allowed us to comprehend the messages in the lyrics, beyond the text shows at first sight. Today, there are many mechanisms of propagation and perpetuation of patriarchal ideology. A very relevant mechanism of this phenomenon is the sexual violence. The violence against women is a form to propagate and keep sexism, which may occur in different ways, like physical, psychological, sexual, patrimonial and social. Through our study we established that the propagation of the violence against women as being something natural and banal, giving reinforcement to the asymmetric construction of gender relations that priorizes male to the detriment of female. This banalization is perhaps, one of the strongest allies of this phenomenon‟s perpetuation, that affects women all over the world from different social classes


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This thesis is consisted of a theoretical and empirical study about the treatment given by media, particularly on telejournalism, to violence against women. It aims to analyze and reflect about the role of media, particularly television, on the process of reproduction of patriarchy system of gender on the context of Brazilian society, from content and narrative news about crimes committed against Andreia Rodrigues and Eliza Samudio. In light of the critical perspective, we seek to apprehend the particularities of patriarchy as a system of domination and subjugation of women, and also reveal the involvement of traditional means of media on reproduction and maintenance of inequality between men and women. To apprehend that reality, we had as guidance a critical social theory, grounded in historical-dialectical materialism which enabled us to apprehend the phenomenon under investigation actually enrolled in a dynamic and contradictory reality. The research had qualitative approach. We appeal to the specialized literature of the area from classical and contemporary authors. We conducted a content analysis of categorized matters, and interviews with individuals involved in issues of gender and / or communication. The critical examination of the matters indicated that television journalism is permeated by the contradictions inherent in social life, means that states and restates the ideology of ruling classes, their values and worldviews, but also express conflicts and social demands. The study revealed that prevails on television playing stereotypes and gender inequalities. We could also see that violence against women gets a sensationalist overblown approach and with no insights on the social relations that determine and base it.


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This research analyzes the Rio Grande do Norte care services to women who face violence in the context of contemporary capitalism. To do so, we situate the patriarchy in the set of current social relations and its relationship with the corporate determinations in everyday life. The new functions of the Patriarchy in the capital sociability permeates the lives of individuals and particularizes the relationships of violence which affects women, requiring, in the immediate level, policy-making to face them. The research found an arsenal of contradictory possibilities and limitations in dealing with violence. In this process, forms of struggle and resistance predominate, which appear as possibilities and limits were identified relate to the socio-historical context of regression of the rights, historical moment in which increase the objective difficulties in everyday life to ensure the legal achievements. It is worth to emphasize the achievements and contradictions that characterize the struggle process for rights, linking services to women to the social policies and to the limits they face in opposition to the aims of the State to meet the mandatory requirements of capital, reducing its role as the main guarantor of policies and rights. In this sense, the trajectory of the achievements that have referred to the proclamation of a specific law to deal with combat violence against women, the Maria da Penha Law - 11.340/06, which provides an integrated set of measures that, if implemented, would allow the women protection from relations of violence they experience. We identified in Rio Grande do Norte precarious services that are essential to achieve the Maria da Penha Law. This situation requires a feminist organization to claim the rights that enable women to see themselves as people with rights in the process of collective struggle. This is the historical need for continuity of struggles that accumulate policies for the existence of a new model of social relations of gender. One of the possibilities that are presented in the current context is the impact on the public budget in order to ensure compliance with the budget for public policies for women - woman budget. In this perspective, feminist segments in national and state level have been organized to understand the functioning and monitoring of social policies. This is a condition and prerequisite for ensuring policies to ensure basic rights and the violence combat , which still requires an integrated set of services. The survey results allow us to consider that the struggle for rights is necessary at this historical moment, however it is not sufficient in human emancipation, which requires new forms of social relations that determine substantive equality between men and women. Thus, the feminist movement faces the challenge to organize and strengthen itself in daily life, in order to execute a project that changes the meaning of women's rights, articulated to a corporate project which wants other command in the set of social relations . This study emphasizes the need for a more and more organic connection between feminism and social struggles, to ensure the inclusion of women in anti-capitalist struggle


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The problematic that gives shape to this research is the question of the historical process of demobilization of the movement of the working classes in your accented contemporary moment. Their object of study, however, and that it particularizes, it relates to a portion this problematic; it relates to set of determinations that comprise a broader set of determinations of this historical process: it is a set of determinations forged and mediated by bourgeois strategies of management for the conformation of the circumstances necessary for the domination and for the conduct of labor force on operations in work processes for the production of surplus value. What we investigated are, because, the strategies of disarticulation that the bourgeoisie utilizes, under the mantle of subsidies conceptual and interventive of its management of work processes and the sieve of class struggles, to obstruct the union of workers; hamper the movements proletarians. Managerial strategies that intentionally or unintentionally, instill in the social relations of production means to produce and reproduce, activate and reactivate conditions of incitement of individualism and competition between the workers themselves. We shall see, thus, by analyzing means, centrally, from some of the fundamentals of disarticulation in the managerial strategies bourgeois and some of the fundamental strategies of management bourgeois hegemonized with the restructuring productive of 1970, that the disarticulation, and also the demobilization, is a concrete condition, is an objective condition, that is beyond a question that can be "solved" only by enlightenment cognitive, only by formation criticism intellectual. In everyday of the work spaces permeated by managerial strategies bourgeois there elements, then, operating as a material force putting difficulties important for the articulation of the workers, the solidarity of the proletariat; elements that constitute obstacle significant to an awareness of class and belonging; elements act in favor of the atomization of the worker - even if engenders, in the same process, as a contradiction, potentiality of resistance and fight the forces of labor