96 resultados para Gerentes médios


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A rotação estelar é um dos mais importantes observáveis da evolução estelar. Neste sentido, o satélite CoRoT representa uma oportunidade única de medir os períodos rotacionais para uma amostra de estrelas estatisticamente robusta, oferecendo dados absolutamente necessários para o estudo da rotação e seu papel na evolução estelar. Para conseguir isto, um passo fundamental é a caracterização física e química das estrelas observadas pelo CoRoT, especificamente devido ao fato de que o cálculo de períodos rotacionais confiáveis é um trabalho difícil sem a ajuda dos parâmetros estelares. Desta forma, foi elaborado um importante seguimento observacional das estrelas nos campos do CoRoT do anticentro LRa01 e do centro LRc01, permitindo a correta identificação dos períodos que reflitam a modulação rotacional. Nesta tese de doutorado são apresentados os resultados de tal seguimento. Parâmetros físicos e químicos, tais como temperatura efetiva Teff , gravidade superficial log(g), velocidade de microturbulência Vmic, abundância de ferro [Fe/H], velocidade de rotação projetada Vsin(i), e abundância de lítio A(Li) são apresentados para uma amostra de 116 estrelas dos campos CoRoT. Elas se encontram em diferentes estágios evolutivos, desde a sequência principal (SP) até o ramo das gigantes vermelhas (GV). As observações foram feitas utilizando os espectrógrafos UVES (VLT) e HYDRA (CTIO). Para a derivação de tais parâmetros foram utilizados o programa TurboSpectrum e os modelos de atmosfera de MARCS. Paralelamente, velocidades rotacionais Vsin(i) foram obtidas a partir do ajuste dos perfis observados e sintéticos das linhas de ferro e por meio de uma calibração de função de correlação cruzada (CCF). Períodos rotacionais Prot para 77 estrelas da amostra foram obtidos a partir das curvas de luz do satélite CoRoT. Extensas tabelas destes parâmetros e seus respectivos erros são apresentadas. Foram encontradas diferenças nas distribuições de Teff , [Fe/H] e estágios evolutivos entre os diferentes campos do CoRoT, indicando possíveis efeitos de seleção na amostra, assim como a existência de diferentes populações estelares do disco Galáctico. Por outro lado, o comportamento rotacional e as abundâncias de lítio não apresentam diferenças entre estrelas de parâmetros físicos similares, mas que pertencem a diferentes campos do CoRoT. A partir da análise de temperaturas, foi encontrada uma maior extinção por avermelhamento para estrelas do CoRoT localizadas no campo LRc01, assim como um gradiente deste valor em função da distância. Os resultados mostram que as abundâncias de lítio, as velocidades de rotação e os períodos rotacionais apresentam o mesmo comportamento descrito na literatura. Por outro lado, é apresentada pela primeira vez a relação que existe entre o lítio e o período de rotação em diferentes estágios evolutivos, mostrando, tal como era esperado, que ambas as grandezas possuem uma anticorrelação. Também é apresentada a evolução simultânea da rotação e do lítio, e foram calculadas relações que permitem obter valores médios de A(Li) como função da temperatura efetiva e do período rotacional. Os dados apresentados nesta tese de doutorado representam um importante ponto de partida para serem utilizados como uma amostra de calibração para diferentes programas no contexto da missão do satélite CoRoT, uma vez que a lista de estrelas aqui analisadas são parte das mais brilhantes que compõem o campo Exo do CoRoT


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The clinical importance of evaluating the respiratory muscles with a variety of tests has been proposed by several studies, once that the combination of several tests would allow a better diagnosis and therefore, a better clinical follow of disorders of the respiratory muscles. This study aimed to evaluate the feasibility of adapting a national electronic manovacuometer to measure the nasal inspiratory pressure (study 1) and analyze the level of load intensity of maximum voluntary ventilation, as well as the variables that may influence this maneuver in healthy subjects (study 2). We studied 20 healthy subjects by a random evaluation of two measures of SNIP in different equipments: a national and an imported. In study 2 it was analyzed the intensity of the load of MVV test, change in pressure developed during the maneuver, the possible differences between genders, and the correlations between the flow developed in the test and the result of MVV. In study 1 it was found the average for both measures of nasal inspiratory pressures: 125 ± 42.4 cmH2O for the imported equipment and 131.7 ± 28.7 cmH2O for the national one. Pearson analysis showed a significant correlation between the average, with a coefficient r = 0.63. The average values showed no significant differences evaluated by paired t test (p> 0.05). In the Bland-Altman analysis it was found a BIAS = 7 cmH2O, SD 32.9 and a confidence interval of - 57.5 cmH2O up to 71.5 cmH2O. In the second study it was found significant differences between the genders in the air volume moved, being higher in males 150.9 ± 13.1 l / min vs 118.5 ± 15.7 L / min for (p = 0.0002, 95% CI 44.85 to 20:05). Regarding the inspiratory and expiratory loading, they were significantly higher in men than in women, peak inspiratory pressure (34.7 ± 5.3 cmH2O vs 19.5 ± 4.2 cmH2O, 95% CI - 18.0 to -12.3, p <0.0001), peak expiratory (33.8 vs. 23.1 ± 5.9 cmH2O ± 5.4 cmH2O, 95% CI -17.1 to - 4.6, p <0.0001), and the delta pressure (59.7 ± 10 cmH2O vs 36.8 ± 8.3 cmH2O, 95% CI 14.5 to 31.2, p <0.0002). The Pearson correlation showed that the flow generated by the maneuver is strongly correlated with the delta-expiratory pressure / inspiratory (r2= 0.83,R = 0.91, 95%IC 0.72 a 0.97 e p< 0.0001).Through these results we suggest that the national electronic manovacuometer is feasible and safe to perform the sniff test in healthy subjects. For the MVV, there are differences between the genders in the intensity of pressure developed during the maneuver. We found a load intensity considered low during the MVV, and found a strong correlation between the flow generated in the test and the delta pressure expiratory / inspiratory


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The work is to make a brief discussion of methods to estimate the parameters of the Generalized Pareto distribution (GPD). Being addressed the following techniques: Moments (moments), Maximum Likelihood (MLE), Biased Probability Weighted Moments (PWMB), Unbiased Probability Weighted Moments (PWMU), Mean Power Density Divergence (MDPD), Median (MED), Pickands (PICKANDS), Maximum Penalized Likelihood (MPLE), Maximum Goodness-of-fit (MGF) and the Maximum Entropy (POME) technique, the focus of this manuscript. By way of illustration adjustments were made for the Generalized Pareto distribution, for a sequence of earthquakes intraplacas which occurred in the city of João Câmara in the northeastern region of Brazil, which was monitored continuously for two years (1987 and 1988). It was found that the MLE and POME were the most efficient methods, giving them basically mean squared errors. Based on the threshold of 1.5 degrees was estimated the seismic risk for the city, and estimated the level of return to earthquakes of intensity 1.5°, 2.0°, 2.5°, 3.0° and the most intense earthquake never registered in the city, which occurred in November 1986 with magnitude of about 5.2º


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This study clinically evaluated the relationship of gingival recessions with the periodontal index of gingival and plaque, dental alignment, keratinized mocous, type of periodontal, and occlusal disorders. Study participants were individuals aged between 19 and 33 years. The evaluations were performed by using questionnaires and clinical examinations. In subjects examined, the teeth were assessed and divided into groups (Molars, premolars, canines and incisors). The gingival recession were measured in the central region of the teeth and individuals were subject to disclosure to the plate and observing the poll of plaque and gingival index, respectively. 558 teeth were examined, with 24.1%, 135 had gingival recession greater than or equal to 1mm. Through the combination of tests used to evaluate the average of the recession and its relationship with the variables studied, we observed that the degree of recession of the elements assessed dental showed, almost for the most part, when higher values associated with the index plaque (p = 0.101), Gingival Index (p = 0.053), dental alignment (p = 0.962), width of keratinized mocous (p = 0.004) and type of periodontium (p = 0.033), however statistically significant difference could only be considered when related the recessions in the keratinized mocous and the type of the periodontium. Although we identify, when we evaluate the whole set of teeth that occlusal disturbances (p = 0.002) were more strongly associated with cases of gum recession that the gingival index (p = 0.006), however, these two conditions were correlated with the cases of recession, contributing to its occurrence


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Receptor ativador nuclear κappa B (RANK), ligante do receptor ativador nuclear κappa B (RANKL) e osteoprotegerina (OPG) são membros da família do fator de necrose tumoral relacionados com o metabolismo ósseo. A formação, diferenciação e atividade dos osteoclastos são reguladas por estas três proteínas. RANK é um receptor transmembrana presente em diversos tipos celulares, principalmente em células de linhagem macrofágica, linfócitos, células dendríticas e fibroblastos e quando ativado pelo seu ligante, RANKL, promove a diferenciação e ativação de células osteoclásticas responsáveis pelo processo de reabsorção óssea. A OPG impede a ligação RANK/RANKL atuando como um receptor inibitório para a atividade osteolítica. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar a expressão imuno-histoquímica destes biomarcadores em cistos radiculares (n=20) e cistos dentígeros (n=20). A expressão imuno-histoquímica destes marcadores foi avaliada no epitélio e na cápsula dos cistos por escores e percentuais médios de imunomarcação. Para o epitélio, a análise semi-quantitativa revelou um padrão similar dos escores de imunomarcação de RANK, RANKL e OPG nas lesões, não havendo diferença estatística significante (p=0.589, p=0.688, p=0.709, respectivamente). Para a cápsula cística a análise quantitativa, mostrou diferença estatística significante entre os percentuais médios de imunomarcação do RANK e RANKL (p=0,001 e p=0,005, respectivamente) nos cistos. A correlação dos escores de imunomarcação de RANKL e OPG no epitélio do CR e do CD revelou diferença estatística significante (p=0,029, p=0,003, respectivamente). No epitélio dos CRs e dos CDs observou-se uma maior imunoexpressão da OPG comparada a do RANKL. Os resultados apontam a presença de RANK, RANKL e OPG nos cistos radiculares e cistos dentígeros, sugerindo a atuação destas proteínas no desenvolvimento e expansão das lesões no osso adjacente


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Periapical lesions are chronic inflammatory conditions of periradicular tissues considered direct consequences of infectious diseases resulting from pulp necrosis and subsequent progression to periapical region. The participation of the immune response and bone resorption in the formation of these lesions has been investigated, so that different cell types and cytokines have been identified as contributors to this process. In this perspective, this study aimed to evaluate the immunohistochemical expression of IL-17, TGF-β1 and FoxP3 in periapical granulomas (PGs), radicular cysts (RCs) and residual radicular cysts (RRCs), seeking a better understanding of the etiopathogenesis these periapicopatias. To this end, we selected 20 cases of GPs, 20 CRs and 10 RRCs to undergo morphological analysis and immunohistochemistry for biomarkers above, the latter being performed quantitatively using scores and average percentages of immunostaining for the analysis of IL-17 and TGF- β1, while for the FoxP3 were counted only the positive lymphocytes. The results showed statistically significant differences between TGF-β1 and FoxP3 imunoexpressions, in relation to the periapical lesions studied (p = 0.002, p <0.001, respectively) but not between IL-17 and these (p = 0.355). Furthermore, the analysis of lymphocytes FoxP3-positive revealed significant statistical differences in that refers to the intensity of inflammatory infiltrate (p = 0.003) and also regarding thickness of the epithelial lining (p = 0.009). Finally, it was observed in the case of PGs, strong positive correlation between the amount of FoxP3- positive lymphocytes and the immunohistochemical expression of TGF-β1 (r = 0.755, p<0.001), as well as moderate positive correlation between IL-17 and TGF-β1 imunoexpressions (r = 0.503, p = 0.024). Thus, we can conclude that interactions between Th17 and Treg cells seem to be established at the site of injury, suggesting the involvement of both pro-inflammatory and immunoregulatory cytokines in the pathogenesis of periapical lesions


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The odontogenic keratocysts are distinguished from other odontogenic cystic lesions by their potentially aggressive clinical behavior and association, in some cases, with Gorlin syndrome. Studies have suggested that syndrome keratocysts, in comparison with sporadic lesions, have higher growth and infiltration capacity and higher recurrence tendency. The aim of this study was to analyze, by means of immunohistochemistry, the expressions of receptor activator of nuclear factor κB ligand (RANKL) and osteoprotegerin (OPG), the angiogenic index (CD34) and the presence of myofibroblasts (α-SMA) in primary and recurrent sporadic keratocysts and in keratocysts associated with Gorlin syndrome. The sample was composed by 30 sporadic keratocysts (22 primary and 8 recurrent) and 22 syndrome keratocysts. In the epithelium and in the fibrous capsule of the lesions, the immunoexpression of RANKL and OPG was evaluated by determination of the percentage of positive cells, according to the following scores: 0 (less than 10% of positive cells), 1 (11% - 50% of positive cells), 2 (51% - 75% of positive cells) and 3 (more than 76% of positive cells). In addition, cases were classified according to the RANKL score/ OPG score ratio, as follows: RANKL > OPG, RANKL < OPG, and RANKL = OPG. The angiogenic index was analyzed by counting the microvessels immunoreactive to anti-CD34 antibody in 5 fields (200). The analysis of myofibroblasts was performed by counting the cells immunoreactive to anti-α-SMA antibody in 10 fields (400). The analysis of the expressions of RANKL and OPG in the epithelial lining and in the fibrous capsule did not reveal significant differences between groups (p > 0.05). Regarding the RANKL/ OPG ratio in the epithelial lining, most sporadic primary (54.5%) and syndrome lesions (59.1%) showed RANKL < OPG ratio and RANKL = OPG ratio, respectively (p > 0.05). With respect to the RANKL/ OPG ratio in the fibrous capsule, the majority of sporadic primary (81.8%) and sporadic recurrent lesions (75.0%) and most syndrome lesions (45.5%) showed RANKL = OPG ratio (p > 0.05). The mean number of microvessels was 69.2 in sporadic primary lesions, 67.6 in recurrent lesions, and 71.6 in syndrome lesions, with no significant differences between groups (p > 0.05). The mean number of myofibroblasts was 34.4 in sporadic primary lesions, 29.3 in recurrent lesions, and 33.7 in syndrome lesions, with no significant differences between groups (p > 0.05). In conclusion, the results of the present study suggest that the differences in the biological behavior between sporadic keratocysts and keratocysts associated with Gorlin syndrome may not be related to the expressions of RANKL and OPG, the RANKL/ OPG ratio, the angiogenic index or the number of myofibroblasts in these lesions


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He aim of this study was to evaluate the structural characters, herbage accumulation, nutritive value and performance of sheep in different tropical pastures. The treatments were two cultivars and two of the genera Panicum Brachiaria pastures under intermittent stocking and variable stocking rate, in the rainy season. We evaluated the masses and the components of herbage pre grazing in two layers, and after grazing. Chemical analyzes were made of the stems and leaf blades pre grazing in two layers. We used 48 male sheep and whole for the assessment of individual weight gain and area, and anestrous females to adjust the stocking rate. In the cv. Massai showed the highest herbage mass, leaf blades and dead material, and the largest volume density and leaf blade: stem pre grazing. There was no difference among cultivars for the percentage of leaf blade (PLB) in both strata, but the higher the PLB was higher than the bottom. The highest percentage of dead material (PDM) was observed in cvs. Massai and Marandu in the two strata. In cvs. Massai and Piatã were observed lower levels of crude protein in stem and leaf. In stratum 0-25 cm lower nutritional value was observed in the stem in the leaf blades did not grant the nutritional value among the strata. Herbage mass, leaf blade, PLB and proportion of stem in the residue of the Massai pastures were higher than cv. Aruana. There was no difference for efficiencies in harvest leaf and stem between the cultivars. The cv. Massai got the higher accumulation of leaf per cycle per day. Animals kept in grass swards Aruana had the highest average daily gain. The higher stocking rates and earnings per area were observed in grass swards and Marandu Massai. The cultivars are suitable for sheep meat production in the rainy season


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This study aimed to evaluate the performance and profitability of Canindé goats kept under semi-intensive management in mix farming system. 84 animals were used, being 81 does e three bucks.. The means of fertility rate at parturition, prolificacy and percentages of pregnant, kid survival and reproductive rate were compared by Tukey test at significance level of 5.0%. The kid weights from birth to weaning were submitted to variance analysis considering sex and birth type and the means were compared by Tukey test at 5.0% of significance. The percentages of fertility rate by ultrassographic were 91.36 and parturition 74.84. The prolificacy was 1.53. Independently of sex the mortality rate of kids from birth to weaning was 12.3. The average weights of offspring were 2.11 and 1.92 kg and 6.74 and 6.84 kg for male and female offspring at birth and weaning, in this order. The average weights of kids, meaning PN, P28, P56, P63, in the first season of kidding were 2.11 ± 0.46 kg, 3.63 ± 1.04 kg, 5.96 ± 158 kg and 6.74 ± 1.79 kg. There was significant differences (P<0,05) only to birth weight of kids sons of buck 135. However, the fertility at parturition for first and second breeding seasons (BS) were 87.65 and 62.96, respectively (P<0.05). The prolificacy was 1.58 and 1.47 to first and second BS in this order. The percentages of offspring survival from birth to weaning, to first and second BS were 92.86 and 80.00, respectively. From the first BS the reproduction rate was 1.28 while in the second was 0.74. After weaning the duration of lactation was 104 days to first breeding parturition and 38 days in the second one. The total milk production was 853.50 kg. The kids weight gain was influenced by season of year, wet and dry and buck (P<0.05). Were concluded that the seasons of year when breeding season and parturition occur strongly affected the productive performance and profitability of production system


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The visual system is an important link between the animal and the environment, com profound influences on the habits and lifestyle in various habitats. Adaptive mechanismsto the temporal niche are present in the visual system of many vertebrates, involving changins in ocular dimensios and design, retinal cell distribution and organization of neurochemical circuits related to the retinal resolution or sensitivity. The sensory system of the eye is represented by the retina, whose organization is responsible by receipty, initial analysis, and transmission of the information to the brain. The knowledge of the position of the eyes in the head and the distribution of retinal cells allow to identify adaptive aspects of each species to its visual field, which is characteristic to the ecological niche it occupies. In this research, we study eye anatomical characteristics and retina neurochemical features of the rock cavy (Kerodon rupestris), a tipical Brazilian rodent from the suborder Hystricomorpha, family Caviidae. The rock cavy has lateral eyes well constitute bony orbit and well differentiated extrinsic muscle. The study of the descriptive and morphometric anatomy of the showed mean values of axial diameter 10.7±0,5mm and equatorial diameter 11.6±0.7mm. The pupil is slit shaped and the lens has mean axial diameter 5.4±0.03 mm, corresponding to ~45% of the axial diameter of the eye. The posterior nodal distance and the retinal magnification factor were estimated at 6.74 mm e 118 μm/grau, respectively. Flat mounts were processed for Nissl stain, and the topographic distribution of ganglion cells showed a moderate visual band, just below the optic disc, with higher density in the ventral retina. Retinal vertical sections and flat mounts were processed for immunohistochemistry to visualize tyrosine hydroxilase (TH) and thus two types of TH+ cells were detected. Type 1 cells had strong TH-immunoreactivity, the body cell varied from 120.047 to 269.373 μm2 stratifying in the sublamina 1 of the IPL. Type 2 cells were weakly TH-imunoreactive, had cell body located mostly in the IPL, varying from 54.848 to 177.142 μm2, constituting ~10% of the TH+ cells. Both cell types exhibited similar topographic distribution with higher density found in a horizontal band along of the naso-temporal axis in the dorsal retina. The total population of dopaminergic cells was 2,156±469,4 cells, occupying an average area of 198,164 μm2. The presence of cones and rods was detected by immunohistochemistry in vertical sections and flat mounts. S cones density is around 10 times smaller than L cones, with different degree of spatial organization. Other retinal neuronal populations of the rock cavy were also detected in vertical sections with specific markers. Comparative analysis of the anatomical characteristics of the rock cavy eye 12 suggest that it was designed to acquire higher sensitivity to light, at expense of image sharpness, compatible with a vision at mesopic conditions. Additionally, the distribution of the 2 subtypes of dopaminergic cells in a naso-temporal band in the dorsal retina seems suitable to a gain in sensitivity, coherent with an animal with predominantly crepuscular activity pattern


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The physiological variations of parameters in situations of laboral stress can function like indicator in the sprouting of disorder. Those conditions have led researchers to investigate alternatives that can favor the quality of life in persons under stress laboral. The present research had as objectives investigate the physiological behavior of parameters (blood pressure, heart hat and respiratory hat) of men and women in condition of stress laboral submitted to the technique Watsu. It was used a experimental methodology with a group formed by men and women in reproductive age, that work as salesclerk in a supermarket net in Natal/RN. The seven individuals selected were submitted to the three phases of the study (dependent groups), that consisted of the phase 1 of obtaining from the measure basal (control 1), in the phase 2 of immersion in the water (control 2), and phase 3 from the application the technique Watsu (experimental phase). It was verified that during the phase basal (condition 1) the physiological parameters (BPS, BPD, HH and RH) of both sexes evaluated showed the medium values of the women (average±detour-standard: BSP = 104.1±7.92; BPD = 70.83 ±7.92; HH = 77.58 ±3.87; RH = 19.83 ±2.58) similar those presented by the men (BPS = 118.75 ±7.55; BPD = 75.00 ±9.91; HH = 71.75 ±14.95; RH = 16.62 ±3.99). The evaluation of those parameters before and after immersion of the volunteers in the water (condition 2) showed a significant reduction (W = 3.0: p≤0.05) barely for the values of BPS presented by the sex females after immersion. In the men group, all of the physiological parameters analyzed did not vary significantly. Regarding the profile of those variables before and after application of the watsu (condition 3), was verified a significant increase (W= 0,0: p≤0.05) for the BPS one and SABP in the women. The Men did not show significant variation for all of the physiological parameters. Faced with the results presented, we are able to conclude that the systolic and diastolic blood pressures were the physiological parameters that are on influence from the Technique Watsu, only for the kind females


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The object of this study was to identify the possibility of predicting the involvement in traffic infractions from the results of the psychological tests carried out by psychologists specialized in the process of driver licensing in the state of Rio Grande do Norte (RN). The proposal consisted in identifying the penalty points recorded in national driving licenses (CNH) and identifying the corresponding tests and scores obtained, verifying if the average scores in the tests of drivers with and without an infraction record were significantly different and if there is any relation between the test scores and the frequency of the infractions. The results of the psychological instruments were collected in two moments the first being in the act of acquisition of the CNH and the second being during license renewal at the only certified clinic and at the DETRAN-RN. A population of 839 drivers of 14 municipalities were identified. 127 protocols of psychological tests were identified in the records of the DETRAN-RN (2002) and 76 at the clinic (2007), pointing out failures in the process of safekeeping of the psychological material, as well as in its retrieval from the record files. The sample was thus reduced to 68 drivers, all male, with age range between 18 and 41 years old, mean of 21,72 years old (DP = 5,24). 54 drivers were identified without a record of infraction, and 14 with a record. The latter committed 29 infractions. The penalty points recorded in their CNH ranged from 0 to 35 and the typical value of points (median) was zero. In the group with a record of infractions the number of points ranged between 3 and 35, mean of 10,79 (DP = 7,73). Differences were observed in the composition of the battery of tests in the two moments with the same subjects. The use of different tests to assess the same construct of the subject, first and second moment of assessment, did not allow for some analyzes with more efficient statistical proof. It was pointed out that five tests were not carried out and 118 were not corrected/analyzed. Significant differences between the groups were not identified with the psychological instruments used. In another attempt to establish differences between the means, the application of the independent t-Test evidenced a significant difference in the scores of the instruments of concentrated attention in 2002 (t = 2,21, gl = 25, p = 0.037) and of diffuse attention in 2002 (t = 2,37, gl = 24, p = 0.026). The results also did not evidence significant correlation between the scores of the tests and the penalty points of the infractions. Based on this study, it cannot be concluded with precision that the high or low scores are good criteria to determine that a driver will commit more or less traffic infractions, nor that the drivers with higher scores in the tests commit less infractions and vice-versa. Furthermore, the problems to find the instruments and the most basic data require a stronger monitoring on the part of the certified clinic and of the DETRAN-RN.


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This master s dissertation deals with motivation and the meaning of work amongst bank employees. This is done considering a cognitive perception. Work is understood here under a social and subjective comprehension, once it deals with significance attribution. Motivation is the process that rules choice of the different possibilities of individual behavior, all of which according to the Expectation Theory. This study aims to analyze the implications of the productive restructure, since it is related to technological innovation, organizational changes and management, in motivation and work significance. Thus, the objective of the research is to verify motivational differences and the meaning of work amongst bank employees. This is done in two distinct moments of the productive restructure of bank employees in Natal-RN. The research is divided in two parts. In the first one, changes that occurred in banks between 1999 until 2005 were identified by the means of interviews with 7 bank managers. The analyzed perspective was training intensifying, quality emphasis of customer attendance, the use of automation/technology, staff stabilization, change in staff profile, work intensification, etc. In the second study the Inventory of Motivation and Work Meaning was applied. Thus, questions related to work focus, social demographic data, in 187 bank employees were dealt with. The collected data was compared to data from previous work. It was observed that productive restructure has a reflection in the meaning of work increasing self-expression, economical reward, and responsibility in work conditions. All of the item mention beforehand maintain the level of inhumanness and consummation and respond as being the characteristics of the real work environment. On the other hand, bank employees value less justice, self-expression and more the survival perspective, implying instrumental values to work. As for motivation, it is increased among bank employees. These employees have greater expectations that their work produce results since they believe in their interference in work results


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This work is combined with the potential of the technique of near infrared spectroscopy - NIR and chemometrics order to determine the content of diclofenac tablets, without destruction of the sample, to which was used as the reference method, ultraviolet spectroscopy, which is one of the official methods. In the construction of multivariate calibration models has been studied several types of pre-processing of NIR spectral data, such as scatter correction, first derivative. The regression method used in the construction of calibration models is the PLS (partial least squares) using NIR spectroscopic data of a set of 90 tablets were divided into two sets (calibration and prediction). 54 were used in the calibration samples and the prediction was used 36, since the calibration method used was crossvalidation method (full cross-validation) that eliminates the need for a validation set. The evaluation of the models was done by observing the values of correlation coefficient R 2 and RMSEC mean square error (calibration error) and RMSEP (forecast error). As the forecast values estimated for the remaining 36 samples, which the results were consistent with the values obtained by UV spectroscopy


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In order to obtain a biofuel similar to mineral diesel, lanthanum-incorporated SBA- 15 nanostructured materials, LaSBA-15(pH), with different Si/La molar ratios (75, 50, 25), were synthesized in a two-steps hydrothermal procedure, with pH-adjusting of the synthesis gel at 6, and were used like catalytic solids in the buriti oil thermal catalytic cracking. These solids were characterized by X-ray fluorescence (XRF), powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermogravimetric analysis (TG/DTG), infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), nitrogen porosimetry and ethanol dehydration, aiming to active sites identify. Taken together, the analyses indicated that the synthesis method has employed to obtain materials highly ordered mesostructures with large average pore sizes and high surface area, besides suggested that the lanthanum was incorporated in the SBA-15 both into the framework as well as within the mesopores. Catalytic dehydration of ethanol over the LaSBA-15(pH) products has shown that they have weak Lewis acid and basic functionalities, indicative of the presence of lanthanum oxide in these samples, especially on the La75SBA-15(pH) sample, which has presented the highest selectivity to ethylene. The buriti oil thermal and thermal catalytic cracking, realized from the room temperature to 450 ºC in a simple distillation system, has allowed obtaining two liquid fractions, each consisting of two phases, one aqueous and another organic, organic liquid (OL). The OL obtained from first fractions has shown high acid index, even in the thermal catalytic process. One the other hand, OL coming from second ones, called green diesel (GD), have presented low acid index, particularly that one obtained from the thermal catalytic process realized over LaSBA-15(pH) samples. The acid sites presence in these samples, associated to their large average pore sizes and high surface areas, have allowed them, especially the La75SBA-15(pH), to present deoxygenating activity in the buriti oil thermal catalytic cracking, providing an oxygenates content reduction, particularly carboxylic acids, in the GD. Furthermore, the GD comes from the second liquid fraction obtained in the buriti oil thermal catalytic cracking over this latest solid sample has shown hydrocarbons composition and physic-chemical properties similar to that mineral diesel, beyond sulfur content low