125 resultados para Estudantes - Livros e leitura
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
The use of the History and the Philosophy of Science (HPS) for the teaching of science and scientific subjects has been advocated in recent decades. It has been pointed out that the History of Science could make for a deeper learning of scientific concepts, since it would promote a contact with the problems which that knowledge has set out to solve. Furthermore, historical episodes would serve to put the discussions about the nature of scientific knowledge into context. With a view to explore those potentialities, the literature in the field has sought to identify the challenges and obstacles for the didactic transposition of subjects from the History of Science. Amongst many aspects, the deficiencies in the training of teachers, so that they can work with the insertion of HPS in the classroom have been highlighted. Another aspect that has been mentioned to be a challenge has to do with the didactic transposition of the Primary Sources, that is, of the original texts on the History of Science. The Primary Sources have significant potentialities: making a connection possible between scientists and concepts, showing the difficulties faced during scientific endeavors, perceiving the role of mistakes as obstacles to be surpassed, not as defeat, etc. On the other hand, there has been little exploration of these concepts in an educational context, due to their own peculiarities. The original texts are often hard to understand and their interpretation demands knowledge of the historical and scientific context in which they were written, as well as skills pertaining to the conduction of research in the field of the History of Science. With this scenario in mind, the research towards this Professional MSc degree starts from the challenge of elaborating and discussing proposals which could enable the didactical transposition of the Primary Sources. We have worked specifically with Primary Sources on the History of the Vacuum and of the Atmospheric Pressure, because of the insertion of these subjects in the Brazilian High School curriculum, in connection with the didactical textbooks. "Historic Journals" were made up from clippings of the original historical texts, as was a Didactical Unit, which takes the usual textbooks as a basis and contemplates using the Journals and the entire Primary Sources in High School. At last, we have elaborated and implemented a course designed for the preparation of teachers and for being an opportunity for the discussion of the feasibility of putting these kinds of proposal into practice
This work aims to propose and to discuss methodologies and practical activities for Astronomy teaching in the 1st and 2nd cycles of the primary education and in the adult education. The proposals presented here were applied to students from the metropolitan region of Natal (RN), including students of the called normal education (formerly magisterial education) and of the undergraduate formation in pedagogy at the Instituto de Formação Superior Presidente Kennedy , and also, in particular, to teachers and students of public municipal school Escola Municipal Djalma Maranhão at the district of Felipe Maranhão II, also analyzing some didactic books used by these institutions. Several elements which we confronted with during this didactic-pedagogical experience were systematized, indicating principles, contents, reflections and procedures related to Astronomy teaching to students of those levels of education. Doing this we aim to make such an experience accessible to those interested in developing a similar approach involving the themes treated here as well as other ones related to Astronomy for those levels of education. The resources and practices implemented here aim to contribute to the effective realization of an interdisciplinary and contextualized education according to orientations proposed by the Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (Brazilian National Curricular Guidelines). In order to guarantee a broad accessibility to what we propose in this work, we intend to make available in printed form and also in an Internet page the procedures, instruction materials and texts we developed
Caractérisation du "Poema-Processo" au long de sa trajectoire entre les années 1967 et 1972, au regard d´une lecture visant son insertion dans le mouvement d´avant-guarde de la deuxième moitié du XX° siècle, au Brésil. On vérifie la façon dont le mouvement du "Poema-Processo" s´est formé, comme dédoublement de l´art concret, ainsi comme ses adéquations à la conjoncture de son apparition au Brésil, s´établissant une comparaison entre la pratique du poème et les propositions des manifestes lancés. L´analyse des poèmes sélectionnés démontre leur co-relation avec les travaux visuels initiés par les avant-guardes historiques, ainsi comme les réponses de la pratique poétique à la théorie developpée par les principaux représentants, Wlademir Dias-Pinto, Álvaro de Sá et Moacy Cirne. La production poétique et culturelle de Moacy Cirne est abordée en observant sa pratique sur trois points fondamentaux: la production poétique, la critique littéraire donnant de l´emphase à la culture locale et au texte du "Poema-Processo", et la recherche du language des bandes dessinées.
Cette recherche a pour but d approfondir des études qui mettent en lumière des particularités inhérentes au processus de l écriture fragmentaire. Notre intérêt pour ce thème provient de la poétique fragmentaire du Le livre de l intranquillité composé par Bernardo Soares, assistant de notaire et sémi-hétéronime de l écrivain Fernado Pessoa. Notre approche de ce genre textuel commencera par une méthodologie comparative qui nous donnera des notions pour que nous puissions établir quelques rapports de ressemblances et différences entre fragments, maximes, aphorismes et réflexions dont le corpus littéraire sera le journal intime de l intranquilité soarianne, ainsi que la fragmentation du simulacre d auteur au cours des années pendant lesquelles le Livre a été écrit. Le livre de l intranquillité lance des « pulvérisations » réflexives, lesquelles demeurent actuelles, étant donné que le processus de l écriture fragmentaire semble être toujours dans un mouvement constant et, donc, dans l ambiance du à venir. À partir de cela, nous avons passés pour quelques entraves pour essayer d établir une définition pour ce qui serait l écriture fragmentaire. Nous chercherons des points d intersection visant à établir des paradigmes pour obtenir des notions plus précises sur ce genre textuel, concernant les maximes, aphorismes et sentences refléxives.
Considérant que le Brésil est un pays considéré comme «non- lecteurs», nous avons essayé de trouver des solutions pour inverser cette situation d'exclusion sociale à travers des campagnes et des projets. Le slogan était le moyen de la propagande a proposé à cet effet. En étant un peu éclairante, il a été considéré qu'ils étaient peut-être inséré dans un contexte idéologique, en passant, qui faisait alors partie de l'objet d'études en question et, en conséquence, l'objectif était d'étudier comment, dans niveau discursif, les relations sociales de l'idéologie et du pouvoir dans ces dessins slogans verbaux et des campagnes publicitaires pour encourager la lecture. Nous avons utilisé comme instrument de collecte de données en 2007 slogans projets (sept) et l'intensification des campagnes de publicité dans les années 1995 à 2006, peu après la création de la descendance en 1992, où son fonctionnement a été analysé et discours idéologique, en cherchant à identifier les états effets de sens proposé. Nous avons utilisé pour soutenir la perspective de recherche d'analyse du discours de l'école française, affiliée à Pêcheux. Afin de sens les effets sens des tests a été fait une semi-ouverte aux enseignants qui traitent directement avec l'enseignement de la lecture de l'Institut de l'Enseignement Supérieur du Président-Kennedy, situé à Natal / RN. On été appliqués 100 questionnaires, parmi lesquels 60 d‟entre eux utilisés pour l‟analyse. La recherche a démontré par l'analyse, que la façon d'encourager les gens à lire se déplace à travers le modèle principal de la compréhension de la lecture à laquelle les slogans ont été utilisés, en les intégrant dans un discours dominant, qui ne contribue pas de manière significative à l'augmentation le nombre de lecteurs dans le pays. Grâce à l'analyse des slogans et la réception des sujets de recherche, nous nous rendons compte de la diversité et l'idéologie sont présents en elles, révélant tout le temps, la compréhension de la lecture comme une surface pratique, ne mettre en lumière certaines de ses fonctions Importantes au sein d‟um contexte éducatif plus large
El estudio de la citación en Lira de los Veinte Años, de Álvares de Azevedo, desde la óptica de Antoine Compagnon e Gerárd Genette, se muestra relevante a los estudios de la Literatura Comparada, en la perspectiva conteporánea, pués el tema provoca la posibilidad de discutir la elaboración de si del(los) otro(s), sucitando imágenes estéticas y de los pensamientos que se aproximan de una noción de tesitura textual muy presente en la modernidad literaria. Este proceso instaura procedimientos de lectura, traducción, autoria y escritura, aún, por ser utilizados, confirman la potencialidad inegable en que se escribi el trabajo poético del escritor. En la primer parte de la obra, se sugieren experiencias com lo bello y lo sublime, advindos del europeu, pero vuelto para una pesquisa de posibilidad discursivas. En la según parte, esa instancia sublimada es puesta en crise, por el sujeto poético cribado por el deseo de tornarse singular. Se instauran en el campo valorativo de los signos románticos elementos desfavorables de sentido diferentes. Dase, así, la problematización puesta por las citaciones que ora, realizan cambios simbólicos, ora, actuan en las márgenes de los textos primeros, desorganizando el material de autoria, desublimandolo, en la irrupción de nuevos cuerpos discursivos y cuerpúsculos cituacionales. En la tecer parte, ligado a Tánatos, como la dimensión por venir, marcando el presentimiento del poeta de que morirá temprano, como también la despedida de él. En esta tesi, se pretende, así, circunscribir como se figura, elabora esa constituición estética azevediana y su escritura, situando cuestiones recortadas por el actor en su obra, las quales remeten a Hegel, Kant y la otras lecturas filosóficas, ali puestas. Tal procedimiento toma la citación como estrategia poética de inscrición del sujeto y de las alteridades que le atravesan, concebiendo eso proceso autoral en la forma de reconstrución de una ciudadela de libros en este aspecto, considerandose el enfoque de Félix Guatarí, la propósito de los nuevos paradigmas y las espacialidades emergentes de estos -, o la biblioteca subjetiva, que se abre en vias y pasagenes. A través de ellas el discurso captura no solamente los objetos poéticos, pero también trazos autobiográficos rasurados, traduciendo la lucha por la visibilidad del sujeto en la formación de su pensamiento poético y estético
This dissertation aims at investigating the teachers beliefs about the role of the reading ability in English at public state high schools in Natal and identifying the social value of the process of learning English for students of a foreign language. From the understanding of studies on reading, both in the field of Cognitive Psychology, as in Gibson & Levin (1975), as in the area of Psycholinguistics, as in Goodman (1970) and Del Re (2006), We researched the teachers perceptions about the skills and competencies that should permeate their educational practices, through their knowledge about theories of language acquisition as Cognitivism (Piaget, 1961) and Social Interactionism (Vygotsky, 1979) and the official documents (PCNEM, 1999; PCN+, 2002 ) that are the parameters for teaching a foreign language. We took into consideration other factors that influence the choice of the goals and the objectives to be worked out, such as: intensity of teachers workload, number of classes and students per class for each teacher, materials and technologies available, among other factors that will play an important role in the choice of the appropriate methodologies. To conduct a case study, two questionnaires were used in the construction of direct interviews with fourteen English teachers in twenty schools. According to data on the teachers beliefs we could find that for them the reading ability does not seem to have an special treatment in the teaching of a foreign language due to factors that undermine this process and therefore make teachers do not realize the real objectives of teaching English at public state high schools in Natal. As a consequence, the current process of education complicates the formation of autonomous learners capable of fighting for a social transformation
The incorporation of computing in class instigate the use of the Internet and websites as a content support in the teaching/leaning process. This kind of practice had challenged the students to read through eletronic hypertextual means. In that way, we re trying to undestand which strategies of reading and navigation the students of the second and third grade of highschool levels are using when reading electronic hypertexts from the www.ambientebrasil.com.br website. The research took place in the Escola Estadual Jerônimo Rosado in Mossoró RN. Our theoretical base was estructured on the digital Technology (electronic hypertext estructure and it s navigation modes), in applied linguistics (act of reading) and in cognition (interaction of the reader with the text and the use of reading strategies in the virtual computing enviroment). The applied methodology was the case analysis which was developed with the reunion of collected data through qualitative reseach questionaries, direct observations and video recording sessions. The research demonstrates that reader s ability in the act of navigating on virtual sites activates his/her reading strategies. Also shows how the semantic architecture of the hyperlinks can interfere directly over the strategies of reading and navigation in specific websites. Our research also intend to demonstrate that the student use his strategies of linear text reading when are not accustomed to use the reading through websites in a regular basis. The investigation concludes observing that the amount of hypertexts per pages and the inappropriate use of the multimedia elements were harmful to the reading fluency
The Lusiads is an epic poem, written by Luís de Camões, about the adventure of Vasco da Gama s trip and the history of Portugal. It's based on traditionals epics from the Greek and Roman poets, Homero and Virgílio. Camões followes especially their structures. However, the poet insert modifications that divert his poem from parameters established by Aristóteles for the classic epic poems. These deviations are centered mainly on the narrative subject and in the point of view. We intend to show an analysis focused on digressions from The Lusiads, in which the author, himself or by tellers characters, narrates the story in order to make his complaints, reflections and exhortations. Besides, we present general aspects of Maneirismo predominant in these digressions how evidences of modernity of the poem; as one brief outlook about the poem's projection in time and around the world. These points are importants elements of consolidation of a universal permanence of The Lusiads. That's why they have had to read and to study by the centuries, according the vision of the epoch's spirit
This paper investigates the cognitive processes that operate in understanding narratives in this case, the novel Macunaíma, by Mário de Andrade. Our work belongs to the field of Embodied-based Cognitive Linguistics and, due to its interdisciplinary nature, it dialogues with theoretical and methodological frameworks of Psycholinguistics, Cognitive Psychology and Neurosciences. Therefore, we adopt an exploratory research design, recall and cloze tests, adapted, with postgraduation students, all native speakers of Brazilian Portuguese. The choice of Macunaíma as the novel and initial motivation for this proposal is due to the fact it is a fantastic narrative, which consists of events, circumstances and characters that are clearly distant types from what is experienced in everyday life. Thus, the novel provides adequate data to investigate the configuration of meaning, within an understanding-based model. We, therefore, seek, to answer questions that are still, generally, scarcely explored in the field of Cognitive Linguistics, such as to what extent is the activation of mental models (schemas and frames) related to the process of understanding narratives? How are we able to build sense even when words or phrases are not part of our linguistic repertoire? Why do we get emotionally involved when reading a text, even though it is fiction? To answer them, we assume the theoretical stance that meaning is not in the text, it is constructed through language, conceived as a result of the integration between the biological (which results in creating abstract imagery schemes) and the sociocultural (resulting in creating frames) apparatus. In this sense, perception, cognitive processing, reception and transmission of the information described are directly related to how language comprehension occurs. We believe that the results found in our study may contribute to the cognitive studies of language and to the development of language learning and teaching methodologies
Advertising text has been a subject of many investigations, because of its multimodal universe. Embodied by a linguistic and discursive materiality laying on scene persuasion, argumentation and power imagery of multissemiotics elements, the advertising text acts as an instrument of power, creating and destroying, promising and denying (CARVALHO, 2007). Advertising not only invites us to act for it, but directs us to look at it. It was under this moving look - of charm and interrogations - that discussions raised in this research were born. Investigations are directed to the school environment, in special, for the discursive advertising domain in Portuguese Language Textbook. It is from this environment that was born our research whose main objective is to analyze how does the didactic transposition of textual genres, described by Marcuschi (2008) as belonging to the "advertising" discourse domain (focusing on advertising genre) in didactic books teaching Portuguese Language before and after the advent of the PCN. Textbooks taken as reference for the study are historically situated in the 90s of the twentieth century and 10 century. Such books refer to elected 7th and 8th grades, currently corresponding to the 8th and 9th grades of elementary school. The choice is justified by the fact that in these Textbook teaching series the presence of advertising domain is recurrent and "didactized". In addition, we are also concerned in analyzing books that circulated around us and our regional reality. Hence, we elected books that were used by two public high schools: Municipal School Clementina Ana da Conceição in Jaçanã city in the Rio Grande do Norte state, State School for Elementary and High school Carlota Barreira in Areia city, Paraíba state. In our research the following categories of analysis were highlighted: (1) presence of advertising in DB, (2) fluctuation terminology: concepts and classifications; (3) The complexity of concepts facilitation, (4) what they propagate, and from which nature are the explored advertisements. From our analysis, we observe how the treatment of textual "advertising" genres have been inserted into Textbooks, and how occurs, in general, their didactic transposition. Focusing on the issue of fluctuating terminology, we noted the difficulty in drawing boundaries between the genres of advertising domain in the Textbooks. However, this also would result in the complexity - in the field of scientific knowledge - of delimiting genres of the same domain. To accomplish our studies, it was required a thorough and systematic dialogue with theories regarding the concept of "Didactic Transposition", due to the theoretical Chevallard Yves (1991), research on the textual genres - Bezerra (2005), Marcuschi (2008), Bazerman (2005), Swales (2004), among others - and studies involving the field of "Advertising" - Sandmann (2002), Carvalho (2007) and others
The discussion about the need of improving the reading and the writing practices of professionals from the most different knowledge areas has caused, in Brazilian and foreign institutions of higher education, a movement of insertion of curricula components whose focus is the reading and the writing in academic formation. To contributing with the reflection about that discussion, this master s degree dissertation has as object of study the situated linguistic formation. Our general objective is to analyze a linguistic formation proposal to graduating students from the Bachelor s degree in Science and Technology (BCT) of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). To constructing that analysis, we have established four specific objectives: a) verifying if the ten brazilian Institutions of Higher Education which offer the BCT have curricula components of reading and writing directed to that formation; b) describing how these Bachelor s degree reading and writing curricula components are presented; c) examining differences and similarities which, in general, exist among curricula components related to reading and writing in each one of the researched institutions; d) revealing which categories delineate the linguistic formation developed in the BCT of the UFRN. In order to reaching our goals, this work has been based on the dialogical conception of the language (BAKHTIN [1952-1953] 2010), on the literacy studies (KLEIMAN [1995] 2008; TINOCO, 2008) and on the critical pedagogy (FREIRE, 1980; 2007). Methodologically, this qualitative research of ethnographic direction (ANDRÉ, 1995) is grounded in Applied Linguistics (PEREIRA; ROCA, 2009; PASCHOAL; CELANI (Orgs.), 1992). This research has the contribution of professors, scholars and monitors of the field of Reading and Writing Practices (PLE) and also graduating students from the UFRN BCT which had already studied PLE-I and/or PLE-II. The tools used for data collection/generation were: curricula components programs related to reading and writing in the BCT in the researched higher education institutions (IES), questionnaires, semi-structured interviews and profiles. The generated data allowed us to establish the following analysis categories: situationality (real situation, thematic contemporaneity and thematic focalization) and literacy projects (learning community and protagonism). The results achieved show that most IES which offer BCT worry about improving the reading and writing competences of their graduating students; however, there is still a lot to be done (increase of the number of class hours, contents and methodological aspects review, theoretical referential sophistication) so that the curricula components can be configured as a situated and significant linguistic formation. Finally, we make some suggestions for improving the work which has been made in the BCT of the UFRN, making then the mother tongue teaching in courses of the area of exact and technological sciences stronger
Este estudio se refiere a una investigación a cerca de la concepción de la lectura que subyace en la Matriz de Referencia de la Prueba Brasil, y, mediante las análisis del modelo 2009, entender lo que el lector se supone que responder en las preguntas de esta prueba. El estudio tiene como objetivo satisfacer se presume lector general para responder a las preguntas de prueba de Brasil y el mapa de la concepción de la lectura que subyace en la matriz de referencia tal prueba. Los objetivos específicos apuntan a examinar los temas de Prueba Brasil, identificando qué descriptores se materializan en el mismo, que son los más recurrentes. El estudio tiene como fundamentos los estudios bakhtinianos a cerca de los diálogos del linguaje (Bakhtin, 2003, 2008; Volochínov/Bakhtin, 1993) y la concepción de la lectura defendida por Geraldi (2007), Larossa (2001) y DeCerteau (1994). La investigación és caracterizada como cualitativo-interpretativo, con enfoque socio-histórico, y se encuentra dentro del campo de la Lingüística Aplicada, que en las últimas décadas ha demostrado contribuciones para la enseñanza de lenguas y formación docente. Para hacer el análisis de las pruebas, inicialmente construido una tabla (Tabla 1), que contiene los seis macrotópicos Matrix lengua portuguesa en la que estábamos repartiendo los descriptores presentes en las cuestiones de prueba referenciada relacionándolos con sus temas. Tras analizar la cuestión, con el fin de identificar al presunto lector a responder a estas preguntas. Mediante análisis de la Matriz de Referencia de la Prueba Brasil, entendemos que ella está de acuerdo con los Parámetros Curriculares de la Lengua Portuguesa. Así, la concepción que subyace en la lectura es que la lectura es una actividad que depende del proceso individual, pero que és parte de un contexto social e involucra a habilidades relacionadas con la comprensión y producción de sentido. Mediante la observación de la prueba, afirmamos qué el lector con la capacidad de responder a las preguntas es lo que desarrolla actitudes favorables a cerda de la lectura. A saber: (i) reconocen ampliamente las palabras, (ii) identifican los objetivos y funciones de la lectura, en reconocimiento de la función de apoyo de género y el contexto del texto, (iii) predice el contenido de los textos a se lee a la luz de su apoyo, su género y su contexto; (iv) plantea hipótesis sobre el contenido del texto que se lee, (v) es capaz de buscar ideas textual e intertextual. Es decir, hace inferencias, aumentando la comprensión, la asociación de diversos elementos presentes en el texto y que son parte de sus propias experiências personales, (vi) construye la comprensión global del texto leído por la unificación de la información explícita e implícita, (vii) tiene la capacidad de evaluar la lectura de forma ética y afectiva, o de hacer extrapolaciones coerentes sin escapar de la temática del texto. Por último, podemos decir que las implicaciones pedagógicas de este trabajo para mi actividad profesional es de gran importancia, ya que desde la detección de lo que se requiere de los estudiantes y, en consecuencia, un nuevo enfoque para la enseñanza de la lengua materna como podemos reflexionar sobre eso y encontrar maneras de mejorar nuestro desempeño. Tanto nuestro entrenador como nuestros compañeros. Dejando a un nivel puramente descriptivo de los problemas de acción conjunta más eficaz, entendiendo que la enseñanza de lectura tiene un carácter complejo. En este sentido, tenemos que ser menos intuitivo y más reflexiva. Nos gustaría hacer hincapié en que tenemos la intención de socializar esta investigación con nuestros compañeros, ya que entendemos que es un material que puede contribuir a un nuevo aprendizaje para la práctica de los profesores que se inclinan. Además indicó que la principal contribución de este trabajo es nuestra mirada en el proceso de la lectura en el aula, la comprensión de que el estudiante de ofertas diarias con textos localizados, derechos de autor, histórico y representativo de las diferentes interacciones en el mundo. Por lo tanto, es el momento de ser gestado las prácticas de lectura hacia una educación más significativa
This work has the general proposal of studying the composition of the trevisanian fictional universe, the aesthetic expression engineered to formulate this universe, and last, the representations of reality that emanates from this aesthetic-narrative construction. It seemed to us, however, that it would be impossible to cover, even superficially, so vast and voluminous set of texts as the trevisanian. Therefore, so that we could accomplish this task, and still do it in a way that was, at the same time, plausible and thorough, it was necessary an objective cut within that library. Then we selected a book, representative of the whole trevisanian work, which served as the object of study: Cemitério de Elefantes, 1964, one of the first books of short stories by this author. Within this one, we focused even more our sight, then moving towards what we call a reality forked in paralytic world and world in violence . Supported by the theories and methodologies of Auerbach (2011), Candido (2002, 2006), Adorno (2003), Gennete (1995), Friedman (2002), and still moved by the spirit of Russian Formalism (1973), we built our criticism. Our approach was based then in three steps: first we are dedicated to comment the general context of the trevisanian work, supported strongly by reading two of the biggest critics of his literature, Miguel Sanches Neto and Berta Waldman, secondly, we turn us to comment on the detailed formal construction of language and narrative elements of the trevisanian prose; finally we raised our criticism to the level of reading representations of reality, and then we started to comment the construction of the trevisanian fictional universe, focusing in splitting this universe in paralytic world and world in violence