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The purpose of this Academic Work is to identify the process of urban expansion of Mossoro city, connect them with the economy that moves the society of Mossoro. This analysis is about the period from 1980 to 2004 and the economy activities selected are compose the structure of the Mossoro' s life, fixing shapes, functions and contents of the city territory, especially in its urban space to understand the present process of urban expansion and its relations with the dynamic of the city we recall history of this territory, wich as a urban word, connect the changes with the primary economy actives - commerce and sea salt extraction. ln this relation between the present process of urban expansion and the dynamic of the city economy, the economy activities studies where the sea salt extraction, and irrigated fruit crops organizes the space so they can be viable in all stages - production, trade and circulation - to be viable they change, amplify and build a urban space together with public policy, that also increases with the arrival of new inhabitant, service structure, mount by the public administration as well as by private resources. This work point out the needs of a development a new main plan for Mossoro, that will reorganize it's territory, but also grant the needs of its society, wich desires a more given city, where citizenship will be exercise with dignity


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PARA ONDE SOPRAM OS VENTOS , metaphor used to indicate turism public politicsway to the west zone of Fortaleza, against the direction where until now this public politics was targeted, to the east zone. This context, análise the public politics implemented in the Grande Pirambu, so like the processes of nonterritorialization and reterritorialization unchain by the program os settlement and indemnification of the Projeto Costa Oeste. Aim to learn the transformations that unroll in the studied área, based in proceding methodologic that privileged the interviews with many social actors resettled, indemnificators, intirenants, livers and fishmen. The public politics analyzes run to the Grande Pirambu infer that the same answer at trying of urbam requalification of the área, object of the new exigence pretender by the touristics activities developed in Fortaleza, wish to incorporate this área at the turistics dynamic of the city. However, the implementation of the Projeto Costa Oeste do not occuring in calm way, by opposite sence the beginning, the same has been propitiated polemics and discussions, stired up about public politics between the municipa and state power, to bring about injury in the public coffers, to the developing turismo f the city and, mainly to the living around Grande Pirambu, unquiet and sad with the buildings of the referring project that there is running for four years


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In view of the diversity and the heterogeneity of the existing cities in Brazil, our approach refers to the urban and non-metropolitan areas. Aiming to foment the studies on small cities e to apprehend the sociospatial configuration of the urban environment in such cities, this piece of work elaborates and analyzes the urban profile of the small cities of the Agreste Potiguar region, using as a theoretical reference landmark the production of the urban and regional space, from the decade of 1970 to 2000. Starting from this reference, this piece of work presents an urban sociospatial characterization of the small cities of the Agreste Potiguar region, with emphasis on the economic framework, on the population dynamics, on the main social data, culminating in the main characteristics of the local daily life. The study of the small cities of the Agreste Potiguar region makes it possible the comprehension of the problems that involve the cities of this size, above all, those inserted in economically fragile regions. In the analyzed period, the changes occurred in the productive structure of the State of Rio Grande do Norte triggered a great crisis in the economy of the Agreste Potiguar region. This aspect, allied to the insufficient performance of the public power, contributed to the sprouting of some sociospatial problems, amongst which may be distinguished: the economic fragility, the generalized unemployment, the lack of security and the urban infrastructure absence sufficient to take care of the social demand. Even facing the existing problems, the small cities must be seen as potential spaces, capable to promote the regional development. To do so, it is necessary a process of democratization of the public administration, an ample popular participation and the establishment of a new urban policy, that aims at the social promotion of the individuals, the guarantee of basic necessities and the access to the necessary services to a dignified life


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This study aimed to explore the process of reproduction of space from the small family farm production in the municipality of Canguaretama, specifically focused on foodstuffs of plant origin, seeking to understand the changes in agrarian space canguaretamense and its impact on small family farms the last 35 years. Since colonization, during the seventeenth century, the production of space agrarian Canguaretama was founded under a structure based on large ownership and cultivation of cane sugar. Secondly, it was being built a small space reserved for food production to meet both the consumption of property, but also for local marketing. In the centuries following the changes in the capitalist system imposed a new dynamic for small food production, mostly in the early twentieth century, with processing plants and mills in the area extending toward the cultivation of sugarcane. In the second half of that century, mainly in the 1980s, the cultivation of cane sugar was encouraged to produce alcohol, which led to a further expansion of sugar cane toward the areas targeted for the production of foodstuffs. Currently, the framework of small food production differs little from the period of colonization in relation to the difficulties faced by this segment of agriculture. Thus, we have a reality based on socio-spatial inequality, and the near absence of the Government, which requires urgent implementation of public policies for the production and organization of small producers into associations or cooperatives to improve the productivity and hence in their standards of living and their families


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This thesis analyzes another side of Potiguar tourism , the unplanned side, neglected and kept out of touristic activities: excursionism, a leisure practice enjoyed by tourists with low consumer power, and who are commonly referred by the pejorative term farofeiros (picnic lovers). The geographic research sites considered for this study include Arituba, Boágua and Carcará lakes in Nísia Florest, Rio Grande do Norte, where on Sundays and holidays the arrival of hundreds of excursionists, from around the metropolitan region of Natal, from surrounding municipalities, and neighboring States, such as Paraíba and Pernambuco, can be observed. The objective of this study is to analyze the appropriation of the physical site by the practice of excursionism, focusing on its relation to other social agents that also appropriate a designated touristic area. The theoretical discussion considers the use of the space by the touristic leisure practice and the appropriation by distinct social agents, using categories of analysis, such as, production of the space, territory and leisure. The field work was completed with interviews and questionnaires administered to excursionists, excursion organizers, local merchants, representatives of the public setor from the municipalities, and professional dune buggy drivers; besides this, photos, informal dialogue and field observations were important methodological instruments used. From the data, statistical analysis and the development of thematic maps demonstrating the established flux between excursionists and the segregated activity were done. With this research, one can affirm that the practice of excursionism is neglected by the public sector, contrary to the intention of the hegemonic agent‟s intentionality present in this touristic territory which aim at the development of a lucrative activity, geared toward tourists with greater spending power. This ignored and neglected faction of Potiguar tourism is considered poor or dirty , and generate conflicts among the distinct social agents: tourists, the market and the public sector, simultaneously peaking interest, which is then appropriated by the informal sector and formal economy. Excursionism is an expressive phenomenon, a socially relevant practice, enjoyed by citizens of the working class who, in order to have a day of leisure, use alternative consumer practices and subvert various strategies of segregation that are imposed within these tourist areas, behavior that, in part, justifies the nickname, picnic lovers , given to these tourists


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The present work is about the reproduction of the urban area of Nova Cruz RN, with the objective of analyzing the social and spatial implications of the relocation of the main street market in the city from 1991 on. Nowadays, the city of Nova Cruz takes over importance in the potiguar social and spatial scenario due to its condition of central city which is practiced for decades in Potiguar Agreste Microregion. Beginning with its formation process connected with traveler‟s hostel which assisted the activity of cattle transportation, further in time by the golden era of cotton production in its territory, it was noticed that its importance in relation with the nearby towns has been happening differently throughout time. From the year 1991 on, the town of Nova Cruz has gone through a territory restructuring of its urban area due to the relocation of the open market from Downtown neighborhood to São Sebastião neighborhood. Such territorial movement resulted in a reformation of the town‟s urban space, promoting in both neighborhoods urban growth and the expansion of commercial activity associated with the migration of the commercial center of the city. The transference of the commercial area has caused these processes through the new uses of the land towards the São Sebastião region, it has also caused a decrease in market value of the downtown area as a result of the breakdown of previous existing business activities, their service contribution and the citizen migration, establishing a space and socioeconomic portrait in the neighborhood. From this context, our analysis seeks to understand the social and spatial impacts occurred in Downtown neighborhood, the way in which the production and reproduction of the urban space in São Sebastião neighborhood and the implications resulted from the actions of the administrative power in restructuring of the urban space of Nova Cruz. In order to do so, a bibliographical research was used to compose our theoretic-conceptual mark, discussing the matter with authors such as Roberto Lobato Corrêa, Ana Fani, Milton Santos, Manuel Castells e Heri Lefvbre, among others, discussing on the subject of urban analysis, the concepts of urban space and the process of reproduction of the urban space. A field research was utilized in our area of study by means of primary data gathering through interviews, questionnaire and photographic register. Secondary data gathering was also obtained by means of bibliographical and documental research related to our study object. By these means, it was sought to contribute to the understanding of the urban space through its production and reproduction based upon the discovery of social and spatial practices


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The coastal zone has been studied worldwide with a focus on the coastal erosion. In the present days, much of the world's coastlines are being affected by erosion, which causes great damage to the economy. This work had as study case the beaches of Areia Preta, Artistas, Meio and Forte located in Natal in Rio Grande do Norte. It shows as result the monitoring of the beach strip that makes possible to obtain quantitative and qualitative data, allows the study of the coastal dynamics of the beaches and the Recovery Project of the Areia Preta beach interference on adjacent beaches. This research was guided by the integrated analysis method on the systemic perspective. The pratical procedures adopted were: bibliographic research; fieldwork during eleven months (environmental characterization, collection of hydrodynamic data, topographic leveling, collection of sediments) and; sedimentological analysis of samples collected. By monitoring of the points A, B, C, D and E we were able to find the occurrence of the coastal erosion on their biggest part except by the C and D profiles. It was noted the need for the government to complete the hydraulic fill, as it made only 60% of the landfill planed. It was found that the spikes built on the beach of Areia Preta are preventing the natural transport of sediments that the longshore performs towards South-North. This interference is causing the lack of sediment on the beaches of Forte and Meio and their coastal erosion in consequence


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Tourism has in recent years a significant growth in the economy, bringing repercussions on use of the territory. Hence the importance of discussing how the activity has been planned by public authorities and business, important actor in this process. Our objective is to analyze the corporative use of the territory Norte-Rio-Grandense by tourism, based on the renewal of geographical thought in Milton Santos and other authors coherent theory. Although planning is seen as a practice that incorporates various scientifics contributions is undeniable eminently geographical base, as it comes to relationshipsand process in the territory. The project Parque das Dunas/Via Costeira driving the development of tourism in Natal as to its construction, the city had a quality hotel infrastructure capable of receiving a greater number of tourists. One of the guiding instruments of state planning in accordance with the Federal Government is the Planejamento Pluri-Anual - PPA, which has the discourse territory, but establishes sectoral actions, which included tourism with the allocation of resources. In addition to receiving funds Prodetur I and II, since the early 1990s, these resources from the BIRD and other lines of funding available through federal financial institutions. Thus the sectoral action planning is disintegrated, while the territorial planning makes us think the whole moving and complexity Our data policies and public and private investments, we proved that the action of companies in line with the state, favors the hegemonic agents, or the corporative use of the territory Norte-Rio-Grandense


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This study was based on the analysis and understanding of the dynamics of the lower circuit of the economy and the size of the street trading in the city of Mossoro (RN). The operationalization of the theory of the two circuits of the urban economy, based on Santos (2008a) was essential to understand the street trading as part of the entire city of Mossoro. It was given emphasis on the study of the lower circuit of the economy and its coverage in the street trading in the commercial center of the city, specifically in street trading in Coronel Gurgel. The dynamics of that street reveals the different ways that the territory is used simultaneously by different social actors as pedestrians, consumers, business owners, and especially by street vendors. These vendors occupy the spaces along the streets of the city commercial center, placing their tents or stalls, especially on sidewalks, excellent strategic locations for the marketing of their products, due to the large influx of people seeking goods and services nearby. As methodological and technical procedures for gathering primary data, we opted for the use of questionnaires and interviews, with many users of the lower circuit, both consumers and vendors. The analysis of these questionnaires, along with the theoretical background, has revealed that there are several social and political conflicts related to the use of public spaces, such as sidewalks and flowerbeds, in the city commercial center, and that these conflicts are increasingly demonstrating that vendors need a space endowed with infrastructure to conduct their activities. The lack of efficiency of the government, as well as the slowness of their actions to organize a space that is able to properly fit salespersons, constitutes one of the main problems faced by these small traders who have limited financial resources and materials to get their activities through in the globalized world. At the same time, this study revealed the importance of these agents, as the last link of the urban economy, in the distribution of various consumer goods, enabling the satisfaction of some needs of the population, especially the poorer people


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This research aims the analysis of the urbanization process that has taken place in the coastal city of Tibau/RN in the period comprising 1980-2012, due to the (re) production of space to consumption of leisure and recreation, through the so called practice of Maritime Villeggiatura. Such practice exists so that people settle temporarily on the beach as a second home, interfering in the Regulation of the land use as well as in the urban planning of Tibau, promoting urbanization based in the logic of leisure, with enormous capacity for appropriation and space consumption. The practice of Maritime Villeggiatura in Tibau began in the late nineteenth century, becoming more relevant in the 1980s, when the practice became fashionable for the citizens of Mossoró City, in view of their economic strength, and consumption power to invest in this type of domicile. Tibau has become a great depository of second homes for leisure practice, which contributed even to the city administrative and political emancipation in 1997. The intensification of Real Estate activities, expanding second homes along the coast, results in the urbanization of Tibau territory with the assistance of Local Government, whom was interested in entering Tibau on the State tourism routes. The used methodology comprised literature review, data collection and local observation. Questionnaires were applied in the form of interviews to the villeggiaturistas, local residents, business and trade services local companies, a local agricultural firm named Agricultura Famosa Ltda., Municipal government and the Association of Senior Citizens of the municipality of Tibau. A photographic record was made to visualize the urbanization evolution of Tibau. It has also been taken georeference measures of the area object of study in this research, in order to analyze the use and occupation of the territory by urban and social agents villeggiaturistas and residents. The conclusion is that the urbanization process that has been taken in Tibau occurred along the coast shore, with low population density, and therefore creating difficulties to governance of the Municipal government. Real Estate Sector has been promoting the value increase of urban land in order to fragment the space with private condominiums segregating local resident population to outlying areas of the city, away from the coastline and lacking infrastructure and basic urban services


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


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While essential to human nature, health and life have been protected since ancient times by various areas of knowledge, particularly by the Law, given its dynamics within the regulation of social interactions. In Brazil, health has been granted major importance by the Federal Constitution of 1988, which, disrupting the dictatorial authoritarianism, inaugurating a Social State and focusing on the values of freedom and human dignity, raises health to the condition of a social right, marked predominantly by an obligational bias directed, primarily, to the State, through the enforcement of public policies. Although, given the limitation of the State action to the reserve for contingencies, it turns clear that an universalizing access to public health is impossible, seen that the high cost of medical provisions hinders the State to meet all the health needs of the rightholders. As a result of the inefficiency of the State, the effort of the Constituent Assembly of 1988 in creating a hybrid health system becomes nuclear, which, marked by the possibility of exploration of healthcare by the private initiative, assigns to the private enterprise a key role in supplementing the public health system, especially through the offer of health insurance plans. At this point, however, it becomes clear that health provisions rendered by the private agents are not unlimited, which involves discussions about services and procedures that should be excluded from the contractual coverage, for purposes of sectoral balance, situation which draws the indispensability of deliberations between Fundamental Rights on one hand, related to the protection of health and life, and contractual principles on the other hand, connected to the primacy of private autonomy. At this point, the importance of the regulation undertaken by the ANS, Brazilian National Health Agency, appears primordial, which, by means of its seized broad functions, considerable autonomy and technical discretion, has conditions to implement an effective control towards the harmonization of the regulatory triangle, the stability and development of the supplementary health system and, consequently, towards the universalization of the right to health, within constitutional contours. According to this, the present essay, resorting to a broad legislative, doctrinal and jurisprudential study, concludes that economic regulation over the private healthcare sector, when legitimately undertaken, provides progress and stability to the intervening segment and, besides, turns healthcare universalization feasible, in a way that it can not be replaced efficiently by any other State function.


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The environmental movement rises up strongly in the year 1972 with the Stocolmus Conference, in the middle of pressions concerning the environmental preservation, in consequence of the environmental catastrophes. In spite of the fact that, in Brazil, the environmental movement has is institutionalization with the 1988 Constitution, in a way that the councils became democratic spaces, and provided the society’s participation in the management of public policies. In this way, we propose a discussion about the participation and the exercise of the citizenship in the State Council of Environment of Rio Grande do Norte (CONEMA), focusing the glance about the decisory process, as from the expression of the social actors. For that, our research compilate documents of the meetings of the referring council, transcribing the main discussions about the environmental necessities which were important in the potiguar society, and checking how these agents defend their interest during the meetings. We understand, with these informations, the role of CONEMA/RN as a communicative mechanism between State and Society. With the analysis of the informations of the extraordinary meetings from 2007 to 2014, we concluded that the CONEMA is a council where the civil organized society takes part on the decisory process, despite the great influence of the representative actors of public power over the representative actors of civil society. The results of this research confirm the discrepancy between the participation of representative councilors of civil society in CONEMA/RN. The conclusion point out that the civil society representative don’t, yet, assimilate the citizen duty, the responsibility of it1s action, producing, in this way, damages for the legal structure of the potiguar environmental legislation, with serious consequences on the public policy implementation


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Environmental degradation is a global problem that particularly affects areas subject to seasonal climatic variations, such as the brazilian semiarid region, namely the Caatinga Domain. Combined with other negative factors, such as natural resource misuse and disorderly land occupation, the consequences of Environmental Degradation have challenged science in the quest for addressing the resulting social and environmental problems. Accordingly, Environmental Perception methodology, by analyzing the concepts, attitudes and values, (especially those pertaining to environmental conservation) represent an important tool in studies that address the relationship between the environment and human actions. Sustainability Indicators are also relevant tools to assess the possible causes and consequences of environmental problems. Among several Sustainability Indicators available, the PressuresState-Impact-Response (PSIR) method is an analytical tool that permits the grouping of factors affecting sustainability as well as their consequences for nature and human health, and thus indicate mitigating actions for society and the public authorities. From this perspective, three areas of Caatinga were studied in Rio Grande do Norte state: Seridó Ecological Station (ESEC), Municipality of Serra Negra do Norte; Private Natural Reserve Stoessel de Brito (PNRSB), Municipality of Jucurutu; and part of the Serra de Santana, Municipality of Tenente Laurentino Cruz. The areas are both legally protected and unprotected and subject to diferent management protocols, though their share the common characteristic of human misuse of natural resources. In this scenario, this thesis´ main goal was to introduce the rural communities into the conservation process, using the results of Environmental Perception of such communities, combined with the analysis of the sustainability of municipalities through PSIR. Information on Environmental Perception was obtained from primary and secondary data from previous studies carried out in the ESEC Seridó and PRNP Stoessel de Brito. Additional data was obtained through direct observation and interview forms applied to rural communities in the Municipality of Tenente Laurentino Cruz. The results showed that respondents possessed a broad knowledge regarding environmental degradation, its causes and consequences for the caatinga biome. PEIR analysis showed that environmental degradation was smaller in countries with protected areas, as compared to those without. The population´s knowledge about environmental degradation and their acceptance of conservation units, as showed by Environmental Perception Analysis, coupled with the results of PEIR, suggest that those attitudes may foster actions aimed at reduction of environmental degradation in the Caatinga domain


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The Environmental Education is a plural and diversified knowledge field, composed by a group of social agents of specific State, government and civil society sectors, with different world views and theoretical matrices that exercised and influenced its genealogy and constitutive dynamic. The Environmental Education – while specific knowledge field – has been produced, systematized and diffused in Brazil in the last decades by official State organisms, through public policies, as well as by social movements of popular education, and constitutes a large and historical movement about the environmental question, that was worldwide projected in the 1960 decade (the environmentalist movement). Concerning the creation of public policies and specific programs to the Environmental Education, in the scope of the governmental initiative, the approval of the National Policy of Environmental Education, by means of the Law n. 9.795/99 – together with its regulatory decree, the Decree nº 4.281 – represents the consolidation of a inclusion process of the environmental dimension in the educational field. These normative acts, beyond charging the public power with the incumbency to define public policies that incorporate the environmental dimension and to promote the Environmental Education in all education levels, also charge the educational institution with the duty of promoting this component in an integrated and articulated way with the educational programs that such institutions develop. In this context, it is aimed to identify and analyze under the light of the dialectical and historical materialism, the practices and concepts developed under the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), with regard to its institutional policy on Environmental Education, relating it to establishing the Pnea. The analysis by means specific legislation on the subject and institutional documents UFRN. The research showed that, in general, the National Environmental Education Policy has limits to its effectiveness given the absence of specific funding for this purpose and the little government involvement in that the Brazilian State assumes, by through effective policies, the material conditions of financing actions with respect to this field of education. The fragmented and disjointed way the analyzed actions are developed constitutes a limit to the challenge for the UFRN implement, consistently and objectively, an Environmental Education policy, which can be monitored and evaluated as an effective public policy, both landmarks major goal of own Pnea as the demands of development whose agenda a critical environmental perspective.