76 resultados para Mercado formal de trabalho
Men and women express different preferences for ideal romantic partners. These preferences seem to vary with the level of involvement and commitment expected for the relationship and the perceptions people have about themselves. The current work was developed to expand the findings related to this subject, investigating the market perception of romantic relationships and the effect of context on self-assessment and preferences for romantic partners. For this purpose, 753 undergraduate, Brazilian and American, were enrolled between March 2010 and November 2012 and took part in at least one of the four studies that compose this research, performing the assessment of specific stimulus-subject descriptions. Studies one and two addressed Brazilian and American samples to respectively describe female and male expectations on human mating market. It was observed that individuals from both the genders expect positive assortative mating within couples, that each trait is not evaluated independently, and, in addition to biological predispositions, factors as environmental local constrains and cultural values may also affect mating expectations. The contrasts between the samples showed that Americans valued physical-attractiveness and social-status in describing the same-gender subjects and their expected partners, while Brazilians valued social-skills. Another expectation was also identified for both genders: physically attractive women and men of high-status were expected to be paired to each other. Study three addressed males and females expectations regarding which characteristics are most relevant in ensuring desirable partnerships for same-gender individuals. The results showed that men and women can be grouped together by having similar expectations. However, the group mainly composed of men considered status characteristics as the most important attributes, while the groups mostly composed of women indicated that social skills or physical characteristics as the most important in appealing to a desirable partner. Finally, study four investigated the effect of social comparison on self-perception and mate preferences, revealing that individuals were aware of the attributes valued by the opposite-gender and that self-perception was affected by the attributes of other people. In sum, this work evidenced that romantic relationships can be interpreted as a biological market and that the value of the attributes in the romantic mating marketplace are associated with reproductive relevance of the characteristics.
The National Program for Youth Inclusion (ProJovem) has been created in 2005 in order to break the reproductive cycle of social inequality, through the improvement of the basic education and the professional qualification. Therefore, our objective is to discuss how the categories youth-work are inserted and implemented on ProJovem Integrado , which could be translated as Integrated , in Natal/RN. In 2008, ProJovem is has started to be executed based in four modalities: (1) Teenagers Socio-Educational Service, (2) Urban, (3) Worker and (4) Countryside Land Knowledge, aiming to serve a population from 15 to 29 years old who were seldom helped by specifics policies so far. In order to implement this research, three semi-structured interviews have been made, as well as observations at the program units and analysis of the official documents. In Natal, the operating modalities are: ProJovem Urban, which three units, divided in two districts of the city; the ProJovem Teenagers , which has ten units on Natal s four administrative regions; and ProJovem Worker , which were still structuring its courses until the beginning of the data collection. The data has been qualitatively analyzed through the Marxian Theory, tied to the Constant Comparative Method. The referred approach, based on the Grounded Theory, enables the understanding of the phenomenon s meanings through the perspective of the participants. The neighborhoods in which ProJovem s units are inserted has been characterized as well the Program s target. The results have been presented in three blocks: a) the modality s structure, which includes the implementation, functioning and operationalization of the activities; b) management of the modality s management, concerned to the main difficulties, expectations and functions; and c) the relation youth-work at the modalities. About the objectives and qualification and insertion goals, there is incongruence at the offer of occupational arches. We have observed that offered occupations are historically subservient and precarious. Hence they do not promote significant changes on the students career paths by usually inserting them into informal jobs or underemployments. Besides that, the professional qualification is very incipient. For that reason, it does not go with the necessary requirements to enable the youngster to enter the work world. It is considered that other researches are necessary to for better understanding of the remaining aspects of the relation youth-work
The present study analyses the variability of the meaning of the work among young people on the transition from university to professional life, divided according to: university levels, knowledge area and graduation course. A hundred seventeen young people answered the questionaries structured on the components of the meaning of work. Semi-structured interviews were also made with parts of the sample about the themes related to the meaning of work on this way the information of the questionaries became complete. The answers of the interviews were studied through the analysis of the thematic contents. The results of such analysis and the answers of the questionaries were registered on the data base SPSS for Windows. The results of the statistic analysis made indicated that: (1) the centrality of work and the articulations among stronger spheres do not present variability according to level, area or course; (2) the course makes more difference values factors and descriptives factors than area and level; (3) the hierarchy of values presents variability according to area and the descriptive hierarchy presents variability according to course; (4) the level makes more difference specific attributes of the meaning of the work than area and course; (5) the standards of the meaning of work do not present variability according to level, area and course, but present variability according to type of the work market evaluation and planning the future work. In summary, the meaning of work present variability according to level, area and course of the young people, when studied in facets, except for the work centrality
Coexisten, en el universo académico, prácticas curriculares obligatorias y no obligatorias que pueden ser remuneradas o no. Delante de la constatación de lagunas en la concepción, gestión y operacionalización de las prácticas no obligatorias remuneradas, escogimos este tema como objeto de nuestra investigación, tratando de analizarlo en el contexto de los cambios sociohistóricos contemporaneos y su influencia en la cualidad de la formación profesional del estudiante de la carrera de Servicio Social. Este estudio tiene como ¨locu¨ de investigación la Facultad de Servicio Social del Estado de Rio Grande del Norte (FASSO/UERN). Este estudio se caracteriza por la adopción de una perspectiva de análisis cualitativa, con la expectativa de develarlo mucho más allá de lo que se muestra en su aparecncia. Para esto, realizamos revisión de literatura, análisis de documentos, observación asistemática y entrevistas con estudiantes y profesionales de las entidades que ofrecen prácticas a los estudiantes. Además se incluyó, en los procedimientos metodológicos, la aplicación de encuestas y conversaciones informales. Constatamos la existencia de lagunas en el desarrolllo de las prácticas no obligatorias remuneradas, ocasionadas por la ausencia de supervisión y por la inclusión de pasantes en sectores y/o actividades desvinculadas de su futura profesión. La investigación nos permitió desvelar situaciones en las que la oferta de plazas ocurre en detrimento de la contratación de empleados, lo que configura un distanciamento de este componente curricular del área de formación profesional, desvirtuando su carácter educacional. Cientes de la coexistencia contradictoria entre situaciones ventajosas y problemáticas en las prácticas no obligatorias remuneradas para el proceso de formación profesional de los asistentes sociales, concluimos que esta modalidad de práctica cuando vinculada a la intervención de la facultad y bajo la supervisión de asistentes sociales, independiente de sus implicaciones en los intereses del mercado, potencializa el desarrollo de competencias y habilidades intrínsecas al proceso de formación profesional; pero si distanciada del área de formación y/o sin el debido acompañamiento didáctico-pedagógico establece poca o ninguna relación con la formación de los asistentes sociales. Pero, incluso distanciadas del ejercicio y de la formación académica en el área de servicio social y/o (llenas de aspectos frágiles) llenas de fallas en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendisaje, estas experiencias ejercen profunda influencia en la formación de los asistentes sociales, pudiendo fragilizar el compromiso con el proyecto ético-político, diseminar el aspecto subalterno de la profesión y hacer confuso y conflictivo el proceso de construcción de la identidad profesional. En este sentido, las inversiones de capital para reducir los gastos con mano de obra, las dificultades vividas por las universidades públicas brasileñas para garantizar la cualidad de la enseñanza delante de la insuficiencia de recursos humanos y materiales y la desvalorización de los componentes no obligatorios del proceso de formación profesional de los asistentes sociales, son factores que obstaculizan el reconocimiento y la materialización del potencial didáctico-pedagógico de las prácticas
The purpose of this study was investigate the sexual division of the work in a chain of fast food, in Natal, RN. These aspects were analyzed with the ways of organization of the work, being made a case study. The main objective of this survey was to analyze the influence of gender relations in the insertion of men and women in the job market and to analyze the question of feminine submission in the professional world. These questions were analyzed considering the current period of the worldwide capitalism, from the characteristics of productive process and the growth of the service sectors. The research was made with a group of workers on the production sectors; attendance, management and human resources at restfood store, where six clerks were interviewed. Through our research, it is possible to perceive the permanence of the sexual division at the job in the interior of the productive processes at Restfood, that puts the woman in a subordinate position in relation to the man. This result can be confirmed if we considerate that the women, on this chain of food, occupy in first place the function of waitress and on this, trere s no functional progression, while her workmates (the men) for occupying other functions can progress inside the company. It was also evidenced that in a context of globalization of the capital, deregulation and disrespect of labor laws, the capital acts without any respect to workers. That was what we observed at the interviewer speech; the scarcity of the conditions of work and the constant disrespect of the labor laws. This way, we could evidence that the scarcity of work conditions hit men and women, but it has a crueler face with the women, and this one reproduces itself, day by day in the process of social reproduction, through family life, insertion in the world of the work, information and received social education. So, the capital explores all of them, but the gender relations create to the capital, the possibility of a different degree of exploration, becoming this way, the women main victims herself
Our dissertation deals with the material living conditions of women workers and the relations of the wage who undergo in the hospital scope, taking as the locus of empirical research the Hospital Dr. João Machado, located in Natal / RN. Its purpose is to analyze the main implications of precarious work contracts in the economic and social dimensions from life of workers, explaining the main conditionings. The majority presence of women in wage relations not only in the hospital service, as well as in the service sector in general has motivated us to appreciation of the form of participation of women in health services and, in particular, at the hospital space. From the critical dialectical method, through processes of successive approximations to the reality, we analyze the patriarchal system of social relations and their repercussions for the Social and Sexual Division of Labor in the context of contemporary capitalist society, explaining the determinants of inequality, founded in social relations of sex, to the predominance of women in the hospital service and unveiling these participation trends in the labor market. The analyzes are based on bibliographic research - theoretical and methodological basis of research - combined with reflections that emerged from the field. The systematized and analyzed information reveal the uniqueness of the current social and economic situation of workers women with ties outsourced, paradoxically expresses on the expansion of the insertion in universe of labor, in overexploitation, in the precariousness of work and living conditions and persistent inequality in and in the social relations and in relations between the sexes
PLCs (acronym for Programmable Logic Controllers) perform control operations, receiving information from the environment, processing it and modifying this same environment according to the results produced. They are commonly used in industry in several applications, from mass transport to petroleum industry. As the complexity of these applications increase, and as various are safety critical, a necessity for ensuring that they are reliable arouses. Testing and simulation are the de-facto methods used in the industry to do so, but they can leave flaws undiscovered. Formal methods can provide more confidence in an application s safety, once they permit their mathematical verification. We make use of the B Method, which has been successfully applied in the formal verification of industrial systems, is supported by several tools and can handle decomposition, refinement, and verification of correctness according to the specification. The method we developed and present in this work automatically generates B models from PLC programs and verify them in terms of safety constraints, manually derived from the system requirements. The scope of our method is the PLC programming languages presented in the IEC 61131-3 standard, although we are also able to verify programs not fully compliant with the standard. Our approach aims to ease the integration of formal methods in the industry through the abbreviation of the effort to perform formal verification in PLCs
The component-based development of systems revolutionized the software development process, facilitating the maintenance, providing more confiability and reuse. Nevertheless, even with all the advantages of the development of components, their composition is an important concern. The verification through informal tests is not enough to achieve a safe composition, because they are not based on formal semantic models with which we are able to describe precisally a system s behaviour. In this context, formal methods provide ways to accurately specify systems through mathematical notations providing, among other benefits, more safety. The formal method CSP enables the specification of concurrent systems and verification of properties intrinsic to them, as well as the refinement among different models. Some approaches apply constraints using CSP, to check the behavior of composition between components, assisting in the verification of those components in advance. Hence, aiming to assist this process, considering that the software market increasingly requires more automation, reducing work and providing agility in business, this work presents a tool that automatizes the verification of composition among components, in which all complexity of formal language is kept hidden from users. Thus, through a simple interface, the tool BST (BRIC-Tool-Suport) helps to create and compose components, predicting, in advance, undesirable behaviors in the system, such as deadlocks
Se todas as categorias de arte passam por variados processos de legitimação, existe uma, em particular, onde a questão da legitimidade é fundamental, por ser determinante de sua própria existência: a arte popular, que só existe realmente, como categoria artística, a partir do momento em que é reconhecida pelas instâncias oficiais. O presente trabalho analisa o processo de legitimação artística da gravura popular, produção que se desenvolve às margens do sistema oficial, como ilustração dos folhetos de cordel vendidos em mercados públicos, antes de se tornar uma categoria privilegiada da “arte popular”, colecionada e exposta em museus nacionais e internacionais
Este trabalho apresenta uma técnica de verificação formal de Sistemas de Raciocínio Procedural, PRS (Procedural Reasoning System), uma linguagem de programação que utiliza a abordagem do raciocínio procedural. Esta técnica baseia-se na utilização de regras de conversão entre programas PRS e Redes de Petri Coloridas (RPC). Para isso, são apresentadas regras de conversão de um sub-conjunto bem expressivo da maioria da sintaxe utilizada na linguagem PRS para RPC. A fim de proceder fia verificação formal do programa PRS especificado, uma vez que se disponha da rede de Petri equivalente ao programa PRS, utilizamos o formalismo das RPCs (verificação das propriedades estruturais e comportamentais) para analisarmos formalmente o programa PRS equivalente. Utilizamos uma ferramenta computacional disponível para desenhar, simular e analisar as redes de Petri coloridas geradas. Uma vez que disponhamos das regras de conversão PRS-RPC, podemos ser levados a querer fazer esta conversão de maneira estritamente manual. No entanto, a probabilidade de introdução de erros na conversão é grande, fazendo com que o esforço necessário para garantirmos a corretude da conversão manual seja da mesma ordem de grandeza que a eliminação de eventuais erros diretamente no programa PRS original. Assim, a conversão automatizada é de suma importância para evitar que a conversão manual nos leve a erros indesejáveis, podendo invalidar todo o processo de conversão. A principal contribuição deste trabalho de pesquisa diz respeito ao desenvolvimento de uma técnica de verificação formal automatizada que consiste basicamente em duas etapas distintas, embora inter-relacionadas. A primeira fase diz respeito fias regras de conversão de PRS para RPC. A segunda fase é concernente ao desenvolvimento de um conversor para fazer a transformação de maneira automatizada dos programas PRS para as RPCs. A conversão automática é possível, porque todas as regras de conversão apresentadas seguem leis de formação genéricas, passíveis de serem incluídas em algoritmos
This work shows a project method proposed to design and build software components from the software functional m del up to assembly code level in a rigorous fashion. This method is based on the B method, which was developed with support and interest of British Petroleum (BP). One goal of this methodology is to contribute to solve an important problem, known as The Verifying Compiler. Besides, this work describes a formal model of Z80 microcontroller and a real system of petroleum area. To achieve this goal, the formal model of Z80 was developed and documented, as it is one key component for the verification upto the assembly level. In order to improve the mentioned methodology, it was applied on a petroleum production test system, which is presented in this work. Part of this technique is performed manually. However, almost of these activities can be automated by a specific compiler. To build such compiler, the formal modelling of microcontroller and modelling of production test system should provide relevant knowledge and experiences to the design of a new compiler. In ummary, this work should improve the viability of one of the most stringent criteria for formal verification: speeding up the verification process, reducing design time and increasing the quality and reliability of the product of the final software. All these qualities are very important for systems that involve serious risks or in need of a high confidence, which is very common in the petroleum industry
The research Reforma Agrária de Mercado e Territorialização: um estudo a partir do Programa Cédula da Terra em Canindé-Ce , has an objective to discuss until whas time denominated agrarium refom has capacity of territory the of families in Five from the seven settlements cmated by resourles from the prgramme cell of earth em Canindé-Ce. In this context, the present work analysis the relation sitip between power and kind of identity, in special in those settlements, trying to learn the dialetic relationship. That passes by the process and appropriation in these spaces by these families gave the beginning of buying the land. The procedure methologic used by us gave privilege to realize the interview included in this process, wita the leaders of rural associations (STR); commission clero of earth (CPT); rural workers movement without land (MST); wita agricolas tecnics, and so the local coordinators of cell of earth in Fortaleza. The analysis of agrarium reform in Canindé, infects that the families giving entrance in buying the land, they could creatieg a hope in quality of life for getting the land. Nevertheless, it did not happen, in the rost of the parts of the areas in study. The territories present in general focus, the worse process of poomest besides the amount of debiths of these families, putting in risk the territorialization of themselves
El Agreste Potiguar es el territorio de Rio Grande do Norte en que más se produce yuca. La formación de ese territorio asociase a la ganadería y al cultivo de algodón y de cultivos de autoconsumo, de entre los cuales, la yuca. En lo concerniente, específicamente al cultivo de la yuca, esa planta siempre ha sido sumamente importante para la subsistencia de los agrestinos , sobre todo, de los pobres. Hasta la década de 1980, la yuca era cultivada en pequeñas parcelas de tierra y era destinada a la fabricación de harina, que juntamente con el frijol, era la base de la alimentación de los trabajadores agrestinos. Además, era bastante útil para la producción de ración para el ganado. A partir de esa década, la actividad mandioquera (cultivo de la yuca con la transformación de ésta en harina y en otros derivados) desencadenada en el Agreste Potiguar empieza a pasar por un proceso de modernización, siendo implementadas transformaciones técnicas y en las relaciones de trabajo, bajo la lógica capitalista. Dentro de esa lógica, el cultivo de la yuca pasa a ser hecho con el uso de máquinas y de abonos químicos; la transformación en harina es actualmente realizada en manufacturas y en industrias de harina, que vienen siendo, cada vez más, marcadas por instrumentos técnicos movidos a electricidad, disminuyendo la necesidad de mano de obra; y la yuca no es más cultivada por los productores con el objetivo primordial de garantizar su subsistencia, pero sí con el de atender a la demanda por materia prima de las manufacturas y de las industrias de harina. De este modo, el objetivo del trabajo es comprender la dinámica de la actividad mandioquera en el Agreste Potiguar, considerando el uso pasado y actual del territorio, la modernización de esa actividad y su contribución al desarrollo del territorio en cuestión. Como procedimientos metodológicos, adoptamos la realización de investigaciones bibliográficas, empíricas (entrevistas y conversaciones) y el análisis de datos secundarios. Finalmente, sabiéndose que el proceso de modernización estudiado sigue la lógica capitalista, concluimos el trabajo afirmando que la modernización de la actividad mandioquera no viene contribuyendo al desarrollo territorial del Agreste Potiguar.
This paper aims at analyzing the dynamics of informal housing in Mãe Luiza, in the context of real estate valuation of the city of Natal/RN, which, like any other urban center, has problems related to access to urban land, which increasingly more is appreciated due to their scarcity and, consequently, has led to the segregation of urban spaces. Recently, the informal housing market has received special attention by scholars who wish to discuss the production of space and ways of access to urban land and housing, especially for those disadvantaged by the housing policies of the government where these exist. When talking about the housing market, we are automatically referring to concepts or categories intrinsic to the existing mode of production in our society - the capitalism. Thus, the categories: income, value (use and exchange), commodity, capital, profits and capital gains, along with other important concepts as well as land use (urban) and real estate agents are of great relevance to discussion we intend to do within the context of production space
It s an application about the development of the family agriculture integrated to the market in which is detected the development of the relation of partnership between settled of agrarian reform and the capitalist enterprise. It s shown initially, a conceptual discussion about family agriculture, watching the historical contexts that characterize the expropriation and subordination of the category. This way, the family agriculture is contextual zed in the moment of the modernization of the agriculture, he rising of the social tension in the area of the restructuration of production and the globalization. Finding to understand the agrarian question in Rio Grande do Norte, it s characterized the acting of the state in promoting agrarian reform politics and redistribution of lands. This way, the research demonstrate the reality of the settled of Vale do Lírio, with the partnership of the Caliman Company S. A. in this context, it s emphasized the social geographic transformation in the settler. This way it was realized the analysis of the survey of data in a lot of public department, and the research of the area with use of application form, in 90% percent of the researched group, with interviewing with the leaders of this group and with the manager of the Company. The research demonstrates an analysis of the reality lived by this group, in the perspective the interests of the government and the capital.