113 resultados para Financiamento do Sistema Único de Saúde
Inspirés par la « méthode » artisanat intellectuel propose par le sociologue Wright Mills, notre étude porte sur la formation du champ de pratiques discursives et non discursives (Michel Foucault) de la nutrition sociale dans le contexte de la société brésilienne dans lequel s insère le champ de la santé. Le travail empirique s épuise sur une source de documents normatifs de ce champ et s oriente à vérifier et à comprendre comment le praticien de la nutrition émerge dans le scènario des pratiques de la santé au Brésil à partir du milieux du 20ème siècle, tout en construisant son « regime de vérité » fondé dans des processus biopolitiques du champ de la médecine sociale. Nous avons relié deux phénomènes: a) l émergeance du champ biomédical de la nutrition comme une instance biopolitique, en approchant cette formation à l'histoire de la médecine sociale, depuis ses débuts européens jusqu'au contexte brésilien ; b) les pratiques discursives et non discursives du champ de la nutrition lequel est compris dans le Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS - Système Unique de Santé) brésilien. La démarche de recherche comprend l'élaboration et analyse d'une archive composée de publications qui contiennent l'Histoire du praticien de la nutrition au Brésil et des publications officielles disponibles dans le site web « Política Nacional de Alimentação e Nutrição » (Politique Nationale d'Alimentation et de Nutrition) lesquelles sont considérées comme des guides d actions des praticiens de la nutrition sociale dans le Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Le concept de biopouvoir, décrit par Michel Foucault entre 1974 et 1979, et la notion de biopolitique, dans son sens réinterprété et mis à jour par Giorgio Agamben, Antônio Negri et Michael Hardt, ont fourni le support théorique de cette recherche
The assistance to women who have breast cancer is studied in a Reference Center in Paraiba and also the way this assistance is performed in a School Hospital maintained by SUS (Single Health System) is questioned. Breast cancer demands institutional organization, provision of financial, material and human resources, requiring, from the health system, effective assistance with new technologies which make it possible for the population their access to specialized medical services although it not always is able to guarantee those services nor the rights which the legislation granted them, inhibiting a proper relationship between the health professional and the patient. The theme is discussed through a transdisciplinary knowledge view and has as its theoretical referential the contribution of classical and contemporary authors from the human and social sciences and, as an empirical research strategy, the structured interview. The objectives of the research were: identify how the assistance to women with breast cancer is carried on at a Reference Center on Oncology in Campina Grande, Paraiba, identifying their difficulties and their satisfaction with the received assistance; draw up a profile of the women with breast cancer who were assisted in this Reference Center; understand their gynecological and obstetric antecedents, life styles, age group and stage of the disease when the treatment started; check their knowledge about their rights and which benefits they had received. Most women ranged between 40 and 59 years old (63%), which corresponds to the risk range of developing breast cancer. As to their occupations, 38.3% were housewives and 30.1% retired, whose family income was among those who received between less than a minimum salary and one minimum salary (58.2%). This population was mainly constituted of married women (60.2%), whose most frequent schooling was an incomplete elementary school (27.6%) and complete elementary school (24.1%), which added up to 51.6%. It was observed that the majority of the women seemed to be satisfied with the assistance received, noting that a minimum care was enough to define this satisfaction, although it is perceived that the access to the health system does not ensure the ideal attention conditions they need; it was verified that the availability of the services and the assistance itself are seen (in the local culture) as a favor and not as a right. It is also observed that only 30% of the women mentioned that they knew about their rights and the most mentioned ones were the disease assistance (13%), the medicines (13%) and the treatment (12%), which represent the most important triad to face the disease and around which the oncologic assistance most focus on. It is concluded that the condition of the users´ minimum existential of a public health unit and the condition of belonging to a lower social stratum were variables that influenced the respondents´ satisfaction in relation to the assistance received but the importance of the Reference Center for the women with breast cancer´s assistance for the whole region cannot be denied as well as the need to broaden the way the policy of the oncologic assistance in Brazil in the local realm is seen
Public services with an emphasis on rehabilitation treatment of disabled people, as established law, have aimed to ensure quality and equity assistance in a rehabilitation way to the segment highlighted. As for people with physical disabilities, the Unified Health System (hereby SUS) through the directive GM/ MS No. 818 of 2001, requires the creation of hierarchical and regionalized services networks at different levels of complexity to ensure appropriate assistance. This study whose title is Evaluation of effectiveness of the Adult Rehabilitation Center in Rn: elements for a discussion aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of rehabilitation services that institution, reference in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, has directed its patients, more specifically those who have had a stroke and therefore are disabled ones. From the standpoint of methodological conduction, it was prioritized a qualitative and empirical theoretical research which was carried out from the following courses: literature references with authors who are the themes pertaining to rehabilitation, inclusion, public policy evaluation, health policy and disability; documentary research through Regulation of Technical Procedures, files, records, informative booklets that were of great importance to the knowledge of the institution, as well as its functioning and dynamics of field research that was materialized with the managers, rehabilitation staff and Center s users, through the application of semi-structured interviews as a tool for data collection. The information obtained was analyzed from the critical analysis of discourse. As a result, it was identified some technical, administrative and financial difficulties which have obliterated the effectiveness of services provided, such as: lack of many professionals to meet existing demand, poor quality of equipment and the physical structure, limits on autonomy management as a result of dependence along with the SESAP/RN; besides the excessive bureaucratization in the administrative processes compromising Center s problem-solving needs. However, in the narratives of managers, rehabilitation staff of patients, despite the difficulties, treatment made by Centre has effectiveness to the extent that has been contributing even in a limited way to improve their quality of life
The health transition experienced in Brazilian health care model requires a metamorphosis in human and society, placing new demands on health and education. The Faculty of Science, Culture and Extension of Rio Grande do Norte (Facex), aware of their responsibilities to the Health System, which brings the principle of comprehensiveness as its structural axis, dared to implement a course of nursing in complex thinking and Experiential Pedagogy Humanescente with curriculum inter / transdisciplinary. For deployment of proprosta was not enough to reform thinking of educators, there was a need corporalizar new teaching practices that are aimed at the integral formation of human beings. In this context, emerged the workshop on Human Education autopoietic, self-forming area of the educator, where he developed an Action Research Existential (PA-E) which enabled experience, describe and analyze how the human autopoietic educators could contribute to the practice educational humanescente transdisciplinary curriculum project. Were worked out in meetings, knowledge necessary to practice the transdisciplinary 1st Meeting - learn to create; 2nd Meeting - learn to recognize the laws of nature with emphasis on complexity theory, 3rd Meeting - learn to organize, 4th meeting - namely autoestruturar themselves; 5th Meeting - know how to choose, 6th Meeting - knowing innovate 7th Meeting - namely exchange. Next an autobiographical perspective, we chose the metaphorical possibility to narrate the ways and strategies covered by the author and apprentice in the company of the Little Prince de Saint-Exupery, in search of a sensible pedagogical practice complex, which promotes re-enchant transdisicplinar education. The route involved five methodological connections: a literature review which relate to training for care in undergraduate nursing: the study of learning processes that drive the formation humanopoiética, emphasizing the relationship that involves the complexity and embodiment in the educational process transdisciplinary, highlighting the analysis of what is to learn from the findings of biosciences and recent cognitive theories of Maturana and Varela, the description of the interdisciplinary curriculum of the nursing course of Facex and Training Workshop, Human autopoietic, with emphasis on Experiential Education Humanescente; the report of seven meetings of the Workshops (cocoon), recording the experiences and listening to educators (luminescent butterflies), the final reflections with learning opportunized. Experientiality lived through, the expressions and words, educators say the influence of workshops for their teaching practices, highlighting it as a space for selforganizing, creating, learning and enchantment, and can identify the workshop as a place of transformation necessary for deployment an interdisciplinary curriculum. The knowledge emerging from the study indicate the need for permanent spaces of self, in which the educator learns from its body, between cognitive processes and vital, and in the experiences of their formative process the opportunity to act on the dimensions of knowing and being
The model of attention to health in Single Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde SUS) presupposes a human-resources policy which prepares professionals of health to guide the services and sanitary practices. The nurse, a member of health staff, takes over an important role in implementation of principles and standards of SUS, being its professional formation necessary to labor organization in this purpose. In this way this study objectifies to analyse the process of formation of the male nurse in the Politic-Pedagogical Project (Projeto Político-Pedagógico PPP) in the perception of learning and teaching of the Faculty of nursing FAEN of the University of The Rio Grande do Norte State UERN. It treats about a descriptive-exploratory study with qualitative and quantitative approach carried out with learning and teaching of the graduation nursing course. In the field research carried out between the months of november, 2006 and february, 2007, were used like instruments the documental research below PPP´s, structured interview directed to the learning and the closed questionnaire applied to the students of eighth and ninth semesters of graduation course. The results of data about the questionnaires elaborated according to National Curricular Patters (Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais DCN) and the Instrument of Evaluation Course of Graduation MEC were organized according to six lists about the profile of the learning and teaching that participate of the research; of the didactical-pedagogical organization and PPP´s objectives to the just-graduates person to the didactical-pedagogical curriculum organization. For considering the interviews it was adopted thematic analysis of content discribed in lexical analysis by informatical program ALCESTE which provided the organization of the material in five categories: daily problems of SUS consolidation versus nurse formation, dichotomies about FAEN´s nursing course of curriculum versus principles of integralization of graduating process, the just-graduated one from FAEN and its professional insertion united to SUS politic-pedagogical project and the concern about the overcoming of dichotomies of graduation process abilities and necessary competences to the SUS performing nurse. The analysis of informations deriving from documental performance and field research resulted on the verification that, in spite of good intentions, the implementation strategies showed themselves fragile to cope with the rendering of expressed ideal on PPP. There is still a great gap between what´s thought as innovating graduating process and what´s being really implemented
O envelhecimento é um processo multidimensional que envolve entre outros os aspectos físico-biológicos, sociais, econômicos e psicológicos. Ao avaliar essa fase da vida dentro de uma visão social e cultural, percebe-se que ser idoso ou não varia com as concepções culturais, sendo necessário investigar as variações que atuam no processo e rege o fenômeno sociocultural da realidade em que se está inserido. Com o aumento da população idosa mundial, esse processo tende a se intensificar. Estima-se que até em 2050 existam cerca de dois bilhões de pessoas com mais de 60 anos no mundo, e a maioria delas vivendo em países em desenvolvimento. No Brasil, acredita-se que existam, atualmente, cerca de 20 milhões de idosos. A normatização e legislação brasileira de amparo ao idoso em relação à saúde iniciaram-se a partir da Constituição Federal de 1988 e da Lei 8080 que regulamenta o Sistema Único de Saúde em 1990, em seus níveis de complexidade: atenção básica, média e alta complexidade. Para auxiliar nessa prestação dos serviços na atenção básica de saúde é importante observar as condições sociais, culturais, econômicas e de saúde dos idosos e seus familiares. Nesse sentido, a visita ao domicílio e a avaliação deste idoso em seu ambiente doméstico torna-se fundamental para acompanhar o cuidar prestado e o quanto esse processo irá interferir no sistema de saúde, na família e na qualidade de vida dos idosos. Neste contexto, o enfermeiro como integrante da Equipe de Saúde da Família, presta assistência à saúde do idoso no domicílio. Nesse sentido, o objetivo do estudo é analisar o cuidado de enfermagem e da família à pessoa idosa no domicílio com vistas à identificação das influências socioculturais. Trata-se de um estudo do tipo descritivo e de abordagem qualitativa, norteados por princípios teórico-metodológicos da etnografia com vistas ao estudo da influência dos aspectos culturais e sociais na assistência da família e do enfermeiro à idosos em domicílio. Foi realizado no município de Santana do Matos, RN, tendo como participantes, idosos, familiares e enfermeiros da equipe da ESF, definidos a partir da população do município e obtendo-se uma amostra intencional de 25 participantes: 6 enfermeiras, 10 idosos e 9 grupos familiares. Para a coleta de informações, utilizou-se observação, entrevista, diário de campo e grupo focal. Os resultados foram apresentados em forma de narrativa descritiva, na perspectiva dos conceitos de Boris Cyrulnik, com análise interpretativa cultural de Geertz, na busca dos significados e símbolos próprios da cultura da velhice de idosos e dos seus familiares, sobre cuidados que são realizados, tanto pela família, como pelos enfermeiros em domicílio. Observou-se que a família e o cuidador, dentro de sua realidade social e cultural, precisam ser mais compreendidos pela equipe de saúde para ser melhor orientados e capacitados na realização do cuidar de forma adequada. Por sua vez, os profissionais de saúde, em especial o enfermeiro, enfrentam dificuldades para realizar o cuidado ao idoso no domicílio como a grande demanda de atribuições na unidade de saúde como consultas e atendimentos; falta de transporte até os domicílios; extensão territorial do município e das áreas assistidas; número de pessoas atendidas por cada equipe; falta de compreensão dos profissionais de saúde quanto à importância da visita domiciliária na atenção básica. Entendem a necessidade de realizar ações de promoção em saúde, prevenção de agravos e de educação em saúde, além de reconhecerem a importância de uma melhor formação acadêmica para atuar nessa perspectiva e contribuírem para as mudanças necessárias na prática dos cuidados ao idoso em domicílio
In the new world order is notorious changes in social, ethical, economical and political aspects in the society, which reach incisively higher education, requiring a number of modifications and a new vision in nursing education, in order to meet the demands of the Unique Health System. Thus, the Higher Education Institutes (HEI) and teachers are invited to face new challenges and reflect on their practices, using pedagogical approaches and innovative methodologies to meet the requirements of a globalized society. This study has as an objective to analyze the perspective of teachers in what concern the pedagogical approaches used in nursing education and to identify pedagogical approaches utilized by teachers in nursing education. This is a field research of exploratory kind, descriptive, of quantitative approach. The search was conducted at the Department of Nursing of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte UFRN, based in the city of Natal. The population consisted of forty-six teachers. From this population was selected a sample of twenty teachers. Data collection occurred from August to September 2011, through the utilization of the technique of interview and questionnaire. The obtained data were analyzed in two moments. In the first moment, was carried out the quantitative analysis that refers to the obtained data through the interview technique, methodological procedures were submitted to the content analysis proposed by Bardin. On the second moment, concerning the quantitative analysis of the questionnaires applied to the teachers and of the identification data, which were digitized and transferred to a spreadsheet electronic of Microsoft Excel XP, tabulated and organized into tables, containing their relative and absolute frequencies. It is worth mentioning that were respected the aspects of the CNS Resolution 196/96. With regard to the characteristics of research participants, 20% were male; with a degree of titration of 55% doctorates; regarding time of service there was a greater representation from 15 to 45 years, with 45%. The results showed that 90% of teachers who participated in the research have an appropriate understanding of non-critical pedagogical approaches, only 10% had an inadequate understanding. However, 70% of teachers, despite having an adequate understanding, reported difficulties when attempting to implement these pedagogies. Most teachers, with representability of 80% consider the non-critical pedagogies relevant in nursing education, as well as critical pedagogies, being represented by 95% of teachers. It was concluded that both critical and non-critical pedagogies are in teachers practice of undergraduate nursing education. It feels like a moment of transition, since the presence of new ways of teaching as a part of this educational context, with educational models that give value to scientific, ethical and personal aspects in the educational process. The research contains limitations, however highlights the contribution of new possibilities for action, reflection on the context of performance, maximizing the pedagogical skills necessary to conduct teaching process, in line with the new educational paradigm of higher education
This research had as its guiding question: what theoretical and structural milestone of graduation nursing curriculum of public universities in the State of Rio Grande do Norte? The objectives of this study were: Analyze theoretical and structural milestones of graduation nursing curriculum of public universities in the State of Rio Grande do Norte; Identify the theoretical milestone and training models that guide the structural milestones of nursing curriculum courses of public universities studied; Analyze the training concepts of curriculums from the voices of the coordinators of the courses. This is a qualitative study, analytical, with discussions of the documentary and empirical research. Ten teachers participated who act as coordinators of the graduation courses in nursing or academic advisors, in UFRNCentral Campus in Natal and Health Sciences College (Facisa), in Santa Cruz-and on UERN -Campus Caicó, Mossoró and Pau dos Ferros. The information collected by interview was analyzed by sociology or symbolic cartography of Boaventura de Sousa Santos. The research was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the UERN by the CAAE: 03610912.7.0000.5294. All the participants signed the Free Consent and clarified Term The results and discussion were presented in four scientific articles. The first article, titled the Pedagogical projects in nursing analysis in the light of the symbolic cartography, features the use of cartographic method in the researches and in the study of nursing curriculums. In the article The Analysis of theoretical-philosophical, structural and referential milestones in nursing curriculums, these milestones are renowned in curriculums of UERN and UFRN. The main challenges faced in the implementation of supervised internship in nursing provide a reflection on the difficulties that the internship supervisors present, especially with the relationship between education/service and the articulation theory/practice. In the last article are discussed the changes in nursing training from the former student profile, who won a boost from the curricular changes proposed by the national curriculum guidelines. The study concluded, by the analysis of theoretical and structural milestones of nursing curriculum courses of public universities of Rio Grande do Norte, that there is an explicit intention to train nurses for the health system and a search on innovative teaching projects in accordance with the national curriculum guidelines for the area of nursing. The thesis defended in this investigation was that the curriculum of public institutions of higher education in nursing in the State of Rio Grande do Norte advanced from a training focusing on biologicist model, flexneriana guidelines, for teaching able to articulate the health with the social, political and cultural issues
This study analyzes the point of view of nurses working at a pediatric teaching hospital on their work process within the scope of the Brazilian unified healthcare system SUS, in order to identify factors that interfere with its development and find out how work relations are taking place between nurses, other nursing professionals and the multidisciplinary staff. It is a descriptive and analytical study, qualitative in nature, which starts with a consideration of a nurse s current practices and moves on to reflect on a perspective of transformation aiming at rethinking their work process pursuant to the principles of SUS. In order to attain these objectives, we decided on using the focal group as a data-collecting technique, which took place from November to December 2005, by using as instruments a questionnaire for the characterization of the persons being researched and a discussion outline. Theoretical support has approached transformations in the world of work, placing it in the context of healthcare and nursing and has tried, specifically, to understand the work process of a nurse engaged in the production of health services. Therefore, the discourse analysis of participants, in the light of theoretical support, has evinced an ambiguity inasmuch as though identified as such in their work process, nurses are also fulfilling multiple functions in health services. Through this study it has also been possible to identify several factors that interfere with the work of these professionals, including poor working conditions and excessive hiring of high school graduate interns as an attempt to make up for a meager nursing workforce, as well as reveal the possibilities brought about by the SUS in retargeting its professional practice to interdisciplinarity and integrality
Venous ulcers are lesions resulting from chronic venous insufficiency, venous valvular abnormalities and venous thrombosis. Its occurrence has been growing with the increase in life expectancy of the world population. Considered as fundamental aspects in the approach to the person with venous ulcer care with the interdisciplinary approach, adoption of protocol-specific knowledge, technical skill, coordination between levels of care complexity of the Health System and active participation of patients and their families, a holistic perspective. The construction of a clinical protocol for people with venous ulcers can help professionals of high complexity services in patient assessment and the establishment of quality care in a systematic way and focused on the factors that interfere with wound healing. Thus, this study aimed to analyze the evidence of validation of a clinical protocol for people with venous ulcers treated at high-complexity services. This is a methodological study with a quantitative approach, developed in three stages: literature review, evidence of content validity and evidence of validation in the clinical context. Approved by the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte Research Ethics Committee (Opinion: 147.452 and CAAE: 07556312.0.0000.5537). The literature review was conducted in August and September 2012, becoming the basis for the construction of the protocol. Then the evidence of content validity, which included 53 judges (experts) selected by the Lattes platform to evaluate the protocol items was performed. The judges were contacted by e-mail and rated the protocol via Google Docs
The Primary Health Care and one of its main strategies, the Family Health Strategy (ESF), are framed as the gateway to the Public Health System (SUS). Thus, most of the incident and prevalent health problems in the population attended should be solved at this level of care, including psychological suffering, and the so-called complaint of nerves. Nerves and nervous denote a complexity that is not always well comprehended by health workers, in such a way that the care to this kind of problem is usually inadequate. In this line of thought, the general objective of this study is to analyze the network of discourses and the care to the psychological suffering, expressed as nerves, in SUS daily Primary Health Care. Besides and more specifically, it aims at identifying the principles and guidelines of the Primary Health Care in mental health; to investigate health workers positioning before psychological suffering and complaints of nerves, and also analyze different actions and practices of care carried out in different Health Units towards complaints like nerves. Institutional Ethnography was the theoreticalmethodological perspective adopted for the work. This approach seeks to understand and analyze the institutional relationships in a particular context considering sociostructural influences and power relations, as well as daily discourses and practices. Based on interviews with health professionals, informal conversations and observations in six Health Units with ESF teams from different sanitary districts in Natal/RN, it was possible to check that the index of complaint of nerves is high. The referral to psychologists and psychiatrists, as well as the prescription of psychotropic drugs appear as the most common intervention at this level of care. In general, the participants complain that they have poor specialized knowledge about the theme of mental health. They face the problem of bad work conditions and the lack of institutional support, which make actions of illnesses prevention and health promotion even more difficult. Besides, there are different ongoing practices such as meetings for hypertensive and aged people, walk, visit, round-table discussions and community therapy. However, not all of these actions are aimed at the care of psychological suffering. It is observed that the Matrix Support, which is a methodological strategy of supervision and follow up forcases of mental health, hasn t been totally implemented in the municipal system, although it is a tool that has been used by psychologists in some Health Units in the city. It was also verified that the health care practices to the problem of nerves strongly depend on the professional s commitment with the PSF guidelines and on mental health policies, in addition to continued support, when available, from other professional who works as matrix supporter
The proposal of the Unified Health System Policy (SUS) has been considered one of the most democratic public policies in Brazil. In spite of this, its implementation in a context of social inequalities has demanded significant efforts. From a socio-constructionist perspective on social psychology, the study focused on the National Policy for Permanent Education in Health for the Unified Health System (SUS), launched by the Brazilian government in 2004, as an additional effort to improve practices and accomplish the effective implementation of the principles and guidelines of the Policy. Considering the process of permanent interdependencies between these propositions and the socio-political and cultural context, the study aimed to identify the discursive constructions articulated in the National Policy for Permanent Education in Health for the Unified Health System (SUS) and how they fit into the existing power relations of ongoing Brazilian socio-political context. Subject positionings and action orientation offered to different social actors by these discursive constructions and the kind of practices allowed were also explored, as well as the implementation of the proposal in Rio Grande do Norte state and how this process was perceived by the people involved. The information produced by documental analyses, participant observation and interviews was analyzed as proposed by Institutional Ethnography. It evidenced the inter-relations between the practices of different social actors, the conditions available for those practices and the interests and power relations involved. Discontinuities on public policies in Brazil and the tendency to prioritize institutional and personal interests, in detriment of collective processes of social transformation, were some of obstacles highlighted by participants. The hegemony of the medical model and the individualistic and curative intervention practices that the model elicits were also emphasized as one of the drawbacks of the ongoing system. Facing these challenges, reflexivity and dialogism appear as strategies for a transformative action, making possible the denaturalization of ongoing practices, as well as the values and tenets supporting them
The Kangaroo Program was implemented in Brazil in 2000 through the Unified Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde SUS) sustained with a humanized rethoric of health care assistance. This program adopts the skin-to-skin contact contributing to the mother-infant bond, breastfeeding and promoting security in mother s care. The users of SUS are encouraged to live in the maternity ward to follow the baby health improvement. However, it was verified in previous observations that mothers participation in the Kangaroo Program has been done through an imposed practice. Therefore, this study intended to understand the texts that permeate the kangaroo practice. This research was developed through two studies: 1) an historic exploration of motherhood concept and an analysis of how the motherhood is presented in the official document that orients the program; 2) an analysis of institutional dynamic of Kangaroo Program, emphasizing the study about the health workers everyday practice, the mothers view about their life in the maternity wards, and the attendance practice. It is highlighted that the relation between this two studies allowed the comprehension abouthow the official discourses can influence the health workers behaviors and how their viewpoint and position can shape the everyday work in a public health program. This research, supported by Institutional Ethnography, considers that people s practices and experiences are socially organized and shaped by broad social forces. The discourse method was used in the documental analysis and in the analysis of qualitative data from empiric research. The research showed that the kangaroo program has been an excellent way to save resources and to improve some baby s biologic and psychological aspects. However, this program has failed to consider the social, economic and cultural complexity of mothers and the structural limitation of the health care system. The official document uses the economic and medical approach, following the hegemonic biomedical model and the life style of the people that don t use the public health system. Consequently, the program has not been successful because it is planned without people participation. On the other hand, it was verified that although some professionals are committed with their work, the mainly does not consider mothers participation as an active process, using the institutional power as a social control to keep mothers uninformed about the possibility to leave the maternity wards. As a result, the research also showed that mothers perceive the program as mandatory and not as option that can improve pleasure moments. It is, therefore, necessary to consider the complex social determinants of health that can increase mothers participation in the Kangaroo Program. Bringing these issues into debate can be a reflective exercise on citizenship and governance, allowing spaces for the improvement of public health programs
The practice of medicine related to the gestational processes tend to be organized according to the context and the place of work, being thus dependent of the conditions both social and economical, and of the physical structure and the functionality of the services. The high mortality rate in this process has diminished, since 1986, the study made by the World Health Organization (WHO) as to the technical aspects and the social inequalities that influence this situation in different geographical contexts. This culminated recommendations that proposed the reorientation of the dynamical practice of medicine, with a focus on the safety of maternities. Brazil adopted, in the year 2000, the suggestions of the OMS, emphasizing the humanization as the main reason for these actions. However, this discussion tends to not consider the problems caused by the social inequalities and the epidemiological and social conditionings that define the actions of the Unified Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde SUS). In this area, this research seeks to analyze the practices, cares taken, and the universal symbol that promotes and rewards the assistance to the birth of children by the SUS. Besides the analysis of the public documents that deal with this subject, an ethnographic study was developed in a maternity in Natal/RN, considered a model of humanization after receiving the Galba de Araújo prize in 2002. In this stage, the methodological strategies were observed, and the focus of the individual interviews with workers and users of this service. In the analysis of the data, it became evident that the different professional workers and women who gave birth, tend to show concern of the standards the delimit production and reproduction of the practice of medicine, as they favor the absence of a critical posture of the actions destined to the population. Besides this, if became evident that the institutional difficulties associated to the economical, cultural, and political problems also difficult the involvement and the reflection of the workers in favor of assisting changes of the process. There is also a utilization of a perspective prescriptive of humanization in the everyday life of the social workers, without reflection of its meaning. Some workers present, in their statements, a preoccupation with the social and economical aspects that affect the practice of medicine, and with the limitations of the humanization discourse that disarticulates the necessities of those involved in the process of formation, and soon tend to return to the discussion of humanization while a kind practice characterized by the minimization of the interventionist actions. Now the users of the system show themselves before the dynamic of the services, submitting themselves to what is offered while assistance, without questioning and/or reflecting about their usual shortages. Therefore, to think of changes in the know and do of the practice of medicine destined to the birth of children implies reflection on the quotidian production of these practices and of the social contexts that influence the process of assistance in the practice of medicine. Herein it would be possible to predict the appropriation, by different workers concerning their exasperations and necessities, making them active in the pursuit of their rights as citizens
The treatment for abusive users of alcohol and other drugs suffered significant modifications until arriving to the psychosocial model that is used by Centro de Atenção Psicossocial CAPSad II Eastern Natal/RN (Psychosocial Support Center). That model appears starting from Brazilian sanitary and psychiatric reforms which are expressed in the principles and propositions of Sistema Único de Saúde SUS (Unique System of Health). The Psychiatric Reform meant a rupture with the mental hospital and hospital centered treatment pattern which was destined to the abusive users of alcohol and other drugs. The new proposal offers the universalization, democratization, regionalization and completeness of the actions in the field of mental health. It gathers a strictly interdisciplinary health staff. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment for abusive users of alcohol and other drugs offered by CAPSad II Eastern Natal/RN. The evaluation used, as priority, the qualitative social research through an evaluating study starting from the non-experimental model. The methodological process used different instruments of data collection: bibliographical and documental researches, systematic observations at CAPSad II Eastern Natal/RN and, mainly, the semistructured interviews (21) that were accomplished with the professionals, users and relatives of CAPSad II Eastern Natal/RN. The investigation showed the effectiveness of the service and, therefore, CAPSad II Eastern Natal/RN constitute itself as the main confronting strategy to the mental hospital and hospital centered treatment pattern of caring the abusive users of alcohol and other drugs