81 resultados para Movimentos sociais - Mulheres
A Saúde do Trabalhador (ST) refere-se a um campo do saber que compreende as relações entre o trabalho e o processo saúde/doença de modo articulado a um corpo de práticas teóricas interdisciplinares. No contexto das possibilidades para se efetivar a ST na amplitude que exige este conceito, diferentes iniciativas de Educação Popular em Saúde se articulam com demandas do Controle Social em Saúde, permitindo novas abordagens para configurar a formação crítica e ativa de trabalhadores de saúde e movimentos sociais no mosaico das políticas de ST. Nessa direção, os projetos de extensão universitária orientados pela Educação Popular têm desvelado caminhos metodológicos e novas possibilidades teóricas de pensar a Atenção à Saúde do Trabalhador, de forma articulada com a necessidade de re-significar o processo de formação dos profissionais da saúde, com ênfase no cuidado integral na atenção à saúde. O estudo promovido por ocasião do Doutoramento em Ciências da Saúde propiciou a avaliação do impacto e da potência das ações destes projetos na reorientação do cuidado guiado pela educação popular no campo da saúde do trabalhador. A sistematização foi utilizada como principal estratégia metodológica para a produção dos dados analisados, além de estratégias de pesquisa qualitativa como constituintes da fase exploratória do estudo, tendo como técnica central, nesse sentido, o grupo focal. Os resultados mostraram mudanças significativas no processo do cuidar em saúde guiado pela educação popular, A reorientação de práticas e saberes, coadunadas aos princípios fundamentais do Sistema Único de Saúde, foi observada nos sujeitos que participaram da experiência. A sistematização da experiência permitiu ainda concluir que estratégias de diálogo, organização político-social e troca de experiências de vida se apresentam como cenário significativo no compartilhamento de cultura e saúde do trabalhador, oportunizando crescimento coletivo e melhor qualidade de vida.
práticas artificiais, que incluem a experiência midiática, numa negociação/conciliação permanente entre a cultura objetiva (social) e a subjetiva (do indivíduo). A mediação cotidiana e fundamental é a comunicação do real com o imaginário. Para além do ato ou efeito de mediar, de estar entre, as mediações são a articulação entre práticas de comunicação e movimentos sociais; são as modalidades da comunicação dentro das quais se inserem os meios e que estão ligadas ao sensorium dos modos de percepção e da experiência social. O cinema reflete esse quadro como produto de uma experiência coletiva de fascínio mágico, um lugar de participação afetiva. Comporta elementos do jogo não competitivo e também apresenta elementos do sagrado pela alimentação e divulgação de mitos, pela ritualização convertida em periodicidade e pelo extraordinário evocado em êxtase profano.
The organizations are characterized as dynamic spaces, they are being revisited and redefined, because they constitute structural human spaces and new vain outlines won expression. As it begins, of the non consensus in its conception, it is explicit the complexity degree that is identified in the plurality and diversity, brought by the people that compose them, characterizing it as accomplishment space, of happiness and also of conflict, of relationships of power and organizational limits and from birth and burial of faiths, values, norms, symbols, knowledge and rituals, therefore, deeply human. In that way, to know the administration of the organization is preponderant condition for the format of the human relationships to be delineated in its living. Like this the work makes an option in knowing the social administration, this work tries to know and analyze the values and beginnings of the social administration; revealling characteristics and specificities of the organizational performance of UNIPOP that contribute to the formation of the conception of Social Administration, it tends as source of the information the managers of the institution; to identify the formative values of UNIPOP that contribute to the youths' partner-political action in the community, tends for reference the current students of the organization and last to evaluate values structurates and supporting that interconnection between the organizational Administration, formation youth's program, participation and autonomy and attendance, starting from the existences gained by the exits, of that program. This way, the research will be qualitative, looking for understanding starting from their documents, the existence of those values
The Solidary Economy is an area that has shown unusual traits to what is preached in the traditional economic organizations, even organizations that have very similar principles, as some cooperatives. This trait is approaching the concept of isonomy proposed by Ramos (1989). Given this context, and the notion that the isonomy is like a ideal type, the objective this work was to evidence particulars of isonomic environment the in economic and solidarity experiences, taking as an empirical research area the Grupo de Mulheres Decididas a Vencer, considered a solidary economic enterprise. For this, we used the descriptive-exploratory research of qualitative nature, where the object of such research is the know enterprise, therefore, also characterized as a case study, which were taken as research subjects six associates, they being the most active in the enterprise. From the five categories that characterize isonomy - minimum standards prescribing, self-gratifying activity, activities undertaken as a vocation, wide system of making decision and primaries interpersonal relations - and from the traits of a solidary economic enterprise the data analysis was built, through content analysis, specifically the categorial analysis. Given this context and reality in which it is Grupo de Mulheres Decididas a Vencer, with minimal rules and procedures for conducting activities, comparing them to a therapy, women choosing to insert in that environment, faced with a democratic space and unfettered bureaucracy in professional interpersonal relationships, in others words, an organizational space where they were shown signs of substantive rationality was possible to conclude that the Group will share experiences and characteristics of isonomy. This disclosure meets the multidimensional social that presupposes Paraecomomic Paradigm, enabling man to enter in different social environments of the economy in order to search for self-actualization
This is a study concerning in the structure of non governmental organizations, based on the institutional theory. It aims to understand the relation among structure, social projects and environmental influences, analyzing if there is coherence with project social or expresses adaptation to the institutional pressures of the environment. It introduces as theoretical support for the themes, studies about institutional theory and social structure. The research is descriptive and exploratory; it also applies to a study of case, based on the technical procedures. From the research universe, that was compound by non governmental organizations from Natal, RN, Brasil, it was chosen the Casa Renascer, a non governmental organization that works with the combat to the violence and sexual exploration of children and teenagers. The data collection process employed includes documental research, observations and semi structured research devices, guided by the organizational process proposed by Serva (1996) and by the institutional theory. The collected data were qualitatively treated. The analysis was divided into three parts, following the research matters. The social project characterization demonstrated that the organization went by three main phases. The first one, characterized by focus in women and girls education and health; the second shows the emphasis on girls in social risk situation, with preventive approach; and the last one, characterized by victims assistance of violence and sexual exploration. From the analysis using the institutional theory mechanisms, the results showed that exists coherence between structure and environmental influences, but a weak coherence between structure and social projects. It indicates as main determinant of the structure, an aspect forgotten by the institutional theory, the power. It was observed the presence from normative, coercive and mimetic mechanisms, highlighting normative influences
The Women s experiences in the private sphere under the work s field changes the family relationship allowing them more freedom, autonomy and independence. The inequalities, socially built, homemade women s obligations results in discrimination, difficult to insert and recovery on female s job in a job s market, including low salary if compared with men s and difficult to services access in addiction a difficult daily life and in domestic sphere. The women s organisation in productive groups or economically solidary enterprises (ESE) torn possible the social economically organisations and politicians to promote deep changes in a domestically e socially relationship, positioning, for example, women s in publics areas and in the rout of emancipation. The objective of this search are understand men and women relationship in the family agriculture s field starts insert women in economically solidary enterprises (ESE) on Mulunguzinho s settlement (Mossoró/RN). The theoretical framework is inspirited Economical Solidary concept kind division s job and women s empowerment. This search had a qualitative character and exploration through case s study on Mulheres decididas a vencer s group. The secondary information was create through theoretical framework and information collected through semi-structured interviews based in interviews applied for women and yours respective husbands by criterion for women participation on productive activities of beekeeping culture of goat and sheep. This study turns possible conclude that the women s participations in productive groups in solidary economical change significantly their life and their family life. The group s organisations process, the training was received, the collective production, the marketing and the mobilized participation to move it all was fundamental for women share with their families partners some homemade and take care with the children. This finding confirm a different aspect not economical in solidary economy overcoming the monetary value in associative relationship observing principally individuals well-being and the concern with the form of reproduction this way of life in the associated
BACKGROUND: Polycystic ovary syndrame (PCOS) has been shown to cause a reduction in quality of life. Little is known on the psychosocial aspects associated with PCOS, especially on women s own experiences regarding the syndrome. Therefore, the aim of this study was to analyze the psychosocial impact of PCOS by measuring the health-related quality of life and exploring the women s own experiences of PCOS. METHODS: A two-phase model of combination of quantitative and qualitative research approaches was conducted, a crass-sectional survey to pravide quantitative data on the quality of life and a qualitative approach to understand the women s experience in relation to the PC OS sympt?ms. For the first phase, 109 women with PC OS and 104 healthy contrais were evaluated with the 36-item short-form health survey (SF-36). Additionally, semi-structured interviews (n=30) were conducted to facilitate in-depth exploration of PC OS women s experience. RESUL TS: PCOS patients showed significant reductions in almost ali SF-36 domains of quality of life when compared with healthy contrais (physical function 76.5:!:20.5 and 84.6:!:15.9, respectively; physical rale function 56.4:!:43.3 and 72.6:!:33.3; general health 55.2:!:21.0 and 62.5:!:17.2; vitality 49.6:!:21.3 and 55.3:!:21.3; social function 55.3:!:32.4 and 66.2:!:26.7; emotional rale function 34.2:!:39.7 and 52.9:!:38.2; mental health 50.6:!:22.8 and 59.2:!:20.2). Thematic analysis revealed reports of feeling abnormal , sadness, afraid and anxiety. These feelings were related to four symptoms commonly experienced by women with PCOS: excess hair grawth; irregular or absent menstruation, infertility and obesity. CONCLUSIONS: Polycystic ovary syndrame impacts women both physically and psychosocially. Owing to this, women with PCOS need not only medical treatment for. the reproductive, esthetic and metabolic repercussions, but also the care of a multidisciplinary team, since PCOS is not just a physical condition, but also an important psychosocial problem that affects various aspects of a woman s life
High carotid artery resistance indices in the elderly arise mainly as a result of harmful daily lifestyle behavior and poor eating habits. The aim of this multidisciplinary study was to assess and correlate carotid artery resistance and functional autonomy in elderly women. A descriptive, exploratory cross-sectional study was conducted with a sample comprising 27 women, enrolled in pastoral programs in the city of Teresina, Brazil. Carotid artery resistance was assessed by a high-resolution Doppler ultrasound device and functional autonomy was evaluated through five protocol tests of the Latin American Development Group for the Elderly (GDLAM), simulating activities of daily life. The data were analyzed by the Shapiro-Wilk test and the correlation by Spearman s test, considering a p-value of <0.05. The sample consisted of women with mean age and standard deviation of (68.67 ± 4.52) years, respectively and carotid resistance index of (0.71 ± 0.07). The general index value of functional autonomy classified the elderly of the study group as weak in the performance of activities of daily living (30.46 ± 6.31). The general index of functional autonomy showed a high level of sedentary behavior in the group studied (p < 0.01). The sample was classified as weak in the performance of activities of daily life. The correlation coefficient between the carotid resistance index and the general GDLAM index was r = 0.998 and p = 0.000, showing a significant correlation. The elderly women assessed had a high carotid artery resistance index and low functional autonomy; a positive correlation was found between the dependent variables studied. To perform this study we formed a team composed of a nurse, who helped in organizing the sample and performing the examinations; a radiologist, who conducted the Doppler examinations; an angiologist, who collaborated in interpreting examination data; in addition to two physical education professors and two physical therapists, who applied the functional autonomy tests and conducted the 34 research along elderly health lines, contributing thus to the multidisciplinary character, fundamental for carrying out the study
Objetivo: Avaliar a influência do método Pilates sobre a qualidade de vida em mulheres climatéricas atendidas pelo Sistema Único de Saúde. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo prospectivo do tipo ensaio clínico randomizado, cego para avaliador, com amostra por conveniência, composta por 51 mulheres divididas em grupo controle (n=25) e experimental / Pilates (n=26), ao longo de 12 semanas. Os instrumentos usados para coleta foram: o Medical Outcome Study 36-item Short Form Health Survey (MOS SF-36 Health Survey) versão brasileira e o índice menopausal de Blatt e Kupperman. Os dados foram tratados com estatística descritiva e inferencial (teste t para amostra pareada e de Wilcoxon), com p≤0,05. Resultados: Observou-se que a amostra estudada apresentava idade média de 53,7±4,07 e 53,9±5,52 anos, IMC médio de 25,2Kg/m2±3,71 e 26,06 Kg/m2±2,56, no grupo controle e experimental, respectivamente. A maioria era casada, sem trabalho formal e com pelo menos o 2º grau completo. O grupo submetido ao método Pilates apresentou efeitos positivos sobre a diminuição dos sintomas climatéricos (19,6 para 12,2) com p= 0,001 (GE) e p=0,062 (GC), bem como apresentou significância estatística para comparação no parâmetro de capacidade funcional (p=0,001), limitação por aspectos físicos (p=0,05), dor (p=0,001), estado geral de saúde (p=0,001), vitalidade (p=0,001), aspectos sociais (p=0,027) e saúde mental (p=0,001) em mulheres na meia idade. Conclusões: Os resultados do estudo mostraram que 12 semanas de intervenção com o método Pilates apresentaram efeitos positivos sobre a diminuição dos sintomas climatéricos, bem como melhora nos domínios de qualidade de vida nestas mulheres, possibilitando efetivas propostas de intervenção profissional às especificidades deste público, com foco na promoção de saúde através de ações interdisciplinares
The breast cancer is the most incident neoplasia in Brazilian women, configure as important cause of female death in Brazil. Its magnitude is go to be consider as a disease that go out the biological and numerical, extending of the subjective dimension and interrelationships of society and socials experiences, to into in knowledge and practices. Linking of the growing older process, the breast cancer extend as social, economical and cultural dimensions, madding in plot of socials relationships, through that acquire mean. In the context of the high expectative of live and the high number of older age persons, consider that that the high number of years had lived correspond the exposition of this individuals to corporate of the ambientals aggressions and own processes of human constitution of natural wear, like as chronicle-degenerate disease, the example is cancer. In the perspective, we collected narratives of mastectomies women with 60 age or so, about the breast cancer, the body and the growing older process, had has as objectives to reflexes about relatives questions, the comprehension about cancer, like experience, had lived and mean in the context of action and interaction of mastectomies older women, and to comprehend like women interrelationships and respond the changes that grow up of the disease and the growing older process in the everyday of their lives. Through of the narratives. We know that the disease is an initial information that take a form through successives approximation between women with their reality, since the family from hospital institution. The breast cancer to be continue a disease who cause a lot of apprehension and fear, getting and changing the ill s live as marked form. Have dad the body and the growing older process genteels and redimensions by disease, women need to define news and multiples functions due to the contingency that the disease impose
The present work shows trajectories of life of seated women agricultural, with the objective to apprehend on aspects to the experience of its sexuality. The daily one of the seated woman is constructed in a new space, called agricultural nesting whose formation if presents with proper singularity to a social and economic context and politician of the Great River of the North. Its passages of life are permeaty by different violences suffered in its daily one and its sexuality is weaveeed by a set of rules that the naturalization of the subordination of the woman in relation to the man keeps. The societies use the systems of the relations between men and women and transform the biological characteristic into activities human beings
In this research, we propose a discussion from that observed in our field of work that women are prostitutes and who self-define understood. We check these women have sex with men by means of work and with women from the relationship of affection. We analyzed the practice of sexual activity as another possible expression of sexuality. There are many studies that deal with issues around the theme of prostitution and homosexuality in regard to various aspects and disciplines. Our proposal for study with these women is a topic that is on the agenda, as today, the theme of prostitution and homosexuality is well discussed within the Humanities in general. These new studies indicate about sexuality in a privileged place discussing values associated with the intimacy of the modern person, but also suggest that permeate discussions elements underlying the identity of women who have sex with women and men, the latter being, sexual activity mediated through the employment relationship by the financial interest, because according to our informants, prostitution is a job. From the reports of our participants / informants your answers fit the various brands that define the social field of possibilities of the sexual practices of individuals, raising questions about the origin and social class, family history, stage of life they are set of gender relations in the universe in which they live. All these elements provide the beacons to the process of shaping of subjectivity, understood as the social and biographical circumstances that define the direction I face this new constitution of the subject, it is defined by many theorists of the humanities, such as post-modern or modernity, and the insurgency that we have with the liberation movements that gays and lesbians were in question and make the politicization of sexuality
UMA FONTE DE ÁGUA VIVA: A participação das mulheres no assentamento Arizona São Miguel do Gostoso-RN
Cette étude cherche á comprendre la signification sociale de La participation des féminine dans le contexte de l organisation des périmétres de réforme agraire. Elle est construite autour de la mise en évidence des effets de cette participation dans la vie des femmes et dans les relations qu elles établissent avec leurs familles et avec la communauté du périmétre. Les données ont été obtenues á partir d observations participatives, entretiens et discussions. Elles ont permis d identifier les relations de genre et de pouvoir, construites autour du processus d organisation du périmétre de Arizona, dans la préfecture de São Miguel do Gostoso, Rio Grande do Norte, région de l étude. L analyse s est concentrée sur lês dynamiques liées á la lutte pour l accés á la terre, pour identifier différentes formes de participation de femmes et d hommes, en recherche d alternatives pour s installer dans ce contexte. On constate la participation des femmes á diverses formes d activités inhérentes á l organisation du quotidien en milieu rural, principalement pour la recherche d améliorations des conditions de vies, pour elles et leurs familles. Pour cela elles tissent des liens de solidarité et d amitié, occupent les espaces politiques et de décision, dans le périmétre de réforme agraire et de façon plus large, au niveau de la préfecture. Elles pratiquent le travail en groupe, comme forme d organisation et développent des activités productives dans le domaine de l agroécologie. On constate que les femmes ont une place essentielle dans l économie domestique et s affirment comme des acteurs productifs et sociaux. Il faut noter enfin, que cette étude est une invitation au débat, sur le quotidien de l acteur féminin dans les périmétres de réforme agraire, dans la mesure oú le substrat symbolique est avancé comme un support pour expliquer la participation différenciée de la femme dans la lutte pour la terre et dans son quotidien
The harsh reality of women in the municipality of Indiaroba enlarges to much more from everyday household . Every day, they need courage and determination to adentrarem in mangrove cross functional seafood, which sold, ensure their survival. The life of catadoras seafood, fishing in mangrove and have your family's work, is the object of this study, through which search will be highlighted the history of women who perform a subsistence activity in your daily life. Will reflect on their work in the environment into which are entered, the vision that have labour, environment, family, sexuality, and their social relations. The research p Espírito Santo, in which these women, forgetting seafood calls, play activities diversified in its role of being a woman, reason personal awareness, generating an academic curiosity to know their life stories. Through ethnographic method, which spans observations, interviews, workshops and testimonials, we have tried to learn more about the daily life of forgetting seafood. This gives visibility to the human condition in one of its expressions which can help you understand and appreciate the cultural diversity of knowledge and knowledge constructed this activity pecheurfalco
The dissertation evaluates about Rural Women s Productive Organization Program effectiveness of Western Rio Grande do Norte(2008-2012). Specifically, it has aimed to: 1) Describe about Rural Women s Productive Organization Program characteristics in Western Potiguar Region; 2) Investigate which social economic changes the program has caused in Rural Women s lives from Western Potiguar Region; 3) Evaluate whether women s participation in the feminist social movement has contributed in order to facilitate access to the program; 4) evaluate whether rural women s participation from western Potiguar region in POPMR has provoked some questions in relation to labor sexual division in policy all female users or whether it has amplified their capacities for their economical autonomy conquest. The evaluation has been as reference the development concept as freedom according to Amartya Sen (2000) and labor sex division sustained by separation and hierarchy activities performed by men and women according to Kergoat (2009). The qualitative character investigation was made up by a bibliographical and documental research, semi-structured interviews and focal group. The interviews with female mediator agents and female public managers have demonstrated the paths how to create the program by explaining the difficulties and possibilities. The research was concluded with focal groups that had accessed POPMR in western region. With the methodological instruments used, it was possible to achieve the results: The research data show that POPMR has contributed for the region development specifically by expanding rural women s capacities. However, there are still some difficulties which could be overcome with a state actualization, as policies for home labor and home labor care socialization. In this way, the infrastructure construction for production and reproduction must be based on a kind of legislation for a small production which are indispensable elements for a bigger effective policy for women in a rural environment