58 resultados para Ensino público, investimento, Brasil
A fase da puberdade o perodo em que ocorrem as maiores transformaes caractersticas da adolescncia. Por essa razo, este estudo objetivou identificar o estado nutricional, desempenho motor e marcadores dermatoglficos em 2363 escolares pberes selecionados de forma estratificada, de ambos os sexos, com idades variando de 6 a 15 anos, matriculados no Ensino Fundamental (2 a 9 Sries) do ensino pblico no estado do Rio Grande do Norte. Foram avaliados o estado nutricional (ndice de Massa Corporal); as qualidades fsicas bsicas ( testes de coordenao, equilbrio, agilidade, flexibilidade, fora e velocidade); o potencial gentico (mtodo da dermatoglifia) e o estgio maturacional (auto avaliao de Tanner); Com relao ao estado nutricional observou-se que escolares acima do peso apresentam valores mais baixos em relao ao seu desempenho motor sendo esses valores, mais significativos nos meninos. No que se refere maturao sexual, os resultados apontaram que os meninos atingem os estgios maturacionais primeiro que as meninas, no tendo encontrado correlao entre o potencial gentico e os demais indicadores o que nos permite concluir que os escolares do estado do Rio Grande do Norte, principalmente os do sexo masculino sofrem influncia significativa de seu estado nutricional e seu estgio maturacional no que diz respeito ao seu desempenho motor. Essa dissertao apresenta relao de interdisciplinaridade, tendo o seu contedo uma aplicao nos campos da Educao Fsica, Nutrio, Medicina e Enfermagem.
The purpose of this dissertation is whether the demand for manpower trained in technical school for the sector of Oil and Gas (O&G) is in balance with the offer of that training in the Brazilian education system. The methodology used to obtain such information was based on School Census 2000 and 2008 where data were worked out in order to clarify the numbers of enrollments in secondary technical level demanded by the sector of O&G. The demand for manpower with that qualification as a data source was the 2010-2014 Business Plan Program for Mobilization of the National Oil and Natural Gas (PROMINP). This Program identified the future demand for manpower for the Sector of the O&G until 2014 where the occupational categories are mapped prerequisite training and experience. In order to better understand the object of this study was dome a review of the literature with regard to technical education in Brazil but also the importance of the education to economic growth and the peculiarities of the oil economy in different countries possessors of those mines, or that is, developed and underdeveloped countries. Analysis showed that enrollment in technical education in Brazil had a significant increase between the dates 2000 and 2008. It also dont bring balance with the characteristic of the dynamics of the productive sectors of the economy mainly due to heating of the economy before the global growth especially in the Construction Industry as well as in the Oil and Natural Gas Engineering and a Naval account of the discovery of oil in the Pre-Salt. Another important aspect is that one of the major problems of qualification of manpower in Brazil is due to a bad quality of the students school and high school which makes difficult a good performance in office work and also this ability to learn new functions. The rapprochement between the supply of the education system and the demand for manpower with training mid-level technical support for the sector O&G showed that most technical courses demanded or had no enrollment in 2008, had few enrollment in 15 states with demand expect to occur and those enrollment were unevenly distributed among states. The analysis therefore signalize the needed of a public policy that enables the adequacy of the education system (Secondary Technical Education) to Sector of O&G in terms of enrollment and its distribution between the oil producing states and in relation to technical expertise offered
O objetivo desta dissertao de mestrado verificar se a demanda de mo-de-obra com formao no ensino mdio tcnico para o setor de Petrleo e Gs (P&G) est em consonncia com a oferta daquela formao no sistema educacional brasileiro. A metodologia aplicada para obter tal informao foi baseada no Censo Escolar 2000 e 2008, em que os dados foram trabalhados de maneira a explicitar o nmero de matrculas nos cursos de nvel mdio tcnico, demandados pelo setor de P&G. A demanda de mo-de-obra com aquela qualificao teve como fonte de dados o Plano de Negcios 2010-2014 do Programa de Mobilizao da Indstria Nacional de Petrleo e Gs Natural (PROMINP). Este Programa identificou a demanda futura de mo-de-obra para o setor de P&G at 2014, onde as categorias ocupacionais mapeadas possuem pr-requisitos de formao e experincia. Com o intuito de entender melhor o objeto deste estudo foi feita uma reviso de literatura no que diz respeito ao ensino tcnico no Brasil, como tambm a importncia da educao para o crescimento econmico e as peculiaridades da economia do petrleo nos diferentes pases possuidores daquelas jazidas, ou seja, pases subdesenvolvidos e desenvolvidos. As anlises demonstraram que as matrculas no ensino tcnico no Brasil apresentaram um significativo aumento entre as datas de 2000 a 2008. Traz tambm como caracterstica a desarmonia com a dinmica dos setores produtivos da economia, devido principalmente ao aquecimento da economia antes da crise mundial de 2008, e a retomada recente do crescimento notadamente no Setor de Construo Civil, bem como no setor de Petrleo e Gs Natural e Engenharia Naval por conta da descoberta de petrleo na camada Pr-sal. Outro aspecto relevante que um dos grandes problemas da qualificao de mo-de-obra no Brasil se deve a m qualidade do ensino fundamental e mdio, que dificulta para o futuro profissional um bom desempenho nas suas funes laborais e na capacidade de aprender novas funes. A aproximao entre a oferta no sistema educacional e a demanda de mo-de-obra com a formao de nvel mdio tcnico para o setor de P&G, demonstraram que a maioria dos cursos tcnicos demandados no apresentava matrculas em 2008, ou possuam poucas matrculas nos 15 estados com demanda prevista, e aquelas matrculas estavam mal distribudas entre os estados. A anlise aponta para a necessidade de uma poltica pblica que possibilite a adequao do sistema educacional (Ensino Mdio Tcnico) ao setor de P&G, tanto no que se refere ao nmero de matrculas e a sua distribuio entre os estados produtores de petrleo quanto no que se refere especialidade tcnica oferecida
This work analyses pedagogical practices of Adelle Sobral de Oliveira, from 1900 to 1940, in order to notice how her performance as educator and administrator took place in Externato Angelo Varela in the Rio Grande do Norte city of Cear-Mirim within a time in which the public teaching started to be considered modern in the State. Adelle was a self learner who developed an important role as a mentality mentor of a generation in the region. As the research corpus we have taken the five Reading Books written by Felisberto de Carvalho used by Adelle in her Externato, interviews with her ex-students and researches in the newspapers of her time, in the Public Archives and in the Historical and Geographic Institute of Rio Grande do Norte, and also in the governors messages, Education Department documents such as laws, and government decrees and acts. It was also taken as a research font the Publich Archives of Cear-Mirim. The aim of this PhD thesis is understand the primary instruction spreading and modernization in the countryside of Rio Grande do Norte, which began with her teaching pedagogical practices. The research results show Adele Oliveira used practical and experimental modern methodological teaching methods in the subjects she taught. Due to this, in her scholar routine, she avoided physical punishment and mechanical teaching and learning strategies
Nous avons pris comme point de dpart le prssupos que en exerant ses practiques de lecture en salle de classe, les professeurs rcuperent des signes de ses expriences socioculturelles par rapport la lecture, construites au long de ses trajectoires. Indpendemment de sa discipline scolaire, la mmoire de ces expriences interviennent certainement, de manire positive ou ngative, dans la mdiation de la formation de l lve lecteur. C est donc, par l articulation entre les perspectives de ses tudes qui parlent sur l histoire de la lecture, narratives (auto)biographiques et formation du professeur que je prtends rcuprer et reconstruire, par les narratives de lectures racontes par les professeurs de diffrentes disciplines scolaires, les processus d appropriation de la lecture en considrant ses tactiques d accs et d utilisation des matriels crits en circulation dans les groupes sociaux auxquels ils appartennaient. Pour a ce travail s inqurit : Quels models de lectures mergent dans les narratives de professeurs de diffrentes disciplines scolaires ? Comment se manifestent-elles les reprsentations sur sa performance pour la formation de l lve lecteur ? L objectif central est d infrer les rapports existants entre des expriences de lecture et la mdiation dans la formation de lecteurs. Douze professeurs de l ducation de base des coles de la ville de Belm y ont particip. Le corpus est constitu par les transcriptions de deux genres d instruments: douze interviews narratives et deux groupes de dbats. Les analyses montrent deux grandes fases de la rencontre avec la lecture : une antrieure l cole et l autre partir de l cole. Ces fases montrent des pratiques et des reprsentations de lecture htrognes diffrencis par rapport ses aspects fonctionnaux. Elles revellent encore que la formation du lecteur professeur et lve se lie, d abord, la constitution culturelle de l homme, marque, fondamentalement, par son interlocution avec l autre. La famille, l cole et le lieu de travail se prsentent comme des espaces qui impriment des marques profondes dans le rapport avec la lecture. Malgr a, le mme matriel crit, un fois mis en scne le lu dans ces espaces n ont pas de significat coincidents pour les diffrentes personnes qui s en approprient. Cette raison montre la possibilit de la construction d une histoire de la lecture, base pas exclusivement la description des matriels lus pendant le cours de leurs vies, mais surtout, sur les indicateurs de ses diffrentes manires de lire. Cette trajectoire exerce de cette faon une forte influence sur la prise de dcision et les manifestations du travail du professeur en situation de salle de classe. Comme a on peut conclure, premirement, que les reprsentations et pratiques de lecture se sont constitus et se sont (re)configurs dans des diffrentes formes, concepts, temps et espaces, dans un entrecroisement de diffrents discours. Deuximement que la reflexion sur les mmoires de lecture a result un nouveau regard des participants sur son travail de professeur et a confirm l hipothse selon laquelle la production des narratives autorfrences offre, qui les narre, la possibilit de transformation des reprsentations du sujet avec lui-mme, avec l autre et avec le monde, ce qui dmontre l importance de la recherche (auto)biographique comme mthode d investigation en ducation et sa contribuition pour la formation des formateurs de lecteurs dans des diffrents domaines de la connaissance , comme territoires constitutifs du sujet et de ses pratiques sociales, l cole et ailleurs
The object of analysis of this work is the implementation of the election of director in the State School August 11, situated in the city of Umarizal, State of Rio Grande do Norte, period 2005-2008. The understanding of the politics concerning the school democratization, triggered in Brazilian society in the 1990s, requires taking into consideration the changes occurring in recent decades in the national and international, which impressed significant changes in the role and functions of the state. The election of a director is part of the policy of administrative decentralization and educational reform that focuses on the democratization of the management of public education with the involvement of social actors in decisions within the educational institutions as a way to address the problems that hinder the actions management education, especially school management. To better understand this process of political democratization of school management developed our analysis seeking to answer the following questions: implementation of direct election for a director ensures democratic management in schools? What are the ramifications for the school, caused by direct election on the school autonomy and participation of the subjects in school processes? From these questions, we set as standard for analysis of democratic management in schools of two dimensions: participation and autonomy within the school. For this we take as a theoretical and methodological literature: Pateman (1992); Rousseau (2010); Bourdieu (2007), Castoriadis (1991); Macpherson (1978); Marx; Engels (2007), among others dealing with participation, autonomy, decision power and election of director, and guidelines dealing with the democratization of school management. As data collection procedure, we use the semi-structured interviews and analysis of meeting minutes of the School Council and the Minutes of the final results of elections, to understand the empirical aspects of the implementation of the election of a director. The survey results indicate some progress and setbacks regarding the participation of subjects from issues relating to the school's educational project. Also underline the political interference as a factor crystallizer the centralization of power in the figure of the director as well as the advancement of the spaces that nurture the mobilization of political debate on the democratization of management. About the extent of autonomy observed that social actors to relate predominantly to the power of decision and the involvement of subjects in the school's actions
The last decade, characterized by the vertiginous growth of the computers worldwide net, brought radical changes in the use of the information and communication. Internet s use at business world has been largely studied; however, few are the researches about the academic use of this technology, mainly if we take into consideration institutions of technologic education. In this context, this research made an analysis of internet s use in a technologic education institution in Brazil, analyzing, in particular, the Centro Federal de Educao Tecnolgica do Rio Grande do Norte CEFET/RN for that standard use of this Information Technology (IT) tools and, at the same time, studying the determinant factors of this use. To reach the considered objectives, a survey research was effected, be given data collected daily through the research s questionnaire application to 150 teachers who answered a set of closed and scaled questions. The quantitative data were qualitatively analyzed, arriving a some significant results related to the standard use and the factors that influenced in the use of these Internet technologies, like: the age scale, the exposition s to the computer level, the area of academic graduation, the area of knowledge where acts and the title, exert significant influence in the academic use of Internet between the professors
O nmero de instituies de ensino superior no Brasil vem crescendo bastante nos ltimos anos. Com isso a preocupao com a qualidade dos cursos ofertados tambm tem aumentado. Para avaliar essa qualidade do ensino o governo instituiu formas de avaliao e vem aperfeioando a cada ano. As instituies, por sua vez, buscam bons resultados nessas avaliaes a fim de utilizar como item de vantagem competitiva, uma vez que as notas obtidas por elas chamam ateno de novos clientes. Dessa forma, o presente trabalho buscou analisar as principais estratgias acadmicas utilizadas na avaliao de desempenho dos cursos de Cincias Contbeis, da regio de Natal-RN, no ENADE. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa, e foi aplicado um estudo de caso complementado por um survey. A parte qualitativa foi obtida atravs de entrevistas semiestruturadas realizadas com os coordenadores dos cursos e a quantitativa foi obtida atravs da aplicao de um questionrio fechado aos alunos aptos a participarem do ENADE no ano de 2012. Foram estudadas todas as instituies em Natal que possuem o curso de Cincias Contbeis, modelo presencial, sendo ao todo 10 (dez) instituies identificadas. Os dados foram analisados por meio da anlise de contedo (entrevistas) e do software SPSS 18 (survey). Foram utilizados os mtodos de anlise fatorial, atravs da anlise de componentes principais, com rotao Varimax e normalizao Kaiser. Em relao anlise da importncia do ENADE sob a perspectiva dos estudantes, foi utilizado o teste no paramtrico de Mann-Whitney. Como resultados da pesquisa, foi identificado que tanto os discentes como os coordenadores de curso entendem a importncia do ENADE, tambm observou-se que a satisfao dos discentes com a instituio refletiu nos resultados obtidos por esta, bem como, o momento em que foi iniciada a preparao para o exame tambm refletiu nas notas recebidas pelas instituies
Advertising text has been a subject of many investigations, because of its multimodal universe. Embodied by a linguistic and discursive materiality laying on scene persuasion, argumentation and power imagery of multissemiotics elements, the advertising text acts as an instrument of power, creating and destroying, promising and denying (CARVALHO, 2007). Advertising not only invites us to act for it, but directs us to look at it. It was under this moving look - of charm and interrogations - that discussions raised in this research were born. Investigations are directed to the school environment, in special, for the discursive advertising domain in Portuguese Language Textbook. It is from this environment that was born our research whose main objective is to analyze how does the didactic transposition of textual genres, described by Marcuschi (2008) as belonging to the "advertising" discourse domain (focusing on advertising genre) in didactic books teaching Portuguese Language before and after the advent of the PCN. Textbooks taken as reference for the study are historically situated in the 90s of the twentieth century and 10 century. Such books refer to elected 7th and 8th grades, currently corresponding to the 8th and 9th grades of elementary school. The choice is justified by the fact that in these Textbook teaching series the presence of advertising domain is recurrent and "didactized". In addition, we are also concerned in analyzing books that circulated around us and our regional reality. Hence, we elected books that were used by two public high schools: Municipal School Clementina Ana da Conceio in Jaan city in the Rio Grande do Norte state, State School for Elementary and High school Carlota Barreira in Areia city, Paraba state. In our research the following categories of analysis were highlighted: (1) presence of advertising in DB, (2) fluctuation terminology: concepts and classifications; (3) The complexity of concepts facilitation, (4) what they propagate, and from which nature are the explored advertisements. From our analysis, we observe how the treatment of textual "advertising" genres have been inserted into Textbooks, and how occurs, in general, their didactic transposition. Focusing on the issue of fluctuating terminology, we noted the difficulty in drawing boundaries between the genres of advertising domain in the Textbooks. However, this also would result in the complexity - in the field of scientific knowledge - of delimiting genres of the same domain. To accomplish our studies, it was required a thorough and systematic dialogue with theories regarding the concept of "Didactic Transposition", due to the theoretical Chevallard Yves (1991), research on the textual genres - Bezerra (2005), Marcuschi (2008), Bazerman (2005), Swales (2004), among others - and studies involving the field of "Advertising" - Sandmann (2002), Carvalho (2007) and others
Considering the necessary approaches with the quotidian of the pedagogical field mentioned in the recent productions in Psychology about the insertion of psychologists in the school field, the objective of this work was to know and to understand the dynamics of functioning of a team of pedagogical coordination, intending to produce reflections on the possibilities of action in school psychology with these professionals. Our field of research was the Municipal School Teacher Emlia Ramos (EMPER), considering its peculiar history, distinguished by a constant effort of achievement of the school success by its pupils. As subject of the study, six pedagogical coordinators participated, who worked at the school in the diurne turns, where regular classrooms of 1 cycle of basic education functioned. As procedures, we use participant observations and open interviews, focusing the activities performed by the coordinators and its possible demands to psychology. We use the analysis of content for the production of results. These results evidenced a work of coordination realized on a structured routine, but flexible, centered around the activity of conduction of groups of studies with the teachers. We grouped the demands to psychology in four thematic groups: diagnosis and attending the pupils; orientation to the families, contribution in the formation of the professionals and clinical listening of the professionals of the school. In this way, it is made clear that, in a context where happens a well articulated and consistent pedagogical work, the possible performance in school psychology is not scrumbled or confused with social and pedagogical practical others which many times takes attendance. With these information, we expect to contribute for the theoretical and practical elaborations, in Psychology and the Pedagogy, compromised with the success of the educative work realized in the public schools
Cette recherche a pour but d analyser l Ecole Augusto Severo, situe dans la ville de Natal dont la construction date de 1907,tant le premier tablissement d enseignement primaire l tat du Rio Grande do Norte, pendant le processus de restructuration de l enseignement rpublicain. On cherche comprendre la reprsentation de ce milieu scolaire, comme quipement urbain, dans le processus de modernisation de la ville et comme modle ducationnel pour l tat entre 1908 et 1913. En se servant des tudes historiographes sur le processus de modernisation de quelques villes brsiliennes et des innovations de l enseignement public primaire au pays, la fin du dix-neuvime sicle et pendant la premire dcennie du vingtime sicle, comme source pour mieux saisir le contexte gnral et spcifique. On reconstitue les aspects conomiques, sociaux et politiques dterminants des interventions publiques ralises dans cette ville par les gouvernements rpublicains ayant comme obectif la construction d une ville embellie,hyginique et civilise. Situe au quartier Ribeira, principal scnario de la modernit de Natal, l Ecole Augusto Severo est mise em relief comme symbole de civilit du paysage urbain de l poque pour le citoyen du Rio Grande do Norte. Elle disposait de services d nergie et d un tram lectrique. Il y avait devant, un grand lac arboris et une station ferroviaire. A ct, il y avait le thtre Carlos Gomes (actuellement Alberto Maranho). Par sute de son imposante architecture, raffin style clectique,on reflte l idal rpublicain des elites locales, avec une conception d espace symbolique et ducative de surveillance et contrle, caractristiques de l cole gradue rpublicaine
As a result of the prediction of irreversible changes on necessary conditions to maintain life, including human, on the planet, environmental education got the spotlight in the political scenario, due to social pressure for the development of individual and collective values, knowledge, skills, attitudes and competences towards environmental preservation. In Brazil, only in 1999 the right for environmental education was officially granted to people, having the status of essential and permanent component in the country s education. Since then, it has been Government s duty, in each federal branch, to plan actions to make it happen, in an articulate way in all levels and modalities of the education process, both formally and informally. This work of research has environmental education in the school as subject matter, and aims on analyzing social and political mediations established between this National Environmental Education policy and the contexts associated to the legislative production process, the political nature of the conceptions about environmental education that underlie Law 9.795/99 (Brazil, 2009c) and also Rio Grande do Norte Government s actions and omissions related to the imperative nature of the insertion of environmental education in the schools ran by the state, during the ten years this law has been in force. The investigation of the subject matter was led by a social and historical understanding of the social and environmental phenomena, as well as of the education system as a whole, considering that only through a dialectical view we can see the real world, by destroying the pseudo-concreteness that surrounds the topic. While analyzing, we assumed that in face of the dominance of a social organization in which market regulations rule on environmental ones, by developing individual and collective critical conscience, environmental education can become a threat to dominant economical interests in exploiting natural resources. The results of this research suggest that as an educational practice to be developed in an integrated, continuous and permanent fashion in all levels and modalities of formal education, environmental education has not yet come to pass in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, due to the neglect and disrespect of the government when facing the need of promoting the necessary and legally appointed measures to make it present in the basic education provided by the state. The legislators silence when it comes to approving a regulation on environmental education essential to define policies, rules and criteria to teaching the subject in the state and the omission from the public administration regarding critical actions in order to integrate in public schools the activities related to the National Environmental Education Policy, represent a political decision for not doing anything, despite the legal demand for an active position. This neglecting attitude for the actualizing of strategically concrete actions, urgent and properly planned for the implementation of environmental education in schools in a multidisciplinary way, exposes the lack of interest the predominant classes have in such kind of education being made available, as it could be developed based on a critic political view, becoming a political and educational action against dominance. When analyzing the basic principles and fundamental goals in Law 9.795/99 (Brazil, 2009c) the development of a critic environmental education is really possible and concurs with the National Environmental Education Policy, reflecting the social and political mediations established between this public policy and the contexts associated to its legislative production process, which are responsible for approving a regulation which also represents the mind of the people about environmental protection above anything else
The ability to work, considered as resulting from a dynamic process between the individual resources in relation to their work, influenced from various factors such as sociodemographic, lifestyle, aging process and requirements of work. Aiming analyze the ability to work in a population of public servants, the study analyzed 132 public servants volunteers of the infrastructure sector, in a Federal Institution of Higher Education of the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Northeast, Brazil. Data were collected through a questionnaire called the Index of Capacity for Work - ICT. The variable analysis was done by using descriptive statistics of means, standard deviations, median minimum and maximum values of the scores of quantitative variables. The joint analysis of the variables was performed by multiple linear regression. The server had low capacity to work 11 (8.33%), moderate 31 (23.48%), good 54 (40.91), and Great 28 (21.21). Multiple regression analysis, adjusted for age, sex, education, age started to work, length of service, current capacity and full of disease, showed that best explained the variation of the CTI were age, current capacity and full of disease. The survey showed that 75% of the servers showed ICT below 43, so capacity low, moderate or good and only 25% of respondents had the CTI servers over 43 points, so great capacity for work. According to the recommendations of FIOH - Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, for servers that have these scores be implemented whose objective is to restore the ability to work which is low, improving the capacity for moderate work, support the capacity for the good work and maintain the ability to work great. Therefore, we recommend that the ICT is implemented in other units of the IFES survey in the perspective of achieving a real situation of all its servers, enabling the implementation of these measures as necessary to promote recovery and health of its employees.
VANTI, Nadia. Mapeamento das Instituies Federais de Ensino Superior da Regio Nordeste do Brasil na Web. Informao & informao, Londrina, v. 15, p. 55-67, 2010
This paper comprises an investigation on the influence of the variable family backgrounds (father school level, mother school level and family income) over the pupil s performance in admissions examination (entrance test or PROITEC) at Instituto Federal de Educao, Cincia e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN). From that point of view, the main goal of this research is to analyze the influence of the family background as a determiner of the pupils performance in the access to Technical and Professional education at IFRN. Secondary data were used from two databases (entrance test and PROITEC) adding up to 19.226 observations to the vacancies offered in the year of 2013. Aiming at achieving the proposed goal, a conceptual model composed of three hypothesis was developed. The results were presented in four stages: stage I presentation of the descriptive statistical results of the two databases; stage II separation of the campi in clusters; stage III analysis of multiple regressions; stage IV analysis of the logistics regressions. Two statistical tests were used to validate the hypothesis: T-test and Wald test. Hypothesis 1 and 2 were confirmed and H3 was refused. The results presented favorable causal connections to the family income and the father school level variables (with bigger effect for fathers with a higher education degree). The mother school level variable did not provide statistical significance for this research. Based on this result, after this work, this institution is to develop a strategic plan to assist in the success rate of students preparing diagnoses in order to diminish the effects of the variables that impacted negatively