47 resultados para Adolescência


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In this thesis I discuss the role of the psychologist as a university professor and as intellectual from a specific context and also from a specific query. The context is the city of Teresina, capital city of Piauí state, which is peripheral in Brazil s northeast region. The defiance here is to build a critical psychological tradition that will deal with the challenges imposed by the reality of poverty and socio-economic backwardness of the region. The greatest difficulty is the lack of a public institution of learning that carries out instruction, research and extension with commitment to social transformation, and with the production of a psychological knowledge that is able to understand local reality. I take it that the undergraduate course in Psychology at UESPI [State University of Piauí] is the only one in Teresina that can take over such mission. The query is confronting violence against children and adolescents that defies us to ethically and politically commit to solidarity toward fragile human beings in need of adult involvement in order to survive this daily inhumanity. The involvement of psychologists from Teresina in this must result from a social commitment and a technical competence to deal with prevention and therapeutic consideration toward the victims. This dissertation is divided into three parts: the first is a study on the curriculum and the performance of psychologists, which revises the academic output in Brazil and envisages new queries to the theme, such as the role of teaching inside the curriculum, and presents social security (including Medicare) as the privileged field in which Brazilian psychologists perform. The second part contains a study on the concepts of childhood, adolescence and violence, which presents a consideration on the strategies to confront violence against children and adolescents. In the last part I discuss the role of the psychologist as teacher and intellectual in the context undergraduate course in Psychology at UESPI [State University of Piauí] from the commitment to the protection of children and adolescents


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A iniciação sexual é um marco significativo na vida do indivíduo, ocorrendo geralmente na adolescência. Importantes transformações biopsicossociais ocorrem nesta fase, denotando vulnerabilidades à vida do adolescente, dentre elas, as decorrentes da iniciação sexual, sendo o risco de infecção pelo HIV/aids a mais grave. A infecção pelo HIV/aids constitui atualmente um importante problema de Saúde Pública, estando os jovens no centro da epidemia mundial. No Brasil, dados do último boletim epidemiológico, lançado em 2013, apontam para a tendência de aumento de sua prevalência na população jovem. Desta forma, o presente estudo teve por objetivo investigar a associação entre iniciação sexual e o perfil sociodemográfico, o indicador de conhecimento das formas de transmissão do HIV/aids e fatores biopsicossociais autoestima e habilidades sociais, em adolescentes de 16 a 19 anos, de ambos os sexos, estudantes do nível médio técnico integrado, do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciências e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte, Campus Natal. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, cuja amostra foi constituída aleatoriamente por 200 alunos que responderam de forma anônima a quatro instrumentos: perfil sociodemográfico, questionário da Pesquisa de Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Práticas na População Brasileira (PCAP), Escala de Autoestima de Rosenberg e o Inventário de Habilidades Sociais para Adolescentes de Del-Prette (IHSA). A análise estatística dos dados foi realizada através do teste qui-quadrado de Pearson e do exato de Fisher (α <5%). A média de idade para a primeira relação sexual foi de 15,96 anos, com o início mais cedo para o sexo masculino. Verificou-se associações estatisticamente significativas entre iniciação sexual e as seguintes variáveis: idade, sexo, situação conjugal, religião, renda familiar, autoestima e o repertório de habilidades sociais. Observou-se ainda que apenas 11% dos adolescentes possuíam conhecimento correto acerca das formas de transmissão do HIV/aids. Conclui-se que os esforços para a prevenção das DST/aids precisam ser direcionados a campanhas e programas mais eficazes, que considerem não somente o caráter informativo, mas também os fatores psicossociais já que estes mostraram-se associados ao início da vida sexual


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This work discourses about the child and adolescent s Guaranty System of Rights (GSR), on the intervention in cases of juvenile domestic sexual violence, in Recife. The course (trajectory) is analyzed, where circulate cases of sexual violence, until its resolution, in (GSR). Actually, the violence represents a serious problem of public health. Was thought about the difficulties and the limits that make GSR become a full field of contradictions and challenges for the effectiveness of the children and adolescents rights. Therefore, it was verified the treatments that are developed by GSR, how this system is structured and articulated and how occurs the resolution of the sexual violence cases against children and adolescents. Proceedings of the quantitative and qualitative research were used, was done observation, directed interview and analysis of documents. Thus, the field research was the visits in these institutions: Restauração Hospital, Police Management of the Child and Adolescent (PMCA) three Guardianship Councils, Dom Helder Camara Center of Studies and Social Action (CENDHEC) and the Tribunal of Childhood and Adolescence. The research subjects were seven professionals of GSR. The theoretical discussion is guided in reflections about the children and youth rights, in the violence theme and in the construction and institutionalization process of GSR. In this experiment, was noticed there are many difficulties for working together the GSR, because many obstacles are found when we call the responsible institutions, besides some violence cases happen again. This system is not totally institutionalized and articulated, faces structural problems, material, poorly qualified professionals, underinvestment, low transfer of public resources, among other difficulties, causing many losses in the implementation of public policies that enforce secured rights by legislation


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This study has an object the understanding of the alcohol phenomenon consumption that occurs among teenagers. It is adopted as research locus catholic private schools of Natal - RN, which receive pupils proceeding from the social groups pertaining to the classes taken from Natal private schools. The researched public corresponds to 87 teenagers, who had answered to a mixing questionnaire, with open and closed questions. The research uses as a procedure the intentional election, which for the access easinesses privileges subjects who, at the moment of the research accomplishment, reveal to be in condition to participate of it. The study presents quantitative and qualitative character. It presents the following objectives: 1-Identify in which circumstances the teenagers make alcoholic beverage use; 2 -To identify the knowledge that the teenagers have on the alcohol effects; 3 -To identify the performance role of the school institution on the prevention of alcohol use by teenagers. The analysis method used corresponds to the one called answers interpretation method. Regards to the theoretical-methodological support, the Social Control Theory and the Symbolic Interactionism Theory are adopted as referential. Its contained chapters are organized in the following way: The first chapter approaches the situation of drugs adolescent consumption in general and the social confrontation of this situation. The second chapter presents sociocultural aspects of the alcohol consumption and the description of some of the researched public characteristics. The third chapter emphasizes the school and its performance next to the teenagers and the society in general, towards the prevention and combat of the alcohol use, as well as of other drugs


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Adolescence is seen as a phase of life marked by a series of physical and behavioral changes, which leads to certain risk situations, such as early sexual activity, pregnancy and the occurrence of sexually transmitted diseases. Based on this statement, this research aimed generally: meet the sexual and reproductive adolescents of a reference service in Natal profile. Specifically describe the socioeconomic, sexual and reproductive individual and family characteristics of the population in question, but also verify possible association between pregnancy and age of onset of sexual activity with the socioeconomic aspects. The sectional study conducted in the database from the records of 463 adolescents seeking care in a referral center in Sexual and Reproductive Health in the period March 2011 to June 2012. The data collected were subjected to analysis by Excel 2007 and Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) 17.0. For data analysis, descriptive statistics, with absolute numbers and percentages was used, and its presentation by means of distribution and frequency tables. Results showed that the parents of these adolescents (65.7% - father; 57.8% - mother), had primary education; family income less than two minimum wages (66.2%); any type of chemical dependency in the family (33.5%) and presence of domestic violence (20.6%). A higher probability of pregnancy was verified when the mother had only primary education (26.3%), persons other than the father or mother contributed to family income (33.3%) and (26%) when there was substance abuse in the family early onset of sexual activity was observed when the mother had primary education (57.3%), persons other than the father or mother contributed to family income (63.1%) and the use of drugs / alcohol as a problem family (67.6%). It was concluded that such vulnerabilities appear as a reflection of the low social status of these young people, aggravated by emotional inheritance that is offered to every individual from birth. These findings may perhaps, support public health surveillance policies for adolescents in several areas


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Executive functions are determinant cognitive processes for student success, since they execute and control complex cognitive activities such as reasoning, planning and solving problems. The development of the executive functions performances begin early at childhood going through the adolescence until adulthood, concomitant with the neuroanatomical, functional and blood perfusion changes over the brain. In this scenario, exercise has been considered an important environmental factor for neurodevelopment, as well as for the promotion of cognitive and brain health. However, there are no large scientific studies investigating the effects of a single vigorous aerobic exercise session on executive functions in adolescents. Objective: To verify the acute effect of vigorous aerobic exercise on executive functions in adolescents. Methods: A randomized controlled trial (RCT) with crossover design was used. 20 pubescent from both sexes/gender with age between 10 and 16 years were submitted to two sessions of 30min each: 1) The aerobic exercise session intensity was between 65 and 75% of heart rate reserve, in which 5min for warm-up, 20min at the target intensity and 5min of cool down; and 2) control session watching cartoons. The computerized Stroop test – Testinpacs and trail making test were used to evaluate the inhibitory control and cognitive flexibility assessment respectively, before and after both experimental and control sessions. The reaction time (RT) and number of errors (n) of Stroop test were recorded. The total time (TT) and the number of errors (n) of the trail making test were also recorded. Results: The control session’s RT did not present significant differences in the Stroop test. On the other hand, the exercise session’s RT decreased significantly (p<0.01) after the session. The number of errors made at the Stroop test had no significant differences in control and exercise sessions. The ΔTT of trail making test of exercise session was significantly (p<0.001) lower than the control session’s. Errors made in trail making test did not show significant differences between control and exercise sessions. Additionally, there was significant and positive association among the Stroop test ΔRT of exercise session with xiii chronological age (r= 0.635, p=0.001; r 2 = 0.404, p=0.003) and sexual maturation (rs= 0.580, p=0.007; r 2 = 0.408, p=0.002). Differently, there was no association among the control session ΔRT and chronological age (r= – 0.144, p=0.273; r 2 = 0.021, p=0.545) or sexual maturation (rs= –0.155, p=0.513; r 2 = 0.015, p=0.610). Conclusion: Vigorous aerobic exercise seems to improve acutely executive functions in adolescents. The effect of exercise on inhibitory control performance was associated to pubertal stage and chronological age. In other words, the benefits of exercise were more evident in early adolescence (↑ ΔRT) and its magnitude decreases along the growing up process.


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Childhood and adolescence care has frequently caused theoretical and methodological discussions. At national level, the way of dealing with this public has always been on the agenda, either by maintaining a paternalistic treatment, or by coercive and repressive expression with which this public is treated. Given the above, this research presents a thorough study of social policies focused on children and adolescents in Brazil, with the overall purpose of investigating how this process of implementation of public policies for poor children and adolescents in the state of Rio Grande do Norte was. In previous studies, it was identified that there are no official records regarding the policy implementation process for this population in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. A retrospective study about the care towards children and adolescents in Brazil was held. It ranged from the XXVIII century, through the period of assistance, until the historical period in which the child started to be considered from the perspective of a policy. Thus, a certain period was framed, so that, through the historical research method, this study could focus on gathering data about the attention focused on childhood and adolescence in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, between the years 1964 and 1988. Data was listed from newspaper files that circulated in the state during period mentioned above. This time framing corresponds to the regency of the National Policy of Child Welfare. In the state of Rio Grande do Norte, the implementation of institutions such as FUNBERN and then FEBEM did not differ from the national standard, since many projects and care programs for poor children and teenagers were executed in this period. The implementation of these institutions revealed the concern of the state in solving the problem of “minors” regarding to situations of abandonment or "delinquency" which they were involved with. However, the kind of protection provided by the state toward this population was based on the current ideology that supported the political system at the time: the military dictatorship. Thus, the main way to provide care to this population was through its institutionalization, through taking children to daycare centres and adolescents to “reeducational” institutes for “minors”.


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Academic demands, new social context, new routines and decrease of the parental control, are factors that may influence the sleep pattern of freshman students at the University. Medical students from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) have a full-time course, subjects with high-level content, and, at the first semester, classes begin at 7 a.m. This group composed by young adults who still suffering with delayed sleep phase, common in adolescence, indicating that this class schedule can be inappropriate at this age. The reduction of nocturnal sleep during school days, and the attempt to recover sleep on free days – social jet lag (JLS), suggests that in the first semester, students suffer from high sleep pressure. High sleep pressure may reflect on cognitive tasks and performance. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between sleep pressure and the academic profile of medical students from the first semester of UFRN, characterizing this population socio-demographically and investigating possible impacts on therestactivity rhytm and academic performance. A sample of 88 students, healthy men and women awswered the following questionnaires: Pittsburgh Sleep Quality (PSQI), Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS), Horne & Ostberg Chronotype (HO), Munich Chronotype (MCTQ) and “Health and Sleep” adapted. Actigraphy was used during 14 days to make actogramas and obtain non-parametric variables of the rest-activity rhythm and the grades of the morning schedule were used as academic performance. The JLS was used as a measure of sleep pressure. Statistics significance level was 95%. The population was sociodemographic homogeneous. Most students have healthy lifestyle, practice physical activity, use car to go to the university and take between 15 and 30 minutes for this route. Regarding CSV, most were classify as intermediate (38.6%) and evening (32%) chronotypes, needs to nap during the week, suffer daytime sleepiness and have poor sleep quality. 83% of the sample has at least 1h JLS, which led us to divide into two groups: Group <2h JLS (N = 44) and Group ≥ 2h JLS (N = 44). The groups have differences only in chronotype, showing that most evening individuals have more JLS, however, no differences were found in relation to sociodemographic aspect, rest-activity rhythm or academic performance. The homogeneity of the sample was limited to compare the groups, however, is alarming that students already present in the first half: JLG, poor sleep quality and excessive daytime sleepiness, which can be accentuated through the university years, with the emergence of night shifts and increased academic demand. Interventionsaddressingthe importance of good sleep habits and the change of the class start time are strategies aimed to improve student’s health.


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This master thesis has the main goal investigate how families are inserted in the socioeducational process of teenagers who are undergoing social measures of liberty deprivation. The specific objectives are: to characterize the family´s living together of adolescents deprived of their freedom and their families, from the actions and routines of the socio-educational system; to assess the professional working links in the context of socio-education, in order to care and strengthening families of the adolescents; to investigate how families evaluate the operation of socio-educational process in which adolescents are met. Method: to achieve the proposed objectives, data collection occurred in complementary steps: the first phase took place from visits to socioeducational units of liberty deprivation of RN, and dialogues with professionals working in socio-education. Subsequently, action research stage was carried out, from the insertion of the researcher in the extension project Family and the struggle for the effectiveness of the National Socio Service System, that aimed to strengthen monitoring the adolescents socio-education by their families, and had as methodology the conversation circles and thematic workshops. Lastly, were performed reading and analysis of the references to the family in the Individual Care Plans (PIAs) for adolescents. The information gathered was recorded in field diaries and subjected to thematic content analysis. This research was guided by the Marxist theoretical framework, structured on the understanding of the involvement of adolescents with illegal acts as a development and expression of the social question. From this theoretical framework, the prevailing view in the capitalist society of adolescents in conflict with the law as individuals who are treated by means of repression and segregation and the weakness of social policies is questioned, both in the execution of their own socioeducational measures as the articulation of network services for adolescent protection and strengthening your family. Results: in relation to the operation of the socioeducational system in RN in general, it was observed a state of unhealthy physical spaces and institutional practices that violate human rights, idleness and lack of access to social rights, and criminalization and institutionalization of poor young people and their families. With regard to family´s living together, it was noticed great distance between principles and guidelines recommended by the SINASE, about acquaintanceship and family strengthening, and every day practices of socio-education in RN: serious violations were observed that undermine the family´s living together, as the distance between the socio-educational units of deprivation of liberty and the cities where families live; absence, irregularity and poor conditions in carrying out the family visits; lack of conjugal visits; restricted and unarticulated actions for the care and strengthening of the families of adolescents, most of whom live in poverty or extreme poverty. Finally, it was found a number of blamefully and punishments to the family, including practices such as inward inspection (visual inspection while naked and squant), plus a series of violence and omissions care that sick family members and weaken the links between adolescents and their families.


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OBJECTIVE: to identify a profile of the main causes of inappropriate referrals from primary care to specialized services, as strategy for the curriculum development of core competencies related to maternal health. METHODS: a cross-sectional study was performed using document analysis of all referrals of pregnant women from primary care to the high-risk pregnancy service, state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. All pregnant women referred from June to December 2014 (n = 771) were included. According to their causes the referrals were categorized as adequate, inadequate or inconclusive. RESULTS: a total of 188 referrals were classified as inadequate (24.4%) and 93 inconclusive (12.1%) totalizing 36.5% of inappropriate referrals. The main causes identified in these inappropriate referrals were: low-risk pregnancy (12.8%), unconfirmed hypertension (12.1%), risk of abortion (8.9%), teenage pregnancy (7.1%) , toxoplasmosis (5.3%), Rh incompatibility (4.6%) and urinary tract infection (4.3%). These data contributed to the formulation of the following products: 1) a continuing education program for health professionals working in primary care, undergraduate students and residents; and 2) development of a virtual platform to support professionals who need to refer patients to high-risk pregnancy service. CONCLUSION: the results of this study are relevant in the current context of education of health professionals, with potential for positively impact not only in the development of skills related to maternal health in undergraduate and graduate education, as well as contributing for improvement of the health care of the population.


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Schizophrenia is a severe and persistent mental illness; diagnosis occurs mainly during adolescence. The pharmacological treatment is done with typical and atypical antipsychotics. Atypical have the advantage of reduced extrapyramidal effects, which make them promising for the treatment of schizophrenia, furthermore, they have shown significant metabolic and hormonal changes. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of atypical antipsychotics, olanzapine and risperidone on the quality of life and on their adverse effects in schizophrenic patients. For this we analyzed the quality of life of patients with implementation of EuroQol-5D-3L instrument and performing biochemical and hormonal tests, blood pressure measurement, and measurement of anthropometric indices, besides the application of Ugvalg scales for Kliniske Undersgelser (UKU) and Simpson-Angus, who evaluated the side effects caused by drugs. Data were analyzed using the Student t test and chi-square test, with 5% significance level. The results showed that the EuroQol the antipsychotic olanzapine causes significant losses associated with personal care (p <0.001). Comparing the two groups of antipsychotics, the average years of quality-adjusted life, known per QALY was favorable for the risperidone group (p <0.032). The results of olanzapine and risperidone groups were compared. In terms of socioeconomic, it was observed that men used, the prevalent form, olanzapine (p <0.008); this same group showed the following results significantly unfavorable, related to anthropometric variables: waist circumference (p <0.01), hip circumference (p <0.02), weight (p <0.02) and blood pressure (p <0.04). The biochemical and hormonal analyzes showed that olanzapine resulted in losses related to the following variables: triglycerides (p <0.04), HDL cholesterol in men (p < 0.02) and cortisol (p < 0.01). In risperidone users, the only negative value was prolactin (p < 0.04). Regarding the analysis of the Simpson-Angus scale, the group treated with olanzapine was handicapped because the average total scores for olanzapine was 0.38, while for risperidone was 0.11 (p < 0.02). In the UKU scale, the following results were obtained also unfavorable for the olanzapine group: fatigue (P <0.02), dystonia (p <0.01) and tremor (p <0.03). According to the UKU scale, the side effects present in the risperidone group included: gynecomastia (p <0.01), ejaculatory dysfunction (p <0.02) and erectile dysfunction (p <0.02). It was concluded that olanzapine users had the worst score of quality of life, higher metabolic risks associated with overweight and inadequate lipid profile and greater tendency to extrapyramidal manifestations. However, risperidone users were more likely to adverse reactions due to hormonal changes.


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In this research, we intend to deliver a possible reading of the narrative Oiteiro: memórias de uma Sinhá-Moça (1958), by the writer Magdalena Antunes, placing it within the context of the Brazilian Literature of Rio Grande do Norte. The author’s personal and social relations described in her book as well as the outcomes within an autobiographical, memorialistic and fictional approach will be under inquiry here. Our intent is to reach an understanding of the autobiographical aspects in Antunes’ work that reveal the “writing of the self” and its probable fictional traits, by means of the tensions identified in the narrative. For this reason, we rely on contributions by Lejeune (2008); Amorim (2007; 2012); Walty (1985) and Iser (2002), among others. Aditionally, Antunes’ work is also constituted of a memorialistic nature, which emerges in the book through the reinterpretation of memories based on the author’s childhood and adolescence. For a theoretical description of those moments, we will utilize some conceptions on individual and collective memory and the thoughts of Henri Bergson (1999) and Le Goff (1984), as opposed to the contributions brought by Maurice Halbwachs (2006) and other authors.


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TDA/H is usually considered among the most frequent psychological malfunctions in both childhood and adolescence. It covers a complex combination of neurocognitive deficits leading to developmental troubles linked to attention failure, hyperactivity and impulsivity. On the other hand, diagnosis of TDA/H is frequently a hard task, since sociocultural aspects concerning the evaluation of symptoms lead to some etiologic vagueness. Additionally, the large extent of evaluation tools, together with the diversity of therapeutic approaches referred by specialized literature justify the interest of investigating the diverse ways of diagnosing and treating TDA/H by medical doctors, psychologists and psycho-pedagogues developing professional activities in Natal-RN (Brazil) in the assistance of children and teenagers with TDA/H diagnosis hypothesis. A sample of thirty-four professionals participated in this study in a convenience-basis, and submitted to a semi-directed interview. Information from this procedure was analyzed, categorized and submitted to a multidimensional descriptive analysis (cluster analysis procedure), allowing to verify the partition of the sample in two groups: Group 1, basically composed by medical professionals, and Group 2, composed by psychologists and psycho-pedagogues. The categorized variable “Number of sessions” – average time used for arriving to a diagnosis – was the partition-variable showing the larger amount of statistical contribution for the partition, followed by the variables “Professional formation” and “Use of diagnostic tools”. Variables such “Comorbidity”, “TDA/H Definition” and Modalities of Intervention” also showed contribution to the partition obtained, even though their lesser amount of statistical contribution. Despite some similarity between these two groups, data allowed to demonstrate specific association between academic source-formation of the professional concerned and diagnosis and intervention modalities shown by these professionals when dealing with TDA/H. These data confirm relevant heterogeneity in dealing with TDA/H due to professional formation of professionals involved in diagnosis and treatment tasks.


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TDA/H is usually considered among the most frequent psychological malfunctions in both childhood and adolescence. It covers a complex combination of neurocognitive deficits leading to developmental troubles linked to attention failure, hyperactivity and impulsivity. On the other hand, diagnosis of TDA/H is frequently a hard task, since sociocultural aspects concerning the evaluation of symptoms lead to some etiologic vagueness. Additionally, the large extent of evaluation tools, together with the diversity of therapeutic approaches referred by specialized literature justify the interest of investigating the diverse ways of diagnosing and treating TDA/H by medical doctors, psychologists and psycho-pedagogues developing professional activities in Natal-RN (Brazil) in the assistance of children and teenagers with TDA/H diagnosis hypothesis. A sample of thirty-four professionals participated in this study in a convenience-basis, and submitted to a semi-directed interview. Information from this procedure was analyzed, categorized and submitted to a multidimensional descriptive analysis (cluster analysis procedure), allowing to verify the partition of the sample in two groups: Group 1, basically composed by medical professionals, and Group 2, composed by psychologists and psycho-pedagogues. The categorized variable “Number of sessions” – average time used for arriving to a diagnosis – was the partition-variable showing the larger amount of statistical contribution for the partition, followed by the variables “Professional formation” and “Use of diagnostic tools”. Variables such “Comorbidity”, “TDA/H Definition” and Modalities of Intervention” also showed contribution to the partition obtained, even though their lesser amount of statistical contribution. Despite some similarity between these two groups, data allowed to demonstrate specific association between academic source-formation of the professional concerned and diagnosis and intervention modalities shown by these professionals when dealing with TDA/H. These data confirm relevant heterogeneity in dealing with TDA/H due to professional formation of professionals involved in diagnosis and treatment tasks.


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This thesis investigates the historical influence of the criminal policy in the context that shapes the first specific law for children and adolescents in Brazil, the 1927 Children's Code, a standard that inaugurates the conceptual scission between children and "minor" and their different treatment by the State. The study addresses the demand for order in the context of changes in the working world in the transition from the slave system to the capitalist mode of production, and the corresponding disciplinary and punitive control mechanisms directed to the segment of childhood and adolescence. The theoretical route proposes a questioning of the political construction of law and justice, as well as the conformation of the punitive techniques, and the construction of the stereotype of the "delinquent", prime target of the criminal policy, focusing on the process of criminalization of the segment in question through the confrontation of the Critical perspective with the approaches of Classical and Positive schools. This research shows the imposition of a bourgeois morality that obscures the social conflict attributing it to people isolated by the criminalization of their conduct; and points out that the historical forms of selective social control were greatly influenced by psychiatry and psychology, either by the elaboration of the image of the "delinquent" or by the expected performance of custodial institutions. Finally, the developments and the permanence of the historical roots of the criminal policy are problematized, relating them to the difficulties currently encountered in the consolidation of the legal garantism paradigm proposed by the Children and Adolescent Statute.