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El presente trabajo se constituye en un estudio sobre la pobreza y las desigualdades socio territoriales en el Brasil, problematizando la perspectiva territorial de las políticas públicas sociales observando la distribución espacial del Índice de Desarrollo de las familias (IDF) en el municipio de Pau dos Ferros/RN, así como las principales políticas sociales, a ejemplo del Programa Bolsa Familia. En este sentido, el objetivo principal de esa disertación se dió en la tentativa de comprender la importancia de la lectura previa del territorio para la reflexión sobre la pobreza en su aspecto multidimensional y para la territorialización de las políticas Públicas sociales construidas en el intento de minimizar la problemática de la desigualdad social, observando la distribución espacial do IDF en el municipio de Pau dos Ferros/RN. A partir del objetivo general trazado, hicimos una revisión teórica sobre los temas, pobreza, desigualdades sociales y políticas públicas, en el primero caso atentando para el aspecto multidimensional de esta, abogando la importancia de analizarnos la pobreza no apenas por el nivel de rienda, pero considerando otras dimensiones que corroboran para la constitución del ser pobre, como habitaciones precarias, falta de saneamiento básico e infraestructura, el no acceso a la salud, la educación y los otros servicios que posibilitan el individuo vivir con el mejor dignidad. Comprendiendo la importancia del conocimiento previo del territorio para que ocurra las debidas reflexiones e intervenciones en la realidad territorial buscamos reflexionar acerca de ese concepto en sus nexos con la construcción e implementación de las políticas públicas sociales teniendo la Política Nacional de Asistencia Social (PNAS) como política esencial y también el el Programa Bolsa Familia (PBF), una vez que buscamos compreender su importancia a partir de la visión del sujeto, o sea las beneficiadas del PBF en el Municipio de Pau dos Ferros. Para tanto, hicimos entrevistas orales con las beneficiadas del PBF que fueron elegidas aislada a partir de los equipos del CRAS, además de la aplicación de cuestionarios semiesctructurados y abiertos con gestores y asistentes sociales del muninicipio.Buscamos además trabajar con algunos datos del CadÚnico para el município en estudio proponiendo analisar las condiciones sociales y económicas de las famílias cadastradas. Algunos resultados fueron posibles, a saber, es necesario interpretarse la pobreza a partir de varias dimensiones para no tener el riesgo de quedarnos solamente en la perspectiva financiera, o sea de la rienda, que mismo sirva para lo emergencial no es suficiente para transformar las condiciones de vida de las famílias; PNAS puede ser considerada como un avanzo de la política social en el Brasil una vez que posuye importancia fundamental en la familia. Sin embargo, es preciso avanzar en la interpretación del territorio que en la política y en el habla de los agentes sociales , es interpretación apenas como un recorte donde deberán ocurrir las acciones para minimizar la pobreza ; al fin, o PBF es un programa de urgencia moral una vez que combate lo mas emergencial que es el directo de sobrevivir , pero aun no conseguió transformar de una manera significativa la pobreza en el país
In view of the evident increase in the population group of people over 60 years old, the aging process has raised important discussions on social, political and economical planning that recommend that the increase in longevity must be followed by autonomy and well-being. Faced to these demands, the literature reports that physical activity is a key strategy to promote better living conditions for the elderly. Studies about personenvironment are making efforts to understand the socio physical environment role to encourage old people to make activities in many different environments. Among these, the urban public open space has been reported by many researches as a promising alternative in order to adopt a less sedentary life style. Based on these considerations, this study proposed to investigate the relationship between the social environment support elements and social interaction of seniors in public squares in the city of Natal, RN, using a multimethodological approach that included a experts panel, environmental characteristics analysis of 252 squares, case studies containing collective and individual interviews with elderly users and the spatial representation of their social interactions. The association between physical activities with the socialization practiced by them was identified as the main motivation for their presence in these places. The results indicate that the relationship between the socio-environmental characteristics (concept developed in this study) and the socio-spatial behaviors that include the spatial appropriation, spatial arrangements and interpersonal distances, helps to promote social interactions in carrying out activities, which, according to the assumptions Active Ageing Program, enable the maintenance of an active way of life, with important implications for health, wellness and quality of life in old age
A combinação da Moldagem por Injeção de pós Metálicos (Metal Injection Moulding MIM) e o Método do Retentor Espacial (Space Holder Method - SHM) é uma técnica promissora para fabricação de peças porosas de titânio com porosidade bem definida como implantes biomédicos, uma vez que permite um alto grau de automatização e redução dos custos de produção em larga escala quando comparado a técnica tradicional (SHM e usinagem a verde). Contudo a aplicação desta técnica é limitada pelo fato que há o fechamento parcial da porosidade na superfície das amostras, levando ao deterioramento da fixação do implante ao osso. E além disso, até o presente momento não foi possível atingir condições de processamento estáveis quando a quantidade de retentor espacial excede 50 vol. %. Entretanto, a literatura descreve que a melhor faixa de porosidade para implantes de titânio para coluna vertebral está entre 60 - 65 vol. %. Portanto, no presente estudo, duas abordagens foram conduzidas visando a produção de amostras altamente porosas através da combinação de MIM e SHM com o valor constante de retentor espacial de 70 vol. % e uma porosidade aberta na superfície. Na primeira abordagem, a quantidade ótima de retentor espacial foi investigada, para tal foram melhorados a homogeneização do feedstock e os parâmetros de processo com o propósito de permitir a injeção do feedstock. Na segunda abordagem, tratamento por plasma foi aplicado nas amostras antes da etapa final de sinterização. Ambas rotas resultaram na melhoria da estabilidade dimensional das amostras durante a extração térmica do ligante e sinterização, permitindo a sinterização de amostras de titânio altamente porosas sem deformação da estrutura.
Ethanol withdrawn individuals present a wealth of signs and symptoms, some of them related with anxiety. To better understand brain areas involved in anxiety caused by ethanol abstinence, preclinical studies have been employing models of ethanol consumption followed by withdrawal in rodents submitted to behavioral tests of anxiety, such as the elevated plus-maze. The aim of this study was to investigate if short- or long-term ethanol withdrawal could alter both anxiety-related behaviors in the elevated plus-maze (EPM) and open field tests and the number of serotonin immunorreactive cels in the dorsal raphe nucleus, a midbrain area associated with anxiety. Female Wistar rats (90 days old) were submitted to increasing concentrations of ethanol (2% for 3 days, 4% for 3 days and 6% for 15 days) as the only source of liquid diet and the control group received water ad libitum. Both groups received food ad libitum. In the behavioral experiments, on 21st day of consumption, ethanol was substituted by water (withdrawal) and 72 h or 21 days after withdrawal animals were submitted to the EPM, where it was evaluated the percentage of time and entries in the open arms and the entries in the enclosed arms during 5 minutes. Twenty and four hours after testing in the EPM, animals were submitted to the open field test for 15 minutes, where the distance traveled by the animals was observed along this period. During the first 5 minutes, the distance traveled, entries and time spent in the center of the test were analyzed. In the immunohistochemistry study, animals were submitted to 21 days of consumption of ethanol followed or not by 72 hours and 21 days of withdrawal previously perfusion, brain tissue preparation and quantification of serotonin dyed cells in the dorsal and caudal portions in the dorsal raphe nucleus. Behavioral data showed that both short- and long-term ethanol withdrawals reduced the open arms exploration in the EPM. In the open field test there were no locomotor activity changes during the total 15 minutes; however, longterm ethanol withdrawal reduced the exploration in the center of the open field during the first 5 minutes. In the immunohistochemistry step, there were no differences, when short- and long-term withdrawn groups were compared with control group; nevertheless, the chronic consumption of ethanol decreased the number of serotonergic immunorreactive cells in the dorsal part of dorsal raphe nucleus. Taken together, results here obtained suggest that both short- and long-term ethanol withdrawals promoted an anxiogenic-like effect that was not related with changes in the serotonin immunorreactivity in the dorsal and caudal parts of the dorsal raphe nucleus.
In this paper a synthesis parameters study was conducted in order to optimize the obteinment of MCM-22 (MWW structure) and increase its accessibility, getting higher external surface and generating mesopores. Syntheses with Si / Al = 15 and Si / Al = 50 ratios were performed under static conditions at different temperatures and with seeds induction, which resulted in MCM-22 pure and crystalline (Si / Al ratio = 15) after 3 days and Si / Al = 50 after 11 days. The reduction of hexamethyleneimine content (HMI) was studied in the stirring synthesis and a HMI reduction of 47% was possible through the mother liquor reuse, in addition, a specific area of 481 m² / g has been obtained in the fourth synthesis day. Regarding the increase of accessibility of the MCM-22 zeolite skeins of MCM-22 plates with about 2 μm were obtained, through the use of dissolved silica, addition of seeds, increased temperature and synthesis time of 2 days. A significant value of specific area was found for this material, around 500 m² / g. Also with respect to the increase of MCM-22 accessibility, treatment with oxalic acid concentration of 0.5 mol / L and silanization of proto-zeolitic units resulted in the mesopores formation . Furthermore, silanization still favored reduction of 70 % in crystal size and a specific area of 566 m² / g.
Through participant observation, held in the administrative region east of Natal / RN, this research aimed to understand about the daily life of men and women living on the streets in the city. How they relate to the space where they live? In this relationship, which uses and survival strategies triggered by this social segment? These were some of the questions that guided this research, in order to highlight the specificities of this way of life and the possible consequences that such a situation could reverberate. In this sense, there was an effort to keep up with people on the streets, their itineraries and seize their narratives. Along the search path - which took place intermittently between the years 2011-2015 - attended spaces of occupation and traffic of this population group in the street, as well as insert me and got involved in events, forums, seminars, meetings and subject of joints on the streets as a political movement (MNPR / RN). They are considered in this study as people on the street to those who occupy the street as their main space of survival and ordering of daily life: in the streets sleep, feed themselves, meet the physiological and hygienic needs, and is where draw sustenance. The street is taken in this research in its broadest sense, including all possible places relatively protected from the cold, rain and exposure to violence, thus includes both open and public spaces: as squares and parks; but also closed and private places: hostels, abandoned warehouses, prisons, etc. It was observed that in none of these spaces guys on the street are established in a fixed manner, in contrast, they experience the roaming, which in part is due to urban systems - which tends to stigmatize them and delete them places - and the very need to survive, because while living in the street differentiated practices are triggered, and these differ from the dominant mode of sedentary life.
Through participant observation, held in the administrative region east of Natal / RN, this research aimed to understand about the daily life of men and women living on the streets in the city. How they relate to the space where they live? In this relationship, which uses and survival strategies triggered by this social segment? These were some of the questions that guided this research, in order to highlight the specificities of this way of life and the possible consequences that such a situation could reverberate. In this sense, there was an effort to keep up with people on the streets, their itineraries and seize their narratives. Along the search path - which took place intermittently between the years 2011-2015 - attended spaces of occupation and traffic of this population group in the street, as well as insert me and got involved in events, forums, seminars, meetings and subject of joints on the streets as a political movement (MNPR / RN). They are considered in this study as people on the street to those who occupy the street as their main space of survival and ordering of daily life: in the streets sleep, feed themselves, meet the physiological and hygienic needs, and is where draw sustenance. The street is taken in this research in its broadest sense, including all possible places relatively protected from the cold, rain and exposure to violence, thus includes both open and public spaces: as squares and parks; but also closed and private places: hostels, abandoned warehouses, prisons, etc. It was observed that in none of these spaces guys on the street are established in a fixed manner, in contrast, they experience the roaming, which in part is due to urban systems - which tends to stigmatize them and delete them places - and the very need to survive, because while living in the street differentiated practices are triggered, and these differ from the dominant mode of sedentary life.
O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar a fusibilidade de ligas de Co-Cr-Mo-W (Remanium 2000), Ni-Cr (Durabond) e Co-Cr-Mo (Vera-PDI), incluídas em revestimentos à base de fosfato, sílica ou utilizando uma técnica mista. Uma rede de nylon quadrada (10 X 10 mm) com 100 espaços abertos serviu de modelo para construção de padrões de cera, que foram incluídos com revestimento à base de sílica, revestimento fosfatado e técnica mista (camada de revestimento fosfatado com 2 mm de espessura + revestimento à base de sílica). Quarenta e cinco espécimes (5 para cada condição experimental) foram fundidos sob chama de gás-oxigênio e a seguir jateados com óxido de alumínio. O número de segmentos fundidos completos foi contado para obter uma percentagem designada como "valor de fusibilidade", representando a precisão da liga em reproduzir os detalhes do molde. A análise estatística por meio de ANOVA a dois critérios e teste Tukey mostrou que, comparando-se as ligas, a Remanium 2000 teve fusibilidade estaticamente semelhante (p>0,05) à da Vera PDI e inferior à da liga Durabond (p<0,05). Considerando os resultados da técnica mista, a liga Remanium 2000 teve menor valor de fusibilidade (p<0,05) que as ligas Durabond e Vera PDI, que apresentaram valores estatisticamente semelhantes entre si (p>0,05). Concluindo, a fusibilidade da liga de Co-Cr-Mo-W (Remanium 2000) foi comparável à da liga de Co-Cr (Vera PDI) e inferior à da liga de Ni-Cr alloy (Durabond). À exceção da liga Remanium 2000, a técnica de inclusão mista aumentou consideravelmente a capacidade das ligas testadas de reproduzir os detalhes do molde, quando comparada à técnica de inclusão em revestimento fosfatado. A técnica de inclusão mista representa uma alternativa para melhorar a fusibilidade de ligas de metais básicos sem afetar a qualidade superficial das peças metálicas.
O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar a fusibilidade de ligas de Co-Cr-Mo-W (Remanium 2000), Ni-Cr (Durabond) e Co-Cr-Mo (Vera-PDI), incluídas em revestimentos à base de fosfato, sílica ou utilizando uma técnica mista. Uma rede de nylon quadrada (10 X 10 mm) com 100 espaços abertos serviu de modelo para construção de padrões de cera, que foram incluídos com revestimento à base de sílica, revestimento fosfatado e técnica mista (camada de revestimento fosfatado com 2 mm de espessura + revestimento à base de sílica). Quarenta e cinco espécimes (5 para cada condição experimental) foram fundidos sob chama de gás-oxigênio e a seguir jateados com óxido de alumínio. O número de segmentos fundidos completos foi contado para obter uma percentagem designada como "valor de fusibilidade", representando a precisão da liga em reproduzir os detalhes do molde. A análise estatística por meio de ANOVA a dois critérios e teste Tukey mostrou que, comparando-se as ligas, a Remanium 2000 teve fusibilidade estaticamente semelhante (p>0,05) à da Vera PDI e inferior à da liga Durabond (p<0,05). Considerando os resultados da técnica mista, a liga Remanium 2000 teve menor valor de fusibilidade (p<0,05) que as ligas Durabond e Vera PDI, que apresentaram valores estatisticamente semelhantes entre si (p>0,05). Concluindo, a fusibilidade da liga de Co-Cr-Mo-W (Remanium 2000) foi comparável à da liga de Co-Cr (Vera PDI) e inferior à da liga de Ni-Cr alloy (Durabond). À exceção da liga Remanium 2000, a técnica de inclusão mista aumentou consideravelmente a capacidade das ligas testadas de reproduzir os detalhes do molde, quando comparada à técnica de inclusão em revestimento fosfatado. A técnica de inclusão mista representa uma alternativa para melhorar a fusibilidade de ligas de metais básicos sem afetar a qualidade superficial das peças metálicas.
In this dissertation we reflect about sensitive the dimension of the body, which enables us to participate in mythical space and set him as a potential space for artistic creation in dance, experience provider in senses for world, for life and for existence. It´s a written, thrashing some reflections on the human condition from a gaze cast upon the myth of Adam, leading us to think about the possible relationships between art and myth in contemporary times, as fields of knowledge open to creation, and semantic spaces able to assign new meanings to living through the pulsations of a body that is myth and what is dance. One of the goals of this study is set up a new point of view to analyze the Adam's myth, enabling to new interpretations, meanings and understandings from the experience in the process of creation in contemporary dance. Therefore, methodologically reference is made in the Phenomenology, or rather the phenomenological attitude proposed by Merleau-Ponty (1994), which considers the experience of the body as the primary source of knowledge. Dipping on this process of creation in contemporary dance, one artistic and choreographic work was originated, titled "The Body I am”, in contemplation of this dance that echoes the mystery, that emerges from the depths of the body, and it brings to the human surface and your world, your relationships. Realize that dance is as a sensitive guide and counselor reflections ontological and epistemological, able to validate and perpetuate the myth whereas ancestral wisdom inheritance.
CUNHA, Jacqueline de Araújo. Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações: uma estratégia de preservação da memória científica. 2009. 141f. Dissertação (Mestrado)- Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação. Universidade Federal da Paraíba, João Pessoa, 2009.
This research aims to study dimensions of urban life in the contemporaneous city. It is an effort to understand the functioning of the contemporary city as an artifact that somehow affects social relations. The study focuses on the limits and possibilities of urbanity in the city today, understanding urbanity as a set of factors that favor wealth, diversity and spontaneity of public life. The research aims to show that cities today tend to criate fragmented urban life into at least one of the three urbanity dimensions: spatial dimension, social and temporal dimension. The study involves the analysis of two public spaces in Fortaleza (Praça do Ferreira and the open urban public spaces of the Centro Cultural Dragão do Mar), using Space Syntax Analysis methods and for Post Occupancy Evaluation procedures. Research shows that temporal dimension of urbanity is limited in the public spaces studied. In Praça do Ferreira, spatial and social dimensions are present, but their effects are limited by the temporal dimension. The Dragão do Mar, on the other hand, the spatial and social dimensions of urban life are more limited and more concentrated in time
Fuel cells are considered one of the most promising ways of converting electrical energy due to its high yield and by using hydrogen (as fuel) which is considered one of the most important source of clean energy for the future. Rare earths doped ceria has been widely investigated as an alternative material for the electrolyte of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) due to its high ionic conductivity at low operating temperatures compared with the traditional electrolytes based on stabilized zirconia. This work investigates the effect of gallium oxide (Gallia) as a sintering aid in Eu doped ceria ceramic electrolytes since this effect has already been investigated for Gd, Sm and Y doped ceria electrolytes. The desired goal with the use of a sintering aid is to reduce the sintering temperature aiming to produce dense ceramics. In this study we investigated the effects on densification, microstructure and ionic conduction caused by different molar fraction of the dopants europium (10, 15 and 20%) and gallium oxide (0.3, 0.6 and 0.9%) in samples sintered at 1300, 1350 and 1450 0 C. Samaria (10 and 20%) doped ceria samples sintered between 1350 and 1450 °C were used as reference. Samples were synthesized using the cation complexation method. The ceramics powders were characterized by XRF, XRD and SEM, while the sintered samples were investigated by its relative density, SEM and impedance spectroscopy. It was showed that gallia contents up to 0.6% act as excellent sintering aids in Eu doped ceria. Above this aid content, gallia addition does not promote significant increase in density of the ceramics. In Ga free samples the larger densification were accomplished with Eu 15% molar, effect expressed in the microstructure with higher grain growth although reduced and surrounded by many open pores. Relative densities greater than 95 % were obtained by sintering between 1300 and 1350 °C against the usual range 1500 - 1600 0 C. Samples containing 10% of Sm and 0.9% of Ga reached 96% of theoretical density by sintering at 1350 0 C for 3h, a gain compared to 97% achieved with 20% of Sm and 1% of Ga co-doped cerias sintered at 1450 0 C for 24 h as described in the literature. It is found that the addition of gallia in the Eu doped ceria has a positive effect on the grain conductivity and a negative one in the grain boundary conductivity resulting in a small decrease in the total conductivity which will not compromise its application as sintering aids in ceria based electrolytes. Typical total conductivity values at 600 and 700 °C, around 10 and 30 mS.cm -1 respectively were reached in this study. Samples with 15% of Eu and 0.9 % of Ga sintered at 1300 and 1350 °C showed relative densities greater than 96% and total conductivity (measured at 700 °C) between 20 and 33 mS.cm -1 . The simultaneous sintering of the electrolyte with the anode is one of the goals of research in materials for SOFCs. The results obtained in this study suggest that dense Eu and Ga co-doped ceria electrolytes with good ionic conductivity can be sintered simultaneously with the anode at temperatures below 1350 °C, the usual temperature for firing porous anode materials
Waterflooding is a technique largely applied in the oil industry. The injected water displaces oil to the producer wells and avoid reservoir pressure decline. However, suspended particles in the injected water may cause plugging of pore throats causing formation damage (permeability reduction) and injectivity decline during waterflooding. When injectivity decline occurs it is necessary to increase the injection pressure in order to maintain water flow injection. Therefore, a reliable prediction of injectivity decline is essential in waterflooding projects. In this dissertation, a simulator based on the traditional porous medium filtration model (including deep bed filtration and external filter cake formation) was developed and applied to predict injectivity decline in perforated wells (this prediction was made from history data). Experimental modeling and injectivity decline in open-hole wells is also discussed. The injectivity of modeling showed good agreement with field data, which can be used to support plan stimulation injection wells
The extent of the Brazilian Atlantic rainforest, a global biodiversity hotspot, has been reduced to less than 7% of its original range. Yet, it contains one of the richest butterfly fauna in the world. Butterflies are commonly used as environmental indicators, mostly because of their strict association with host plants, microclimate and resource availability. This research describes diversity, composition and species richness of frugivorous butterflies in a forest fragment in the Brazilian Northeast. It compares communities in different physiognomies and seasons. The climate in the study area is classified as tropical rainy, with two well defined seasons. Butterfly captures were made with 60 Van Someren-Rydon traps, randomly located within six different habitat units (10 traps per unit) that varied from very open (e.g. coconut plantation) to forest interior. Sampling was made between January and December 2008, for five days each month. I captured 12090 individuals from 32 species. The most abundant species were Taygetis laches, Opsiphanes invirae and Hamadryas februa, which accounted for 70% of all captures. Similarity analysis identified two main groups, one of species associated with open or disturbed areas and a second by species associated with shaded areas. There was a strong seasonal component in species composition, with less species and lower abundance in the dry season and more species and higher abundance in the rainy season. K-means analysis indicates that choice of habitat units overestimated faunal perceptions, suggesting less distinct units. The species Taygetis virgilia, Hamadryas chloe, Callicore pygas e Morpho achilles were associated with less disturbed habitats, while Yphthimoides sp, Historis odius, H. acheronta, Hamadryas feronia e Siderone marthesia likey indicate open or disturbed habitats. This research brings important information for conservation of frugivorous butterflies, and will serve as baseline for future projects in environmental monitoring