67 resultados para competência receptiva


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A aderência à prática da atividade física se constitui na maior dificuldade encontrada pelos profissionais da área da saúde. É importante ter conhecimento de determinantes que podem influenciar na aderência. Os objetivos do presente estudo foram o de elaborar, desenvolver e validar uma escala para avaliar a Autoestima referenciada na aderência da prática da atividade física e verificar a associação da Motivação e Autoestima à prática de atividade física. A Escala de Autoestima proposta para validação é uma escala de auto-resposta com dezesseis itens, cinco dimensões e com respostas com três níveis de concordância. Os participantes no estudo de validação são 312 universitários de ambos os sexos, com idades compreendidas entre 18 e 35 anos. Metade deles é praticante regular de atividade física. A Análise Fatorial dos itens mostra cinco dimensões: Introspecção, Imagem Física, Satisfação com a vida, Aceitação e Confiança. As propriedades psicométricas são aceitáveis, com Alfa de Cronbach igual a 0,75. O estudo de validação baseado nas correlações entre esta escala e a de Rosenberg, segundo o teste Qui-quadrado de Pearson, com sig. p < 0, 001 nas classificações e na correlação sugere que a escala pode ser utilizada em estudos de investigação e programas de promoção da saúde. As escalas de Autoestima e de Motivação (MPAM-R) foram aplicadas a um grupo de 110 universitários, 65% do sexo feminino e 35% do sexo masculino, com idade média compreendida entre 18 e 35 anos. Segmentados em dois grupos de praticantes regulares e não regulares de atividade física. Foram controladas as variáveis demográficas, ambientais e antropométricas. Verificou-se associação significativa entre as variáveis Autoestima e Motivação pelo teste Qui-Quadrado, e que denotam que a dimensão da Autoestima Imagem Física, quando cruzada com as dimensões da Motivação, mostra-se em alto grau discricionário e associação direta. Motivação Diversão (sig.p = 0,002), Competência (sig.p = 0.007) e Social (sig.p = 0.016). Ainda, no cruzamento do Escore Total da dimensão Autoestima e a dimensão Diversão da variável Motivação, apresenta associação diretas e significativas (sig.p = 0.020). A síntese dos resultados denota ações combinadas de estímulo na melhora da percepção positiva da Imagem Física do indivíduo, tendo como plano de fundo, ambiente divertido, desafiador (competência) e social (interação com os pares), traduz em aderência a prática da Atividade Física


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In Brazil, the Free Political advertising time (HGPE) represents one of the main venues for the contest between political parties, revealing a tool that streamlines the electoral dispute and enables all sectors and social classes of important information about dispute over candidates. In HGPE, political groups have the opportunity to present their programs of government and discuss issues that relate to the demands of the population. This research sought to examine the role played by so-called "government programs" in the electoral race for governor of Rio Grande do Norte in 2006, which had as main candidates, two traditional characters of the political landscape in Natal: Wilma de Faria (PSB) and Garibaldi Alves Filho (PMDB). According to our analysis, discussion of government programs such candidates in HGPE had not meant to enlighten the voters about the political projects designed, not just the desire to build an image of seriousness and competence of candidates, but appeared as a means to meet the schedule imposed by the opponent and as a strategic resource to select a specific segment of the electorate.


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This thesis is defined as a reflection on the mechanisms of expression and insertion of the homo situs in the participatory governance in Mozambique. For a better understanding of this social fact, it was settled a periodization which covered the decline of colonialism at the time of the independence, which was proclaimed in June 1975, the civil war that lasted over 16 years and the period of the democratic State, further established. Therefore, we sought to understand the mechanisms and failures of the participation of the homo situs in local development projects that absorbed the needs and problems of these peasants, not mobilizing the skills and social competences of these communities. It would be essential for the homo situs a genuine democratic practice involving a political culture based on the social construction of the territories of the traditional man which was characterized by being procedural and historical, finding in participation its higher base. In this context, it would be desirable that the community development in Mozambique could contemplate and respect the choices of the homo situs. For this purpose, it would be fundamental the consistency between theory and practice, which builds and rebuilds, continually the competence of the peasants, facilitating the possibility of realization of their primordial aspirations. In the research, it became apparent that there is not a continuous process of participation of the rural communities, which appear as participants, only at the time of the implementation of the activities. Therefore, even having the participation of the communities expected by the law, with predictable moments of discussion and necessary conditions for that, the State failed to establish an ongoing process of democratic dialogue with traditional populations, as well as it failed to organize, properly, accurate informational bases to help solve the problems of rural areas. These facts have led to obstacles to the process of conquest of the human and civil rights of the traditional communities


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The current study is about the legitimacy of lower court jurisdiction as a way of exercising basic legal rights, proposing, therefore, a new legal-administrative model for appellate court. In order to achieve that, a demonstration of the importance of basic legal rights in the Brazilian legal system and an open interpretation in light of the Constitution, as a way to affirm said rights, among which are accessibility to the justice system and proper legal protection, is required. As a result, the legitimacy to access the legal system resides in the Constitution, where the interpreter should seek its basic principles to achieve basic legal rights. It is observed that the lack of credibility regarding lower court decisions comes from the dogmatic view of truth born from power, and therefore, that the truth resides in decisions from appellate court and not from lower court judges. A lower court judge holds a privileged position in providing basic legal rights for citizens, considering his close contact to the parties, the facts, and the evidences brought forth. Class action suit is presented as an important instrument able to lead the lower court judge to provide basic legal rights. Small Claims Courts may be used as paradigm to the creation of Appellate State Courts formed by lower court judges, reserving to higher jurisdiction courts and Federal Circuit Courts, the decisions of original competency and the management and institutional representation of the judiciary system. Instilling an internal democratization of the judiciary is also required, which means the participation of lower court judges in electing their peers to chief positions in the court system, as well as establishing a limited mandate to higher court judges.


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Analysis of the role of the Union Accounts Court on the control of regulatory agencies, with the objective of identifying the limits of the Institution s acting on the aim activities of the agencies, particularly the control limits of the Court on the merits of discretionary administrative actions, taking into account the autonomy of these entities in the model of regulatory state. Analyzes the principle of administrative legality, the control of public administration, state s action in the economy and facing regulatory agencies, their emergence, evolution and characteristics. Includes the study of jurisprudence and doctrinal differences, as for the limits of the powers conferred by the constitutional legislator to Federal Court of Audit, regarding the control of agencies aim activities, or, in other terms, their regulatory and inspector missions of market, under the principle of administrative legality. Performs analysis, based on case studies involving Court s audits on regulatory agencies. Are appreciated differences within the Institution about the their decisions effects - imposed or not - as regards the arrangements to be adopted by regulatory agencies to correct the flaws and omissions found during Court s inspections, in which content of the act of public agent, despite their technical nature, can happen the criterion of convenience and opportunity


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This work aims to study the material conflict of jurisdiction as to the ownership of public water supply, between the municipalities and the Member States, in metropolitan areas. One of the important points of analysis is the realization of the fundamental right of access to water, a right that is implicit in the Constitution of 1988, being prevented from having their achievement considering the lack of definition of the ownership of the service. Knowing discussed the essential public service, in all its stages, it will realize it is a complex activity that depends for its operation, joint activities of federal entities and the society. In its pursuit of development (understood as better conditions of life), that in view of the Federal Law nº 11.445 of 2007 is the universal access to service, require the adoption of popular participation and the positive benefits of the state, such as planning. Moreover, it will find cooperation between federal entities (after the study of Brazilian federalism) peaceful solution to the conflict through the adoption of joint management or shared, depending on the factual situation and legal


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Brazil since its first republican constitution has adopted systems of laws control. The review activity was given to three state powers or functions state, Executive, Legislative and Judiciary. However, it appears that in the country along the constitutional history, has stood considerably the jurisdictional control of the most important control. Initially, back in 1891, Brazil adopted the jurisdictional control of diffuse from U.S, whose role in monitoring of standards is delivered to all organs of the judiciary, which may face a case, put on trial, ascertain whether or not the possibility of applying a law, removing its impact in case of unconstitutionality. In 1969, entered in the second legal model of judicial review, the concentrated control of constitutionality, whose inspiration comes from the positivist theory of Hans Kelsen, and was adopted by the Austrian Constitution of 1920. According to the abstract control the supervision of law is given to a Court or Constitutional Court, responsible for the analysis of the legal constitutionality independent of its application to a specific case. In Brazil the role of concentrated control was handed over exclusively to the Supreme Court, which serves as the Constitutional Court, which accumulates that function with other constitutionally provided jurisdiction. Throughout this period, from 1891 until today, Brazil has maintained a dual system of judicial control of legal constitutionality, where they coexist and harmonize the diffuse control exercised by any organ of the Judiciary, and concentrated control of competence the Supreme Court. However, one must recognize that with the advent of the Federal Constitution of 1988, the concentrated control has emerged on the national stage due to two important factors: the expansion of the legal capacity to sue and the inclusion of other ways control, besides the already known Direct Claim of Unconstitutionality. This concentrated control and projection of the Supreme Court s attempt to become a true constitutional court, led to a relative weakening of diffuse control even when performed by the Brazilian Constitutional Court. In order to become a true constitutional court, all decisions handed down by the Supreme in the exercise of constitutional jurisdiction should have the same weight and the same measure, or at least bring improvement to similar effects, once is the responsible for the final word when it comes to constitutional interpretation. Thus, the writs of certiorari and stare decisis were responsible for profound changes in the diffuse control, allowing the Supreme Court can strengthen its decisions even in the diffuse control. These two institutions have substantially changed the legal status of diffuse control, allowing an extension of the effects of decisions handed down by the Supreme Court, so that you can no longer be said that the effects of this control to restrict the disputing parties in the process


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This paper discusses the growing attention that, over the last decades, has been given to the administrative procedure in Administrative Law, as it also highlights the procedures which are in tune with the new trappings of this legal field. It focuses on the sanctioning competence of regulatory agencies, notably what concerns the procedural guide that conditions its exercise. It aims at gathering varied elements, many times dispersed over the legal system, so it is possible to list, with a satisfactory degree of detail, the procedural constitutional guidelines which are indispensable to the sanctioning of private entities through punitive action by regulatory agencies. It highlights the due legal process clause, for the abundance of the protective set there is around it, as a guiding constitutional principle for the application of sanctions by regulatory agencies. It examines the repercussion of the constitutional principle of the due legal process on Administrative Law, focusing on the most relevant principles on which the first unfolds itself. It analyzes, in light of the due legal process principle, the sanctioning administrative procedure developed in regulatory agencies. In conclusion, it is asserted that there is no room, in the Brazilian legal system as a whole, for sanctions to be applied summarily; that there reigns, in our system, an absolute presumption, dictated by the Constitution, that only through regular procedures can the best and fairest decision, concerning cases in which the rights of private parties could be affected, be taken by the public administration; that, respecting the principle of the right to a fair hearing, it is indispensable that there be motivation of a decision that imposes a sanction; that there should be, in homage to the principle of full defense and for the need to preserve the autonomy of the regulatory party, an appeal court in every agency; that the principles listed in the federal law No. 9.784/1999 should be mandatorily monitored by the agencies, for this is the only alternative consistent with the Constitution


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O Brasil, apesar de ter uma participação ativa nos fóruns internacionais de debates sobre a proteção dos direitos humanos, ainda não atua de forma eficiente no adimplemento das obrigações livremente pactuadas, fato este que o levou a ser acionado e condenado pela Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos, em virtude da prática de atos violatórios aos ditos direitos, praticados no âmbito dos três Poderes, bem como por todos os Entes Federativos. Diante dessa realidade que se apresenta, o nosso objeto de estudo será investigar a efetivação dos direitos humanos previstos em tratados internacionais pela Jurisdição brasileira. Na esteira desse raciocínio, nossa problemática consiste em demonstrar que os tratados internacionais de direitos humanos, apesar de serem claramente fontes do direito estatal, não vêm sendo devidamente aplicados pelos órgãos que exercem a função jurisdicional em nosso país. Fixada à problemática, nosso objetivo no presente estudo consiste em: 1) descrever a competência constitucional do Poder Judiciário para proteção dos direitos humanos e aplicação dos tratados internacionais; 2) definir o controle jurisdicional de convencionalidade como instrumento de proteção dos direitos humanos a ser utilizados pelos magistrados; e, 3) analisar quase um século de decisões do Supremo Tribunal Federal no que toca a aplicação dos tratados internacionais de direitos humanos. Espera-se efetivamente demonstrar que compete a todos os órgãos estatais o dever de aplicar diretamente os instrumentos internacionais de proteção aos direitos humanos devidamente internalizados. Essa obrigação inegavelmente também recai sobre os que exercem a função jurisdicional. Desta maneira, todos os juízes incumbidos do exercício da jurisdição convertem-se no âmbito estatal em verdadeiros concretizadores dos direitos humanos, sejam eles advindos do sistema global ou do regional de proteção. Dessa forma, devem servir-se do controle de convencionalidade para afastar as manifestações estatais que estejam em dissintonia com o teor dos tratados internacionais de direitos humanos, bem como da interpreção a eles conferida pelas Cortes e Tribunais internacionais


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In complex federal systems as that found in Brazil, which provides simultaneous attributions to of the Union, States and Cities in many aspects, the definition of performance limits of each of these entities, in procedural or material aspect, generates many (positive and/or negative) competence conflicts, bringing insecurity to general administered. Environmental licensing is one of the most important instruments of environmental management, seeking the realization of the fundamental right to an ecologically balanced and sustainable development. Despite its importance, the environmental licensing has not been more effective due the conflict related to the authority to regulate regardind environmental law. This essay will analyze the structure of competence distribution for conducting the environmental licensing processes, the conflict between laws, the performance of the municipal environmental agencies, the cooperation between the licensing agencies and the future about the additional regulatory law of article 23 of Federal Constitution


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The independence of the United States and the revolutions that emerged in Europe in the eighteenth century led to the birth of the written constitution, with a mission to limit the power of the State and to ensure fundamental rights to citizens. Thus, the Constitution has become the norm and ultimate founding of the State. Because of this superiority felt the need to protect her, emerging from that constitutional jurisdiction, taking control of constitutionality of provisions his main instrument. In Brazil, the constitutionality control began with the Constitution of 1891, when "imported" the American model, which is named after incidental diffuse model of judicial review. Indeed, allowed that any judge or court could declare the unconstitutionality of the law or normative act in a concrete case. However, the Brazilian Constituent did not bring the U.S. Institute of stare decisis, by which the precedents of higher courts eventually link the below. Because of this lack, each tribunal Brazilian freely decide about the constitutionality of a rule, so that the decision took effect only between the parties to the dispute. This prompted the emergence of conflicting decisions between judicantes organs, which ultimately undermine legal certainty and the image of the judiciary. As a solution to the problem, was incorporated from the 1934 Constitution to rule that the Senate would suspend the law declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. With the introduction of abstract control of constitutionality, since 1965, the Supreme Court went on to also have the power to declare the invalidity of the provision unconstitutional, effectively against all without the need for the participation of the Senate. However, it remained the view that in case the Supreme Court declared the unconstitutionality of the fuzzy control law by the Senate would continue with the competence to suspend the law unconstitutional, thus the decision of the Praetorium Exalted restricted parties. The 1988 Constitution strengthened the abstract control expanding legitimized the Declaratory Action of Unconstitutionality and creating new mechanisms of abstract control. Adding to this, the Constitutional Amendment. No. 45/2004 brought the requirement of general repercussion and created the Office of Binding Precedent, both to be applied by the Supreme Court judgments in individual cases, thus causing an approximation between the control abstract and concrete constitutional. Saw themselves so that the Supreme Court, to be the guardian of the Constitution, its action should be directed to the trial of issues of public interest. In this new reality, it becomes more necessary the participation of the Senate to the law declared unconstitutional in fuzzy control by the Supreme Court can reach everyone, because such an interpretation has become obsolete. So, to adapt it to this reality, such a rule must be read in the sense that the Senate give publicity to the law declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court, since mutated constitutional


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During the ninth century, owing to the process of industrialization, new social conflicts were showed, forcing the Government not to remain inert. The necessity of answer to these new demands requires from the State some actions that assure the new economic, cultural and social rights, able to exceed the formal equality, according to the principles of redistributive equality and well-being. Among the social rights, the right to health is showed up, which is placed at the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Treaty for the Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, as a necessary term to promote the dignity and the free development of the human personality. Under the Constitutional Law, it is clear that the implementation of the right to health, placed at the 6th article of the Brazilian Constitution, demands a government activity, which usually requires a provision of material goods, depending on budgetary resources. The Legislative and Executive Branches have a very important role in compliance with the constitutional regulations about the satisfactory offer of health care services, besides the correct use of the resources at this area. The adoption of public policies is the way of Government action to the planning and realization of this right. Though, some public policies are usually made apart from the social compromises, to the detriment of the basic social rights. The government has a discretionary competence to manage the health services. That is the reason it is necessary the control of the political choices, through the popular control, the extrajudicial control by the Account Courts, or the judicial review. Owed to the constitutionalization of social rights, the constitutional justice has a very relevant role, concerning to the constitutional jurisdiction, in a way the Judiciary Branch assume your position as a player that transforms the society. On the control of the public health policies, there is a cast of official instruments, judicial or not, to the guarantee of the collective right to the public health services, and to allow the citizens to reach the real implementation of the right to health


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Pour beaucoup de chercheurs, il y a une crise à l école et dans l enseignement/apprentissage des langues qui est provoquée par un enseignement cloisonné et décontextualisé de la réalité. Dans ce type d enseignement/apprentissage, le livre scolaire a une présence si hégémonique qu il est la source quasi exclusive du discours pédagogique et on ne fait que très rarement usage des langages du quotidien des apprenants. Le langage télévisuel est un de ces langages qui pourraient être utilisé pour ciliter enseignement/apprentissage d une langue vivante, variée et en situation, car il permet l exploration de tous les composants de la compétence de communication. En même temps, ce langage pourrait servir à sensibiliser les apprenants à une éducation aux médias. Le journal télévisé peut favoriser un enseignement/apprentissage intégré de la langue maternelle et de la langue étrangère, grâce à son format, similaire dans plusieurs cultures, et à son importance en tant que reflet des valeurs socioculturels des sociétés. Ces qualités sont très favorables pour stimuler le transfert des compétences entre la langue maternelle et la langue étrangère, pour qu on puisse enseigner et apprendre une langue, et connaître une culture. Le journal télévisé est vu comme une source d information et son analyse en classe peut contribuer à la formation d un apprenent/citoyen actualisé, critique et conscient des problèmes et des répresentations des sociétés


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This work of research presents an investigation into the knowledge related to the ostensive policing activities of a group of the Rio Grande do Norte State Military Police Captains. This knowledge, which is decisive and part of Brazilian Military Police Constitutional matters, must be taken into consideration when it comes down to planning and putting into force the services related to ostensive public security. Thus, a historical and social analysis about the formation of the police by starting from foreigner experiences down to Rio Grande do Norte s reality, led by such knowledge, was made. Further, studying Brazilian and local scene, this knowledge was analyzed on the ostensive policing activities as for the principles of the Brazilian National Public Security Plan, Brazilian Classification of Occupations / CBO 2002, the reference documents and studies for police graduation Curricular Basis and Matrix; the Variables of Ostensive Policing, as well as some important competences of police service. Arguing that this knowledge is somehow related to what is presented in this work as Orientation Axis to Military Police Service , research tools such as Critical Case Solution and the answers to the Questionnaire on Fundamental Areas of Military Police Service , having in the end six knowledge models related to ostensive policing activities were used within that group. This knowledge can be classified in three distinct categories of connotations within the military police activity: one with reactive/repressive characteristics being the most predominant; the second as preventive; and another one that revealed that the military police activity is being misused for actions and/or missions outside the scope of action of military police


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The Theory analyzes what should know and what competes, formally, to the Professional of Social Service to act in the School Education. He/she investigates, starting from studies on the theme, and close to Council Federal and Regional of Social Service, and of the Brazilian Association of Studies and Researches in Social Service, that you know and competences are necessary for the social worker performance in that specific area. Through a research of nature empiric, bibliographical and documental, the analysis focus outlines the glance and the understanding of the professionals' category that represent the defense organs, fiscalization and formation of the profession. The importance of the scientific study is justified for the social worker necessary contribution acting in the School Education, whose political and pedagogic context presents multiple demands, you know and relationships, and when it is lived a social and education picture at the present time with order words in formation, as inclusion, empowerment, competence, that they demand other specialists in the school scenery to work with the varied expressions of the social subject. Since the years 1930 the social worker acts in the area of the Education, with an originating from knowledge the human and social areas that you/he/she makes possible him/it to contribute, undisciplinement, close to the pedagogic team of the School Education. The clarity of the you know and of the necessary competences to intervene in that field of specific work makes possible the legitimation of the identity, of the social worker professionalization and the formalization of his/her practice. The Theory ends that the profissionality and the social worker professionalism is built and it is recognized in the area of the Education starting from the knowledge of the you know and pertinent competences to intervene in that context, beginning that knowledge on the part of the category of the Social Service and of the formation organs and representation of the profession so that the school community - administration and pedagogic coordination, teachers and students - he understands and recognize the social worker necessary intervention in that field. The formalization of those you know and competences are built starting from actions and thought mobilizations and operation in the group of the category, and not for isolated actions and individualized. It is revealed, in the opinion of the ones that represent Regional Council of Social Service, a wide vision of the social worker in that space exercising, among other, functions that don't compete to the professional's profile or restricted to actions and techniques historically exercised in their work fields. A new profile of the professional of the Social Service that it acts in the School Education is possible when his/her action is visualized centered not just in the work with the family, but, doing of the school a proposition space and execution of programs, projects, studies and social researches. He intends, an action politics and of popularization on them know and the social worker competences in the School Education