36 resultados para Regulamentação


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The use of Natural Gas Vehicle has had a fast increase lately. However, in order to have a continuous success this Program needs to develop converting devices of Otto-cycle engines, gasoline or alcohol, to the use of NGV (Natural Gas Vehicle) that presents low cost, maintaining the same original development of the vehicle and low level of emissions, considering the PROCONVE rules. Due to the need to diversify the matrix in order to avoid energetic dependence and due to strict pollution control, it has increased in the Brazilian market the number of vehicles converted to the use of NGV. The recent regulation of the PROCONVE, determining that the converted engines with kits should be submitted to emission testing, comes to reinforce the necessity of the proposed development. Therefore, if we can obtain kits with the characteristics already described, we can reach a major trust in the market and obtain an increase acceptance of the vehicle conversion for NGV. The use of natural gas as vehicle fuel presents several advantages in relation to liquid fuels. It is a vehicle fuel with fewer indexes of emissions when compared to diesel; their combustion gases are less harmful, with a major level of safety than liquid fuels and the market price is quite competitive. The preoccupation that emerges, and the motivation of this project, is to know which are the main justifications for such technology, well accepted in other countries, with a low index or emission, with a high level of safety, where its maintenance becomes low, reminding that for this it is necessary that this technology has to be used properly, and once available in the market will not motivate interest in the urban transportation companies in Brazil, in research centers in general. Therefore this project exists to show the society in a general way the current vision of the main governmental factors, of the national research centers and of the private companies concerning the use of natural gas vehicles in urban transport vehicles, in order to give a major reliability to the population as well as to motivate national market competitiveness with a low cost and reliable product and to enrich the national technology


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The usual programs for load flow calculation were in general developped aiming the simulation of electric energy transmission, subtransmission and distribution systems. However, the mathematical methods and algorithms used by the formulations were based, in majority, just on the characteristics of the transmittion systems, which were the main concern focus of engineers and researchers. Though, the physical characteristics of these systems are quite different from the distribution ones. In the transmission systems, the voltage levels are high and the lines are generally very long. These aspects contribute the capacitive and inductive effects that appear in the system to have a considerable influence in the values of the interest quantities, reason why they should be taken into consideration. Still in the transmission systems, the loads have a macro nature, as for example, cities, neiborhoods, or big industries. These loads are, generally, practically balanced, what reduces the necessity of utilization of three-phase methodology for the load flow calculation. Distribution systems, on the other hand, present different characteristics: the voltage levels are small in comparison to the transmission ones. This almost annul the capacitive effects of the lines. The loads are, in this case, transformers, in whose secondaries are connected small consumers, in a sort of times, mono-phase ones, so that the probability of finding an unbalanced circuit is high. This way, the utilization of three-phase methodologies assumes an important dimension. Besides, equipments like voltage regulators, that use simultaneously the concepts of phase and line voltage in their functioning, need a three-phase methodology, in order to allow the simulation of their real behavior. For the exposed reasons, initially was developped, in the scope of this work, a method for three-phase load flow calculation in order to simulate the steady-state behaviour of distribution systems. Aiming to achieve this goal, the Power Summation Algorithm was used, as a base for developping the three phase method. This algorithm was already widely tested and approved by researchers and engineers in the simulation of radial electric energy distribution systems, mainly for single-phase representation. By our formulation, lines are modeled in three-phase circuits, considering the magnetic coupling between the phases; but the earth effect is considered through the Carson reduction. Its important to point out that, in spite of the loads being normally connected to the transformers secondaries, was considered the hypothesis of existence of star or delta loads connected to the primary circuit. To perform the simulation of voltage regulators, a new model was utilized, allowing the simulation of various types of configurations, according to their real functioning. Finally, was considered the possibility of representation of switches with current measuring in various points of the feeder. The loads are adjusted during the iteractive process, in order to match the current in each switch, converging to the measured value specified by the input data. In a second stage of the work, sensibility parameters were derived taking as base the described load flow, with the objective of suporting further optimization processes. This parameters are found by calculating of the partial derivatives of a variable in respect to another, in general, voltages, losses and reactive powers. After describing the calculation of the sensibility parameters, the Gradient Method was presented, using these parameters to optimize an objective function, that will be defined for each type of study. The first one refers to the reduction of technical losses in a medium voltage feeder, through the installation of capacitor banks; the second one refers to the problem of correction of voltage profile, through the instalation of capacitor banks or voltage regulators. In case of the losses reduction will be considered, as objective function, the sum of the losses in all the parts of the system. To the correction of the voltage profile, the objective function will be the sum of the square voltage deviations in each node, in respect to the rated voltage. In the end of the work, results of application of the described methods in some feeders are presented, aiming to give insight about their performance and acuity


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Esta investigación es un análisis del contexto actual que rodea a la publicidad brasileña, más concretamente, la publicidad discurso televisivo dirigido a los niños en Brasil. Análisis de los documentos se basa en la revisión retórica (Leach, 2004) (SODRE, 2006) A partir de la primera supuesta inadecuación de algunos de sus contenidos al público para que se comunican. También investiga las posibilidades de regulación y la educación del consumidor y el papel de los medios de comunicación en la sociedad mediante la movilización exigiendo el cumplimiento y la mejora de la legislación vigente, evitando los posibles abusos y distorsiones de las secciones generales de la ley. Hemos llevado a cabo por separado se analiza en los niños y sus conceptualizaciones y la función social, abordando también el juguete y el acto de jugar hoy y su sede histórica en un intento de crear una fundación que apoya el análisis de la relación entre la infancia y la publicidad y el consumo, basado en obras de Roger Silverstone, Kapferer, Leontiev y Walter Benjamin. También se hicieron inferencias basadas en estudios de Pablo Del Río, sobre las posibles consecuencias psicológicas del consumo de medios por los niños, sin embargo, en arvorarmos llevar a cabo investigaciones en el estudio de la recepción. Se enfrentarán, tanto en acciones a favor de la aprobación de la Ley 5.921/2001 N º Suplente sugiere que la prohibición de la publicidad infantil en todo el país, los enfoques ampliamente "integrado" y por lo tanto, favorables a la continuidad de la actividad publicitaria en el país bajo la acción de la CONAR de autorregulación, lo que demuestra sin embargo, la viabilidad de ambas propuestas. Tambien relativa a el CONAR se llevó a cabo un estudio sobre su Consejo Asesor, dando a entender su composición y características. Por último, se estudian las posibilidades y el concepto de la educación para el consumo de los medios de comunicación, a partir de la utilización de los recursos de los propios medios de comunicación, como una propuesta para un cambio de paradigma en el mercado de la publicidad en Brasil. En conclusión, vemos que a partir del análisis de la publicidad comercial de los niños atendidos por la Red Globo de Televisión, en una muestra de 170 inserciones, todavía existen graves lagunas, pero que los desequilibrios se pueden resolver con medidas relativamente sencillas que incluyan campañas de educación y la exigencia de adecuación de los pocos grandes anunciantes que violan la ley. Afortunadamente, una nueva entrega de los anunciantes mostró la responsabilidad social en sus acciones


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The development of epidemiological practices in the last years of the nineteenth and early twentieth century was characterized by both an influence of medical geography and the emergence of microbes and vectors of diseases. Both theories were used to explain outbreaks in Rio Grande do Norte specially in Natal. In this process were organized new institutions linked to public health, unhealthy spaces and prescribed hygiene measures. The redefinitions of the spaces were linked to updated elements of Hippocratic medicine such as aerism and emphasis on medical topography. How the physicians of the town were organized in the face of new meanings and fields of expertise in the demarcation of diseases and regulation of their own practices against the illegal medical practitioners? Likewise, the very occurrence of epidemics mobilized people, urban institutions and apparatuses. But how the Hippocratic legacy that leads to the idea of bad air originated by swamps from the eighteenth and nineteenth century has been linked to new microbial assumptions and disease vectors in the early twentieth century? How an invader from Africa, (the mosquito A. gambiae) mobilized transnational efforts to combat malaria and redefined the epidemiological practices? The aim of this work is to understand how epidemiological practices redefine the way we define spaces, practices and disease from both an approach influenced by a relational history of spaces and a theoretical synergy which includes topics in Science Studies, Post Structuralist Geography and some elements of Feminist Studies. Documentary research were surveyed in the reports of the provincial presidents, government posts to the Provincial Assembly, specialized medical articles and theses, and documents from the Rockefeller Foundation and national and international journals. In this regard shall be given to both material and discursive aspects of space-related practical epidemiological that Natal as much (in general) Rio Grande do Norte between bad air and malaria.


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This work broaches the participation of the Jewish community in the urban expansion of Recife, Brazil, during the Dutch period (1630-1654). With the arrival of the Dutch, the village of Olinda, former capital of Pernambuco, was destroyed and Recife received the juridical statute of city (stad), becoming the capital of Dutch Brazil or New Holland. It became the main West Indians Company s entrepot in South Atlantic, serving as naval base, port of call for ships, and point of export of the sugar production of Pernambuco, and import of European goods and African slaves. In order to such administrative, military and economic functions be carried out, the sand isthmus where Recife used to stay, and the fluvial island of Antônio Vaz, received improvements of many sort. The Dutch hydraulic technology was put in practice, with a posture of opposition between civilization and nature. Among military works and production of urban equipments, the rivers shores were land-filled, canals were built, bridges were lifted, and hundreds of buildings were erected. The civil Dutch population of Recife engaged in the process of production of physical space, which brought a sense of collective action towards the formation of the urban, or burgher, community. From the physical to the social space, there was an effort towards Dutch cultural standards in the urban environment. The Zur Israel Jewish community, formed by private civilians, it is, nonemployees of the WIC, engaged in those processes. It produced physical space through the land-filling and improvement of non healthy areas, and was also responsible for the construction of a significant section of the town s buildings and some of urban equipments, such as stores, markets and slave-warehouses, making more dynamic their economical activities. But their social traffic was due to the adaptation of their behavior to the standards of Dutch sociability. Thus, the community body made itself part of the social body. Disposing of internal selfregulation, it produced spaces with their cultural references cemetery, synagogue, texts enjoying benefits of the government. Zur Israel inscribed itself in the universal history of the Jews as the first community of Americas, and had a fundamental part on the emancipation of Jews within Western society


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Since the first years of the regulation of Psychology as a profession in Brazil, it has been carried out studies on the academic graduation, practice, workplace and the social commitment of the category. Despite the diversity of goals and propositions, these studies show that psychologists have been significantly inserted into the social policies field, implying changes in the profession. Since the 1980s, researches in Rio Grande do Norte corroborate the results of national studies. The aim of this paper is to study the insertion and professional career of psychologists in the social policies field in Rio Grande do Norte. In order to accomplish the final results of this paper, it was developed an exploratory research, with the use of a questionnaire, comprised of four parts: general data, academic graduation, complementary graduation and professional experience. The results show three groups of information: characterization, insertion and professional performance. It has been verified expressive insertion of psychologists into the social policies field (41%). The socio-demographic and graduation characteristics are not different from those shown by literature: women, young, from families with an average of 7 to 15 minimum wages. Most of them graduated from public institutions and with post-graduation studies in clinical area. The professionals studied seem to be in worse working conditions compared to the rest of the category, which are also in unfavorable conditions, especially the psychologists who work in social assistance institutions, which present greater problems in its structure. The activities developed do not show anything new, reserving conservative practices instead of effective innovations, emphasizing the discussion on the profession for not considering demands presented to the psychologists in the social policies field. With unique scenario, the eproduction of liberal values corroborates classic performance standards; an unpolitical and uncritical practice is diffused. It is then reconsidered the importance of critical studies that organize goals to the category, with the aim of political transformation concerning the current scenario.


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The purpose of this study is to discuss the therapeutic workshops function, while questioning if they constitute a mechanism for change of the traditional asylum logic. The Psychiatric Reform was materialized with the financing and regulation of alternative services that substitute the psychiatric hospital. This change was promoted by the anti asylum debate and the deinstitutionalization besides psychosocial rehabilitation paradigms. Mental health care, therefore, acquired a new form and the Centers for Psychosocial Care (CAPS) are considered the main services of the health network presently under construction. They are services that offer a variety of therapeutics and amongst them is the workshop, considered essential for the advancement of the Reform ideas. The study was conducted in a CAPS II in Natal, RN. Systematic visits were made using the Institutional Analysis perspective, futhermore were made interviews with professionals who was related to workshops. In the end, data were then discussed according to Schizoanalysis. Results denot that workshops represents, in the same time, progress and regress of Psychiatric Reform. It was observed that workshops were oftentimes reduced to strategies for the occupation of time, and as a means for the transmission of social values considered correct. The relationship between professionals and the user of the service was hierarchical and both players was seeing the workshop as a task to be met. Although users expressed intreresting about wokshops, was reported that the work was boring. Besides, except for some cases, the therapeutic workshops wasn t helping clients to create other possibilites in theirs life and stops the job inside the mental care service


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In this work, the treatment of synthetic wastewaters containing Remazol Red BR (RRB) and Novacron Blue C-D (NB) by anodic oxidation using boron doped diamond anodes (BDD) and Novacron Yellow (YN) using BDD and Platinum (Pt) anodes was investigated. Galvanostatic electrolyses of RRB and NB synthetic wastewaters have led to the complete decolorization removal at different operating conditions (current density, pH and temperature). The influence of these parameters was investigated in order to find the best conditions for dyestuff colour removal. According to the experimental results obtained, the electrochemical oxidation process is suitable for decolorizing wastewaters containing these textile dyes, due to the electrocatalytic properties of BDD and Pt anode. Energy requirements for removing colour during galvanostatic electrolyses of RRB, NB and YN synthetic solutions depends mainly on the operating conditions; for example for RRB, it passes from 3.30 kWh m-3 at 20 mA cm-2 to 4.28 kWh m-3 at 60 mA cm-2 (pH = 1); 15.23 kWh m-3 at 20 mA cm-2 to 24.75 kWh m-3 at 60 mA cm-2 (pH = 4.5); 10.80 kWh m-3 at 20 mA cm-2 to 31.5 kWh m-3 at 60 mA cm-2 (pH = 8) (data estimated per volume of treated effluent). In order to verify the Brazilian law regulations of NB and RRB synthetic solutions after electrochemical decolourisation treatment, Hazen Units values were determined and the total colour removal was achieved; remaining into the regulations. Finally, electrical energy cost for removing colour was estimated


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The prostitution is known as the world's oldest "profession", according to some historians, "the contemporary civilization itself." However, to refer it that way, we can systematically emptying it of expressions of violence that permeate. Furthermore, this statement tries to legitimize prostitution as a practical historically related to the natural condition of women. The main objective of the research is to examine how the activity prostitucional potentiates in different forms of violence in everyday development of prostitution in the city of Natal. Accordingly, the spot of the categories of gender relations and patriarchal violence against women, refute the thesis advocated by much of feminist studies on of prostitution as an expression of autonomy of women and overcoming the patriarchal order of gender. Procedures as set methodological quali-quantitative approach, guided by the method historicalmaterialist dialectic that allows us to apprehend the object of study beyond their immediate, unmasking its contradictions. We conducted nine interviews with prostitutes belonging to the classes of People who develop the activities in the streets and prostitutes Natals` cabarets. We hand with the systematic observation activities promoted by the Association of Prostitutes in Rio Grande do Norte ASPRORN, as the visits to cabarets, as well as participation in seminars held by this entity, at which establish contacts with informants-c which have facilitated access to interviewed. We note that the economic dimension is the factor determinant for their inclusion in prostitution, all to recognize as who found an alternative for survival, since most do not has no professional training and education. Another issue important to be emphasized concerns the areas where unhealthy develop programs which by itself is characterized as a denial of rights, expressed in the socioeconomic inequality that are subject. As the expressions of violence in their daily lives, the main forms identified were the physical and social, however, there is a trend in naturalizes them, the secondary-over other issues identified as most pressing, such as not service payment by the customers. The determinants of violence identified by respondents were assigned to the woman, or is its boldness. We also, the omission of the State in the issue of prostitution, mainly embodied in absence of public policies directed to sexual rights and reproductive and generation of employment and income. Regarding the regulation of prostitution, the majority of the interviewees is contrary, arguing that exacerbate the stigma in this practice


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In the sociability of the capital, the challenges to the consolidation of social security as a public policy become expressive, which has implications for social security services, particularly for Social Works who works for the security and fulfillment of social rights. Therefore, in this context of denial of these rights becomes relevant the work of social worker, as a professional committed to the ethical-political project and the Matrix Theory and Methodology of Social work, which potentiate the action able to establish professional articulated strategies for the strengthening of collective struggles for equality in society. Thus, this study examines the instrumentality of social work in the contemporary world and its contribution to the realization of rights. For this, we conducted a literature review, using authors dealing with the issue, as Behring (2008), Boschetti (2003), Mota (1995), Guerra (2007) among others, as well as documentary research through laws, decrees, instructions Normative, Internal Guidelines, and especially the analysis of the Matrix itself of Social Work in welfare. We use also of paramount importance to our analysis - the field research, using techniques such as semi-structured interview and questionnaire. The research enables the identification of important aspects of the subject studied, as the understanding of professionals about the instrumentality of Social Works in its ethical-political aspects, both theoretical and methodological and technicaloperative. The demands made by the managers for the profession on the sociooccupational have extrapolated the powers and duties of the Law Regulating the Profession and the Matrix of Social Work in welfare. The subjects of this study emphasize the role of social category of the National Institute of Social Security and the Federal Council of Social Service in defense of Social Works. The knowledge of social and institutional framework is critical to building control strategies that strengthen social security and public policy, the guarantor of social rights for workers in Brazil


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Health policies in Brazil, the decentralization of SUS management responsibilities for the three spheres of government has driven the creation and regulation of the audits of health services in the National Audit Office, this is a trend of neoliberal policies imposed by international bodies like the World Bank and IMF to peripheral countries characterized by productive restructuring and reforming the state focuses on the presence of two competing projects in the area of health: Health Sector Reform Project which is based on the democratic rule of law with the assumption of health as social right and duty of the State in defending the extension of the conquest of rights and democratization of access to health care guaranteed through the public financing strategies and the effective decentralization of decisions pervaded by social control and privatized Health Project which is based on the state minimum, with a reduction in social spending or in partnerships and privatization, stronger nonprofit sector, subject to capitalist interests, is made effective through strategies targeting health policy and refilantropização actions. In this context, the present study is an analysis on the work of social audits of public health in infants from a qualitative and quantitative approach, embodied by the critical method of dialectical Marxist social theory that enabled us to unveil the characterization, the demands, challenges and outline the profile of Social Work in teams inserted audits of SUS in RN, but also provided evidence to demonstrate the prospects and possibilities of this area of activity of social workers. It was also found that through the audit work that the state fulfill its role as bureaucratic and regulator of health services with efficiency, effectiveness and economy. Yet, paradoxically, the audits of SUS may provide a vehicle for enforcing rights and ensuring the fundamental principles contained in the project of health reform, because it can be configured in a space of political struggle as representing a new field of knowledge production that needs to be appropriate for a theoretical critic able to redirect the social interests in favor of the user. From this perspective, it is concluded that the work of social audits of public health in infants despite the social relevance that prints, as they constitute an activity study of reality and its transformation proposition requires a transformative political action guided the discussion Marxist theory holds that the ethical project professional politician of Social Work


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Through the comparative critical analysis of the demanded urbanistic parameters in the legislation and of the urbanistic index found in the Rocas neighbourhood, having as study object the already consolidated constructions of residential use, intended to demonstrate that the neighbourhood needes specific norms and that the limits established for recognition of Special Areas of Social Interest for the urbanistic legislation of the City of Natal would have to be reviewed and to be brought up to date, once they show occupations like the ones of the reffered neighbourhood. At a first moment, bibliographical revision and elaboration of the theoretical referencial had been made, , to analyze afterwards the urbanistic legislation for the neibourhood of Rocas, that determines relative parameters for the sizes of land lots, coefficients of exploitation, minimum taxes of occupation and retreat. Through a field research in the area, a study on the occupation description was done at first, characterization of the neibourhood through the study of the social-economic aspects, of the existing infrastructure in the place, environmental aspects, morphologic and tipolgic analysis of the neibourhood as a whole. From the grouping of the found characteristics, sub-zones had been delimited, where the real object of study was detached to be analyzed. From the Sub-zoning, a statistic sampling was carried through with the intention to examine which of the urbanistic index is found in the dwellings of that already materialized place. This sampling, of one hundred and eighteen residences, was carried through by measurement of the lots and existing constructions in these places. Through this survey, for each habitacional unit, area of the lot, constructed area, retreats and coefficient of exploitation had been calculated. The comparison between the legislation parameters and the index found in the place reveal an expressive index of urbanistic irregularity and the necessity of special regulation for the Rocas neibourhood due to its specific social-space characteristic


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The Metropolitan Region of Fortaleza (RMF) is composed by thirteen cities, where is call the attention of Aquiraz. The city has a excellent resort area and a big importance in socioculture and historics aspects. It was one of the first village of Ceará, and it was founded in 1699, with was also the capital of the state until 1726. The urban local development has been disorganized in the last decades, the fact is, insert of turismon in its coast, and it is unable with alow capacity of the natural suppots, configuring unsustainable and et environment ambience. Considering as a turistic region, it is preoccupy, been necessart to create a better control of the nature of the region by the users. The environmental zoning in this work it is to plan of adequate form the use of the ground based in the management of the interests and the social and economic necessities in accord with the preservation of the environment and the natural characteristics of the city. The same is one great instrument planning where use to be analized in differents ways: social, ambiental, economical and institucional, and promove alternatives of use and occupation of the land to recreate the city. The methodo used to get the real objective, englobed zonal maps in ambiental unities and others themes (geologic/geomorphologic) since than the images from satelities LANDSAT and SPOT and fotografies under position of maps, secundaries listes gets in publics department, bibliographie, informations by the local populations. This prociduries mede easy to create maps, geologic/geomorphologic, of use and occupation the earth and the environmental zoning to analize the dynamic and the working of each ambiental unity of the city Aquiraz wich is located by map of this job. As a result of this job was confectionated the environmental zoning map of Aquiraz wich was divided in five ambiental unities and restrictions areas of occupation: unit I Littoral Plain (zoning with serious restrictions to the occupation); unit II Sub-Littoral Plain (improper zoning to the occupation); unit III between tray zoning Pré-Littoral and Peripheral Depression (improper zoning to the occupation); unit IV Strativism reserve of the plug (zoning used more under control in its occupation) and unit V Fluvial Plain Localities of the Indians Jenipapo-Kaninde/ locality Quilombolas (zoning used more without official regulation). With proposal in the ambient units above one expects that it has a reduction of the ambient degradation and protection of the local biodiversity of the city of Aquiraz in the State of the Ceará


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This work has as study object the tertiary sector and (the re)production of the urban space of Bayeux-PB. For in such a way, one became necessary to the construction of a theoretical boarding that context the national reality, to be able itself to understand the reality local. This way to construct allowed an opening of the field of vision how much to the relevance of if ahead studying the tertiary sector and its weight of the current configuration of the society in a country as Brazil, e especially in a city of a State northeastern, as it is the case of Bayeux. The theoretical boarding had as base the two circuits of the urban economy, the productive reorganization and the transformations in the world of the work, as well as, the space organization and the distinction between the economic and social space of the tertiary activities, from the logic of functioning of the establishments: the regulation. Besides working with referring official data to the tertiary sector, the empirical study it had as reference one hundred and sixty and establishments tertiary, located in four axles of circulation of the city of Bayeux - PB, which are: Av. Liberdade, Av. Engenheiro de Carvalho, Av. Francisco Marques da Fonseca and Av. Marechal Rondon, that they had appeared in such a way stimulated for the processes of urbanization and industrialization lived deeply from years 70 in the "Great João Pessoa" how much, in the countries of the underdeveloped capitalist world, as Brazil. Being thus, the objective of the work was to study the tertiary sector and its relation with (the re)production of the urban space, standing out the functioning logic


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This work aims to understand how cloud computing contextualizes the IT government and decision agenda, in the light of the multiple streams model, considering the current status of public IT policies, the dynamics of the agenda setting for the area, the interface between the various institutions, and existing initiatives on the use of cloud computing in government. Therefore, a qualitative study was conducted through interviews with a group of policy makers and the other group consists of IT managers. As analysis technique, this work made use of content analysis and analysis of documents, with some results by word cloud. As regards the main results to overregulation to the area, usually scattered in various agencies of the federal government, which hinders the performance of the managers. Identified a lack of knowledge of standards, government programs, regulations and guidelines. Among these he highlighted a lack of understanding of the TI Maior Program, the lack of effectiveness of the National Broadband Plan in view of the respondents, as well as the influence of Internet Landmark as an element that can jam the advances in the use of computing cloud in the Brazilian government. Also noteworthy is the bureaucratization of the acquisition of goods to IT services, limited, in many cases, technological advances. Regarding the influence of the actors, it was not possible to identify the presence of a political entrepreneur, and it was noticed a lack of political force. Political flow was affected only by changes within the government. Fragmentation was a major factor for the theme of weakening the agenda formation. Information security was questioned by the respondents pointed out that the main limitation coupled with the lack of training of public servants. In terms of benefits, resource economy is highlighted, followed by improving efficiency. Finally, the discussion about cloud computing needs to advance within the public sphere, whereas the international experience is already far advanced, framing cloud computing as a responsible element for the improvement of processes, services and economy of public resources