84 resultados para Modelos de Gestão de Resíduos


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This work has as its main purpose to set a model of Quality Management for micro and small companies integrating the management models: Six Sigma strategy to NBR ISO 9001:2000. An exploratory research is developed to collect technical and bibliographical information on both methods, emphasizing their integration. Then, a survey is carried out on 65 analysts/consultants of Quality Management Systems and it has detected, besides other factors, that current methodologies must be associated in order to reach better results. At last, it proposes the Sigma 9001 model, which aims to make it possible for micro and small companies to objectively and with low costs, implement a Quality Management System, able to assure competitive advantage through improvement identification in the processes, as well as an improvement in the companies management


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This dissertation conducted in the years 2011 and 2012, an analysis of cooperatives waste pickers in the city of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, aiming to identify improvements to be implemented to assist the management of waste from the municipality as well as to improve the living conditions of the workers who perform the selective collection, the environmental perspective. This analysis was performed by means of an investigation of the reality in which they live cooperatives and their local representation, using also the law. The research is characterized as a case study of an applied nature, documentary, consultations with the institutions related to the issue of solid waste in the national and local levels; exploratory and descriptive, the main methodological tools technical visits and structured interviews. From these methods was possible to obtain data regarding the organization of cooperatives, environmental perception of the collector of recyclable materials, among other issues. For the analysis of data matrices were used to include comments and method GUT, from which it was possible to identify numerous difficulties faced by recycling cooperatives, and develop proposals for possible improvements in various aspects of their operation, such as infrastructure and production process , which can improve both the waste management and the quality of life of workers involved in the selective collection system city


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The general aim of this research was to analyze the factors that determine the environmental management strategies in the industry Millennium Inorganic Chemicals: Crystal Global, but also analyze which environmental management strategies are used by industry. For the achievement of the proposed objective, we conducted a case study organization based in twenty-eight environmental management strategies raised in the literature. Following this survey, it was possible to ascertain which of these strategies are used in the industry studied, as well as which factors are decisive for the implementation of these. The research is characterized as qualitative and applied, as the goals is exploratory and descriptive, with regard to the data, these were obtained through interviews with the directors of the organization and also documents made available by the industry. As a main result, it was realized that the industry practices twenty-eight twenty of environmental management strategies proposed in this study, the scale Waste Management that encompasses more strategies. Regarding the determinants realized that the endogenous factors that are most pressing for the organization creating environmental strategies, and these determinants, since the exogenous, with the exception of environmental legislation, not put pressure on the organization


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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Nowadays, as well as in the past decades, the dumping of biodegradable organic waste in landfill is common practice in Brazil, as well as in most parts of the world. Nevertheless due to its rapid decomposition and release of odors, this practice hamper’s the operation and implementation of a recycling system. These facts encouraged our research to find an efficient system for the management of organic waste, not only for the use of official workers responsible for managing these wastes, but also for non-governmental institutions. The Recycling for Life Community Association – ACREVI (Associação Comunitária Reciclando para a Vida), together with the municipal authorities of Mossoró-RN, Brazil, have assumed the social role of collecting and recycling solid waste produced by most of the local population. However, it was observed that the organic waste it collected was not receiving any treatment. This present work aims to make compost with mixed waste (green waste and organic household), and then do chemical analysis of the material in view to use the waste as organic fertilizer. The objective being: to share the knowledge acquired by putting it into a very simple language accessible to people with little education. The experiment was conducted at ACREVI, Mossoró (RN), and the compost was obtained following the method "windrow", forming three cells (I, II, III) with conical shape, dimensions of 1.6 meters and 2.0 meters in diameter for cells I and II, and 1.0 meters high and 2.0 meters in diameter for cell III. The process was accompanied by analysis: CHN elemental, a variation of cell temperature, humidity, pH, TKN, bulk density, nutrients and heavy metals. Stabilized organic compounds reached the C/N ratio of 10.4/1 cell I and 10.4/1 in the cell II in the cell, showing how good soil conditions, with potential to improve the physical properties of any soil and pH acid soils, has presented the cell III at the end of the process the C/N 26/1, is a high ratio may be associated with the stack size III, thus changing the optimal conditions for the occurrence of the process. The levels of heavy metals in the analyzed compounds were lower than those established by the SDA normative instruction, Nº 27, of 5 June, 2006. The use of pruning trees and grass are used in small-scale composting, while generating a quality compost in the final process, it also created an important condition for a correct sizing of the composting piles. Under the studied conditions it is not advisable to use cells with a height of 1.00 m in height and 2.00 m in diameter, as these do not prevent the rapid dissipation of heat and thus can not be a good product at the end of composting. The composting process in the shed of the association and the preparation of the primer enabled the development of an alternative technology to generate income for members of ACREVI.


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Mining in Brazil has a key role in economic and social development, contributing directly to improve the lives of the population. However, the mining activity even if done responsibly and with a proper study of waste management to reduce the impact of its effects, may cause harmful damage to the environment. Other forms of pollution are also caused due to mining activity. The visual pollution caused by the waste storage at open sky, in addition to the noise pollution caused by the excessive noise of the machines both in the extraction of ore, as in processing. An alternative way to lessen the environmental impacts caused by mining is the use of waste in layers that will compose the pavements along the highways. Thus, this work sets out to give a proper disposal of the wastes from the processing of iron ore, resulting from the mining activity of the group of mining Mhag Services and Mining S/A, in the mine of Bonito, located in Jucurutu, a town in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. The residues of the iron ore were stabilized with a granular soil from the city of Macaiba, also in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, which is being used in the duplication of the BR-304 referring to the entitled passage of Reta Tabajara. The present work was developed in three stages, being the first one divided by the chemical and mineralogical tests, by the tests of physical characterization and by the tests of paving for the residues of the iron ore. The second stage corresponds to the same tests being performed for granular soil. The third stage includes the essays abovementioned for three different mixtures of iron ore waste and granular soil, being they: 15% of iron-ore waste and 85% of granular soil, 25% of iron-ore waste and 75% of granular soil, 50% of iron-ore waste and 50% of granular soil. The technical feasibility of using waste from the iron ore beneficiation was checked, compressed in the intermediate energy and modified for use in base layers, sub-base, reinforcement subgrade and subgrade. The incorporation of the residues originating from the improvement of the iron ore in highways will provide an alternative to the use of aggregate conventionally used in the paving, besides preserving the environment.


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The new management models have led to the reorganization of institutions today. Much is made in improving the delivery of public services entities, and they have sought to adopt these new initiatives in order to improve the quality of the product or service offered to users. The modernization of the management model at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) strengthened by the accession of the institution to GesPública Program, which focuses on the management modernization leading institutions to seek ways to fit to meet the demands proposed the Program. Therefore, the Department of Personnel Administration (DAP) has structured its processes and procedures using the mapping tool processes. This research starts from the question: what were the results obtained with the implementation of the management and process mapping of PAD? It is proposed as a general objective to analyze the management and the mapping of that Board processes, identifying the possible benefits in improving the quality of the services provided to users. The specific objectives to achieve results, are pointed out: describe how you carried out the implementation of the management and process mapping in DAP and how it is working at the moment; examine the line in the relationship between the actions developed by the DAP and modern theories of this theme; identify the evolution of the sector with the measures adopted and the results obtained with the implementation of the mapping tool. In the theoretical framework, it was approached a brief history of the evolution of public administration in Brazil, GesPública program and its importance for process management in public institutions as well as the Management and Process Mapping. The context of the study was the DAP, and participants were managers of the institution in the survey. Data collection was done through the study of the institution's documents, bibliography analysis available on the topic, questionnaires and semi-structured interviews with professionals of the institution involved with the object of study, since its inception until July 2015, when it was finished the search. As a result, were listed: the motivation, importance, benefits and innovations that management and the mapping of processes brought to the institution, point out what has been improved in the service users and the tools used. We also analyze the main problems identified during the implementation of the mapping. As a suggestion, it was analyzed how these procedures can, if possible, be extended to other sectors of UFRN.


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The new management models have led to the reorganization of institutions today. Much is made in improving the delivery of public services entities, and they have sought to adopt these new initiatives in order to improve the quality of the product or service offered to users. The modernization of the management model at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) strengthened by the accession of the institution to GesPública Program, which focuses on the management modernization leading institutions to seek ways to fit to meet the demands proposed the Program. Therefore, the Department of Personnel Administration (DAP) has structured its processes and procedures using the mapping tool processes. This research starts from the question: what were the results obtained with the implementation of the management and process mapping of PAD? It is proposed as a general objective to analyze the management and the mapping of that Board processes, identifying the possible benefits in improving the quality of the services provided to users. The specific objectives to achieve results, are pointed out: describe how you carried out the implementation of the management and process mapping in DAP and how it is working at the moment; examine the line in the relationship between the actions developed by the DAP and modern theories of this theme; identify the evolution of the sector with the measures adopted and the results obtained with the implementation of the mapping tool. In the theoretical framework, it was approached a brief history of the evolution of public administration in Brazil, GesPública program and its importance for process management in public institutions as well as the Management and Process Mapping. The context of the study was the DAP, and participants were managers of the institution in the survey. Data collection was done through the study of the institution's documents, bibliography analysis available on the topic, questionnaires and semi-structured interviews with professionals of the institution involved with the object of study, since its inception until July 2015, when it was finished the search. As a result, were listed: the motivation, importance, benefits and innovations that management and the mapping of processes brought to the institution, point out what has been improved in the service users and the tools used. We also analyze the main problems identified during the implementation of the mapping. As a suggestion, it was analyzed how these procedures can, if possible, be extended to other sectors of UFRN.


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This research examined the personnel policies of the Federal University of Pará (UFPA), aimed at the middle area, implemented by the President's Office of Personnel Management (PROGEP), through the Performance Management and Development from 2006 to 2009 period, in which Institutional Plan was implemented for Technical and administrative (PIDT) with a view to ascertaining whether these actions were developed in line with the ideas of managerialism or New Public Management (NPM). The study opted for qualitative research using interview as a tool to collect data. The informants were managers PROGEP / UFPA who acted in that period. Data interpretation was based on analysis of content from the collation of speeches and documents produced during the period with the managerial categories. Data analysis revealed that the management of people, UFPA has the characteristics of a hybrid management, observing the period studied two models of management: a bureaucratic, rational, focused on processes, contemporary face of public organizations, and other managerialist, adopted by PROGEP in obedience to the mandatory policies of the federal government, being much more present the characteristics of a personnel policy-oriented processes. Concludes that the personnel policy of the UFPA has not been fully tuned to managerialism in the surveyed period


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The object of this study is the organizational management, particularly the relational processenvironment organization focused on the survival of the space Department of the Arts and Crafts Mestre Raimundo Cardoso linked to the structural arrangement of the Liceu do Paracuri.. Aimed to understand the ways of organizational survival, from the actors' perception of the Center for Arts Career Workshops and Lais Aderne, with investments that discuss the theoretical models of management, institutional theory, cultural organization and institutionalization of public education requirement of the municipal light LDB. (1996) used a qualitative approach with a view to RICHARDSON (1985). The data generated were analyzed based on the technique of content analysis, the thematic type [categorical] Bardin (1977). The results indicate that the institutionalization of the arrangement of the Liceu do Paracuri emerges meet the legal requirement of the autonomy of municipal educational administration under the aegis of sustainable development, quality of life and basic education from the municipal Hélio Gueiros (1993-1996 ). More specifically the Center for Arts and Crafts Laís Aderne, the unit of analysis, the subjects said that this space is designed as a link between the demands of school and community searching through interdisciplinary activities educate and train manpower mainly potter. They did mention the existence of institutional factors (history, culture, habits, values) represent a strong socio-cultural element to the actors belonging to the core that guides behavior and actions of these individuals, fueled by a sense of hope, inclusion of future artisans in culture ceramist. It made a shared management, the existence of a unique work through cultural revival. However, over the course of time, the core is faced with dilemmas of managing transitions mainly regarding governmental, technological beyond endurance by the craftsmen for the optimization of their work. The conclusion - that the paths chosen for the organizational survival of the core meaning and guiding their actions in the systematization of conduct, representations, memories and traditions through habits and choices of consensus, the viewpoint of the actors


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SILVA, Dany Geraldo Kramer Cavalcanti e et al. Lixo hospitalar: na estrutura curricular de cursos superiores de saude na cidade de Imperatriz-MA. Educação Ambiental em Ação, v. 27, p. 00-10, 2009.


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The growing concern with the solid residues management, observed in the last decade, due to its huge amount and impact, has motivated the search for recycling processes, where these residues can be reprocessed to generate new products, enlarging the cycle of materials and energy which are present. Among the polymeric residues, there is poly (ethylene terephthalate) (PET). PET is used in food packaging, preferably in the bottling of carbonated beverages. The reintegration of post-consumer PET in half can be considered a productive action mitigation of environmental impacts caused by these wastes and it is done through the preparation of several different products at the origin, i.e. food packaging, with recycling rates increasing to each year. This work focused on the development and characterization mechanical, thermal, thermo-mechanical, dynamic mechanical thermal and morphology of the pure recycled PET and recycled PET composites with glass flakes in the weight fraction of 5%, 10% and 20% processed in a single screw extruder, using the following analytical techniques: thermogravimetry (TG), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), tensile, Izod impact, Rockwell hardness, Vicat softening temperature, melt flow rate, burn rate, dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results of thermal analysis and mechanical properties leading to a positive evaluation, because in the thermograms the addition of glass flakes showed increasing behavior in the initial temperatures of thermal decomposition and melting crystalline, Furthermore was observed growing behavior in the mechanical performance of polymer composites, whose morphological structure was observed by SEM, verifying a good distribution of glass flakes, showing difference orientation in the center and in the surface layer of test body of composites with 10 and 20% of glass flakes. The results of DMTA Tg values of the composites obtained from the peak of tan ä showed little reductions due to poor interfacial adhesion between PET and recycled glass flakes.


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This study aimed to assess the Cleaner Production CP as corporate sustainable tool, through the multiple case studies within companies from Rio Grande do Norte State. In order to achieve this goal a research methodology approach was set. The initial stage of the research methodology was based on a literature review on which it was observed that the CP can be linked with corporate sustainable once it prevents pollution and reduces the operational risks among employees, community and environment. In addition, CP can useful for companies position within competitive position as well as being applied to process, products and services. In order to observe these factors, CP was used within food industry (Company 1), textile industry (Company 2) and in a car dealer (Company 3). Regarding the results, Company 1 changed its raw material as well as implementing housekeeping (control use of water, energy and condensed milk). In Company 2, it was observed the three levels of CP. In other words, housekeeping (e.g. cutting process and manipulation of chemical products), changing technology (high pressure washing machine) and internal and external recycling. In addition, Company 3 considered only level 3 external recycling. As consequence, it was observed that can be applied either within industry as well as service sector. Unfortunately, it was not possible to observe any social gains on a monetary basis. This is due to limitations of the CP methodology and study complexity. Therefore, it was observed improvements regarding to social, environmental and economic areas. Nevertheless, it is necessary more commitment from top level management in order to consider CP like effective sustainable tool


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A indústria de reciclagem vem se desenvolvendo no Brasil desde o começo dos anos noventa, o que resulta em elevados índices de reciclagem e tecnologia de ponta na reciclagem de alguns materiais. Requisitada como estratégia para a gestão dos resíduos no destino final, a reciclagem possui a particularidade de ser uma atividade econômica bastante rentável. Este artigo analisa os índices da indústria de reciclagem dos materiais no Brasil. Com base nos resultados obtidos através da consulta bibliográfica e dados estatísticos oriundos de fontes primárias e secundárias, conclui-se que a atividade da reciclagem dos materiais no Brasil se presta a satisfazer exclusivamente às demandas econômicas do setor. Neste sentido, a contribuição ambiental da reciclagem perde relevância visto que o crescimento da atividade está condicionado às demandas da cadeia produtiva industrial