44 resultados para Mal-estar da modernidade
In the Rio Grande do Norte, the craftsmanship is generating of economy, it involves a significant number of people and is diversified in its raw materials and particular type. As reference of the craft local, the ceramics supplied the primary necessities in the utilitarian domestic servants, acquired piety in the religious figures, were toy in infantile amusements and, finally, gained status of pure ornament. By its historical representation, the district of Santo Antônio do Potengi is considered the most important center of manufacture of craftpottery in the State. The work of the potters continues in that locality anchored between the familiar inheritance and the participation each more influential time of the public politics destined to the sector situation verified for visible alterations in the shape of the pottery from the decade of 1990 with the implantation of a cooperative destined to the collective production. We observe in this passage, that such actions in the measure where they objectify to structuralize conditions ideal to support the artisan making, do not benefit in significant way the social development them craftsmen. It is important not to lose of sight that exists some involved dimensions in this process and that these surpass the common interest for the object and the consequent economic connotation of its commercialization. They are knowledge that imply in the access to raw materials, in the peculiar of the formal aspects and productive methods, in the contextual relations organized to defend the survival of the activity
Cette recherche a pour but d analyser l Ecole Augusto Severo, située dans la ville de Natal dont la construction date de 1907,étant le premier établissement d enseignement primaire à l état du Rio Grande do Norte, pendant le processus de restructuration de l enseignement républicain. On cherche à comprendre la représentation de ce milieu scolaire, comme équipement urbain, dans le processus de modernisation de la ville et comme modèle éducationnel pour l état entre 1908 et 1913. En se servant des études historiographes sur le processus de modernisation de quelques villes brésiliennes et des innovations de l enseignement public primaire au pays, à la fin du dix-neuvième siècle et pendant la première décennie du vingtième siècle, comme source pour mieux saisir le contexte général et spécifique. On reconstitue les aspects économiques, sociaux et politiques déterminants des interventions publiques réalisées dans cette ville par les gouvernements républicains ayant comme obectif la construction d une ville embellie,hygiénique et civilisée. Située au quartier Ribeira, principal scénario de la modernité de Natal, l Ecole Augusto Severo est mise em relief comme symbole de civilité du paysage urbain de l époque pour le citoyen du Rio Grande do Norte. Elle disposait de services d énergie et d un tram électrique. Il y avait devant, un grand lac arborisé et une station ferroviaire. A côté, il y avait le théâtre Carlos Gomes (actuellement Alberto Maranhão). Par suíte de son imposante architecture, raffiné style éclectique,on reflète l idéal républicain des elites locales, avec une conception d espace symbolique et éducative de surveillance et contrôle, caractéristiques de l école graduée républicaine
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
The present work is an initiative of undertaking a perspective that values the aspects of the city in its diversity. The one that t intends is to discuss the urbanity starting from the aspect of the image, of the history, and about main point, to value the point of the individual's view that lives the urban space in its more several configurations: the house, the street, the neighborhood, and the city in wider scale. The described historical research defines the city as space of the human accomplishments. When analyzing the moments of the most recent history of the urban life the modernity/post-modernity notions they are explored in the sense of illuminating the wealth, continuity and it breaks of patterns of behavior, and on the other hand, to describe a I overfly in the several times of the city. The prominences of aspects of the archaeology and of the descriptive resource they are related, for its time, the most punctual perspective of the practical research, the instance of the neighborhood, specifically High City and Riverside, configuring an immersion in the daily more punctual of the city, valuing forms of being, aiming the perspective of the personal computer as point-of-view. The images of the city assume the paper of representing the documental about the current features of the urbanity. It is without a doubt that at the present time the photographic image already possesses a paper of prominence it is as research instrument, be as main source for a work on files of photos. The photographic images in the present work possess a prominence place, focusing specific places of the city in the time. Finally, the individual's voice valued under the perspective on as the person's knowledge that inhabits and live the urbanity he/she understands the knowledge of the life in the city and, more than in any other place, a middle where the loss of action models is pointed very easily tends in view the dynamic movement of the practices and renewal of new indications; in the same space in that becomes urgent to build marks starting from which the individual can shimmer the future. And in that space the individual's voice is valued as rich source of information on living the scenery of conflicts of the present time
It investigates the perception of the public space in the city of Natal. It approaches, therefore apprehension forms, entails and experiences, in the formalization in the way of seeing, to live and to interact with that part of the urban territoriality. With that perspective, they were focalized, especially, three periods lived in Natal: the first two decades of the century XX, the beginning of the forties, also of the previous century, and the scenery with which that city comes at the present time. With that direction, it puts back in focus, and for reflection, not just an universe that makes possible the people to interact, independent of the individual will of each one, but also the importance of that interaction for the social and political life of the city and for the formation of a wider and interactive vision of the people with yours surroundings
This research studies the tradition of epiphany in the community of Cipó de Baixo, which belongs to the city of Pedro II, in the state of Piauí. Readings were made seeeking to emphasize the processivity of the play that navigates between permanence and change. The study starts with a social context of the community, in dialogue with the life history of the owner of the epiphany, Raimundo Milú: strong figure who, along with his family networks, as well as networks of patronage and friendship, struggles for the resistence of the play. The description of the ceremony of Kings, with its constituent parts, punctuates the remarkable character of Cipó community epiphany. This detailed understanding of the play favors the understanding of some of the social vines that serve as the basis for the warp of this cultural practice: modernization vine, where we explore the general motivation of Cipó community epiphany transformations - modernity; family and community exchange vine, which describes the scheme that holds the permanence of the play; masculinity vine, explains the strong gender system that crosses Cipó community epiphany; reinvented tradition vine, where we locate the uniqueness of Cipó community epiphany tradition and its dialogues with modern dynamism; conflict between generation vine, depicts the differences between generations and how they contribute to the dialogue between the traditional and the new; theatrical spectacle vine, describes the play as a performative activity. Thus, we build a social scheme that analyzes the play of Kings of Cipó community as a whole, where change and continuity plan a cultural plot on their own
This is an ethnographic and comparative study of the Maracatus Solar (2006) and Reis de Paus (1960), whose aim was to verify what is ancient and traditional in the new maracatu practiced by the guild Solar and conversely, what is new or modern in the old maracatu ritualized by guild Reis de Paus. It is worth noting that through this case study it is also intended to ethnographically observe and better understand the processes of ruptures and continuities between modernization and tradition, and the relationship between the global and the local. The communication system, the dancing, the music, the costumes and the loas (letters) were analyzed using the technique of participant observation as well as secondary materials such as newspapers, blogs and magazines. The interviews were open, non-directive, but recorded to facilitate understanding the speech of revelers. The research has shown that all the symbolic elements of aesthetic expression of the maracatu are permeated by clashes of historical contexts and of political representation, which, in another instance, also enunciates a fight of micro-community resistance regarding the renewal process and the social development that plague modern megalopolis. It is In this interim, between modernity and tradition that today it can be spoken about the existence of hybrid identity in the maracatu regarding a context mediated by the overall above mentioned values and customs specific of the new generations. However, one can not deny that the forms of negotiations with modernity also require the establishment of a link with the specific singularity of a popular culture that is not excluded, but also should not get invaded by the idea of authenticity. Therefore, performing this study was above all an opportunity to understand also the community life in the city outskirts, understanding society, culture and everyday social relations maintained between humans that produce and make it all happen. The Solar and Reis de Paus do not join in opposition between themselves nor by their similarity. What is most striking among them is the renewal of a tradition that reinvents itself in the form of popular representation across the street parade
This study is concerned with analyzing the letters sent by the devotees tothe religious patriarch, Father Cicero, checking as is the relationship of linguistic exchanges between the pilgrims and the Father Cicero through the issuance of letters; and, between the Church and the pilgrims, through homilies uttered these devotees, focusing on the appeals contained therein, for, then, to define a parameter between the requirements contained in the letters and the religious discourse of the Church workers in the liturgical celebrations in view of social and religious demands of the market in question. Our purposes resided in understanding the causes that lead to the production of the letters by devotees, holding us in prayers of intercession to the Father Cicero. Finally, check and understand how is the process of inter - relationship between the writing of devotee and the clerical discourse, with regard to meeting this demand, noting especially the game force a religious field, based on postulates of Pierre Bourdieu (2008), to conceive the communicative act as linguistic exchanges, surpassing the sign and therefore decipherable speech character as well as the interactive strength of the wording and voice advocated by Paul Zumthor (2010) e Bakhtin (2006). Regarding the composition of the corpus, were determined, as the universe of research, letters of pilgrims, sent to Father Cicero, deposited in his own tomb, as well as in the Church of the Horto (Gethsemane) in Juazeiro do Norte-CE (Brazil); beyond religious sermons intended for pilgrims during the massin pilgrimage time
Dans cette étude, j'ai eu comme objectif d'établir les connexions et/ou les non-connexions dans les discours journalistiques sur la modernité pédagogique, dans les journaux O Correio de Aracaju (Le Courrier d'Aracaju, Sergipe, Brésil) et O Século (Le Siècle, Portugal), dans la période 1910-1920. J'ai tout particulièrement cherché le dit dans les journaux, dans le sens foucaldien du terme, en continu dialogue avec d'autres auteurs, dans une perspective interdisciplinaire. J'ai tenté de répondre à mon interrogation initiale : quelles sont les connexions et non connexions que l'on pourrait établir entre l'École Moderne du Portugal et celle de Sergipe, au Brésil, en prenant comme source d'analyse les discours journalistiques dans des journaux des deux pays ? Á partir de ce questionnement, à travers un abordage historico-comparatif interculturel, j'ai soutenu la THÈSE que les discours journalistiques du Século et du Correio de Aracaju, bien qu'ils relèvent de genres journalistiques différents quant au niveau de développement de la presse, ont traduit une perception et une assimilation de la modernité pédagogique articulées à une même epistémè. Ainsi, ces discours ont émergé comme objets métis, dont la création s'est faite dans des interlocutions, échanges, impositions et débats dans un processus continu de communication interculturelle. La nature messianique de ces discours, dans le système d'idées républicain, traduisait le sens de la modernité pédagogique prétendue et diffusée par les textes qui exprimaient l'aspiration de rupture et de progrès, tant au Portugal que dans l'état brésilien de Sergipe. Il a également été possible de faire des approximations/comparaisons entre la dispute (article d'opinion), dans le Correio de Aracaju et l'enquête (interview et reportage), dans O Século et de souligner ainsi les connexions et/ou non-connexions présentes sur le thème de la modernité pédagogique dans les discours journalistiques
Se discute en este estudio la relación entre o desarrollo de la atención y el aprendizaje de la lengua escrita realizada con los alumnos del 5º grado de la Enseñanza Primaria, compuesta de 25 alumnos, con la edad entre 9 e 13 años, de la Escola Municipal Professor Arnaldo Monteiro Natal/RN. Para el desarrollo de este proceso investigativo, utilizamos como aporte teórico el materialismo histórico-dialéctico, pues ese método posibilita el análisis de los fenómenos y, a través de esa lógica, se revelan los elementos que dieron sustentación a la mediación pedagógica y comprensión de los fenómenos con mayor eficacia. También fueron usados los estudios de Vigotski (1991), Rubinstein (1973), Ferreira (2003), Ibiapina (2007), y otros que convergen con ese posicionamiento. Se adoptó la pesquisa colaborativa que supone la construcción de un objeto del conocimiento entre investigador y profesor y también asocia al mismo tiempo actividades de producción del conocimiento y de desenvolvimiento profesional, proponiéndose una mediación entre comunidad de investigadores y comunidad de profesores. Utilizamos como elementos metodológicos el diagnóstico de la atención, el diagnóstico de la producción escrita del texto narrativo, siguiendo las etapas elaboradas por Infante (1998), los diarios reflexivos, el planeamiento y las sesiones reflexivas (con alumnos y con los pares). Para análisis del desarrollo de la atención, utilizamos las categorías definidas por Luria (1991): volumen de la atención, estabilidad de la atención, oscilación de la atención. El análisis de la producción textual tuve como parámetros las categorías de cohesión y coherencia (COSTA VAL, 1999). Para esto, se reflexionó con ellos sobre la importancia del desenvolvimiento de la atención para aprendizajes más efectivas. Propusimos situaciones de aprendizajes que posibiliten el desarrollo de la atención de esos alumnos y el dominio de la producción textual; y se analizaron las interrelaciones entre desenvolvimiento de la atención y la producción de textos narrativos. Los resultados presentados en los textos permiten afirmar que es notoria la relación entre la atención y el aprendizaje de la escritura. Vale resaltar que la reflexión no puede tener un fin en si mismo o entonces ser usada apenas para justificar una acción, mas debe tener como objetivo mejorar la enseñaza y tornar los profesores más conscientes y, por lo tanto, más capacitados para ejercer su profesión
La recherche propose un nouveau regard sur l Institution Scolaire École Doméstica de Natal, en essayant de tenir compte de la multiplicité des auteurs et des pratiques développées à l école qui définissaient le mieux et expliquaient les phénomènes de cette réalité éducative et des rapports avec le temps et le lieu où elle s insérait. Pour ce faire, les concepts de mémoire et culture scolaire ont été fondamentaux pour la compréhension de ces pratiques, parce qu ils ont contribué à notre lecture historique-culturelle de l ensemble d aspects institutionnalisés à l école, comme son curriculum, ses finalités, ses façons d enseigner et d apprendre, ses règles de conduite, ses normes, enfin, ce qui caractérisait son organisation et ses pratiques quotidiennes. C était l École Doméstica de Natal l institution pionnière dans le modèle d éducation féminine au Brésil, nous le reconnaissons en priorité et nous visons à le circonscrire à son indélébile contribution à l Histoire de l Éducation de Rio Grande do Norte. Conçue par un modèle d organisation scolaire européen pour l éducation féminine, l École Doméstica de Natal a été inaugurée en 1914, en ayant comme créateur l intelectuel de Rio Grande do Norte Henrique Castriciano de Souza. Sa singularité, s opposant aux écoles féminines existantes au Rio Grande do Norte et au Brésil en ce temps-là, était dû au modèle scolaire adopté, qui appuyait sur la formation d une femme préparée à répondre aux aspirations modernes surgissant avec l avènement de la République. Ce contexte exigeait de l école la formation d un modèle de femme dans les aspects moral, physique, culturel et intelectuel modelés sur les idéaux de l ordre et du progrès. Ce serait une nouvelle méthode d éducation scolaire qui pourrait favoriser la modernisation des anciennes méthodes d enseignement, provoquant le surgissement de modèles qui impliqueraient une nouvelle organisation pédagogique aux écoles de l`État et conduiraient la ville à de nouveaux et hauts paliers de culture et civilité. Avec cela, l école contribuerait à ce que la femme joue un rôle dans la société d une manière plus active, sociale et mieux adaptée. Les mots ordre, nouveau, civilité, moderne et progrès se répandaient et s entrecroisaient avec des valeurs archaïques toujours permanentes et enracinées dans la vision de vie et l idée de monde d alors. Ainsi, on voyait que l École Doméstica était une institution modèle, spécifique dans sa fonction, qui apporterait à la ville et, particulièrement au Rio Grande do Norte, des idées de civilité, ordre et progrès
The humanization of the birth process is a current health policy priority. Within that perspective, the presence of a partner during the birth is a benefit guaranteed by the Law 111008/05. The purpose of this study is to comprehend the woman s experience with the presence of a birth partner as a legal right. It is a qualitative descriptive study based on Symbolic Interactionism and conducted using the grounded theory methodology. Data were collected by semi-structured interviews conducted during August to December 2006, with women that had the presence of a partner during their birth experience and that were in the first 24 hours of puerperium. Data analysis resulted in the identification of the phenomena: FEELING GOOD, RECOGNIZING THE BOND WITH THE PARTNER, RECOGNIZING THE IMPORTANCE OF THE EXPERIENCE and NOT KNOWING THE RIGHT. These enabled the identification of the central phenomenon LIVING THE WELL-BEING IN THE UNKNOWN. The study demonstrated that the birth experience with the presence of partner is a positive one, resulting in benefits such as tranquility, support, and assurance, which, in that context, signify well-being. However, the women do not visualize the experience as a right, therefore remaining alienated from their civic practice. The understanding of the experience was enabled by the conceptual construction obtained from the categories of the interactions between the women and their birth partners during the event. The explanation of the phenomenon LIVING THE WELL-BEING IN THE UNKNOWN reflects the theoretical structure obtained from the integration of the identified concepts. The study points out the need for health professionals to improve the information given to women during the birth process and to work the civic duties of the women in reproductive health
The development of this work arises from the research of sociological and philosophical characters contemplating also other approaches which aims to answer the followingquestions: what is the responsibility of science teaching for the image one has about science? ; which scientific education should be designed for nowadays? . After considering the assumptions brought along by rationalism and the criticisms to the illuminist model proposed by sociology and philosophy of science, as well by the biology of the knowing process, going through discussions concerning post-modernity issues, one is given to understand that the image of science has become the central point of discussion in the last hundred years, including what concerns the area of science teaching, and that practically none of those discussions really reached natural science classes indeed. We adopt the term postontological to characterize the recent proposals on philosophy and sociology, because we evaluate that this term allows a better identification of the scientific realism crisis, which supports the existence of an ontological domain which science, and only science, is able to understand. One notices that the general public is not aware of those discussions, mainly if they are science teachers and students. So we believe that discussing the logic in which science is structured, the new understandings concerning the scientific undertaking, especially those of an externalist character, and the relationship between science and society, all of this contributes to build up a science teaching which contemplates a reflective contribution, besides allowing the inclusion of the study of other epistemologies in the educational practice. We argue that a revisionist posture seems to be the most appropriate for the contemporary scientific education, contemplating, besides the teaching of the usual science contents, discussions on the issues involving that knowledge, as well as respecting epistemologies alternative to the modern Western scientific one, in order one can work on the perception of local knowledge generated from other epistemological bases. We describe here practical activities we did involving teachers (short-term courses) and high-school students in an inland school in the Rio Grande do Norte state, in Brazil, as a way to demonstrate the possibility of interventions which can take those conceptions, discussions and changes to the classroom
El estudio de la citación en Lira de los Veinte Años, de Álvares de Azevedo, desde la óptica de Antoine Compagnon e Gerárd Genette, se muestra relevante a los estudios de la Literatura Comparada, en la perspectiva conteporánea, pués el tema provoca la posibilidad de discutir la elaboración de si del(los) otro(s), sucitando imágenes estéticas y de los pensamientos que se aproximan de una noción de tesitura textual muy presente en la modernidad literaria. Este proceso instaura procedimientos de lectura, traducción, autoria y escritura, aún, por ser utilizados, confirman la potencialidad inegable en que se escribi el trabajo poético del escritor. En la primer parte de la obra, se sugieren experiencias com lo bello y lo sublime, advindos del europeu, pero vuelto para una pesquisa de posibilidad discursivas. En la según parte, esa instancia sublimada es puesta en crise, por el sujeto poético cribado por el deseo de tornarse singular. Se instauran en el campo valorativo de los signos románticos elementos desfavorables de sentido diferentes. Dase, así, la problematización puesta por las citaciones que ora, realizan cambios simbólicos, ora, actuan en las márgenes de los textos primeros, desorganizando el material de autoria, desublimandolo, en la irrupción de nuevos cuerpos discursivos y cuerpúsculos cituacionales. En la tecer parte, ligado a Tánatos, como la dimensión por venir, marcando el presentimiento del poeta de que morirá temprano, como también la despedida de él. En esta tesi, se pretende, así, circunscribir como se figura, elabora esa constituición estética azevediana y su escritura, situando cuestiones recortadas por el actor en su obra, las quales remeten a Hegel, Kant y la otras lecturas filosóficas, ali puestas. Tal procedimiento toma la citación como estrategia poética de inscrición del sujeto y de las alteridades que le atravesan, concebiendo eso proceso autoral en la forma de reconstrución de una ciudadela de libros en este aspecto, considerandose el enfoque de Félix Guatarí, la propósito de los nuevos paradigmas y las espacialidades emergentes de estos -, o la biblioteca subjetiva, que se abre en vias y pasagenes. A través de ellas el discurso captura no solamente los objetos poéticos, pero también trazos autobiográficos rasurados, traduciendo la lucha por la visibilidad del sujeto en la formación de su pensamiento poético y estético
The work in evidence analyzes the use in the ways periphasis of gerund - FPG - (to go+to be+gerund) in the speech (gender class) of the teachers of Natal, Caicó and Serra Negra do Norte, potiguares cities. For that, she opted to constitute corpus, once the data found in other corpora they were inexpressive for the research. The study tries to elucidate the reasons that take the speaker to use a form of larger future in detriment of the more it tans; it investigates as it feels the manifestation of the grammaticalization and demarcation - beginnings givonianos. Besides Givón (1979, 1984, 1990, 1995 e 2001), other authors served as light: Cunha (1986); Bechara (2007); Cunha and Cintra (2007); Perini (2006); Neves (2000, 2006) Silva (2005); Furtado da Cunha and Tavares (2007); Gibbon (2000); Torres (2009). After the study, the results that point the appearance in a new way of future expression emerged, marked and with tendency the grammaticalization