106 resultados para Leitor literário
Esta tesis trata de cómo se desarrolla en la obra de la escritora contemporánea Nélida Piñon una especie de pensamiento cartográfico, presente desde su primer romance Guia-mapa de Gabriel Arcanjo, publicado en 1961. Para que se interprete el universo literario nelidiano, formulamos nuestro trabajo estableciendo un confronto con el texto del mito iluminado por las reflexiones de Eliade (2007; 2007b; 2008) y Meletínski (2002); con el discurso filosófico pos-estructuralista, representado principalmente por las contribuciones de Deleuze y Guattari (1995; 1996; 1997) a respecto de una geografía del nomadismo; y de Foucault (1996; 2006) sobre el orden del discurso, o nacimiento de la literatura y el ser del lenguaje. Examinadas por la lectura crítica y comparativista de esta investigación, las cartografías mito-póeticas de Piñon son presentadas al lector asociándose a una geografía de los sentimientos y al que Maffesoli (2001) denomina deseo de errância y de perdición, particularmente en las obras Tebas do Meu Coração, A República dos Sonhos, O Presumível Coração da América e Fundador. Esa última novela, publicada en 1969, por lo tanto anterior a los otros textos mencionados, servirá como corpus principal de nuestro análisis, que objetiva demostrar como la narrativa de Piñon se conecta a un linaje literario estructurado a partir de las acciones de un determinado tipo de personaje conocido como inaugurador de ciudades o héroe civilizador o cultural. En la reedición de ese arquetipo de personaje, la autora instaura el elemento de la seducción, en un juego que se establece entre los sujetos masculino y femenino y que pone de manifiesto cuestiones relacionadas al erotismo, a la transgresión y al sagrado, abordadas en nuestro discurso por las consideraciones de Baudrillard (2008) y Bataille (1987). Para que se explicite la constitución de esos puntos, realizaremos un viaje de las visiones del mundo arcaico al contemporáneo por las páginas de Fundador, apuntando de qué manera la escritora brasileña retoma las imágenes del mito cosmogónico, del mito del eterno retorno y del paraíso terreal, que se inscriben como fundamento do su texto literario
Esta investigación está incluida en las discusiones sobre las relaciones entre literatura y enseñanza, recortando el lugar de las escritas poéticas en las clases de Lengua Portuguesa en la Enseñanza Media. En términos epistemológicos, nuestra reflexión problematiza, entre otras cuestiones, el desplazamiento que ocurre cuando las manifestaciones literarias se apartan de sus soportes originales y se adentran a las escenas de la clase de lengua materna, transformándose en objeto de enseñanza y contenido didáctico. En el ámbito de las prácticas escolarizadas de la lectura literaria en la Enseñanza Media, nuestra reflexión tiene como objeto la didactización del género textual poema. En esa etapa de la enseñanza, el poema como componente curricular aún no está definido. Eso es ocasionado, de modo general, por dos razones: por la naturaleza específica del género y por los procedimientos didácticopedagógicos utilizados cuando se hace la lectura del poema en clase. En relación al modelo consagrado de la enseñanza de literatura en la Enseñanza Media, apoyado en la descripción de la historia de la literatura brasileña a través de esquemas cronológicos de movimientos estético-culturales, pretendemos hacer un desplazamiento en lo que respecta a ese abordaje y situar el letramiento literario a partir de las formas líricas recurrentes en la producción literaria en Brasil, en la perspectiva de la enseñanza de la lengua mediada por el estudio del texto. Para tanto, utilizaremos como aporte teórico las siguientes áreas del conocimiento: la teoría literaria, la lingüística aplicada y la pedagogía de la enseñanza de lengua materna
Assuming that the subject is a draft work in permanent invention, the biographical texts, memories written by Luís da Câmara Cascudo, between 1967 and 1969 were read as part of a discursive strategy created by the potiguar memorialist regarding the construction of a self-image profoundly connected to the space of his house, which decisively collaborated so that the province teacher and researcher after announcing his official retirement in 1968 was revered in the city where he had been born, grown up and lived throughout his whole life and considered as the prophet of his own country (or rather, as the literary patron of Natal). Our work begins with some reading about the manner as the potiguar memorialist selected, ordered and spatialized his childhood memories. In the following chapter, we problematized the meanings assigned by Câmara Cascudo to his house in Tirol - where the young prince Cascudinho (little Cascudo) used to live - transformed into the neighborhood principality. It finishes with memories from the retired old man with the purpose of making us think about the sacredness process master Cascudo s house has gone through. The space where he had lived for almost forty years of his life and produced a great part of his works, was elected as a monument in his memory, as his own incarnation, as guarantee of his eternity and perenniality, as a sanctuary and place of worship and have been kept by the actions that, still nowadays, institutionalize it as his sacred space
The Brazilian writer, Caio Fernando Abreu, was strongly influenced by a period of changes in social values and perspectives. When he enters the Brazilian literary scene using a writing style free from form and content, he applies in his works all the affliction of the contemporary values. His work embodies all the spirit of a generation that, despite its anxiety for freedom, was still suffocated by the military dictatorship period. Abreu’s narrative also reveals an author with an extreme ability to shift between the erudite and the popular. In his short stories, he develops a performative language mingled by references that turns his text into a sort of Pop Art iconography. Just like Pop Art paintings, full of Coke images, cigarettes, tooth paste and food cans, Abreu’s literary discourse is painted by many symbolical references to modern consumerism, as well as to movies, music and to pop stars. This trace in the writer’s works exerts a great deal of attractiveness on the contemporary reader. In this work, we attempt to analyze this resource in Abreu’s literature under the concepts of cultural studies; thus, we aim at analyzing the various forms of the mass culture expression inside Abreu’s literature, recognizing his allusions as a stylish resource in his writings and highlighting its relevance in the study of the author work. In order to do so, we are based essentially on the reflections of theoreticians: Lipovetsky (1996) and Adorno (2011) who debate the culture and social formation in contemporaneity.
Like numerous other mini ficçion genres, the Flash fiction is configured as a concise and brief genre, but it can still preserve some elements of the traditional tale, such as: narrator, space-temporal unit, characters and plot. For some authors, the emergence of this genre is strictly connected to the speed and diversity of forms of communication in the current social context, that require the reader other skills in addition to reading and writing. Considering the importance of these skills in a literate society and recognizing this genre as potentially effective tool for the development of literacy, this research has as objective to describe the development and implications of didactic sequence directed the literacy practices with the Flash fiction genre. Thus, the research becomes effective in an elementary school vespertine class in 9th grade from Escola Estadual Dr. José Gonçalves de Medeiros, located in the city of Acari-RN. As theoretical assumptions, it will be used fundamentals from Literacy Studies as social practice, especially that ones discussed by the writings Kleiman (1995), Hamilton (2000), Soares (2012), Mortatti (2004) and Rojo (2012). To subsidize the literary literacy, it will be used the theoretical contibutions of Borges (2000), Candido (2004), Pinheiro (2001) and Silva e Silveira (2013). In what relates to the study about the storytellers, it was taken by support the postulates of Gotlib (2006), Bosi (1997), Cortázar (1999), Talbot (2002), Poe (s/d), Luzia de Maria (2004), as well as studies by researchers and writers as Spalding (2007; 2008; 2011), George (2007), Freire (2004) and Trevisan (1994), among others who are dedicated to study Flash fiction. In the methodological field, the proposed perspective anchors itself in an action-researching guidelines (MOREIRA; CALEFFE, 2006) and in the approach of a qualitative data (BOGDAN; BIKLEN, 1994), since it talks to interpretation of diagnosed situation, implementation of intervention actions organized in didactic sequence (SCHNEUWLY; DOLZ, 2004; BARROS; RIVERS-registry, 2014), including description and evaluation of results achieved from the implementation of such actions. The discussions generated indicate that the work with Flash ficition, developed by means of didactic sequences, contributes to the reflection on teaching strategies of Portuguese, used to prepare the students to meet the demands of reading and writing of contemporary society.
This study aims to investigate the process of implementation of Programa Nacional Biblioteca da Escola, PNBE, and the reader's training on Childhood Education level in Natal. The promotion of literary reading is the opportunity of inclusion in a world that is connected to citizenship, to human rights and social justice, because the reading is the way which gives meaning to the life and, therefore, it is a right for everybody. The study is characterized as a qualitative research with evaluative approach. The methodological procedure that constitutes this corpus took place in three stages: the first one was about the analysis of laws and documents of national public policies for the reading promotion; questionnaires were applied by Managing Committee - Natal/RN to CMEIs and the available websites from MEC that provide distribution of the acquis; in the second stage, we adopted the semi-structured interview as a methodological procedure elaborated with open questions that focus on the program management and to the acquis of PNBE; and in the third step we visited the 21 centers of childhood education in Natal for interviewing and to do the exploratory observation in places of reading. The Informant actors in this research are: the advisors of SME - Natal and FNDE, managers and teachers in Municipal Childhood Education Centers who totalize 30 informants. This theoretical and methodological framework follows the studies of Amarilha (1993; 1994; 2002; 2006; 2010; 2012), Bardin (2001), Bogdan; Biklen (1994), Castro (2007; 2008; 2012), Demo (2000; 2006; 2008), Fischer (2006), Moreira; Caleffe (2008), Paiva (2008; 2012), Secchi (2010; 2012), Soares (2003; 2008) and Zilberman (2001; 2003; 2008). The analysis indicates that decentralization strategy which is adopted in public management model will transfer responsibilities and assumption of the PNBE, exempting the actors to planning actions ensuring the efficiency and efficacy implementation on reading policy to national and municipal levels. The qualified acquis that is distributed by MEC reaches every Childhood Education center and does not depend on teacher's desire or it action, only a few of them know about it and they do not have information about the PNBE, neither receive specific training in order to articulate it to the practice of reading with children from Childhood Education. The reading project implemented by private education system in Natal overlaps the PNBE, making it invisible. The reading places that are available for that schooling stage are summarized to the reading corners. In some CMEI, books remain stored in boxes or they are locked in the closet, out of use to the teachers and students. Thus, care for the acquisition, selecting acquis, and a preoccupation to the supply of the reading and books for this education level are lost into volumes of closed boxes, teachers are jettisoned to this process and children do not have any enchantment to the reading or books. In this context, this paper draws attention to how much we should still investigate in order to understanding the perspectives, stresses and challenges from public policies for the reading promotion in our country. We hope that the research will help to improve the management model of the PNBE, ensuring the reading democratization and therefore the reader's training in early Childhood Education.
This study aims to investigate the process of implementation of Programa Nacional Biblioteca da Escola, PNBE, and the reader's training on Childhood Education level in Natal. The promotion of literary reading is the opportunity of inclusion in a world that is connected to citizenship, to human rights and social justice, because the reading is the way which gives meaning to the life and, therefore, it is a right for everybody. The study is characterized as a qualitative research with evaluative approach. The methodological procedure that constitutes this corpus took place in three stages: the first one was about the analysis of laws and documents of national public policies for the reading promotion; questionnaires were applied by Managing Committee - Natal/RN to CMEIs and the available websites from MEC that provide distribution of the acquis; in the second stage, we adopted the semi-structured interview as a methodological procedure elaborated with open questions that focus on the program management and to the acquis of PNBE; and in the third step we visited the 21 centers of childhood education in Natal for interviewing and to do the exploratory observation in places of reading. The Informant actors in this research are: the advisors of SME - Natal and FNDE, managers and teachers in Municipal Childhood Education Centers who totalize 30 informants. This theoretical and methodological framework follows the studies of Amarilha (1993; 1994; 2002; 2006; 2010; 2012), Bardin (2001), Bogdan; Biklen (1994), Castro (2007; 2008; 2012), Demo (2000; 2006; 2008), Fischer (2006), Moreira; Caleffe (2008), Paiva (2008; 2012), Secchi (2010; 2012), Soares (2003; 2008) and Zilberman (2001; 2003; 2008). The analysis indicates that decentralization strategy which is adopted in public management model will transfer responsibilities and assumption of the PNBE, exempting the actors to planning actions ensuring the efficiency and efficacy implementation on reading policy to national and municipal levels. The qualified acquis that is distributed by MEC reaches every Childhood Education center and does not depend on teacher's desire or it action, only a few of them know about it and they do not have information about the PNBE, neither receive specific training in order to articulate it to the practice of reading with children from Childhood Education. The reading project implemented by private education system in Natal overlaps the PNBE, making it invisible. The reading places that are available for that schooling stage are summarized to the reading corners. In some CMEI, books remain stored in boxes or they are locked in the closet, out of use to the teachers and students. Thus, care for the acquisition, selecting acquis, and a preoccupation to the supply of the reading and books for this education level are lost into volumes of closed boxes, teachers are jettisoned to this process and children do not have any enchantment to the reading or books. In this context, this paper draws attention to how much we should still investigate in order to understanding the perspectives, stresses and challenges from public policies for the reading promotion in our country. We hope that the research will help to improve the management model of the PNBE, ensuring the reading democratization and therefore the reader's training in early Childhood Education.
Presenting a reading of prefaces written by Luís da Câmara Cascudo, related to literary and non-literary books from the early 20TH century (1921-1984), is the goal of this thesis. Considering the word in its meaning: "Latin praefatio, the action of speaking in the commencement. Synonym for 'prologue ', in the sense of text that precedes or introduces a work" (MOISÉS, 1999, p.416). In this research, a preface is understood as the text written and published with the intent to provide information to facilitate reading and/or understanding of the work to which it refers, regardless it is set at initial pages, when it is named as „prolog‟, „letter to the reader‟, „proem‟, „prelude‟, „preamble, forewords, summary, etc., or when only appears in the last pages of the book and turns to be named as „afterword‟. It is a qualitative research, with a bibliographic and interpretive feature, considering that part of the analysis of texts employs the inductive method, focuses on the depth of understanding that the researcher has on the researched object. For the study of this genre we recourse to Sales (2003), Teles (1986; 1989; 2010), Clemente (1986) and Candido (2005); as for the notion of tradition, we resort to Eliot (1997) and Candido (1997; 1980). The set of prefaces is a wide material for research that will allow scholars of Brazilian culture to continue work started by Luís da Câmara Cascudo, still in 1921, when he started his career as a prefacer.
Presenting a reading of prefaces written by Luís da Câmara Cascudo, related to literary and non-literary books from the early 20TH century (1921-1984), is the goal of this thesis. Considering the word in its meaning: "Latin praefatio, the action of speaking in the commencement. Synonym for 'prologue ', in the sense of text that precedes or introduces a work" (MOISÉS, 1999, p.416). In this research, a preface is understood as the text written and published with the intent to provide information to facilitate reading and/or understanding of the work to which it refers, regardless it is set at initial pages, when it is named as „prolog‟, „letter to the reader‟, „proem‟, „prelude‟, „preamble, forewords, summary, etc., or when only appears in the last pages of the book and turns to be named as „afterword‟. It is a qualitative research, with a bibliographic and interpretive feature, considering that part of the analysis of texts employs the inductive method, focuses on the depth of understanding that the researcher has on the researched object. For the study of this genre we recourse to Sales (2003), Teles (1986; 1989; 2010), Clemente (1986) and Candido (2005); as for the notion of tradition, we resort to Eliot (1997) and Candido (1997; 1980). The set of prefaces is a wide material for research that will allow scholars of Brazilian culture to continue work started by Luís da Câmara Cascudo, still in 1921, when he started his career as a prefacer.
This thesis is to analyze the fictional texture of Buriti, novella by Guimarães Rosa, which makes part of Corpo do Baile. Gilles Deleuze‘s philosophical background as well as similar theorists such as Mircea Eliade, Derrida, Bataille, Foucault, Blanchot and Nie-tzsche constitute the main reference, as example of Guimarães Rosa‘s problematizing writing, since they present as basic element of thought the desterritorialization of con-cepts, standards and institutionalized knowledge by the dominant literary language. Along with the theoretical perspective of current alterity on these authors, Buriti is crossed by one aesthetics substantiated with a multiplicity of narrative points of view, opening gaps to other non-sacralized, nomadic voices, using polyphony as a way of breaking and destabilizing crystallized truths related to the canons of mother tongue. Interwoven by a poetic side of transgression, the narrative of Buriti finds especially marked by the signs of the backlands and of the night, which rhizomatically point to a sense of infinity, eternity, loneliness, vertigo before the abyssal, evoking the singularity of a ser-tão before the night, "the body of nocturnal rumor." The nights in the backlands in Buriti give rise to the emergence of a state of subjectivity, the ser-tão, whose nature is shown as a space of communion of the various beings that humans put on the same level of other living beings, setting up a sharing cosmic territory, enjoyment between pain and pleasure, between death and life. It is the night in the darkness, the shadows, the ser-tão is exposed, the being in his depth, facing himself with his internal rumors, which project themselves through the noise, the sound amplified by the vastness of the night at the desert backlands. "The backlands is the night." (ROSA, 1988, p.92).
This thesis is to analyze the fictional texture of Buriti, novella by Guimarães Rosa, which makes part of Corpo do Baile. Gilles Deleuze‘s philosophical background as well as similar theorists such as Mircea Eliade, Derrida, Bataille, Foucault, Blanchot and Nie-tzsche constitute the main reference, as example of Guimarães Rosa‘s problematizing writing, since they present as basic element of thought the desterritorialization of con-cepts, standards and institutionalized knowledge by the dominant literary language. Along with the theoretical perspective of current alterity on these authors, Buriti is crossed by one aesthetics substantiated with a multiplicity of narrative points of view, opening gaps to other non-sacralized, nomadic voices, using polyphony as a way of breaking and destabilizing crystallized truths related to the canons of mother tongue. Interwoven by a poetic side of transgression, the narrative of Buriti finds especially marked by the signs of the backlands and of the night, which rhizomatically point to a sense of infinity, eternity, loneliness, vertigo before the abyssal, evoking the singularity of a ser-tão before the night, "the body of nocturnal rumor." The nights in the backlands in Buriti give rise to the emergence of a state of subjectivity, the ser-tão, whose nature is shown as a space of communion of the various beings that humans put on the same level of other living beings, setting up a sharing cosmic territory, enjoyment between pain and pleasure, between death and life. It is the night in the darkness, the shadows, the ser-tão is exposed, the being in his depth, facing himself with his internal rumors, which project themselves through the noise, the sound amplified by the vastness of the night at the desert backlands. "The backlands is the night." (ROSA, 1988, p.92).
Silva, Alexandre Reche. Propondo um modelo para acompanhamento do processo Composicional. Ictus - Periódico do PPGMUS/UFBA, v. 11, n. 1, p. 11-28, Salvador, BA, 2010.
OLIVEIRA, Marta Raquel Santos de; SOUZA, Patrícia Severiano Barbosa de. Gibiteca escolar: um recurso para o aprendizado. In: SEMINÁRIO DE PESQUISA DO CCSA, XVI., 2010, Natal. Anais eletrônicos... Natal: UFRN, 2010. Disponível em:
A nitretação é uma técnica de tratamento de superfície utilizada para endurecer superfícies de metais, principalmente de aços. O uso do plasma para auxiliar esta técnica vem crescendo nos últimos anos. Pelo fato desta técnica utilizar o plasma como fonte energética e este possuir uma vasta aplicação em outras técnicas para processamento de materiais, enobrece ainda mais a leitura do presente livro. Ele apresenta uma revisão da descarga elétrica em gases levando o leitor a refletir, multidisciplinarmente, sobre possibilidades de aplicação da mesma. Apresenta a técnica de nitretação iônica sob o aspecto histórico, científico, tecnológico, operacional e econômico e, finalmente, faz uma revisão das novas técnicas de endurecimento superficial assim como as técnicas convencionais de nitretação
Este trabalho objetivou uma reflexão sobre a ação mediadora no processo de ensino-aprendizagem da leitura, por mim vivenciada no Núcleo de Educação Infantil (NEI/UFRN) junto a crianças de 6/7 anos, tendo como proposta explicitar os elementos orientadores necessários a esse processo, que se traduzam como referência a outras práticas educativas. Sua realização pressupôs as seguintes questões: que conteúdos estão envolvidos no ensinoaprendizado da leitura? Como os alunos aprendem a ler? Que tarefas são instrumentais no ensino e aprendizado da leitura? Nele foi adotada a concepção de leitura enquanto atribuição de significados a um texto escrito através do processo interativo entre leitor e texto, guiado pelos objetivos/finalidades deste leitor. Adotou os princípios metodológicos da abordagem qualitativa, entre cujas características salienta-se a primazia do interesse pelo processo do que simplesmente pelos resultados ou produto. Seus resultados evidenciaram que a leitura, enquanto prática cultural, pode ser aprendida na escola infantil, espaço de apropriação de saberes mediados pela cultura. Constatou-se que, a exemplo das demais aprendizagens, o aprendizado da leitura implica numa atividade mediada em que o professor, administrando e organizando o meio social educativo, cria espaços de diálogo para as muitas vozes presentes nesse meio. Gera, desse modo, um contexto polifônico, dialógico e de alteridade pela ação de planejar/avaliar/replanejar a sua atuação e a de seus alunos. A relevância deste estudo concerne à intenção de socializar uma vivência, cuja tônica é a reflexão sobre a leitura enquanto prática cultural e as estratégias de ensinar e aprender a ser leitor.