60 resultados para Interacionismo linguístico


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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Qualitative study on the meaning of a child s birth to the father. Its general purpose was to comprehend the significance the man attaches to his child s birth and its specific objectives were to identify the man s feelings with regard to his child s birth as well as to verify his attitude toward a child s birth. The study was founded on the theoretical reference system about the man in the gravid-puerperal cycle and the humanization of the assistance. The data were obtained through semistructured interview performed with men accompanying their children s birth whose wives were in the immediate puerperium. This stage occurred in two maternity hospitals in Natal-RN, both of which adopt the principle of safe notherhood in the attendance of women in the process of parturition. The material apprehended from the statements was treated in conformity with the content analysis method in the mode of thematic analysis according to Bardin. Three thematic categories emerged from this process: the father s attitude toward his child s birth, the father s feelings in respect of his child s birth, and the informations received by the father in the course of his child s birth. The speech content was analyzed in accordance with the principles of symbolic interactionism according to Blumer. The results showed that the husbands interact with their respective wives and respond with attitudes of care, help, support, and encouragement within the principles of humanization intermingled with feelings of happiness, restlessness, and suffering leading them to appraise and exalt their consorts. Besides, we verified that the father s attitudes and feelings in the delivery room in the light of symbolic interactionism tend to be influenced by the interaction between him and the attending professionals


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In this study we investigate the reference to other s discourse done it through the resource of direct cited discourse at background section in monographic texts produced by university students at the last phase of final work in their graduate Letras course. This work is guided in cited/related discourse studies in Bakhtin (2004), Authier-Revuz (1990, 1998, 2004), Maingueneau (1996, 2002), Charaudeau and Maingueneau (2004); in genre approaches developed by Bakhtin (2000); Maingueneau (1996, 2002); socio-discursive interaction (BRONCKART, 1999, 2003; SCHNEUWLY, 2004; DOLZ e SCHNEUWLY, 2004) and Bazerman (2005); and also in presuppositions of Textual Linguistics presented by Charrolles (1988), Van Dijk (1997), Beaugrande and Dressier (1981), Koch and Travaglia (1993, 1995), Koch (2002, 2004) and Val (2000, 2004). We have established as aims to analyze and interpret meaning relations problems in how to articulate direct cited discourse with citing discourse and at the same time explain semantic implications that comes from that articulation that compromise text meaning, at background section in that monographic genre. The analysis, by qualitative and quantitative basis in eleven monographic works that form our corpus, gave us the opportunity to achieve and see that meaning relationships in the articulation of direct cited discourse with citing discourse show problems that may be categorized into three different groups: problems related to meaning relationships with citing discourse that comes before it, problems of meaning relationships with citing discourse that comes after it, and problems with of meaning relationships with citing discourse that come before it and at the same time with citing discourse that comes after it (i.e. in relation to both). These analysis also allow us assert that, these problems, just because they occur frequently, they affect the micro level text coherence, and they also compromise the text global meaning. The results show that students at Letras Course, even in the ending process of their course do not show the real domain in relation to some ways of direct cited discourse organization and working, and also how the ideas articulation work in the construction of relations between direct cited discourse and the citing discourse that can turn those students able to produce a text that enhance acceptable patterns


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In this work we present the results of a research that aims to study the chronicle gender produced in a class of native language. The texts were written by students of a high-school class, under the orientation of the teacher who conducted a didactic sequence in order to explore this gender. In our analysis we observed aspect such as the structure of the general structure of the texts, types of speech and linguistic sequences, some mechanisms of textualization and the characteristics of the gender. In order to attain that, we adopted the theoretical presuppositions of Textual Linguistics and of the Socio-discursive Interactionism, grounding the study of texts and gender in Bronckart (2003; 2006) and Koch (2002; 2004). As a background of the Chronicle Gender we used the studies of Coutinho (1987); Moisés (2003); Sá (2005); Bender; Laurito (1993); Melo (1994); Cândido et al. (1992) among others. The corpus, made up of 15 texts, showed that the narrative is the most used linguistic sequence in the producing of the texts, the discursive world prevailing in the narrative and some instances of the world of exposing. As for the gender characteristics, the daily life was used in order to amuse the reader and make him to reflect upon the daily life. Humor, irony, social criticism and colloquial language were also observed in the texts produced by the students. Although some texts presented the characteristics of the gender, explored in the classroom, some were typically school narratives. That make us believe that a work with textual production under the approach of a text gender is viable, but it is not consolidated yet in many schools as the main object of the central teaching of the Portuguese language. This make us defend a better systematization of the teaching contents having as the main point the reading practice and text production in order to contribute for the growing of the students´ discursive potentialities and, therefore, their effective participation in the language social practices


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This paper aims, starting with the studies of languages in contact and communicative competence, to locate and describe the interlanguage, a linguistic phenomenon observed in the interaction between beach sellers and foreign tourists. We seek to discover whether those interacting use some kind of pidgin, or some code as a lingua franca. We also seek to identify the manner in which the features of communicative competence are presented by analyzing the various competences that composes it - linguistic, sociolinguistic, pragmatic and psycholinguistic. The analysis of speech acts, the maxims and conversational implicatures given in the corpus were important to verify whether those interacting were successful in their attempt at multilingual intercomprehension.


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This thesis has as objective the interdiscursive relations in the process of language construction in use in the poetic and in the journalistic spheres, with the purpose of perceiving how the genre news is constituted in different fields of social activity, as well as to analyze the argumentative processes that structure the written discourses about the resistance episode to the group of Lampião in Mossoró in the year of 1927. The corpus of the research is constituted by the news of the period informed in the printed newspapers: Correio do povo and O Nordeste, both from Mossoró/RN, and the narratives presented in the cordéis de acontecido : Mossoró in the resistance to the group of Lampião; Lampião in Mossoró in 1927, and Mossoró attacking to the group of Lampião, all potiguar poets. The analysis of the texts had as theoretical background the studies of: The texts analysis had as theoretical background The Discourse Analysis; The Argumentation Theory and the studies about Discourse Genres. We focused our discussion in the emphasis given to the news in the discursive perspective of the social-historic memory constructed in the cordéis, from ideological values (political, economical, religious etc.) that pass to be a fundamental element in the constitution of the image of the resistance. Methodologically, this is a documental research, since it makes use essentially of the written document. Regarding to the nature of the data, the research is characterized as a qualitative one. In the analysis, we considered the argumentative techniques adopted in the defense of the thesis, the meaning effects suggested, and the genres mentioned, that revealed to us the manner in which the episode was informed by the newspapers and the cordéis. That way, we affirm, based on the positions assumed by the announcers of the genres analyzed who defended clearly positions in favor of the defense of Mossoró, that the relation between both is captured interdiscursively, since they are asked by the same ideology, and converge to the same discursive formation, defending identical positions, and structuring their discussions with resembling argumentative techniques, reason by which take us to believe that the discourse presented in that social activity demonstrates and develops traces of a manipulation of the subject. In this case, the discursive construction of the text points towards determining standard of repetition, since the linguistic context is characterized in the journalistic field, and in the poetic field assuming, in the first instance, a local expression


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In this work, we analyze the variation and change phenomenon involving the possessive pronouns da gente and nosso(a)(s) in the light of the theoretical referentials of the North-american linguistic functionalism and of the variationist sociolinguistics. At first we present the phenomenon itself, highlighting the fact that few studies have considered it as an object, gap which we will try to fill in with our contribution. In the following chapter, we emphasize concepts and principles of the functionalism and the sociolinguistics that are used as our background for the data analysis. In the third chapter, we present what the normative grammars inform about our object of study, besides synthesizing some works on variation and change involving the personal pronouns nós and a gente. In the following chapter, we analyze the data. We used data from the Discurso & Gramática a língua falada e escrita na cidade do Natal (FURTADO DA CUNHA, 1998) corpus. In this chapter we present the results for the groups of social and linguistic factors which we can control. Grounded on these results, we specify the preferential contexts for employing the pronouns da gente and nosso(a)(s) and we observe that the social motivations, the valorization credited to the forms and the identity marks underly the restrictions exercised in their use by social factor groups, besides obtaining signs of ongoing changes in apparent time (from the age factor groups) and possible use specializations of each form, what helped us verify the course of the grammaticalization process of the referred pronouns in the community of Natal. In the sixth chapter, we make some considerations on the teaching of grammar and propose activities which can be carried on in the classroom involving the possessive pronouns da gente and nosso(a)(s) considering the variation and change issue


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This dissertation aims at investigating the teachers beliefs about the role of the reading ability in English at public state high schools in Natal and identifying the social value of the process of learning English for students of a foreign language. From the understanding of studies on reading, both in the field of Cognitive Psychology, as in Gibson & Levin (1975), as in the area of Psycholinguistics, as in Goodman (1970) and Del Re (2006), We researched the teachers perceptions about the skills and competencies that should permeate their educational practices, through their knowledge about theories of language acquisition as Cognitivism (Piaget, 1961) and Social Interactionism (Vygotsky, 1979) and the official documents (PCNEM, 1999; PCN+, 2002 ) that are the parameters for teaching a foreign language. We took into consideration other factors that influence the choice of the goals and the objectives to be worked out, such as: intensity of teachers workload, number of classes and students per class for each teacher, materials and technologies available, among other factors that will play an important role in the choice of the appropriate methodologies. To conduct a case study, two questionnaires were used in the construction of direct interviews with fourteen English teachers in twenty schools. According to data on the teachers beliefs we could find that for them the reading ability does not seem to have an special treatment in the teaching of a foreign language due to factors that undermine this process and therefore make teachers do not realize the real objectives of teaching English at public state high schools in Natal. As a consequence, the current process of education complicates the formation of autonomous learners capable of fighting for a social transformation


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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This paper investigates the cognitive processes that operate in understanding narratives in this case, the novel Macunaíma, by Mário de Andrade. Our work belongs to the field of Embodied-based Cognitive Linguistics and, due to its interdisciplinary nature, it dialogues with theoretical and methodological frameworks of Psycholinguistics, Cognitive Psychology and Neurosciences. Therefore, we adopt an exploratory research design, recall and cloze tests, adapted, with postgraduation students, all native speakers of Brazilian Portuguese. The choice of Macunaíma as the novel and initial motivation for this proposal is due to the fact it is a fantastic narrative, which consists of events, circumstances and characters that are clearly distant types from what is experienced in everyday life. Thus, the novel provides adequate data to investigate the configuration of meaning, within an understanding-based model. We, therefore, seek, to answer questions that are still, generally, scarcely explored in the field of Cognitive Linguistics, such as to what extent is the activation of mental models (schemas and frames) related to the process of understanding narratives? How are we able to build sense even when words or phrases are not part of our linguistic repertoire? Why do we get emotionally involved when reading a text, even though it is fiction? To answer them, we assume the theoretical stance that meaning is not in the text, it is constructed through language, conceived as a result of the integration between the biological (which results in creating abstract imagery schemes) and the sociocultural (resulting in creating frames) apparatus. In this sense, perception, cognitive processing, reception and transmission of the information described are directly related to how language comprehension occurs. We believe that the results found in our study may contribute to the cognitive studies of language and to the development of language learning and teaching methodologies


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The present study aims at investigating the style of the Cearense 1poet Patativa do Assaré in his poetic discourse Cante lá que eu canto cá (2004). Such choice is due to the fact that Assaré‟s poetry is full of regional identities as well of different voices. In other words, our purpose is to analyze the way the author aesthetically expresses his own voice and the voice of others in his work. This study is based on a social and historical model of language, with language construed as a discourse practice with emphasis on the key concepts of style, voices, subject and dialogic relationships (BAKHTIN, 1992, 2003, 1995). Our documental research is situated within the area of Applied Linguistics and presents an interface with Literature. We start out with the premise that in this type of investigation knowledge is built from language. In this sense, we must consider the social relationships in which language is produced, as well as the world which (in) determines, interferes, represents, interpenetrates or else, reformulates language and the indisciplinary character of the research


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Our research has arisen from the interest of aligning English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classroom practice to current discussions in the ambit of learning and teaching Foreign Languages (FLs). Because of the need to integrate the linguistic development to the development of notions clung to the practice of citizenship, we have adopted a cultural perspective. We have noticed jokes as a fertile ground for discussing cultural aspects in classroom. Considering such factors, our research question is: how to explore cultural aspects in jokes for the elaboration of EFL activities which aim for the development of intercultural competence and interaction? Therefore, our general goal is to explore cultural aspects in jokes for the elaboration of EFL teaching and learning activities and our specific goals are: (I) to study official suggestions (LDB, 1996; PCNEM, 2000; PCN+EM, 2002; OCEM, 2006) regarding culture at foreign languages teaching and learning, (II) to select 05 (five) jokes and analyze them focusing on their cultural aspects, (III) to identify possible interpretations for jokes; (IV) to elaborate EFL activities which grant a privilege to jokes cultural aspects. This investigation is descriptive and documental and relies on qualitative paradigm (CHIZZOTTI, 2010; FLICK, 2009; CHAROUX, 2006; BOGDAN; BIKLEN, 1994; 1992). The corpus is constituted by jokes taken from Internet sites and by official documents (LDB, 1996; PCNEM, 1998; PCN+EM, 2000; OCEM, 2006). For the elaboration of activities we have chosen a weaker version of Content-based instruction (CBI), in which contents are cultural aspects in jokes and we have undertaken a reflection on methods, approaches and perspectives, among which there are notions about post-method and CBI, which talk to EFL learning and teaching. For theoretical support we have some discussions about FL methods and approaches (BELL, 2003; KUMARAVADIVELU, 2003; WESCHE; SKEHAN, 2002; PRABHU, 1990), a cultural perspective (KRAMSCH, 1998, 1996, 1993; BYRAM; FENG, 2004), some works in Linguistics about jokes (POSSENTI, 2010, 1998; CHIARO, 1992); notions about implicit (MAINGUENEAU, 2004, 1996; CHARAUDEAU; MAINGUENEAU, 2012) and about ambiguity (KEMPSON, 1977; CHARAUDEAU; MAINGUENEAU, 2012; TRASK, 2011), having the adoption of such categories emerged from the analyzes of some jokes


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This study incorporates many areas of knowledge to the Linguistics field, as it centers the social historicity of Brazilian and autos potiguares on two analytical proposes: the presence of linguistic formulas - in its macrostructure - into the paradigm of discursive traditions, following Kabatek (2006), Koch and Oesterreicher (2007), besides the theory of Speech Acts, in its microstructure, proposed by Austin (1990) and Searle (1995). Under Zumthor (1993; 1997; 2000; 2005; 2010), the idea of textual variability (mouvance) was alluded, highlighting that the text is always modifying, according to the performance and reception of the language uses. Considering this theoretical framework, we focus on the trinomial linguistic formulas, orality and performance, in order to describe the dynamics of stability, variation and change, emphasizing yet how extra-linguistic social-historic cultural relations influence its composition. Such discuss is inherent more precisely to Textual Analysis in enhancing the orality tradition as a linguistic support. The text, in its turn, becomes effective as an evocation, motivated by the transmission, reception and variability from its conservation and reiteration. Naturally, a methodological support based on quali-quantitative research was chosen, based on Flick (2009), who justifies the corpus composed by Brazilian Folias de Reis chants and Bois de Reis potiguares . Thereby Language dynamics, subjacent to tradition which takes effect by the use of a common social memory, are observed from two dimensions: on the first, it evocates the sacralization (religious) in which they stand their devotion to biblical History; secondly, a dissacralization with identified and ideological values, inherent to a people culture. The chant shows, in this ludic impulse, a contextualized activity which results in the following conclusion: the changing and stability processes in textual macro and microstructures occur, at the same time, by the adjustment to the use of the text accomplishing a social-political function and an ethical-pedagogic one; supposedly, social relationships arise the tradition and it, on its turn, evocates the variability and the nomadism in the text