51 resultados para Evasão de capitais
The general objective of this academic work is to analyze the relationship between the territorial division and the urban expansion process of Mossoró city, understood here as the production and occupation of space. The urban expansion in Mossoró, since its formation as settlement in 1772 until current days, identifies with the Brazilian urbanization process whose growth is determined by the capitalist development. Thus, the expansion was determined by several economical specializations imposed by the territorial division of work which occurs at an interregional level, and, sometimes at an international level. Then, each specialization determined a moment of the urban expansion of the city, as follows: a) The cattle farmer specialization, between 1772 and 1857, when the urban expansion was shy, is summarized to a commercial square that received goods from Aracati aiming to cover a wide rural area; b) The commercial emporium specialization, between 1857 and 1930, when the urban expansion took an important impulse with the concentration of public and private capitals; c) The salt industry and the agricultural-industrial exporter specialization inside a state of development policy, between 1930 and 1970, when the urban expansion, joined to the settlement of the working class in the urban soil, developed along an important axis -the railway; d) The render of services specialization inside a state of intervention policy, between 1970 and 1990, when the urban expansion was characterized by the accelerated growth rhythm, by the reuse of some spaces, and by space segregation of demanding people; e) The render of services policy inside a neoliberal state policy, since 1990 until current days, when the urban expansion reduced its rhythm abruptly, when only small alterations occurred in the existing spaces. It focused on social policies and on several slums eradication programs. Finally, the territorial structure is deeply articulated with others, no territorial, but economical, social and political, which happens at a national, regional and local rate. Only within a historical and conceptual panorama, it was possible to explain the urban expansion in Mossoró from its formation in 1772 until current days. Therefore, this work is a several discipline analysis of the urbanization process existing in Mossoró
The increase in ultraviolet radiation (UV) at surface, the high incidence of non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC) in coast of Northeast of Brazil (NEB) and reduction of total ozone were the motivation for the present study. The overall objective was to identify and understand the variability of UV or Index Ultraviolet Radiation (UV Index) in the capitals of the east coast of the NEB and adjust stochastic models to time series of UV index aiming make predictions (interpolations) and forecasts / projections (extrapolations) followed by trend analysis. The methodology consisted of applying multivariate analysis (principal component analysis and cluster analysis), Predictive Mean Matching method for filling gaps in the data, autoregressive distributed lag (ADL) and Mann-Kendal. The modeling via the ADL consisted of parameter estimation, diagnostics, residuals analysis and evaluation of the quality of the predictions and forecasts via mean squared error and Pearson correlation coefficient. The research results indicated that the annual variability of UV in the capital of Rio Grande do Norte (Natal) has a feature in the months of September and October that consisting of a stabilization / reduction of UV index because of the greater annual concentration total ozone. The increased amount of aerosol during this period contributes in lesser intensity for this event. The increased amount of aerosol during this period contributes in lesser intensity for this event. The application of cluster analysis on the east coast of the NEB showed that this event also occurs in the capitals of Paraiba (João Pessoa) and Pernambuco (Recife). Extreme events of UV in NEB were analyzed from the city of Natal and were associated with absence of cloud cover and levels below the annual average of total ozone and did not occurring in the entire region because of the uneven spatial distribution of these variables. The ADL (4, 1) model, adjusted with data of the UV index and total ozone to period 2001-2012 made a the projection / extrapolation for the next 30 years (2013-2043) indicating in end of that period an increase to the UV index of one unit (approximately), case total ozone maintain the downward trend observed in study period
To investigate the prevalence and factors associated to painful symptomatology in professional ballet dancers. Methodos: An analytical transversal cut study was performed with 141 professional ballet dancers in the main capital cities of the Brazilian Northeast. McGill`s Pain Questionnaire and the Wisconsin Brief Pain Inventory, both validated for Portuguese, were used to assess painful symptomatology. Descriptive statistical analysis of the results was carried out, followed by Student`s t-test and Pearson s correlation with pvalue < 0.05. Results: High pain tolerance levels were observed in 70.2% of the subjects, where the intensity varied from moderate to severe. Pain in the lumbar region was present in 85.8% of the individuals. Positive correlations were verified between the degree of pain intensity and activities how to dance (60,3%), general activities (32,6%), sleep (28,4%), mood (27,7%), march (20,6%) and relations with others (16,3%). Conclusions: High pain prevalence was found in professional ballet dancers in the main capital cities of the northeast, and the most affected area was the lumbar followed by knees, neck, hip and feet, with substantial interference of pain symptoms in several activities of the personal and professional lives of these people
The aim of this study was to establish the profile of the pharmacist technician responsible for community pharmacies in the city of Natal/RN, featuring personal elements, perceived their role and place of pharmaceutical care, levels of job satisfaction, type and quality of services provided in human and structural framework. To that end, we made an exploratory cross-sectional study applying a questionnaire containing open and closed questions, which was applied to pharmaceutical technicians responsible for community pharmacies in Natal/RN, from September 2010 to September 2011. The sample was established by calculating the simple random sample, with a confidence level of 95% and a significance level of 0.05. To evaluate the satisfaction level of the activities performed by pharmacists in community pharmacies was used Simple Satisfaction Scale (Likert, 1935). To assess the attitudes and perceptions of pharmacists in relation to aspects of pharmaceutical care, we used the Model Attitude toward the object (Fishbein, Ajzen, 1975). The answers were converted into data were analyzed statistically using Epi Info 3.5.2 The results showed that the strengths and weaknesses in relation to the profile of the pharmacist and their activities in community pharmacies in Natal/RN are not different in other cities in the country . The most important aspects were: 51% (n = 90) of the establishments visited, the pharmacist was absent; 46% (n = 80) did not have postgraduate and of those who are or have completed 33% (n = 51) are in the area of Clinical Analysis; 56% (n = 98) 08h for day work and 64% (n = 111) claim that this load influence its performance; 83% (n = 146) receive as salary, the floor pharmacist regarding the state of Rio Grande do Norte; 44% (n = 76) are unhappy about the salary, which is the main difficulty cited; 78% (n = 136) say they are always sought by users and the receptivity of these considered good (52%, n = 91). The activities of higher satisfaction are those related to pharmaceutical care and lower the administrative. As regards attitudes and perceptions, the score was more negative to the question 'if the pharmacist feels working as a team with the doctor', in which 59% (n = 103) responded 'never'. 49% (n = 86) reported being "able" to take questions from users and 39% (n = 68) are 'dissatisfied' with respect to the structure of the practice of pharmacy to pharmaceutical care. Action is needed on the obstacles to the exercise of the pharmacist in the solution and minimize the negative and positive stimulus to
This masters dissertation constitutes in a mapping with base in a field research carried in the streets of commercial center and adjacencies of the Aracaju city, capital of Sergipe state, located in Brazilian‟s Northeast. This is a study about the jingle and others social practices found in the day-by-day of streets by the streets sellers. There is a clear intention of consider the pregão singed by sellers of the street how a jingle that is produced, transmitted and accepted in a means social, characterized how cultural manifestation study. Thus, this ethnography aims to observe the use of the jingle and other cultural practices carried out by street vendors, showing how they are produced, disseminated and consumed in everyday life, as a way to do it. These practices that occur in cities since ancient times continue to occur in all Brazilian cities, including the capital cities, although in some cases, some of them such as the jingle, they get more scarce. Specifically aimed at rescuing the memory of these cultural practices, considering them as "tactics" of practitioners, a resistance of street vendors, individuals, "ordinary" real "anonymous wanderers" in the face of pressure from a dominant force and uneven. In this perspective, the present study is based on the theories of Certeau (1990, 1996) and Coradini (1995) on daily life in the cities, seeking to demonstrate how street vendors engage in a "diverted", subversive, selling its products, creating and using the jingle and other similar relationships that are part of common culture, introducing itself as "ways of doing" that are appropriate or re-appropriated, consumed or accepted in joints over time and within the "anthropological urban spatiality
La Educación a distancia (EAD) ha sido una realidad en la formación de profesores a través de la ofrenda de diversos cursos de licenciaturas por todo Brasil, posibilitando el crecimiento de ingresantes a la enseñanza superior por estudiantes de regiones más alejadas de las grandes capitales. A esa modalidad se atribuye un valor social al tiempo que posibilita la democratización de la enseñanza por medio de la inclusión a la ciudadanía. La vida de los alumnos del interior, que desean la formación superior en el área de enseñanza, es el objeto de estudio de esta pesquisa, a través de la cual será enfatizada la historia de vida de 76 alumnos, desde el período en que realizaron el ingreso a la universidad hasta la obtención del nivel superior a través de la EAD, una modalidad de gran valor social. Se reflejará sobre la enseñanza superior en el contexto de la globalización, la importancia de la acción de esta modalidad y la manifestación de ella a través del curso de Letras Portugués/ Español en la formación de esos 76 profesores, así como la visión de los alumnos que participaron de esta formación, especialmente en la interpretación de las etapas vividas en el curso por medio de los memoriales. El proyecto de pesquisa fue realizado en el Estado de Sergipe, en El interior de Porto da Folha, localizado a 190 km de la capital Aracaju, donde los alumnos cursaron Letras Portugués/ Español en la modalidad EAD, dentro de los cuales traen perfiles diferenciados. El acceso al curso ocurrió a través del convenio entre la Universidad Tiradentes (Unit) e la Secretaria de Estado de Educación (SEED) donde este financió 100% del curso para los alumnos, que quedaron exentos del pagamento desde el inicio hasta el término del curso. A través de la investigación, in loco, documental, bibliográfica e de los memoriales, se desarrollaron las observaciones, encuestas, talleres y declaraciones, donde se buscó conocer un poco más sobre el cotidiano de los alumnos y los temas abordados en esta pesquisa. Con eso se pude ver la contribución de la EAD, como forma de democratización y emancipación social de ciudadanos de regiones lejanas, como el sertón de Porto da Folha, la cual puede ayudar a comprender y valorar la inclusión a la diversidad a partir de los saberes construidos en esa experiencia
The recent democratic process in Brazil made it as element for its consolidation the idea of participation. It requires a state model that included on its agenda democratic society participation in decision-making process, and a society that has as a principle based participatory civic consciousness. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the level of political participation in two Brazilian state capitals , Natal and Porto Alegre. Data were obtained through quantitative data from the application of 384 questionnaires in both capitals. We chose some variables that will form the basis for our study; Duties of a good citizen, a good citizen rights, Confidence, Index of socialization, exposure to media, degree of interest in politics; Mobilization; Associations. Already qualitative research sought to address the political, cultural and institutional of the two municipalities
La présente étude sur la modernisation économique qui s est opérée dans le Rio Grande do Norte, constitue un débat concernant les tentatives de faire aboutir un projet de développement industriel fondé sur l exploitation des matières premières locales telles que le sel, le calcaire, les eaux mères et le pétrole, entre les années 70 et 90 du XXe siècle. Elle cherche à montrer, à partir de l observation de l action planifiée de l État national et régional, soutenu par le capital international et par les groupes économiques et politiques locaux, comment on a tenté d implanter, dans des conjonctures économiques distinctes, une industrie d intrants de base moyennant la création de deux pôles de développement : le Pólo Químico Industrial (1974) et le Pólo Gás Sal (1996). Elle est centrée sur l analyse des actions orientées vers la concrétisation de ces pôles, et prendra pour objet les politiques de développement émanant de l État national, en particulier celles qui relevaient du II PND et qui visaient, au cours des années 70, à l implantation d une industrie décentralisée dans la région Nordeste ; les règles fixées par le Plano Nacional de Desestatizações, destinées à promouvoir les privatisations des entreprises publiques brésiliennes, lesquelles ont rendu possible la vente d Alcanorte au groupe industriel commandé par Fragoso Pires, et les politiques définies par l État national et régional, rassemblées sous le titre de « guerre fiscale » afin d attirer des capitaux internationaux susceptibles de rendre viable le Pólo Gás Sal. Il y est démontré que l État a coordonné un ensemble d actions dans les domaines de l infrastructure et des exonérations fiscales et financières, dans le but d accélérer la transition d une économie primaire et exportatrice vers une économie moderne, industrialisée. Et que le concours simultané de forces économiques et sociales particulièrement expressives le capital national et international, les élites locales n a pas suffi pour promouvoir la modernisation industrielle escomptée des secteurs chimique et pétrochimique. Parmi les différentes raisons qui ont contribué à un tel échec, on peut mentionner : l absence d une accumulation interne préalable de capital ; la dépendance de l économie locale par rapport à la technologie et au capital des groupes économiques internationaux ; l inconsistance des stratégies de développement relevant de la politique qui caractérisait la « guerre fiscale », et la fragilité de la représentation politique locale
Esta tese versa sobre as cidades médias no atual contexto do desenvolvimento urbano brasileiro e nordestino. Na região Nordeste, o processo de urbanização foi lento, atomizado, geográfico e economicamente disperso, o que resultou numa rede urbana truncada, constituída principalmente por suas nove capitais regionais e cerca de duas dezenas de cidades de porte médio, em sua maioria, interiorizadas. Foi a partir dessa rede urbana nordestina interiorizada que nos propomos a estudar Pau dos Ferros, no Rio Grande do Norte e o papel que ela desempenha na rede urbana nordestina e potiguar. Compreender os determinantes da produção do espaço urbano-regional de Pau dos Ferros que o caracterizam como cidade média, com fins a refletir sobre o seu papel no desenvolvimento regional foi o objetivo geral desta pesquisa. Nossa hipótese é que, a despeito de um contingente populacional pequeno, Pau dos Ferros vem desempenhando na rede urbana do Nordeste e do Rio Grande do Norte as funções de cidade média, particularmente, na oferta dos serviços de educação superior e saúde, além da oferta de empregos, notadamente no comércio e nos serviços públicos, o que nos permitiu tratá-la à priori, a partir do conceito de cidade (inter) média. Para esta investigação, partimos da proposta de estudo e do pensamento de autores como Faria (1978), Benko (1999) e Brandão (2007), os quais propõem o estudo do urbano a partir de situações concretas que permitam compreender os fenomenos em sua múltiplas causalidades. Dessa forma, o fio condutor desta análise foi o modo como vem se reconfigurando as cidades médias e como essa reconfiguração tem afetado de diferentes formas as relações entre as cidades e entre as cidades e as regiões. Os resultados das análises apontaram que os investimentos públicos em saúde e educação têm contribuído para a atração de investimentos privados em suas respectivas áreas, e também em outras, o que tem ajudado a dinamizar a economia da cidade, inclusive modificado parcialmente sua estrutura ocupacional. Pau dos Ferros se destacou como um polo comercial e de serviços na rede urbana potiguar, formando um outlier no Alto Oeste, organizando uma bacia de empregos na sua área de influência que constatamos ser composta por 55 municípios do RN, CE e PB. Ao se consolidar como polo regional na oferta dos serviços de saúde e de educação superior, ampliou-se o fluxo de pessoas que realizam movimento pendular para trabalho e estudo. Em síntese, constatou-se que, a despeito do pequeno contingente populacional, a configuração urbano-regional de Pau dos Ferros, tanto em termos de sua dinâmica urbana, como de sua abrangência regional, fazem dela uma cidade média na rede urbana nordestina interiorizada
The present work analyses and discusses the sociability in the culture of contemporary cities focusing on the theme of fear and violence in the daily life of squares in the city of João Pessoa-PB. We analyse the relations between places in town and make correlations of history and setting of neighborhoods with the process of urban growth, including recent interventions of public authorities in their public spaces. We observed in this dynamics social attitudes and actions that range from a desired peaceful coexistence to social exclusion. Thus, we discuss, based upon the imaginary vision, that the squares exist as a locus of equality, citizenship and political, and, also, as a space for everyone, despite the existence of symbolic forces working towards segregation and privatization, ruled in fear and violence. We aimed to investigate the different symbolic logics from the issue of fear and violence that allows the exclusion and the inclusion of groups and individuals in the quotidian use of public spaces of contemporary cities. We believe that the social action is demarcated by violence ant its corollary, the social fear, and operates based on the logic of a relational game always confrontational but experienced in different forms according to the social segment or group under study. We used a qualitative and quantitative methodology relating data and statistical analysis with categories created for the understanding of subjective factors. Our analyses combined ethnographic elements, periodics research and images of the city and its spaces, with the contribution of a survey that allowed comparisions of five squares of neighborhood based on the daily life under investigation. Our proposal was to deepen the investigations related to the public space of contemporary cities, expanding the look on João Pessoa and its cultural dynamics with an analysis of discourses, images, the collective imaginary and the social appropriation of the spaces based on fear and violence. The research accomplished in different areas and the analysis of images and speeches published in newspapers reports, books, advertising etc. allowed the approach of differentiated patterns of sociability in the same urban process. The neighborhoods in study are indeed spatially and economically distanced and the process of creation and construction of squares occurred in very different ways in the respective location. We defend the thesis that neighborhood community squares provide reinvigorated spaces and public spheres in the urban process and in the dynamics of sociability in the cities. These squares are also social spaces par excellence for the perception of the logic of individualism and segregation so marked by fear and violence in contemporary cities
This study approaches the question of the administrative procedure of the environmental licensing of ranks of fuel resale, taking as basis a study case of the reality of the City of Natal/RN (Brazil). For in such a way, it was done a retrospect on the evolution of the system of road transport in Brazil, having started to briefly analyze the urbanization process that if after accented in the capitals of the Brazilian States the decade of 1950, relating these subjects with the growth of the sector of fuel resale. After that, it was transferred boarding of the defense of the national environment to the light of ambient principles constitutional. In the sequence, a boarding on the ambient guardianship in the Federal Constitution of 1988 was made, treating basically specifies and on the national urban politics and the national politics of the environment, with its instruments. In the sequence, it was transferred the analysis of the abilities and attributions of the National Advice of the Environment (CONAMA) and its Resolutions, for then only enter in the most important part of this work: an analysis of the environmental licensing of ranks of fuel resale, in the reality of the City of Natal/RN. Before this specific boarding, it was proceeded specifically a survey and communication from the applicable norms to such establishments (Resolutions of the CONAMA and norms of the ABNT), for after that carrying through an geo-ambient characterization of the City of Natal/RN. Finally, a reflection was made on the possibility of magnifying of the state activity, in terms of guarantees for the responsible members for the environmental policy and of administrative efficiency, through the idea of the ambient regulation. For the accomplishment of this study, it was proceeded research in diverse sources such as books, magazines, sites of the Internet, periodicals, thesis and dissertations, among others material, beyond visits the agencies that direct or indirectly act with the ambient defense and as fuel resale, such as Secretariat of Environment and Urbanism of the City of Natal (SEMURB), Institute of Economic Development and Environment of RN (IDEMA), Brazilian Institute of the Environment and the Natural resources You renewed, Executive Management of RN (IBAMA/RN), Public prosecutor's office of the Environment of Natal (Public prosecution service of the RN), National Agency of Oil (ANP) and Union of the Retailing of Derivatives of Oil of the RN, among others. To the end, satiated regulation is observed that although on the substance of the ambient licensing in ranks of fuel resale, also with federal, state and municipal norms, the municipal Public Power is very far from the fulfilment of its institutional functions, in the question environmental policy of these establishments, a time that few are the permitted ranks of resale in the city of Natal/RN
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
Crées par leDécret n° 7.566, le 23 septembre 1909, les 19 Escolas de Aprentizes Artífices (Écoles d Aprentis Artisans) stratégiquement situées dans les capitales des états brésiliens, répresentaient l une de plus importantes réalisations pour la formation de main-de-oeuvre qualifiée dans les premières décennies de XXème siècle. Alors, ce travail est constitué par une recherche historique ayant eu pour base les informations apportées par des documents divers (Lois, Décrets, Rapports et Messages Gouvernementales, Livres des Immatriculations) et des nouvelles publiées dans le journal A República, disponibles à l Instituto Histórico e Geográfico do Rio Grande do Norte IHG-RN, à l Arquivo Público do Estado et au Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica do Rio Grande do Norte (CEFET RN). On montre la configuration que l expérience de l École d Aprentis Artisans a constituée au Rio Grande do Norte à partir de 1909, crée avec le niveau élémentaire jusqu au 1942, quand la Lei Orgânica do Ensino Industrial a changé cet enseignement en le modifiant pour le niveau secondaire. Dans l état du Rio Grande do Norte(RN), ce genre d école a été crée au 3 janvier de 1910. La finalité était la formation des ouvriers et contremaîtres par l enseignement pratique et technique nécessaires aux mineurs qui puissent apprendre un métier. L école du RN a contribuée pour la consolidation du projet politique-idéologique de la construction de la nationalité brésilienne, par des pratiques des contenu patriotique et civique-militaire, en détachant l insertion du scoutisme scolaire comme expression de la militarisation des pratiques éducatives pour le contrôle des corps. Malgré l enseignement professionnel avoir été utilisé pour l imposition des modèles culturelles sous-jacents aux rapports de production capitaliste qui étaient exigés des travailleurs, la Escola de Aprendizes Artífices de Natal a répondue à la demande locale, ce qui renforce l idée que sa création dans ce moment historique a attendu surtout le but politique-idéologique plutôt que celui du développement économique et éducationnel de la population norte-riograndense
This research work is focused to show the changes in educational administration from the agreements between the Mossoró / RN and the Ayrton Senna Institute IAS, for education provision. Nowadays, the partnership policy is a constitutive element of the reform of the Brazilian State, which dropped its action on social policies and to strengthen its regulatory role, encouraging private participation in planning, preparation and implementation of public policies, new printing setting the political-social. In this context, the 10 Note Management Programme, developed by the IAS, is part of the neoliberal logic of modernization of public school systems, focusing on results and developing strategies for control and regulation of schools work and its efficiency, effectiveness and greater productivity. The 10 Note focuses on two dimensions: the management of learning and teaching in networking, in a managerial perspective to overcome the culture of failure (expressed as age-grade, dropout and repetition rates in) and implantation of culture of success (as measured in the improvement of the indices). To understanding the process, we have delimited as the object of study, the process of implementing them mentioned program in the city, which its objective is to analyze implications for the school community from the perspective of democratic management, adopting the dimensions of autonomy and participation in institutional processes as a criterion of analysis. From a methodological point of view, the survey was conducted from a literature review and documentary about educational policy developed in the country since the 1990´s, seeking to understand, in a dialectical perspective, the political dimensions of teaching, training and performance of the subjects involved in the school work. Besides the empirical observation, it was also used semi-structured interviews with a methodological tool for gathering information and opinions about the partnership and the implementation of the 10 Note Management Program in the county. The interviewee participants were ex-former education managers, coordinators, school managers, secretaries and teachers. Regarding the dimensions inside the analysis (autonomy and participation), the research led to the conclusion: that GEED, under the guidance of IAS promoted regulation of school autonomy, set up the selection process for exercising the office of school administration and system awards to schools, pupils and teachers, subject to results, there is mismatch between the managerial logic and the democratic management principles, that the ideological discourse of modernization of municipal management coexists with traditional practices, centralizing patronage, which ignores the democratic participation in the school decisions processes, the goals of the partnership were partially achieved, since that the city has improved over the approval and dropouts, although the approval of the Education Municipal Plan of the rules institutional (administrative, financial and educational) and the creation of the Councils observed that the school community participation is still limited, not being characterized as a coordinated intervention, capable of promoting the transformation and improvement its quality in the county. In the same way, the orientation of networking is a limit to the autonomy of schools, given the external definition of goals and strategies to be adopted, along with pressure exerted through the accountability of each school community for their achievements
The essay "A local view of a national project: the course in Media Education" presents a research aimed at analyzing how the course Media in Education is being implemented by both Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte and State University of Rio Grande do Norte, with the intention of pointing out weaknesses in its use, which should be resolved in order to contribute to the design of other courses along these lines. Therefore, we performed a survey in which data collection, have used open questionnaires available in online pages created specifically for this purpose and administered to alumni and former participants, course participants and tutors from the two universities involved in the research. Through these questionnaires, we identified, especially, those aspects that negatively affect the provision of course related to the student's profile, the virtual learning environment where the course is hosted, the meetings, the contents and activities, the mentoring and the dropout, and the changes to improve the implementation of the course. The research collaborators are professors of public basic education. To understand the continuing education of teachers, conducted through distance education, using the virtual learning environment, we contextualize this from the nineties, in the context of the Brazilian educational reform took place in that decade. The Media in Education course is presented as a different proposition because it allows teachers to follow different pathways, materialized in the learning cycle. At the end of the study, we conclude that the implementation of this course, of the RN, the conditions for dialogue to happen, specifically, are not given