68 resultados para Equivalência difusa
How ecologically similar species are able to coexist has always generated great interest in the scientific community. Classical niche theory predicts that species coexistence is only possible when they segregate in at least one dimension of the ecological niche, thus leading to ecological differentiation among species. However, recent work has shown that species that are more similar in some ecological traits are the ones more prone to be able to coexist (environmental filter). The knowledge of how these forces act shaping ecological communities can reveal co-existence strategies, providing important information for management and conservation of the species. This study tested these hypotheses using a pair of coexisting species of Herpsilochmus, H. pectoralis and H. sellowi. In this study I use high resolution (50 x 50 m) ecological niche models to Identify which environmental factors best predict species occurrence. Next, I calculate the overlap in habitat use by species and build null models to test the hypothesis of spatial niche segregation. In addition, I obtain the selectivity parameters of habitat use to test whether the species H. pectoralis (larger body size) is less selective than H. sellowi (smaller body size) as stated in the literature for other species. The results reject the ecological equivalence among species, revealing that the species of Herpsilochmus explore the habitat differently, having different environmental niches. The hypothesis of environmental filter was not observed in my analysis, the observed overlap in habitat use among species was lower than expected by chance. Evidence that Herpsilochmus are spatially segregating reinforces the hypothesis of interspecific competition as the predominant force in the selection of microhabitat of the species. However, more data and experiments are necessary to state categorically that the observed pattern is a result of current or past competition
The demographic growth press environments that are more susceptible to perturbations, like riparian areas, without knowing about the effects of replacing these natural environments by different land uses on soil quality and, consequently, on watershed. The study of soil quality has evolved as an important tool for soil sustainable management of this component of the biosphere that affects aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems functions. Thus, physical and chemical soil proprieties were measured to assess soil quality under different land uses (agricultural, pasture, urban, industrial and natural vegetation,) in the riparian zone of Extremoz Lake, an important human water source, evaluating whether the soil offers potential risk to water pollution. Data were subjected to descriptive statistics and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The results showed negative changes in soil quality such as alkalinization and increase in P, Pb, Mn and Zn contents in most anthropized areas. The sandy texture and low organic matter content in all soils showed the fragility of the soil to erosion and leaching of elements in excess to water bodies, evidencing that this soils has potential to diffuse contaminants. Conservative management of soil is necessary to provide an adequate ecological state in riparian zones of the Extremoz Lake, thus allowing controlling and buffering diffuse sources of pollution to this important water supply source
Neste trabalho, são utilizadas a Técnica da Ressonância Transversa (TRT) e a Técnica da Ressonância Transversa Modificada (MTRT), para a determinação das freqüências dos modos ressonantes de antenas de microfita com patch quadrado, retangular e circular e com substratos isotrópicos e anisotrópicos. Para isso, é proposto um modelo da cavidade equivalente, onde a antena tipo patch retangular é representada como sendo a superposição de duas linhas infinitas em microfita, uma de largura W, representando a dimensão que expressa a largura do patch, e a outra com largura L, representando a dimensão que expressa o comprimento do patch. A avaliação da eficiência e aplicabilidade dos métodos citados é realizada comparando-se com resultados experimentais e obtidos através de outras técnicas. Três situações serão verificadas: estruturas com substrato infinito, estrutura com substrato tipo pedestal e estruturas com substrato truncado além dos limites da fita metálica. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que as técnicas de análise de onda completa utilizadas neste trabalho, por um formalismo matemático mais rigoroso, são eficientes e precisas tanto na aplicação em estruturas com substrato isotrópico como nas que possuem substrato anisotrópico. Inicialmente são consideradas apenas as estruturas com substratos isotrópicos, com diferentes constantes dielétricas, e é avaliada a influência da largura do substrato sobre as freqüências dos modos ressonantes das antenas. Posteriormente, a análise do truncamento do dielétrico é realizada para estruturas com substrato anisotrópico. Em todos os casos, os resultados experimentais, obtidos a partir da construção de protótipos, são confrontados com os obtidos a partir de simulação, utilizando as técnicas TRT e MTRT. No final, as técnicas descritas são utilizadas para antenas tipo patch circular, sendo utilizada uma técnica de equivalência para transformar a antena circular em outra quadrada ou retangular equivalente, dependendo do modo que se queira encontrar. Os resultados obtidos são então analisados, observando-se uma boa concordância e indicando a viabilidade do método. Após isso, são apresentadas as conclusões e sugeridos alguns temas para a continuidade deste trabalho
In multi-robot systems, both control architecture and work strategy represent a challenge for researchers. It is important to have a robust architecture that can be easily adapted to requirement changes. It is also important that work strategy allows robots to complete tasks efficiently, considering that robots interact directly in environments with humans. In this context, this work explores two approaches for robot soccer team coordination for cooperative tasks development. Both approaches are based on a combination of imitation learning and reinforcement learning. Thus, in the first approach was developed a control architecture, a fuzzy inference engine for recognizing situations in robot soccer games, a software for narration of robot soccer games based on the inference engine and the implementation of learning by imitation from observation and analysis of others robotic teams. Moreover, state abstraction was efficiently implemented in reinforcement learning applied to the robot soccer standard problem. Finally, reinforcement learning was implemented in a form where actions are explored only in some states (for example, states where an specialist robot system used them) differently to the traditional form, where actions have to be tested in all states. In the second approach reinforcement learning was implemented with function approximation, for which an algorithm called RBF-Sarsa($lambda$) was created. In both approaches batch reinforcement learning algorithms were implemented and imitation learning was used as a seed for reinforcement learning. Moreover, learning from robotic teams controlled by humans was explored. The proposal in this work had revealed efficient in the robot soccer standard problem and, when implemented in other robotics systems, they will allow that these robotics systems can efficiently and effectively develop assigned tasks. These approaches will give high adaptation capabilities to requirements and environment changes.
The building of water reservoirs has become a solution for water scarcity of the semiarid regions, however, the land use and occupation near the margins of the reservoirs have been causing serious damage to water quality, harming their use. This paper aims to analyze the land use and occupation in the margins of the Northeast reservoir and evaluate their influence on the water quality, to identify the areas and activities that represent an higher risk of contamination to the reservoir. The study was conducted at the reservoir Dourado, located in the city of Currais Novos - RN, during the period from August 2012 to February 2013. Were defined six areas regarding the land use and occupation, then, Water samples were collected from the margins in these areas for the characterization of water quality. The results showed that almost all Permanent Preservation Areas (PPA) from the reservoir is degraded, increasing the susceptibility of large input of nutrients and contaminants loads. The water reservoir showed low quality, being with strong evidence of eutrophication due to the nutrient accumulation arising from the activities surrounding the reservoir, mainly from agriculture and Livestock. The Areas 1 and 2 are the areas that present a greater risk of reservoir degradation, because are the possible major sources of nutrients (phosphorus total, orthophosphate and nitrate), however, due to the small size of the reservoir, any compound that reaches its margins ultimately affects the water quality of the same
In the semiarid region of northeastern of Brazil, the reservoirs are vulnerable to water level seasonal fluctuations, they re related to the hydrological cycle. The rain periods are irregular and there are long periods of drought that increases eutrophication process. That happens because of the water level s reduction and nutrient concentration. The Boqueirao, located in northeastern Brazil , is a mesotrophic reservoir. The reservoir is naturally susceptible to deterioration of water quality. This happens because of the potential diffuse sources arising from the use and occupation of the basin, associated with shallow soil caatinga biome and highly vulnerable to erosion. This study aimed to analyze the influence of the use and occupation of the area around and the water quality of the watershed. A study of the area around the Boqueirão was performed, taking the potentially polluting activities. Limnological variables were monitored monthly in 3 points of the reservoir to assess the water quality. Was evidenced an event of prolonged drought, with rainfall below the historical average for the year of study. By the index of water quality, the watershed was classified as " good " during the whole year of 2012. According to the trophic index adopted the reservoir is characterized as mesotrophic. The main anthropogenic impacts identified in the soil were arboreal selective logging, mining, diffuse contribution of residues from agricultural and livestock activities. The lack of precipitation and the degradation of the surrounding area, affect negatively the water quality, requiring immediate control to prevent degradation of the watershed . Although there wasn t a majority polluting activity in the region. The total of several impacting activities, the high susceptibility of the soil and the selective clearing of caatinga vegetation can accelerate the natural process of eutrophication in the water body
A região semiárida sofre escassez hídrica. A fim de regularizar a disponibilidade hídrica nos períodos de estiagem, são construídas barragens. No entanto, a qualidade da água armazenada tem sofrido os efeitos do descarte irregular de resíduos no meio ambiente e das atividades antrópicas exercidas nas bacias hidrográficas. A degradação hídrica pode ser constatada a partir do monitoramento dos parâmetros de qualidade da água. Estes dados podem ser analisados através de métodos estatísticos tais como a Análise de Componentes Principais e a análise de agrupamento, que seleciona indivíduos com características semelhantes. O objetivo deste trabalho é realizar oagrupamento dos reservatórios do Rio Grande do Norte, com base nos parâmetros de qualidade da água, para a identificação de grupos homogêneos de reservatórios em termos de fontes de poluição. Serão objeto desse estudo as bacias Piranhas-Açu, Apodi-Mossoró, Trairí, Potengi e Ceará-Mirim. Os parâmetros mercúrio, chumbo, cromo, fósforo total, nitrogênio total e zinco contribuíram para a formação da primeira componente principal, que pode indicar poluição por metais pesados; sólidos totais, DBO, OD e cobre, para a segunda componente, que pode ser indicativo de poluição por matéria orgânica e atividades antrópicas; e clorofila a , cádmio e níquel, para a terceira componente, que pode indicar eutrofização e poluição por metais pesados. De posse das componentes principais se procedeu o agrupamento dos reservatórios, formando-se quatro grupos distintos. Os grupos 1 e 2 são constituídos por reservatórios da Bacia Piranhas-Açu, que apresentou maiores valores de metais pesados. O grupo 3, constituído por reservatórios das bacias Ceará-Mirim, Potengi e Trairí, apresentou maiores valores de DBO e sólidostotais e o grupo 4 é formado por reservatórios da Bacia Apodi-Mossoró. Nas Bacias do Trarí e Piranhas-Açu deve ser coibido o lançamento desordenado de efluentes e fontes de poluição difusas, e implantado um sistema de coleta de esgoto para minimizar a poluição por matéria orgânica
In this research we present a study of cultural aspects in dubbed and subtitled films. As a case study, we chose to compare the original French version of "Le fabuleux destin d'Amelie Poulain" with both the subtitled and the dubbed versions in Portuguese, with focus on the interaction between the French and the Brazilian cultures. First we considered that (i) the translation process interferes on the perception of cultural relationships; and that (ii) dubbing and subtitling are two methods of translation that result in distinct perceptions from the spectator. Then, we adopted the translation interpretative theory (Seleskovicth; Lederer, 2001; Deslile, 1980) as the general theoretical framework, since it emphasizes the extralinguistic equivalence on the translation process. Furthermore, we based this research on three analytical procedures, which are: the four-step translating operation, the contrastive perception and a translation's typology based on Vinay and Dalbernet's linguistic procedures (Srpová, 1991, 1995, 2004). We extracted forty-six culture-related elements from the film and identified those belonging to the French ethno-universe. Then, the elements were classified with respect to a theoretical typology, based on concepts found in the Ethnography of Communication and a general typology, based on five general thematic groups, defined by the corpus. The results showed that both Brazilian versions tend to preserve those culture-related elements by using lexical loan and literal translation. The visual context, in its association with the linguistic procedures in both Brazilian versions, was also observed as an important element to the comprehension of the culture-related elements as they are considered in the French culture. As a general observation, the perception of culture-related elements in the film seems effectively be oriented by the translation methods
We address the generalization of thermodynamic quantity q-deformed by q-algebra that describes a general algebra for bosons and fermions . The motivation for our study stems from an interest to strengthen our initial ideas, and a possible experimental application. On our journey, we met a generalization of the recently proposed formalism of the q-calculus, which is the application of a generalized sequence described by two parameters deformation positive real independent and q1 and q2, known for Fibonacci oscillators . We apply the wellknown problem of Landau diamagnetism immersed in a space D-dimensional, which still generates good discussions by its nature, and dependence with the number of dimensions D, enables us future extend its application to systems extra-dimensional, such as Modern Cosmology, Particle Physics and String Theory. We compare our results with some experimentally obtained performing major equity. We also use the formalism of the oscillators to Einstein and Debye solid, strengthening the interpretation of the q-deformation acting as a factor of disturbance or impurity in a given system, modifying the properties of the same. Our results show that the insertion of two parameters of disorder, allowed a wider range of adjustment , i.e., enabling change only the desired property, e.g., the thermal conductivity of a same element without the waste essence
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
The purpose of the study was to compare hemiparetic gait overground and on the treadmill. Seventeen chronic stroke patients were included in the study. They walked overground and on a treadmill level at the same speed. The Qualisys Medical AB motion analysis system was used to quantify the joint kinematic of the paretic lower limb and the spatio-temporal parameters on the two conditions: overground walking and treadmill walking on three samples of 5-minutes. During the first sample, the subjects walked on the treadmill with greater cadence, shorter stride length, shorter step time on the lower paretic limb, greater range of motion in the hip and knee, greater knee flexion at the initial contact, more extension of the knee and lower dorsiflexion of the ankle at the stance phase. It is important to emphasize that the maximal knee flexion and ankle dorsiflexion just occurred later on the treadmill. Comparisons between each walking sample on the treadmill hadn t revealed any changes on the gait parameters over time. Nonetheless, when analyzing the third walking sample on the treadmill and overground, some variables showed equivalence as such as the total range of motion of the hip, the knee angle at the initial contact and its maximal extension at the stance phase. In summary, walking on a treadmill, even thought having some influence on the familiarization process, haven t demonstrated a complete change in its characteristics of hemiparetic chronic patients
Objectives: to translate and assess the psychometric properties of the Brazilian short-form of the Mobility Assessment Tool (MAT-sf) in Brazilians community elderly. Methds: the 12 items MAT-sf went through the process of translation and back translation into Portuguese of the Brazil, considering the semantic and cultural adaptation. In a sample of 150 aged 65-74 years living in the community, the instrument's psychometric properties were evaluated by analysis of convergent and construct validity and test-retest reliability. The main outcomes measures used for validation included in the battery of tests of physical ability, self-repor measures of functional limitations, health, depression, cognitive and sex. The test-retest reliability of the instrument was assessed using the intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC), 40 subjects were reassessed after an interval of 14 days of assessment. Results: the concurrent validity for the MAT-sf was evidenced by significant correlations with SPPB (r = 0,53), number of functional limitations (r = -0,62) and depressive symptoms (r = -0,45). The construct validity of the instrument was measured by gradual and significant increase of the MAT-sf scores with high levels of physical performance and with positive self-reported health, also found that MAT-sf scores were statistically differents according to sex. The variation in MAT-sf scores (R2 = 0,41) was explained by SPPB, number of limitations for activities of daily life and depressive symptoms. High values for test-retest reliability was evidencend by ICC = 0,94, 95% CI = 0,90 0,97. Conclusions: the Brazilian version of the short-form of the Mobility Assessment Tool has values of validity and reliability to ensure its use in elderly populations living in communities
In this work, we present a text on the Sets Numerical using the human social needs as a tool for construction new numbers. This material is intended to present a text that reconciles the correct teaching of mathmatics and clarity needed for a good learning
We investigated the immunohistochemistry expression of claudins -1 and -7 in ameloblastoma and in human dental germs on the pattern of distribution (focal, regional or diffuse), the cells that expressed (if central or peripheral) and the location of that expression in the cell components recital membrane, cytoplasm and nucleus. Among the 29 cases of ameloblastoma, 24 were type solid and 6 unicystic. In 7 mandibular specimens of human fetuses found dental germs from the stage of bud to the crown. We note that the pattern of expression in the dental germs was variable for claudinas studied according to the cell type and stage of differentiation and was invariate only in the cells of stellate reticulum. In epithelium internal of enamel organ, claudin-1 has been decreasing with the progression of differentiation as to claudina-7 that was found in the cells of the peripheral papilla. For ameloblastoma the expression was more significant than that observed in dental germs. Fisher s exact test no found association between the expression of claudinas cells in central and peripheral and the type of ameloblastoma (solid or unicystic). Thus, in general the claudin-1 was positive in the central cell of 93,1% of the cases and in peripheral cells of 51,7%. The claudin-7 was expressed in the cells of all cases central and peripheral cells from 89,7%. For both claudins the distribution was predominantly diffuse cells both in central and peripheral cells. Given our findings it is suggested that the expression of claudins may be indicative of the involvement of these molecules in morphogenetics events culminating with the dental development and that possibly influence the development of neoplastic ameloblastoma
Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) are cytokines involved in proliferation and angiogenesis of many kind of human cancer. The present study analyzed the immunohistochemical expression of BMP-2, BMPR-II, BMPR-IA and endoglin (CD105) and their relationship with the biological behavior and local angiogenesis in tongue oral squamous cells carcinoma (SCC). The sample consisted of 25 cases of tongue SCC without metastasis, 25 tongue SCC with metastasis and 25 cases of Inflamatory Fibrous Hyperplasia (IFH).The histological grade of malignancy proposed by Bryne (1998), adapted by Miranda (2002) was used to classify all tongue SCC cases. Score 0 was attributed to absent-weak immunoexpression and score 1 for strong immunostaning and pattern of distribution was focal or diffuse. Microvessel counts (MVC) was established for CD105. Most of the patients with tongue SCC was male. The principal age in tongue SCC without metastasis was over 65 years and in tongue SCC with metastasis was between 45-65 years. There were predominance of stage II in TNM and in the specimens with high-grade, independent of studied group. For BMP-2, 56% of tongue SCC without metastasis and 72% tongue SCC with metastasis exhibited score 1 while the IFH showed secore 0 in 72% of the cases, with statistical association (p=0,007). Considering the BMPR-II, 52% of tongue SCC without metastasis exhibited score 0; 56% tongue SCC with metastasis and 60% IFH showed score 1. The majority cases of BMPR-IA demonstrated score 1 and 100% of CD105 exhibited strong immunoexpression in tongue SCC. Regarding the pattern distribution, it was noted a tendency to diffuse pattern for the proteins in all groups. The means of MVC were similar in tongue SCC without metastasis (32,91) and in tongue SCC with metastasis (32,05), however existed statistical difference with IFH (p<0,001). There was statistical association of BMP-2 expression with BMPR-II (p=0,008), BMPR-IA (p=0,006) and CD105 (p=0,046). An association between TNM and BMP-2 immunoexpression and their receptors was not detected, nevertheless this association was found with MVC (p=0,047) whose averages were higher for the stages II (35,97) e IV (35,69). No association between histological grading and these proteins was observed. This study suggests that the superexpression of BMP-2 signaling pathways acts on cell proliferation in tongue SCC and can be implicated with more invasive potential. Additionaly, the CD105 is a potent biological marker of neovascularization in this neoplasm and their association with BMP-2 and BMPR-IA receptor, showed that this type of cancer in BMP-2 is presented as pro-angiogenic in the metastatic process