79 resultados para Criação e Evolução dosNúmeros


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The dissertation intends to develop an investigation on the artistic existence in human beings with different bodies in society at different historical moments. In this regard and based on this scenario, the study develops a description of the stigmas production and how they are established, spread and interfere with the sociability among human beings regarded as normal and those with different bodies. Regarding the scenic arts, the text describes about the participation of artists with different bodies in the scene, specifically the freak show and postdramatic theater. The text also investigates aspects of the biography and the work of mexican artist Frida Kahlo, which underpin methodological proceedings and produce contribution to the creative process of performance Kahlo em mim Eu e(m) Kahlo , which is to investigate the practice of the scene in this dissertation


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Este trabalho investigou o processo criativo do espetáculo Ethnotron-Ghetto Experiment, do Coletivo paraibano Tribo Éthnos, fundado na década de 1990 e ainda em atividade. A estratégia metodológica se dá através de estudos descritivos, valendo-se da teoria e prática de diversas linguagens artísticas presentes na obra apontada: artes visuais, performance, literatura e histórias em quadrinho; em ações realizadas pelo Coletivo ao longo dos anos, objetivando descrever e analisar o processo de criação do referido espetáculo de dança, através da minuciosa coleta de dados por meio de entrevistas abertas e semiestruturadas, e da pesquisa e captação de materiais audiovisuais. A Tribo Éthnos destaca-se na cena local na cidade de João Pessoa, e estadual, na Paraíba, visto que, nesse longo percurso de existência, além da preocupação em fundir muitas formas artísticas, bem como os artistas da Paraíba, aglutina pessoas que fazem arte em outros países e faz das danças urbanas algo instigante. A Tribo ainda preocupa-se com a troca de saberes através de palestras, oficinas, cursos e intercâmbios. A dissertação investiga o processo de criação dos artistas e, especificamente, dos dançarinos, utilizando-se principalmente do conceito de work in progress, proposto por Renato Cohen, e aplicado ao espetáculo estudado. Apresentam-se descrições dos movimentos coreográficos, do espetáculo de dança paraibano Ethnotron-Ghetto Experiment, de Dança de Rua da Era Funky, especificamente, com estilos como popping, waving, animation, strobing, floatine/ slidini, tiokine, trebing, breaking, waving, sliding, entre outros, visto serem estes parte integrante do processo de criação. Tais estilos remetem ao ilusionismo ou ao mimetismo, sugerindo, em seus movimentos truques, câmeras lentas, flutuações com os pés, entre outros. Segundo Valmir Vaz, o Coletivo, através do espetáculo, busca a integração dos corpos, procura uma libertação individual e sugere uma sensação de querer voar nas coreografias/cenas. Abordam-se os aspectos do processo criativo: o espaço cênico, o trabalho corporal, a sonoplastia e a roupa/indumentária. Trabalha-se o conceito do corpo virtual de José Gil no aspecto do corpo cênico


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With the new discoveries of oil and gas, the exploration of fields in various geological basins, imports of other oils and the development of alternative fuels, more and more research labs have evaluated and characterized new types of petroleum and derivatives. Therefore the investment in new techniques and equipment in the samples analysis to determine their physical and chemical properties, their composition, possible contaminants, especification of products, among others, have multiplied in last years, so development of techniques for rapid and efficient characterization is extremely important for a better economic recovery of oil. Based on this context, this work has two main objectives. The first one is to characterize the oil by thermogravimetry coupled with mass spectrometry (TG-MS), and correlate these results with from other types of characterizations data previously informed. The second is to use the technique to develop a methodology to obtain the curve of evaluation of hydrogen sulfide gas in oil. Thus, four samples were analyzed by TG-MS, and X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF). TG results can be used to indicate the nature of oil, its tendency in coke formation, temperatures of distillation and cracking, and other features. It was observed in MS evaluations the behavior of oil main compounds with temperature, the points where the volatilized certain fractions and the evaluation gas analysis of sulfide hydrogen that is compared with the evaluation curve obtained by Petrobras with another methodology


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The Rio do Peixe Basin represents a main basin of northeastern Brazil and pioneering work positioned the rocks of this basin in the Early Cretaceous. However, a recent study, based on integrated pollen analysis from three wells, found an unprecedented siliciclastic sedimentary section, in the region, of early Devonian age. Therefore, the present study aims a detailed petrographic and petrological analysis of this devonian section, in the Rio do Peixe Basin and proposes a diagenetic evolution, to understand the characteristics of the porous system, identify the main reservoir petrofacies with the main factors impacting on the quality of these rocks as reservoirs and a quick study on the provenance of this section. The petrographic study was based on samples obtained from subsurface and surface. The diagenetic evolution of petrofacies and its identification were based only on subsurface samples and the study of provenance was based on surface samples. The thin sections were prepared from sandstones, pelites and sandstones intercalated with pelites. The original detrital composition for this section is arcosean and the main diagenetic processes that affected these rocks occur in various depths and different conditions, which resulted in extensive diagenetic variety. The following processes were identified: early fracture and healing of grains; albitization of K-feldspar and plagioclase; siderite; precipitation of silica and feldspar; mechanical infiltration of clay and its transformation to illite/esmectite and illite; autigenesis of analcime; dissolution; autigenesis of chlorite; dolomite/ferrous dolomite/anquerite; apatite; calcite; pyrite; titanium minerals and iron oxide-hidroxide. The occurrence of a recently discovered volcanism, in the Rio do Peixe Basin, may have influenced the diagenetic evolution of this section. Three diagenetic stages affected the Devonian section: eo, meso and telodiagenesis. This section is compositionally quite feldspathic, indicating provenance from continental blocks, between transitional continental and uplift of the basement. From this study, we observed a wide heterogeneity in the role of the studied sandstones as reservoirs. Seven petrofacies were identified, taking into account the main diagenetic constituent responsible for the reduction of porosity. It is possible that the loss of original porosity was influenced by intense diagenesis in these rocks, where the main constituent for the loss of porosity are clays minerals, oxides and carbonate cement (calcite and dolomite)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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Introdução: A criação de programas de equipe multiprofissional de saúde desponta como uma alternativa eficiente para controlar a evolução dos pacientes portadores de diabetes, e a inserção do farmacêutico em tais programas tem contribuído para melhorar o acompanhamento desses pacientes. Objetivo: Avaliar o impacto da intervenção do farmacêutico no acompanhamento dos pacientes diabéticos tipo 2, em farmácias comunitárias. Métodos: Ensaio clínico randomizado, uni-cego envolvendo 100 pacientes diabéticos tipo 2 de ambos os gêneros, usuários de farmácia comunitária, com idade igual ou superior a 30 anos, em uso de hipoglicemiantes orais com adição ou não de insulina e foram acompanhados por 6 meses. Os pacientes do grupo controle receberam o tratamento habitual existente em qualquer farmácia, e os de intervenção receberam o acompanhamento do farmacêutico incluindo intervenções aos problemas relacionados aos medicamentos. Os desfechos primários avaliados foram os valores da hemoglobina glicada (HbA1c), glicose basal e um questionário de qualidade de vida validado denominado de Diabetes Quality of Life Measure (DQOL) - Brasil; e como desfechos secundários as dosagens dos triglicérides, colesterol total, (HDL) colesterol, (LDL) colesterol, tensão arterial e a satisfação do usuário com o serviço prestado. Essa pesquisa contou com a colaboração de vários profissionais das diferentes áreas do conhecimento a seguir nominados: médico, farmacêutico bioquímico, enfermeiro, nutricionista e estatístico. Resultados: Finalizaram o estudo 89 pacientes. Durante o acompanhamento 95,7% (45/47) dos pacientes no grupo intervenção apresentaram problemas relacionados aos medicamentos (PRM), perfazendo um total de 141, com uma média de 3 eventos por paciente, ocorrendo uma resolutividade de 61,7% (87/141). A categoria que mais apresentou PRM foi a de efetividade com 34,1% (48/141) e a classe farmacológica mais utilizada foi a dos hipoglicemiantes orais com 35% (49/141). As variáveis de desfechos primários como hemoglobina glicada (HbA1c) e a glicose basal não apresentaram valores estatisticamente significantes quando comparadas o final com o inicial do acompanhamento nos grupos intervenção e controle considerando um p<0,05, mas o questionário de qualidade de vida DQOL Brasil apresentou resultados estatisticamente significante com um p=0,000. Os desfechos secundários, com exceção da satisfação do usuário, não apresentaram valores xi estatisticamente significantes quando comparados o final com o início do acompanhamento nos grupos de intervenção e controle. Conclusão: Os resultados indicam que as modificações das variáveis clínicas não apresentaram valores significativos no controle da enfermidade e comorbidades, enquanto que na avaliação da qualidade de vida os pacientes afirmaram que melhoraram; portanto, pode-se postular que a intervenção farmacêutica é uma atividade necessária, mas que a prática do Pharmaceutical Care trará benefícios com sustentabilidade para os pacientes se houver uma efetiva integração do farmacêutico numa equipe multiprofissional de saúde, o que está indisponível nas Farmácias Comunitárias


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This work aims at analyzing how Adam Smith, one of the founders of the liberal regime was seen by Roberto Campos, one of the patriarchs of Brazilian liberalism. In this sense, it will be shown how and why the legacy of Scotland was used to legitimize the new pattern of accumulation necessary to capitalism from the second half of the twentieth century on. So, it is the intention to make explicit that the changes in Campos discursive form are consistent with the requirements of capitalism in crisis and were fundamental in the creation of another common sense. To achieve these goals it will be assessed in what way the liberal rhetoric of the Brazilian, harmonized with foreign authors with the same vision, has become an important weapon to transform Smith into a myth in contrast to the political and economic criteria advocated by the same, but valuable to what Roberto Campos intended


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The aim of this thesis was to investigate the evolution of the socio-occupational status in Rio Grande do Norte from 2001 to 2008, based on the characterization of the socio-economic status of this State from the analysis of labor market norte-rio-grandense . The study, specifically, drew a comparison between the dynamics of the labor market in Rio Grande do Norte and the capital city, Natal. From this perspective, the purpose was to make a relationship between the social division of labor and its effects on the socio-spatial division, represented in the "macro scale" by the federal unit and the "micro level" for the capital; locus of economic and population concentration. The collection of data on the labor market had as a major source PNAD/IBGE, characterizing the labor market in many ways: people of working age, economically active population and employed and unemployed people, classified by age, sex, color, education, income and social protection condition. However, as for the socio-occupational division, we follow the methodology used by the research group on national television, based in IPPUR /UFRJ, called Monitoring of the Metropolis," which rallied twenty-four groups that aggregate the occupations found in the PNAD/IBGE, in eight groups of socio-occupational categories, according to the similarity between them. It was used in the socio-spatial cutting two relevant discussions, which are inter-related and were characterized as crucial points in developing the research problem: the former was related to the influence of the hegemony of merchant capital in the labor market in Rio Grande North and, the latter, it referred the socio-economic relations between the territory and the variable occupation. Lastly, the results all indicated that in Rio Grande do Norte, as a peripheral state, has suffered the devastating influence of the hegemony of capital purely commercial basis, where "wealth" of capitalism is generated through the sphere of mere movement of goods and services rather than a productive process due to the social relations of production more advanced. We have a little advanced economic structure, with a tertiary sector that has propagated under-employment or disguised unemployment. Similarly, the agricultural sector has been presented as an example of greater social degradation of working conditions in the state. The secondary sector, in turn, also was not behind this uncertainty; on the contrary, confirmed that condition, with poor levels of income, low education of the workforce and a high degree of social helplessness, even in the state capital, space full urban area, which although always appear with a favorable condition compared to Province, in practically most of the variables studied, was also reflected at the same time the author of a structurally underdeveloped condition


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The approach that undertakes this work revolves around the emergence of iconic structures on reflecting about the meaning of different methods of image representation through which the contemporaneity reveals itself. At baseline, three aspects are considered looking for an analytical ontology of the act of representation and imagery: the transition of representation in the oral culture of societies for writing, from these to typography, and finally the creation of a representation device. Resorted to, therefore, the argument by some genealogy reference points that technological instances such as writing, printing and photography, the evolution of this process, correspond, in itself, a consequent shift technique, for each representation precedent. In the area of the image, the most salient aspect of this change in foward process is the emergence of hyper-reality: the instances of hyper-realistic representation. In the Western context, the 'simulation of the world' - essential idea of mimesis is the work of an autonomous an conventional system. It should be noted, then the fact that under unreflective of the post-industrial societies, the mass-media image is coating with natural or fake code including - according to Baudrillard - tends to replace the real world in the "perpetuation of a large chain of simulacra." Hence in modern times, in the postindustrial society, during the crisis of the representation regimen and perception, centered in the referent. In this limit, new settings are established by aesthetic representations of imagery in contemporary culture: establishing spaces of simulation [Jean Baudrillard] the spectacle [Guy Debord] and hypermodernity [Gilles Lipovetsky] in which they operate. In these assemblages, saps the emergence of Hyper-reality Representation Instances - as seen in this study aesthetic events to configure itineraries of a new sensibility. It is the nature of this practice sign-iconic, ingrained in the creation of current artistic expression, which this research engaged in peering: the hyper-realistic setting, taking empirical support central to contemporary imagery production, diverse formats of analog representation.


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Os nascimentos ocorridos em uma população consistem em informação de grande valia para diversos estudos e planejamento de políticas públicas. O Sistema de informações sobre Nascidos Vivos (SINASC) representa uma promissora fonte de informação sobre o tema, uma vez que coleta continuamente e no âmbito municipal, dados sobre nascimentos. Tendo em vista a necessidade de avaliação contínua do SINASC e o panorama do declínio da fecundidade no Nordeste, objetivou-se avaliar a qualidade das informações provenientes do SINASC para o Nordeste, estados e microrregiões, nos anos 2000 e 2010, utilizando o Censo Demográfico como informação de referência, avaliando a cobertura do SINASC e identificando níveis e padrões de fecundidade. Pretendeu-se ainda verificar a relação entre os níveis de fecundidade, o grau de cobertura do SINASC e as condições socioeconômicas das microrregiões sintetizadas pelo Índice Social de Desenvolvimento Municipal (ISDM), utilizando-se a análise de cluster, associada à análise de variância (ANOVA) e o teste de Tukey. Por último, analisou-se a incompletude no preenchimento dos campos da Declaração de Nascido Vivo (DNV). De acordo com os resultados, observou-se que houve ampliação da qualidade das informações do SINASC no período estudado, resultando em uma maior aproximação das TFTs oriundas das duas fontes de dados consideradas no estudo. Maranhão e Paraíba foram os estados com maiores ganhos em cobertura das TFTs no período, e os estados do Rio Grande do Norte e Sergipe revelaram um grau de cobertura ligeiramente inferior em 2010 frente aos resultados de 2000, bem como ainda persistem várias microrregiões com TFTs oriundas do SINASC bem abaixo daquelas estimadas pelo Censo. Na verificação da associação entre o ISDM, TFTs e cobertura, a análise de cluster resultou em três agrupamentos, GrISDM A com melhores coberturas, ISDM e mais baixas TFT; GrISDM B , intermediário e GrISDM C com piores coberturas, ISDM e TFT mais altas. Notou-se a evolução das condições socioeconômicas no Nordeste, tendo o GrISDM A passado de 8% do total de microrregiões em 2000 para 37% em 2010. Reiterou-se ainda que quanto melhores as condições socioeconômicas de uma população, menores são as TFTs e melhores as coberturas do SINASC. A análise de variância apontou interações significativas entre o ano estudado versus ISDM (p-valor < 0,016) e o ano versus fonte de informação (p-valor < 0,020), e o teste Tukey apontou que não houve similaridade entre as médias das TFT das fontes Censo versus SINASC no período, fato que aponta para a captação ainda deficiente do SINASC nas microrregiões. O resultado da análise de variância da cobertura do SINASC em relação ao Censo apresentou uma interação significativa entre as variáveis UF versus Ano (p-valor < 0,0001), causada pelos estados que apresentaram queda de cobertura entre 2000 e 2010. Quanto à incompletude dos itens da DNV, evidenciou-se uma melhor coleta no período, embora alguns itens ainda careçam de atenção, como o apgar no 1º e 5º minuto e ocupação da mãe, sendo esta a que apresenta maiores percentuais de informações ignoradas. Destaca-se a possibilidade de preenchimento inconsistente nas variáveis referentes ao histórico de gestações anteriores, com o uso da informação zero inserida no lugar da informação ignorado . Concluiu-se que o SINASC é uma importante base de dados sobre nascimentos e que dispõe de dados confiáveis para o acompanhamento dos nascimentos e de seu panorama epidemiológico no Nordeste brasileiro, embora para alguns estados, assim como para algumas microrregiões, ainda faz-se necessária a ampliação da cobertura do Sistema. As informações constantes na DNV podem servir como embasamento para diversos estudos sobre as condições epidemiológicas dos nascituros e das suas mães, e dos indicadores baseados as informações dos nascimentos


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The state s evolution, after its liberal and the social stages, arrives at the post-social state, also regarded as regulatory state, which, in order to accomplish the state s aims, employs indirect interventions in the economy. The new model of administration adapts principles and concepts form the private sector such as the quest for efficience and tangible results, also striving for the decentralization of state s power to improve effectiveness before the new paradigm of handling of affairs of public interest. Present state derives its legitimacy from the efficiency principle, the legitimacy of the public administration cannot be limited to an analysis of legality, but the fulfillment of the ends envisaged by the public authority on its policies. These public policies have the objective of satisfying fundamental rights of the citizens. The access to public policies set by states as a way of enjoyment of the aforementioned rights constitute a legal and demandable path of development. The creation of public policies and the access to them must abide to the efficiency principle. This access must be taken unther the principles of legal and material equality, inasmuch as the liberty and real liberty. The access must also be observed as a matter of limited resources to grant, in reality, the access and enjoyment of these rights. The demandable nature of the access to public policies binds the public authority into broadening the range of these policies to every one who needs them. Thus, in this spectrum, the role of the Regulatory State, as the legal instruments for access of public policies as a legal path to development, is analyzed in the present work


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The research aims to analyze the reasons and the unique role of prosecutors in the promotion of public policies. The opening lines deal with the evolution and expansion of the general theory of the fundamental rights in the international and national levels and that have led to the creation of a welfare state concerned with carrying out positive actions which aim at the community well-being. Thus, it is clear that, after the uneven development of the Brazilian democracy, the Constitution of 1988 not only has erected to a state socially responsible, but also built a system of guarantees which highlights the significant expansion of the Powers of the Public Ministry and has now taken an outstanding position in regard to collective rights, allowing, at the same time, its members to perform the syndication of state actions, particularly public policies, correcting the course of these administrative processes in the presence of poor management and inactivity of the public administrator when acting in defense of fundamental rights. This ministerial activism, even facing the obstacles and boundaries submitted to its pursuit, has shown an increase in actions that culminated, in the last ten years, in a significant number of judicial and extrajudicial measures that indicated the correction of public policies and actions in areas of health, education, housing and the environment. In this process of monitoring and doing, the important role of the other social characters is highlighted, especially the one of the citizen who is responsible for most of the complaints that start the initiatives of the Public Ministry and that can be deployed through a significant list of judicial and extrajudicial instruments, especially the important procedure that allows the hearing and participation of the involved in the implementation of public policies, enabling a collective even a consensual solution of the matter generated among the Public Administration. Given these initiatives, the ministerial activism has established itself as a movement of its own characteristics, aimed to guarantee the fundamental rights, especially when these are not targeted by state actions that should contribute to the achievement of the democratic state of law idealized by the Federal Constitution without any distortion of direction. Nevertheless, this activism still seeks for its full accomplishment in the practical world


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This work presents an analysis about the legitimation of independent regulatory commission`s rulemaking power by participation procedure. It is observed that political and administrative decentralization and fragmentation of State, with the purpose of approaching citizens and provide, more efficiently, the functions acquired by the passage of the Welfare State, leads to a deficit of legitimacy (democratic crisis), which is noticeable in the making of legal norms by directors of independent regulatory commission to regulate specific economic sector. However, we understand that this crisis stems from the observation of the contemporary world from dogmas and legal institutions of the eighteenth century, without their evolution and adaptation to the modern world. The legitimacy must be perceived as the justification of power, relation command /obedience, which, from the Modern State, has the democracy as standard. Therefore, just as the world has evolved and demanded political and administrative decentralization to accompany him, it is necessary to the development of the idea of representative democracy (formal legitimacy) to participatory democracy (legitimacy stuff). Legitimacy is not confused with the legality: as the legality is on observance to internal legal system, the "rules of play"; legitimacy, as inputs to be fed into this system, the selection of the different expectations in the environment. Nevertheless, the legitimacy will take place by legality, through introduction of rational and communicative procedures: procedures get fundamental importance because these will be the means to select the expectations to be introduced in the legal system in order to make decisions more fair, rational and qualified towards society. Thus, it is necessary to its opening to the environment for dialogue with the government. In this context, we try to make an analysis of constitutional norms based on systematic and teleological interpretation of these norms to build these arguments. According to the Constitution of 1988, participatory democracy is a result of the democratic principle (sole paragraph of art. 1 of the Constitution), and it is an expression of citizenship and political pluralism, both foundations of Republic (respectively Art. 1st, inc . V and II of the Constitution), as well as the national consciousness. From another point of view, that principle consists of an evolution in the management public affairs (principle of Republic). The right of interested participate in the rulemaking process derives both the principle of popular participation (part of the democratic principle) and the republican principle as the due process constitutional (art. 5, LIV and LV, CF/88) and the right to petition (Art . 5 °, inc. XXXIV, "a", CF/88), and it is the duty of the State not only be open to participation and encourage it. Ignoring stakeholder involvement in procedures and / or expressions compiled can be causes of invalidation of the rule of law produced by addiction of procedure, motive, motivation and/or because of the administrative act. Finally, we conclude that the involvement of stakeholders in the process of making rules within the independent regulatory commission is the legitimacy and the validity of rules; and that, despite of the expressions do not bind the decision making, they will enter the system as juridical fact, balancing the field of technical discretionary of agencies


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The work consists in a discussion of the evolution of formal employment in the industrial cities of Ceará state averages from 1990 to 2010, since this period was marked by important changes. It is emphasized that in order to achieve this aim, the present study was based on a survey of relevant literature on the subject, as well as the use of the Annual Report of Social Information (RAIS), published by the Ministry of Labour and Employment (MTE) and the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). The central question to be considered in this study is how we evolved formal employment industry in medium-sized cities (Juazeiro do Norte, Crato and Sobral) of Ceará? The assumption that guides this work is that given the economic policies of the 1990 and 2000 these policies encouraged the relocation, thus implying significant growth in the formal manufacturing employment in these cities. Regarding the results obtained in the survey, it was found that the industrial sector of these cities, showed considerable dynamism in what refers to the expansion of establishments. When observed in percentage terms medium-sized cities (345.5%) had the highest growth in number of establishments in the 1990s with rates higher than the Northeast region (285.9%) and Brazil (167.5%). The highlight was the city of Juazeiro, with the highest concentration of micro and small footwear companies in the state. Regarding the number of formal jobs created in medium-sized cities, it went from 6.596 in 1990 to 41.660 million formal jobs in 2010, with a growth rate of 532%. The sector contributed most to employment generation was the footwear. Although the levels of minimum wages, the 1990 recorded the lowest levels. In the 2000, there were real gains in levels of minimum wages in all cities, however, it may be noted that over the decades there has been significant momentum. However, this momentum was not enough to prevent the end of the study period CMs-Ceará present low wages


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The following dissertation has as its main advantage the privilege of visualizing the literacy processes through the angle of the functional perspective, which does not see the literary process as a practice solely based on the decoding of alphabetical codes, and then allows for the opening of ample spaces for the allocation of mathematical skills in the realms of the functional literacy. The main object of this study was to investigate which are the contributions that a sequence of activities and of methodologies developed for the teaching of Geometry could provide for a part of the functional literacy process in mathematics of youngsters and adults of EJA, corresponding to the acquisition or to the improvement of skills related to the orientation capacity. The focus of the analyses consisted in the practice of these activities with the young and adult students of an EJA class belonging to a municipal public school of Natal/RN. The legacies of Paulo Freire about the redimensioning of the role of the teacher, of the students, of the knowledge and of their connections within the teaching-learning process, prevailed in the actions of the methodology implemented in the classroom and, especially, in the establishing of dialogic connections with the students, which directed all the observations and analyses regarding the collected information. The results indicated that the composition of articulations between the teaching of mathematics and the exploration of maps and the earth globe enabled the creation of multidisciplinary learning environments and situations, where we could observe, gradually, the development of procedures and attitudes indicating the evolution of space-visual type skills