28 resultados para Casa da Pesca
O uso da biodiversidade pelo homem leva a alterações no funcionamento dos ecossistemas, podendo ainda levar a perda de resiliência. Pode-se definir resiliência como a capacidade de um sistema absorver um distúrbio e reorganizar-se, enquanto submetido a mudanças, mantendo a mesma estrutura e funcionamento. Em um sistema social, entende-se como a capacidade dos usuários de recursos naturais de enfrentar e adaptar-se as mudanças nas regras que regem o uso e acesso a estes. Alterações na resiliência, tanto ecológica quanto social, podem ser resultantes das ações de exploração e manejo destes recursos. Assim, torna-se essencial compreender como funcionam as estratégias de manejo e sua interação com a resiliência sócio-ecológica, permitindo a auto-avaliação das ações e possíveis modificações das mesmas. Neste projeto, propõe-se comparar a resiliência sócio-ecológica de três Unidades de Conservação (UCs) de uso sustentável: Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (RDS) Ponta do Tubarão, localizada no estado do Rio Grande do Norte; e as Reservas Extrativistas do Batoque e Prainha do Canto Verde, ambas localizadas no estado do Ceará. Em cada área de estudo serão escolhidas comunidades pesqueiras, permitindo a comparação entre elas. A partir destas comunidades, alguns aspectos relacionados ao uso dos recursos serão analisados, como atividade pesqueira, dieta e modo de vida. Os dados serão coletados através de questionários semi-estruturados, contendo questões baseadas em aspectos sociais, econômicos e ecológicos. Os resultados obtidos servirão de indicadores para a resiliência ecológica (informações obtidas com base na atividade pesqueira) e social (informações obtidas com base no acompanhamento da dieta e análise do modo de vida). Apesar da similaridade ecológica entre as áreas de estudo, algumas estratégias de manejo distintas em função da categoria da UC podem apresentar diferentes resultados sobre a resiliência sócio-ecológica. Desta forma, compreender como a resiliência sócio-ecológica se comporta, dentro dos sistemas de manejo estudados, permitirá avaliar a influência destes dois tipos de UCs (RDS e RESEX) na promoção da sustentabilidade ecológica e/ou social
When scientists study methods, theory and standards in an inseparable form, he is facing a paradigm. Throughout the development of a determined science, paradigms can change by changing the methods, objective and standards of research. Fisheries science is changing the paradigm moving from the paradigm of maximization in the use of resources, quantified by the index of the catch, which was influenced by evolutionary concepts such as Optimal Foraging Theory, to the sustainability paradigm that seeks its foundation in the fishery ecosystem perspective. The goal of this study was to review methods, theory and the history of ecosystem indexes of fishery science that attempts to determine sustainability of fishery resources from the data capture. Ecosystems indexes by themselves may not be useful to measure the sustainability of fishing because they focus only on the environmental or ecological side of the sustainability tripod. Probably to measure the sustainability of fishing these indexes should include in the future the Payments for Ecosystem Services and Social Resilience. Thus the methods and theories are in constantly changing within science to meet the most current paradigm
This essay presents and discusses knowledge obtained through tradition taken as knowledge built along generations, transmitted from mouth to mouth and everyday experiences result of a non-scientific knowledge based on observation and hints given by more experient generations. The referred icon used to develop such a discussion in this essay is fishing. We point out the knoledge which enables the fishermen, among other dominions, to: find out the fish and other animals feeding habits; find their way through by astral influence during night navigation and learn the tide flowing based on the moon cycle. On what comes to fishing knowledge, the research was organized based on a bibliographic study about several ways of fishing in the Northern, Northeastern, Southern and Southestern regions of Brazil. In the Northern and Northeastern regions, the field research was also focused. Having interviews, photographs and films as reference, this part of the research was divided into two parts: the first one situated in the Amazonian Region in na area called Baixo-Tocantins, in the State of Pará where we worked with fishermen in the small towns of Abaetetuba and Igarapé-Miri; and the second one was held in the Northeastern region of Brazil, in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, where we worked with fishermen on the Piató Lake, in the small city of Assú. We tarted discussing based on a descriptive study of the fishing techniques used, aiming to identify them as an ordered activity, differed and classified by knoledge obtained through the years, based on the relationship between man and Nature. Creativity, stimulated by human curiosity, is also discussed and shown as a result of various fishing journeys. The myths, as a component of the fishing world, especially those which describe the relationship between men and waters, also have an outstanding place. At last, two fishing techniques belonging to the research field reference, are also described and analysed under the focus of construction and systematization of the knowledge related to fishing. The theory approach is based on reflection upon the tradition knowledge discussed by Almeida (2001), Balandier (1997), Câmara Cascudo (1957, 2000, 2002) and Claude Lévi-Strauss (1976, 1987 and 1991). The essay is an exercise of knowledge production which defends the "relink" of knowledge, as Edgar Morin suggests when dealing with the sciences of complexity
O estudo investiga as contribuições da literatura para a inclusão social na escola, explorando o potencial inclusivo do texto literário. Sua relevância consiste em fornecer ao professor subsídios para ampliar suas competências no ensino de literatura a partir do (re)conhecimento da função inclusiva do texto literário e da construção de uma comunidade de leitores que atenda à diversidade de interesses, necessidades e sentimentos dos aprendizes. Entende-se que a literatura é inclusiva em sua natureza pois, inclui o leitor no texto e permite práticas socializadoras de leitura. O estudo alinha-se à vertente qualitativa caracterizando-se como pesquisa-ação participante. Adotaram-se como procedimentos metodológicos a observação participante e a intervenção pedagógica. O estudo realizou-se em uma turma de 4º ano do ensino fundamental com 43 alunos, de faixa etária entre 8 e 13 anos, matriculados na Casa do Menor Trabalhador CMT, escola pública do município de Natal-RN (Brasil). Os instrumentos utilizados foram: gravação em áudio; diário de campo; entrevistas. Na intervenção pedagógica, realizaram-se 20 aulas de leitura de literatura de contos, fábulas, poemas e adivinhas com diferentes estratégias didáticas. As sessões de leitura foram desenvolvidas conforme os moldes da andaimagem (scaffolding) descritos por Graves e Graves (1995). Tomou-se como referencial teórico os estudos de Aiscow, Porter e Wang (1997), Amarilha (1997; 2006), Aquino (1998), Eco (2003), Caldin (2004; 2003), Cazden (1991), Chartier (1994), Culler (1999), Iser (1996), Manguel (1997), Paulino (2001), Perrenoud (2001), Petit (2008), Sartre (2006), Stainback e Stainback (1999), Stierle (1979) e Zilberman (2005). A análise aponta a relevância do diálogo entre literatura e inclusão social para democratizar a leitura literária e tornar o ambiente escolar mais inclusivo. Confirma a natureza inclusiva do texto literário, no modo como promove a entrada cooperativa do leitor no texto literário em prática socializadora de aprendizado, de compartilhamento de sentimentos, sensações, subjetividades e de acolhimento das diferenças. O estudo revela e consolida a leitura de literatura como uma atividade intelectual significativa, prazerosa e democrática, na qual o leitor, ao colaborar com a construção de sentidos e ao estabelecer relações interativas, passa por transformações que favorecem a inclusão. Ressalta-se a importância do mediador de leitura na seleção de estratégias que viabilizem a democratização da literatura e pela literatura, no pequeno universo da sala de aula, que atendam às necessidades dos educandos, desenvolvendo habilidades leitoras, incentivando o gosto pelo texto literário que educa e convida à inclusão
It aims to consider the possible relationship between formal school education and work, from the experience of the State School House of the Minor Worker CMT of Natal-RN in this first decade of the 21st century. In this institution, children and adolescents are enrolled in the Fundamental Teaching sponsored by the State Public System studying the regular curriculum contents defined for this level of teaching, and in the opposite shift they take part in career workshops which are kept by members of a religious congregation. CMT has had as its object, since its foundation, to take children and adolescents from the streets and to provide them with a full time education associating basic education and training/qualification for the job market. In our research, we tried to learn a little bit of the expectations, concerns and knowledge of the young participants of two workshops: carpentry and bakery, so that we could gain sufficient understanding of the learning process of these youths, while still keeping an approximation with the reality of the aforementioned subjects. It was possible for us to conduct a description of the contexts and of characteristics of the subjects which make up CMT, capturing concrete aspects and aspects of the thoughts of students, teachers, instructors and coordinators. The main point of our research was: how does the approximation between formal school education and work take place in the House of the Minor Worker? To search for possible answers we have made use of basic techniques for the data construction - questionnaire, observation, conversation groups, assessment drills which allowed an approximation and a good dialogue with the participants. We also discussed the job world in the context of the capitalist exploration, from the contributions of Mèszáros (2005), Frigotto (1989); (1993); (1999); (2002); Ferretti (1994); (2004); Kuenzer (1989); (1997), in order to understand the skills demanded of the worker and the necessity of an education which allows the professional qualification of youths eager to enter the job market, through the first job. In this perspective, the study that we have systematized here aims to show the relevance of an education which manages to take a firm and conscientious stand in connection with the hegemonic capitalist project and to provide for a humane, ethical, responsible, critical and civic background
This paper proposes a methodology for building Information Technology solutions in the form of virtual environments that allow for collaborative construction and democratization of knowledge for and about supply chains, providing tools for collaboration iteration and the social actors involved, valuing its environmental variables and assisting in its development. The scope of supply chains of aquaculture and fisheries and www.redeagua.com.br were the objects of research and prototyping of this paper. AVA Moodle was chosen to create the environment in question by their full fitness the socio-cultural characteristics of the target audience and the structure of existing digital inclusion, making necessary the development of strategies to generate interest from productive agents in their effective participation as collaborators and not just as recipients of content. The structure of this survey work will be qualitative-quantitative, using both traditional elements such as forms and interviews as sources typical of virtual environments, such as statistical reports of visitation and placement in search engines on the Internet
The fishing is made possible by the handiwork of a fisherman, not using appliances that achieve the same levels of industrial fishing productivity and not causing environmental impacts on fish stocks with the same intensity. The adoption of sustainability practices in this type of fishing has been requested for the achievement of environmental and socioeconomic improvements, since its production has been decreasing over the years and overfishing has led to reduced stocks also stand out environmental aggressions such as pollution. Thus, this research aims to analyze the interference of environmental aspects/impacts that permeate the activity performed by fisherman on the beach of Ponta Negra, Natal-RN, in order to propose recommendations for environmental sustainability. We used a methodology based on the ergonomic work analysis (WISNER, 1987; GUERIN, 2001; VIDAL, 2008) using techniques such as observational and interactional observation protocols, photographs, videos, conversational action, and listening to verbalizations. To understand the vulnerability of the environment in which the activity is carried fisherman and the interferences that it suffers, we used the study of environmental aspects/impacts (SÁNCHEZ 2008). As a result, it appears that from the observations located and reports raftsmen, changes in the sea, the search for new fishing grounds farther from the coast, reducing fishery production, waste generation and pollution of the workplace, and the difficulty in docking rafts, factors arising from the pressures both for society as Seen by fisherman, denoting the necessity of drawing up recommendations and actions proposed by management activity by promoting discussion among raftsmen and accountable institutions, and training through workshops on environmental education, aiming to positive changes in the activity fisherman from Ponta Negra and the environment in which raftsmen are inserted in order to seek a sustainable activity, preserving its characteristics
The research aimed identify how the quality of services provided by Casa de Apoio à Criança com Câncer Durval Paiva is perceived by its users, giving an opportunity of improve their performance in social services provision pointing out the failures experienced, the institution will have the user as a important partner in fails identification, serving as a subsidy to the actions of correction and improvement to such situations demands. With this work implementation will be observed contributions that will permeate to the fields of theory and practice, enabling progress and enrichment on the subject. The theoretical contribution is observed as this work execution will provide greater advance about the models developed for the third sector. The proposed work will raise awareness issues about the full potential of the social economy, with regard to the quality of services provided by organizations, allowing a better definition of priorities on their development. The study addressed three issues: identifying the people that receive support of the Casa Durval Paiva, identifying what is the level of satisfaction of families served and evaluate the services provided by Casa Durval Paiva that demand improvements in the perception of families assisted. Found a demand for services has been found that the institution has a multidisciplinary team with a high level of professionalism, and supervised with students of various educational institutions and many volunteers to complement the actions of individual professionals. Was measured a high satisfaction of users of the services provided by Casa Durval Paiva
This dissertation try to understand how management actions implemented by Monsenhor Walfredo Gurgel Hospital in the city of Natal promote effectively the benefits of Home Care Services / Programa Melhor em Casa . The research is exploratory and descriptive, qualitative approach. Data were collected through document analysis and the interviews with the managers of the Program in Health Department and Hospital beyond the questionnaires with the home care teams and technical management unit of Hospital Jobs. The information were treatment trough categories that analyzed to implemented actions and program objectives. The results show that: the practices carried out by the host teams produce the humanization of care by seeking to ensure access to health services and solving human form; networks of health care are not yet finalized hindering the referral of patients to other units, the networks allow support from other institutions to minimize the problems encountered, the management unit vacancies allows the reduction of costs, mainly by regulating beds and record of health initiatives in home care assists in the monitoring and evaluation process of the Services Home Care / Programa Melhor em Casa primarily the epidemiological profile and patients individual treatment plan. Concludes that most of the actions implemented by the Hospital contribute to the effectiveness of the goals of Programa Melhor em Casa
Assuming that the subject is a draft work in permanent invention, the biographical texts, memories written by Luís da Câmara Cascudo, between 1967 and 1969 were read as part of a discursive strategy created by the potiguar memorialist regarding the construction of a self-image profoundly connected to the space of his house, which decisively collaborated so that the province teacher and researcher after announcing his official retirement in 1968 was revered in the city where he had been born, grown up and lived throughout his whole life and considered as the prophet of his own country (or rather, as the literary patron of Natal). Our work begins with some reading about the manner as the potiguar memorialist selected, ordered and spatialized his childhood memories. In the following chapter, we problematized the meanings assigned by Câmara Cascudo to his house in Tirol - where the young prince Cascudinho (little Cascudo) used to live - transformed into the neighborhood principality. It finishes with memories from the retired old man with the purpose of making us think about the sacredness process master Cascudo s house has gone through. The space where he had lived for almost forty years of his life and produced a great part of his works, was elected as a monument in his memory, as his own incarnation, as guarantee of his eternity and perenniality, as a sanctuary and place of worship and have been kept by the actions that, still nowadays, institutionalize it as his sacred space
The need for sustainability in the exploitation of natural resources in coastal areas has been out in recent years, as well as the social and cultural sustainability of traditional communities in these regions. Coastal and estuarine wild areas are influenced directly or indirectly by a set of human activities such as artisanal fishing. Therefore, there is a demand for an integrated design of these areas and according to the landing values, a pattern of unsustainable development of national marine fishing activity. The study was conducted in the coastal community of Praia da Pipa, Tibau do Sul municipality, RN, between june 2009 and june 2010 and aimed to characterize the fishery performed, its socio-economic strategies and fishing areas, as well as to identify ichthyofauna, to assess the sustainability of the major resources and to identify cultural traits related to artisanal fisheries, their problems and prospects; linking tradition and the present fishing activity carried out in the community. For this study, a total of 67 structured interviews were collected, including qualitative and quantitative data. A total of 133 fish landings and direct observations were performed. Informants were identified according to one of the following categories: fishermen, vessel masters and members of the local population with offspring. Applications SPSS 10.0, Paint.Ink and Microsoft Office Excel 2007 were used for tabulation and analysis of results. Local fishermen are, on average, 25 years fishing, have 40 years old and the average monthly income is up to 03 minimum wages. The local fleet consists of 20 vessels, that uses different line sizes and types of networks, operating in 21 fishing grounds and showing a reduction in the vessel numbers by 66% in the last decade. We recorded 76 species of fish, captured by the local fleet and the top 5 were quantitatively analyzed serra spanish mackarel (Scomberomorus brasiliensis), little tunny (Euthynnus alleteratus), yellowtail snapper (Ocyurus chrysurus), red snapper (Lutjanus analis) and common snook (Centropomus undecimalis), accounting for 46,5% of production in the period. The capture of these species was composed mostly of adults. Data analysis showed a significant decrease of the local fishing activity over the last decade due to the weakness displayed by the political-social category, the devaluation of local knowledge and the emergence of new sources of income through increased tourism. The characteristics of the fishing community suggest it to pass through significant changes as the appreciation of their cultural and traditional aspects. We identified a tendency to sustainability of main species caught, suggesting that public policies to be adopted locally comply with the current characteristics of fishing undertaken in the community and knowledge of fishermen related to the environment, allowing environmental, as well as social and cultural sustainability of the community involved.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
Coastal and marine protected areas are created to protect habitat, avoid biodiversity loss, and to help maintain viable fisheries. However, most of these areas in tropical countries occurs in impoverished regions and directly affect the livelihood and survival of coastal communities which directly depend on fisheries and shellfisheries. Therefore, socioeconomic and conservation goals overlap. In this context, fishers should have a central place in resource management. They are critical resource users and their behavior directly affects the system. Shellfish resources are important sources of food, employment and income to fishing communities in Latin America. But despite its widespread use for food and income, there is an urgent need of more research on shellfish management. This research discusses the artisanal fisheries of Venus clam (Anomalocardia brasiliana) (Gmelin, 1791) (Bivalvia: Veneridae) in Brazil, and points out strategies to improve the system. Venus clam is a small and commonly exploited species for food and income on the Brazilian coast. This research was carried out at Ponta do Tubarão Sustainable Development Reserve (Brazilian Northeast coast), where there was no information available about who harvest, where or how much Venus clam has been harvested, despite this resource being exploited for generations. Clam fishery follows the pattern of socio-economic invisibility that general clam exploitation has in Brazil. Methods used were interviews, participatory monitoring and focal follow observation from January 2010 to May 2011. Results include: (a) the identification of shell fishers, (b) how harvest and meat processing are performed (mollusk beds, time spent, gross and net production), (c) the analisis of shell fisher income and their economic sustentability, and (d) the involvement of shell fisher families in data gathering and analyses for the first time. Based on the acquired knowledge, we propose a new institutional arrangement for clam fishery including co-management, fisheries agreement, compensatory arrangements and improvements for the Venus clam value chain such as the establishment of a minimum price for clam meat. This research also includes two other results: a general description for Venus clam harvesting in the Brazilian Northeast coast and a specific discussion about co-management of Venus clam in Brazil. The first one was possible through the meeting of several shell fisherwomen from other states during activities promoted by People of the Tides (PoT) project. PoT was an international initiative aiming to develop coastal communities that depend on mollusk for their livelihood. The second one is a comparison between PoT and Venus clam management at Pirajubaé Marine Extractive Reserve (Santa Catarina). It evaluates the success and failures of these only two initiatives involving co-management of A. brasiliana in Brazil