33 resultados para Árvores


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The phylogeny is one of the main activities of the modern taxonomists and a way to reconstruct the history of the life through comparative analysis of these sequences stored in their genomes aimed find any justification for the origin or evolution of them. Among the sequences with a high level of conservation are the genes of repair because it is important for the conservation and maintenance of genetic stability. Hence, variations in repair genes, as the genes of the nucleotide excision repair (NER), may indicate a possible gene transfer between species. This study aimed to examine the evolutionary history of the components of the NER. For this, sequences of UVRA, UVRB, UVRC and XPB were obtained from GenBank by Blast-p, considering 10-15 as cutoff to create a database. Phylogenetic studies were done using algorithms in PAUP programs, BAYES and PHYLIP package. Phylogenetic trees were build with protein sequences and with sequences of 16S ribosomal RNA for comparative analysis by the methods of parsimony, likelihood and Bayesian. The XPB tree shows that archaeal´s XPB helicases are similar to eukaryotic helicases. According to this data, we infer that the eukaryote nucleotide excision repair system had appeared in Archaea. At UVRA, UVRB and UVRC trees was found a monophyletic group formed by three species of epsilonproteobacterias class, three species of mollicutes class and archaeabacterias of Methanobacteria and Methanococci classes. This information is supported by a tree obtained with the proteins, UVRA, UVRB and UVRC concatenated. Thus, although there are arguments in the literature defending the horizontal transfer of the system uvrABC of bacteria to archaeabacterias, the analysis made in this study suggests that occurred a vertical transfer, from archaeabacteria, of both the NER genes: uvrABC and XPs. According the parsimony, this is the best way because of the occurrence of monophyletic groups, the time of divergence of classes and number of archaeabacterias species with uvrABC system


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Bacteria trom Shewanella and Geobacter ganera are the most studied iron-reducing microorganisms particularly due to their electron transport systems and contribution to some industrial and environmental problems, including steel corrosion, bioenergy and bioremediation of petroleum-impacted sites. The present study was focused in two ways: the first is an in silico comparative ecogenomic study of Shewanella spp. with sequenced genomes, and the second is an experimental metagenomic work to detect iron-reducing Shewanella through PCR-DGGE of a metabolic gene. The in silico study resulted in positive correIation between copy number of 16S rDNA and genome size in Shewanella spp., with clusters of rrn near lhe origin of replication. This way, the genus is inferred as opportunist. There are no compact genomes and their sequences length varied, ranging from 4306142 nt in S. amazonensis SB2B to 5935403 nt in S. woodyi ATCC 51908, without correIation to temperature range characteristic of each specie. Intragenomic 16S rDNA sequences possess little divergence, but reasonable to resuIt in different phyIogenetic trees, depending on the sequence that is chosen to compare. For moIecuIar detection of iron-reducing Shewanella, it is proposed the mtrB gene as new biomarker. because it codes to a fundamental protein at Fe (III)-reduction. The specific primers were designed and evaluated in silico and resulted in a fragment of 360 pb. In the second study, these primers were tested in a genomic sample from S. oneidensis MR-1, amplifying the expected region. After this successfuI resuIt, the primer set was used as a tool to assess the iron-reducing communities of ShewaneIla genus under an environmental stress, i.e. crude oil contamination in mangrove sediment in Rio Grande do Norte State (Brazil). The primers presented high specificity and the reactions performed resulted in one single band of ampIification in the metagenomic samples. The fingerprinting obtained at DGGE reveaIed temporal variation of Shewanella spp. in analyzed samples. The resuIts presented show the detection of a biotechnological important group of microorganisms, the iron-reducing Shewanella spp. using a metabolic gane as target. It is concluded there are eight or more 16S rDNA sequences in Shewanella genus, with little divergence among them that affects the phylogeny; the pair of primers designed to ampIify mtrB sequences is a viable alternative to detect iron-reducing ShewanelIa in metagenomic approaches; such bacteria are present in the mangrove sediment anaIyzed, with temporal variations in the samples. This is the first experimental study that screened the iron-reducing Shewanella genus in a metagenomic experiment of mangrove sediments subjected to oil contamination through a key metabolic gene


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Callithrix jacchus are small primates that live in cooperative reproductive family groups. They explore their home range in search of fruits, exudates and animal prey. In this study we investigate the existence of traveling routes and its relation with the feeding habits in a group of Callithrix jacchus. The group was followed for 6 months in an area of Atlantic secondary Forest at the FLONA-ICMBio of Nísia Floresta, Rio Grande do Norte. Two observers in alternated days collected data referring to the group s location using a GPS navigation device, plotting data in 5 minute intervals, and with a position accuracy under 9 meters. All behavioral recordings were done through focal time samplings. The recording windows were 15 minutes with 1 minute intervals. The main activity was foraging, which propelled the animals to explore the environment with inconsistent intensity through the months, and correlated with the location of fruits, exudates and sleeping sites. From another standpoint, most activities were focused in the core areas that featured most sleeping sites, exudates trees and fruit trees. Insects, mostly Orthopterans, were hunted in all areas. The greater ratio of movement was registered during the last hours of sunlight, when animals returned to the sleeping sites and ate a greater number of fruits. The spatial and seasonal distribution of fruits forced the animals to travel long routes. The capacity to remember the location and navigate efficiently through feeding sources is important to save energy and time costs. Learning and familiarizing with the environment through the use of landmarks and acquisition of new information is extremely important to increase the chances of survival in a constantly changing environment


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Recently, capuchin monkeys (Cebus spp.) inhabitants of dry environments and with restriction of fleshy fruits, have been the subject of several studies regarding the use of instruments. During behaviour of using stones to crack open nuts there is evidence of selection of more effective hammers, as well as selection of anvils related to reducing the risk of predation. The aim of this study was to determine whether two groups of capuchin monkeys (C.flavius and and C.libidinosus) inhabitants of the Caatinga of Rio Grande do Norte make choice of hammers and anvils. The record of weight and location of stones indicated active choices of with what (choice of hammers) and where (selection of anvils) to crack open encapsulated seeds. The choice of hammers to break nuts depended on the type and degree of ripeness seed. Thus, smaller seeds were smashed with lighter hammers and larger seeds with heavier hammers. Still, C. flavius was the only species that presented a refinement in the choice of hammers that depended on the ripeness of seeds. For both species of capuchin monkeys studied, the nut-crack sites were not spread in accordance with the spatial distribution of seed-producing species, suggesting that the capuchin monkeys promote active choice of anvils. Thus, in environments with more escape routes through the trees, the nut-crack sites were found further apart than in regions that had less chance of escape through the trees. Also, there was a difference in the spacing of the anvils to depend on the type of seed: sites used to crack larger and more caloric seeds were found farther apart than the sites used to crack smaller and less caloric seeds, suggesting a pattern of avoiding direct competition. We conclude that the capuchin monkeys maximize energy savings and reduced risk of predation and the costs of food competition during the behaviour of using stones to crack open nuts


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Bats correspond to 20% of the extant mammal species and, with a few exceptions, use echolocation, a spacial orientation system based on emission and analysis of echoes from sound waves, generally ultrasounds. Echolocation was discovered in the 1940 s and since the 1970 s ultrasound detectors have been commercially available, allowing the investigation of several aspects of the natural history and ecology of bats. Passive acoustic monitoring has been frequently used in habitat use studies, predominantly in North America and Europe, by comparing the number of bat passes between different habitat types. This dissertation presents the first evaluation of the spacial and seasonal variation patterns in the activity of insectivorous bats in the Brazilian biome Pampa, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. Since bat activity can vary according to habitat type, time of year and climatic conditions, the following hypotheses were tested: 1. bat activity varies between different types of habitat; 2. bat activity varies seasonally; 3. bat activity is influenced by temperature, humidity and wind speed. The acoustic samples were taken along fixed transects of 1500 meters, which were monitored monthly from April 2009 to March 2010. Five habitat types were sampled: eucalypts, stream, riparian forest, wetland and grassland. In each sample, the number of bat passes was obtained by using an ultrasound detector Pettersson D230. A total of 1183 bat passes were registered. Greater bat activity levels was observed along large eucalypts (1.93 bat passes/3min) and along a stream (1.61 bat passes/3 min). A riparian forest (0.94 bat passes/3 min) and a wetland area (0.61 bat passes/3 min) exhibited statistically equal levels of activity. Bat passes were fewer in grassland areas (0,16 bat passes/3 min). Bat activity was not correlated with abiotic factors. However, bat activity was significantly low in the colder season, winter, and was similar in autumn, spring and summer. The observed preference for vegetation borders and water courses agrees with reports from other countries and is attributed predominantly to the high prey abundance in these types of environments. Additionally, low activity in the winter is probably a response to the reduced availability of insects, and to lower temperatures. Our results indicate which areas of arboreal vegetation and water courses should be priorities for the conservation of bats and that alterations of these habitat types might negatively influence bat activity in the region


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Nowadays, as well as in the past decades, the dumping of biodegradable organic waste in landfill is common practice in Brazil, as well as in most parts of the world. Nevertheless due to its rapid decomposition and release of odors, this practice hamper’s the operation and implementation of a recycling system. These facts encouraged our research to find an efficient system for the management of organic waste, not only for the use of official workers responsible for managing these wastes, but also for non-governmental institutions. The Recycling for Life Community Association – ACREVI (Associação Comunitária Reciclando para a Vida), together with the municipal authorities of Mossoró-RN, Brazil, have assumed the social role of collecting and recycling solid waste produced by most of the local population. However, it was observed that the organic waste it collected was not receiving any treatment. This present work aims to make compost with mixed waste (green waste and organic household), and then do chemical analysis of the material in view to use the waste as organic fertilizer. The objective being: to share the knowledge acquired by putting it into a very simple language accessible to people with little education. The experiment was conducted at ACREVI, Mossoró (RN), and the compost was obtained following the method "windrow", forming three cells (I, II, III) with conical shape, dimensions of 1.6 meters and 2.0 meters in diameter for cells I and II, and 1.0 meters high and 2.0 meters in diameter for cell III. The process was accompanied by analysis: CHN elemental, a variation of cell temperature, humidity, pH, TKN, bulk density, nutrients and heavy metals. Stabilized organic compounds reached the C/N ratio of 10.4/1 cell I and 10.4/1 in the cell II in the cell, showing how good soil conditions, with potential to improve the physical properties of any soil and pH acid soils, has presented the cell III at the end of the process the C/N 26/1, is a high ratio may be associated with the stack size III, thus changing the optimal conditions for the occurrence of the process. The levels of heavy metals in the analyzed compounds were lower than those established by the SDA normative instruction, Nº 27, of 5 June, 2006. The use of pruning trees and grass are used in small-scale composting, while generating a quality compost in the final process, it also created an important condition for a correct sizing of the composting piles. Under the studied conditions it is not advisable to use cells with a height of 1.00 m in height and 2.00 m in diameter, as these do not prevent the rapid dissipation of heat and thus can not be a good product at the end of composting. The composting process in the shed of the association and the preparation of the primer enabled the development of an alternative technology to generate income for members of ACREVI.


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The Caatinga and Atlantic Forest exhibit great species richness, which can attend requirements for various uses. Considering the current level of degradation of vegetation in Rio Grande do Norte, and the increasing use of exotic species, it is urgent to perform actions for the conservation of these biomes. From this perspective, using native plant species in the urban forestry becomes an instrument for the conservation and enhancement of local biodiversity. In this context, the general objective of this study is to gather and provide information about the ornamental native tree species in the state in order to promote and disseminate their use in urban areas. Specific aims of this work are: (1) evaluate and verify the demand and maintenance costs of native and exotic urban forestry, comparatively, with data obtained in the state (Cap. 1); (2) Provide a ornamental native tree species list in the state, including species already widespread use and suggesting new elements with ornamental potential (Cap. 2); and (3) produce a guide of native tree species as a means of disseminating the results obtained in a way accessible to the society. Analysis of maintenance of urban trees was performed at the UFRN's Central Campus, and the ornamental native tree species survey was carried out through literature survey combined with expeditions to forest fragments in the state. As a result, it was obvious that the maintenance of native vegetation resulted in lower costs and least demand for services highlighting the visible advantage in using a afforestation with regionalized floristic composition. The survey of ornamental native tree species led to the selection of 95 species belonging to 30 families, 17 species (17.35%) occurring exclusively in the Caatinga, 27 species (25.55%) in the Atlantic Forest and more than half (55.10%) occurring in both biomes, which provides a good selection available for the composition of urban forestry, both for cities located in the area of Atlantic Forest (81 spp.) or for those located in the Caatinga (71 spp.). From these results, a guide for the recognition and cultivation of native ornamental trees was prepared, consisting in the initial step in the enhancement of existing floristic potential value with the aim to assist in the development of a regionalized perspective of urban environmental management in the state


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Residential homegardens have environmental and social roles in the urban environment. These green spaces can potentially minimize the impacts caused by the growth of cities, being an alternative to connect fragmented areas or offer refuge to wildlife and therefore support the conservation of biodiversity. In addition, the homegardens demonstrate a leading role in increasing human well-being by promoting socialization opportunities, contact with nature, local culture as well as improvements in food security for the urban families. Nevertheless, it is still unclear what specific characteristics of homegardens can act effectively in the conservation of the biodiversity, as well as in the construction of food security and well being of the homegardeners and their families. The first chapter of this thesis analyzed the diversity of plant species (native and exotic) and assessed the contribution of different types of urban gardens (ornamental and forest gardens alike) in the presence of wildlife such as birds, monkeys and lizards. In the second chapter we evaluated the contribution of those gardens to the welfare and food security of their owners. In order to do this, 41 gardens were visited in Pium, a southern coastal town in the northeastern Brazil, which also happens to be in a periurban region undergoing rapid urban expansion and pressure from the real estate market. We surveyed the planned biodiversity and fauna associated with homegardens. The data related to food security and welfare were sampled through interviews with the person in charge of taking care of the gardens. These interviews covered issues on the supply of food from the garden and absence of chemical products, as well as aspects of the GNH indicator (Gross National Happiness). The results showed that these homegardens generally contribute little to the maintenance of native plant species (native species = 29/ total = 187). From its main features, the gardens were classified as ornamental, forest gardens and forest farms. These groups had a different effect on the presence of the animals studied and the last two contained most of the sampled native species. The diversity of plants and trees was a good predictor of the presence of birds and monkeys. Thus, the contribution of yards for the conservation of biodiversity depends on the type of garden: some even can have negative effects on conservation. These results can direct new approaches to detailed understanding of gardens and also of public policies applied to urban planning. The results of the second chapter showed that the two types of forest gardens contributed to household food security, for providing food and medicinal herbs, which mostly did not have pesticides and chemical 12 fertilizers. But the three groups of gardens are important components for the well being of their stakeholders. Gardens help promote the transmission of knowledge on agriculture, socialization, contact with nature and bring up feelings related to peace and harmony. Thus, forest gardens can be considered important means to get through public projects and policies designed to encourage biodiversity and promote food security and well-being in urban areas


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Smart Grids are a new trend of electric power distribution, the future of current systems. These networks are continually being introduced in order to improve the reliability of systems, providing alternatives to energy supply and cost savings. Faced with increasing electric power grids complexity, the energy demand and the introduction of alternative sources to energy generation, all components of system require a fully integration in order to achieve high reliability and availability levels (dependability). The systematization of a Smart Grid from the Fault Tree formalism enable the quantitative evaluation of dependability of a specific scenario. In this work, a methodology for dependability evaluation of Smart Grids is proposed. A study of case is described in order to validate the proposal. With the use of this methodology, it is possible to estimate during the early design phase the reliability, availability of Smart Grid beyond to identify the critical points from the failure and repair distributions of components.


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Feeding is the primary selective pressure in all forms of animals. Nutritional ecological models predict consequences of preferred and non-preferred food consumption on behavioural, physiological and morphological adaptations. At same time, socioecological models infer socio-organizarion patterns based on feeding competition faced by animals. A list of preferred foods, and inferences regarding the intensity of feeding competition and its behavioural consequences are information of much importance for management of populations in fragments. In this work we observed the feeding behavior and spatial positioning of a group of more than 100 blond capuchin monkeys (Sapajus flavius) that inhabit a fragment of Atlantic forest, surrounded by sugarcane plantation. We compared the consumption of different food items with their monthly availability in the area to define the preferred and fallback food items. We recorded the vocalizations of aggression and the inter-individual distance (area of Minimum Convex Polygon/n individuals) to infer the type of food competition experienced by animals. In the year studied the fruit feeding time correlated with top consumed fruit productivity, indicating preference for fruits. Our data indicate that the species Elaeis sp., Cecropia palmata, Inga spp. and Simarouba amara are the preferred food items in the diet. Available all year round and uniformly distributed, sugarcane was a regular item in the diet and its was characterized as a staple fallback food for this group. Although fruits are preferential food items, direct competition rate did not correlate to fruit productivity in the area, maintaining the high rates throughout the year (2.45 events/ hour). The inter-individual distance index positively correlated with rain fall indicating scramble food competition. The number of neighbours of females carrying infants was smaller when fruit productivity is low, indicating that females carrying infants are suffering increased indirect competition. Our data indicates that blond capuchins in this fragment make use of sugar cane as a staple fallback food, which evidence the importance of sugar cane landscape for the survival of this critically endangered capuchin species in fragmented habitats in Northeast Brazil. A preliminary list of preferred and important foods is offered, and can assist in the choice of trees for reforestation, better fragments to be preserved and areas of release and translocation of animals. We did not observe an increase of contest competition while using preferred foods, but when using staple FBF. This may be due the altered environment, which results in high competition food throughout the year. Both the food preference as the social and behavioral consequences of high food competition experienced by animals in this fragment must be accompanied over the years to ensure the survival of this population.


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Feeding is the primary selective pressure in all forms of animals. Nutritional ecological models predict consequences of preferred and non-preferred food consumption on behavioural, physiological and morphological adaptations. At same time, socioecological models infer socio-organizarion patterns based on feeding competition faced by animals. A list of preferred foods, and inferences regarding the intensity of feeding competition and its behavioural consequences are information of much importance for management of populations in fragments. In this work we observed the feeding behavior and spatial positioning of a group of more than 100 blond capuchin monkeys (Sapajus flavius) that inhabit a fragment of Atlantic forest, surrounded by sugarcane plantation. We compared the consumption of different food items with their monthly availability in the area to define the preferred and fallback food items. We recorded the vocalizations of aggression and the inter-individual distance (area of Minimum Convex Polygon/n individuals) to infer the type of food competition experienced by animals. In the year studied the fruit feeding time correlated with top consumed fruit productivity, indicating preference for fruits. Our data indicate that the species Elaeis sp., Cecropia palmata, Inga spp. and Simarouba amara are the preferred food items in the diet. Available all year round and uniformly distributed, sugarcane was a regular item in the diet and its was characterized as a staple fallback food for this group. Although fruits are preferential food items, direct competition rate did not correlate to fruit productivity in the area, maintaining the high rates throughout the year (2.45 events/ hour). The inter-individual distance index positively correlated with rain fall indicating scramble food competition. The number of neighbours of females carrying infants was smaller when fruit productivity is low, indicating that females carrying infants are suffering increased indirect competition. Our data indicates that blond capuchins in this fragment make use of sugar cane as a staple fallback food, which evidence the importance of sugar cane landscape for the survival of this critically endangered capuchin species in fragmented habitats in Northeast Brazil. A preliminary list of preferred and important foods is offered, and can assist in the choice of trees for reforestation, better fragments to be preserved and areas of release and translocation of animals. We did not observe an increase of contest competition while using preferred foods, but when using staple FBF. This may be due the altered environment, which results in high competition food throughout the year. Both the food preference as the social and behavioral consequences of high food competition experienced by animals in this fragment must be accompanied over the years to ensure the survival of this population.


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Leishmania infantum is the main etiologic agent of visceral leishmaniasis in the New World. The pattern of distribution of leishmaniasis has changed substantially and has presented an emerging profile within the periphery of the Large Urban Centers. Leishmania infection can compromise skin, mucosa and viscera. Only 10% of the individuals infected develop the disease and 90% of human infection is asymptomatic. The main factors involved in the development of the disease are the host immune response, the vector’s species and the parasite’s genetic content. The sequencing of Leishmania isolated seeks to increase the understanding of the symptoms of individuals. The aim of this study was to evaluate the genetic diversity of circulating Leishmania strains among humans, and symptomatic and asymptomatic, and dogs from endemic areas of Rio Grande do Norte State and analyze sandflies from endemic areas for cutaneous and visceral disease. The genetic variability was evaluated by the use of markers hsp70 , ITS1 and a whole genome sequencing was also carried out. The amplified hsp70 and ITS1 of samples were analyzed and assembled using a Phred / Phrap package. The dendograms were constructed using the same methodology, but adding 500 bootstraps, followed by inferences on the relationships between Leishmania variants. The sequences of the 20 Brazilian isolates were mapped to the reference genome L. infantum JPCM5, using the Bowtie2 program and the identification of 36 contigs. The information of the valid SNPs were used in the PCA. SNPs were visualized by Geneious 7.1 and IGV. The genome annotations were transferred to their respective chromosomes and displayed on Geneious. The matching sequences of all chromosomes were aligned using Mauve. The phylogenetic trees were calculated according to maximum likelihood and JTT models. Sandflies were analyzed by PCR for the identification of Leishmania infection, a blood meal source and GAPDH sand fly. As a result, hsp70 and ITS1 were not capable of identifying genetic variability among human isolates from symptomatic and asymptomatic, and dogs. The complete sequencing of the 20 Brazilian isolates revealed a strong similarity between the circulating Leishmania strains in Rio Grande do Norte. The isolates collected in the city of Natal from humans and canines remained grouped in all analyzes, suggesting that there is genotypic and geographic proximity among the isolates. The isolated samples in the 1990s had a higher genotypic diversity when compared to freshly isolated samples. All isolates presented 36 chromosomes with variable ploidy among them, no correlation was found between the number of amastina genes copies, gp63, A2 and SSG with such clinic forms. In general, we did not find correlation between symptomatic and asymptomatic clinical forms and the gene content of the Brazilian isolates of Leishmania. 34,28% of the sandflies collected in the upper west region were L. longipalpis and the main sources of blood meal were humans, dogs and chickens.


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Leishmania infantum is the main etiologic agent of visceral leishmaniasis in the New World. The pattern of distribution of leishmaniasis has changed substantially and has presented an emerging profile within the periphery of the Large Urban Centers. Leishmania infection can compromise skin, mucosa and viscera. Only 10% of the individuals infected develop the disease and 90% of human infection is asymptomatic. The main factors involved in the development of the disease are the host immune response, the vector’s species and the parasite’s genetic content. The sequencing of Leishmania isolated seeks to increase the understanding of the symptoms of individuals. The aim of this study was to evaluate the genetic diversity of circulating Leishmania strains among humans, and symptomatic and asymptomatic, and dogs from endemic areas of Rio Grande do Norte State and analyze sandflies from endemic areas for cutaneous and visceral disease. The genetic variability was evaluated by the use of markers hsp70 , ITS1 and a whole genome sequencing was also carried out. The amplified hsp70 and ITS1 of samples were analyzed and assembled using a Phred / Phrap package. The dendograms were constructed using the same methodology, but adding 500 bootstraps, followed by inferences on the relationships between Leishmania variants. The sequences of the 20 Brazilian isolates were mapped to the reference genome L. infantum JPCM5, using the Bowtie2 program and the identification of 36 contigs. The information of the valid SNPs were used in the PCA. SNPs were visualized by Geneious 7.1 and IGV. The genome annotations were transferred to their respective chromosomes and displayed on Geneious. The matching sequences of all chromosomes were aligned using Mauve. The phylogenetic trees were calculated according to maximum likelihood and JTT models. Sandflies were analyzed by PCR for the identification of Leishmania infection, a blood meal source and GAPDH sand fly. As a result, hsp70 and ITS1 were not capable of identifying genetic variability among human isolates from symptomatic and asymptomatic, and dogs. The complete sequencing of the 20 Brazilian isolates revealed a strong similarity between the circulating Leishmania strains in Rio Grande do Norte. The isolates collected in the city of Natal from humans and canines remained grouped in all analyzes, suggesting that there is genotypic and geographic proximity among the isolates. The isolated samples in the 1990s had a higher genotypic diversity when compared to freshly isolated samples. All isolates presented 36 chromosomes with variable ploidy among them, no correlation was found between the number of amastina genes copies, gp63, A2 and SSG with such clinic forms. In general, we did not find correlation between symptomatic and asymptomatic clinical forms and the gene content of the Brazilian isolates of Leishmania. 34,28% of the sandflies collected in the upper west region were L. longipalpis and the main sources of blood meal were humans, dogs and chickens.


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ARAUJO, Afranio Cesar de et al. Síndromes de polinização ocorrentes em uma área de Mata Atlântica, Paraíba, Brasil. Biotemas, Florianopolis, v. 4, n. 22, p.83-94, dez. 2009. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 04 out. 2010.


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Embora tenha sido proposto que a vasculatura retínica apresenta estrutura fractal, nenhuma padronização do método de segmentação ou do método de cálculo das dimensões fractais foi realizada. Este estudo objetivou determinar se a estimação das dimensões fractais da vasculatura retínica é dependente dos métodos de segmentação vascular e dos métodos de cálculo de dimensão. Métodos: Dez imagens retinográficas foram segmentadas para extrair suas árvores vasculares por quatro métodos computacionais (“multithreshold”, “scale-space”, “pixel classification” e “ridge based detection”). Suas dimensões fractais de “informação”, de “massa-raio” e “por contagem de caixas” foram então calculadas e comparadas com as dimensões das mesmas árvores vasculares, quando obtidas pela segmentação manual (padrão áureo). Resultados: As médias das dimensões fractais variaram através dos grupos de diferentes métodos de segmentação, de 1,39 a 1,47 para a dimensão por contagem de caixas, de 1,47 a 1,52 para a dimensão de informação e de 1,48 a 1,57 para a dimensão de massa-raio. A utilização de diferentes métodos computacionais de segmentação vascular, bem como de diferentes métodos de cálculo de dimensão, introduziu diferença estatisticamente significativa nos valores das dimensões fractais das árvores vasculares. Conclusão: A estimação das dimensões fractais da vasculatura retínica foi dependente tanto dos métodos de segmentação vascular, quanto dos métodos de cálculo de dimensão utilizados