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El desafío de la parcería en la implantación del PRONERA: el caso del Proyecto Alfabetización Ciudadana en Noreste de Pará se constituye en un estudio sobre las políticas públicas de educación del campo. El trabajo tiene como objeto de análisis la implantación del PRONERA, a partir del estudio de caso del Proyecto de Alfabetización Ciudadana en Noreste de Pará, con el objetivo de comprender como la parcería, principio operacional y metodológico propuesto por el PRONERA, se concretó en la implantación del Proyecto y cuales sus posibles implicaciones en las políticas públicas de educación del campo. Entre los procedimientos metodológicos, realizamos la investigación bibliográfica y documental que nos permitieron situar la educación del campo en términos históricos y políticos, sistematizar la constitución y la organización del PRONERA y reflexionar acerca de la parcería a partir de diferentes ópticas. Realizamos también la investigación de campo por medio de entrevistas semi-estructuradas, con el propósito de analizar la implantación del Proyecto da Alfabetización Ciudadana, a partir del dialogo con los actores sociales involucrados. Los resultados de las análisis indicaron que, históricamente, las políticas públicas de educación destinadas a las poblaciones de la zona rural fueron instituidas verticalmente, desvinculadas de la realidad del campo e incompatibles con las necesidades e intereses de los sujetos. Constatamos que, en período reciente, movimientos sociales del campo reivindican y proponen acciones que se establezcan como políticas públicas de educación del campo. Identificamos que el PRONERA resulta de ese movimiento y se presenta como anuncio de una política pública de educación del campo, teniendo como diferencial el hecho de ser un programa del gobierno federal idealizado fuera de la esfera gubernamental, construido por los movimientos sociales del campo y presentar, entre otras innovaciones, el modelo de parcería y la gestión compartida, participativa y democrática. En esta perspectiva, en este estudio de caso, se evidenció que la parcería, frente a los conflictos y las disputas entre sus miembros participantes, no es el problema de la implantación del PRONERA, sino su punto fuerte. De este modo, la parcería es uno de los elementos necesarios para la construcción de políticas públicas, en particular, de educación del campo, una vez que posibilita la interacción de instituciones públicas y movimientos sociales locales, atribuyendo legitimidad a la educación del campo. Al promover un proceso de aprendizaje democrático, la parcería se presenta como estrategia de democratización de la educación del campo.


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In the last three decades, the subject of the teacher's social identity has been discussed under various theoretical focuses, not only in Brazil, but also beyond our borders. In this thesis, the theme is approached starting from the theoretical proposal that has been developed by Domingos Sobrinho (1994), which is strongly based in the epistemological approach between Pierre Bourdieu s praxiology and the Theory of the Social Representations formulated by Serge Moscovici. It presupposes that this would make it easier to apprehend the process of construction of social identity of the investigated social group. The universe of the research is constituted by teachers of the fundamental teaching of the municipal district of Maracanaú, state of Ceará, that were active in class-room work there during at least three years, and were registered or had concluded the Course of Educational Formation promoted by UECE in that municipal district. Taking into account that the teacher's social identity is a process in permanent construction, resulting of their daily experiences and of the interferences originated from of the social context, the investigative tasks were implemented in two different stages, although they complement each other. Initially, with the objective of putting in evidence the genesis of the formation of that group s habitus, an analysis of the family and school lives of eleven teachers who participated in the course was made, using as main sources of data: thematic memorials, semi-structured interviews and observations - inside and out of the class-room during four school semesters. In the second stage a test of free association of words was applied to 426 teachers, seeking to apprehend the structure of the social representations of family and school a methodological strategy considered necessary to enhance and identify certain outlines of the habitus in study, besides being in agreement with the theoretical model followed. It became evident from the results that the identity of Maracanaú s teachers is molded and transformed into a multifaceted dynamic unit that shows successes and mistakes, certainties and doubts. For instance, besides an innovative speech seeking to reassure that teaching is a profession and not a simple vocation or mission, some discourse and attitudes are identified that point to the opposite direction, extolling the school as extension of the family, defending a parental relationship with the students, and looking at certain aspects of daily school life as sacramental . However, in the light of science such ambiguities and incoherences are inherent to common sense discourse, where the influences of the patterns and cultural references are present in the process of identity construction of the group, which was confirmed by the research of their social representations of family and school


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Este estudio tiene por objeto investigar la política de democratización de la administración educativa de la consideración de los procesos socio-históricos que participaron en el programa de modernización de los paradigmas de administración, por la forma en que la política de descuentos y que se entiende por los sujetos dentro de la escuela. Se considera que la democracia defendida por la política de democratización de la educación por el neoliberalismo / gerencialismo, siendo el resultado de un acuerdo que aspira a dirigir la sociedad hegemónica, portador del gen, las diferentes concepciones de la democracia, por lo tanto, en su en el interior se colocan en posición, los elementos conceptuales de los diferentes proyectos de la sociedad. Por lo tanto, vamos a ver cómo, en el Estado Dom Escuela Nivaldo Monte, esta política se (re) significado y transformado por los sujetos, incluyendo las diferentes formas que se delinean en la dimensión de la democracia, autonomía, participación y representación. Aborda el tema de estudio en vista del materialismo histórico y dialéctico, por lo que consideramos que es posible examinar el objeto en sus fronteras, pero no de manera fragmentada o enajenados o la mediación de la determinación del capital económico, político, cultural y simbólica de la sociabilidad la globalización, para superar los matices asignado a estructuralista metodología de diseño teórico adoptado, usado, en el entendimiento de que considera que la macro y micro estructuras están formadas por una relación de complementariedad entre los procesos micro y macro. Entre nuestras conclusiones parciales, que argumentan que la gestión democrática y la gestión de la administración son diferentes formas de administración, antagónicos, aunque este efecto fue una especie de coincidencia, le distinguen: en primer lugar, si queremos apoyar la calidad de las escuelas públicas, y en segundo lugar que la organización de gestión crea las condiciones para la gestión democrática legal y legítimo, mientras que se establecen las condiciones que tanto impracticable y difícil como imposible y muy difícil de llevar a cabo la gestión de la administración que conduce a la conclusión de que, finalmente, la gestión democrática es imposible de llevarse a cabo por medio de la gerencia pública y la gerencia pública es imposible de llevarse a cabo por medio de la democracia. Sin embargo, la participación institucionalizada de la gerencia pública puede promover la extensión del control social sobre el estado y contribuir a la transformación social, que parece que está un reto difícil, pero no improbable, y es probable que se siga investigando.


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This paper gives clues for the educative action in nutrition subjects. It deals about the professors experiences deployments lived in 2003 e 2004, both in Nutrition undergraduate course of the Federal University of the Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), in Nutrition Education and Supervised Internship in Social Nutrition academic disciplines, as well as in the II Update Course in Nutrition Practices for Health Basic Care , offered to the supervisors nutritionists of internship, in this same department, being able to be characterized as an action-research, with interventionism purpose. The study stands out the importance of a new point of view about the nutritionist formation to overcome the limits imposed by the scientism, and the adoption of a complex and reflexive reference about the educational practice in this area. The corpus is made up by 81 undergraduate students alimentary autobiography (source of generating subjects for interventions with the nutritionists), 17 questionnaires and 05 interviews, being 03 of them biography (the start up for an initial dialogue with the nutritionists). The data found and the professors experiences allied to a theoretic reference, by the light of the education proposals for the XXI century were used as establishment elements for the proposition of five guidance axles used to build a complex and reflexive nutrition education, which are: 1) Take the cookery and the culture of eating together as significant elements for the human being integral formation; 2) Conceive the religion manifestations associated to feeding process as relevant elements of the human food culture; 3) Discuss the rupture nature/culture aiming the preservation of live in earth; 4) Search for the overcoming of the identity conflicts by a higher inclosing conscience degrees of being part of this process. 5) Face the limits of fragmented formation. The presented thesis stands that the autobiography method, allied to the freirean pedagogy and to a complex reference, could be taken as an important tool to the health educative subjects, contributing to the formation of reflective individuals able to transform themselves and the world.


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This research is an interpretative analysis of the type participatory research, developed in a qualitative and quantitative use of the blog as a support to a specific discipline, in order to identify the potential evident from its use. The report discusses the changes that have occurred in contemporary society, relating to the development of information technologies and communication (ITC s), presents a brief review of the historical background of the Internet and its use as an aid to education, emphasizing some environments inserted media the Internet, focusing on the main blog - its concept, origin and categorization, and analyzes the concepts of using the blog from the dialogues with teachers and students of pedagogy course at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. Started from the assumption that the use of technological resources, such as blogging, with strictly educational purposes, can extend the knowledge beyond the walls of the classroom, thus creating a dialogic and interactive environment. Using data collected through interviews, questionnaires and observation, we seek to understand the object of study as a supportive environment for the teaching of a subject, raising some theoretical and methodological questions about its application to educational practice, and possible contributions to the construction of knowledge. The results indicate that there are several capabilities that make the blog a space conducive to teaching and learning process, and relates the concepts of the study participants about their use, highlighting the most important places to be solved, so that teachers and students to take ownership of knowledge necessary for capacity building required by the contemporary social context, due to the advancement of science and technology.


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Plongés dans le temps présent, les dessins humoristiques, par la capacité de représenter, de suggérer et de communiquer une idée, marquent présence à l école et dans la salle de classe. Caractérisés par l utilisation d éléments comiques, satiriques et irôniques, outre la nature persuasive, ces dessins possibilitent le lecteur de faire une lecture critique des événements sociaux et politiques de notre société. En tant que langage visuel, structuré dans les formes verbale et icônique, de même que par le caractère analogique de représentation, les dessins humoristiques constituent un excellent recours pédagogique. Toutefois, ils sont longtemps restés inaperçus par l école et, seul récemment, ils sont devenus objet d investigation de la part des historiens. Dans ce sens, nous nous sommes proposés, dans cette étude, à analyser l utilisation de ces dessins par les professeurs d histoire des écoles publiques nommées Centros Paraibanos de Educação Solidária (CEPES), de João Pessoa, capitale de l Etat de Paraíba, en vue d appréhender et de discuter la façon dont ces professeurs font usage de ces dessins dans leur pratique pédagogique. Par le moyen des actions des professeurs, conçues comme des arts de faire, selon Certeau, et par l identification des usages qui se caractérisent comme des tactiques, nous avons essayé de percevoir comment se réalise le rapport humour et histoire, en salle de classe. La systématisation, la catégorisation et la narration des pratiques pédagogiques observées ont été réalisées par l analyse des questionnaires et des interviews appliqués aux professeurs et élèves, ainsi qu à l observation des classes. Notre recherche s est fondée sur les théories de Roger Chartier et Michel de Certeau, dont les concepts de représentation et d appropriation, d usages et de tactiques nous ont aidé à comprendre la forme par laquelle les sujets incorporés au quotidien de la salle de classe se sont appropriés de la dimension imagétique à travers l humour. A partir des concepts d usage et d appropriation nous avons identifié dans les actions et les parlers, la façon dont les dessins humoristiques sont travaillés par les professeurs. Conçus comme des registres visuels qui relatent des questions sociales, politiques et économiques, ces dessins sont perçus comme des registres visuels qui relatent des questions sociales, politiques et économiques, identifant, ainsi, les adversités du présent, dans le monde social


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Les connaissances de la tradition et position de la Science dehors pour un non-hiérarchique dialoguez qui frappe pour les distinguer mais ils sont undésavouer inséparable étant donné les compléments ils composent. Cet essai assume la possibilité de ce roi de dialogue dans un place spéciale: la classe. Sur ce qui vient au connaissance de la tradition, le centre remarquable est pour la construction de bateaux du travail manuel, una pratique culturellement déployé dans la ville d'Abaetetuba, dans le État de Pará, Brésil. En revanche, la Science est concentrée par le le contenu d'école a adopté dans l'Ensino Fundamental (École primaire). La construction du dialogue est faite en utilisant des activités de l'enseignement qui accentuez des aspects géométriques (solide, géométrique, angles et symétries) aussi bien que par information qui implique le tableau, poésie, histoire, géographie et physique - les deux inspiré dans le chiffre de bateau résumé dans un CD-ROM interactif. Les activités ont eu lieu dans D'Escola Ensino Pedro Teixeira Fondamental (Abaetetuba-Pa), avec étudiants du 6e niveau (plus spécifiquement avec un groupe de 13 étudiants) d'août à octobre2004. Ethnomathématiques et transdisciplinarité sont le support théorique sous-jacent du projet. Dans résumé, c'est possible pour dire que l'interaction entre Science et Tradition, à travers activités au-delà lesquelles vont le le contenu a restreint à mathématiques d'école, contribuées à,: identifiez le contenu a appris pas sur dans série antérieure; renouveler le rôle joué par école dans ses fonctions didactique pédagogiques; réduire le isolement entre information passée historique et les étudiants présent culturel; indiquer des obstacles à l'érudition des mathématiques intéresser aux aspects cognitifs et behavioristes; et provoquer un participation affective qui rôle principal à la qualité d'apprendre l'école contenu aussi bien que les connaissances de la tradition


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This proposal is to search, investigate practical experience in environmental education for the construction of Local Agenda 21, in the municipality of Maxaranguape-RN, attended that brought together various subject and collective social actors of civil society organizations, among them, the Center for Education and Advice Herbert de Souza - CEAHS (NGOs who serves on the council since 1999), associations of farmers and farmers in areas of settlements, teachers / as, groups of women and young people, entrepreneurs, public power, the German partner entities IBAMA. INCRA, BNB in the project of Agenda 21. They are members and participants, constituents of the Permanent Forum of Agenda 21, the main actor privileged in the search. As an object of study to identify the limits and scope of this practice, with regard to aspects of awareness / participation and awaken to an awareness of critical social subjects in the collective social and environmental perspective. The study seeks to investigate if this experience has allowed the individual and collective social subjects, understand and act in their daily life, as the changes in attitudes postures, and expand their interests to participate in various public spaces this intention, is considered the educational activities made with the principles of environmental education in the construction of Agenda 21 that have contributed in raising awareness / participation of social actors of the Permanent Forum of Agenda 21. While reference methodology, the research focuses on theoretical design Freireana with relevance on the dimensions of dialogue, critical thinking and the human dimension comprising the act as educational practice of freedom, the prospect of human emancipation and social transformation of reality, and bring other thinkers as, Carvalho (2004), Trigueiro (2003), Days (2004), among others. The investigation of this practice points to the subject of education, which ECOCIENCIA to install the Agenda 21 and its effect on demand under municipal, German, providing a change of attitudes and postures and certainly, generating a new look and act in the world, broadening their interests and desires of inserting themselves, to participate in public spheres, particularly in establishing relations with dialogical criticality with the authorities and face the demands socio-environmental locations.


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This thesis aims to investigate the Agronomy course in the perspective of the graduation course for the settlers of the Universidade Federal do Pará- Marabá. This course requires a partnership with the social movements of the North region of the country, with the purpose to understand knowledge production and how learning process occurs from the point of interaction and reliable relationships which are established in the organization during the course. The base of theses studies is to reflect of how the dialogue and learning processes occurred during the Agronomy course and resulted in changing in the teachers behavior and in the other integrated members of the group and mainly in the graduating settlers students. These changings happens as a consenquence of the dialogue production between the most varied areas, different people and institutions which take collective decisions. I observe educational actions, researches, extention concepts of extension and also development researches presented in the educative actions discussed by Freire (1985), Simões (2001, 2003) e de Amartya Sen (2000). The theory in which I am basing these studies are based in Boaventura de Souza Santos Simões (2001, 2003) and Amartya Sen (2000). Methodologically I analyse knowledge production by sudying the thesis and scientific works related to rural education, social movements, university and higher education in the last 20 years. I analyze the scientific works of all settler students, and besides, I do open interviews with the students, as well as, with the teachers and the leaders of social movements (MST, FETAGRI, CPT, EFA/FATA). I organize and analyze all the speeches from the ecological knowledge as defined by Boaventura de Souza Santos (2006). Finally, I visit five towns of municipal districts of the southeast of Pará, which represents the final methodological part of the research, in order to verify in loco the practices of the experiments purposed as final activity of the Agronomy course. I organize the work in five areas composed by the occupational process and the initiatives which emerged from them; development model and the social and environmental consequences; I also organize the university role and the relationship established between people and institutions which gave origin to the Agronomy course of UFPA and the programs developed in the region; conjuncture of creation of the groups of settled students, curriculum, principles and focus on the course and the experienced actions; developed practices in the course and the relations of reliability experienced internally and externally to the Academy, the learning and dialogue promoted by the course. I believe that the dialogue has caused changes in the organization of the knowledge and in the educative practices of the teachers, as well as, in the socio-productive practices of the regressed settled students


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La presencia de personas extranjeras radicadas en la província de Rio Grande del Norte trae a la escuela el desafio de recibir alumnos hablantes de otros idiomas. En esa perspectiva, el estudio tiene como objetivo investigar la practica pedagógica desarrollada por una profesora de Pipa - RN, con destaque en la enseñanza de Portugués para niños inmigrantes en la Enseñanza Fundamental. Esa temática se hace relevante al proponer posibles alternativas para el desarrollo de una acción docente reflexiva y mediatizadora de la enseñanza de una língua segunda. Para la concretización de este trabajo disertativo, se há realizado un estudio de caso de tipo etnográfico y de naturaleza qualitativa en una institución privada de la playa de Pipa - RN, en el período de noviembre de 2007 a agosto de 2008. Se há utilizado como procedimientos, la observación participante, la entrevista semiestruturada gravadaen áudio, la análise documental, el registro en diário de campo y el registro fotográfico. Se há elegido como referencial teórico las discusiones de Almeida Filho (1992, 1997, 2002, 2005), Cunha (1999, 2002), Freire (1996, 2004), Moita Lopes (1996), Vygotsky (1998), Wachowicz (1995) y Zabala (1998). La análise revela que, aunque la profesora observada no tenga conocimientos específicos sobre la enseñanza de PL2 en la escuela regular, su acción educativa há demonstrado avanzos, especialmente, al considerar los aprendizes como sujetos del processo de enseñanza aprendizaje, entre ellos los niños extranjeros; contemplar la identidad y las diferencias culturales y linguísticas de estos educandos; incluyese el aspecto lúdico en la preparación de las actividades; articular vínculos sociales, afectivos y cognitivos, entre otros aspectos destacados. Sin embargo, evidenciase la necesidad de una formación pedagógica específica para el trabajo con niños inmigrantes, a través de la interlocución entre los currículuns de los cursos de Filología y Pedagogia de las Universidades brasileñas, a partir del cual estudios y debates podran ser fomentados en la busqueda por uma enseñanza de PL2 verdaderamente comunicativo y democrático.


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This study focuses on the initial formation of the pedagogue in college, especially the formation that takes place in the Pedagogy Course. It is bound by the following question: what senses are attributed by the Pedagogy Trainees regarding the relation between the Education Science knowledge and the Pedagogic Practice knowledge developed in the Pedagogy Course of UESB, in order to build up teaching knowledge and practice? Therefore it aims to reflect on the relations between the Education Science framework and the Pedagogic Practice under the supervised classes that belong to the Pedagogy Course. It presents the implications and contextualizations concerning the pedagogue formation as a historic and cultural process, emphasizing the current moment of this formation. It is based on the idea that the senses trainees, future pedagogues, attribute to their own formation process reflect on the learning of theorical and practical knowledge that validates the process of teachers formation, especially the pedagogue formation. Accordingly, it believes that the senses attributed by the students of teachers initial formation courses regarding the Education Science knowledge and Pedagogic Practice knowledge are essential as organizers in the construction of teaching knowledge and practice while the supervised classes take place. The theorical and methodological option is based on the studies of Qualitative Epistemology by Gonzalez Rey. Empiric studies took place at the Pedagogy Course of Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia (UESB), located in the city of Vitória da Conquista/Bahia. The students who took part in this research were six graduating ones, enrolled in the last two semesters of the referred course, stage when the supervised classes happen. The procedures used in the organization of collected information consist of analysis of documents such as the mentioned course curricular project and the students reports, besides interactive and provocative talks to the students. The results show the senses students attribute to Educational Science theorical basis to practice to Pedagogic Practice opportunity of feeling as if they were teachers and to the relation between Education Science and Pedagogic Practice opportunity of experiencing the relation between theory and practice. Besides, the theorizations students have about the relation between theory and practice in teachers formation are also presented. Consequently, it is emphasized that the supervised classes are the moments in which the trainees might understand the relations between thought and pedagogic practice, building the senses attributed to the relation between the Education Science knowledge and the ones of Pedagogic Practice as organizers in the teaching knowledge and practice. In this context, the trainees build some knowledge regarding what it means to be a teacher, which is not written or published, due to its subjective dimension, but circumscribed in their pedagogic practice while the supervised classes take place and when professional teaching practice becomes effective


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This study aimed to provide a continuing education towards raising teachers for reflection and effective sexual education within the school environment as a possible route of self-education and training of teachers of elementary school. More specifically aim to facilitate through the Continuing Education to discuss the knowledge of the body and knowledge of human sexuality, presenting them as core knowledge in the integral formation of individuals and promote discussion of a Human-centered education Teaching in a vocational training and human .In this sense, we dialogue with the human teaching preconized by Arroyo (2002, 2004) along with the humanization (hominization) of the individuals through education, under Freire´s perspective of the being more (2003) as well as his ideas, Pineau´s (2003) and Josso´s (2004) about the educational practice understanding as a way to build up the autonomy of the individuals who we intend to educate. We defend the inclusion of the body as an essential learning element according to the principles of corporeity presented by Assman (2001), whose comprehension is that every learning experience has a corporal inscription. Furthermore, the knowledge about human sexuality cannot be excluded from this process since the sexuality is inherent of individuals and is constructed and reconstructed during their existence. Our view of the world and of man is supported by the knowledge of the complexity (Morim, 2004) trying to surpass the mechanist view that sees them through the duality view, fragmenting them. For the discussion and construction of knowledge that search for the confluence of these knowledges about the being and the educational practice, aiming at the individual integral formation starting from the process of self-formation/self-knowledge, we´ve directed our research-action-formation having as compass the theoretical-methodological postulate of the research-action (Barbier, 2002; Morin, 2004; Thiollent, 2004) because it makes the participation of all the involved people in the process of resolution or surpassing of problem solving possible. We´ve used the continuing formation as a way of access for data collection, applying a questionnaire with open questions for the ones involved in the research. Based on the findings it´s been possible to infer that for the teaching formation it is necessary the inclusion of the Human sexuality and corporeity theme, so that the teacher can surpass the biological view of sexuality and also the expansion of the mechanist view of the body. To do so, we suggest that the teaching formation happens supported by the teaching capacitation and formation according to Maturana (2004), bringing teaching knowledges (Tardiff, 2002), which contribute effectively for the responsibility to educate people for life.


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This study focuses on processes of learning and professional development experienced by elementary school teachers who have students with special educational needs in their classrooms. Cases and case methods can be used as methodological resource to articulate the continued training of teachers in an inclusive perspective. This research-intervention adopted a constructive-collaborative model for continued teachers formation. The main objective was to investigate the possible contributions of teaching cases, while investigative and formative strategies, for the processes of learning and professional development of teachers who work in the regular school. The data were collected by means of analytical activities, drafting collective discussion and teaching cases, having eight teachers as participants in a regular public school, located in the municipality of Natal/RN, Brasil. The theoretical reference covers the inclusive education, teaching learning, teachers professional development, the knowledge base for teaching and teaching cases as a resource for continued teachers formation in an inclusive perspective. The results indicated that teaching cases allowed description and analysis of educational practices developed by regular education teachers and adoption of reflective processes about situations reported and on their own pedagogical actuation, achieving indications of changes. It also indicates the contribution of cases for the clarification, systematization and extension of professional knowledge about inclusive education process as well as for involvement by the teachers of the study in a pedagogical thinking process. The lessons learned are related mainly to own role as teachers of regular education, to the role of professional support and specialized institutions faced to school inclusion. The analyses showed the methodological option was suitable to develop a schoolcentric training process, allowing teachers to seek in their actual environment alternatives for construction of a new logic of teaching that encloses diversity. The conclusion is that the cases, while bringing educational situations closer to the reality experienced by teachers in their daily professional role, causes relevant improvement on teachers education, because it offers training in conjunction with the experience and knowledge that teachers already have


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The need to research about meanings and relationships between individuals with Bachelor s degrees and Teaching can be considered an exercise capable of aiding in the comprehension of the very performance of the Bachelor as teacher. The guiding question of this study asks: what relationships are established by Bachelors, who are teachers, between their professional education and their performance as a teacher? My objective is to understand the meanings attributed by the Bachelor teachers to teaching at the university level, seeking indicators about the relationships established by them, between their professional education and being a teacher. For this, the methodology used was the Comprehensive Interview, which permits, through the individual s oral discourse, the interpretation of meanings and values expressed by the teachers about their actions. The research is done through oral discourse collected in interviews and from these I analyze the elements that are revealed, and those which help me in the development of this object of study. I understand that the contribution about the possibilities of action and continued education for Bachelors who act as instructors in Higher Education is increasingly necessary, through research, because through continuing education teachers can revisit their actions and reformulate meanings they attribute to teaching as a profession. I consider the debate about meanings about teaching and the relationships with the initial education is not only necessary in the investigation of the Bachelors who act as professors, but also the credentialed teachers, because the teacher s sense of identity and their professional development is constructed through a historical process and in relation to the alternative positioning in the contexts of which they are a part


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The daily teaching invokes us to answer questions that surround the educational action, they are ethic and political exercises of us teachers, considering the responsibility that is presented to us in circumstance of perspective that we create as for our students´ formation. Considering the public school Terezinha Paulino as stage of the daily teaching which we invested, and finally, the school gymnastic group (GGTP), as pedagogical practice specifically attended during this study, we launch the following questions: 1. What are the ethic indicators present in the experience lived by GGTP members? 2. What s the meaning of these indicators for the GGTP members? 3. Do these meanings configure a socio-political dimension of the individuals involved formation ? What socio-political dimension is that? And What is its contribution to think of Physical Education in school? From these issues, we highlight our goals in this research: investigate the educational experience lived in GGTP, with a focus on the ethical elements that characterize and reflect the relationship of these elements in the socio-political dimension of Physical Education in school. To answer the initial questions and achieve our goals, we use the Content Analysis (BARDIN, 2004) as a methodological contribution of this research. From this methodological contribution we got two strands of the discussion here related: relational behavior of living and undesirable relational conduct and non-social. typical examples of good living are: union, cooperation, solidarity, fraternity, conversation, dialogue, love, trust, responsibility, commitment, dedication, application, respect, partition, sharing, gratitude, companionship, kindness Correspond to undesirable behaviors conduct: intrigue, strife (dispute), vanity, arrogance, anger, rage, fury, nervousness, anxiety and fear. Permeates the categories discussion, The group of knowledge produced by different authors, Humberto Maturana predominate among them, sometimes related to some of its main partners, , José Varela, Gerda Verden-Zöller and Sima Nisis de Rezepka. Although less frequent, we broach other authors, including Edgar Morin and Paulo Freire, to enlarge, articulate, and thus contribute to support the notes, contents of this study. Besides the introductory chapter, is the content of this dissertation: ethics: textual understanding, the methodological way; relational behaviors of living; undesirable conduct relational and non-social; gymnastics as an ethical and political bet on training human. In ethics: textual understandings, we make a brief introduction to distinguish the ethical field which we are advancing; In the methodology way, we briefly describe the implementation of the analysis content (BARDIN,2007); in relational behaviors of living, as well as, in undesirable relational conduct and non-social, we point out the meanings discussing them supported on theoretical contribution of this research. Finally, in gymnastics as an ethical and political bet on training human, we point out some possibilities for the gymnastic practice and physical education at school, as well as to think about education by training human bias.