54 resultados para História Oral


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The therapeutic possibilities for chronic renal failure closely are related to the biological and social condition, and in this perspective the renal transplant is considered the best option, for providing quality of life better. This study it objectified to apprehend, by means of the rescue of the verbal history of life of the kidney transplant patients, the experiences lived since the diagnosis of the renal to the current with the current therapeutic modality. One is about a study of qualitative boarding, exploratory and descriptive, having the verbal history of life as a technique and method. The colony was formed with the ten first kidney transplant patients of the Rio Grande of the North, taken care of in the clinic of the Nephrology in the University Hospital Onofre Lopes-UFRN, located in the city of Christmas-RN. The net was composed for collaborators of both the sex, in the age band between 21 and 56 years of age, submitted it more than has one year to the renal transplant and that, in some cases, together of its familiar ones, they had voluntarily accepted to participate of the study. The first collaborator interviewed for this was excluded not to desire to participate the study more than. After approval for the Committee of Ethics in Search of the UFRN, we carry through the collection of data, by means of a halfstructuralized interview, recorded individually, in environment chosen for the collaborators. We carry through the transcription of the interviews and later we return to the interviewed ones so that the same ones made the conference, what it made possible in them to carry through the transcriation, after consecutive readings. We analyze the stories by means of the analysis of content of Bardin. Guiding the analysis of the stories of the collaborators, we find three axles thematic: Impact in the social relations, Impact in the social condition and Behavior front the illness and treatment. We conclude in this study that the loss of the renal function reed-echo drastically in the life of the collaborators, but that the acceptance of the pathological condition emerged, mainly for the support of the family and in the belief in God. The renal transplant was seen as the chance for a new life, however, so that they reach an improvement in the quality of life, other questions must be optimized, as the guarantee of constitutional laws, the rescue of the citizenship and offer of bigger support of the professionals of the health, family and society for the confrontation of the problems generated for the chronic renal illness and its treatments


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Several epidemics marked the lives of individuals and communities in all historical periods, and a prime example is leprosy, infectious disease marked by stigma, prejudice and social exclusion. In the past, the compulsory isolation of patients with leprosy caused serious social and psychological problems, resulting in the separation and the partial or total disruption of the family relationship. Children deprived of this living, removed often inhumanely, were kept and bred in preventoriums / educational establishments. This study aimed to: rescue the oral history of life of the children of leprosy patients that were built in preventorium Osvaldo Cruz, Natal, Rio Grande do Norte; develop a contextual analysis about these children; know the life trajectory of children of leprosy patients institutionalized in preventoriums / educational establishments; produce a documentary on the history of life of children of parents separated by leprosy; forming MORHAN of Rio Grande do Norte state; and implement the I Meeting of MORHAN of Rio Grande do Norte state. This is an exploratory and descriptive study, with a qualitative approach, approved by the ERC No. 024/024/2012 Liga Norteriograndense Contra o Câncer. We used the contributions of the method and technique of oral history of life as methodological reference. We interviewed 10 individuals egress from preventorium Osvaldo Cruz in Natal/RN, sons of former patients proven to be residents in the city, of both sexes, older than 18, with cognitive, intellectual and emotional conditions preserved. The analysis of the histories obtained from collaborators was performed in the light of Thematic Content Analysis. The results and discussions are presented through two articles which meet the proposed objectives. The first, called Contextual Analysis on the children of leprosy patients in preventoriums aimed to record the phenomenon of children of leprosy patients in preventorium through four contextual levels, which identified the need to broaden the debate on public policy in the field of leprosy as a way to enable more effective measures to propagate in the search for harm reduction and direct consequences resulting from stigma and marginalization around patients and their healthy children, egress from preventoriums. The second, Leprosy and the denial of history: the story of separated children , aimed to know the life trajectory of children of leprosy patients who were institutionalized in preventoriums / educational establishments. In this article, we discuss the research question through the establishment of three main themes: 1. Losses and damages: disintegration and reintegration into the family and denied childhood; 2. Unforgettable: remarkable things you do not forget; and 3. Expectancy in living new situations: in search of other paths and destinations. These thematic axis highlighted the negative implications for the lives of the subjects, arising from the separation of their parents, leprosy patients at the time of compulsory isolation; however, has also been shown that this separation was not decisive in their life histories, once they have succeeded in providing a new sense of these experiences and lead their lives with dignity and fortitude. It was concluded that these children demonstrated resilience as form of defense and fighting stigma and prejudice, being able to reinvent themselves and build new paths and destinations


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The aim of the present study was to understand the feelings and the difficulties faced by the family caregiver in the care of the person affected by Alzheimer`s Disease (AD). It is a descriptive, exploratory study with a qualitative approach, using the oral life history proposed by Bom Meihy as the method. Data collection was conducted in the Basic Health Unit of Candelaria, located in Natal -RN, with five collaborators that carry out the role of family caregivers for people affected by Alzheimer`s disease (AD) and are members of the Group "Caring for those who Care". Caregi vers who resided with the affected family member for at least one year were selected for the study, and as a collection tool, it was opted to use semi-structured interviews via a script of open questions, recorded by permission of the collaborators, then t ranscribed and subsequently returned to respondents for checking the contents described. To analyze the results, the collaborators narrative technique was used in conjuction with the specific literature on the subject.The discussions were organized around five themes inherent to the guiding questions, and defined as follows: the incorporation of the role of the family caregiver; life before and after assuming the role of caregiver, the caregiver`s feelings and attitudes after assuming the care, difficulti es in caring, participation of the group as a foundation for caregivers. The stories showed many difficulties in the daily routine of the caregivers, and also that their participation in the group "Caring for those who Care" helps them in maintaining the q uality of their lives. The results open possibilities for the construction of new forms of approach and care for the people who fulfill the role of family caregiver contributing to strengthening of subsidies that help them better face the daily difficulti es.This study helped shed light on the fact that being a family caregiver of a person affected by AD is a suffered, exhausting and stressful condition involving much self-denial in one´s life. The situation experienced by these collaborators is considered a public health issue, and thus highlights the urgency for governmental political -social actions, besides the programs of care and health promotion for this target group.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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The Chronic Venous insufficiency is characterized as a set of physical changes including how most serious complication of venous ulcers, characterized by irregular and progressive loss of continuity of the skin. The occurrence of venous ulcers in people with chronic venous insufficiency generates dependence on them with health services, with long-term treatments that cause limitations and high-impact changes, affecting their quality of life, affecting the physical, psychological, social, cultural and spiritual as an important public health problem. This study aimed to describe the experience of having a venous ulcer, in the scenario of primary health care services to Health, which includes Primary Care Units and Family Health Strategy in the city of Natal / RN, based on the life histories of users. This is a qualitative study, exploratory and descriptive, with the Oral History of Life as a methodological framework. From the ponto zero was the recruitment of participants who formed the network, totaling six employees, of both sexes and aged between 57 and 79 years. After approval by the Research Ethics Committee - UFRN under the Protocol 653 788/2014 and CAAE 30408014.0.0000.5537 was held data collection, between the months of July and August, through interviews, using identification and characterization of the instrument employees and open questions. Interviews were recorded, transcribed, transcriadas and returned to employees for a conference. The narratives were subjected to Content thematic analysis technique, according to Bardin, allowing the construction of three themes that encompass categories, namely: Axis I - Perspectives on the changes: the impact wound in social relations (changes with ulcer venous, venous ulcer and social and family relationships); Axis II - Brands in body and soul: the story of being hurt (conceptions of the body injured; therapeutic itinerary in primary care services); and Axis III - Reconstruction of being hurt: coping mechanisms (redefinition of the wounded body, resilience to chronic wound). The impact of having a chronic venous ulcer generates impact of physical, psychological and social order. As aspects related to changes after the appearance of venous ulcers, survey participants reported the presence of pain, physical limitations, psychological distress, social and emotional isolation, incapacity, aesthetic discomfort and dependency on health services; the family was the aspect thatshowed no significant change after the occurrence of wound for most participants, an ally in the therapeutic process as a support network. The redefinition of the body and the wound are the main coping mechanism of chronic condition. The services in the Primary Care Network play a fundamental role in the rehabilitation of patients with venous ulcers, although there are difficulties in accessing appropriate treatment and need for expanded services, with permanent professional training of health teams and providing the resources managers to strengthen the comprehensive care of people with venous ulcers in Health Primary Care.


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The epidemic caused by HIV presents a global, dynamic and unstable phenomenon, which depends on the individual and collective human behavior. Efforts to deconstruct the stigmatized image caused by infection of AIDS are still often associated with adoption of socially unacceptable behavior to be a circumscribed the susceptibilities of vulnerable individuals and communities to infection, illness and death by HIV. This study aimed to: narrate the trajectory of life of people with AIDS more vulnerable enrolled in the Municipal Social Assistance Parnamirim / RN. It is a study of qualitative, exploratory and descriptive approach, taking oral history of life as technical and methodological framework. The colony consisted of 186 people with AIDS. The network was comprised of 13 employees of both sexes, aged between 19 and 62 years old with positive diagnosis and agreed to voluntarily participate. After approval by the Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (CEP / UFRN), in the opinion No. 719,926 CAAE: 30408114.5.0000.5537 on 6 June 2014 data were collected from August to September 2014. The employees signed the Informed Consent and Informed and letter of assignment. Held transcribing the interviews and later returned to respondents to retest, ie so that they confer what allowed us to carry out transcreation after consecutive readings. The reports were analyzed through Bardin content analysis. Guiding the analysis of the accounts of employees, we find three themes: Prejudice and discrimination in living with AIDS; Reacting to the diagnosis and the accession process to antiretroviral treatment; and religious coping in people with AIDS. It can be concluded in this study, that employees have shown great emotional impact after positive diagnosis for HIV / AIDS, especially with regard to social life, the family ties, work and above all to the prejudice of society. Treatment with antiretroviral drugs was seen as a motivation to regain dreams and plans for a future once uncertain, and even if it is not a cure therapy, provided the employees improved quality of life.


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The epidemic caused by HIV presents a global, dynamic and unstable phenomenon, which depends on the individual and collective human behavior. Efforts to deconstruct the stigmatized image caused by infection of AIDS are still often associated with adoption of socially unacceptable behavior to be a circumscribed the susceptibilities of vulnerable individuals and communities to infection, illness and death by HIV. This study aimed to: narrate the trajectory of life of people with AIDS more vulnerable enrolled in the Municipal Social Assistance Parnamirim / RN. It is a study of qualitative, exploratory and descriptive approach, taking oral history of life as technical and methodological framework. The colony consisted of 186 people with AIDS. The network was comprised of 13 employees of both sexes, aged between 19 and 62 years old with positive diagnosis and agreed to voluntarily participate. After approval by the Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (CEP / UFRN), in the opinion No. 719,926 CAAE: 30408114.5.0000.5537 on 6 June 2014 data were collected from August to September 2014. The employees signed the Informed Consent and Informed and letter of assignment. Held transcribing the interviews and later returned to respondents to retest, ie so that they confer what allowed us to carry out transcreation after consecutive readings. The reports were analyzed through Bardin content analysis. Guiding the analysis of the accounts of employees, we find three themes: Prejudice and discrimination in living with AIDS; Reacting to the diagnosis and the accession process to antiretroviral treatment; and religious coping in people with AIDS. It can be concluded in this study, that employees have shown great emotional impact after positive diagnosis for HIV / AIDS, especially with regard to social life, the family ties, work and above all to the prejudice of society. Treatment with antiretroviral drugs was seen as a motivation to regain dreams and plans for a future once uncertain, and even if it is not a cure therapy, provided the employees improved quality of life.


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El estudio Historia y educación de mujeres indígenas que quedan em Missão do Sahy pretende comprender, a través de recerdos y memorias, la transmisión de costumbres y prácticas educativas de un grupo de mujeres en sus relaciones con la familia, la escuela y la religión. El enfoque teórico-metodológico utilizado fue la Historia Oral, un enfoque que oferece la oportunidad de trabajar con la historia de mujeres y la memoria, tratando de reconstruir algunas de las experiencias de estas mujeres que tienen la custodia de las historias y los conocimientos transmitidos por los antepasados, como activistas en las actividades de la Comunidad, los partidos políticos, en la dirección de las asociaciones de la comunidad y los mantenedoras de la iglesia. La encuesta se realizó en el Distrito de Missão do Sahy, un asentamiento franciscano instalado en 1697 y abolida en 1863, em el territorio de Las Jacobinas, la ciudad de Senhor do Bonfim, en el norte de Bahia. El estudio demostró que todavía hay uma fuerte presencia de la práctica de los Padres Franciscanos, los creadores del pueblo, también mostró que las orientaciones religiosas han contribuido significativamente a fortalecer el papel de la mujer en Missão do Sahy como madre y esposa. Este estudio también mostró que el sesgo afecta a las más jóvenes remanescentes que - ni india ni negra - todavia son victimas de discriminación, un hecho que quizás tiene su origen el desconocimiento de la identidad de estas mujeres. Varios autores han contribuido en este estudio: Halbwachs (2006), Bosi (1994) y Pollak (1989) contribuyó a la construcción del estudio de la memoria, Perrot (1988, 2006, 2007) y Del Piore (2007) proporcionaron la base para la historia de la mujer; Machado y otros autores regionales (1993, 2007), Lourenço Pereira da Silva (1906, 1915), Adolfo Silva (1971), Edith Davis (1997), Joseph Davis (2001), Da Paz (2001, 2004), Oro (2008) , Santos (2007), Araujo (2002) y (2008 Vieira Filho) contribuyeron a la construcción de una historiografía de la zona de la investigación. Cronistas Frei Martinho de Nantes (1979) y Frei Venancio Willeke OFM (1994), además de teórico Norbert Elias (1993), de Michel de Certeau (1994) y Philippe Aries (1981), que presentan elementos importantes para el análisis de las pruebas.


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This study deals with a historical, descriptive and exploratory approach aiming to recall the origin and trajectory of the Pediatrics Hospital at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. This research also deals with the insertion of the nursing department in the same Hospital. This was realized through existing records and discourse collected through interview of professionals-doctors, nurses, midwifes, nursing attendants and psychologists. Thus, a network was established and consisted of qualified informants, composed through reference analysis. Data treatment and analysis was performed based on the collection of oral data. The data was considered according to the font s context, all of which depending on process of comprehension and interpretation. The research was based on the main theme, through oral history used in order to build a historical background. These main themes were then subdivided and other discourses were made present such as: the historical scene, the dream came true and the insertion of nursing, present in the history construction; all of which enabled the research. Thus, in this process, it was possible to identify the most important characters of the origin of children s health services organization and assistance at Rio Grande do Norte. It was possible to perceive that this institution aimed to initiate health services that dealt with an education for future generations. This was observed through the creation of the Faculty of Medicine of Natal and as a consequence, the installation of a Pediatrics Hospital that dealt with medical education. The research made evident that the nursing contributed for a structuring of quality health assistance towards children, even though the resources and working conditions were scarce, extensive work shifts and low professional qualification. It was observed that the there was change in the category s profile, once nurses were introduced in the service. Once this happened, changes in mentality, and innovative processes as well as professional conducts were established. The distinctive relation between acting and doing of doctors and nurses were also dealt with. Thus, the first item is done towards the idealization, projection and prescription. The second issue deals with concretization in realization of something that was not projected and realized, causing suffering and unsatisfaction. At the end, it was possible to confirm that oral history is a very rich element and it is possible through subjects that build history, through their perceptation of the facts and the context in that their are inside


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The studies paths in the maze: life story of individuals with oncological diseases into use of blood transfusion in Natal has the hemotherapy as a primordial procedure to review the relationship between users of oncological health and the due ramifications. The hemotherapy looks for supply the organic needs through blood transfusion, which acquires vital function to the ones that have cancer, because it might reestablish the functionality of the organism throughout the raising of blood components. The impact over the transfusion affects emotionally and physically the users life. Aiming to reflect on these impacts, this study tried, through narratives of lives, rescue their experience since their knowledge of the disease until the time of blood transfusion using. It s about an exploratory-descriptive study, where the qualitative approach uses the theoretical-methodological reference of the oral life history to analyze a colony consisting of five users of health diagnosed with cancer, with achievement of at least three blood transfusions, the clinic Núcleo de Hematologia e Hemoterapia - UFRN, in Natal-RN. The network, in turn, was composed by employees of both sexes, regardless of age, who voluntarily agreed to participate in the study. The data collection, with approval of the Ethics Committee in Research, Liga Norte Riograndense Contra o Cancer, on the number 001/001/2012, occurred through semi-structured interviews, recorded individually in the home context that was previously chosen by employees. The methodological procedure occurred with the transcription of the interviews and their transcreations, and analysis of reports by thematic content analysis. At the reading orientation and interpretation of the employees stories, were discussed three categories of analysis: the impact on psychological REVIEW; impact on socialization and group membership, the environment and the impact of blood transfusion on treatment. Based on the narrative of the life histories of employees, we conclude that the experiences and feelings, hope and sorrow, pain and faith, even when facing a disease like cancer, bring lots of teaching and learning to health professional that deposits humanization health and reinstate hemotherapy forms of clinical critical


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This study aimed to describe and analyze aspects of the historical course of teaching Mathematics by Radio Experiences in Rio Grande do Norte, between the decades from 1950 to 1970 in order to organize a documentary (CD-ROM) containing information about Mathematics studied by Radio who have experienced it. In this, we use qualitative research. We seek support in the theoretical framework of cultural history and memory researchers as Certeau (1998), Chartier (1990), Le Goff (2008), Thompson (2002) and Peter Burke (2004). Moreover, we take the elements of oral history. We focus on the teaching of literacy and the primary of the Radio schools in two rural communities - Logradouro and Catolé - who are currently part of the city of Lagoa Salgada (RN) and, with respect to the Junior High School, we stopped in the Course of Madureza at Radio. We used as written sources, especially the documents found in the General Archives of the Archdiocese of Natal (RN) and the employees assigned by the participants of the survey. Our sources come from the oral testimonies of pupils and monitors Lagoa Salgada City, teachers, broadcasters and technicians of Rural Support Service (SAR) Natal (RN). In this study, we identify the geometry Cubação social practices of Lagoa Salgada students. Also identified in the research material, the Global Method with the pedagogy of Paulo Freire, that guided the production of lessons in literacy and primary courses. Content in Mathematics, we find traces of the trend-Empirical activist. In the course of Madureza, there was a tendency formal technique Fiorentini (1995). Finally, as a result of this study, organize and present a documentary (CD-ROM), along with the analysis of this study, containing the history of Mathematics teaching by Radio, from the speech of those who experienced Radio, emphasizing the methodology teaching developed in class, that serves as a reference material for students, professors and researchers.


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The present essay has how I aim to analyse the memories of the ex-combatants of Parelhas-RN, specially of the components of the Força de Vigilância e Segurança do Litoral - FVSL, protagonists of the Brazilian participation in the scenery of the Second World war. Along this we looked to understand in which surrounding geographicalpartner these men were living before the War and what were the consequences of a brusque change of space owing to the convocation for the Armed Brazilian Strength in that historical context. The defense of the Brazilian coast during the War was not a so simple task, I have in mind the precariedade logistics of the Armed Strength, the attacks of submarines of the Axle that killed hundreds of civilians and Brazilian soldiers and the net of espionage mounted by Germany in Brazil. Leaving from the notion of collective memory and estrangement in Maurice Halbwachs, we will use the oral history like principal methodology, with the end of rescue these underground memories what also will make possible us the vision realizes that the protagonists themselves have of the event, besides the use of documents, photos, maps and any sort of fountains that make possible us to rebuild the scenery of Parelhas in the beginning of the War and the trajectory of life of his veterans


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A história da hanseníase é marcada por preconceito, exclusão social, estigma, abandono e medo, por ter sido conhecida durante muito tempo como incurável e contagiosa. Além dos agravos inerentes às alterações dermatoneurológicas e consequentes incapacidades físicas, são ressaltadas as repercussão emocionais, alterações nos hábitos cotidianos e mudanças na configuração familiar. Atualmente a hanseníase é conhecida como doença negligenciada, com alta incidência e prevalência, considerada como um problema de saúde alvo de incentivos e mobilizações das políticas públicas. Ao estudar a história da hanseníase, parte-se do pressuposto de que pouco se sabe sobre as repercussões da doença do passado na vida dos familiares de ex-doentes tratados em regime asilar, assim como a visão e os sentimentos dos mesmos familiares diante da hanseníase na atualidade. Portanto, objetivou-se narrar a história de familiares de ex-doentes de hanseníase que foram tratados em hospital colônia. Os objetivos específicos são: Identificar se familiares de pacientes com hanseníase tratados em hospitais colônia eram atingidos pelo preconceito, estigma e exclusão que permeava a vida dos portadores da doença; Verificar se o tratamento de ex-doentes de hanseníase em hospitais colônia alterou a efetivação de laços familiares tais indivíduos e os membros de sua família; Averiguar qual a compreensão que familiares de ex-doentes de hanseníase tratados em hospitais colônia têm sobre a hanseníase; Promover, junto aos participantes da pesquisa, atividade de promoção da saúde sobre hanseníase. Adotou-se o estudo exploratório e descritivo, com abordagem qualitativa com suporte na História Oral de Temática como técnica e referencial metodológico. Os 52 familiares de ex-doentes de lepra que foram segregados no Hospital Colônia São Francisco de Assis, cadastrados no MORHAN-Potiguar, constituíram a colônia. A partir do ponto zero houve o recrutamento dos participantes que compuseram a rede, totalizando 10 colaboradores, de ambos os sexos e idade de 44 a 76 anos. Após aprovação pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa - UFRN, sob o protocolo 650.654/2014 e CAAE 25922214.3.0000.5537, realizou-se a coleta de dados por meio de entrevista, utilizando instrumento de identificação da rede e questões abertas. As entrevistas foram gravadas, transcritas, conferidas pelos colaboradores e posteriormente transcriadas. Tratou-se as histórias, narradas pela técnica de Análise Temática de Conteúdo, segundo Bardin, emergindo três eixos temáticos: Impacto nas relações sociais (Estigma e preconceito; Exclusão social); Impacto nas relações familiares (Desagregação familiar; Restrições para visita; Compartilhamento e construção de uma nova família; Consequências familiar geradas pelo isolamento; Reconstrução do vínculo familiar); e Pensamentos frente a lepra e a hanseníase (A história no passado; A história no presente). O fato de ter um familiar doente de hanseníase segregado em hospital colônia gerou empecilhos nas relações sociais vivenciadas pelos colaboradores do estudo, que embora não tivessem a doença, foram vitimados pela exclusão social, estigma e preconceito. O internamento compulsório também gerou modificações na estrutura familiar, com distanciamento, alteração no vínculo e tentativa de reestruturação familiar. Os colaboradores também refletiram sobre política de controle da lepra no passado, assim como a adotada no presente frente à hanseníase.


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This paper‟s starting point was the objective of understanding the relation between the reasons pointed out by small businesses owners for the continuity or shutdown of their businesses, and the reasons presented by the Environmental Theories. The paper discusses the Environmental Theories understand that it is supported by a systemic metaphor speech, discussing the theme in terms of organizational survival and mortality . The text reviews the literature showing the changes in the administrative thinking regarding the organization versus environment relation, and presenting general ideas about the micro and small businesses. In methodological terms, the qualitative approach was used in the research. Regarding the data collection technique, an in-depth thematic interview was used. It was carried out considering the elements of the techniques of life history and oral history, always giving priority to real world related narratives told by the interviewed subjects. The empirical corpus of the research was made up of seven owners of small retail businesses in two Potiguar cities: Natal and Mossoró. The interpretative and analytical process focused, at first, on the reflexive dialogue with each one of the owners‟ professional life history and business management experience, constituting the first level of analysis: reflections on individual narratives; and, afterwards, the interpretative process was developed through the analysis of all the subjects‟ statements, identifying the recurring themes and constituting the second level of analysis: reflection on the totalizing narrative. The themes identified in the totalizing narrative, that refer to the continuity of the businesses are: evolution, control, fidelity, liking what one does for a living. The themes that came up as reasons for shutdown are: lack of empathy with the business, lack of evolution, competition problems, suppliers and the government. The text synthesizes its comprehensions affirming that the reasons associated with continuity and shutdown of small markets, for this group of owners specifically, come up as a permanent tension between the volunteerism (quite human) and the determinism (systemic). The tension is shown in testimonies that at the same time evoke the organicist systemic logic through the themes evolution/no evolution, and also counterpoints with themes related to the interested human action, based on desires, feelings and personal convictions such as: liking what one does/ lack of empathy. As for the reflexive dialogue between the postulates of the Environmental Theories and the narratives, the results make it possible to affirm that, differently from the tension expressed by the subjects while talking about their reasons, the reasons associated with survival and mortality of businesses according to the Environmental Theories are theoretically polarized, seeming to preach options that are stagnated and shaping towards the subjects involved in the organization-environment relation


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This work is an ethnographic research with collectors women of Mangaba in the village of Ponta Negra in Natal - RN. This Women also known as Mangabeira's women reproduce a practice learned with their ancestors, collecting this fruit in the coastal tablelands forests and latter commercializing it in the local markets. This research uses the methodology of oral history and visual anthropology with presentation of collected images on board. It is intended to emphasize the botanical and environmental aspects of the Mangabeira plant, its ecosystem, territorial, economic and historical aspects of it, also the knowledge of this extractive practice of our immaterial culture.