24 resultados para public investment
em Repositório digital da Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV
in this anicle we measure the impact of public sector capital and investment on economic growth. Initially, traditional growth accounting regressions are run for a cross-country data set. A simple endogenous growth model is then constructed in order to take into account the determinants of labor, private capital and public capital. In both cases, public capital is a separate argument of the production function. An additional data-set constructed with quarterly American data was used in the estimations of the growth mode!. The results indicate lhat public capital and public investment play a significant role in determining growth rates and have a significant impact on capital and labor returns. Furthermore, the impact of public investment on productivity growth was found to be positive and always significant for bolh samples. Hence. in a fully optimizing modelo we confmn previous results in the literature that lhe failure of public investment to keep pace with output growlh during the Seventies and Eighties may have played a major role in the slowdown of lhe productivity growth in the period. Anolher main outcome concems the output elasticity wilh respect to public capital. The coefficiem estimates are always positive and significant but magnitudes depend on each of lhe two data set used.
The main objective of this paper was to visualize the relation between government spending on basic education and the human capital accumulation process, observing the impacts of this spending on individual investments in higher education, and on economic growth. It is used an overlapping-generations model where the government tax the adult generation and spent it in basic education of the next generations. It was demonstrated that the magnitude of the marginal effect of government spending in basic education on growth crucially depends on public budget constrains. The paper explains why some countries with a lot of public investment in basic education growth at low rates. In that sense if a country has only a lot of public investment in basic education without investment in higher education it may growth at low rates because the taxation can cause distortions in the agents incentives to invest in higher education.
a theoretical model is constructed in order to explain particular historical experiences in which inflation acceleration apparently helped to spur a period of economic growth. Government financed expenditures affect positively the productivity growth in this model so that the distortionary effect of inflation tax is compensated by the productive effect of public expenditures. We show that for some interval of money creation rates there is an equilibrium where money is valued and where steady state physical capital grows with inflation. It is also shown that zero inflation and growth maximization are never the optimal policies.
In this article we study the growth and welfare effects of fiscal and monetary policies in economies where public investment is part of the productive process we present four different models that share the same technology with public infrastructure as a separate argument of the production function. We show that growth is maximized at positive levels of income tax and inflation. However, unless there are no transfers or public goods in the economy, maximization of growth does not imply welfare maximization we show that the optimal tax rate is greater than the rate that maximizes growth and the optimal rate of money creation is below the growth maximizing rate. With public infrastructure in the production function we no longer obtain superneutrality in the Sidrausky model.
We construct and simulate a model to study the welfare and macroeconomic impact of government actions when its productive role is taken into account. The trade-off between public investment and public consumption is also investigated, since public consumption is introduced as a public good that directly affects individuals' well-being. Our results replicate econometric evidence showing that part of the observed slowdown of U.S. productivity growth can be explained by the reduction of investment in infrastructure which also implied a sizable welfare 1085 to the popu1ation. Depending on the methodology used we found a welfare cost ranging from 4.2% to 1.16% of GNP. The impact of fiscal policy can be qualitative and quantitative distinct depending on Whether we assume a higher or smaller output elasticity to infrastructure. If it is high enough, increases in tax rates may stimulate accumulation and production, which is the opposite prediction of standard ncocJassica1 models.
In this note the growth anti welfare effects of fiscal anti monetary policies are investigated in three economies where public investment is part of the productive process It is shown that growth is maximized at positive levels of income tax and inflation but that there is no direct relationship between government size, productivity and growth or between inflation and growth. However, unless there are no transfers or public goods in the economy, maximization of growth does not imply welfare maximization and the optimal tax rate and government size are greater than those that maximize growth. Money is not superneutral anti the optimal rate of money creation is below the maximizing rate of growth.
The questlon of the crowding-out of private !nvestment by public expenditure, public investment in particular , ln the Brazilian economy has been discussed more in ideological terrns than on empirical grounds. The present paper tries to avoid the limitation of previous studies by estlmatlng an equation for private investment whlch makes it possible to evaluate the effect of economic policies on prlvate investment. The private lnvestment equation was deduced modifylng the optimal flexible accelerator medel (OFAM) incorporating some channels through which public expendlture influences privateinvestment. The OFAM consists in adding adjustment costs to the neoclassical theory of investrnent. The investment fuction deduced is quite general and has the following explanatory variables: relative prices (user cost of capitaljimput prices ratios), real interest rates, real product, public expenditures and lagged private stock of capital. The model was estimated for private manufacturing industry data. The procedure adopted in estimating the model was to begin with a model as general as possible and apply restrictions to the model ' s parameters and test their statistical significance. A complete diagnostic testing was also made in order to test the stability of estirnated equations. This procedure avoids ' the shortcomings of estimating a model with a apriori restrictions on its parameters , which may lead to model misspecification. The main findings of the present study were: the increase in public expenditure, at least in the long run, has in general a positive expectation effect on private investment greater than its crowding-out effect on priva te investment owing to the simultaneous rise in interst rates; a change in economlc policy, such as that one of Geisel administration, may have an important effect on private lnvestment; and reI ative prices are relevant in determining the leveI of desired stock of capital and private investrnent.
This article studies the interplay between fiscal rules, public investment and growth in Brazil. It is investigated if it would make sense to raise public investment and, if so, under which fiscal rule it is best to do it — whether through tax financing, debt financing, or a reduction of public consumption. We construct and simulate a competitive general equilibrium model, calibrated to Brazilian economy, in which public capital is a component of the production function and public consumption directly affects individuals’ well-being. After assessing the impacts of alternative fiscal rules, the paper concludes that the most desirable financing scheme is the reduction of public consumption, which dominates the others in terms of output and welfare gains. The model replicates the observed growth slowdown of the Brazilian economy when we increase taxes and reduce public capital formation to the levels observed after 1980 and shows that the growth impact of the expansion of tax collection in Brazil was much larger than that of public investment compression.
Rio de Janeiro
In this paper a competitive general equilibrium model is used to investigate the welfare and long run allocation impacts of privatization. There are two types of capital in this model economy, one private and the other initially public ("infrastructure"), and a positive externality due to the latter is assumed. A benevolent government can improve upon decentralized allocation internalizing the externality, but it introduces distortions in the economy through the finance of its investments. It is shown that even making the best case for public action - maximization of individuals' welfare, no• operation inefficiency and free supply to society of infrastructure services - privatization is welfare improving for a large set of economies. Hence, arguments against privatization based solely on under-investment are incorrect, as this maybe the optimal action when the financing of public investment are considered. When operation inefficiency is introduced in the public sector, gains from privatization are much higher and positive for most reasonable combinations of parameters .
O presente estudo analisa a o impacto das restrições macroeconômicas, que emergiram no bojo da crise cambial de 1999, sobre a contratação de empréstimos externos pelo governo brasileiro junto às agências multilaterais de crédito, entre 1995-2004. A idéia básica é que a estratégia de equacionamento da crise externa teve reflexos diretos sobre o comportamento dos empréstimos contratados junto aos Multilateral Development Banks. Mais especificamente, o conjunto de políticas adotadas pelo governo brasileiro acabou promovendo tanto uma mudança na natureza como uma substancial redução na contratação de empréstimos principalmente junto ao Banco Mundial e ao Banco Inter americano de Desenvolvimento. Em decorrência, a estratégia de ajuste adotada, apesar do seu mérito, acabou privando o governo brasileiro de uma fonte barata de recursos e comprometendo o investimento do setor público.
O presente estudo analisa a sustentabilidade intertemporal do atual regime fiscal sob o prisma do investimento público na economia brasileira. A idéia básica é que, devido às condições macroeconômicas prevalecentes, o superávit primário do setor público consolidado representa a variável central de sustentação do equilíbrio fiscal. Sendo a capacidade de geração e manutenção de superávits primários limitada pelas despesas incomprimíveis, o governo federal pratica uma política fiscal que, apesar de seus resultados fiscais bastante positivos, penaliza excessivamente o investimento público. O presente estudo tem como objetivo comparar a natureza do ajuste fiscal realizado no segundo mandato de FHC e nos dois primeiros anos do governo Lula, (i) destacando a trajetória e a composição do gasto e receitas pública nesses dois períodos e (ii) evidenciando a possibilidade 'perdida' por ambos os governos em promover um firme aumento do investimento público, sem aumentar a carga tributária.
O objetivo desta dissertação foi verificar a influência da corrupção na taxa de crescimento do produto, investimentos públicos, gastos totais e gastos específicos dos governos estaduais do Brasil. Como não tínhamos um índice de percepção da corrupção como Mauro (1996) possuía para captar esta influência entre países, e Mauro (1998) e Van Rijckeghem e Weder (1997) já haviam demonstrado que a variável que melhor explicava este índice era a relação de salários entre o setor público e privado, utilizamos esta relação como variável para a proxy de corrupção por estado. Este tipo de variável nos possibilitou enxergar a corrupção em diferentes níveis: diferença na média, mediana, 25% piores (menos qualificados) e 25% melhores (mais qualificados). Não obtivemos qualquer evidência forte da influência da corrupção sobre a taxa de crescimento do produto ou sobre o nível de investimento público, mas a encontramos em alguns gastos específicos. Nossos resultados mais contundentes foram encontrados quando houve uma redução dos salários, o que indicaria um aumento na corrupção, levou a uma expansão dos gastos com assistência e previdência e a uma redução nos gastos com Administração e planejamento.
Esta tese oferece uma explicação para a existência de políticas governamentais que não alcançam estabilidade após conjunturas críticas que afetam seu equilíbrio, enfocando a gestão da infraestrutura rodoviária no Brasil. A política do setor entrou em crise financeira e institucional em meados da década de 70, que se acentuou na década de 80, pressionando os Governos democráticos a perseguiram uma agenda de reformas que envolviam a revisão dos mecanismos de financiamento e investimento públicos, a mudança estrutural dos órgãos e competências do setor e a parceria com o mercado, através de políticas de concessões rodoviárias. Através de estudos de caso dos Governos da Nova República entre os anos de 1985 e 2010, a pesquisa responde o porquê de as reformas intentadas no setor apresentarem uma seqüência de falhas e sucesso parciais, proporcionando novos desequilíbrios e tentativas de reforma. Por intermédio do referencial teórico do institucionalismo, demonstramos que as transformações institucionais ocorridas no Brasil a partir do fim da década de 70 contribuíram para a configuração de um setor mais pluralista e sob menor autonomia dos órgãos setoriais, levando a contradições institucionais com as quais os sucessivos Governos lidaram sob dilemas estratégicos entre manter a governabilidade política e perseguir um bom desempenho. Esta interação entre um setor competitivo e estratégias políticas conduziu a um equilíbrio desarticulado, que sacrifica o desempenho setorial e demanda permanentes agendas de reformas.
Infrastructure privatization in a neoclassical economy: macroeconomic impact and welfare computation
In this paper a competi tive general equilibrium model is used to investigate the welfare and long run allocation impacts of privatization. There are two types of capital in this model economy, one private and the other initially public ("infrastructure"), and a positive extemality due to the latter is assumed. A benevolent governrnent can improve upon decentralized allocation intemalizing the extemality, but it introduces distortions in the economy through the finance of its investments. It is shown that even making the best case for public action - maximization of individuais' welfare, no operation inefficiency and free supply to society of infrastructure services - privatization is welfare improving for a large set of economies. Hence, arguments against privatization based solely on under-investment are incorrect, as this maybe the optimal action when the financing of public investment are considered. When operation inefficiency is introduced in the public sector, gains from privatization are much higher and positive for most reasonable combinations of parameters.