86 resultados para Brazilian electric system

em Repositório digital da Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV


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The aim of this paper is to assess the progress of the banking sector before and shortly after the Real Plan. We began by assessing the drop in the inflation revenues (negative real interest rates paid by the excess of demand deposits over total reserve requirements) as a result of the change in inflation from 40% a month for the pre-Real Plan period to a monthly average of 3.65% (IGP-DI), between July 1994 and May 1995. Then, using the financial statement data of a group of 90 banks, we attempt to estimate the net losses due to the inflation drop analyzing the profitability and other parameters of the banking industry. The calculations are made separately for private, state and federal banks. A later analysis on performance using information given to CVM (Securities Exchange Commission) by the six major private banks in the country is also discussed herein.


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This paper uses an output oriented Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) measure of technical efficiency to assess the technical efficiencies of the Brazilian banking system. Four approaches to estimation are compared in order to assess the significance of factors affecting inefficiency. These are nonparametric Analysis of Covariance, maximum likelihood using a family of exponential distributions, maximum likelihood using a family of truncated normal distributions, and the normal Tobit model. The sole focus of the paper is on a combined measure of output and the data analyzed refers to the year 2001. The factors of interest in the analysis and likely to affect efficiency are bank nature (multiple and commercial), bank type (credit, business, bursary and retail), bank size (large, medium, small and micro), bank control (private and public), bank origin (domestic and foreign), and non-performing loans. The latter is a measure of bank risk. All quantitative variables, including non-performing loans, are measured on a per employee basis. The best fits to the data are provided by the exponential family and the nonparametric Analysis of Covariance. The significance of a factor however varies according to the model fit although it can be said that there is some agreements between the best models. A highly significant association in all models fitted is observed only for nonperforming loans. The nonparametric Analysis of Covariance is more consistent with the inefficiency median responses observed for the qualitative factors. The findings of the analysis reinforce the significant association of the level of bank inefficiency, measured by DEA residuals, with the risk of bank failure.


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Three studies were prepared and are presented in this document. The first, The Brazilian Financial Sector Institutional Context in the Transition to Sustainable Development looks at the legislation, regulation, and public policies aimed at socio-environmental themes related to the financial sector. The second study, Current Financing for the Green Economy in Brazil, provides an initial estimate of the financial assets already allocated to the green economy, as well as a methodological proposal for the survey and monitoring of the respective flow of assets. The third and final study looks at two important segments of the Brazilian economy and their process of transition to a greener economy: renewable energy and agriculture.


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The Brazilian energetic sector is passing through deep transformations. The restructure is mainly characterized by the passage from a vertical and centrally coordinated system, in hands of the State, to a more horizontal one, with characteristics of a network, in which organizations, such as the National Agency of Electric Energy (ANEEL), the new regulator entity, the Wholesaler Market of Electric Energy (MAE), the National Operator of Electric System (ONS), Eletrobrás and the National Bank of Economic and Social Development (BNDES) are designated as the principals integrators of the system. The objective of the present work was to analyze the influence of the privatization and restructuring processes in the integration of the Brazilian system of electric energy. The analysis was based on the instruments offered by the network approach. The results of the research show that the Brazilian sector of electric energy cannot be considered as a highly integrated network. In this new horizontal configuration, the social actors are affirming its roles, functions and objectives, while the key-organization like ANEEL, ONS, MAE, Eletrobrás, and BNDES are being structured to strengthen its integrative role.


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Nos últimos anos, a indústria elétrica brasileira passou, basicamente, por duas reestruturações setoriais, implantadas segundo políticas e ideologias divergentes, mas que convergiram para o mesmo objetivo final: a busca por investimentos privados para dar suporte à expansão do sistema. Esse é o grande desafio do novo modelo institucional de 2004, que surge em um ambiente conturbado, de forte percepção de riscos e incertezas. A própria instabilidade regulatória é a grande responsável pelo recuo e ponderação na hora de investir. Contudo, a pergunta que se faz na presente pesquisa objetiva identificar os fatores motivadores da nova reestruturação setorial. Só assim, pode-se correlacionar os fatos do passado com a recente reforma, identificando possíveis deficiências e fatores críticos de sucesso. Para tanto, o presente estudo recorreu à literatura existente, assim como a entrevistas semi-estruturadas com especialistas do setor elétrico brasileiro. Os dados foram analisados qualitativamente, por meio de categorias estabelecidas a posteriori, buscando-se aceitar ou refutar suposições. As evidências sugerem que, apesar de a nova reforma institucional ter realizado avanços, ao introduzir mecanismos absorvidos, principalmente, a partir das experiências regulatórias dos últimos anos, dificuldades ainda permanecem e devem ser enfrentadas, especialmente no que tange à mitigação dos riscos ambientais e regulatórios, este último, percebido com maior intensidade a partir de 2004. Sendo assim, cabe ao governo federal, representado pelo Ministério de Minas e Energia (MME), conseguir atrair investimentos e proporcionar estabilidade regulatória, a fim de afastar o “fantasma” do racionamento.


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The increasing availability of social statistics in Latin America opens new possibilities in terms of accountability and incentive mechanisms for policy makers. This paper addresses these issues within the institutional context of the Brazilian educational system. We build a theoretical model based on the theory of incentives to analyze the role of the recently launched Basic Education Development Index (Ideb) in the provision of incentives at the sub-national level. The first result is to demonstrate that an education target system has the potential to improve the allocation of resources to education through conditional transfers to municipalities and schools. Second, we analyze the local government’s decision about how to allocate its education budget when seeking to accomplish the different objectives contemplated by the index, which involves the interaction between its two components, average proficiency and the passing rate. We discuss as well policy issues concerning the implementation of the synthetic education index in the light of this model arguing that there is room for improving the Ideb’s methodology itself. In addition, we analyze the desirable properties of an ideal education index and we argue in favor of an ex-post relative learning evaluation system for different municipalities (schools) based on the value added across different grades


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No Brasil, água e energia têm uma forte e histórica nterdependência, de forma que a contribuição da energia hidráulica ao desenvolvimento econômico do País tem sido expressiva, seja no atendimento às diversas demandas da economia, ou da própria sociedade, melhorando o conforto das habitações e a qualidade de vida das pessoas. Também desempenha papel importante na integração e desenvolvimento de regiões distantes dos grandes centros urbanos e industriais. A década de 70 registrou um crescimento elevado da demanda por energia elétrica no Brasil; reflexo de políticas desenvolvimentistas de governos anteriores que promoveram o crescimento industrial do País atraindo e criando indústrias de uso alto intensivo da letricidade. No caso da região Nordeste, o crescimento econômico trouxe consigo o risco de um grave racionamento de energia. Para eliminar tal risco, o Estado por intermédio do Sistema Eletrobras realizou a construção de grandes usinas hidrelétricas interligando-as ao sistema nacional. Não há como negar que esta solução provocou um grande benefício para grande parte da população brasileira, mas trouxe, para uma parcela do povo brasileiro, um custo social bastante elevado. Essas pessoas ficaram então conhecidas como os “atingidos por barragens”. Para eles, a construção das barragens de usinas como Itaipu, Tucuruí, Sobradinho e Itaparica significou o deslocamento compulsório dos locais aonde viviam e tinham suas tradições e referência culturais e afetivas. Esta pesquisa objetiva resgatar a memória deste período de grandes obras, promessas de desenvolvimento e marcas deixadas em milhares de famílias brasileiras. O estudo em questão é também uma tentativa de mostrar como o Programa de Reassentamento de Itaparica, projeto conduzido pela Companhia Hidro Elétrica do São Francisco – CHESF foi o marco de uma nova dinâmica para tratamento das questões sociais envolvendo a reparação de danos causados aos atingidos por barragens e se constitui talvez, no primeiro caso de Responsabilidade Social Corporativa do setor elétrico brasileiro.


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This study aimed to map the key positions regarding the constitutionality of the Maria da Penha Law (Law 11.340/2006) in the Brazilian judicial system. The law, the result of political struggles by the Brazilian feminist movement, has been the subject of discussions in the public sphere and actions aimed at consolidating its constitutionality before the Federal Supreme Court. We examined and discussed the arguments used in the Courts, intending to show that the creation of law is not limited to the legislative moment, but rather that its social meaning is also constituted through disputes within the Judiciary.


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In spite of a general agreement over the distortion imposed by the current Brazilian tax system, attempts to reform it during the last decade have faced several restrictions to its implementation. Two of these restrictions were particular binding: a) fiscal adjustment restriction (public sector debt cannot increase), b) fiscal federalist restriction (revenues from individual states and municipalities cannot decrease). This paper focuses on a specific reform that overcomes in principle the fiscal federalist restriction. Using Auerbach and Kotlikoff (1987) model calibrated for the Brazilian economy, I analyze the short and long run macroeconomic effects of this reform subject to the fiscal adjustment restriction. Finally, I look at the redistributive effects of this reform among generations as a way to infer about public opinion’s reaction to the reform. The reform consists basically of replacing indirect taxes on corporate revenues, which I show to be equivalent to a symmetric tax on labor and capital income, by a new federal VAT. The reform presented positive macroeconomic effects both in the short and long run. Despite a substantial increase in the average VAT rate in the first years after the reform, a majority of cohorts experienced an increase in their lifetime welfare, being potentially in favour of the reform.


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The Brazilian economy was severely hit by the 2008 crisis. In the beginning of the crisis, the vast majorities of the economic agents and authorities thought that Brazil could face some sort of decoupling since some macroeconomic fundamentals were very good. What we saw, however, was that the Brazilian economy was not decoupled, and expectations faced a huge deterioration soon after the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers in September 15th. Two aspects regarding the impact of crisis in Brazil, however, deserve a great deal of attention: (a) although deep, the impact did not last for a long time. Actually, the GDP growth experienced a good recovery in the second quarter of 2009, showing that the health of the Brazilian economy was good; (b) the Brazilian banking system performed very well during the crisis, although we cannot say the system was not in danger in the worst time of the crisis. In spite of the confidence crisis faced by the banking system 1, it showed a great deal of resilience. In this aspect, we argue that the restructure faced by the banking system in the aftermath of the Real Plan, as well as the development of a solid supervision regulation helped a lot the system to avoid the systemic crisis that was an open possibility to the Brazilian banking system in the end of 2008. These notes, thus, discusse why the Brazilian banking system performed pretty well in the 2008 financial crisis and how the Brazilian banking (and prudential) regulation can be taken as responsible for this good performance. More specifically, the paper back to the middle of the 1990s, when the Real Plan was implemented, in order to understand the role played by the restructuring of the Brazilian financial system in helping to pave the way to the great resilience experienced by the Brazilian banking system during the 2008 crisis. More specifically, the prudential regulation that was implemented in Brazil in the aftermath of the Real Plan seems to play a decisive role in the resilience of the system nowadays.


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As mudanças tributárias realizadas na última década priorizaram o ajuste fiscal com uma elevação da carga de impostos que saltou de 27% do PIB, em 1994, para cerca de 36% do PIB, em 2003. Esse aumento da carga tributária esteve associado principalmente ao aumento das contribuições sociais cumulativas. Além dessa crescente cumulatividade, outras características que têm marcado o sistema tributário brasileiro são a complexidade e os conflitos federativos que alimentam uma profunda guerra fiscal entre Estados e municípios. Em abril de 2003, o Governo Lula encaminhou ao Congresso Nacional uma ampla proposta de reforma tributária, tendo como objetivos principais (i) simplificar o sistema tributário brasileiro, (ii) reduzir a cumulatividade dos tributos e (iii) acabar com a guerra fiscal. Apesar do reconhecimento generalizado de que a carga tributária brasileira é excessivamente elevada, o governo federal limitou-se a assumir o compromisso de não promover aumentos adicionais de impostos. Inserido nesse contexto, este estudo analisa (i) o quadro fiscal brasileiro, procurando identificar as reais restrições que impedem a redução da carga tributária brasileira e (ii) as medidas tributárias propostas pelo Governo Lula, destacando suas implicações sobre o desenvolvimento econômico brasileiro.


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Em 1988 o Congresso Brasileiro promulgou uma nova Constituição que propiciava uma descentralização da arrecadação tributária entre os entes federativos. Apesar das profundas mudanças promovidas, a nova Constituição não foi capaz de assegurar a estabilidade macroeconômica assim como a redução das desigualdades regionais. Ao contrário, as mudanças promovidas estimularam um contínuo processo de 'remendos' legais que elevaram o 'custo Brasil' e estimularam a 'Guerra Fiscal' entre estados. O resultado foi a emergência de um sistema tributário arcaico, complexo, estruturalmente injusto e excessivamente oneroso para o contribuinte. Inserido nesse contexto, os principais objetivos deste estudo serão (i) avaliar o atual sistema tributário brasileiro que resultou da Constituição de 1988, e (ii) as principais propostas de reforma tributária que vêm sendo discutidas nos últimos anos.


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A rápida evolução da Internet, permitindo a troca de mercadorias e serviços, pode ser comparada ao período da revolução industrial. A ausência total de fronteiras na Internet suscita tanto a admiração quanto o receio. Na verdade, o crescimento da Internet baseia-se em três fatores distintos e complementares: (i) o comercial; (ii) o tecnológico; e, (iii) o jurídico. A Internet não tem um comando jurídico uniformizado e harmonizado. Daí resulta que ela se traduz num mosaico organizacional que, hoje, está permitindo o seu funcionamento. A Internet é independente, entretanto não pode subsistir sem a influência de um sistema legal. De fato, as leis nacionais de um determinado país tem vocação a se aplicar às transações comerciais celebradas via Internet, dada a inexistência de uma regulamentação única e abrangente. Contudo, a aplicação não poderá ser imediata, adaptações serão necessárias para atender aos novos modelos jurídicos utilizados na Internet. Esta pesquisa é a primeira parte de um estudo mais amplo: a influência da Internet no direito brasileiro. Por tratar-se de um primeiro estudo bibliográfico, foram examinadas as principais áreas do direito que estão sendo influenciadas pelo desenvolvimento rápido e crescente da Internet. É, portanto, a primeira etapa deste estudo a pesquisa bibliográfica, propriamente dita. Nessa etapa, foram identificadas e comparadas as posições doutrinárias tanto de países sob a influência do sistema jurídico de common law como do romano-germânico. A partir de então, na segunda etapa, foram classificados os tópicos de maior interesse para a doutrina, através de palavras-chave. Partindo assim do presente estudo, o estudo mais amplo pretenderá delinear os alicerces de uma proposta jurídica comparada, entre os sistemas de common law e romano germânico, para então examinar a influência da Internet no direito brasileiro.


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Governmental acquisitions, in Brazil, must be proceeded, as a rule, by means of licitation. Though this principle became constitutional rule only from 1988's Constitution, its existence in Brazilian legal system retraces century XV: by that time, the Filipinas Ordinations ruled it in one only law article. Since then, several rules of law had been incorporated to the Brazilian governmental acquirement system, especially during century XX, hardening the procedures and restricting public manager's discritionarity. Current governmental acquirement system was instituted by the Law nº 8,666/1993, which, however, did not disrupt previous system: with few innovations and more restrictions, it only copied the instruments in the system of the Decree nº 2,300/1986 and previous ones. In its original text, Law nº 8,666/1993 had three licitation procedures for acquisitions - concorrência, tomada de preços, convite - and the exceptional procedures - dispensa and inexigibilidade. Once revealed itself a rigid system, several measures were implemented in order to make it more flexible, having for objectives celerity and price reduction, from discrete alterations of articles of laws to the creation of pregão as a new licitation procedure - initially, there was only the pregão presencial, proceeded face to face - and no longer, the pregão eletrônico, proceeded through web. This research focuses the analysis of the impact of the rigidity / flexibility on Government acquirement system. Despite specialized literature, studies carried through for governmental agencies and state publicity praises the results reached with the use of the pregão eletrônico, the analyses that lead to such conclusion are based on questionable premises. The studies on the efficiency of the pregão eletrônico restrict this concept to its economic dimension, interpreting it as costs reduction. Beyond, the methodology of analysis of this cost reduction has for reference hypothetical values which are also defined by random standards. Here it is, therefore, the objective of this study: to analyze, from the perception of the public managers, the relation between flexibility or rigidity of a procedure and its efficiency, under a multidimensional perspective - taking into consideration, beyond the prices gotten for objects, the time of transaction, the quality of objects and the security of the procedure. From the answers to the questionnaires applied to licitation managers and to members of licitations permanent commissions it was raisen three kinds of information: descriptive data concerning to the ordinal or nominal variables, extracted from the analysis of the objective fields of the questionnaire; not-structuralized, extracted directly from the subjective fields of the questionnaire; e, finally, treated data, extracted from the hypotheses formulated in the research and statistically analyzed. The reflections on the information allowed concluding that the acquirement governmental procedures flexibility extends its efficiency. Restricted the analysis to the pregão eletrônico, it is concluded that it is more efficient under the economic and time perspectives, in relation to the classic procedures; however, under the perspective of the security it does not significantly differs from those; under the qualitative perspective, it is less efficient than the classic procedures, implying in the reduction of the quality of acquired or contracted objects.