278 resultados para Estado e reprodução da força de trabalho: estado e classes sociais


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A dissertação apresenta o processo de trabalho do inquérito policial como sendo o processo-chave do sistema de informações policiais de uma delegacia de Polícia Civil do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Faz considerações quanto à gestão e à análise de sistemas, comparando alguns especialistas, para compreensão da organização. Apresenta, também, uma visão da Polícia Civil no presente e a sua história. Disserta sobre a importância da linguagem em sua cultura organizacional e na sua lógica do trabalho apoiada em discursos, e propõe algumas possibilidades de mudanças organizacionais. A metodologia adotada foi a de pesquisa-ação, participante e etnográfica, com tratamento dos dados apoiado nas teorias da informação, da análise de conteúdo do discurso e de sistemas.


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The Court of Auditors for the State of Pernambuco (know as TCE-PE), during its strategic planning process, realized its need to be recognized by Pernambuco society as an effective instrument in the improvement of public management. This objective is present in its mission statement and in its strategic vision, as declared in the Strategic Plan for the 2008- 2012 period. Withing its pages, we can verify that it is not only the effectiveness of TCE-PE's institutional results that needs to be recognized by society. What we look forward to is that all the results from public management, within its jurisdiction, are also effective. In other words, our goal is to have TCE-PE intervene in Pernambuco's public management sphere in order to improve it, or for it to become more effective. Along the way, some variables will act in its favor, facilitating, while others will act in against it, complicating the attainment of this strategic binomial. The goal of this research is to identify, from the point of view of a management variable, which are the institutional and organizational elements that facilitate or complicate this process.


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This study aims to bring back the debate on the use of the purchasing power of the State as instrument to boost other public policies established by federal entities. Besides putting it in a context of innovation in the public sector, the study of this issue must consider all its variables and questions, whwther of legal, economic, social or political order, starting with the one I consider the most important: the possibility of the State to assert its power of puchasing in order to design and promote markets, searching to achieve other objectives rather than those traditionally accepted. Thus, in the analysis of a direct application of a new practice, this study evaluates the implementation of the Additional Law number 123/06, which gives a differentiating treatment to micro and small enterprises in public contracting. By means of interviews, information was collected with the relevant actors in in this phase. The conclusion was that aspects such as the heterogeneity of the segment of the MPE`s and their low capacity of articulation, along with the endogenous obstacles of the instituion of the bidding, contribute decively to the low stage of the implementation that occurs at this moment.


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The Brazilian Public Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde - SUS), defined by the Constitution of 1988, is almost 20 years old and is a landmark for health public policies. In these 20 years, the law was altered several times with the objective of prioritizing the investment of public money in such a needy area as health. Among these changes, it is important to single out the Constitutional Amendment number 29, issued on 13th September 2000, which determined the minimum investment in health. According to this amendment, as from the year 2000, the municipalities should invest in health services a minimum of 7% of the revenue from taxes and transferences from the Federal and State governments. This value was to rise gradually to 15% by 2004. Since every public policy should be systematically evaluated and considering the assumption that, according to the incrementalist theory, more money invested in health would tend to solve the crisis in the health system, this dissertation consists of a study of a set of health indicators in some municipalities of the State of Pernambuco after the Amendment 29. The evaluation period spanned 4 years, from 2002 to 2005 and the area chosen for the study was located in southern agreste region of the state. Ten health indicators were selected, all of which included in the Administrative Rule no 493, of the Health Ministry. It was found that in the chosen period the average investment in health was greater than 15% of the municipalities¿ revenue since 2002. However, the value of the investment per capita, considering the municipality's share of it, which was half of the total investment, decreased from 2002 to 2004 and increased in 2005. It was also found that the municipalities with the lowest per capita income were the ones with the highest investment per capita in health. As regards children mortality in the region, it was on average 33 for every 1000 children born, which is classified as ¿medium¿ according to the above mentioned Administrative Rule no 493. No statistically significative correlation was found between the amount of money invested in health and children mortality.


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Na atualidade os processos de gestão organizacionais nas empresas não podem ser mais concebidos em forma rígida e reativa ás mudanças atuais. Sabe-se que tal conceição errada acarreta conseqüências graves como ineficiência e baixa produtividade no gerenciamento das mesmas. Tais fatos geram uma ineficácia geral das empresas, influenciando negativamente nas políticas das empresas. Em relação á política de Remunerações, a mesma está gerando um forte descontentamento na comunidade trabalhadora e fazendo com que os sindicatos atuem tentando garantir emprego fixo como também igualdade salarial. Um dos grandes problemas que as mesmas empresas enfrentam é, certamente, o da determinação de uma estrutura adequada de salários. Isto porque, se de um lado existe a preocupação de motivar os empregados com salários compensadores, de outro lado existe a preocupação de situar num nível razoável os custos com o pessoal. O salário deixa de ser, para o empregado, o principal motivador, na medida que o próprio empregado considera-se inadequadamente remunerado. Contemplasse pelo menos dois aspectos: o equilíbrio interno e externo. O primeiro se refere a comparação de salário dentro da empresa, e o segundo tem como referência outras empresas do mesmo ramo. Métodos como a descrição e avaliação de cargos permitem estabelecer uma estrutura organizacional congruente solucionando problemas como desequilíbrio interno/externo dos salários. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo principal identificar e avaliar os planos de cargos e salários do Sindicato dos Trabalhadores do serviço público federal no estado do Rio de Janeiro (SINTRASEF), propondo um plano alternativo de remunerações compatível como sua realidade organizacional atual.


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The present work aims to identify emerging organizational changes in the Court of Accounts of the State of Rio de Janeiro - TCE/RJ that are happening in the contemporary scenery known as the Age of Information. The search for the comprehension of the institutional dynamics is oriented by concepts originated from the theory of complexity, which believe that the public services external control system can be understood in a political, technical and legal environment with growing levels of learning and innovation. While chasing the possible causes of these changes, we try to prove the hypothesis that the TCE/RJ is turning into a more transparent organization. For this purpose, we define the outlines and reaches of the principle of transparency, based in bibliographical and documental researches, and analyze the phenomenon perceived in a explanation research through semi-structured interviews performed with two groups: a sample representing the universe under jurisdiction entities top level directors and the other obtained in the universe of formal and informal leaderships existing in the educational body of the institution. The conclusion of the present work confirms the initial questions, indicating that the organization is really becoming more and more transparent. The social-technical changes that are happening today at the TCE/RJ are caused by the growing social pressure for more effective results in the control of public expenditures. Under the systemic point of view, we observe cracks in the protective bell-glass that evolves the institution - previously hermetic to the external contingencies and that works today as a SAC - Adaptive Complex System. Aspects such as organization structural changes, the introduction of strategic planning and the growing democratization of the decision process are producing a new organizational culture. The seniority of the Technical Headcount contributes to establish the pre-conditions for the development of a administration where the participation of the TCE/RJ technical employees adds importance to its development as an institution that generates republican effects in the society from its less hermetic decision process.


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This work of research treats of the police military formation in the state of the Rio de Janeiro. The academic approach to be adopted in respect to verify the state actions for the adaptation of the course of the soldier¿s formation to the national curriculum mould (NCM) for the police education, proposed by the National General Office of Public Security in the year of 2000. It¿s part of a group of actions of the federal government to format the police education in all country. The aim of this action is to form policemen to act in an appropriate way in a democratic society. The result of the research revealed that the Military Police of the state of the Rio de Janeiro, did not effect actions for the adoption the of NCM in the period of 2000-2005, as well as it¿s not preparing the militaries polices to act with base in the values of a democratic society. The empirical material show us the view the of the military police in relation to the education in the Military Police, as well as its performance day by day in the resolution of the social conflicts.


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Este trabalho estuda os impactos dos avanços tecnológicos da atualidade sobre as várias dimensões da sociedade suas conseqüências para Estado. Os avanços tecnológicos são grupados ao longo de cinco vertentes históricas: infomação, transportes, fabricação, energia biotecnologia. As dimensões da sociedade são estabelecidas como sendo: econômica, social, política, tecnológica militar. Utilizando as vertentes tecnológicas como as componentes da dimensão tecnológica se sistematiza análise dos impactos destas novas tecnologias sobre as demais dimensões. análise desta matriz de impacto serve de base para estabelecer os principais desafios possibilidades da sociedade do Estado num futuro próximo. Finalmente, estudo das possibilidades futuras feito através da técnica de cenários, onde se estabelecem duas variáveis chave, que resultam em quatro cenários, apresentados também de forma pictórica.


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With the consolidation of democracy, the society being more aware of their rights as citizens, demands from the public administration services of more quality as well as efficiency and transparency when it comes to what is being done with the money of the tax payer. In order to have that, the public administration needs competent, highly-motivated and well-qualified civil servants. In this project, we describe the importance of a career plan motivating the civil servants, especially those who work for the Court of Accounts of the State of Rio de Janeiro. Based on the Law of Fiscal Responsibility and on the legal rules, we¿ve measured the sustainability of TCE-RJ plan, based in another project developed by the Fundação Getulio Vargas for a federal administrative body. Having evaluated the sustainability of the plan, we offer the administration of TCE-RJ a study which is able to signal for moments of the cut on costs as well as those of the revenue available for investments which are destined for the capacitation of their civil servants, always complying with the legal rules.


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Objetivou este estudo descritivo-explicativo demonstrar as dificuldades de formação e aperfeiçoamento da política pública em segurança, em face de uma ordem social dinâmica, marcada por contradições históricas e caracterizada pela ênfase jurídico-positivista. Enfoca a Polícia civil do Estado do Rio de Janeiro abordando aspectos da ética organizacional no convívio com a técnica, como exemplos dos casos de unidades de polícia especializada em turismo internacional e em crianças e adolescentes. Conclui que as imprecisões decorrentes da excessiva influência de referência sistêmica em sua estruturação e funcionamento dificultam seu aprimoramento produtivo pela mudança de paradigmas e inibem o intercâmbio com o meio ambiente externo, dificultando o reconhecimento público.


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The present work has as its basic purpose observing the principal administrative changes originated from the implementation of the Social Organization Project, inserted in the recent administrative reforms in Brazil, proposed from the Director Plan of the State Reform and approved by the National Congress in November of 1995. In the course of the text will be presented the main factors of the transformation from a bureaucratic public administration to a managerial public administration, specifically focusing the change from a Government Organization to a Social Organization. To reach the proposed objective, a case study of the Brazilian Association of Light Sincrotron Technology - ABTLuS, that represented the first Social Organization installed in Brazil, responsible for the management of the National Laboratory of Light Sincrotron - LNLS, under form of administration contract signed with Nationl Research Council - CNPq and Science and Technology Ministry - MCT. Initially, was developed the theoretical framework, based on the existent literature. Proceeding, field researches were realized in the cities of Campinas - SP, in Brasília - DF and in Rio de Janeiro - RJ. As a consequence of the accomplished work, it was possible to observe that the implementation of the SO administrative model brought more administrative flexibility for the qualified institution. This fact induced to gains of agility and efficiency, with more responsibilities, for the leaders as well as for the employees of ABTLuS. As for the other two important items consisted in the Director Plan, related with the cultural change (from bureaucratic to managerial) and with the social control (larger interaction in the relationship State-society), it is important to stand out the need of a larger time for evaluation, considering that the LNLS presents peculiar characteristics (subject approached in the work). The Social Organization ABTLuS counts with a little more than two years of administration contract, therefore the process is still in course.


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A globalização do capitalismo joga indivíduo em um mundo de controvérsias, quase de crise existencial, já que oscila entre sonho de satisfazer todos os seus desejos realidade de não poder realizá-los. globalização que interessa são as ressacas emocionais do indivíduo, que distancia da razão, do equilíbrio entre poder querer torna um compulsivo do consumo. processo de massificação homogeneização cultural, que não apenas gera vícios consumistas nos indivíduos, como também os impede de participarem politicamente. Politicamente, uma primeira fase da globalização caracterizada pela égide das monarquias absolutistas que concentram enorme poder mobilizam os recursos econômicos, militares burocráticos, para manterem expandirem seus impérios coloniais. Os principais desafios que enfrentam advinham das rivalidades entre elas, seja pelas disputas dinástico-territoriais ou pela posse de novas colônias no além do mar. Politicamente globalização recente caracteriza-se pela crescente adoção de regimes em procura de uma democracia mais ampla participativa participação política, portanto, exigência básica para que indivíduo supere as barreiras impostas pela globalização consiga desenvolver ações de cidadania dentro da própria sociedade global. Nesse sentido, necessário encurtar distanciamento entre as formas institucionais existentes, sejam jurídicas ou políticas, real possibilidade de reconhecer nas leis, nas instituições, as suas próprias leis seu próprio poder.


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As pequenas empresas desempenham um papel fundamental no sistema produtivo brasileiro, principalmente no que diz respeito a geração de postos de trabalhos. Ciente desta importância, o governo brasileiro vem buscando há três décadas dinamizar este segmento através de políticas de incentivo, como acesso ao crédito e programas de capacitação. A prova mais tangível desta preocupação foi a formatação do SEBRAE - Serviço Brasileiro de Apoio às Micro e Pequenas Empresas e dos SEBRAEs regionais, em 1990, que concentrou, de certa forma, todas as decisões do poder público e da iniciativa privada para os pequenos empreendimentos. O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar a atuação do SEBRAE/RJ no Estado do Rio de Janeiro, na primeira metade da década de noventa, quando a instituição adotou uma estratégia que priorizou a capilaridade da rede de atendimento e a massificação de informações, que resultou numa atuação totalmente diferenciada do SEBRAE/RJ, se comparada com os demais SEBRAEs regionais. Não obstante as limitações identificadas, esta experiência pode ser discutida por seu caráter inovador e diferenciada, principalmente considerando a dimensão e importância dos pequenos empreendimentos para a economia do estado do Rio de Janeiro.


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This research emerged from the contemporary need of a public management focused on results, in which the State must reach the effectiveness of public policies implemented, put these into practice through transformation actions. However, these actions should not be seen in isolation, cause, when implemented in a certain environment, interact with actions of various actors, generating social dynamics that will be fundamentals to achieving the expected results. The transdisciplinarity approach may enable an object be seen in its essence, considering all environmental aspects around it as well as various social dynamics that might emerge, in order to facilitate the State reach the effectiveness of their actions, providing the transformation wanted to society. For this reason, are presented in this study the basis of a management model with focus on transdisciplinarity, considering the various challenges, searched the literature on the management of public policies. To verify the adequacy of the basis of the proposed model, was done a case study of the government project called "Implantação das UPAS 24 horas" in Rio de Janeiro. In applying the basis of the model in that project, we find that the transdisciplinarity management can maximize the effectiveness of State intervention.