66 resultados para Export trading companies


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In recent years, emerging countries have assumed an increasingly prominent position in the world economy, as growth has picked up in these countries and slowed in developed economies. Two related phenomena, among others, can be associated with this growth: emerging countries were less affected by the 2008-2009 global economic recession; and they increased their participation in foreign direct investment, both inflows and outflows. This doctoral dissertation contributes to research on firms from emerging countries through four independent papers. The first group of two papers examines firm strategy in recessionary moments and uses Brazil, one of the largest emerging countries, as setting for the investigation. Data were collected through a survey on Brazilian firms referring to the 2008-2009 global recession, and 17 hypotheses were tested using structural equation modeling based on partial least squares. Paper 1 offered an integrative model linking RBV to literatures on entrepreneurship, improvisation, and flexibility to indicate the characteristics and capabilities that allow a firm to have superior performance in recessions. We found that firms that pre-recession have a propensity to recognize opportunities and improvisation capabilities for fast and creative actions have superior performance in recessions. We also found that entrepreneurial orientation and flexibility have indirect effects. Paper 2 built on business cycle literature to study which strategies - pro-cyclical or counter-cyclical – enable superior performance in recessions. We found that while most firms pro-cyclically reduce costs and investments during recessions, a counter-cyclical strategy of investing in opportunities created by changes in the environment enables superior performance. Most successful are firms with a propensity to recognize opportunities, entrepreneurial orientation to invest, and flexibility to efficiently implement these investments. The second group of two papers investigated international expansion of multinational enterprises, particularly the use of distance for their location decisions. Paper 3 proposed a conceptual framework to examine circumstances under which distance is less important for international location decisions, taking the new perspective of economic institutional distance as theoretical foundation. The framework indicated that the general preference for low-distance countries is lower: (1) when the company is state owned, rather than private owned; (2) when its internationalization motives are asset, resource, or efficiency seeking, as opposed to market seeking; and (3) when internationalization occurred after globalization and the advent of new technologies. Paper 4 compared five concurrent perspectives of distance and indicated their suitability to the study of various issues based on industry, ownership, and type, motive, and timing of internationalization. The paper also proposed that distance represents the disadvantages of host countries for international location decisions; as such, it should be used in conjunction with factors that represent host country attractiveness, or advantages as international locations. In conjunction, papers 3 and 4 provided additional, alternative explanations for the mixed empirical results of current research on distance. Moreover, the studies shed light into the discussion of differences between multinational enterprises from emerging countries versus those from advanced countries.


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A pesquisa aqui apresentada é uma análise detalhada de estratégias de compra associados à Responsabilidade Social Corporativa das empresas multinacionais e visa identificar os elementos que influenciam na escolha de fornecedores locais e os benefícios que tais estratégias podem trazer a estas empresas. A globalização e a pressão por melhores produtos e menores custos levam empresas a repensarem suas decisões de sourcing. Selecionar competências, recursos e ainda escolher onde comprar ou terceirizar, tornou-se uma decisão estratégica fundamental, e muitas multinacionais optam por usar fornecedores locais como um diferencial e uma plataforma de criação de valor para a empresa e para a sociedade. Enquanto esta abordagem reforça a posição de mercado e garante matérias-primas de qualidade a preços justos, o relacionamento com estes fornecedores traz desenvolvimento econômico e social para as comunidades subdesenvolvidas. Estudos sobre fornecedores locais geralmente focam em vantagens competitivas para as empresas, e na adaptação de cadeias de valor para atender estratégias globais de negócios, no entanto, a difusão do conhecimento sobre a criação de valor compartilhado é ainda limitada. Assim, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi identificar os aspectos de estratégia corporativa, gestão de fornecedores e colaboração que influenciam na criação de valor compartilhado. Dois estudos de casos foram expostos em uma pesquisa qualitativa exploratória com o propósito de avaliar iniciativas que tiveram como base o relacionamento com os fornecedores locais. A análise foi separada em três etapas com o objetivo de identificar (1) influências nas decisões de seleção de fornecedores, (2) aspectos que levam ao sucesso da gestão de fornecedores, e (3) o valor gerado como resultado destas decisões. Conceitos teóricos da CSR, SCM, colaboração e criação de valor compartilhado foram utilizados para apoiar os resultados e as principais conclusões. O resultado da pesquisa revelou que a idéia de co-criação de valor faz parte da cultura da empresa e pode ser considerado um dos motivos pelos quais multinacionais decidem usar fornecedores locais. Contudo, mesmo integrados na estratégia, não garantem criação efetiva de valor compartilhado e diversos componentes em uma estratégia de compras que representam responsabilidade social corporativa devem ser ajustados para motivar mudanças significativas. Ainda, vale lembrar que os elementos de colaboração, tais como a transparência e independência são vitais para melhorar o compromisso entre a multinacional e os negócios locais e criar valor compartilhado.


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Este trabalho primeiramente explora fundamentos teóricos básicos para análise e implementação de algoritmos para a modelagem de séries temporais. A finalidade principal da modelagem de séries temporais será a predição para utilizá-la na arbitragem estatística. As séries utilizadas são retiradas de uma base de histórico do mercado de ações brasileiro. Estratégias de arbitragem estatística, mais especificamente pairs trading, utilizam a característica de reversão à média dos modelos para explorar um lucro potencial quando o módulo do spread está estatisticamente muito afastado de sua média. Além disso, os modelos dinâmicos deste trabalho apresentam parâmetros variantes no tempo que aumentam a sua flexibilidade e adaptabilidade em mudanças estruturais do processo. Os pares do algoritmo de pairs trading são escolhidos selecionando ativos de mesma empresa ou índices e ETFs (Exchange Trade Funds). A validação da escolha dos pares é feita utilizando testes de cointegração. As simulações demonstram os resultados dos testes de cointegração, a variação no tempo dos parâmetros do modelo e o resultado de um portfólio fictício.


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Um dos desafios diários enfrentados nas diferentes empresas é avaliar com razoável precisão a dinâmica dos preços de seus ativos e passivos. Em muitos casos esses preços estão atrelados ao preço de commodities, devido a sua presença tanto como insumos produtivos quanto em derivativos financeiros. Nesse contexto o presente trabalho se propõe a avaliar um modelo de volatilidade estocástico através da aplicação de estratégias de trading. Desta forma busca-se comparar diferentes estratégias de negociação para avaliar o resultado financeiro obtido a partir da adoção do modelo proposto.


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This paper examines value created through spinoffs over a period from 2002-2010. The net debt to average share price ratio and the debt to asset ratio of a company impacts the decision for this restructuring process statistically significant. The announcement of a spinoff yields abnormal returns (AR) for the stockholders of the parent. The relative size of the spin and the financial leverage correlated with the AR positively, whereas the net debt per share and the return on asset negatively. Therefore, no direct wealth transfer from the debt holders of a company to the equity holders can be derived from these results.


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We compare competitive equilibrium outcomes with and without trading by a privately infonned "monopolistic" insider, in a model with real investment portfolio choices ex ante, and noise trading generated by aggregate uncertainty regarding other agents' intertemporal consumption preferences. The welfare implications of insider trading for the ex ante expected utilities of outsiders are analyzed. The role of interim infonnation revelation due to insider trading, in improving the risk-sharing among outsiders with stochastic liquidity needs, is examined in detaiL


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We study the direct and indirect ownership structure of Brazilian corporations and their market value and risk by the end of 1996 and 1998. Ownership is quite concentrated with most companies being controlled by a single direct shareholder. We find evidence that indirect control structures may be used to concentrate control even more rather than to keep control of the company with a smaller share of total capital. The greater the concentration of voting rights then less the value of the fmn should be due to potential expropriation ofrninority shareholders. We fmd evidence that when there is a majority shareholder and when indirect ownership structures are used without the loss of control, corporate valuations are greater when control is dilluted through the indirect ownership structure. This evidence is consistent with the existence of private benefits of control that can be translated as potential minority shareholder expropriation.


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This paper studies the role of Vertical Specialization-based trade and foreign damand push as elements capable of explaining export-led recoveries in small open industrialized economies. The empirical evidence on export-led recoveries is reviewed. Data supporting the growing importance of vertical specialization for international trade are presented. I compare the performance of two versions of a small open economy model, calibrated to mimic Canadian Business Cycles. The …rst one is based upon Schmitt-Grohe(1998). The second incorporates Vertical- Specialization-based trade. I show that an arti…cial economy featuring Vertical-Specializationbased trade in conjunction with an exogenous AR(2) process for foreign output displays improved impulse responses to a foreign output shock and is able to mimic the contribution of Canadian exports to output growth during economic recoveries.


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This descriptive paper examines the prevalence of ‘WTO-plus’ commitments in accession protocols of newly acceded Members, with a focus on commitments on the elimination of export duties. It presents preliminary results of a mapping exercise carried out with respect to these commitments and seeks to answer two questions. First, can any general conclusions be drawn as to the prevalence of these commitments or are they, per definition, country-specific. Second, has the political nature of the WTO accession process allowed for the creation of a two-tier membership. The first question is answered by relying on data gathered as part of the ongoing PhD-research project conducted by the author. The project aims to construct a typology of WTO-plus commitments to allow for a more detailed analysis of the relationship between these commitments and the baseline obligations in the covered agreements. The accession of China to the WTO is commonly considered as the prime example of the inclusion of WTO-plus obligations in accession protocols. The paper tries to answer the question whether this particular accession was truly unique in nature, or whether the inclusion of “Plus” obligations is less exceptional than often assumed. Additionally, the accession protocols of other recently acceded-Members are examined to establish whether the hypothesis holds. In the PhD-research project this comparative methodology will also be applied to map WTO-plus commitments in other areas, such as anti-dumping and transparency. The second question will be answered in two stages. In a preliminary stage, international institutional law will be used to by analyzing the way in which the WTO’s Dispute Settlement Body has dealt with this type of WTO-plus commitment in its jurisprudence. The second stage deals with the question of hierarchy: Accession Protocols are negotiated with the WTO Membership, by each country willing to accede to the WTO. This poses questions as to their exact position in the system of WTO law. To establish whether evidence of a two-tier membership is present, one first has to turn back to the question whether Accession Protocols are a separate (or independent) legal instrument or an “integral part” of the WTO system of covered agreements. If newly acceded Members do not benefit from the general exceptions in order to balance their more stringent, WTO-plus, obligations, this may support the conclusion that the membership of the World Trade Organization is becoming, in fact, two-tiered.


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Corporate governance has been in the spotlight for the past two decades, being subject of numerous researches all over the world. Governance is pictured as a broad and diverse theme, evolving through different routes to form distinct systems. This scenario together with 2 types of agency problems (investor vs. management and minorities vs. controlling shareholders) produce different definitions for governance. Usually, studies investigate whether corporate governance structures influence firm performance, and company valuation. This approach implies investors can identify those impacts and later take them into consideration when making investment decisions. However, behavioral finance theory shows that not always investors take rational decisions, and therefore the modus operandi of those professionals needs to be understood. So, this research aimed to investigate to what extent Brazilian corporate governance standards and practices influence the investment decision-making process of equity markets' professionals from the sell-side and buy-side. This exploratory study was carried out through qualitative and quantitative approaches. In the qualitative phase, 8 practitioners were interviewed and 3 dimensions emerged: understanding, pertinence and practice. Based on the interviews’ findings, a questionnaire was formulated and distributed to buy-siders and sell-siders that cover Brazilian stocks. 117 respondents from all over the world contributed to the study. The data obtained were analyzed through structural equation modeling and descriptive statistics. The 3 dimensions became 5 constructs: definition (institutionalized governance, informal governance), pertinence (relevance), practice (valuation process, structured governance assessment) The results of this thesis suggest there is no definitive answer, as the extent to which governance will influence an investment decision process will depend on a number of circumstances which compose the context. The only certainty is the need to present a “corporate governance behavior”, rather than simply establishing rules and regulations at firm and country level.


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Esta dissertação tem como objetivo entender os hábitos de consumo das mulheres da nova classe trabalhadora para conhecer as aspirações, motivações e desejos que influenciam suas decisões de compra, e para identificar qual o significado, para elas, dos produtos característicos do “novo luxo”. A problemática deste trabalho envolve o entendimento do comportamento de consumo da ‘nova classe trabalhadora’ (Souza, 2012), e tem por objetivo compreender os novos hábitos de consumo dessa classe, no que tange ao consumo de bens constitutivos do chamado ‘novo luxo’ (Silverstein & Fiske, 2008). Os resultados desta pesquisa trarão entendimento às ressignificações de produtos de novo luxo para a nova classe trabalhadora, conhecimento sobre as preferências e prioridades dessa classe, e compreensão sobre o valor simbólico do consumo desse tipo de produto. No primeiro capítulo, foi abordado o comportamento do consumidor, mostrando a importância do estudo do comportamento de consumo para as estratégias mercadológicas, além de explorar a influência da cultura na tomada de decisão dos consumidores; o segundo capítulo abordou os conceitos de habitus, capital simbólico e cultural, em que são exploradas as questões relacionadas a valores, atitudes e hábitos, e a importância destes na expressão do indivíduo na sociedade e na formação de sua identidade; no terceiro capítulo, discutiu-se o conceito de classe social, trabalhando com as principais divergências encontradas nas premissas utilizadas por cada autor para identificar suas características distintivas, mencionando os principais argumentos relacionados aos conceitos de ‘nova classe média’ (Neri, 2011) e de ‘nova classe trabalhadora’ (Souza, 2012); por fim, o quarto capítulo tratou do fenômeno do trading-up (Silverstein & Fiske, 2008), que demonstra que o consumidor tem optado por produtos considerados de novo luxo, mesmo que paguem valores superiores para obtê-los. O produto de novo luxo é definido pelos autores como um produto premium, que apresenta melhorias e características superiores em relação a produtos similares, porém com preços mais acessíveis se comparados aos de luxo tradicional. A metodologia escolhida para este trabalho foi a pesquisa qualitativa de caráter exploratório-descritivo, considerando uma amostragem não probabilística, usando a seleção por julgamento. Os resultados da pesquisa demonstraram que, de fato, o fenômeno do trading-up está presente no dia-a-dia das mulheres da nova classe trabalhadora, ao priorizarem determinados itens que julgam importantes para o seu conforto, bem-estar, e melhoria na qualidade de vida.


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Peru agricultural exports have increased in recent years due to (i) free trade agreements with many countries (United States, Canada, European Union, China, Thailand, Singapore, Japan, Chile, among others), (ii) an increasing international demand for healthy products, (iii) country´s economic development and (iv) more private investments in this sector (Velazco 2012). Also, if we can compare among Peru three main regions (Coast, Andean highlands and the Jungle), It is the Coast (western region) that has a developed agricultural production due to unique weather conditions, private investments, public infrastructure, transport costs and quality of land (Gomez, 2008). This country development is also related to the production of non-traditional products for export like asparagus, artichokes, capsicums, bananas, grapes, among others; produced by agro industrial companies and small farmers and that are mainly labor intensive (Gomez, 2008 and Velazco, 2012). This very successful export diversification and self-discovery process was the result of a combination of strong natural comparative advantages (mainly excellent agro climatic conditions) and a significant innovation effort. It meant the introduction and expansion of new products and markets, the entry of new firms, and experimental research and the adoption of new techniques and process technologies developed abroad (in irrigation, crop management, post-harvesting, sanitary control, storage and packing) to produce high-quality, niche (gourmet) and higher value-added products, in line with consumer trends in sophisticated food markets. In products such as asparagus, mango, organic coffee and capsicums, Peru has become a leading world exporter (OECD). For this reason one of the government main tasks for the next years is to meet urgent agriculture producer’s needs in the areas of technological Innovation and business management (MINAG). In this context, this thesis analyzes the applicability of a new technology – the mechatronic arms – specifically to capsicums production sector in Peru. We chose Capsicums production sector (paprika, chilli pepper) because is mainly labor intensive and is the sector where my family company (DIROSE SAC) operates. This innovation consists in a 40 arms mechatronic combine, and it was first created in order to improve the efficiency on the labor intensive phase of harvest for this kind of agriculture products. It is estimated that a laborer with brief training operating the machine would be equivalent to 40 people that not only would work during daytime, but also on the night shift as well. Also, using this new technology can allow a company to make additional crops that would increase their yields and annual revenues. This thesis was developed as a business plan to make this new product available for other agriculture companies that operates in the capsicums production sector in Peru; however, this new technology has the potential to be modified in order to be available to other kind of agriculture products, in Peru and other countries.


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O Brasil vem aumentando anualmente a sua participação no comércio exterior mundial, mas apesar de seu significado na economia mundial, o seu volume negociado internacionalmente corresponde a somente 1,1% das exportações mundiais de mercadorias (23ª posição no ranking mundial), e 0,6% das exportações de serviços comerciais (35ª posição no ranking mundial), segundo a organização mundial do comércio (WTO, 2005). Na Fase 1 desta pesquisa, que se encerra com este Relatório, foi desenvolvida uma metodologia para a pesquisa e análise de dados relativos às dificuldades enfrentadas pelas empresas brasileiras no processo de exportação de mercadorias. Essa fase incluiu uma ampla revisão da literatura nacional e internacional sobre os fatores que têm impacto sobre o desempenho das exportações e a formulação e pré-teste de um questionário. Na Fase 2 será realizada a pesquisa propriamente dita através da aplicação do questionário a uma amostra de cerca de 1.000 empresas exportadoras, selecionadas no Catálogo de Exportadores Brasileiros da CNI – Confederação Nacional da Indústria. Os dados resultantes da pesquisa serão utilizados para avaliar o impacto dos gargalos no volume das exportações, no valor FOB das exportações e na variação anual do valor FOB, utilizando a técnica multivariada de regressão múltipla.


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O assunto insider trading é bastante polêmico há muito tempo, como, exemplo disto se tem o Securities Exchange Act of 1934 sobre Insider Trading nos Estados Unidos, e a discussão continua nos dias de hoje com casos como da Ambev e da Martha Stewart em 2004. Este trabalho apresenta o levantamento de dados, e inferências sobre as operações realizadas pelos insiders das empresas com ações negociadas na Bovespa, que são classificadas como de governança corporativa diferenciada. Os dados aqui apresentados mostram que os insiders, como definidos pela instrução CVM 358 de 2002, são agentes bastante ativos no mercado de capitais brasileiro. O perfil das operações com títulos transacionados pelos insiders infere que a diretoria vende mais títulos do que compra, ao contrário dos controladores e conselheiros; que os insiders das empresas do nível 1, de menores exigências e restrições de governança, são mais ativos em operações no mercado do que seus pares nas empresas de nível de governança maior. Também foram constatados indícios de operações realizadas pelos insiders que resultaram em retornos excedentes aos esperados estatisticamente significativos.