287 resultados para Rio de Janeiro, Região Metropolitana do (RJ)


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Esta dissertação procura analisar a metodologia de implementação da Gestão pela Qualidade Total na Administração Pública, a partir de um estudo de caso realizado na Controladoria Geral da Prefeitura da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Com esse propósito, a pesquisa empírica enfatiza a investigação das práticas e dos fenômenos organizacionais, à luz da teoria da gestão contemporânea, tendo como principais parâmetros de análise: a interpretação das dimensões culturais, a avaliação da produtividade administrativa e as estratégias de gestão. o estudo evidencia que a lógica intrínseca à cultura administrativa nacional precisa ser considerada na adoção de novos modelos de gestão na administração pública.


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In the Brazilian political history, the power of the State was always associated to the classes that hold the production means. The state intervention to solve the lacks of the population induced the cooptation of the less favored classes, guaranteeing the continuity of the elites in the power and discouraging initiatives of the bases participation. The citizen participation is one of the analysis dimensions of the public power decision process and it must consist in a key dimension at the identification of solutions for the development. Through the evaluation of a municipal program addressed to the resident population in slums of medium load in Rio de Janeiro - the Programa Favela-Bairro - the study aims to verify, at the present time, if the participation remain an expression of the theoretical speech of the public administration or if it is understood as a social right. It intends to evaluate the mechanisms and the spaces of the communities dialogue with the public municipal managers. The field research consisted of interviews with social actors of the executive and municipal legislative, as well as with members of the organized civil society (inhabitants associations), community leaders and beneficiaries of the program, residents in the slum. The work raises the discussion about the necessary conditions to the public politics produce effective results, in terms of the human satisfaction, and to lead the social subjects to the understanding and learning of the active citizenship and democracy. It also intends to identify an evaluation methodology whose produced knowledge acts in the transformation of the society, reinforcing the critical researcher's paper, whose commitment is to study the reality and to point the roads that lead to the change in the social practice.


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With the consolidation of democracy, the society being more aware of their rights as citizens, demands from the public administration services of more quality as well as efficiency and transparency when it comes to what is being done with the money of the tax payer. In order to have that, the public administration needs competent, highly-motivated and well-qualified civil servants. In this project, we describe the importance of a career plan motivating the civil servants, especially those who work for the Court of Accounts of the State of Rio de Janeiro. Based on the Law of Fiscal Responsibility and on the legal rules, we¿ve measured the sustainability of TCE-RJ plan, based in another project developed by the Fundação Getulio Vargas for a federal administrative body. Having evaluated the sustainability of the plan, we offer the administration of TCE-RJ a study which is able to signal for moments of the cut on costs as well as those of the revenue available for investments which are destined for the capacitation of their civil servants, always complying with the legal rules.


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The objective of this dissertation is to analyze the socio-spatial distribution of the of denunciation rate. For this, it is studied association between the denunciations to Disque-Denúncia with the space position of the neighborhoods and the social characteristics in terms of the social context which can take to a greater or minor participation. The analysis will be centered in the relation between the socio-spatial variability of denunciations for 100.000 inhabitants and differences by the models of space regression and geographical representation highlighting the importance of the characteristics of the neighborhoods that generate the social context. The social configuration of a neighborhood, its space localization and its violence rate are the factors associates to the denunciation variability, which can modify its level. In relation to the space dependence of the neighborhoods, it is inferred that they are not independent. The denunciation rate of the neighborhoods is interdependent with close neighborhoods, because of the space externality. In relation to the social index of the neighborhoods, the result that we find is that the association of the denunciation rate with the percentage of elderly, the density and the average of studies of the neighborhoods exists, in other words, the levels of those are related with the levels of the denunciation rate.


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The study it was considered to carry through an analysis of the city of Rio de Janeiro using the point of view of not Carioca citizens - in this case Baianos and Paulistas. The optics chosen for the analysis was the image, that is the resultant of aspects such as: mental ideas, feelings, emotions, attitudes, thoughts, cognitions, expectations, representations, perceptions, certainties and associations. A research with qualitative focus was carried through, of exploratory character, with not Carioca individuals, Baianos and Paulistas, with and without experience in Rio de Janeiro. The results point the main reason of the visit - or not - to Rio de Janeiro, the symbol of the city, the perception concerning its image and about its inhabitant - the Carioca.


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A descentralização da Secretaria Municipal de Educação é um marco no Sistema Municipal de Educação da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Aproveitando sua experiência como participante do processo de descentralização, o autor disserta sobre as mudanças que foram implementadas, analisando se houve avanços em relação a participação do diretor de escola no processo decisório e também se houve aumento do seu poder discricionário. Foram realizadas entrevistas com professores e diretores de escola do Sistema Municipal de Ensino da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, para que, através de abordagem crítica, fosse possível estabelecer se existiram alterações significativas que proporcionassem a melhoria da qualidade de ensino.


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The acts of public administration personnel are of great importance and various laws have been passed in attempt to limit the related expenses. The management of Public administration personnel is based on the principle of efficiency. The TCE/RJ (State of Rio de Janeiro/Audit Court) digital communication system is expected through telework to facilitate its auditing duties in compliance with the terms of the Federal and State constitutions. The TCE/RJ, the superior judicial body of auditing, has done more than just reduce costs and use flextime; it applies telework as an instrument to optimize public service through SICODI digital certification to maximize the resources applied to this constitutional act with greater efficiency for effective auditing. The focus of the first part of this study is to evaluate the tasks of positions that forward the TCE/RJ objectives and the profile characteristics of employees of the inspection area on personnel performance beginning with defined concepts and purposes. Questionnaires for auditors and technicians of the area were approved for this specific purpose to analyze the duties of positions and employee profiles. The second part of this study evaluates the TCE/RJ digital communication system according to theoretical reference and ISO/IEC Standard No. 9126-1, observing three dimensions: the content, usability and functionality. The results obtained, with the use of qualitative methods complemented by quantitative analysis, were positive for the implementation of telework in the inspection of personnel performance in relation to the analysts and technicians involved in this type of auditing as well as in relation to the TCE/RJ digital communication system.


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A consolidação da democracia e o fortalecimento das instituições em nosso país, aliados a uma persistência do patrimonialismo e do clientelismo nas relações entre a sociedade civil e o Estado brasileiro, fazem emergir a necessidade do estabelecimento de uma cultura democrática em que os cidadãos acompanhem permanentemente as principais ações dos governantes e gestores públicos. O controle social sobre a administração pública revela-se de fundamental importância para que os governos sejam responsivos e caminhem no sentido de perseguir o interesse público. As eleições, como mecanismo de accountability, mostram-se insuficientes para assegurar que os governantes implementem de forma eficaz, eficiente e efetiva as políticas públicas de que a sociedade necessita. A presente pesquisa buscou responder como pode o Tribunal de Contas do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (TCE-RJ), órgão de controle externo, fomentar e estimular o controle social exercido sobre os gestores dos órgãos sob sua jurisdição. Para tal, este estudo utilizou-se de pesquisa de campo em outras Cortes de Contas com o objetivo de apontar possíveis ações que o TCE-RJ possa implementar com vistas à indução de cidadania e incremento do controle social. Verificou-se que o TCE-RJ pode ter, de fato, uma ação efetiva no estímulo à sociedade fluminense com vistas ao incremento do controle das ações e políticas implementadas pelos gestores públicos. O estudo sugere um conjunto de quatorze medidas que podem ser tomadas pelo TCE-RJ com este objetivo.


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This dissertation is a project of evaluation of the proposals of the Panamerican Games of 2007, that they will be carried through in the city of Rio De Janeiro. Great events present the possibility of improvement of the urban space and economic development, amongst other chances seen by politics and urban planners well. For this work we search to argue the city as field of specific study, understanding it in the current world-wide scene of globalization and computerization, the relations politics, economic and social existing interns. We search in material literature to study and to evaluate what it would be a ¿good city¿ and studies that had understood the development of the urban space. We also look for to understand the city of Rio de Janeiro as a singular urban space, since the origin of the city as a urban space, passing for the proposals gifts of modification of the carioca space. We dedicate part of the work, inside of the chapter where we understand the city of Rio de Janeiro, the presentation of the project of the Panamerican of 2007, comparing it with great previous events. The vision of technique and politics during the interviews was essential for the best understanding of the proposals of the Games. Finally we evaluate the proposals of modification of the Pan2007 for the city of Rio de Janeiro with the methodology of Kevin Lynch to evaluate the good form of the city" in communion with the proposal of distributive justice of Rawls. The result of this evaluation was that the current proposals of modification of the city for the Pan2007 will be able to generate resulted not deliberate for a considerable parcel of the population and to modify the economic relations harmfully, social and politics inside of the territory of the city. For such we consider measured compensatory satisfactory that they can reach the objectives of an equal citizenship and an equitable equality of chances, starting for the offering of the social minimums of just form. "


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Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo identificar fatores críticos que possibilitarão implantação, com desenvolvimento coletivo individual, de uma Política Pública centrada na variável solidariedade, como meio de busca da integração para melhoria da Educação Básica Profissional do Sistema das Escolas Técnicas do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, sob responsabilidade da Fundação de Apoio Escola Técnica (FAETEC). pesquisa teve como referência de busca de dados informações, em sua maioria, de profissionais, alunos stakeholders alijados da participação concreta da atual Política Pública da FAETEC de suas respectivas unidades. Por isso Paulo Freire também serviu como referencial, principalmente no que diz em relação aos excluídos na página 19, do livro "Educação Mudança" quando escreve: "O verdadeiro compromisso solidariedade, não solidariedade com os que negam compromisso solidário, mas com aqueles que, na situação concreta, se encontram convertidos em coisas". Essas premissas fortaleceram escolha da pesquisa-ação como metodologia. Dos stakeholders citamos o Sindicato dos Técnicos Industriais do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (SINTEC-RJ). Associação de Pais Responsáveis de Alunos da Escola Técnica Estadual Adolpho Bloch (APRAETEAB) Conselho Regional de Engenharia Arquitetura (CREA-RJ) através de Técnicos que são Inspetores na atual gestão. Participaram também outras pessoas interessadas, cujas colaborações foram efetivas, todos se empenharam em colaborar para que, mesmo enfrentando dificuldades, pesquisa fosse suficiente mostrasse que estávamos fertilizando terreno propício implantação futura de uma nova Política Pública nessa Instituição, combatendo egoísmo, orgulho vaidade daqueles que, independentemente de ideologias já foram corroídos em seu caráter, mais, demonstram em seu corporativismo mal orientado, que egoísmo coletivo traz de malefícios, inclusive o de não conseguir ver possibilidade de um mundo melhor: uma outra globalização.


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The acts of public administration personnel are of great importance and various laws have been passed in attempt to limit the related expenses. The management of Public administration personnel is based on the principle of efficiency. The TCE/RJ (State of Rio de Janeiro/Audit Court) digital communication system is expected through telework to facilitate its auditing duties in compliance with the terms of the Federal and State constitutions. The TCE/RJ, the superior judicial body of auditing, has done more than just reduce costs and use flextime; it applies telework as an instrument to optimize public service through SICODI digital certification to maximize the resources applied to this constitutional act with greater efficiency for effective auditing. The focus of the first part of this study is to evaluate the tasks of positions that forward the TCE/RJ objectives and the profile characteristics of employees of the inspection area on personnel performance beginning with defined concepts and purposes. Questionnaires for auditors and technicians of the area were approved for this specific purpose to analyze the duties of positions and employee profiles. The second part of this study evaluates the TCE/RJ digital communication system according to theoretical reference and ISO/IEC Standard No. 9126-1, observing three dimensions: the content, usability and functionality. The results obtained, with the use of qualitative methods complemented by quantitative analysis, were positive for the implementation of telework in the inspection of personnel performance in relation to the analysts and technicians involved in this type of auditing as well as in relation to the TCE/RJ digital communication system.


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The present research comprehends a case study, through which we analyzed the Programa de Implantação da Escola de Contas do Tribunal de Contas do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - Program of Implantation of the School of Public Finance of the Public Finance Court of the State of Rio de Janeiro - as a progressive educational strategy from the model of corporate university, considering the ten key components (steps) identified by Meister (1999) in his research. The qualitative approach has proved the most adequate for this study, as, regarding data interpretation and investigation process, the subjectivity of the researcher was taken into account, since he himself was designated to the Commission of Implantation of the School of Public Finance and is, presently, general Academic Coordinator of the Escola de Contas e Gestão (ECG) - School of Public Finance and Management, the main goal (product) of the mentioned program. As to the results, the study has shown that the Tribunal de Contas do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (TCE-RJ) has not equally emphasized the ten key components (steps) for the success in the construction of a corporate university, but none of them was neglected. Considering the way it presently works, it is also concluded that the ECG is relevant for the actuation of the TCE-RJ, but is not yet as connected to the performance as it should be. Fundamentally, the ECG still has to develop a personnel development system driven by personnel management through competences, performing a diagnosis of the essential organizational competences, mapping the existing ones, identifying the breaches and analyzing which of theses competences may be developed by means of their activities. Likewise, the ECG also needs to develop a methodology to assess the result as well as the impact of its activities. These circumstances, however, will be used to guide future studies and represent a new starting point.


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This research aimed at evaluating the efficiency of a specific model of operational auditing, created to audit municipal health systems, which are part of the Sistema Único de Saúde in the State of Rio de Janeiro, the AOSMS. Thus, it attempted to find out whether they represent a valid method of auditing the performance of SUS in the State of Rio de Janeiro based on the isolated or combined utilization of efficiency and efficacy criteria, and to finalize, how the AOSMS may contribute to the improvement of the municipal management of SUS. The study is based on two references axes, as follows: criteria and paradigms of operational auditing according to what International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) understands about this methodology and the evaluation method of health services proposed by Avedis Donabedian, based on the triad structure, process and result. The work consisted initially in verifying compatibility and evaluating potential of the parameters that constitute the AOSMS with the adopted references, in the light of the basic principles that inform the Brazilian Sistema Único de Saúde and afterwards in the submission of these parameters to the analytic categories created in this study with the intent of checking its adequacy and pertinacity to analyze public health systems. In order to reach its objective the research used the case study strategy of the TCE-RJ experience of holding operational audit in 39 municipal health systems in the State of Rio de Janeiro developed between 2000 and 2007. The result confirmed the hypothesis of the study and revealed how the AOSMS, considered as a valid methodology for its finality, may contribute for the improvement of the municipal management of SUS, reaffirming the potential of operational auditing to proceed with the evaluation of the performance of the Sistema Único de Saúde in the angle of external control, considering however that its application in Brazil, because of the external control model constitutionally adopted, must pass through due sociological reduction2.


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O trabalho analisa a viabilidade de implementação de uma política pública na Cidade do Rio de Janeiro que leve em conta a descentralização municipal na área de Cultura O Brasil entra no Terceiro Milênio realizando a Reforma do Estado com reflexões de ações que estão sendo veiculadas no mundo inteiro. O fortalecimento do poder local apresenta-se como facilitador para a implementação de políticas públicas. A dinamização de uma política na área de Cultura baseada na descentralização municipal, visando à geração de maior emprego e renda nos bairros cariocas contribuirá, significativamente, para a redução de problemas sociais no Rio de Janeiro. No que tange à área Cultural, são propostas iniciativas inovadores que contemplem a realidade brasileira, valorizem talentos, reduzam custos supérfluos, proporcionem o incremento contínuo de público e platéia, disseminem cultura e o acesso popular à mesma. Devem ser modelos que contemplem as demandas das categorias profissionais afetadas às áreas de Arte e Cultura porém, o direcionamento de recursos públicos deve visar ao aumento do nível das comunidades da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro. O desenvolvimento de novos talentos ¿ de cunho popular ou erudito ¿ conjugado com a valorização de produtos culturais do folclore brasileiro e da arte popular devem ser permanentes estratégias da Política Cultural na Cidade do Rio de Janeiro.


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This study discusses the preparation and execution of the Municipal Annual Budget Law of the City of Rio de Janeiro. It tries to show how the City historically evolved and how its administrative structure was built, leading to the offer of public services to a residing population of approximately six million people today. By using processes of supplementary credits to the Budget, comparing results of the budget execution along a four-year period and with charts related to these years, answers are searched to explain the reasons for amendments to the Annual Budget Law, which modify it and change part of its initial objectives, in spite of hours of previous planning work dedicated to its preparation. This research shows a City in its context and puts together a few data, through a survey of budget management actions, to report on the administrative complexity of metropolis like Rio de Janeiro, although without the intent of being definitive in terms of exhausting the issue.