44 resultados para Inequity Aversion


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The objective of this paper is to test for optimality of consumption decisions at the aggregate level (representative consumer) taking into account popular deviations from the canonical CRRA utility model rule of thumb and habit. First, we show that rule-of-thumb behavior in consumption is observational equivalent to behavior obtained by the optimizing model of King, Plosser and Rebelo (Journal of Monetary Economics, 1988), casting doubt on how reliable standard rule-of-thumb tests are. Second, although Carroll (2001) and Weber (2002) have criticized the linearization and testing of euler equations for consumption, we provide a deeper critique directly applicable to current rule-of-thumb tests. Third, we show that there is no reason why return aggregation cannot be performed in the nonlinear setting of the Asset-Pricing Equation, since the latter is a linear function of individual returns. Fourth, aggregation of the nonlinear euler equation forms the basis of a novel test of deviations from the canonical CRRA model of consumption in the presence of rule-of-thumb and habit behavior. We estimated 48 euler equations using GMM, with encouraging results vis-a-vis the optimality of consumption decisions. At the 5% level, we only rejected optimality twice out of 48 times. Empirical-test results show that we can still rely on the canonical CRRA model so prevalent in macroeconomics: out of 24 regressions, we found the rule-of-thumb parameter to be statistically signi cant at the 5% level only twice, and the habit ƴ parameter to be statistically signi cant on four occasions. The main message of this paper is that proper return aggregation is critical to study intertemporal substitution in a representative-agent framework. In this case, we fi nd little evidence of lack of optimality in consumption decisions, and deviations of the CRRA utility model along the lines of rule-of-thumb behavior and habit in preferences represent the exception, not the rule.


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This paper tests the optimality of consumption decisions at the aggregate level taking into account popular deviations from the canonical constant-relative-risk-aversion (CRRA) utility function model-rule of thumb and habit. First, based on the critique in Carroll (2001) and Weber (2002) of the linearization and testing strategies using euler equations for consumption, we provide extensive empirical evidence of their inappropriateness - a drawback for standard rule- of-thumb tests. Second, we propose a novel approach to test for consumption optimality in this context: nonlinear estimation coupled with return aggregation, where rule-of-thumb behavior and habit are special cases of an all encompassing model. We estimated 48 euler equations using GMM. At the 5% level, we only rejected optimality twice out of 48 times. Moreover, out of 24 regressions, we found the rule-of-thumb parameter to be statistically significant only twice. Hence, lack of optimality in consumption decisions represent the exception, not the rule. Finally, we found the habit parameter to be statistically significant on four occasions out of 24.


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The goal of t.his paper is to show the possibility of a non-monot.one relation between coverage and risk which has been considered in the literature of insurance models since the work of Rothschild and Stiglitz (1976). We present an insurance model where the insured agents have heterogeneity in risk aversion and in lenience (a prevention cost parameter). Risk aversion is described by a continuou.'l parameter which is correlated with lenience and, for the sake of simplicity, we assume perfect correlation. In the case of positive correlation, the more risk averse agent has higher cost of prevention leading to a higher demand for coverage. Equivalently, the single crossing property (SCP) is valid and implies a positive correlation between coverage and risk in equilibrium. On the other hand, if the correlation between risk aversion and lenience is negative, not only may the sep be broken, but also the monotonicity of contracts, i.e., the prediction that high (Iow) risk averse types choose full (partial) insurance. In both cases riskiness is monotonic in risk aversion, but in the last case t,here are some coverage leveIs associated with two different risks (low and high), which implies that the ex-ante (with respect to the risk aversion distribution) correlation bet,ween coverage and riskiness may have every sign (even though the ex-post correlation is always positive). Moreover, using another instrument (a proxy for riskiness), we give a testable implication to disentangle single crossing and non single crossing under an ex-post zero correlation result: the monotonicity of coverage as a function of riskiness. Since by controlling for risk aversion (no asymmetric informat, ion), coverage is a monotone function of riskiness, this also gives a test for asymmetric information. Finally, we relate this theoretical results to empirica! tests in the recent literature, specially the Dionne, Gouriéroux and Vanasse (2001) work. In particular, they found an empirical evidence that seems to be compatible with asymmetric information and non single crossing in our framework. More generally, we build a hidden information model showing how omitted variabIes (asymmetric information) can bias the sign of the correlation of equilibrium variabIes conditioning on ali observabIe variabIes. We show that this may be t,he case when the omitted variabIes have a non-monotonic reIation with t,he observable ones. Moreover, because this non-monotonic reIat,ion is deepIy reIated with the failure of the SCP in one-dimensional screening problems, the existing lit.erature on asymmetric information does not capture t,his feature. Hence, our main result is to point Out the importance of t,he SCP in testing predictions of the hidden information models.


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In this paper we study the dynamic hedging problem using three different utility specifications: stochastic differential utility, terminal wealth utility, and we propose a particular utility transformation connecting both previous approaches. In all cases, we assume Markovian prices. Stochastic differential utility, SDU, impacts the pure hedging demand ambiguously, but decreases the pure speculative demand, because risk aversion increases. We also show that consumption decision is, in some sense, independent of hedging decision. With terminal wealth utility, we derive a general and compact hedging formula, which nests as special all cases studied in Duffie and Jackson (1990). We then show how to obtain their formulas. With the third approach we find a compact formula for hedging, which makes the second-type utility framework a particular case, and show that the pure hedging demand is not impacted by this specification. In addition, with CRRA- and CARA-type utilities, the risk aversion increases and, consequently the pure speculative demand decreases. If futures price are martingales, then the transformation plays no role in determining the hedging allocation. We also derive the relevant Bellman equation for each case, using semigroup techniques.


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We study an intertemporal asset pricing model in which a representative consumer maximizes expected utility derived from both the ratio of his consumption to some reference level and this level itself. If the reference consumption level is assumed to be determined by past consumption levels, the model generalizes the usual habit formation specifications. When the reference level growth rate is made dependent on the market portfolio return and on past consumption growth, the model mixes a consumption CAPM with habit formation together with the CAPM. It therefore provides, in an expected utility framework, a generalization of the non-expected recursive utility model of Epstein and Zin (1989). When we estimate this specification with aggregate per capita consumption, we obtain economically plausible values of the preference parameters, in contrast with the habit formation or the Epstein-Zin cases taken separately. All tests performed with various preference specifications confirm that the reference level enters significantly in the pricing kernel.


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Neste artigo se desenvolvem alternativas de abordagem multicritério visando à seleção de municípios para a implementação de políticas públicas de educação. Considerando que a situação da educação no Brasil apresenta grande variabilidade, o que impacta as demandas educacionais por políticas públicas de educação de forma diferente em diferentes regiões, verifica-se a necessidade de critérios objetivos para a seleção de pontos de aplicação de recursos para o combate a desigualdades nessa área. Em particular, se discute o emprego do Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano como fundamento para decisões na área educacional. Além disso, visa-se a estabelecer condições para a comparação dessas situações segundo diferentes critérios utilizados para fundamentar políticas públicas de educação.


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Theoretical models on moral hazard provide competing predictions on the incentive-risk relationship. These predictions are derived under the assumptions of homogeneous agents and exogenous risk. However, the existing empirical evidence does not account for risk-aversion heterogeneity and risk endogeneity. This paper uses a well-built database on tenancy contracts to address these issues. Detailed information on cropping activities is used to measure the exogenous risk. Risk-aversion heterogeneity and other self-selection problems are addressed through a portfolio schedule and a subsample of farmers who simultaneously own and sharecrop different farms. This controlled exercise finds a direct relation between incentives and exogenous risk.


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In this paper I will investigate the conditions under which a convex capacity (or a non-additive probability which exhibts uncertainty aversion) can be represented as a squeeze of a(n) (additive) probability measure associate to an uncertainty aversion function. Then I will present two alternatives forrnulations of the Choquet integral (and I will extend these forrnulations to the Choquet expected utility) in a parametric approach that will enable me to do comparative static exercises over the uncertainty aversion function in an easy way.


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Esta dissertação busca investigar a hipótese de sobrecarga de opções, denominada em inglês como choice overload, associada ao aumento de complexidade e da quantidade de informações disponíveis, ou information overload, abordada e discutida por pesquisadores como O’Donoghue e Rabin (1998), Iyengar e Lepper (2000), Schwartz (2002), Iyengar, Jiang e Huberman (2003) e Gourville e Soman (2005). Neste trabalho, a investigação será no contexto da indústria de produtos de investimento brasileira. Para isso, através de uma pesquisa empírica, simulamos a decisão de um investidor comum diante de diferentes cenários propostos, com menos ou mais opções e menos ou mais informações. Em linha com as pesquisas citadas, evidências mostraram a importância de se considerar e avaliar esses efeitos, ainda que hipóteses previamente estabelecidas não tenham sido confirmadas e experimentos mais amplos precisem ser realizados. Neste estudo, quando a oferta se resume a apenas um fundo de investimento, mesmo que claramente melhor do que o cenário inicial, um alto índice de 32% ainda decide procrastinar a decisão, ou seja, apresentar apenas uma opção, o extremo oposto de choice overload, não se apresentou como uma solução eficaz. Também foram propostos outros dois cenários, ambos quase idênticos, com cinco alternativas de fundos de investimento e informações de retorno esperado e risco para cada um deles. No entanto, um desses dois cenários disponibilizava hyperlinks direcionando para lâminas com informações adicionais para cada fundo de investimento. Mesmo com a opção de ignorá-las, a sua apresentação fez com que o índice de procrastinação aumentasse de 16% para 28%, resultado diretamente relacionado a regret aversion. Estudos anteriores mostram que há altas chances de que essa procrastinação se perpetue.


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Este Trabalho se Dedica ao exercício empírico de gerar mais restrições ao modelo de apreçamento de ativos com séries temporais desenvolvido por Hansen e Singleton JPE 1983. As restrições vão, desde um simples aumento qualitativo nos ativos estudados até uma extensão teórica proposta a partir de um estimador consistente do fator estocástico de desconto. As estimativas encontradas para a aversão relativa ao risco do agente representativo estão dentro do esperado, na maioria dos casos, já que atingem valores já encontrados na literatura além do fato destes valores serem economicamente plausíveis. A extensão teórica proposta não atingiu resultados esperados, parecendo melhorar a estimação do sistema marginalmente.


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The main objective of this article is to test the hypothesis that utility preferences that incorporate asymmetric reactions between gains and losses generate better results than the classic Von Neumann-Morgenstern utility functions in the Brazilian market. The asymmetric behavior can be computed through the introduction of a disappointment (or loss) aversion coefficient in the classical expected utility function, which increases the impact of losses against gains. The results generated by both traditional and loss aversion utility functions are compared with real data from the Brazilian market regarding stock market participation in the investment portfolio of pension funds and individual investors.


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Com base nos estudos sobre finanças comportamentais, esta dissertação tem como objetivo verificar se o estilo cognitivo do indivíduo e seus respectivos vieses comportamentais exercem influência em seus hábitos de investimento como, por exemplo, sua decisão em investir em renda fixa ou renda variável. Uma survey foi realizada com os alunos de pós-graduação de 5 faculdades da cidade de São Paulo. O método foi escolhido por melhor se ajustar ao objetivo do trabalho. Foram analisados quatro tipos de perfis psicológicos, que se diferenciam, entre outras características, por possuírem maior ou menor tolerância ao risco. Foram examinados também dezoito vieses comportamentais entre eles: excesso de confiança, representatividade, aversão à perda e conta mental. Os resultados mostram evidências de que a personalidade pode exercer influência sobre a decisão do indivíduo em investir em renda fixa ou renda variável. Verificou-se também que os vieses confirmação e otimismo sinalizam uma possível influência na decisão dos indivíduos em investir em renda variável.


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Nas últimas décadas, o varejo passou por várias transformações. Depois da popularização da internet, muitas mudanças ocorreram, como o crescimento dos canais virtuais e a mudança de papel das lojas físicas. Essas mudanças impactaram diretamente no comportamento de compra do consumidor, que passou a ter vários pontos de contato com o varejista. O presente trabalho visa refinar, no cenário brasileiro, o artigo de Schröder e Zaharia (2008), que analisa as Orientações para Compras dos consumidores (Conveniência, Independência, Recreação e Aversão ao Risco) e como essas Orientações para Compra influenciam na escolha, por parte dos consumidores, dos canais de pesquisa e compra de um varejista. Por meio do estudo de caso, com um grande varejista multicanal brasileiro, foi feita pesquisa junto aos seus consumidores para avaliar como as Orientações para Compra influenciam o comportamento de compra e a escolha pelos canais a serem utilizados. Acredita-se que com os achados obtidos, poderão contribuir, no cenário acâdemico, para o melhor entendimento do impacto das Orientações para Compra no comportamento de compra do consumidor, nesse ambiente em transformação; e, com relação ao cenário gerencial, colaborar com o varejo, demonstrando que o uso das Orientações para Compras, na melhoria dos processos e desenvolvimento dos canais de contato com os consumidores, pode impactar de forma positiva o relacionamento com o cliente, possibilitando atender as suas necessidades e aumentar sua fidelidade.


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This work analyses the optimal menu of contracts offered by a risk neutral principal to a risk averse agent under moral hazard, adverse selection and limited liability. There are two output levels, whose probability of occurrence are given by agent’s private information choice of effort. The agent’s cost of effort is also private information. First, we show that without assumptions on the cost function, it is not possible to guarantee that the optimal contract menu is simple, when the agent is strictly risk averse. Then, we provide sufficient conditions over the cost function under which it is optimal to offer a single contract, independently of agent’s risk aversion. Our full-pooling cases are caused by non-responsiveness, which is induced by the high cost of enforcing higher effort levels. Also, we show that limited liability generates non-responsiveness.