71 resultados para Ambiente hospitalar


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In spite of the environmental consumerism in Brazil not to meet in levels as advanced as in Europe and in the United States, some sectors are emerging as precursors of environmental relationships with their markets. Cosmetic's sector is one of them. This study discusses the subject of the ethical consumerism, especially the environmental one. It is focused in the consumer-citizen's context, more specifically in the consumer of a company of cosmetic's sector in Rio de Janeiro. To carry out this study, we chose a company that clearly assumed its commitment with the investment in the preservation of the environment: O Boticário. Initially, we investigated the relevance attributed by the customers of O Boticário to the investment accomplished in the search by the preservation of the environment by companies of this sector, comparing these results with the importance that has been imputed by the customers to traditional attributes of the Marketing. Later, we have analyzed these customers' perception in respect of the investment accomplished by the company in the search for the preservation of the environment. In the preliminary phase of the research, fourteen customers of O Boticário were interviewed. A structured questionnaire was applied to 90 respondents that have declared themselves customers of the mentioned company. The information were treated with descriptive statistics. The software employed has been the SPSS 10.0. Although the field research has indicated the characteristics of the product as priority for the consumer, the relevance attributed to the investment of the company in the search for the preservation of the environment was considered significant, with more prominence than some attributes traditionally judged as attributes-key of the Marketing. However, this apparent sensibility for the environmental subject doesn't seem to influence in search of information on environmental conduct of cosmetics' companies. In fact, a great deal of customers of O Boticário has declared that they have been unknowing about the conduct in favor of the environment on the part of the company, and a number, even larger, was not aware of the existence of the Fundação O Boticário de Proteção à Natureza.


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This present study aims the human being¿s change aptness in the Judicial Power of The State of Rio de Janeiro, considering the Judiciary¿s historical, organizational and institutional characteristics. The introduced study is guided by the objective that social relations within some institutions have educational features and how these relations can generate knowledge. The analysis relates the maintenance or the rupture of the paradigms that the institution stimulates to be adopted by the human beings when they need to face reality.


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Este estudo trata da gestão hospitalar privada. Uma de suas bases é a necessidade de integração da alta gerência. Aponta diversas dimensões reveladoras, como: relação intraorganizacional; o desempenho institucional e o compartilhamento do conhecimento. Caracteriza a "profissionalização gerencial". A pesquisa é caracterizada estudo de caso. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas; observações participantes; e buscando informações através de pesquisas telematizadas e bibliográficas. O material teórico foi condensado, os dados foram coletados e analisados. Os resultados evidenciam a necessidade de uma relação intraorganizacional integrada da alta gerência, objetivando a construção do processo decisório.


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Day after day, even small companies and multinationals brands need to compete in a worldwide market. All kind of global strategies have to involve production and regional market knowledge. Still being essential for company have a complete view of it market and it right position to gain competitive advantage. In a global market, get possible for the companies be in touch with last generation technologies and equipment's and all kind of research. Companies like that should develop products focused in customer's desire, even those extremely strict. Specifically in our country, as hard as we could think, the companies have access to credit lines, to the fiscal incentives offered by the states that alliance with the market potential are making possible the appearance of a lot companies and the growth of the companies already existent. However, these resources alone don't produce results to the company if it doesn't possess an internal organization able to assimilate the new market situation. The companies have to be able to apply the maximum resources offered by new technologies and understand how a communications facility means solution for many internal problems. In short terms, technology, financial resources, research and knowledge are available, however, the human resources might be prepared and developed in order to become the whole knowledge in profits. According 'JURAN' and his Total Quality Control philosophy the human resources playing fundamental role in the process, and in my opinion a company is something like a ship where all must be prepared to hold the rudder. I will develop a basic job looking for productivity and company's development through the people's involvement, focused in process of motivation, creativity and staff valorization. I believe that there no good production process without those requirements. Based on real case of a automotive parts and foundry company, located in Bento Gonçalves - RS, this work will look for to organize it mainly in its Industrial Division, adopting in participate administration where, through a information system and personnel involvement we will seek all favorable conditions to politics and strategies in get the growth of company.


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The necessity to be efficient and effective has long shifted from the private to the public sector. New philosophies have appeared with the aim to supply better performance in both private and public organisms. One of those theories is Quality. It stresses that people who are part of an organisation must realise that they are customers and suppliers within a workflow. The aim of this study was to identify to what extent quality theory can be found in bureaucratic management. The hypothesis was that, despite of the Federal Justice in Amazonas State ─ JF-AM ─ being a bureaucratic organisation, quality parameters are present in the tasks conduction and practice execution. This study was descriptive and explicative. It was a case with bibliographical and field research. As for the means, this research was limited due to both a reduced bibliographical archive pertaining to the comparison between bureaucratic and quality theories, and the uncertainty about the veracity from the questionnaires answers to be answered by members of the sample organisation, the JF-AM. Another limitation factor was the fact that the sample organisation is under the federal judiciary power which excluded views from a State and municipal orbit and from other areas of public power, such as the legislative and the executive. Therefore it seems interesting to gather from this locus another view of quality, mainly as reforms to the judiciary system are in question, which lent a special meaning to this research. The final conclusion was that quality parameters were found in the bureaucratic sample organisation.


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The necessity to be efficient and effective has long shifted from the private to the public sector. New philosophies have appeared with the aim to supply better performance in both private and public organisms. One of those theories is Quality. It stresses that people who are part of an organisation must realise that they are customers and suppliers within a workflow. The aim of this study was to identify to what extent quality theory can be found in bureaucratic management. The hypothesis was that, despite of the Federal Justice in Amazonas State ─ JF-AM ─ being a bureaucratic organisation, quality parameters are present in the tasks conduction and practice execution. This study was descriptive and explicative. It was a case with bibliographical and field research. As for the means, this research was limited due to both a reduced bibliographical archive pertaining to the comparison between bureaucratic and quality theories, and the uncertainty about the veracity from the questionnaires answers to be answered by members of the sample organisation, the JF-AM. Another limitation factor was the fact that the sample organisation is under the federal judiciary power which excluded views from a State and municipal orbit and from other areas of public power, such as the legislative and the executive. Therefore it seems interesting to gather from this locus another view of quality, mainly as reforms to the judiciary system are in question, which lent a special meaning to this research. The final conclusion was that quality parameters were found in the bureaucratic sample organisation.


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The increase of the global competitiveness of the global alliances of the economic blocks, generates an increasing stream of information that makes with that the companies are always the seek of new developments. The climate of changes generates concern with what it must be assimilated by organization, and things that don¿t serve the definitive company. The organizational environment of the companies is taken by uncertainty. The organizational culture becomes itself very important for the organization, therefore it judges what the company can use in the relation with its environment, and what does not serve to its organizational structure. Together with the culture is necessary that itself a learning environment, leading thus culture. The work considered here studies the organizational culture of a company making relation with the organizational Learning, and helps to clarify the profile of a culture that propitiates the organizational learning. This work analyzes the Isabela¿s S/A organizational culture, making relation with the organizational learning. Of this form, look it self to describe and to identify the culture of the searched company, studying its difficulties and advantages, making relation with the deep learning. The company is characterized, the situation problem and the subject of study. In the theoretical referential was made an analysis of the culture, its formation until the types of culture, applying itself after a model of organizational learning. A model for the study of the culture is applied, where self is characterized, tipology of the culture, and applied a model for the study of the learning. The results of the considered study, answer the research problem, where they are analysed with the application of the diagnostic research of the searched company. This discloses an organization with a strong culture, however flexible to assimilate changes. It has a harmony between the values that generate the culture and that they are characterized, spreading out thus an environment that propitiates organizational learning, a culture that generates learning.


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Este trabalho apresenta uma proposta de utilização do orçamento hospitalar público como uma ferramenta de gestão e como um instrumento de apoio para a administração das pessoas que atuam profissionalmente dentro do hospital. A proposta é de que o orçamento, desde sua composição, execução e acompanhamento, seja feito de forma participativa e visando tornar as condições de ensino e assistência mais humanizadas no Hospital Universitário Cassiano Antônio Moraes.


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Analysis of the influences exerted by the Brazilian institutional scenario on SESC ¿ The Social Service of Commerce, focusing state-market-society relations in the 1990 decade, states the core issue of the present dissertation. It also aims to discuss the suitability of adopting corporate social responsibility oriented actions in accordance with these changes. In the first place SESC's institutional setting, and questions addressed to it, as well as pressures to which the organization has been submitted since the mid 1980's are presented to the reader. Following, elements of particular significance closely related to SESC's present institutional framework are described: the country's political redemocratization, social and organizational networks, state reform, and the like.


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Há uma crescente preocupação em relação à temática dos resíduos sólidos entre acadêmicos, governos, empresas e indivíduos, embora pouco se conheça sobre os motivos que direcionam as escolhas pessoais no descarte de itens recicláveis dentro do domicílio. As pessoas participam ou não de programas de coleta seletiva por motivos que não são aparentes e nem diretamente identificados. Assim, o problema desta tese foi: Que determinantes influenciam o comportamento para reciclagem? Quais implicações disso para formulação de políticas públicas direcionadas ao comportamento para reciclagem? Em torno desta questão, o objetivo foi entender o quanto os modelos cognitivo-comportamentais predizem e explicam o comportamento para reciclagem (CR), buscando examinar a relação cognição-comportamento proposta pela sua fundamentação teórica. Nesta Tese parte-se da premissa de que existe uma lacuna entre a pose de uma atitude pró-ambiental e a demonstração do comportamento, o que tem sido conhecido como hiato atitude-comportamento. Para isso, optou-se pela análise comparativa do poder preditivo de modelos de escolha racional (Teoria do Comportamento Planejado e Teoria do Comportamento Interpessoal) e do Modelo Atitude-Comportamento-Contexto. Considerou-se uma amostra não probabilística (N=400) de responsáveis por domicílios paulistanos que constavam na lista de assinantes de telefones fixos da Telefônica. Posteriormente os dados coletados foram submetidos à Modelagem de Equações Estruturais. Os resultados empíricos comprovaram a premissa que fundamenta esta Tese, mostrando efeito nulo da variável atitude na predição do comportamento para reciclagem. Os dados também revelaram que a melhor preditora de comportamento para reciclagem foi o hábito, seguido das influências sociais de grupos primários, controle percebido e da conveniência da coleta seletiva. Emergem daí a importância dos determinantes externos (contexto) como característica-chave para intervenções em políticas públicas direcionadas às mudanças comportamentais, conforme pressupostos do modelo ABC.


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Hipertexto é um instrumento que permite explorar um assunto sob a ordem estabelecida pelo leitor em vez daquela do autor ou autores. Presença é um estado subjetivo, pessoal, em que a mente do usuário da mídia imerge no assunto, levando-o a sensação de "estar lá". Esta sensação quando estabelecida apresenta o potencial de induzir à preferência por um produto, ou marca ou site o que aumenta a intenção de compra.


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O trabalho se refere a análise dos condicionantes institucionais da prática atual da principal referência normativa da política ambiental nacional, o SISNAMA. O Sistema é analisado da perspectiva histórica e conceitual. A partir de um estudo de caso, o trabalho aponta as potencialidades inerentes ao ato de se repensar a norma a partir da experiência concreta.


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Trata da análise do mecanismo de subsídio à produção vinculado à performance exportadora das firmas em ambiente de concorrência imperfeita. Essa análise se dá no âmbito das novas teorias de comércio internacional, com ênfase nas políticas comerciais estratégicas. O estudo de caso é centrado no regime automotivo brasileiro dos anos 90, que é um PDE, e visa analisar os condicionantes que levaram o Governo a adotar o programa, seus efeitos sobre o setor e sua inserção internacional


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Trata do problema de avaliar a atratividade de mercados de varejo, como critério para orientar os investidores e administradores de empresas de varejistas no processo de tomada de decisões estratégicas, como a escolha de mercados onde competir. Avalia os critérios possíveis de serem usados para avaliar a atratividade de mercados, sob a ótica de seis abordagens teóricas à tomada de decisã, dentro do ambiente varejista e sugere um modelo para avaliação da atratividade dos mercados de varejo, aplicando-o à realidade brasileira. Cobre um período de análise compreendido entre 1979 a 1988


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Apresenta um sistema de gerenciamento de custos para o novo ambiente de fabricação, que caracteriza-se pela concorrência acirrada, utilização de medernas tecnologias e filosofias de fabricação e conceitos avançados de gerenciamento. Este sistema tem três dimensões, um modelo contábil, medidas de desempenho e gerenciamento de investimento, integrando estes aspectos. Ilustra estas inovações contábeis e tecnológicas com o enfoque do gerenciamento de custos japoneses