250 resultados para Segurança pública - Rio de Janeiro (RJ) - Estudo de casos


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The present work has as its basic purpose observing the principal administrative changes originated from the implementation of the Social Organization Project, inserted in the recent administrative reforms in Brazil, proposed from the Director Plan of the State Reform and approved by the National Congress in November of 1995. In the course of the text will be presented the main factors of the transformation from a bureaucratic public administration to a managerial public administration, specifically focusing the change from a Government Organization to a Social Organization. To reach the proposed objective, a case study of the Brazilian Association of Light Sincrotron Technology - ABTLuS, that represented the first Social Organization installed in Brazil, responsible for the management of the National Laboratory of Light Sincrotron - LNLS, under form of administration contract signed with Nationl Research Council - CNPq and Science and Technology Ministry - MCT. Initially, was developed the theoretical framework, based on the existent literature. Proceeding, field researches were realized in the cities of Campinas - SP, in Brasília - DF and in Rio de Janeiro - RJ. As a consequence of the accomplished work, it was possible to observe that the implementation of the SO administrative model brought more administrative flexibility for the qualified institution. This fact induced to gains of agility and efficiency, with more responsibilities, for the leaders as well as for the employees of ABTLuS. As for the other two important items consisted in the Director Plan, related with the cultural change (from bureaucratic to managerial) and with the social control (larger interaction in the relationship State-society), it is important to stand out the need of a larger time for evaluation, considering that the LNLS presents peculiar characteristics (subject approached in the work). The Social Organization ABTLuS counts with a little more than two years of administration contract, therefore the process is still in course.


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O presente estudo refere-se a uma pesquisa realizada na Universidade do Estado de rio de Janeiro - UERJ, especificamente no Departamento de Seleção e Desenvolvimento da Superintendência de Recursos Humanos, onde foi avaliado o Programa Educativo de Desenvolvimento de Pessoal do quadro de servidores técnico-administrativos, e o investimento no potencial humano como fator determinante para o sucesso nas empresas públicas. Os resultados desta pesquisa demonstram que o Programa Educativo possui características importantes tanto para o crescimento profissional como para o institucional. Ressalta-se, entretanto que são necessárias outras ações complementares da área de recursos humanos para que possamos mensurar de uma maneira eficiente e eficaz o retorno deste investimento para a instituição.


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Durante o século passado, a motivação para o trabalho foi intensamente estudada e as teorias produzidas a seu respeito evoluíram significativamente. Mais recentemente, o significado do trabalho vem ganhando importância na literatura como uma fonte de motivação para as pessoas. É um constructo interpretado como profundamente pessoal e dinâmico, que recebe influências geradas pelo meio ambiente no qual as pessoas vivem e trabalham. Assim, o significado do trabalho pode ser distinto para diferentes gerações. A atual pesquisa objetivou identificar o significado do trabalho para os funcionários do Banco Central do Brasil em sua Regional no Rio de Janeiro, de acordo com a geração a que pertencem: a Geração Baby Boomer e a Geração X. As bases científicas para a pesquisa foram estabelecidas na literatura sobre motivação para o trabalho, significado do trabalho e Geração Baby Boomers e Geração X. As informações sobre o significado do trabalho foram obtidas por melO de um questionário baseado no modelo proposto pelo Meaning of Working - MOW (1987). Os resultados obtidos indicam que o significado do trabalho é diferentemente percebido pelas duas gerações na maioria de seus aspectos: centralidade do trabalho, normas sociais associadas ao trabalho, resultados valorizados do trabalho e identificação dos papéis do trabalho.


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The aim of this dissertation is to study the contribution given by the Brazilian court of accounts, with the creation of the ombudsman on those institutions, to the exercise of the social control made by its citizens. Being considered one of the key inventions in the field of the external control of the public management, the ombudsman of the court of accounts is the most important means of control the society may use over the public management, as well as the place where the society and court of accounts might debate and get to an agreement concerning on how to spend the public asset in a way that will benefit the citizens. In order to fulfill the aim of the dissertation, the concepts of citizenship, particularly the deliberative citizenship, were recaptured, as well as the means of control in the public management and the role of the court of accounts as a participant in the external control of the public accounts. Lastly, some of the 18 ombudsman linked to Brazilian courts of account are presented in the dissertation. The Ombudsman of the Courts of Accounts of the states of Paraná and Pernambuco are emphasized once it is understood that they are in the path of transcending the concept of popular participation to the popular sovereignty, in which the debate with the society might, in a near future, decide possibly the course of the audits of those entities.


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o presente estudo refere-se a uma pesqUlsa realizada na Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - UERJ, especificamente no Departamento de Seleção e Desenvolvimento da Superintendência de Recursos Humanos, onde foi avaliado o Programa Educativo de Desenvolvimento de Pessoal do quadro de servidores técnicoadministrativos, e o investimento no potencial humano como fator detenninante para o sucesso nas empresas públicas. Os resultados desta pesqUlsa demonstraram que o Programa Educativo possui características importantes tanto para o crescimento profissional como para o institucional. Ressalta-se, entretanto que são necessárias outras ações complementares da área de recursos humanos para que possamos mensurar de uma maneira eficiente e eficaz o retomo deste investimento para a instituição.


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The aim of this study is to look into the benefits provided to social inclusion by cultural activities carried out in a cultural place with great seriousness at Rio de Janeiro. To accomplish that, the author attempt to deepen into the social exclusion/inclusion in brazilian urban context, spotlighting the historic reality of the urban process of the city. Afterwards, by means of a quality research, document files from the cultural spot were consulted and looked into the view of customers, trustees and managers. For customers were applied questionnaires with open and close questions, with trustees and managers were made interviews, and also a documentary research with opinions available in mass media. This study fits into public politics, cultural and institutional marketing, for presenting examples of how cultural activities are essential tools for completely social inclusion of people in community, demonstrating that often marketing enterprises in culture area can result in benefits for society, even no being these their main purposes.


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This work objectives to investigate how the public policies of urbanization and land regularization of the Program of Urbanization of Informal Settlements - PROAP, in Rio de Janeiro allow the social inclusion and the rescue of the citizenship of the poor populations. To reach this objective the two programs of PROAP were analyzed into two communities both beneficed by each one of these programs. First, the social exclusion and how it reflects itself in the form of appropriation of the territory and in the type of housing was deeply analyzed. It leads the analysis of the public policies. As a next step, a brief historical analysis was made to include the PROAP in the historical context, and this was analyzed in each one of its stages. Finally, through a qualitative approaching, the slum of Vigário Geral and the irregular settlement of Ana Gonzaga have been researched, both were chose by their singular characteristics and, according to speech of the inhabitants, it was evaluated how the Program contributes in the social inclusion in these communities.


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As Brazil wants to be perceived as a competitor in providing computer applications and system development services in the global market, the concept of Software Factory gains importance. The metaphor for the 'Factory', when applied to the activity of software development, is used to describe organizations which produce software with a minimum quality standard and at competitive costs. However, the term 'Factory' recalls Fordist concepts, which have been challenged for a few decades in the manufacturing industry. This study analyzed university curricula and how students and teachers perceive the concept of Software Factory and assessed them in relation to the Fordism ------------ post-Fordism /continuum/. It was observed that some of the teachers who have influence over curricula define Software Factories according to Fordist concepts. It was also observed that, despite opportunities for improvements, curricula are adequately structured with regards to the skills a professional at these organizations must possess. We conclude that education provided at the programs being analyzed is adequate, but that it must be supplemented by companies or by the professionals themselves so that the knowledge acquired in the programs may be put in practice.


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The high degree of flexibility has been pointed as one of the outstanding characteristics of the Brazilian job market. Employability is being a frequent discussion issue among the professionals of the human resources area. The Human Capital Theory and the contemporary discussion concerning Employability argue the relationship of the educational practice and of the production practice in a capitalist economical-social structure as a whole. The education consequences in the individuals' life are reflected in several ways, direct and indirectly. Our objective is to evaluate, with statistics methods, and in that universe of consequences, the explanatory events of the relationships between education-wage and education¿job. The main reason of this work is to evaluate the relationship between education, wage and Employability from a structural model perspective, seeking to compare and to contrast two effective theories: the one from the human capital and other from the Employability. To make this analysis, a database of individuals that are working at the formal work market in the Rio de Janeiro Metropolitan Area, had been used. The results showed the education importance on the wage level, as well as, on the Employability factor, whose values and highest taxes correspond to the individuals graduated on the university.


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The purpose of this study is to research the negotiators characteristics living at Rio de Janeiro Metropolitan Region, as well as to analyze the perception they have about the importance of the some factors in the negotiation process namely: influence styles, behavior and practices. Another objective is to identify the negotiator¿s characteristics related to regional culture. In order to achieve those objectives, data were collected, through exploratory and descriptive research, in the Metropolitan Region. The studies identifies the specific characteristics of Rio de Janeito negotiators and includes a critical analysis of their influence styles, behavior and practices. A Questionary was applied on the basis of repeated feedback from respondents and factor analyses of various sets of behaviorally based statements. A sample for the version of the Self-Questionary consists of 100 individuals involved in negotiations. For the Other-Questionary, there are 193 groups of respondents. The results indicated that the Questionary is quite consistent with the a priory influence styles, behavior and practices model. The results also indicated that the Rio de Janeiro negotiators use more frequentely pull styles, than push or avoiding styles.


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O Objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar a influência da mudança organizacional sofrida pelo Arsenal de Marinha do Rio de Janeiro (AMRJ) sobre a percepção em relação aos papéis desempenhados pelos seus servidores, dos níveis gerencial e operacional, no que tange a valores e crenças sobre o seu trabalho. Esta pesquisa constitui um estudo de caso, e se deu por meio de pesquisa de campo, de cunho qualitativo, e por isso, os dados foram analisados de forma descritivo-interpretativa sobre a avaliação documental e do seu conteúdo. Os dados primários foram obtidos a partir de análise de documentos, tais como relatórios, normas, publicações e regulamentos internos; e os dados secundários foram provenientes de entrevistas semiestruturadas; e possibilitaram averiguar as categorias analíticas envolvidas na pesquisa. As amostras para as entrevistas foram selecionadas de populações, dentro do AMRJ que fossem semelhantes ou equivalentes a populações de indústrias privadas e os sujeitos das mesmas, que, igualmente, tivessem equivalência funcional em outras indústrias ou empresas a fim de serem representativas para a composição do conteúdo da pesquisa. Os dados coletados permitiram concluir que o AMRJ ainda se encontra em processo de acomodação à mudança que se iniciou, e que o trabalho passou a ser mais gratificante para o nível gerencial, assumindo uma perspectiva de desafio e crescimento profissional a partir de um novo enfoque dado a ele, porém, para o nível operacional, devido a uma motivação decrescente e a interesses frustrados, sua percepção considera o trabalho como menos gratificante que o outro nível, apesar do sentimento positivo que tem pela instituição. Concluiu-se, também, que as mudanças são necessárias, apesar das dificuldades inerentes a ela, e influenciam a percepção das pessoas, mas podem ficar comprometidas caso não seja levado em conta que deve haver uma equivalência na distribuição, entre todos os níveis, dos benefícios que podem favorecê-la.


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This dissertation examines the implications of the organizational capability for the performance of organizations of the Third Sector. That relationship is examined in a sample of five organizations with headquarters in the city of the Rio de Janeiro, and acting in peculiar segments, like health, childhood and adolescence, sustainable development, environment and social inclusion. The organizational capability was studied from existing analytical frameworks available in the international literature, and adapted for this dissertation. The kinds of empirical evidences are quantitative and qualitative on first hand, and were obtained by multiple techniques: interviews, direct-site observation, exam of documents and casual meetings. These evidences indicators were examined in used in two levels: individual, specific of each one of the organizations, and general, common to all the organizations researched. Concerning organizational capability, the exam of the empirical evidences revealed that the organizations that had had the most significant development in terms of the dimensions identified by Tremblay (1998) as of high performance - that¿s the case of CIEDS and CDI -, were the ones with the best organizational performance. Another relevant point shown by the evidences is the importance of the dimension management attitude to human resources development, similar to previous studies presented by Tremblay (1998), Leonard-Barton (1998) and Figueiredo (2003). The study also shows that the organizations which developed projects aiming at the review and the improvement of managerial practices, approaching them to the models adopted by private companies, had the best performances among the researched group.


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This case study investigates, empirically, cost methods and criteria of price discrimination made from hospital organizations when they set up their prices of hospital services to private patients and push down their prices to patients affiliated to health insurance and/or health maintenance organizations (HMO). The theory sought to show the Brazilian health systems either public or private, the aspects about corporate culture, the relationship among three players of the private health system ¿ health insurance companies (or HMO), hospitals and the patients, the importance of the cost systems, and the criteria of price discrimination. With these theories, it was developed a qualitative exploratory research, through open interviews, with hospital¿s managers and co-workers from invoicing department from two hospitals located at the Rio de Janeiro City. Based on results we didn¿t identify appropriate cost systems to help the managers to make a correct decision about price discrimination, but was identified corporate culture factors that could influence the price discrimination. Among the results, we can see unprepared hospital managers. Finally, we discussed some contributions and weakness of this case study, and there are presented suggestions for future researches.


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The main objective of this dissertation is to examine the implications of technological capacities in the improvement of technical performance indexes, specifically at the company level. These relationships were examined in a small sample of metal-working enterprises in the state of Rio de Janeiro (1960 to 2006). Although diverse studies on technological competences have been carried out in the last twenty years, a gap in empirical studies still exist that correlate the performance of companies in the context of developing countries, especially in Brazil. Aiming to contribute to a reduction of these gaps, this dissertation examines the questions by the light of available models in literature, which opting themselves to using operational indexes of companies. For drawing the accumulation of technological competences in this study, the metric proposal by Figueiredo (2000) shall be used indicating the levels of technological qualification in process, product, and equipment functions. The empirical evidence examined in this dissertation is both qualitative and quantitative in nature and were collected, first hand, through extensive field research involving informal interviews, meetings, direct-site observation and document analysis. In relation to the results, the evidence suggests that: - In terms of technological accumulation, a company reached Level 5 of technological capacity in process and organization of production as well as product and equipment. Three companies obtained Level 4 in the function process function while two others had reached the same technological level in the functions of product and equipment. Two companies had reached Level 3 in the product and equipment functions and one remained this level in the function of process; - In terms of the rate of accumulation of technological capacities, the observed companies had reached Level 4 needs 29 years in process function, 32 years in product function and 29 years in equipment function; - In terms of improvement performance pointers, a company which reached Level 5 of technological capacity improved in 70% of its indicators of performance, while the company that had achieved Level 4 had raised its pointers 60% and the other companies had gotten improved in the order of 40%. It was evidenced that the majority of the pointers of the companies with higher levels of technological capacities had obtained better performance. This dissertation contributes to advancing the strategic management of companies in metal-working segment to understanding internal accumulation of technological capacity and indicators of performance especially in the field of empirical context studied. This information offers management examples of how to improve competitive performance through the accumulation of technological capacities in the process, product and equipment functions.


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O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar até que ponto se pode considerar a localização das lojas de alto prestígio, sob o enfoque de manifestação do habitus do grupo detentor do capital simbólico, como sendo uma pré-condição para alcançar seus objetivos de posicionamento mercadológico. Acredita-se que este fator torna-se ainda mais crítico na região metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro, em função do legado histórico-cultural deste espaço urbano. Foram levantados e aprofundados, para fins de sustentação teórica, temas como: a gramática simbólica; capital simbólico; a hermenêutica do espaço; semiótica da marca e o conceito de produtos de alto prestígio. A suposição apresentada será de que as lojas de alto prestígio que não seguirem os códigos e referências espaciais estabelecidos consciente ou inconscientemente pelos grupos detentores do capital simbólico, estarão incorrendo no risco de terem o posicionamento mercadológico das suas marcas afetado, principalmente na área que compõe a região metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro, onde este elemento torna-se ainda mais crítico. Trata-se de um método de estudo exploratório, com uma perspectiva seccional, onde os dados primários foram coletados por meio do método de entrevistas em profundidade, o que permitiu identificar os sentimentos e percepções de consumidores e lojistas claramente envolvidos no mercado de consumo de alto prestígio. Os dados obtidos foram organizados e analisados frente à fundamentação teórica desenvolvida, indicando que existe de fato a influência do padrão locacinal do grupo detentor do capital simbólico sobre o posicionamento das lojas de alto prestígio na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Considerou-se este trabalho fundamental para uma melhor compreensão dos limites geográficos de atuação dos varejistas dedicados ao mercado de alto prestígio e como uma forma de estimular novos trabalhos na área de administração com abordagens que considerem amplamente os estudos de sociologia, antropologia e psicologia. Sugeriram-se, para fins do aprofundamento deste trabalho, a investigação das possíveis futuras mudanças desses padrões locacionais, a possibilidade de existir algum segmento de varejo ao qual o princípio mercadológico defendido neste trabalho não se aplique, e ainda, a questão desta lógica locacional se aplicar ou não a outros grandes centros urbanos brasileiros.