19 resultados para Saccharomyces boulardii

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Oxysterol binding protein (OSBP) and its homologs have been shown to regulate lipid metabolism and vesicular transport. However, the exact molecular function of individual OSBP homologs remains uncharacterized. Here we demonstrate that the yeast OSBP homolog, Osh6p, bound phosphatidic acid and phosphoinositides via its N-terminal half containing the conserved OSBP-related domain (ORD). Using a green fluorescent protein fusion chimera, Osh6p was found to localize to the cytosol and patch-like or punctate structures in the vicinity of the plasma membrane. Further examination by domain mapping demonstrated that the N-terminal half was associated with FM4-64 positive membrane compartments; however, the C-terminal half containing a putative coiled-coil was localized to the nucleoplasm. Functional analysis showed that the deletion of OSH6 led to a significant increase in total cellular ergosterols, whereas OSH6 overexpression caused both a significant decrease in ergosterol levels and resistance to nystatin. Oleate incorporation into sterol esters was affected in OSH6 overexpressing cells. However, Lucifer yellow internalization, and FM4-64 uptake and transport were unaffected in both OSH6 deletion and overexpressing cells. Furthermore, osh6Δ exhibited no defect in carboxypeptidase Y transport and maturation. Lastly, we demonstrated that both the conserved ORD and the putative coiled-coil motif were indispensable for the in vivo function of Osh6p. These data suggest that Osh6p plays a role primarily in regulating cellular sterol metabolism, possibly stero transport.


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To identify genes involved in poly(A) metabolism, we screened the yeast gene deletion collection for growth defects in the presence of cordycepin (3′-deoxyadenosine), a precursor to the RNA chain terminating ATP analog cordycepin triphosphate. Δpho80 and Δpho85 strains, which have a constitutively active phosphate-response pathway, were identified as cordycepin hypersensitive. We show that inorganic polyphosphate (poly P) accumulated in these strains and that poly P is a potent inhibitor of poly(A) polymerase activity in vitro. Binding analyses of poly P and yeast Pap1p revealed an interaction with a kD in the low nanomolar range. Poly P also bound mammalian poly(A) polymerase, however, with a 10-fold higher kD compared to yeast Pap1p. Genetic tests with double mutants of Δpho80 and other genes involved in phosphate homeostasis and poly P accumulation suggest that poly P contributed to cordycepin hypersensitivity. Synergistic inhibition of mRNA synthesis through poly P-mediated inhibition of Pap1p and through cordycepin-mediated RNA chain termination may thus account for hypersensitive growth of Δpho80 and Δpho85 strains in the presence of the chain terminator. Consistent with this, a mutation in the 3′-end formation component rna14 was synthetic lethal in combination with Δpho80. Based on these observations, we suggest that binding of poly P to poly(A) polymerase negatively regulates its activity.


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We describe methods for obtaining a quantitative description of RNA processing at high resolution in budding yeast. As a model gene expression system, we constructed tetON (for induction studies) and tetOFF (for repression, derepression, and RNA degradation studies) yeast strains with a series of reporter genes integrated in the genome under the control of a tetO7 promoter. Reverse transcription and quantitative real-time-PCR (RT-qPCR) methods were adapted to allow the determination of mRNA abundance as the average number of copies per cell in a population. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) measurements of transcript numbers in individual cells validated the RT-qPCR approach for the average copy-number determination despite the broad distribution of transcript levels within a population of cells. In addition, RT-qPCR was used to distinguish the products of the different steps in splicing of the reporter transcripts, and methods were developed to map and quantify 3′-end cleavage and polyadenylation. This system permits pre-mRNA production, splicing, 3′-end maturation and degradation to be quantitatively monitored with unprecedented kinetic detail, suitable for mathematical modeling. Using this approach, we demonstrate that reporter transcripts are spliced prior to their 3′-end cleavage and polyadenylation, that is, cotranscriptionally.


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Yeast cells begin to bud and enter S phase when growth conditions are favourable during G1 phase. When subjected to some oxidative stresses, cells delay entry at G1 allowing repair of cellular damage. Hence, oxidative stress sensing is coordinated with the regulation of cell cycle. We identified a novel function of the cell-cycle regulator of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Swi6p, as a redox sensor through its cysteine residue at position 404. When alanine was substituted at this position, the resultant mutant, C404A, was sensitive to several reactive oxygen species and oxidants including linoleic acid hydroperoxide, the superoxide anion and diamide. This mutant lost the ability to arrest in G1 phase upon treatment with lipid hydroperoxide. The Cys404 residue of Swi6p in wild-type cells was oxidised to a sulfenic acid when cells were subjected to linoleic acid hydroperoxide. Mutation of Cys404 to Ala abolished the down-regulation of expression of the G1 cyclin genes CLN1, CLN2, PCL1 and PCL2 that occurred when cells of the wild type were exposed to the lipid hydroperoxide. In conclusion, oxidative stress signaling for cell-cycle regulation occurs through oxidation of the G1/S-speicific transcription factor Swi6p and consequently leads to suppression of the expression of G1-cyclins and delay in cells entering the cell cycle.


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We show the size-based separation of model Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast cells from a background of Lactobacillus acidophillus bacteria under the combined effect of dielectrophoretic (DEP) and hydrodynamic forces. © 2012 IEEE.


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Metabolic engineering of PUFA biosynthesis pathway using codon optimized DGA1 (Diacylglycerol acyltransferase), FAA3 (Acyl-CoA synthetase), desaturase genes named D9D, D12D, D5D, D6D, D17D and D6E elongase gene was studied in S. cerevisiae. Engineered yeast strains successfully demonstrated increase in lipid accumulation, and heterologous biosynthesis of linoleic, γ-linolenic, dihomo γ-linolenic, arachidonic and eicosapentaenoic acid.


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The Saccharomyces cerevisiae RAD1 and human XPF genes encode a subunit of a nucleotide excision repair endonuclease that also is implicated in some forms of homologous recombination. An Arabidopsis thaliana gene (AtRAD1) encoding the orthologous plant protein has been identified recently. Here we report the isolation of three structurally distinct AtRAD1 cDNAs from A. thaliana leaf tissue RNA. One of the isolates (AtRAD1-1) corresponds to the cDNA previously shown to encode the full-length AtRad1 protein, whereas the other two (AtRAD1-2, AtRAD1-3) differ slightly in size due to variations at the 5′ end of exon 6 or the 3′ end of exon 7, respectively. The sequence differences argue that these cDNAs were probably templated by mRNAs generated via alternative splicing. Diagnostic polymerase chain reaction pointed to the presence of the AtRAD1-1 and AtRAD1-2 but not AtRAD1-3 transcripts in bud and root tissue, and to a fourth transcript (AtRAD1-4), having both alterations identified in AtRAD1-2 and AtRAD1-3, in root tissue. However, the low frequency of detection of AtRAD1-3 and AtRAD1-4 makes the significance of these tissue-specific patterns unclear. The predicted AtRad1-2, AtRad1-3 and AtRad1-4 proteins lack part of the region likely required for endonuclease complex formation. Expression of AtRAD1-2 and AtRAD1-3 in a yeast rad1 mutant did not complement the sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation or the recombination defect associated with the rad1 mutation. These results suggest that alternative splicing may modulate the levels of functional AtRad1 protein.


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The unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is a valuable model for studying metal metabolism in a photosynthetic background. A search of the Chlamydomonas expressed sequence tag database led to the identification of several components that form a copper-dependent iron assimilation pathway related to the high-affinity iron uptake pathway defined originally for Saccharomyces cerevisiae. They include a multicopper ferroxidase (encoded by Fox1), an iron permease (encoded by Ftr1), a copper chaperone (encoded by Atx1), and a copper-transporting ATPase. A cDNA, Fer1, encoding ferritin for iron storage also was identified. Expression analysis demonstrated that Fox1 and Ftr1 were coordinately induced by iron deficiency, as were Atx1 and Fer1, although to lesser extents. In addition, Fox1 abundance was regulated at the posttranscriptional level by copper availability. Each component exhibited sequence relationship with its yeast, mammalian, or plant counterparts to various degrees; Atx1 of C. reinhardtii is also functionally related with respect to copper chaperone and antioxidant activities. Fox1 is most highly related to the mammalian homologues hephaestin and ceruloplasmin; its occurrence and pattern of expression in Chlamydomonas indicate, for the first time, a role for copper in iron assimilation in a photosynthetic species. Nevertheless, growth of C. reinhardtii under copper- and iron-limiting conditions showed that, unlike the situation in yeast and mammals, where copper deficiency results in a secondary iron deficiency, copper-deficient Chlamydomonas cells do not exhibit symptoms of iron deficiency. We propose the existence of a copper-independent iron assimilation pathway in this organism.


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The Menkes protein (MNK) and Wilson protein (WND) are transmembrane, CPX-type Cu-ATPases with six metal binding sites (MBSs) in the N-terminal region containing the motif GMXCXXC. In cells cultured in low copper concentration MNK and WND localize to the transGolgi network but in high copper relocalize either to the plasma membrane (MNK) or a vesicular compartment (WND). In this paper we investigate the role of the MBSs in Cu-transport and trafficking. The copper transport activity of MBS mutants of MNK was determined by their ability to complement a strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae deficient in CCC2 (Deltaccc2), the yeast MNK/WND homologue. Mutants (CXXC to SXXS) of MBS1, MBS6, and MBSs1-3 were able to complement Deltaccc2 while mutants of MBS4-6, MBS5-6 and all six MBS inactivated the protein. Each of the inactive mutants also failed to display Cu-induced trafficking suggesting a correlation between trafficking and transport activity. A similar correlation was found with mutants of MNK in which various MBSs were deleted, but two constructs with deletion of MBS5-6 were unable to traffic despite retaining 25% of copper transport activity. Chimeras in which the N-terminal MBSs of MNK were replaced with the corresponding MBSs of WND were used to investigate the region of the molecules that is responsible for the difference in Cu-trafficking of MNK and WND. The chimera which included the complete WND N-terminus localized to a vesicular compartment, similar to WND in elevated copper. Deletions of various MBSs of the WND N-terminus in the chimera indicate that a targeting signal in the region of MBS6 directs either WND/MNK or WND to a vesicular compartment of the cell.


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Background: Constraint-based modeling of reconstructed genome-scale metabolic networks has been successfully applied on several microorganisms. In constraint-based modeling, in order to characterize all allowable phenotypes, network-based pathways, such as extreme pathways and elementary flux modes, are defined. However, as the scale of metabolic network rises, the number of extreme pathways and elementary flux modes increases exponentially. Uniform random sampling solves this problem to some extent to study the contents of the available phenotypes. After uniform random sampling, correlated reaction sets can be identified by the dependencies between reactions derived from sample phenotypes. In this paper, we study the relationship between extreme pathways and correlated reaction sets.

Results: Correlated reaction sets are identified for E. coli core, red blood cell and Saccharomyces cerevisiae metabolic networks respectively. All extreme pathways are enumerated for the former two metabolic networks. As for Saccharomyces cerevisiae metabolic network, because of the large scale, we get a set of extreme pathways by sampling the whole extreme pathway space. In most cases, an extreme pathway covers a correlated reaction set in an 'all or none' manner, which means either all reactions in a correlated reaction set or none is used by some extreme pathway. In rare cases, besides the 'all or none' manner, a correlated reaction set may be fully covered by combination of a few extreme pathways with related function, which may bring redundancy and flexibility to improve the survivability of a cell. In a word, extreme pathways show strong complementary relationship on usage of reactions in the same correlated reaction set.

Conclusion: Both extreme pathways and correlated reaction sets are derived from the topology information of metabolic networks. The strong relationship between correlated reaction sets and extreme pathways suggests a possible mechanism: as a controllable unit, an extreme pathway is regulated by its corresponding correlated reaction sets, and a correlated reaction set is further regulated by the organism's regulatory network.


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This article presents the numerical and experimental analysis of a dielectrophoretic-activated cell sorter (DACS), which is equipped with curved microelectrodes. Curved microelectrodes offer unique advantages, since they create strong dielectrophoretic (DEP) forces over the tips and maintain it over a large portion of their structure, as predicted by simulations. The performance of the system is assessed using yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) cells as model organisms. The separation of the live and dead cells is demonstrated at different medium conductivities of 0.001 and 0.14 S/m, and the sorting performance was assessed using a second array of microelectrodes patterned downstream the microchannel. Further, microscopic cell counting analysis reveals that a single pass through the system yields a separating efficiency of ~80% at low medium conductivities and ~85% at high medium conductivities.


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Many nuclear and nucleolar small RNAs are accumulated as nonpolyadenylated species and require 3′-end processing for maturation. Here, we show that several genes coding for box C/D and H/ACA snoRNAs and for the U5 and U2 snRNAs contain sequences in their 3′ portions which direct cleavage of primary transcripts without being polyadenylated. Genetic analysis of yeasts with mutations in different components of the pre-mRNA cleavage and polyadenylation machinery suggests that this mechanism of 3"-end formation requires cleavage factor IA (CF IA) but not cleavage and polyadenylation factor activity. However, in vitro results indicate that other factors participate in the reaction besides CF IA. Sequence analysis of snoRNA genes indicated that they contain conserved motifs in their 3" noncoding regions, and mutational studies demonstrated their essential role in 3"-end formation. We propose a model in which CF IA functions in cleavage and polyadenylation of pre-mRNAs and, in combination with a different set of factors, in 3"-end formation of nonpolyadenylated polymerase II transcripts.


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RNA polymerase II transcribes genes encoding proteins and a large number of small stable RNAs. While pre-mRNA 3'-end formation requires a machinery ensuring tight coupling between cleavage and polyadenylation, small RNAs utilize polyadenylation-independent pathways. In yeast, specific factors required for snRNA and snoRNA 3'-end formation were characterized as components of the APT complex that is associated with the core complex of the cleavage/polyadenylation machinery (core-CPF). Other essential factors were identified as independent components: Nrd1p, Nab3p and Sen1p. Here we report that mutations in the conserved box D of snoRNAs and in the snoRNP-specific factor Nop1p interfere with transcription and 3'-end formation of box C/D snoRNAs. We demonstrate that Nop1p is associated with box C/D snoRNA genes and that it interacts with APT components. These data suggest a mechanism of quality control in which efficient transcription and 3'-end formation occur only when nascent snoRNAs are successfully assembled into functional particles.


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Cordycepin (3′ deoxyadenosine) is a biologically active compound that, when incorporated during RNA synthesis in vitro, provokes chain termination due to the absence of a 3′ hydroxyl moiety. We were interested in the effects mediated by this drug in vivo and analyzed its impact on RNA metabolism of yeast. Our results support the view that cordycepin-triphosphate (CoTP) is the toxic component that is limiting cell growth through inhibition of RNA synthesis. Unexpectedly, cordycepin treatment modulated 3′ end heterogeneity of ACT1 and ASC1 mRNAs and rapidly induced extended transcripts derived from CYH2 and NEL025c loci. Moreover, cordycepin ameliorated the growth defects of poly(A) polymerase mutants and the pap1-1 mutation neutralized the effects of the drug on gene expression. Our observations are consistent with an epistatic relationship between poly(A) polymerase function and cordycepin action and suggest that a major mode of cordycepin activity reduces 3′ end formation efficiency independently of its potential to terminate RNA chain elongation. Finally, chemical-genetic profiling revealed genome-wide pathways linked to cordycepin activity and identified novel genes involved in poly(A) homeostasis.


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RNase MRP is a ribonucleoprotein (RNP) particle which is involved in the processing of pre-rRNA at site A3 in internal transcribed spacer 1. Although RNase MRP has been analysed functionally, the structure and composition of the particle are not well characterized. A genetic screen for mutants which are synthetically lethal (sl) with a temperature-sensitive (ts) mutation in the RNA component of RNase MRP (rrp2-1) identified an essential gene, POP3, which encodes a basic protein of 22.6 kDa predicted molecular weight. Overexpression of Pop3p fully suppresses the ts growth phenotype of the rrp2-1 allele at 34°C and gives partial suppression at 37°C. Depletion of Pop3p in vivo results in a phenotype characteristic of the loss of RNase MRP activity; A3 cleavage is inhibited, leading to under-accumulation of the short form of the 5.8S rRNA (5.8SS) and formation of an aberrant 5.8S rRNA precursor which is 5'-extended to site A2. Pop3p depletion also inhibits pre-tRNA processing; tRNA primary transcripts accumulate, as well as spliced but 5'- and 3'-unprocessed pre-tRNAs. The Pop3p depletion phenotype resembles those previously described for mutations in components of RNase MRP and RNase P (rrp2-1, rpr1-1 and pop1-1). Immunoprecipitation of epitope-tagged Pop3p co-precipitates the RNA components of both RNase MRP and RNase P. Pop3p is, therefore, a common component of both RNPs and is required for their enzymatic functions in vivo. The ubiquitous RNase P RNP, which has a single protein component in Bacteria and Archaea, requires at least two protein subunits for its function in eukaryotic cells.