26 resultados para Research Line

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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It is believed that the recent emergence of electronic commerce (e-commerce) in the early '90s could provide different opportunities to small to medium-sized enterprises (SME's) in overcoming part of their technological, environmental, organizational, and managerial inadequacies. However, recent research portrays a gloomy picture about e-commerce uptake and use in SME's. Therefore, the implication here is twofold. Initially, there is a need to generate more e-commerce research that could penetrate much deeper into main impending issues pertaining to the SME’s in their potential uptake and use of e-commerce. On the other hand, e-commerce is characterized of being embryonic but growing very fast and fragmented across the different disciplines, which makes the task of capturing its different perspectives a very complex one. The preceding two implications represent the greatest challenge for researchers and professionals interested in undertaking e-commerce research in SME’s. In line with the above implications, the first objective of this research aims at capturing the different e-commerce perspectives from the SMEs' point of view, and the second objective aims at capturing the e-commerce perspective from the theoretical and the methodological point of view. Addressing the preceding implications in this research could shed some light into some of the gray areas in the e-commerce research in SMEs.


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This objective of this study was to investigate the quantity and quality of voluntary environmental disclosures in the annual reports of the top 500 firms listed by market capitalisation on the Australian Stock Exchange. The periods examined were those immediately prior and subsequent to the release of the Exposure Draft Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Economics (CERES) Global Reporting Initiatives(GRI) issued in March 1999. Using content analysis to focus on the environmental aspects, and drawing heavily on the research of Gamble et al (1995), the study compared 425 annual reports over a two year period and 60 environmental reports, in order to explore reporting practices in the periods surrounding this intervention. The results suggest a trend to triple bottom reporting, and a significant change in the quality and quantity of environmental information, albeit in specific categories.


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It is believed that the recent emergence of electronic commerce (eCommerce) in the early 90s could provide different opportunities to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in overcoming part of their technological. environmental, organizational, and managerial inadequacies. However, recent research portrays a gloomy picture about eCommerce uptake and use in SMEs. Therefore. the implication here is twofold. Initially. there is a need to generate more eCommerce research that could penetrate much deeper into main impending issues pertaining to the SMEs in their potential uptake and use of eCommerce. On the other hand. eCommerce is characterized of being embryonic but growing very fast and fragmented across the different disciplines. which makes the task of capturing its different perspectives a very complex task. The preceding two implications represent the greatest challenge for researchers and professionals interested in undertaking eCommerce research in SMEs. In line with the above implications. the first objective of this research aims at capturing the different eCommerce perspectives from the SMEs point of view and the second objective aims at capturing the eCommerce perspective from the theoretical and the methodological point of view. Addressing the preceding implications in this research could shed some light into some of the grey areas in the eCommerce research in SMEs.


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Survey response rates and response quality are declining in most markets, threatening the viability of many established research techniques. One attempt to combat this has been to make survey completion more convenient for respondents, with on-line surveys being an example of this. This paper looks at respondent attitudes to demographic questions in on-line surveys – questions that are crucial for many analysis practices and yet often have the highest non-completion rates. The exploratory survey conducted here (n=198) examined attitudes towards surveys and empirically examined the reasons behind non-completion and intentions to give misleading information. The results suggest that general attitudes towards providing demographic data in on-line surveys are related to the likely response behaviour, and the more uncomfortable someone claims to be with providing this data, the more likely they will be to either omit a response or exit the survey altogether. Past experience with on-line surveys increases the chances of respondents answering completely and accurately and in most cases, significantly reduces the likelihood of exiting the survey completely if asked these questions. Finally, there is some evidence that providing broad categorical response options is preferred to more specific categories or open text boxes, and this may represent the best technique for improving response rates and quality.


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This paper builds on existing literature on the notion of emotional labour by investigating work in a child protective service environment. Notable characteristics of formal organisations, such as child protective services, are that they operate within a legal framework and that workers' professional duties have great influence on clients. This paper examines the intricacies of the worker-client relationship and the emotional dynamics of the service interactions by interviewing a group of workers in a public hospital in Victoria, Australia. This research extricates the complexities in the client-worker relationship by examining a range of work characteristics including their roles as professional caregivers, the emotional bonds and boundaries in the workers-client relationship, the intensity and magnitude of felt and displayed emotions, as well as the self-management of emotions and clients' emotions. This study adds to existing knowledge on the emotional expressions, experiences and regulation of emotions of the professional work lives in a child protective service work environment.
This paper is divided into the following sections. The first section details protective service work within the larger framework of human service work, and how the worker-client interface is different from other front-line service work. This is followed the need to examine the emotional dynamics of work in a child protective service organisation. Next, a study of these emotional dynamics in a child protective service organisation is reported. The paper concludes with a consideration of the wider implications for the sociology of protective service work, and how affective issues differ other service work roles.


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This paper outlines the development project for the 'Productive on-line student support system', a student "self-help" system, at Deakin University. The aim of this project was to provide Deakin primary teacher education students with a web-based learning tool that allowed them to assess and diagnose their strengths and weaknesses in mathematics, and supports students in their mathematics learning, and in so doing produce mathematically competent graduates. This project was, like similar programs, a development of peer or cross-age tutoring common in primary and secondary schools. A grant under the Deakin University Strategic Teaching and Learning Grant Scheme enabled a staff team from the mathematics education group, to develop a sophisticated and well-designed system that catered for a wide range of student needs, provided useful feedback, and was engaging and easy to use. The under-pinning software for the system was WebCT, available to staff through the Deakin Studies On-line system, to which students are connected also. The 'Productive on-line student support system' enabled students to determine their own mathematical needs, and have these addressed whenever they wished, as often as they wished, and allowed self-monitoring of progress. An outline of the system and examples of the assessment materials will be presented.


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This research draws on recent studies of student time perception and use.
Case studies are used contrast the time use experiences of tertiary distance
education (on-line) students with tertiary students studying in traditional faceto-face classes with an online component. Previous studies and experience highlight a mismatch between the measurable and hence ”real” amount of time students spend at their computer and online, with the perceived” (and resented) time spent in online learning. This study uses investigates the recognition and application of factors affecting student perception of time spent in studying and learning online. It also compares the effectiveness of these factors when applied to distance education based wholly online classes, and face-to-face classes with an online component.
Some of the factors were measurably successful in reducing students’
perceptions of time “wasted” online, while others produced considerable
insight into face-to-face students perceptions of time used in study. The
factors included much greater focus on the person who was a student and
their expectations and time/life experiences while learning; the support and
use of alternative technologies such as mobile phones as learning and
communication too; a higher level of administrative and academic technical
support for the students; convergence of delivery methods; and strategic
involvement of teaching staff in design and delivery of learner management


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The review of literature pertaining to systems analysis and design and the design of systems for on-line teaching and learning has identified some "gaps" and shown the need for participation in educational system design. This paper presents research which was conducted to develop an approach for the design of educational systems involving the participation of student and academics in the design of educational on-line learning systems.


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Internationally, the attention being paid by governments to research education is growing in line with the increasing numbers of students undertaking research degrees. With this emphasis on research students it is, however, becoming clear that there is a specific category of research student that has been overlooked to the point that they are 'invisible', in both policy and research terms: part-time students. This article addresses this gap by presenting an analysis of the satisfaction of Australian part-time research graduates, and a case study of predictors of their completion. The Australian example provides valuable lessons that can impact on the changes and features of research student programs in other countries. Part-time doctoral students were found to have faster completion times than full-time doctoral students, in equivalent-time terms. In terms of satisfaction with their student experience, part-time research graduates are less satisfied with the infrastructure support provided, and have a less favourable perception of the research climate of their department, than full-time research students. More specifically, the analyses in the case study highlight the varying issues and demands that are the best predictors of time to completion by mode of study for doctoral students. Internationally, the attention being paid by governments to research education is growing in line with the increasing numbers of students undertaking research degrees. With this emphasis on research students it is, however, becoming clear that there is a specific category of research student that has been overlooked to the point that they are 'invisible', in both policy and research terms: part-time students. This article addresses this gap by presenting an analysis of the satisfaction of Australian part-time research graduates, and a case study of predictors of their completion. The Australian example provides valuable lessons that can impact on the changes and features of research student programs in other countries. Part-time doctoral students were found to have faster completion times than full-time doctoral students, in equivalent-time terms. In terms of satisfaction with their student experience, part-time research graduates are less satisfied with the infrastructure support provided, and have a less favourable perception of the research climate of their department, than full-time research students. More specifically, the analyses in the case study highlight the varying issues and demands that are the best predictors of time to completion by mode of study for doctoral students.


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The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warnings regarding the detrimental effects of carbon dioxide emissions and global warming have gained acceptance amongst many governments (IPCC 2001). The UK government has agreed to reduce emissions, implement a package of enabling measures (UKCCP 2000) and issued an Energy White Paper (HMSO 2003) calling for a diversification of energy supply policies which will include renewable sources.

Housing accounts for approximately 25% of UK CO2 emissions and as providers of social housing, Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) and their tenants are major contributors. RSLs are deliverers of national policy in several areas and contribute to the attainment of governmental environmental, social and economic targets and impact upon the wider demands of housing policy, healthcare, education and law & order (DETR 1999, Cole and Shayer 1998).

Photovoltaic (PV) electricity generation could deliver “free” electricity to the low income households historically housed by RSLs. PV helps address such issues as fuel poverty and could be used as a stimulus for creating interest in areas of low demand for social housing.

RSLs provide housing solutions which cross traditional economic, social and environmental divides and this lends their modus operandi to the concept of the triple bottom line. The triple bottom line enables social and environmental aspects to be considered alongside economic considerations within decision-making frameworks (Elkington 1999, Andreason 1995).

Using a qualitative research methodology, this paper assesses current commercial viability of PV installations on RSL developments and identifies key barriers to implementation. The paper also investigates whether the application of the triple bottom line can liberate RSLs from viewing PV as a non-viable option by enabling a greater emphasis to be placed on the social & environmental aspects of PV. The paper considers whether a framework for RSLs to improve their decision-making processes by embracing social & environmental factors is feasible.


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As governments, industry bodies, and other interest groups become more adept at influencing the conduct and dissemination of research, it is increasingly important that the alcohol and other drug (AOD) sector maintains and protects the integrity of its evidence base. This commentary discusses the level and type of influence being exerted on the research process by different interest groups within the field. It explores the impact and influence of funding bodies, other interest groups, and social systems on addiction and recovery using relevant examples to identify questions for practitioners and researchers to consider when encountering interested parties in their day-to-day practice. Ultimately, it is service users and clinicians at the "front line" of recovery who have the most to lose from research findings that have been unduly influenced. The best protection against bias in these forms is to practice critical self-reflection and to keep openly and honestly debating those things that we find most challenging.


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Decision-making tools, particularly risk-assessment tools, have been implemented by governments around the world, perhaps most notably in the field of child protection, though little attention has been paid to how practitioners use them. This article presents the findings from ethnographic research that explored how child protection practitioners in the Department of Child Safety, Queensland, Australia, used four Structured Decision Making tools developed by the Children's Research Centre in Wisconsin in their daily practice in the intake and investigation stages of a case. The findings that the tools were not being used as intended by their designers and, in fact, tended to undermine the development of expertise by child protection workers has profound implications for the future development of technological approaches to child protection and, more broadly, human services practice.


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Purpose – This paper aims to examine the tendencies of sustainability reporting by major commercial banks in Bangladesh in comparison with global sustainability reporting indicators outlined in the GRI framework together with banks' predilection toward reporting 16 GRI financial service sector (FSS) specific performance indicators.

Design/methodology/approach – Based on the GRI G3 guidelines, the paper investigated banks' reporting in five broad areas of sustainability, such as environment, labour practices and decent works, product responsibility, human rights and society. The 2008/2009 annual reports of 12 major commercial banks listed on Dhaka stock exchange were analysed and coded using a content-based technique.

Findings – The results show that information on society is addressed most extensively with regard to extent of reporting. This is followed by the disclosures prepared on decent works and labour practices and environmental issues. Furthermore, the disclosures of product responsibility information and the information for human rights are rather scarce in banks' reporting; on the subject of FSS-specific disclosures, only seven items out of 16 are disclosed by all sample banks.

Research limitations/implications – The findings of the study indicate that Bangladeshi commercial banks' social disclosures could develop in this style to become more holistic and over time (in association with the country's central bank involvement) to resemble a type of structured reporting to the point where they are properly labelled per se.

Originality/value – The study contributes to the social disclosure literature, in particular in a developing countries banking sector context, seeing as it disseminates evidence of the standing on social disclosures practices at the level of GRI with developing countries' banks data.


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Education is BIG BUSINESS! Stakeholders are many—governments and governors, parents and students, employers and corporations, communities and nations—all with their own agendas, demands and expectations. The business surrounding education is hidden from public view, but is integral to education and student learning.

Above and Beyond the Bottom Line:The extraordinary evolution of the education business manager provides insights into the dynamic evolution and exponential expansion of education business and the rise of the education business manager—now an indispensable member of educational leadership teams.

No longer is the business manager an invisible back-office employee who balances the books. The role is highly complex and accountable and the scope of the work wide-ranging and changeable. Education business managers are professionals holding knowledge, skills and ideas that increase organisational capacity, viability and provision and enable other educational leaders to focus on learning and teaching. Building on research from around the world, this book fills a huge gap in our understandings about educational leadership in its most comprehensive sense, while discussing current issues and considerations for the future.

Above and Beyond the Bottom Line will be an invaluable resource for business managers from all education settings—schools, universities, kindergartens, training colleges—and their professional associations; educational leaders and councillors; education policymakers; advisors and auditors; and scholars and researchers interested in finding out about the extraordinary developments occurring behind the scenes in educational leadership, management and administration.