118 resultados para Principals


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 Using a Bourdieuian social analysis the thesis explores the interplay of personal identity formation and system demands captured in the powerful narratives of experienced principals. Astute strategists, they are employing agentic actions centred on learning, democratic practice and social equity that are countering the prevailing logics of the education field.


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School food policies and services have the potential to influence the food practices and eating behaviours of adolescents which in turn may affect their lifestyles and health in adulthood. The aim of this qualitative investigation was to describe the opinions of adolescents, their parents, nutrition educators and school principals about the prevailing food environment and canteen policies in Indian schools. Fifteen adolescents aged 14–15 years, 15 parents, 12 teachers and 10 principals from 10 private schools in Kolkata, India participated in semi-structured interviews. The interview questions were primarily based on the existing literature related to school food environments and policies. Audio recordings were transcribed verbatim and assessed thematically. Throughout the 52 interviews, a number of inadequacies of the school food environment and policies were revealed. These included the absence of written food policies, the widespread supply of unhealthy foods, inadequate provision of healthy foods, misleading messages about food communicated by school authorities, lack of cleanliness in the school canteen and the high cost of canteen food. Current school food environments do not appear to promote healthy eating among adolescents. Therefore, it is important to upgrade the quality of food services in Indian schools through adoption of healthy eating policies.


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Indian adolescents' over reliance on foods such as nutrient-poor snacks, sugar-sweetened beverages and take-away foods puts them at significant risk of obesity and several diet-related chronic diseases. Therefore, the factors that influence their dietary behaviours need to be better understood in order to develop effective nutrition promotion strategies. The purpose of this qualitative inquiry was to investigate adolescents', parents', teachers', and school principals' perceptions of the main influences on adolescent eating behaviours. Fifteen adolescents aged 14-15 years, 15 parents, 12 teachers and 10 principals from 10 private English-speaking schools in Kolkata, India, participated in semi-structured interviews. The digitally-recorded conversations were transcribed verbatim and analysed thematically. The 52 interviews revealed a number of factors that may influence adolescents' eating habits including parent and peer influences, home and school food environments, and the mass media. Emerging evidence suggests that future health and nutrition promotion interventions need to target the different influences on Indian teenagers' food consumption.


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Leading a small rural school presents specific challenges for principals: there are fewer people to perform as many tasks as exist in larger schools; teaching consumes a greater percentage of leaders' time in multigrade, mixed-ability classes; there is often limited or no access to resources that are taken for granted elsewhere; and there is no dilution of stakeholder expectations regarding school improvement, policy accountability or student achievement outcomes. Small rural school leadership is complex, diverse and labour-intensive and the exigencies of life in small rural communities create unconventional leadership circumstances. Daunting as this may sound, many principals revel in small rural school settings, achieving success and professional enjoyment due in large part to the ways in which they address these particular challenges. They have recast contextual challenges as opportunities, which is the focus of this chapter.


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This article investigates the social justice dispositions of teachers and principals in secondary schools as inferred from their metaphoric expressions. Drawing on a Bourdieuian account of disposition, our focus is the use of metaphor as a methodological tool to identify and reveal these otherwise latent forces within our data. Our analysis shows evidence of redistributive, recognitive and activist conceptions of social justice. We argue that these three social justice dispositions may be insufficient to meaningfully address persisting inequalities in the school system and that a capability-based social justice disposition – absent in our data – is needed. We conclude by highlighting that: social justice dispositions can change; a valid interpretation of metaphors requires ‘contextual stabilization’; and metaphors for social justice are differently constructed in different contexts, influenced by the different social, cultural and material conditions of schools.


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The central aims of principles and protocols for ethics and ethical conduct of Indigenous research such as those found in AIATSIS Guidelines for Ethical Research in Indigenous Studies (2012) and thoseon pre-­‐ethics protocols recently developed by emerging researchers in this field (Martin, Barrett , Koolmatrie et al , 2015) has been to address the problem of non-­‐Indigenous researchers remaining blind to their own imitations, overlooking the partial and situated perspectives and assumptions that underpin their approaches to research and hence creating asymmetrical relations between researcher and participant -­‐ usually to the detriment of the latter. However, we may ask whether these principals, in themselves, are enough to achieve this aim if the very ontological and epistemological foundations of western research in Indigenous contexts remain the same.


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This article elaborates on my statements quoted in The Age October 2014 article 'More students take on VCE mathematics subject early'. (http://theage.com.au/victoria/more-students-take-on-vce-subjects-early-20141024-11b4rv.html). This article was about accelerating mathematics students by allowing them to take year 11 Mathematics subjects in year 10, and year 12 Mathematics subjects in year 11. My statements were 'Although 'taking on Year 12 subjects early could help students prepare for the workload once they reach their final year ... based on my research and teaching experience, you don't take on early those subjects that are going to be key to your university studies' because 'going early means you are going to rely much more heavily on learning things faster.


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Professor Karen Starr, Foundation Chair, School Development and Leadership at Deakin University, presents findings of research on how Principals experience resistance to change in their schools.


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Professor Karen Starr, Foundation Chair, School Development and Leadership at Deakin University, recently spoke with Principals about risk management in schools. She argues for more open dialogue in schools to expose the full range of risks they face.


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Concerns over the quality and amount of science teaching in Australian primary schools has led to a concentration of research on the methods of delivery of science education. There is a growing interest in both Australian and International contexts on building teacher knowledge and confidence to teach science, how science is taught at the primary school level and also how pre-service teachers are prepared to teach science. The Science Teacher Education Partnerships with Schools (STEPS) project is one response to these concerns. The STEPS project is a collaboration of five Australian universities that each independently set-up their own school-based partnership approaches with schools to deliver their science education programs. Each university aimed to provide pre-service teachers with the genuine experience of teaching science while being supported by university teaching staff. The project has drawn on feedback from pre-service teachers, teachers, principals and teacher educators involved at the five universities to examine the prevailing practices and led to the development of a set of tools and process, referred to as the Interpretive Framework (IF)(Hobbs et al. 2015). The IF describes how to create and maintain effective partnerships with schools, based on this research. This current paper reports on a survey conducted in 2014 which aimed to feedback from teacher educators across Australia to explore the extent to which school-based teaching opportunities in science for PSTs were in use across the country and to identify the range of approaches and theories driving their practices. Some respondents were followed up for interview and key factors were analysed and reported here. These data will be used to further refine the IF.


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This paper explores the tensions and complexities for two principals as they work towards equity and improved social and educational outcomes for their Indigenous students. Drawing on Foucault’s fourfold ethical frame and poststructuralist notions of the subject, this paper presents the different ways the white female principals of Indigenous schools are formed as subjects. We illustrate how the multiplicities of their subject formation are influenced by the historicity and contextual factors of the schools and communities. These factors play a significant part in how these principals work as advocates and differently experience and negotiate the tensions around representation of and for Indigenous schools and communities. In realising equity goals for Indigenous students, the paper draws on Foucault’s work to illustrate the imperative of school leaders’ cognisance of, and capacity to work with, these factors.


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In investigating how three Australian newspapers and six school principals interacted with a significant policy initiative, namely the MySchool website, this research argues against homogenous views of both print-media and mediatization. It further argues that while press reporting on education policy is often an opportunity for newspapers to present newspaper-specific views of what policy ought to be, mediatization is not a one-way process. Rather, it is a dynamic one, defined and shaped by struggle and contestation, through which the press may also be subject to change. The research further suggests that strong school leaders play a crucial role in enabling schools to resist mediatized efforts to alter their practice and autonomy.


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Three-dimensional (3D) printers are now commonplace in both primary and secondary schools within Australia. As with most new technologies they present a range of challenges to users in terms of technical problems and support, and how to integrate their use into the curriculum in a meaningful way. This research reports on data from a small number of Victorian primary schools from urban and regional areas. A case study methodology has been used to examine how each setting has approached the use of these printers and includes a review of the literature concerning the uptake of new technologies by non-experts. Data include interview transcripts from teachers, principals and technicians and photographic artefacts of 3D printed objects. Teachers reflected on their reasoning behind lesson plans and their aspirations for future use of 3D printers in the classroom. Some of the issues identified were teacher confidence, time to ‘play’ with and become familiar with 3D printers; and technical challenges that arose such as the time taken to print an object and clogging of printer extruders (heads). Recommendations are made concerning possible ways forward.