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Apomorphine is a dopamine receptor agonist that was recently licensed for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. However, although sexual activity can be stressful, there has been little investigation into whether treatments for erectile dysfunction affect stress responses. We have examined whether a single dose of apomorphine, sufficient to produce penile erections (50 μg/kg, i.a.), can alter basal or stress-induced plasma ACTH levels, or activity of central pathways thought to control the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in rats. An immune challenge (interleukin-1β, 1 μg/kg, i.a.) was used as a physical stressor while sound stress (100 dB white noise, 30 min) was used as a psychological stressor. Intravascular administration of apomorphine had no effect on basal ACTH levels but did substantially increase the number of Fos-positive amygdala and nucleus tractus solitarius catecholamine cells. Administration of apomorphine prior to immune challenge augmented the normal ACTH response to this stressor at 90 min and there was a corresponding increase in the number of Fos-positive paraventricular nucleus corticotropin-releasing factor cells, paraventricular nucleus oxytocin cells and nucleus tractus solitarius catecholamine cells. However, apomorphine treatment did not alter ACTH or Fos responses to sound stress. These data suggest that erection-inducing levels of apomorphine interfere with hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis inhibitory feedback mechanisms in response to a physical stressor, but have no effect on the response to a psychological stressor. Consequently, it is likely that apomorphine acts on a hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis control pathway that is unique to physical stressors. A candidate for this site of action is the nucleus tractus solitarius catecholamine cell population and, in particular, A2 noradrenergic neurons.


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The thalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVT) is activated by stress and projects to forebrain structures directly implicated in processing stress-related information. Accordingly, it seems likely the PVT plays an important role in modulating stress responses. We examined effects of excitotoxic PVT lesions on forebrain Fos expression patterns normally elicited by an acute psychological stressor. PVT lesions significantly increased stress-induced Fos in a key stress-processing region, the central amygdala.


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Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is a novel and effective surgical intervention for refractory Parkinson's disease (PD). The authors review the current literature to identify the clinical correlates associated with subthalamic nucleus (STN) DBS-induced hypomania/mania in PD patients. Ventromedial electrode placement has been most consistently implicated in the induction of STN DBS-induced mania. There is some evidence of symptom amelioration when electrode placement is switched to a more dorsolateral contact. Additional clinical correlates may include unipolar stimulation, higher voltage (>3 V), male sex, and/or early-onset PD. STN DBS-induced psychiatric adverse events emphasize the need for comprehensive psychiatric presurgical evaluation and follow-up in PD patients. Animal studies and prospective clinical research, combined with advanced neuroimaging techniques, are needed to identify clinical correlates and underlying neurobiological mechanisms of STN DBS-induced mania. Such working models would serve to further our understanding of the neurobiological underpinnings of mania and contribute valuable new insight toward development of future DBS mood-stabilization therapies.


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Background / Purpose: To determine if clinically effective deep brain stimulation (DBS) of neurosurgical targets for treatment-resistant depression regulates transient mesoaccumbens dopamine release in control and antidepressant-resistant animals (rats).

Main conclusion: In control rats, DBS stimulation of either the nucleus accumbens or infralimbic cortex significantly attenuated transient mesoaccumbens dopamine efflux, with nucleus accumbens DBS inducing a greater attenuation than infralimbic DBS. High frequency DBS of both targets induced long-term depression of transient accumbens dopamine release, lasting > 2hr post DBS.

Conversely, in antidepressant-resistant rats, infralimbic DBS significantly potentiated transient mesoaccumbens dopamine efflux during stimulation, but failed to induce long-lasting changes in neurotransmission. This suggests that a key mechanism of DBS for treatment-resistant depression is the regulation of dysfunctional mesoaccumbens dopamine neurotransmission.


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Dietary deficiency of ω-3 fatty acids (ω-3 DEF) produces hypertension in later life. This study examined the effect of ω-3 DEF on blood pressure and hypothalamic gene expression in young rats, before the development of hypertension, and in older rats following the onset of hypertension. Animals were fed experimental diets that were deficient in ω-3 fatty acids, sufficient in short-chain ω-3 fatty acids or sufficient in short- and long-chain ω-3 fatty acids, from the prenatal period until 10 or 36 weeks-of-age. There was no difference in blood pressure between groups at 10 weeks-of-age; however, at 36 weeks-of-age ω-3 DEF animals were hypertensive in relation to sufficient groups. At 10 weeks, expression of angiotensin-II1A receptors and dopamine D3 receptors were significantly increased in the hypothalamic tissue of ω-3 DEF animals. In contrast, at 36 weeks, α2a and β1 adrenergic receptor expression was significantly reduced in the ω-3 DEF group. Brain docosahexaenoic acid was significantly lower in ω-3 DEF group compared with sufficient groups. This study demonstrates that dietary ω-3 DEF causes changes both in the expression of key genes involved in central blood pressure regulation and in blood pressure. The data may indicate that hypertension resulting from ω-3 DEF is mediated by the central adrenergic system.


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This study aimed to investigate the effect of different patterns of high-frequency stimulation at the nucleus accumbens shell on ethanol preference and circadian locomotor activity in adult male alcohol preferring (P) and nonpreferring (NP) rats.


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Water intakes in response to hypertonic, hypovolemic, and dehydrational stimuli were investigated in mice lacking angiotensin II as a result of deletion of the angiotensinogen gene (Agt-/- mice), and in C57BL6 wild-type (WT) mice. Baseline daily water intake in Agt-/- mice was approximately threefold that of WT mice because of a renal developmental disorder of the urinary concentrating mechanisms in Agt-/- mice. Intraperitoneal injection of hypertonic saline (0.4 and 0.8 mol/l NaCl) caused a similar dose-dependent increase in water intake in both Agt-/- and WT mice during the hour following injection. As well, Agt-/- mice drank appropriate volumes of water following water deprivation for 7 h. However, Agt-/- mice did not increase water or 0.3 mol/l NaCl intake in the 8 h following administration of a hypovolemic stimulus (30% polyethylene glycol sc), whereas WT mice increased intakes of both solutions during this time. Osmoregulatory regions of the brain [hypothalamic paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei, median preoptic nucleus, organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis (OVLT), and subfornical organ] showed an increased number of neurons exhibiting Fos-immunoreactivity in response to intraperitoneal hypertonic NaCl in both Agt-/- mice and WT mice. Polyethylene glycol treatment increased Fos-immunoreactivity in the subfornical organ, OVLT, and supraoptic nuclei in WT mice but only increased Fos-immunoreactivity in the supraoptic nucleus in Agt-/- mice. These data show that brain angiotensin is not essential for the adequate functioning of neural pathways mediating osmoregulatory thirst. However, angiotensin II of either peripheral or central origin is probably necessary for thirst and salt appetite that results from hypovolemia


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OBJECTIVE: High-fat diet (HFD)-induced hypertension in rabbits is neurogenic because of the central sympathoexcitatory actions of leptin. Hypothalamic melanocortin and neuropeptide Y (NPY) neurons are recognized as the major signalling pathways through which leptin exerts its central effects. In this study, we assessed the effects of specific antagonists and agonists to melanocortin and NPY receptors on HFD-induced sympathoexcitation and hypertension. METHODS: Rabbits were instrumented with intracerebroventricular cannula, renal sympathetic nerve activity (RSNA) electrode, and blood pressure telemetry transmitter. RESULTS: After 3 weeks HFD (13.5% fat, n = 12) conscious rabbits had higher RSNA (+3.8  nu, P = 0.02), blood pressure (+8.6  mmHg, P < 0.001) and heart rate (+15  b/min, P = 0.01), and brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels in the hypothalamus compared with rabbits fed a control diet (4.2% fat, n = 11). Intracerebroventricular administration of the melanocortin receptor antagonist SHU9119 reduced RSNA (-2.7  nu) and blood pressure (-8.5  mmHg) in HFD but not control rabbits, thus reversing 100% of the hypertension and 70% of the sympathoexcitation induced by a HFD. By contrast, blocking central NPY Y1 receptors with BVD10 increased RSNA only in HFD rabbits. Intracerebroventricular α-melanocortin stimulating hormone increased RSNA and heart rate (P < 0.001) in HFD rabbits but had no effect in control rabbits. CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that obesity-induced hypertension and increased RSNA are dependent on the balance between greater activation of melanocortin signalling through melanocortin receptors and lesser activation of NPY sympathoinhibitory signalling. The amplification of the sympathoexcitatory effects of α-melanocortin stimulating hormone also indicates that the underlying mechanism is related to facilitation of leptin-melanocortin signalling, possibly involving chronic activation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor.


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The mood regulatory mechanisms of deep brain stimulation (DBS)therapy are yet to be fully understood. DBS is shown to have antidepressant actions in severe, treatment-resistant depression (TRD).Interestingly, DBS of mesoaccumbens neurologic targets, includingthe nucleus accumbens (NAc), have also been shown to induce mania in vulnerable individuals. The nucleus accumbens (NAc) is a critical node in the mesocorticolimbic system and plays a major role in mediating antidepressant behavioral responses in the forced swim test (FST), a preclinical screen for antidepressant efficacy. This study investigates the antidepressant effects of NAc DBS in an established animal model of TRD. Wistar rats were divided into 4 groups: TRD-DBS (n = 9), TRD-Sham (n = 8), TRD (n = 10), and Control (n = 10). Bilateral stimulating electrodes were implanted into the NAc of TRD-Sham and TRD-DBS animals. Antidepressant-resistance and depression behaviors were induced through adrenocorticotropic-hormone (ACTH-(1–24); 100 lg/day; 2nd and 3rd weeks) administration and concurrent social isolation (all 3 weeks) respectively. DBS was administered throughout the 2nd week of ACTH treatment via a back mounted rodent DBS system. 24-hour locomotor activity counts were obtained using infrareddetectors and weekly sucrose preference tests were performedthroughout the 3 week protocol. Open field and FST were completedat the end of the 3 weeks. Brains were then removed and stored at 80°C. NAc tissue levels of brain-derived and glialderived neurotrophic factors (BDNF and GDNF, respectively) were quantified using western blot. Results demonstrate significant increases in locomotor activity for TRD-DBS animals (DBS-Vs-Sham: p = 0.0248). Lowered immobility was observed during FST for TRD-DBS animals (DBS-Vs-Sham: p = 0.0188). ACTHinduced BDNF expression increased in the outer region substructure NAc-shell (p = 0.0487) and decreased in the inner region substructure NAc-core (p = 0.0275) compared to controls. These datasupport antidepressant actions of NAc DBS in TRD. Local changes in neurotrophic factors may contribute to these mechanisms. Importantly, observed increases in locomotor activity over the 3 weeks highlight the potential for mesoaccumbens DBS to impact behaviors such as locomotor activity which may contribute to risk for induction of mania. Preliminary analysis of concurrent effects of daily dopamine reuptake inhibitor GBR12909 (16 mg/kg) administration coupled with NAc DBS demonstrates dopamine-mediated augmentation of these mania-like behaviors.


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Mitochondrial dysfunction has a critical role in the pathophysiology of mood disorders and treatment response. To investigate this, we established an animal model exhibiting a state of antidepressant treatment resistance in male Wistar rats using 21 days of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) administration (100 μg per day). First, the effect of ACTH treatment on the efficacy of imipramine (10 mg kg(-1)) was investigated alongside its effect on the prefrontal cortex (PFC) mitochondrial function. Second, we examined the mood-regulatory actions of chronic (7 day) high-frequency nucleus accumbens (NAc) deep-brain stimulation (DBS; 130 Hz, 100 μA, 90 μS) and concomitant PFC mitochondrial function. Antidepressant-like responses were assessed in the open field test (OFT) and forced swim test (FST) for both conditions. ACTH pretreatment prevented imipramine-mediated improvement in mobility during the FST (P<0.05). NAc DBS effectively improved FST mobility in ACTH-treated animals (P<0.05). No improvement in mobility was observed for sham control animals (P>0.05). Analyses of PFC mitochondrial function revealed that ACTH-treated animals had decreased capacity for adenosine triphosphate production compared with controls. In contrast, ACTH animals following NAc DBS demonstrated greater mitochondrial function relative to controls. Interestingly, a proportion (30%) of the ACTH-treated animals exhibited heightened locomotor activity in the OFT and exaggerated escape behaviors during the FST, together with general hyperactivity in their home-cage settings. More importantly, the induction of this mania-like phenotype was accompanied by overcompensative increased mitochondrial respiration. Manifestation of a DBS-induced mania-like phenotype in imipramine-resistant animals highlights the potential use of this model in elucidating mechanisms of mood dysregulation.


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Phenotypic traits such as ornaments and armaments are generally shaped by sexual selection, which often favours larger and more elaborate males compared to females. But can sexual selection also influence the brain? Previous studies in vertebrates report contradictory results with no consistent pattern between variation in brain structure and the strength of sexual selection. We hypothesize that sexual selection will act in a consistent way on two vertebrate brain regions that directly regulate sexual behaviour: the medial preoptic nucleus (MPON) and the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus (VMN). The MPON regulates male reproductive behaviour whereas the VMN regulates female reproductive behaviour and is also involved in male aggression. To test our hypothesis, we used high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging combined with traditional histology of brains in 14 dragon lizard species of the genus Ctenophorus that vary in the strength of precopulatory sexual selection. Males belonging to species that experience greater sexual selection had a larger MPON and a smaller VMN. Conversely, females did not show any patterns of variation in these brain regions. As the volumes of both these regions also correlated with brain volume (BV) in our models, we tested whether they show the same pattern of evolution in response to changes in BV and found that the do. Therefore, we show that the primary brain nuclei underlying reproductive behaviour in vertebrates can evolve in a mosaic fashion, differently between males and females, likely in response to sexual selection, and that these same regions are simultaneously evolving in concert in relation to overall brain size.