52 resultados para Ecology Evolution and Organismal Biology


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In ultrafine-grained (UFG) materials produced by severe plastic deformation (SPD) techniques such as ECAP (equal channel angular pressing), bimodal grain size distributions have been observed under different circumstances, for example shortly after ECAP, after rest or anneal and/or after mild cyclic deformation at rather low homologous temperature. It has been shown that the mechanical monotonic and fatigue properties of some UFG materials can be modified (sometimes enhanced) by introducing a bimodal grain size distribution by a mild annealing treatment which leads, in some cases, to a good combination of strength and ductility. Here, the conditions under which bimodal grain size distributions evolve by (adiabatic) heating during ECAP and during subsequent annealing or cyclic deformation will be explored, and the effects on the mechanical properties, as studied by the authors and as reported so far in the literature, will be reviewed and discussed. In particular, the role of temperature rise during ECAP will be considered in some detail.


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The austenite and ferrite microstructure evolution and softening mechanisms have been investigated in a 21Cr-10Ni-3Mo duplex stainless steel, containing about 60% austenite, deformed in torsion at 1200°C using a strain rate of 0.7 s-1. The above experimental conditions led to the formation of a small volume fraction of new austenite grains through discontinuous dynamic recrystallization (DDRX), which could not account for the observed large softening on the flow curve. DDRX grains mainly formed through the strain-induced migration of the pre-existing austenite grain boundaries, known to dominate in single-phase austenite, complemented by subgrain growth in the interface regions with ferrite. A significant portion of austenite dynamic softening has been attributed to the large-scale subgrain coalescence, the extent of which increased with strain, which seems to have contributed substantially to the observed flow stress decrease. The above process thus appears to represent an alternative mode of austenite dynamic softening to the classical DDRX in the duplex austenite/ferrite microstructure, characterised by limited availability of the pre-existing austenite/austenite high-angle boundaries, deformed at a high temperature. The softening mechanism within ferrite has been classified as "continuous DRX", characterised by a gradual increase in misorientations between neighbouring subgrains with strain and resulting in the progressive conversion of subgrains into "crystallites" bounded partly by low-angle and partly by large-angle boundaries.


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In 1991, the National Trust of NSW classified the Regeneration Reserves surrounding the City of Broken Hill as an essential cultural heritage asset of the City of Broken Hill, and in 2015 the City of Broken Hill, including the reserves, were elevated to the National Heritage List under the Commonwealth's Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. This tract of land, and its proponents, Albert and Margaret Morris, are recognised as pioneers of arid zone revegetation science in Australia; a point noted in the National Heritage List citation. They created at Broken Hill a unique revegetation ‘greenbelt’ of national ecological, landscape architectural and town planning significance. The Morris’ led the advancement of arid zone botanical investigation and taxonomic inquiry, propagation innovation, and revegetation sciencein the 1920s-40s in Australia and applied this spatially. Their research and practical applications, in crafting the regeneration reserves around Broken Hill, demonstrated the need for landscape harmonisation to occur to reduce erosion and dust damage to human and mining activities alike. This pioneering research and practice informs and underpins much arid zone mine reclamation and revegetation work in Australia today. This paper reviews the historical evolution of this cultural landscape, its integral importance to the cultural heritage and mining history of the City of Broken Hill, and its inclusion as part of the Broken Hill National Heritage List citation.


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Recently, there has been growing recognition that fish harvesting practices can have important impacts on the phenotypic distributions and diversity of natural populations through a phenomenon known as fisheries-induced evolution. Here we experimentally show that two common recreational angling techniques (active crank baits versus passive soft plastics) differentially target wild largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) and rock bass (Ambloplites rupestris) based on variation in their behavioural tendencies. Fish were first angled in the wild using both techniques and then brought back to the laboratory and tested for individual-level differences in common estimates of personality (refuge emergence, flight-initiation-distance, latency-to-recapture and with a net, and general activity) in an in-lake experimental arena. We found that different angling techniques appear to selectively target these species based on their boldness (as characterized by refuge emergence, a standard measure of boldness in fishes) but not other assays of personality. We also observed that body size was independently a significant predictor of personality in both species, though this varied between traits and species. Our results suggest a context-dependency for vulnerability to capture relative to behaviour in these fish species. Ascertaining the selective pressures angling practices exert on natural populations is an important area of fisheries research with significant implications for ecology, evolution, and resource management.


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Relatively little is known about the biology and ecology of the world’s largest (heaviest) bony fish, the ocean sunfish Mola mola, despite its worldwide occurrence in temperate and tropical seas. Studies are now emerging that require many common perceptions about sunfish behaviour and ecology to be re-examined. Indeed, the long-held view that ocean sunfish are an inactive, passively drifting species seems to be entirely misplaced. Technological advances in marine telemetry are revealing distinct behavioural patterns and protracted seasonal movements. Extensive forays by ocean sunfish into the deep ocean have been documented and broad-scale surveys, together with molecular and laboratory based techniques, are addressing the connectivity and trophic role of these animals. These emerging molecular and movement studies suggest that local distinct populations may be prone to depletion through bycatch in commercial fisheries. Rising interest in ocean sunfish, highlighted by the increase in recent publications, warrants a thorough review of the biology and ecology of this species. Here we review the taxonomy, morphology, geography, diet, locomotion, vision, movements, foraging ecology, reproduction and species interactions of M. mola. We present a summary of current conservation issues and suggest methods for addressing fundamental gaps in our knowledge.


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In Victoria, the Victorian Certificate of Education(VCE) is most common among certificates required to apply any tertiary institute in the Victoria State. Thus, the number of students who take the VCE course is larger than other courses in senior secondary schools. VCE Biology is one of the subjects in natural science area. The subject consists of 4 units: Unit 1 is ecology oriented, Unit 2 is cell biology oriented, Unit 3 is physiology and developmental biology oriented, and Unit 4 is systematics, genetics and evolution oriented. One of the distinctive features of the VCE Biology is its assignment. Three or four tasks are prepared in each unit of the subject. In order to complete the assignment, students should carry out some laboratory work, field studies and investigations to collect data and information from a number of sources. They also need to analyze data to write some reports. In Unit 3 and 4, Common Assessment Tasks(CATs), which include writing report and paper test, and prepared. Another distinctive feature of the curriculum is that there are some applied biological aspects in the contents of each unit.


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A fundamental issue in biology is explaining the diversity of coloration found in nature. Birds provide some of the best-studied examples of the evolution and causes of color variation and some of the most arresting color displays in the natural world. They possess perhaps the most richly endowed visual system of any vertebrate, including UV-A sensitivity and tetrachromatic color vision over the 300-700-nm waveband. Birds provide model systems for the multidisciplinary study of animal coloration and color vision. Recent advances in understanding avian coloration and color vision are due to recognition that birds see colors in a different way than humans do and to the ready availability of small spectrometers. We summarize the state of the current field, recent trends, and likely future directions.


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Locomotion is one of the major energetic costs faced by animals and various strategies have evolved to reduce its cost. Birds use interspersed periods of flapping and gliding to reduce the mechanical requirements of level flight while undergoing cyclical changes in flight altitude, known as undulating flight. Here we equipped free-ranging marine vertebrates with accelerometers and demonstrate that gait patterns resembling undulating flight occur in four marine vertebrate species comprising sharks and pinnipeds. Both sharks and pinnipeds display intermittent gliding interspersed with powered locomotion. We suggest, that the convergent use of similar gait patterns by distinct groups of animals points to universal physical and physiological principles that operate beyond taxonomic limits and shape common solutions to increase energetic efficiency. Energetically expensive large-scale migrations performed by many vertebrates provide common selection pressure for efficient locomotion, with potential for the convergence of locomotory strategies by a wide variety of species.


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Glucocorticoids hormones (GCs) are intuitively important for mediation of age-dependent vertebrate life-history transitions through their effects on ontogeny alongside underpinning variation in life-history traits and trade-offs in vertebrates. These concepts largely derive from the ability of GCs to alter energy allocation, physiology and behaviour that influences key life-history traits involving age-specific life-history transitions, reproduction and survival. Studies across vertebrates have shown that the neuroendocrine stress axis plays a role in the developmental processes that lead up to age-specific early life-history transitions. While environmental sensitivity of the stress axis allows for it to modulate the timing of these transitions within species, little is known as to how variation in stress axis function has been adapted to produce interspecific variation in the timing of life-history transitions. Our assessment of the literature confirms that of previous reviews that there is only equivocal evidence for correlative or direct functional relationships between GCs and variation in reproduction and survival. We conclude that the relationships between GCs and life-history traits are complex and general patterns cannot be easily discerned with current research approaches and experimental designs. We identify several future research directions including: (i) integration of proximate and ultimate measures, including longitudinal studies that measure effects of GCs on more than one life-history trait or in multiple environmental contexts, to test explicit hypotheses about how GCs and life-history variation are related and (ii) the measurement of additional factors that modulate the effects of GCs on life-history traits (e.g. GC receptors and binding protein levels) to better infer neurendocrine stress axis actions. Conceptual models of HPA/I axis actions, such as allostatic load and reactive scope, to some extent explicitly predict the role of GCs in a life-history context, but are descriptive in nature. We propose that GC effects on life-history transitions, survival probabilities and fecundity can be modelled in existing quantitative demographic frameworks to improve our understanding of how GC variation influences life-history evolution and GC-mediated effects on population dynamics Lay Summary Functional Ecology


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This is the first study to present empirical data describing the social organisation and breeding biology of the White-browed Treecreeper (Climacteris affinis). The species is typical of many small Australian passerines in that it has high annual survival (~80%), small clutches (mean = 1.95 ± 0.05), long breeding seasons (eggs laid August to November) and long incubation (17–18 days) and nestling periods (25–26 days), corrected for body weight. Reproductive effort is modified in response to variation in climatic conditions by adjusting the commencement of breeding and number of clutches laid per season, which is facilitated by an extended breeding season. White-browed Treecreepers occupied relatively large (mean = 8.4 ± 0.8 ha), all-purpose territories throughout the year. However, unlike many group territorial birds, territory size was not related to the number of occupants. The role of food limitation and climatic variability in relation to territory dispersion and life-history traits is explored. Facultative cooperative breeding was confirmed. Cooperative groups were formed through male philopatry, with usually only one, but up to three, male helpers present in a moderate fraction (35%) of breeding units. Thus, all species of Climacteris are now confirmed as facultative cooperatively breeding species, which provides further evidence for the aggregation of cooperative breeders at the generic level in mixed (i.e. cooperative and pair breeders) phylogenetic clades. In C. affinis, males may attain breeding positions through inheritance of their natal territory or by filling vacancies in nearby territories. Females obtained breeding positions by ‘floating’ as non-breeding residents in established territories, waiting for a vacancy to arise.


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Engineering contributions have played an important role in the rise and evolution of cellular biology. Engineering technologies have helped biologists to explore the living organisms at cellular and molecular levels, and have created new opportunities to tackle the unsolved biological problems. There is now a growing demand to further expand the role of engineering in cellular biology research. For an engineer to play an effective role in cellular biology, the first essential step is to understand the cells and their components. However, the stumbling block of this step is to comprehend the information given in the cellular biology literature because it best suits the readers with a biological background. This paper aims to overcome this bottleneck by describing the human cell components as micro-plants that form cells as micro-bio-factories. This concept can accelerate the engineers’ comprehension of the subject. In this paper, first the structure and function of different cell components are described. In addition, the engineering attempts to mimic various cell components through numerical modelling or physical implementation are highlighted. Next, the interaction of different cell components that facilitate complicated chemical processes, such as energy generation and protein synthesis, are described. These complex interactions are translated into simple flow diagrams, generally used by engineers to represent multi-component processes.


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The productivity of six deepwater dogfishes was investigated by examining their age, growth and reproductive biology. A new method of ageing was developed, and compared with existing techniques. Some species live greater than 50 years, and populations may not sustain commercial fisheries.


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Substantial new DNA data were obtained by sequencing the mitochondrial genomes of four crustacean species, resulting in the discovery of a novel gene order in freshwater crayfish. Investigation of evolutionary relationships using mitochondrial genomes challenged established theories of crustacean evolution and diversification in relation to the other major Arthropod groups.


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Compares the metatarsal structural design (subarctometatarsus) of recently discovered Chinese feathered dinosaurs with the metatarsus (arctometatarsus) possessed by more advanced theropod dinosaurs and the metatarsus of more primitive forms. The subarctometatarsus was proved to be an intermediate structure. Additionally the metatarsus appears to co-incide with the evolution of the avian feather suggesting a possible relationship between the subarctometatarsus's evolution and the evolution of avian flight.