94 resultados para Clubs esportius -- Sanejament


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Australian football and netball are the predominant sports played in rural Victoria, Australia. This exploratory study is the first to report the sport safety policies and practices adopted by junior Australian football and netball clubs in small rural communities. Eleven informants from four clubs completed a semi-structured interview and survey. Whilst the clubs performed a range of injury prevention activiities, they did not have formal sports safety policies. Generally, netball informants reported fewer safety practices than football informants. Crucial factors influencing safety policies and practices were the reliance on volunteers and a lack of senior players. Barriers towards the adoption of safety policies and practices appeared to be related to rural population declines, a lack of qualified people and attitudes to injury in rural areas. Future research needs to identify how widespread this lack of sport safety policies and practices is across rural Australia and to identify strategies to overcome barriers to implementing them.


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The professional sport broadcasting landscape has received much attention from an economic and legal perspective. While the economic and legal focus has been the predominant association with sport broadcasting, there has been little research undertaken into the breadth of delivery and significance of broadcast coverage. The aim of this paper was to identify the professional sport broadcasting landscape in Australia. The sport broadcast landscape was examined from the perspective of two professional football codes. In-depth interviewing of senior managers of 11 AFL, and 10 NRL clubs was undertaken with the resulting data analysed, coded and emergent themes identified. Three core themes emerged: identified as territory, distribution and profile. A further seven sub-themes specific to the outcomes associated within each category were also identified. Major findings highlight the territorial nature of the Australian professional football league market, identifying the way in which clubs are representative of particular regions. Issues associated with free-to-air delivery, brand recognition and core market attributes were also identified. Results are presented; implications for management and opportunities for future research are discussed.


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A survey of almost 8,000 season ticket holders of Australian Football League clubs suggests that a combination of tangible (ticketing arrangements) and intangible (feelings of personal involvement) aspects have the greatest influence on the satisfaction of members and their intentions regarding future membership.


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An empirical investigation based on seven years’ data for a professional football league finds that on-field performance bears little relation to the number of paid members or season ticket holders for the clubs.


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Fan attention and response to sponsorship is affected by a range of variables, including the duration of sponsorship and fan commitment to the sporting organisation. The results of surveys of the members of six Australian Football League clubs indicated that there is a positive relationship between the satisfaction levels of season-ticket holders and their orientation towards club sponsors' products and brands.


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This paper examines approaches to the measurement of brand value, and discusses their applicability to the various parties and branded products relevant to professional football clubs. It is concluded that the applicability of many of these measures of performance to sporting club brands is questionable. In order to provide an appropriate measure of the return on investment in brand loyalty to both the sporting club brand and sponsor-related products, the use of nonfinancial performance measures is critical. This paper suggests future research directions to enable greater consistency of the measurement of the return on marketing investment for sporting club brands.


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This paper examines the actual purchasing behaviour of sporting club supporters of sponsors' products. The data source for this paper was a syndicated study conducted nationally by a large marketing research company on behalf of a sport's competition's governing body and its 16 constituent clubs. This empirical paper examines the usefulness of such a study in terms of its ability to relate product and brand preference to actual purchase decisions, especially in the context of an individual club's sponsorship. Club supporters are compared with the supporters of all Clubs, in order to ascertain differences in purchase behaviour. The findings suggest that customised research is likely to be of greater value to individual clubs, once the benefits of initial, aggregate studies have been exploited.


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This paper will report on a research project funded by the Australian Football League (AFL) that is exploring the emergence and evolution of a ‘professional identity’ for AFL footballers – an identity that has many facets including the emerging ideas that a professional leads a balanced life, and has a prudent orientation to the future. The research is informed by Foucault’s later work on the care of the Self to focus on the ways in which player identities are governed by coaches, club officials, player agents and the AFL Commission/Executive; and the manner in which players conduct themselves in ways that can be characterised as professional - or not. The paper explores elements of these processes by analysing the forms of risk management that Clubs use in the processes of List and Player management that they engage in as a consequence of AFL rules. Psychological testing and profiling of players is becoming more important in identifying, recruiting and managing players. The paper discusses how this testing is used to identify character or personality traits prior to initial recruitment in the draft or trading processes – and suggests that a number of issues related to workplace surveillance and identity emerge as a result.


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In a sporting context, it has been acknowledged that fan attention and response to sponsorship is affected by a range of variables, including the duration of sponsorship and fan commitment to the sporting organisation. The results of surveys of the members of five AFL clubs indicated that there is a positive relationship between the satisfaction level of season-ticket holders and their orientation toward club sponsors’ products and brands. Despite the weak relationships found in this research, the results suggest that more satisfied season-ticket holders will seek to use club sponsors’ products, and this is yet another reason to manage the satisfaction of customers.


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No research focusing on sport has yet provided a method of charting cultureʼs potential dimensions. The aim of this study was to redress this gap by identifying a set of dimensions that could describe the cultures of Australian sporting organisations. The population for this study included Australian National Sport Organisations (NSOs), State Sport Organisations (SSOs) and clubs participating in national league competitions. Eight sport organisations formed the sample. Data were collected via 24 in-depth interviews. This study revealed 12 dimensions and 68 sub-dimensions of culture, which may be used to begin the process of mapping sport cultures. These results reveal some unique sport dimensions with no single existing dimensional model that captures the collective elements revealed in this study. The unique dimensions revealed in this study include “Rituals”, “Symbols”, “Size”, “History and tradition”, with support for these dimensions found within the sub-dimensional codes. This suggests that the dimensions recorded here might provide a useful launching pad for future studies on sport culture.


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This paper reports on a four-stage study that investigated the motivations and future intentions of recently lapsed members (season-ticket holders) of professional sports organizations, and the marketing responses of those organizations to the issue of customer retention. Survey responses from over 1,000 recently lapsed members across five large sporting clubs were collected. A further study on one club was then conducted to compare attitudes and demographics of lapsed members to those who renewed. The responses suggests that although these lapsed members report that they joined to financially support and feel more involved with the club, they let their membership lapse primarily due to an inability to attend games. Despite joining for intangible, altruistic reasons, it seems that if these members could not get to games, they believed that the membership was not worth maintaining. These members were satisfied with the membership; however, measures of overall level of satisfaction had only a weak positive relationship with the likelihood of members rejoining in the future. These sport organizations were greatly concerned by lapsed members but have only ad hoc relationship marketing strategies in place to either prevent members lapsing or renew lapsed members.


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Sport business is different; one of these differences is the significant and important cultural role that sport plays in society. This paper investigates the social expectations of sport, and how these expectations impact on the management and governance of sport organisations. Interviews were undertaken with the directors and CEOs of the Australian Football League and its clubs, to examine the concept of social expectations and ethical governance. Five key themes of the social expectations of sport were found: scrutiny, sport business, sport context, social investment, and the historical development of the club. Each of these themes was identified through the data analysis as having a potential impact on the management and ethical governance of sport organisations. A clearer understanding of the social and cultural context within which sport organisations operate, enables sport organisations to implement sound policy and practices for ethical governance.


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Sun protection policies, environments, practices, and attitudes in sporting club contexts might be significant determinants of sun exposure among adult sporting participants. Face-to-face interviews, using standardised, open-ended questions were conducted with 20 club officials from four sports: soccer, hockey, tennis and surf lifesaving. Thematic content analysis identified a number of salient themes. Formal sun protection policies were well-implemented in surf lifesaving, but less so in soccer, hockey and tennis clubs, which often had informal sun protection practices in place. Officials perceived sun protection to be important, which was related to perceived exposure levels, the type of sport, length of time played and the season. Consistent logistical and practical considerations emerged, including limited resources, availability of shade, and lack of control over sporting facilities, uniform regulations and games scheduling. Sun protection efforts often focused on children more than adult players. Reciprocal responsibility was an important theme, where it was perceived that responsibility for sun protection should be equally shared between the club and the member. In this study it was found that reciprocal responsibility, duty of care and sport-specific practical requirements might significantly influence the success of policy, environmental and education initiatives for sun protection in sporting settings.


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Customers are overlooked often as a stakeholder group when it comes to assessing board performance. To gain insight into the factors that affect customer perceptions of non-profit board performance, over 20,000 members from 14 different professional, non-profit sporting clubs were surveyed. The results suggest that sporting club boards are evaluated primarily in line with perceptions specifically related to their administrative effectiveness, although the on-field performance of the team is a contributing and correlated factor. Board performance and on -field performance perceptions were both direct contributors to overall member satisfaction, with board performance being the stronger. Perceptions of board performance are clearly worth managing in a holistic manner.


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Low-carbohydrate diets for weight loss are receiving a lot of attention of late. Reasons for this interest include a plethora of low-carbohydrate diet books, the over-sensationalism of these diets in the media and by celebrities, and the promotion of these diets in fitness centres and health clubs. The re-emergence of low-carbohydrate diets into the spotlight has lead many people in the general public to question whether carbohydrates are inherently 'bad' and should be limited in the diet. Although low-carbohydrate diets were popular in the 1970s they have resurged again yet little scientific fact into the true nature of how these diets work or, more importantly, any potential for serious long-term health risks in adopting this dieting practice appear to have reached the mainstream literature. Evidence abounds that low-carbohydrate diets present no significant advantage over more traditional energy-restricted, nutritionally balanced diets both in terms of weight loss and weight maintenance. Studies examining the efficacy of using low-carbohydrate diets for long-term weight loss are few in number, however few positive benefits exist to promote the adoption of carbohydrate restriction as a realistic, and more importantly, safe means of dieting. While short-term carbohydrate restriction over a period of a week can result in a significant loss of weight (albeit mostly from water and glycogen stores), of serious concern is what potential exists for the following of this type of eating plan for longer periods of months to years. Complications such as heart arrhythmias, cardiac contractile function impairment, sudden death, osteoporosis, kidney damage, increased cancer risk, impairment of physical activity and lipid abnormalities can all be linked to long-term restriction of carbohydrates in the diet. The need to further explore and communicate the untoward side-effects of low-carbohydrate diets should be an important public health message from nutrition professionals.