97 resultados para "Atypical victory ode"


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The medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and the right temporo-parietal junction (rTPj) are highly involved in social understanding, a core area of impairment in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). We used fMRI to investigate sex differences in the neural correlates of social understanding in 27 high-functioning adults with ASD and 23 matched controls. There were no differences in neural activity in the mPFC or rTPj between groups during social processing. Whole brain analysis revealed decreased activity in the posterior superior temporal sulcus in males with ASD compared to control males while processing social information. This pattern was not observed in the female sub-sample. The current study indicates that sex mediates the neurobiology of ASD, particularly with respect to processing social information.


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Ordinary differential equations are used for modelling a wide range of dynamic systems. Even though there are many graphical software applications for this purpose, a fully customised solution for all problems is code-level programming of the model and solver. In this project, a free and open source C++ framework is designed to facilitate modelling in native code environment and fulfill the common simulation needs of control and many other engineering and science applications. The solvers of this project are obtained from ODEINT and specialised for Armadillo matrix library to provide an easy syntax and a fast execution. The solver code is minimised and its modification for users have become easier. There are several features added to the solvers such as controlling maximum step size, informing the solver about sudden input change and forcing custom times into the results and calling a custom method at these points. The comfort of the model designer, code readability, extendibility and model isolation have been considered in the structure of this framework. The application manages the output results, exporting and plotting them. Modifying the model has become more practical and a portion of corresponding codes are updated automatically. A set of libraries is provided for generation of output figures, matrix hashing, control system functions, profiling, etc. In this paper, an example of using this framework for a classical washout filter model is explained.


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In this study, we examined the point prevalence rate of atypical features in bipolar disorder, and estimated the potential impact of these features on treatment practices in China. Using the atypical features criteria of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association (DSM-IV), we documented the atypical symptoms in 3 906 consecutive participants with bipolar disorder enrolled at 26 psychiatric services across China. We further assessed the association between atypical features and the treatment approaches, including the prescription of antidepressants. The overall point prevalence rate of atypical features was 9.1% among patients with various bipolar disorder subtypes. When the definition was broadened to include atypical features B, the overall rate increased to 11.8%. Interestingly, among patients with the mixed state and remission subtypes, there was a significant difference in the rates of antidepressant medication usage between patients who met and those who did not meet the criteria for atypical features B. These findings indicate a trend of using antidepressants for these two types of patients with atypical features. Further, for both mixed state and remission patients, treatment approaches were related to atypical features B. Our findings provide evidence to assist clinicians to readily recognize atypical features in bipolar subtypes and can propose treatments based on these diagnoses.


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We investigated the purported association between developmental changes in grip selection planning and improvements in an individual’s capacity to represent action at an internal level (i.e., motor imagery). Participants were groups of healthy children aged 6-7 years and 8-12 years respectively, while a group of adolescents (13-17 years) and adults (18-34 years) allowed for consideration of childhood development in the broader context of motor maturation. A group of children aged 8-12 years with probable DCD (pDCD) was included as a reference group for atypical motor development. Participants’ proficiency to generate and/or engage internal action representations was inferred from performance on the hand rotation task, a well-validated measure of motor imagery. A grip selection task designed to elicit the end-state comfort (ESC) effect provided a window into the integrity of grip selection planning. Consistent with earlier accounts, the efficiency of grip selection planning followed a non-linear developmental progression in neurotypical individuals. As expected, analysis confirmed that these developmental improvements were predicted by an increased capacity to generate and/or engage internal action representations. The profile of this association remained stable throughout the (typical) developmental spectrum. These findings are consistent with computational accounts of action planning that argue that internal action representations are associated with the expression and development of grip selection planning across typical development. However, no such association was found for our sample of children with pDCD, suggesting that individuals with atypical motor skill may adopt an alternative, sub-optimal strategy to plan their grip selection compared to their same-age control peers.


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To investigate the effect of exercise on protein kinase C (PKC) activity and localization in human skeletal muscle, eight healthy men performed cycle  ergometer exercise for 40 min at 76±1% the peak pulmonary O2 uptake (VO2peak), with muscle samples obtained at rest and after 5 and 40 min of exercise. PKC expression, phosphorylation and activities were examined by immunoblotting and in vitro kinase assays of fractionated and whole tissue preparations. In response to exercise, total PKC activity was slightly higher at 40 min in an enriched membrane fraction, and using a pSer-PKC-substrate motif antibody it was revealed that exercise increased the serine phosphorylation of a ∼50 kDa protein. There were no changes in conventional PKC (cPKC) or PKCθ activities; however, atypical PKC (aPKC) activity was ∼70% higher at 5 and 40 min, and aPKC expression and Thr410/403 phosphorylation were unaltered by exercise. There were no effects of exercise on the abundance of PKCα, PKCδ, PKCθ and aPKC within cytosolic or enriched membrane fractions of skeletal muscle. These data indicate that aPKC, but not cPKC or PKCθ, are activated by exercise in contracting muscle suggesting a potential role for aPKC in the regulation of skeletal muscle function and metabolism during exercise in humans.


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In 2004, the Victorian Government enacted legislation allowing people treated for transsexualism to correct the record of their sex on the Register of Births, Deaths and Marriages and obtain a new certificate reflecting their contemporaneous circumstances. It was the last of all the States and Territories to do so.

The legislation gave effect to some important changes to the law and was generally couched in terms more sensitive than those already in place in the other jurisdictions. In the view of the author, however, its proponents failed to both understand the import of the expert medical evidence adduced in, and to implement the common law position enunciated by, the Family Court in Re Kevin (validity of marriage of transsexual) [2001] FamCA 1074 and subsequently confirmed on appeal two years later by the Full Court.

The author argues that, while a welcome improvement to the human rights record of successive Victorian Governments, the result is still a largely disappointing piece of legislation. Rather than being truly 'beneficial' to all who need security of their personal identities, it perpetuates some of the very worst discrimination directed at people with transsexualism and their families by continuing to portray them as psychologically deluded rather than physiologically atypical and denying a small number of them their rights on the basis of legal reasoning which is no longer regarded as tenable. She asserts the legislation serves as a clear demonstration that prejudices and misconceptions about transsexualism stilI abound and explains much more is needed if real human rights, acceptance and freedom from discrimination are to be eventually obtained by those affected by the phenomenon.


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Labour markets, like all market institutions, exhibit structural and dynamic characteristics. Both the structural and dynamic characteristics of labour markets inevitably change and evolve over time in response to a host of exogenous and endogenous factors. In the case of the Australian labour market, structural changes are reflected in significant shifts in the industry and occupational composition of employment, the decline of full-time work and the concomitant rise in part-time and atypical forms of employment, demographic changes in the labour force, as well as changes in social and individual preferences. Dynamic shifts can be found in cyclical pattern of employment and wages growth, the growth in labour mobility, and transitions between various labour market states.
The starting point for this paper is that these structural and dynamic changes have given rise to an increase in the likelihood that individuals will experience a transition between various labour market states, and a greater diversity in the range of transitions they may experience over their working life. This acceleration in the rate of transition generates ‘transition costs’ for both employers and employees, as well the likelihood of mismatch between employer and employee working time preferences. As a consequence, existing labour market policy regimes, based on the traditional model of labour market participation over the life course may not provide adequate protection for most workers today.
Gunther Schmid (1998) and others have proposed institutional reforms which promote ‘transitional labour markets’. Transitional labour market institutions are those that allow individuals (and firms) to successfully adjust to critical events. While transitional labour market institutions may consist of traditional ‘active labour market policy’ mechanisms, Schmid and others have proposed a range of innovative policy responses which allow individuals (and firms) to adjust the intensity of their abour market participation over the life cycle. In this paper we use the general approach of advocated by the transitional labour market concept to do three things. First, we investigate the processes by which the nature of labour market transitions has changed over time. Second, we review the range of policy options available to government to smooth labour market dysfunctions associated with labour market transitions, with the objective of ensuring labour markets operate more efficiently and more equitably. Third, we focus on one possible way in which an existing labour market institution, Long Service Leave (LSL), could be reformed to make way for a more comprehensive transitional labour market institution in the form of a ‘working time bank’.


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This research investigates the nature of the bonds that consumers form with a brand that provides highly uncertain outcomes, and is only available intermittently. The research model draws upon elements of Keller’s (2001) conceptualisation of brand resonance, and extends McAlexander, Kim, and Roberts’ (2003), and Muniz and O’Guinn’s (2001) brand community construct, testing these in an atypical service environment. Qualitative research suggested the need for a broader view of the bond formed in these circumstances, specifically one comprising measures of anticipation of usage, social attraction, commitment, loyalty, and trust. This paper reports on analysis undertaken to develop such a construct, which has been labelled “brand affinity”. Tests for discriminant validity suggest that the brand affinity construct is a distinct construct that can be used to measure consumer attitudes toward a highly uncertain, intermittently available product.


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Purpose – To examine an atypical member of the brand family, “difficult” brands, defined as brands that have intermittent availability, and have inherent performance risks, that, contrary to traditional marketing teachings, may have a positive influence on consumer evaluation and brand loyalty. Findings – Through an examination of the underlying social and psychological reasons that consumers might be attracted to difficult brands, an alternative approach to the marketing of these types of brands might be warranted. Practical implications – The conceptualisation of difficult brands provides marketers with a means to identify potential antecedents to brand bonding under atypical marketing conditions. Originality/value – Suggests how researchers, and marketing practitioners might go about understanding the nature of the bond that consumers form with these types of brands, and therefore, how they can take advantage of consumers' desire to develop a relationship with a difficult brand.


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Serine repeat antigens (SERAs) are a family of secreted “cysteine-like” proteases of Plasmodium parasites. Several SERAs possess an atypical active-site serine residue in place of the canonical cysteine. The human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum possesses six “serine-type” (SERA1 to SERA5 and SERA9) and three “cysteine-type” (SERA6 to SERA8) SERAs. Here, we investigate the importance of the serine-type SERAs to blood-stage parasite development and examine the extent of functional redundancy among this group. We attempted to knock out the four P. falciparum serine-type SERA genes that have not been disrupted previously. SERA1, SERA4, and SERA9 knockout lines were generated, while only SERA5, the most strongly expressed member of the SERA family, remained refractory to genetic deletion. Interestingly, we discovered that while SERA4-null parasites completed the blood-stage cycle normally, they exhibited a twofold increase in the level of SERA5 mRNA. The inability to disrupt SERA5 and the apparent compensatory increase in SERA5 expression in response to the deletion of SERA4 provides evidence for an important blood-stage function for the serine-type SERAs and supports the notion of functional redundancy among this group. Such redundancy is consistent with our phylogenetic analysis, which reveals a monophyletic grouping of the serine-type SERAs across the genus Plasmodium and a predominance of postspeciation expansion. While SERA5 is to some extent further validated as a target for vaccine and drug development, our data suggest that the expression level of other serine-type SERAs is the only barrier to escape from anti-SERA5-specific interventions.


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Anthropological discussion of individuality, as a component of masculinity, has tended to focus on either the performance and championing of autonomy in the West (e.g., Kapferer) or the manner in which people in non-Western contexts become explicitly manifest through relationships with others (e.g., Strathern). In this paper, I consider an atypical example of masculine identity by describing intimate interpersonal relationships between Australian commercial shark boat skippers and their young deckhands. As in other Western fisheries (e.g., Icelandic), economic success and physical safety are promoted through synergism among fishers. In the Australian case, however, the degree of corporeal cooperation is so extreme that deckhands resemble living prostheses of their skipper, embodying their peripheral socio-productive status. I consider this bond in the context of the Australian ethos of masculinity, in which displays of "individuality" are key. However, for young deckhands, their prosthetic role can compromise their passage into manhood.


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The fur seal is a mammal with an unusual ability to turn its milk production on and off without significantly altering the gross morphology of the mammary gland. This atypical lactation cycle is due to the fact that maternal foraging and infant nursing are spatially and temporally separate (Bonner, 1984). Maternal care involves the suckling of offspring over a period of at least 4 months, but lactation can extend to more than 12 months. Following a perinatal fast of approximately 1 week, females depart the breeding colony to forage at sea and, for the remainder of lactation, alternate between short periods ashore suckling their young with longer periods of up to 4 weeks foraging at sea. Whilst foraging at sea, milk production in the fur seal mammary gland either ceases or is reduced (Arnould & Boyd, 1995b).


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The Gay Games is firmly established on the contemporary global sports calendar, but is seldom canvassed in mainstream sports media, or considered a model for sports administrators. This is regrettable, as the Games’ ethos offers many clues into the relationships between individual and communal empowerment for homosexual and heterosexual participants alike, while providing a site of resistance against entrenched norms of elitism, nationalism, victory and record-breaking indicative of the modern Olympic movement. Credit for this inclusive ethos rests with the vision of inaugural Gay Games organiser Dr. Tom Waddell. Drawing on Games archives, this paper outlines Waddell’s vision, then discusses the impact of a protracted legal dispute instigated by the United States Olympic Committee in 1982 over the use of the term ‘Olympics’ in association with Gay Games I and II. Four United States Federal court rulings are examined, with particular reference to the contrasting hierarchy of private intellectual property and public civil rights considered under United States law of the time. Domestic and international legacies of the dispute are also briefly examined, focusing on the inherent tensions between the state-sanctioned protection of Olympic terminology, the ideals of free speech, the ownership of common sporting terms, and the potential discriminatory effects of selective trademark enforcement. The paper concludes with a brief discussion of how Waddell’s vision superseded each of these legal technicalities to ensure the Games continues to provide a viable model for inclusive and engaged participation for all people.


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The fur seal (Arctocephalus spp. and Callorhinus spp., members of the pinniped family) is a mammal with the unusual capability to modulate its lactation cycle by turning milk production on and off without the typical mammalian regression and involution of the mammary gland. Lactation has evolved from constraints arising from the spatial and temporal separation of infant nursing and maternal foraging as the mother gives birth and feeds the pup on land while acquisition of nutrients for milk production occurs at sea. The lactation cycle begins with the female fur seal undergoing a perinatal fast of approximately 1 wk, after which time she departs the breeding colony to forage at sea. For the remainder of the long lactation period (116–540 days), the mother alternates between short periods ashore suckling the young with longer periods of up to 4 wk of foraging at sea. Milk production continues while foraging at sea, but at less than 20% the rate of production on land. Fur seals produce one of the richest milk reported, with a very high lipid content contributing up to 85% of total energy. This feature serves as an adaptation to the young's need to produce an insulating blubber layer against heat loss and to serve as an energy store when the mother is away foraging at sea. This atypical pattern of lactation means mothers have long periods with no suckling stimulus and can transfer high-energy milk rapidly while on land to minimize time away from foraging grounds. The absence of suckling stimulus and milk removal during foraging does not result in the onset of involution with associated apoptosis of mammary secretory cells and a subsequent progressive breakdown of the cellular structure of the mammary gland. The mechanisms controlling lactation in the fur seal mammary gland have been investigated using molecular and cellular techniques. These findings have shed light on the processes by which the unique features of lactation in the fur seal are regulated.